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An idea for wrestler images....

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Hey guys, I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way or anything, but nontheless I was thinking the other day about how we have wrestler pics in mods, and I was thinking wouldn't it be great if we could instead have rendered versions of real life wrestlers, in TEW default style.....kinda like if ever anyone played any WWE Smackdown games lately and you see a computerised likeness of the wrestler. Similar to that but not full body renders. Obviously such a thing would take ages and would require alot more effort than just pasting a picture in the correct size. But with the rendering of some Cornellverse characters (i think) and Cornellverse titles (awesome btw) - real life wrestler renders although time consuming would really kick ass. Could perhaps even speed up the process by taking a real wrestler photo and simply applying certain filters to it to get a similar look and feel, I'm no expert so I'm not sure what's possible or how difficult it really is. I just know it would be time consuming but then again mod making dare I say it always is by nature. I'm just wondering what you guys think of this idea ?
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;432349]its been asked before but people who do the renders didnt want to do them[/QUOTE] It's less that they don't want to do them, and more that it's REALLY, REALLY hard to do them. I've been rendering a bit recently, and because I can't visualise things too well, I tend to get a photo and try to emulate that. Mostly famous actors. They NEVER turn out like the photo. There are limits to the models and so many toggles and dials to fiddle with. Just really hard. Although I once got someone looking pretty close to Will Smith (from a photo of Jamie Foxx) which, of course, crashed my computer.
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To be honest i cant see it happening.. On average it can take about an hour to come up with a decent render, but if you working from a photo to make a particular person, then that time frame would triple (prehaps more than triple) Render, Post-Work and Cut. Thats another hour gone, and you have spent (optismistically) at least 3 1/2 hours just on one person, but then again, who is to say that your render will be liked when its put out there. People may want tweeks. Even if they do like it, there are still over a thousand workers left to do and roughly 3000 hours worth of work to complete them all.
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I could of sworn i had a pic pack on tew 07 with wwe wrestlers done in this style. Ill see if there still there ok i can confirm that i do have them....but i cant remember where i got them or who made them. [IMG]http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/1413/tazz2ay1.jpg[/IMG] Anyone wanna claim this as theres? I would upload the whole lot but i have it all mixed in with normal pictures and it would take ages to pick them all out.
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[QUOTE=IWWROCKS;432433]I could of sworn i had a pic pack on tew 07 with wwe wrestlers done in this style. Ill see if there still there ok i can confirm that i do have them....but i cant remember where i got them or who made them. [IMG]http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/1413/tazz2ay1.jpg[/IMG] Anyone wanna claim this as theres? I would upload the whole lot but i have it all mixed in with normal pictures and it would take ages to pick them all out.[/QUOTE] That one may or may not be from a pack I did from some of the SD v Raw games...I'm not 100% sure. Anyway, here is a link to the thread in the TEW07 forum for the pack I did: [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=28305[/url]
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