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Demo Feedback and Questions

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Here's probably a dumb question. I took the demo and started making big changes to the C-Verse. This is something I always do, adding a few characters I've invented over the years, some promotions, etc. Now, when the actual final game is released, will the database be overwritten by the retail copy's DB or will it remain the same?
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[QUOTE=EricAdams;433043]Here's probably a dumb question. I took the demo and started making big changes to the C-Verse. This is something I always do, adding a few characters I've invented over the years, some promotions, etc. Now, when the actual final game is released, will the database be overwritten by the retail copy's DB or will it remain the same?[/QUOTE] It depends if you download the C-verse update and save over the old files. You can selectively copy and paste the new stuff you want to keep, or you can re-save your data under a new database name, then import the updated stuff as you see fit. I'll probably do this, as I've made a number of additions (namely adding events and tweaking locations).
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[QUOTE=hrdcoresidebrns;433001]I can only speak from my experience, but I've played two games so far, and I have yet to even open the notebook, which I did frequently in TEW07. The reason I haven't used it is because so much information is readily available where it's needed, which wasn't in TEW07. For instance, I typically used the notebook feature before to keep track of things like worker chemistry so I could reference it when booking matches. In TEW08, the chemistry log automatically does that for you, and (I'm not at home to check right now) I believe it's available in the booking screen as well. So the reason the text field is smaller may simply be because you don't need it as much anymore.[/QUOTE] Yeah it's no loner needed for chemistry and stuff, but I still use it to write out my feuds and book shows ahead of time, and with the small amount of space that's no longer possible
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Took the game for a spin and loving it. I'm sticking to my old standby of MAW (was sorry to see Mainstream move on, he was often my go-to guy.) For the other MAW'ers, who won your Rip Chord Tourney Title? I imported Leper Messiah from Puerto Rico, and I had him win it to set up a feud with a freshly turned MJC. I also brought in Fox Mask for a one-shot deal to have a good match with Citizen X. Quick question though; is there a way to see all of a manager's clients at a glance?
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[QUOTE=nick1091;433063]Quick question though; is there a way to see all of a manager's clients at a glance?[/QUOTE] Unfortunately this has received a negative answer from Adam. You have to either check each wrestlers bio, or simply remember which wrestlers you assigned to each manager.
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[QUOTE=nick1091;433063]Took the game for a spin and loving it. I'm sticking to my old standby of MAW (was sorry to see Mainstream move on, he was often my go-to guy.) For the other MAW'ers, who won your Rip Chord Tourney Title? I imported Leper Messiah from Puerto Rico, and I had him win it to set up a feud with a freshly turned MJC. I also brought in Fox Mask for a one-shot deal to have a good match with Citizen X. Quick question though; is there a way to see all of a manager's clients at a glance?[/QUOTE] I brought Mainstream back for a one-shot to defend his RCInvitational which resulted in him putting over Casey Valentine in the final.
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I had Citizen X win to set up a feud with Erik Strong for the title. Also, to combat the heel heavy promotion, I signed like 5 or 6 faces (Cal Sanders, Roderick Remus and Kashmir Singh among them), and had C-V-2 jump the Canadian Blondes to turn the Blondes and set up a tag feud. Not sure if I will keep this save or not though. One thing I'm confused about are the gimic messages. For instance, I get a message stating that "Flash Savage's Boy Band gimic is losing its effectiveness", but when I go and look at his character details, it says he is stable as far as his gimic goes. Not sure of the correlation between gimic message and how it is rated as far as stability goes. I did not look in the help files yet for this, but if anyonme has a quick answer I'd appreciate it.
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I'm the type of guy that says "Well, this game is pretty fun, but this one small thing is pretty lame. Not buying." That small thing was having to manually switch alter-egos for characters. Since downloading the new patch, I'm having too much fun automatically changing characters, and see its new potential. Now my mood has been upgraded to "greatly considering it."
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[QUOTE=BrokenCycle;433089]I'm the type of guy that says [B]"Well, this game is pretty fun, but this one small thing is pretty lame. Not buying." That small thing was having to manually switch alter-egos for characters. [/B]Since downloading the new patch, I'm having too much fun automatically changing characters, and see its new potential. Now my mood has been upgraded to "greatly considering it."[/QUOTE] Wow, no offence, but that is rather sad.
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So far I'm loving the game! But I have a couple of questions. Is there any possible way that I can get my TEW 2007 game to my TEW 2008? I know the characters would not be updated but I'm in 2012 in that game and I'd like to continue if possible. The other question is about the internet. Do you guys get a lot of stories about your promotion on the internet? For example, when I played as TNA I saw a bunch of stories about Edge's face turn and Cena's heel turn, etc. When I was WWE, I wouldn't get stories like that. Does the internet talk about your fed a lot or only for ratings? Definitely buying this on Sunday though!
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So far, my internet is all results and awards. I'm hoping some more interesting things pop up once I can go past the first month. :) I was surprised not to see firing a wrestler for drug use not popping up, as the internet is all about innuendo and controversy. Really enjoying the game. I haven't bought the last two, almost did the last one, but I'm pretty sure I'll be getting this one. I'm really enjoying the features that have added personality to the game, and more effort to cut down on clicks and time taken to do things and having information at your disposal (still a bit of an issue, but I have no idea how to improve it much, and there's been a great effort done to improve things) which have always been my two issues, so I'm very happy with this one. :)
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[QUOTE=mattg71;433086]One thing I'm confused about are the gimic messages. For instance, I get a message stating that "Flash Savage's Boy Band gimic is losing its effectiveness", but when I go and look at his character details, it says he is stable as far as his gimic goes. Not sure of the correlation between gimic message and how it is rated as far as stability goes. I did not look in the help files yet for this, but if anyonme has a quick answer I'd appreciate it.[/QUOTE] Adam has mentioned this in another thread in that 08 handles gimmicks a little differently to 07. Basically a lot of workers start with high gimmick ratings and the 'losing its effectiveness' message means that the gimmick is not necessarily in need of changing, but is dropping to a more realistic rating. You'd probably find it would reach a point where it would level out and be 'stable'. Basically someone debuts a gimmick and its hot but would then gradually settle down.
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Thanks for adding further options for the discipline section Adam. Has anyone witnessed this feature yet? #41: Mail Reactions As a nod to the history of the series, a returning feature is that of mail reactions. In a nutshell, when you do certain tasks like hiring or firing, other workers will send pop-up messages giving you praise or criticism for your decisions. For example, one of your existing wrestlers may appear to tell you how glad he is that you've started negotiations to bring his wife in to the promotion. The feature is primarily cosmetic (although the reactions sometimes give you clues as to underlying change that will happen, such as really irritating someone) but is added to help the immersion factor of the game. I've not seen it yet, but to be fair I've mainly been using the editor.
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[QUOTE=RatedRKYO;433098]The other question is about the internet. Do you guys get a lot of stories about your promotion on the internet? For example, when I played as TNA I saw a bunch of stories about Edge's face turn and Cena's heel turn, etc. When I was WWE, I wouldn't get stories like that. Does the internet talk about your fed a lot or only for ratings? Definitely buying this on Sunday though![/QUOTE] Adam programed the game so that the other promotions get most of the attention from the internet. At least that is what he reported in the past. Basically its geared to believe that you already know about your own promotion so it posts stories pertaining to the other promotions, since you might be itnerested and not paying close attention. In all my time playing TEW2007, I think other than the standard show report (which never named an MVP for my own shows, but did for every other promotion.) the only time I saw articles about my promotion was if there was a relationship change involving 2 wrestlers in my promotion. Turns and hirings were ignored.
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[QUOTE=Hurrikane;433130]Has anyone witnessed this feature yet? #41: Mail Reactions [/QUOTE] Yup, played FCW and fired most of Gonzalez' useless proteges. Gonzalez sh!t a brick each time, and Velazquez e-mailed as well when I canned Galindo's punk @$$. Now Gonzalez has the constipated looking yellow face for morale, but I digress.
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[QUOTE=Horizon;433915]How do you change an event's importance? Cheers[/QUOTE] You don't. It increases as the game goes on depending on if certain criteria are met. If you could just set it to whatever you like it'd be pointless, you'd just do nothing but legendary shows.
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I've a problem with signing wrestlers. When I try to offer a contract I'm going up to 750.00$ !! but I get still the message that the worker is thinking that I'm not offering him what he is worth. But I can't offer more than 750.000$. What I'm doing wrong?
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[QUOTE=Kyrus;433938]I've a problem with signing wrestlers. When I try to offer a contract I'm going up to 750.00$ !! but I get still the message that the worker is thinking that I'm not offering him what he is worth. But I can't offer more than 750.000$. What I'm doing wrong?[/QUOTE] Look in the Tech Support forum. It's an issue with currency format, there's a patch to fix it.
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