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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;431686]Momentum won't be generated unless the role is on-screen and lasts more than three minutes. Anything less is considered too minor.[/QUOTE] Alright. Thank you for the clarification. Like I said, I think the game is excellent work.
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I think with regard to MAW and the wrestlers moving on, Adam is just enforcing the role he sees the promotion as having in the C-verse as a whole. It's simply a place wrestlers go when they're starting off to get a bit of experience and then go elsewhere to further their education in other environments. It's not 31st out of 32 promotions in importance for nothing! :D But as it's a popular start-up fed because of the nice, friendly balance it seems to have, people get carried away in their own games and want to build it up. That's fine, of course - but 'officially' MAW is not really about expanding and keeping its star names. And if you think about it, Mainstream, Parker, Davids, Rock City Stars, Natural Storm...they've all been 'set' in MAW for quite some time now, so were probably due to head on out in this edition. Anyway, I'm liking what I've seen of the game so far, and the difficulty does seem to have been amped up several notches as the AI scores better ratings and the human (or this particular human) struggles to match them. I do have a couple of questions about ROF though...in the product settings it says 'the fans won't care about characters or gimmicks'. In 2007 I never had to worry about gimmicks (one of the reasons I liked playing as them) - but in the first few shows I had, I was getting messages about gimmicks needing refreshing. Is that a new feature, whereby even the least gimmicky promotions have to take it into account to some extent and change them up even if they aren't important? Also, I'm liking the creative meeting section except...it seems some way off!! For a fed like ROF, surely charisma is not one of the key aspects that makes fans come to see the wrestlers?! I just can't see ROF fans wanting to see K'Lee Hawkins ahead of Merle O'Curle because he's more charismatic when O'Curle is champ and his matches average about 4 grades higher. If the 'franchise players' are mainly judged on star presence and charisma, that's going to be a little off for feds that are based purely on in-ring action. And the hidden gems section...the top 3 are the owner of a promotion (Byron - an entertainer), the head booker of another promotion (Joey Beauchamp - a high flying entertainer), and Larry Wood (a hardcore veteran). Again it just doesn't seem to me like they'd be the kind of 'hidden gems' ROF would be looking for! :eek: Some things don't change in the game though...first 8 matches booked, 5 examples of poor or bad chemistry. I think its an ROF curse I've got! :rolleyes:
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I think that Star Quality is always a consideration. I pretty much guarantee that having Rock vs. Danielson vs. McGuinness at a ROH card would draw more fans then McGuinness/Danielson on its own. And Larry Wood is awesome :p However, the game is doing its best to reccomend underemployed workers, available in your region, who'd improve your card. For me, it's Mainstream H, Larry Wood, James Prudence, Black Eagle and Rhino Umaga. No mention of Hell Monkey, interestingly, although he's available (but too expensive, alas). It's not going to be flawless (James Prudence?!?), but it gives you an idea of who's out there. * Incidentally, loving the match/angle ratio guide in the booking screen. I know it was an announced feature, but I hadn't realised that it would update as you booked the show - I thought it was just a static reminder. Nice one!
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It's a term used in Mexico; A marineti is a move where you drop other wrestlers directly head first in to the mat, i.e DDT's, Piledrivers etc., those moves are highly illegal in Lucha promotions, and usually those are just for the "rudos", the bad guys to use. Of for technicos (?), good guys to get revenge. I think it was in the Help -files somewhere :)
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[QUOTE=James Casey;431931]I think that Star Quality is always a consideration. I pretty much guarantee that having Rock vs. Danielson vs. McGuinness at a ROH card would draw more fans then McGuinness/Danielson on its own. And Larry Wood is awesome :p However, the game is doing its best to reccomend underemployed workers, available in your region, who'd improve your card. For me, it's Mainstream H, Larry Wood, James Prudence, Black Eagle and Rhino Umaga. No mention of Hell Monkey, interestingly, although he's available (but too expensive, alas). It's not going to be flawless (James Prudence?!?), but it gives you an idea of who's out there.[/QUOTE] Yeah, star quality I can see in any fed. But charisma in a promotion where nobody even touches a microphone or needs a gimmick? That I can't see. I do like the creative meeting feature though and I think it's especially handy for people that are trying out the C-verse (or a new area of it) for the first time. Larry Wood's definitely popular - comes up as the first name for 21CW as well! Will have to hire him and see what all the fuss is about! Anyway, wrestling creative teams and think-tanks are often not right about a lot of things, so I suppose it adds realism in that sense! :D
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;431960]Yeah, star quality I can see in any fed. But charisma in a promotion where nobody even touches a microphone or needs a gimmick? That I can't see.[/QUOTE] It's still professional wrestling, though. If you look at the main eventers in, say, ROH. Or a more comparative example, ITV's World of Sport, they may not have had overly-gimmicky characters, but they weren't all bland boring robots with no personality at all. Even in your RoF dynasty, people had characters. Sure, most of them were based on their perceived real life personalities, but they were still characterful. You've got Merle O'Curle, the no-nonsense ice man type, Don Henderson the Highlander "die-hard Scot", Petey Barnes, the guy who couldn't care less if you set his pants on fire because on the bright side, they'd keep his arse warm. The Tribe, etc, etc. They're not pretending to be astronauts, cowboys or animated corpses, but they still have gimmicks ;)
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[quote=Maximilian_WWW;431971]Larry Wood must be the #1 hidden gem in the whole game. He's popped up in this list in every single promotion I've tried out so far (TCW, SWF, USPW, ROF).[/quote] I've always thought that Larry Wood was one of the most under appreciated workers in the Cornellverse. I mean he has superb stats. I almost always hired him to do various roles in my promotions.. :D
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This may be something that only adam could really answer but I thought I'd ask anyways. Has anyone seen an easier possibility of being hired if you start out without a promotion or are fired by yours? In games past, I may leave a company or loose a job only to have no other company hire me since everyone seemed to be "more qualified". Also, my rep wouldn't be high enough to start my own promotion.. So I would end up having to delete my game and start all over again... which would suck most of the time. So, I was wondering if anyone has seen an easier process of being hired by another promotion if you're not at a "high" level of reputation and may not be all that "known". Cheers!
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;431979]It's still professional wrestling, though. If you look at the main eventers in, say, ROH. Or a more comparative example, ITV's World of Sport, they may not have had overly-gimmicky characters, but they weren't all bland boring robots with no personality at all. Even in your RoF dynasty, people had characters. Sure, most of them were based on their perceived real life personalities, but they were still characterful. You've got Merle O'Curle, the no-nonsense ice man type, Don Henderson the Highlander "die-hard Scot", Petey Barnes, the guy who couldn't care less if you set his pants on fire because on the bright side, they'd keep his arse warm. The Tribe, etc, etc. They're not pretending to be astronauts, cowboys or animated corpses, but they still have gimmicks ;)[/QUOTE] I take your point, but I still think that's not what makes them the franchise player for a fed like ROF. The 4 top guys in ROF are (in order) UK Dragon, British Samurai, K'Lee Hawkins and O'Curle. If it was 21CW or MOSC, I'd imagine that would be the right order, because the goalposts would be a bit different. In fact, I'm just trying 21CW now and their franchise players seem spot on for order to me because its an entertainment fed. But in ROF, I just don't believe that their fans are going to want to see Hawkins wrestle more than O'Curle. I'll wait and see how it pans out in a longer game anyway. But it's a minor quibble and doesn't particularly affect gameplay for me. Just seemed odd. I can always presume it's Samurai trying to push forward the person who is less of a threat to himself! As I said before, creative teams are rarely right. And the ROF creative team is probably only Samurai and the booker! More of a concern to me is the gimmick freshening thing. Is that something we definitely need to consider now in a pure & realistic promotion? I could never figure gimmicks properly in 07 for ROF, because you still had to specify a wrestler's gimmick, which goes with what D-Lyrium said above. But even if you gave a wrestler the best possible fit, the best you could hope for was about E- gimmick rating, and I never knew whether or not that then figured into match ratings at all. Any ideas? Adam? Testing team?
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I have to say it's VERY nice to finally have all the worker pictures filled in. Yay renderers! It does seem that something might want to be done about SWF's roster, as they pretty consistently sign Darryl Devine, Steven Parker and Chris Caulfield on every non-SWF game I play. It's so consistent that if you want to play PSW or USPW you should just make sure you have a show ready in the first two weeks of January to send them off. The only easy solution I can offer is that maybe SWF needs three more guys on their roster for the game's full release?
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;432354]The rosters are intentionally not full specifically so that people will get hired and kick-start the game world into life.[/QUOTE] I can understand that logic, which is a good thing if their selections are not always the same. 21CW hired Petey Barnes in one game and UK Dragon in another...so that was okay to me. Problem is that SWF (in all 3 games I've played so far, so admittedly it's not really a long-tested conclusion) always hire the same 4 guys - 3 of which have only just made really interesting moves as part of the C-verse changes for 2008 (Parker, Caulfield & Tyler). To me those C-verse changes for 2008 are just negated a little bit when SWF is immediately 'forced' to hire them. And I say 'forced', because you've said before that the AI will look for the best fit, which is always going to be the same people at first. I suppose you can argue that its what SWF would possibly do - they wouldn't sign Tyler and Caulfield when DaVE folded just so they could irritate other promotions by nabbing them a couple of months later. Parker was under Chord's wing at MAW but as soon as he's out, they grab him. There's that argument too. But to me it just takes away from some of the intrigue of the C-verse changes.
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I really like the game so far (I will probly get used to the interface as time passes by :)), but I had expected a quicker worker selection screen for matches. Is this still editable for the full version of the game? And I find it odd no workers whatsoever have gained any skills at all... When playing '07, you had all workers toned up by the start of 2008 (better performance skills etc). While I know this is going to happen all over in this game, it still bothers me that no one even changed at all. Please edit this so it feels like playing in a year later.
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;432365]I can understand that logic, which is a good thing if their selections are not always the same. 21CW hired Petey Barnes in one game and UK Dragon in another...so that was okay to me. Problem is that SWF (in all 3 games I've played so far, so admittedly it's not really a long-tested conclusion) always hire the same 4 guys - 3 of which have only just made really interesting moves as part of the C-verse changes for 2008 (Parker, Caulfield & Tyler). To me those C-verse changes for 2008 are just negated a little bit when SWF is immediately 'forced' to hire them. And I say 'forced', because you've said before that the AI will look for the best fit, which is always going to be the same people at first. I suppose you can argue that its what SWF would possibly do - they wouldn't sign Tyler and Caulfield when DaVE folded just so they could irritate other promotions by nabbing them a couple of months later. Parker was under Chord's wing at MAW but as soon as he's out, they grab him. There's that argument too. But to me it just takes away from some of the intrigue of the C-verse changes.[/QUOTE] Maybe something could be added to their profile like 'date joined', which could stop people leaving a promotion they've only recently signed for. When someone tried to hire them they could reply "XXXX is not interested in joining XXX at this time as he has only recently signed for XXX".
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Yeah. I wondered about that too. But in all honesty, what company is going to be able to force a worker to turn down SWF? I guess you could argue that if the block is in place then it's a way of preventing poaching (for three/six/whatever months) - but how far do you take it? Besides, I'm sure it'd be dodgy, legally ;)
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[QUOTE=Blackman;432378]And I find it odd no workers whatsoever have gained any skills at all... When playing '07, you had all workers toned up by the start of 2008 (better performance skills etc). While I know this is going to happen all over in this game, it still bothers me that no one even changed at all. Please edit this so it feels like playing in a year later.[/QUOTE] Lots of people have changed. I think it's just nitpicking to want every single worker to have changed stats. For starters it's only been a year anyway, most workers aren't going to have noticeably changed in that time. Second, I don't see how that effects your enjoyment of the game. Thirdly, each edition of the CornellVerse replaces any previous versions in the canon, so what you have is the "real" version anyway. Finally, the stats work well within the game, they don't need "tuning up" like they did in the switch from 05 to 07.
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Guest The Aussie
Have anyone else noticed that a number of the renders of the new Australian workers are actually versions of those from the GDS-Verse? I still laughed about the fact that the Pitbulls (two of my submissions into the GDS Verse) became somewhat... kinky.
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