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NOTPBW - A New Direction

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[B](OOC: I’m the first to admit that I usually suck at ‘proper’ dynasties, as opposed to watchers’ diaries, since I generally find booking takes too long. Since Adam made it so much quicker in 08, though, I figured I’d try this one.) [/B] The interview wasn’t going so well. I’d underestimated just how proud Dan Stone Senior was, and my criticism of his women’s division, recent budget cuts, and main event scene had obviously annoyed him. Time to play my last card, I decided, thinking back to what my boss Tommy Cornell had advised me. I'd been impressed by the Brit's reaction when I’d told him that I wanted to leave my job as a mere writer for TCW and go for promotion as NOTBPW’s head booker, since Victoria Stone had decided to take some time off. On the other hand, I knew that if I got the job, I could be useful to him as well. [I]“Mr Stone, one more thing.”[/I] I said to the Canadian legend. [I]“I have a message from Tommy C.”[/I] [I] “Yeah? Well, you can give him a message from me…”[/I] Stone’s daughter Victoria placed her hand on his arm to calm him as he grew even more irate, and Sean McFly interrupted him. [I] “Go on please, Mr Avatar.”[/I] “He says Eisen’s coming. Maybe not today, maybe not even this month, but soon, the SWF will try and take over Canada.” I looked at the audience – four Stones and one McFly – and decided that I at least had their attention briefly. [I]“And you know something? He’ll win. If he wants to, he’ll put you out of business.” “Now just you wait here!” [/I]The Stone patriarch was practically snarling at me now, but this time it was Jeremy who interrupted him. [I]“So how do we stop him?” “You hire me.”[/I] I stated, matter-of-factly. [I]“I have the short term angle and the long term direction that can make you bigger than ever. Hell, if you want to take America from the SWF, with enough time you could. All you gotta do is bring me in.” [/I] I counted to three silently and got up. [I]“But I guess you’d rather stick with Jeremy and Dan Jr here as the only babyfaces who anyone’s ever heard of taking on the usual cycle of forgettable heels. Well, I guess it wouldn’t have worked anyway. Thanks for your time.”[/I] As I touched the door handle, I took a deep breath. It looked like the gamble had just screwed up big time. [I]“Sit back down, Mr Avatar.” [/I]Dan Jr spoke for the first time. [I]“You have ten minutes to sell the five of us on this idea of yours.”[/I] I grinned, turned around, and started to talk. Fifteen minutes later, I was the proud owner of a contract as NOTBPW’s newest head booker. Just one thing left to do. I clicked a speed dial number on my mobile. [I]“Tommy? I’m in. And you got him.”[/I] [QUOTE] Breaking news from [url]www.notbpw.com][/url] (OOC: Anything from here is ‘kayfabe’, there’ll be another website along later for backstage news.) [B][U]STONE VS HAWKINS![/U][/B] Sensationally, [B]Dan Stone Jr [/B]showed up in TCW last night on Total Wrestling! A sell-out Utah crowd saw him take the Syndicate’s [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B]to the limit in a phenomenal 20 minute bout which he only lost after [B]Tommy Cornell [/B]interfered. Dan will be back in NOTBPW tonight as his brother [B]Jeremy [/B]takes on Canadian champion [B]Johnny Bloodstone [/B]in a huge main event. If Jeremy wins, he gets a title shot at Big City Brawl – but if Bloodstone defeats him, he gets to choose his own challenger! And there’s no need to wait until the big show for a title bout, as the tag belts are up for grabs tonight – the [B]McWades [/B]challenging the [B]Kelowna Playaz.[/B] [B]Dan Jr [/B]will also be in action himself, going up in a singles contest vs [B]Harrison Hash.[/B] In women’s action, there’s an extremely rare sight in NOTBPW – a triple threat match, as [B]Emma Bitch, Grace Harper[/B], and [B]Steph Hazel[/B] collide! [B]Lord James King[/B] takes on the [B]Mighty Cavanagh, Tim Westybrook [/B]goes head to head with [B]Derek Frost[/B], and in addition, there’s a big announcement to be made by owner Dan Stone. Don’t miss this incredible night! [/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]QUICK PICKS[/CENTER][/B] Tag title match: McWades vs Playaz Lord James King vs Mighty Cavanagh Dan Stone Jr vs Harrison Hash Tim Westybrook vs Derek Frost Emma Bitch vs Grace Harper vs Steph Hazel Non-title match: Johnny Bloodstone vs Jeremy Stone
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Nice start, looking forward to seeing where this goes. Tag title match: [B]McWades[/B] vs Playaz [B]Lord James King[/B] vs Mighty Cavanagh [B]Dan Stone Jr[/B] vs Harrison Hash [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs Derek Frost [B]Emma Bitch[/B] vs Grace Harper vs Steph Hazel Non-title match: Johnny Bloodstone vs [B]Jeremy Stone[/B]
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[B](OOC: Thanks for the predictions, guys - I hope I can keep your interest.)[/B] I stood in the locker room, two hours prior to my first show as NOTBPW head booker. Time to convince the roster of my new plans – although the Stones had already warned me this wasn’t going to be easy. Still, Sean McFly had given me a great build-up, practically claiming that I’d single-handedly come up with TCW’s Syndicate angle, and it was over to me to convince them I was going to make them all more successful than ever before. [I]“Thanks for the introduction,”[/I] I nodded to Sean. [I]“Firstly, I want to reassure everyone here that they’re all in my plans for the future, and that things won’t change majorly. We’ll still be known for superb wrestling, we’ll still see long matches, and we’ll still see a concentration on in-ring action. There will be some changes, though – we’ll be bringing in slightly more angles, and we’ll maybe have the occasional less-than-clean finish to extend feuds.”[/I] The Natural snorts. [I]“Think that’ll work with our fans just like it does with TCW’s?” “Yeah, we do.” [/I]It’s Dan Stone Jr who responds, not me.[I] “No-one’s talking about turning the fed into the SWF, Damian. Just changing things around a little bit to boost interest. Jack here’s got some good ideas, with one big angle which we think’s going to be great for business.” “What angle?”[/I] The question comes from at least six mouths at once, but Dan and Sean both shake their heads. [I] “Those who need to know do already – or will soon. If you get involved, we’ll tell you. For now, just do what you always do, and go out there and put on a great show.” [/I] I grimace slightly inside. Sure, it’s great to have the son of the boss stand up for me, but the exchange is rapidly leaving me sidelined. [I]“Yeah, Dan’s right, boys. Let me talk you through the plans for today.” [/I] [B][CENTER]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, Wednesday Week 1 January[/CENTER][/B] [B] Pre-show: John Maverick vs Omar Brown[/B] Goes 9 minutes, Maverick gets the Deadly Silence locked in and Brown taps out. C rating. [B]Tag title match: McWades vs Playaz [/B] The Playaz do a great job of selling the McWade Brothers offense, bouncing around like crazy for most of the bout’s 11 minutes. Dallas gets the pin to take the belts after a Murder on the Mountain. D- rating. [B] Interview Denied! [/B] Alyssian Scottsfield, in his new role as backstage interviewer, tries to get a word with the new tag champions – only for them to viciously attack him, powerbombing him through a table! D rating, although the live crowd hated it. [B]Lord James King vs Mighty Cavanagh[/B] Cav takes the win after 8 minutes, hitting a sit out spinebuster, much to the relief of the crowd. The pair completely failed to click. E rating. [B] Hype Video[/B] Johnny Bloodstone vs Jeremy Stone tonight in this very ring! B+ rating. [B]Dan Stone Jr vs Harrison Hash[/B] Stone carries Hash through to a decent bout, which Harrison even looks like he could win at a couple of points. Naturally, though, Dan takes it in the end, getting the Stone Ankle Stretch tapout victory. C+ rating. [B]An Announcement[/B] Dan Stone comes out to applaud his son and to make the big announcement. [I]“Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for me to hand over power – I give you the new owners of NOTBPW, my sons Dan Jr and Jeremy!” [/I]B+ rating. [B]The First Order of Business[/B] Dan and Jeremy shake hand with their father, and thank him. Sounding emotional, Dan Jr takes the mic and informs all of NOTBPW’s ‘great, great fans’ that the first thing he wants to do as co-owner is to book himself in a match next week – against Dark Angel! B+ rating. [B]Tim Westybrook vs Derek Frost[/B] How do you follow that emotional sequence? Badly, I guess. Westybrook bounces Frost from pillar to post for 11 minutes then puts him out with the TNT Whirlwind. D rating. [B]Emma Bitch vs Grace Harper vs Steph Hazel[/B] This is nearly as bad as the Cavanagh vs King match, and shows how the mighty women’s division has fallen. Bitch beats Hazel with the Payback for the pinfall victory in 10 minutes. E+ rating. [B]An Attack[/B] Post-match, Bitch and Hazel attack Harper. Melody Cuthill charges in to make the save. F+ rating. The crowd are vicious here, totally booing all four. [B]The Celebration [/B] Despite my frantic screaming of instructions to Matthew White to get them out of the ring QUICKLY, as I watch the angle fall apart far more badly than I’d expected it to, Grace and Melody stick to the plan and dance out of the ring together. The fans are less than keen again. D rating. [B]Non-title match: Johnny Bloodstone vs Jeremy Stone[/B] The pair get half an hour to show us what they can do, but never really get into it, not really seeming to click. Bloodstone gets the win in an open bout, going over by submission with the Bloodstone Mutilation. B- rating. [B][CENTER]Final rating C- [/CENTER][/B] I hang around outside the arena and hear people leaving. No-one seems to be slaughtering the show, although some fans who haven’t been before are surprised how hard-hitting guys like the Stones and Bloodstone are. Equally, though, no-one’s raving about it, with many regulars unhappy about the women’s debacle.
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As I got back to the locker room to congratulate the majority of the roster on decent performances, I heard angry shouting – just what I needed. Bursting in, I saw Sean McFly dragging Lord James King away from an angry Tom Townsend, who Victoria Stone was trying to calm down. [I] “Jesus, Sean!”[/I] I exclaimed.[I] “What the hell happened here?” [/I] Shawn shrugged. [I]“Apparently Jim here started talking trash about Tom. Tom took exception to it, told him to lay off, and this idiot nearly swung for him.”[/I] I snarled at King, who was already low on my list of priorities after that godawful match with Cavanagh. [I]“Listen, punk. If you two can’t get along, one of you’s going to end up going. And believe me, I need a decent color commentator a damn sight more than I need a crappy lower midcarder.”[/I] King looked away from me, hopefully embarrassed by his behavior[I]. “Sorry boss.” [/I] I walked away, thinking about him. I wasn’t sure if he’d been sincere or not – but I sure as hell was when I said I needed Townsend much more than him. [QUOTE] From [url]www.pwlite.com[/url] Feedback from the NOTBPW show’s in, folks – feel free to mail your own thoughts to [email]welovecanada@pwlite.com[/email], preferably using the following format. [B] Paul from BC:[/B] Overall rating – 4. Best match: Either of the Stone bouts. Worst match: Triple threat fiasco. What the hell?! Which genius decided putting ¾ of the remaining women’s division in a triple threat match was a decent idea? And more to the point, can I get the 3 minutes of my life spent watching Melody Cuthill and Grace Harper dance back? If I want to see girls rub each other suggestively, I’ll watch Playboy TV. As for the McWades return to the tag belts, my eyes hurt. Stone and Wilson really need to pull out all of the stops next week to convince me that this Avatar guy knows what’s going on. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]From [url]www.notbpw.com[/url][/B] After last night’s exciting episode of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, we have a lineup for next week’s show. As he announced live last night, new part-owner [B]Dan Stone Jr[/B] will take on [B]Dark Angel [/B]in what should be a guaranteed classic – as should his fellow co-owner and brother, [B]Jeremy’s [/B]fight against [B]Owen Love![/B] There’s not one but two title shots as the [B]McWades [/B]defend their tag belts against the [B]Fighting Irish[/B], and [B]Melody Cuthill [/B]faces the challenge of [B]Emma Bitch [/B]for her Women’s gold. And [B]Tim Westybrook[/B], coming off the back of a good win against Derek Frost, takes on [B]RK Hayes[/B]. All this, and Canadian champion [B]Johnny Bloodstone [/B]WILL be on hand to announce which NOTBPW star he will face at the upcoming Big City Brawl PPV! [/QUOTE]
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Friday morning, and my boss wants to see me. Having spent an hour browsing various message boards and reading NOTBPW fans’ views on that triple threat match, this may not be good. To my surprise, when I walk in, he’s smiling. [I]“How’s it feel to be a goddamn laughing stock, Jacky Boy?”[/I] I bristle, and reply curtly. [I]“I think you’re exaggerating there, Mr Stone.” “Exaggerating!”[/I] He chuckles to himself[I]. “Come on, Avatar. Every NOTBPW fan out there hated that women’s match. As for the dance afterwards, that nearly got you fired on the spot.”[/I] [I]“You saw the booking,” [/I]I retorted. [I]“Maybe you should’ve told me it wouldn’t go down so well.”[/I] Stone narrows his eyes and nods.[I] “Yeah, I coulda done that. Then you’d have pushed for something similar this week. So I decided to let you make a fool of yourself and learn from your mistakes, Jack. The important part there is learn. Our fans up here have got a bit more class than the jackasses booing Tommy Cornell. They expect decent singles bouts and tag action. They’re not interested in fatal four-ways, tremendous triple threats, six team scrambles, or any of that other junk. And they sure as hell aren’t interested in women rubbing up against each other unless it’s in late night movie action. So, you screwed up. Learn from it. If you don’t, this might be a shorter run than we were planning for.”[/I] I nod. [I]“Oh, and I saw who you want to sign.”[/I] He passes me over a list. I blanch, as three quarters of the men – or women – I wanted have had their names crossed out. [I]“He’s too unreliable, he’s too injury prone, he’s had problems with the law – they’re not right for this fed, Mr Avatar. As for him? He wants too much money. You have Canada’s best two wrestlers here in my sons. I expect to see them being pushed hard, rather than cash wasted on lesser guys who think they deserve a huge pay day.”[/I] I nod again, inwardly seething. Is it too late to go back to being one of Tommy C’s right-hand men? I guess so… [B][CENTER] QUICK PICKS[/CENTER][/B] Tag title match: McWades vs Fighting Irish Tim Westybrook vs RK Hayes Jeremy Stone vs Owen Love Women’s title match: Melody Cuthill vs Emma Bitch Dark Angel vs Dan Stone Jr Who will Bloodstone take on? [B] (OOC: Next show is ready to go, but I'll give it a bit of time in the hope that some people are kind enough to post predictions, after I was dumb and missed the Quick Picks box off my last post. All feedback welcomed.)[/B]
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Tag title match: [B]McWades[/B] vs Fighting Irish Tim Westybrook vs [B]RK Hayes[/B] [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] vs Owen Love Women’s title match: [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] vs Emma Bitch [B]Dark Angel[/B] vs Dan Stone Jr Who will Bloodstone take on? no idea
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[QUOTE]From [url]www.notbpw.com[/url] STONE VS HAWKINS, PART TWO! Last night, Dan Stone Jr was granted a shot at Wolf Hawkins’ International title in TCW. He took Wolf to his limit in a grueling 30 minute bout, but eventually fell victim to the champion’s Full Moon Rising. It’s been confirmed that Dan will be main eventing next week’s TCW, as well as both of our own upcoming shows this week, where he’ll take on Dark Angel on TV, then Harrison Hash at Big City Brawl. [/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, Wednesday Week 2 January[/CENTER][/B] [B]Pre-show: Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs the Natural[/B] A losing debut for Smith, who comes in under a biker gimmick complete with Harley Davidson to ride down to the ring on. In the ring, however, he’s all business, taking the Natural to the limit in a 14 minute bout before falling to a Nature Calls. C- rating. [B]Tag title match: McWades vs Fighting Irish[/B] Carl Batch is at ringside for the McWades, with no explanation yet – the commentators seem as confused as the crowd is by his presence. He also screws up a couple of interference spots, much to Dallas McWade’s visible annoyance. These four were given 12 minutes, more than Dallas is really good for, but the match does its job as the Fighting Irish crash around for the McWades much as the Playaz did last week. Dallas wins it with a Murder on the Mountain on Robbie McNamara. D- rating. [B]Enter the Manager![/B] Carl Batch congratulates his new charges on their win, and announces to the fans that they’re looking for more respect than they’ve ever been given before. D- rating. The crowd aren’t keen, again. [B]Tim Westybrook vs RK Hayes[/B] Hayes looks very good here, despite being less than happy when I told him than he was taking the loss tonight. He falls victim to Westybrook’s TNT Whirlwind on 14 minutes. C- rating. [B]Hype Video![/B] Stone Jr vs Dark Angel coming, tonight! B rating. [B]Jeremy Stone vs Owen Love[/B] This is a killer bout, with the pair getting 27 minutes and instructions to go all out. They don’t disappoint, with Love pulling out a ton of dirty heel tricks before Jeremy gets the Stone Hold on him for the tap-out, much to the crowd’s delight. B rating. [B]An Apology[/B] Victoria Stone comes out. “We need to apologise to you, NOTBPW’s fans, for a gross misjudgment last week. We put together a triple threat match which, quite frankly, was a disgrace to the long and storied history of the NOTBPW Women’s division. As a former star there myself, I can only say that we screwed up, and we will do better in the future. Starting next week – with an eight woman tournament which will culminate in the first ever Victoria Stone Tournament Champion being crowned at our February big show! This tournament will feature current stars taking on newcomers, and greats from our past, and we’re thrilled to announce the first official entrant – my sister-in-law, Tamara McFly!” C+ rating, and the crowd don’t hate it as much as most angles. [B]Women’s title match: Melody Cuthill vs Emma Bitch[/B] These two are set to be the focal point of our new division, along with anyone we can bring in. They don’t disappoint, either, as Mel hits the Melody Maker for the victory on the 15 minute mark in a good match. D rating. [B]The Title Challenger is Announced![/B] Jeremy Bloodstone is on hand to announce his challenger at the Big City Brawl. “My contract says I can take on anyone in this federation, so I’ve made my choice – I will defend this title against… DAN STONE SENIOR!” The announcers are in shock, and quickly stress there’s no way the 63 year old patriarch of the Stone family will get in the ring. B rating. [B]Dark Angel vs Dan Stone Jr[/B] These two are sent out with instructions to try and beat the earlier Jeremy vs Love match, and manage to come very close to doing so. Each kicks out of a couple of pinfall attempts after huge moves by the other, but on the 28 minute mark, Stone grabs a quick roll-up much to the delight of the crowd. B- rating. [CENTER][B]Final rating C+[/B][/CENTER]
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(OOC: Thanks for the feedback, guys. As you say, main event face scene has taken a massive hit since 07, but it keeps things interesting!) [QUOTE] From [url]www.notbpw.com[/url] Coming up in just a few days for the Quebec Stade Uniprix, it’s the Big City Brawl In a world title match, [B]Johnny Bloodstone [/B]will apparently defend against 63-year old [B]Dan Stone[/B]! The former owner of NOTBPW is trying to find a loophole to get out of the match, but Bloodstone claims that the contract he signed prior to last week’s win against Dan’s son Jeremy gave him the right to choose ANYONE employed by North of the Border as an opponent, and if Dan backs out, Johnny says he’ll sue for breach of contract. Dan’s two sons are both in action, in matches which definitely WILL go ahead. [B]Dan Jr [/B]has a rematch from last week’s good bout with [B]Harrison Hash[/B], while[B] Jeremy[/B] takes on the [B]Dark Angel[/B]. There’s also another title fight, as the [B]McWades [/B]defend their belts against the[B] Can-Am Blondes[/B], while women’s champion [B][B]Melody Cuthill [/B][/B]is in a non-title bout against [B]Steph Hazel[/B]. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B], fresh from 2 good wins in 2 weeks, takes on [B]John Maverick[/B], the [B]Kelowna Playaz [/B]fight against the unusual pairing of [B]Lord James King and Derek Frost[/B], and [B]RK Hayes [/B]goes up against Frost’s apparent former tag partner, [B][B][B]Alyssian Scottsfield[/B][/B][/B]. [/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]QUICK PICKS [/CENTER][/B] Melody Cuthill vs Steph Hazel RK Hayes vs Alyssian Scottsfield The Kelowna Playaz vs Lord James King and Derek Frost World title match: Johnny Bloodstone vs Dan Stone Tim Westybrook vs John Maverick Tag Title match: McWades vs Can-Am Blondes Dark Angel vs Jeremy Stone Dan Stone Jr vs Harrison Hash
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[B]Melody Cuthill[/B] vs Steph Hazel [B]RK Hayes[/B] vs Alyssian Scottsfield [B]The Kelowna Playaz[/B] vs Lord James King and Derek Frost World title match: [B]Johnny Bloodstone[/B] vs Dan Stone [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs John Maverick Tag Title match: McWades vs [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] Dark Angel vs [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] [B]Dan Stone Jr[/B] vs Harrison Hash
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Having only hated these guys from afar, I can't say I know much about them. I'll have a stab at this anyway. [B]Melody Cuthill [/B]vs Steph Hazel [B]RK Hayes[/B] vs Alyssian Scottsfield [B]The Kelowna Playaz[/B] vs Lord James King and Derek Frost World title match: Johnny Bloodstone vs [B]Dan Stone[/B] Tim Westybrook vs [B]John Maverick[/B] Tag Title match: McWades vs [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] Dark Angel vs [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] [B]Dan Stone Jr[/B] vs Harrison Hash
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[B][CENTER]Big City Brawl[/CENTER][/B] [B]Pre-show:Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Omar Brown[/B] Smith gets another run-out on the pre-show, tapping out in just 5 minutes to Brown’s Anaconda Vice after some fans complained of being bored watching a no-name wrestle for 12 minutes last week. This boy has big potential, though, and if we build him up right he could be great. C- rating. [B]Pre-show:Emma Bitch vs Joanne Rodriguez[/B] J-Ro debuts in our other pre-show bout, and looks good, dropping the match to Emma’s Payback after about 7 minutes. D rating. [B]The Title Match is ON![/B] A video plays hyping Dan Stone Senior’s return to the ring, taking on Johnny Bloodstone. B- rating. [B]Melody Cuthill vs Steph Hazel[/B] Much shorter that Mel’s TV match, but if anything slightly better. 7 minutes in, she hits the Melody Maker for the win. D+ rating. [B]RK Hayes vs Alyssian Scottsfield[/B] Hayes looks awful out there, but Scottsfield does a reasonable job of keeping the bout going without it being too dreadful. Alyssian also sells the back injury inflicted 10 days ago by the McWades, and it’s a Homicide Bomb by RK which takes it on the 9 minute mark. D+ rating. [B]The Kelowna Playaz vs Lord James King and Derek Frost[/B] Ouch. The fans seem bored with Green – in fact, the Playaz would probably be on the unemployment line if I actually HAD another face tag team. Frost hits a Snow Plow to wrap this one up on 11 minutes, much to everyone’s relief. E+ rating. [B][B]World title match: Johnny Bloodstone vs Dan Stone [/B][/B] This is a nightmare for Stone, as expected – Bloodstone tears him apart, powerbombing him three times, and eventually getting DQ’d after 5 minutes when White screams at him to end the match by pinning the 63 year old but the champ refuses to. As soon as the bell rings, Dan Jr and Jeremy, who’ve been watching in agony on the outside, charge in for the save, and carry their father out on a stretcher. London and Townsend sound suitably awestruck as they hear Dan Jr screaming for someone to call an ambulance. C rating for the match, B rating for the save. [B][B]Bloodstone’s Second Challenge[/B][/B] Bloodstone grabs a mic and says he’ll defend the belt again against anyone on the roster. With the Stone Siblings barely seeming to hear as they concentrate on their father, it’s Mighty Cavanagh who answers. C- rating. [B]World title match: Johnny Bloodstone vs Mighty Cavanagh[/B] Bloodstone looks like the unaccustomed effort of speaking’s taking it out of him, as he struggles through a 12 minute bout, while Cavanagh’s not really good for that long anyway. Which idiot decided to put this one on again? D+ rating. [B]Dan Stone Update:[/B] The announcers tell us that Dan Stone is currently being taken to a local hospital, and it’s unclear how bad the injury is. B rating. [B]Tim Westybrook vs John Maverick[/B] A fairly good 18 minute match here, which Westybrook wins after 18 minutes with the TNT Whirlwind. C rating. [B]Tag Title match: McWades vs Can-Am Blondes[/B] 11 minutes here, and the McWades dominate completely again. Dean takes down Owen with the Canadian Lariat. D rating. [B]Dark Angel vs Jeremy Stone[/B] Just as good as Jeremy’s bout midweek against Owen Love, this sees the Angel tap out to the Stone Hold after 22 minutes. Stone looks visibly distracted by thoughts of his father’s injury. B rating. [B]Dan Stone Jr vs Harrison Hash[/B] Like his brother, Dan looks like he’s worrying about his father, but also like his brother, he takes the submission win, getting the Stone Ankle Stretch on after 21 minutes. B- rating. [B]The Big Debut![/B] Post-match, the McWade Brothers charge out and attack Dan Jr. He’s quickly saved by Jeremy, and a four man brawl breaks out. As the two teams brawl, Jeremy gets blindsided by a big guy… And Eddie Peak makes his presence in NOTBPW felt, hitting the Peak of the Devil on Jeremy! C rating. [B][CENTER]C+ overall. [/CENTER][/B]
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[QUOTE] From [url]www.tcw.com[/url] STONE GONE! In huge news, the [B]Syndicate [/B]last night forced [B]Dan Stone Jr [/B]from TCW after 2 sensational heel turns in the main event. [B]Tommy Cornell [/B]opened the show by announcing [B]Genghis Rahn [/B]and Stone Jr would fight in a loser-leaves-town match in the main event, with [B]Rocky Golden [/B]as the guest referee. The pair fought for 20 minutes, without the expected Syndicate interference materializing, only for Golden to blast Dan with a steel chair just as Stone was about to lock the Stone Cold Stretch on Rahn! Rocky pulled Genghis on top and made a quick 3 count, and the pair embraced post match. TCW would like to wish thank Dan Jr for his efforts in the fed, and wish him all the best back in his home territory of NOTBPW. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]From [url]www.notbpw.com[/url] Brackets have been announced for NOTBPW’s Victoria Stone Tournament, with the first two matches taking place next week on Championship Wrestling. [B]Steph Hazel vs Grace Harper Wanda Fish vs Joanne Rodriguez April Appleseed vs Emma Bitch Tamara McFly vs Roz Larren[/B] We also have the card for next Wednesday's TV show. [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] will aim to get some revenge for that attack at the end of the Brawl with a match against [B]Dallas McWade,[/B] and the [B]Dark Angel [/B]will collide with the [B]Natural [/B]in a battle of two of the federation's most despised wrestlers. In the first two matches of the Victoria Stone tournament, new signings [B]Wanda Fish[/B] and [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] will continue their long-standing rivalry, and [B]Steph Hazel [/B]will take on [B]Grace Harper. Tim Westybrook[/B], on fire at the moment, will collide with [B]Harrison Hash[/B]. And [B]Brandon Smith [/B]will team with the [B]Mighty Cavanagh [/B]to go up against the [B]Fighting Irish[/B]. [/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]QUICK PICKS[/CENTER][/B] Tourney match: Steph Hazel vs Grace Harper Harrison Hash vs Tim Westybrook Brandon Smith and Mighty Cavanagh vs The Fighting Irish Tourney match: Wanda Fish vs Joanne Rodriguez Jeremy Stone vs Dallas McWade Dark Angel vs the Natural
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[B][CENTER]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, Wednesday Week 3 January[/CENTER][/B] [B]Pre-show: Scottsfield/Playaz vs King/Haynes/Frost[/B] Fairly awful 8 minute opener, which Gregg Boone wins, beating LJK with the Murder on the Dancefloor. E+ [B]Pre show non-title match: Melody Cuthill vs Roz Larren[/B] Woot! Some of the best news I’ve had since starting this job, as these two display awesome chemistry together. The new girl falls victim to the Melody Maker after 7 minutes. D+ rating. Main show [B]Tourney match: Steph Hazel vs Grace Harper[/B] Maybe Larren should be showing two of our more established stars how it’s done… the pair don’t really get things going, Steph winning with a leaping DDT in 7 minutes. D- rating. [B]Dan’s Challenge![/B] Dan Stone Jr has a mic, and hits the ring. “You know, I thought after that horrific title match a few days ago that I’d be coming here and demanding that Johnny Bloodstone hauled himself out here. As it is, I know he’s decided not to grace us with his presence tonight – but I also know that Eddie Peak, who apparently doesn’t go through the normal channels when he wants a job, is in the building. Well, Eddie, you want in NOTBPW, you got in – starting with me against you, in tonight’s main event!!” B+ rating. [B]Tim Westybrook vs Harrison Hash[/B] This was one of those 22 minute classics we’re famous for. Well, it was halfway there – in that it was definitely 22 minutes. It just SEEMED like 22 hours. The pair look awful together, and Westybrook’s Whirlwind comes as a blessed relief. D- rating. [B]Brandon Smith and Mighty Cavanagh vs The Fighting Irish[/B] Ah… the idea of this bout was to be the first of two quick palate cleansers between Tim/Hash and Dallas/Jeremy. That sounded good before Tim/Hash sent half the crowd to sleep, and these four finished the job off. At least they did it more quickly, Smith hitting a Backdrop Driver to go over McNamara after just six minutes. E rating. [B] Tourney match: Wanda Fish vs Joanne Rodriguez[/B] Bringing us back to vaguely acceptable wrestling, the two old foes bring themselves to North of the Border. J-Ro gets the victory, hitting the J-Rocker at about 10 minutes. D rating. [B]Jeremy Stone vs Dallas McWade[/B] It’s often said that Jeremy could carry a table leg to a good match. A table leg is probably more talented than the McWade, to be fair. Dallas taps out after 10 minutes to the Stone Hold. C+ rating. [B]Dark Angel vs the Natural[/B] Another example of bad chemistry, and Dark Angel’s Descent Into Hell can’t come quickly enough for the crowd, after 17 minutes of boring wrestling. D+ rating. Can Dan and Eddie save the show? [B]Dan Stone Jr vs Eddie Peak[/B] Just about! Dan gets the Stone Ankle Stretch victory after 20 minutes of a very good bout, with the TCW star cheating as much as possible without ever being able to put the Canadian hero away. B- rating. [B]Shennanigans! [/B] Post match, Dan is celebrating when Eddie jumps him from behind, and is quickly joined by the McWade Brothers – and the Wolverine and Vin Tanner! The five beat him up, until Jeremy Stone leads the rest of the faces down to ringside to pull off a rescue. The heels are left in the ring with a can of spray paint – and Carl Batch, who’s made his way out, covers the mat with one word. [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]DAVE.[/COLOR] [/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] D- rating. [CENTER][B]C rating overall.[/B][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE]From [url]www.pwlite.com[/url] Feedback is in on the third episode of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling since Jack Avatar took over the book from Vicky Stone, and it’s fair to say that fans are… vocal. From Jean in Quebec: The hell?! WHAT THE GODDAMN HELL?! If I want to see DAVE, I’d buy a nostalgia DVD. Why is Vin Tanner in my favourite fed? What the living daylights is Jack Avatar thinking? Why can’t Victoria book anymore?! From Roger in the Maritimes: I’ve seen about 100 NOTBPW shows, and was unfortunate enough to be at this one, having traveled to Quebec especially for the Big City Brawl and for this show. The Big City Brawl was a reasonable card, although I could’ve lived without Eddie Peak appearing. But this debacle? The Natural managed to drag Dark Angel down to maybe his worst ever match, Melody Cuthill and some chick I’d never heard of managed to get a better match on the pre-show than anyone not named Stone did on the PPV, and then we get The Wolverine and Vin Tanner crashing the party? Jesus!! From everyone in Canada (apparently): SACK JACK! SACK JACK! SACK JACK! [/QUOTE] My head slumped as I read the website. Dan Stone had been hard to sell on the DAVE angle in the first place, and this reaction from the fans might kill it dead in the water. I took a deep breath as I got up and got ready to meet the rest of the booking team. As I walked in, Victoria Stone couldn’t even look me in the eye. Sean McFly grimaced at me, and his sister Tamara, a recent addition, smiled sympathetically. Dan Stone cleared his throat as I sat down. [I]“So, still think this DAVE angle is a good idea, Mr Avatar?”[/I] Dan Jr interrupted. [I]“Because no-one else in Canada does.”[/I] I flushed. [I]“Yeah, well, I admit the reaction to the angle at the close of last night’s show wasn’t as good as I was expecting it to be.”[/I] Dan Jr bursts out laughing. [I]“You were expecting fans brought up on our classic matches to cream their pants at the thought of the l33t hardcore guys like Vin Tanner? Jesus, Jack, why did we employ you again?”[/I] I glared at my boss’s son. [I]“Well, for a start, I wasn’t expecting to be forced to use guys like Vin Tanner. When I pitched the angle, we all seemed to be happy with the idea of guys like Acid coming in.” [/I] Dan Senior interjected. [I]“Jack, I’m already paying through the nose to bring in Eddie Peak. I’m sorry that Acid asked for so much, but there’s no way I can give him a contract that size.”[/I] I nodded at the boss.[I] “Okay, Dan. But you have to understand, this may take slightly longer to get going than we were planning on due to the lack of star power. I do have a new plan, though. Next week, Dan Stone Jr vs Vin Tanner. Tanner wins clean.”[/I] If I didn’t desperately need the younger Stone to go for this one, the look on his face would have been priceless. [I]“You want me to job to Vin Tanner? Clean?” [/I] Jeremy interjected, snidely. [I]“Dad, is insanity a good enough reason to break someone’s contract.” “Dammit!” [/I]I screamed. [I]“What the hell do you want me to do here? You tell me we can’t afford to bring in the big names, and you won’t lie down for the other guys. Do you think we’re going to build these guys up as credible threats by having them beat the Kelowna Playaz and Tim Westybrook? You two and Sean have been at the top of the card for so long here that you’ve killed off every other babyface in the fed, and you’re expecting me to pick up the pieces. Well, if you don’t want to support me, SCREW YOU!” [/I]Angrily, I got up, and stormed out.
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Wow intresting. DAVE invading NOTBPW, good luck with that =) I should also mention that I use to be a huge Dark Angel mark back in 05 when he was with DAVE, very sad to see him slipping the way he is. And J-Ro...well she's secretly my girlfriend, she just doesn't know it yet
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Twenty minutes later, Tamara McFly came into my office to find me clearing out my desk. She touched my arm.[I] “Hey, Jack. They’ve been discussing stuff – this might be a bit hasty.” “I doubt it,”[/I] I replied. [I]“I’ve already called Tommy C. My job’s back open if I want it.”[/I] She snorted. [I]“So you’re going to give up at the first sign of a challenge? Three weeks into your time as a head booker, you’re quitting. God, Jack – I’ve only known you a week, but I thought you were more of a man than that! Get back in that room and listen to what they have to say. THEN quit if you really have to. But after Sean just managed to stop them sacking you, then you owe it him to spend another 10 minutes in there.” “Sean stopped them sacking me?” [/I] She nodded. [I]“With back-up from Vicky. Now, back!”[/I] I returned to the room, and gave a stiff nod to Dan and his two sons. [I]“Sorry about that. I guess I got carried away.”[/I] Before anyone else could speak, Sean involved himself. [I]“Okay, let’s clear a few things up. Jack, I appreciate that you’re the booker here, but you have to understand things aren’t just like they were in TCW. Our fans are going to have trouble buying an invasion angle like this unless it’s perfectly booked, and if you try and shove guys like Tanner down their throat, you could make things even worse. Believe me, this is what Dan’s thinking of – not just his own position. Dan, Jeremy – I hate to say this, but Jack has a point. For years, the three of us, Edd and Duane have been the top faces. That was great, but it’s led to a huge void between you two. I’m recovering as quickly as I can but I won’t make it back much before Super Slam. In the meantime – and even after my comeback – we desperately need to build up a couple of other guys the fans want to cheer, and we ALL need to help Jack do this.”[/I] Tamara interrupted her brother. [I]“So, we need to decide where to go with the DAVE angle. We either run it as we were going to – or we kill it off fairly quickly.”[/I] I looked over at her. [I]“How do we run it as we were going to, without Acid or any of the other top guys?” [/I] She smiled shyly. [I]“You’re not going to like this, Jack. But there is a way to get some top guys in if we need to. It might just mean making a deal with the Devil.” [/I] [QUOTE] From [url]www.notbpw.com[/url] Last night's Championship Wrestling ended with a massive shock, as a group from defunct hardcore American fed DAVE made their presence felt in North of the Border. What will that mean next Wednesday? Tune in to find out. The McWade Brothers are the architects of the DAVE Invasion, and they'll main event, taking on our own Stone Siblings! Meanwhile, their ally Eddie Peak will go up against fan favourite Tim Westybrook. Two more matches in the Victoria Stone tournament, as Tamara McFly takes on Roz Larren, and April Appleseed goes up against Emma Bitch. There's also a Women's title match, which sees Melody Cuthill defend against Grace Harper. In other action, singles wrestlers pair up as Mighty Cavanagh and Bulldozer Brandon Smith take on Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone, tag wrestlers go solo as Gregg Boone fights Omar Brown, Jason O'Conner grapples with Harrison Hash, and the Natural fights Alyssian Scottsfield.[/QUOTE] QUICK PICKS Tourney match : Tamara McFly vs Roz Larren Harrison Hash vs Jason O’Conner Omar Brown vs Gregg Boone Women’s Title match: Melody Cuthill vs Grace Harper Alyssian Scottsfield vs The Natural Mighty Cavanagh and Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone Tim Westybrook vs Eddie Peak Tourney match: April Appleseed vs Emma Bitch McWades vs Stones
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QUICK PICKS Tourney match : [B]Tamara McFly[/B] vs Roz Larren Harrison Hash vs [B]Jason O’Conner[/B] [B]Omar Brown[/B] vs Gregg Boone Women’s Title match: [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] vs Grace Harper Alyssian Scottsfield vs [B]The Natural[/B] [B]Mighty Cavanagh and Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone Tim Westybrook vs [B]Eddie Peak[/B] Tourney match: April Appleseed vs [B]Emma Bitch[/B] McWades vs [B]Stones[/B]
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[I]Excellent story here, and I second my enthusiasm for the DaVE vs. NOTBPW storyline. It's also somewhat interesting to see the ratings in the Canadian PGHW :p It's looking like the game is making it a bit harder on us, eh?[/I] Tourney match : [B]Tamara McFly[/B] vs Roz Larren [I]I never bet against a McFly, regardless of gender.[/I] [B]Harrison Hash [/B]vs Jason O’Conner [I]I take the former Panda Mask, as O'Conner is terrible in my eyes.[/I] [B]Omar Brown[/B] vs Gregg Boone [I]I really wish Brown could work in Japan, because I would make him a star.[/I] Women’s Title match: [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] vs Grace Harper [I]This one could go either way, as they're both great women's talents, but I went with the champion here.[/I] Alyssian Scottsfield vs [B]The Natural[/B] [I]I could see Scottsfield getting the win here just simply because of the DaVE influence, and he could be a good weapon against that. However, the Natural is a future world champion in my eyes, and I don't see him losing here.[/I] Mighty Cavanagh and Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [B]Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone[/B] [I]Should be quite a good match, except maybe for Cavanagh's involvement. I'm giving the win to the guys higher up the card, plain and simple.[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs Eddie Peak [I]Peak is in the main event, and Westybrook isn't. Tim has the talent to be there easily, but I don't think he's quite ready yet. Why'd I pick him to win then? I'm predicting some Stone-based shenanigans in this one.[/I] Tourney match: April Appleseed vs [B]Emma Bitch[/B] [I]I don't really know why, I just like Bitch better. Plus I picked McFly earlier, and so I gotta go with the heel in this one to face her.[/I] McWades vs [B]Stones[/B] [I]I'm picking the Stones here because they're the face of the company. Ten points if you have them lose though, which is quite possible given the angle.[/I]
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ourney match : [B]Tamara McFly[/B] vs Roz Larren [B]Harrison Hash[/B] vs Jason O’Conner [B]Omar Brown[/B] vs Gregg Boone Women’s Title match: Melody Cuthill vs Grace Harper Alyssian Scottsfield vs [B]The Natural[/B] Mighty Cavanagh and Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [B]Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone[/B] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs Eddie Peak Tourney match: April Appleseed vs [B]Emma Bitch[/B] [B]McWades[/B] vs Stones
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[B](OOC: Thanks for the predictions guys - especially hrdcoresidebrns, it's awesome to see some detailed feedback - but anything is welcome!)[/B] [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, Wednesday Week 4 January [/B][/CENTER] [B]Pre-show:Ash Campbell vs Craig Green[/B] Ash Campbell, son of DAVE legend Nemesis, gets a 5-minute dark match to show us if he’s as good as his father. In fairness, even his father would struggle to look good against the weaker half of the Playaz. Green goes over with the VIP pass. E+ rating. [B]Pre-show: J-Ro and Raven vs Wanda Fish and Steph Hazel[/B] Raven Nightfall makes her debut for us as we bring her in to join long-time partner Rodriguez. The pair look as good as ever, and get the win on 11 minutes when Raven hits the Night Faller on Fish. D rating. [B]Tourney: Tamara McFly vs Roz Larren[/B] The crowd look pleased to see Tamara back, and if it’s not as good as last week’s Larren match, it’s still a decent enough 7 minute opener. Tamara takes it with the McFly Roll. D- rating. [B]The Invasion Continues![/B] Post-match, the DAVE Invaders storm the ring. Dan and Jeremy Stone are quickly out to try to chase them off, but Wolverine and Tanner meet them on the outside and the four brawl. The McWades and Peak start to menace Tamara in the ring – until John Maverick runs down through the crowd, slides in and pulls her out! Tamara escapes through the crowd, as the McWades pummel on Mav – but the Stones have finally taken down Wolverine and Tanner, and charge in for the save. Jeremy and Dan start to help Maverick down the aisle, but he demands a mic and screams out a challenge to any of the DAVE Invaders, which Vin Tanner accepts. D- rating. [B]John Maverick vs Vin Tanner[/B] Matthew White gets rid of all of the Stones and Invaders apart from the two contestants here, and Tanner starts off hot, trying to capitalize on the beating Maverick has just taken. John manages a comeback, though, and unveils some new MMA-style moves, taking Tanner to the ground quickly and keeping him there until he can lock on the Deadly Silence for the tap-out on 7 minutes. Unfortunately, the pair never really seemed to click. D- rating. [B]Harrison Hash vs Jason O’Conner[/B] Hash is asked to carry Jason through the match, and does as good a job as can be expected. Our tag team division really does suck. 12 minutes in, the Deep Sleeper puts O’Conner away. D- rating. [B]Omar Brown vs Gregg Boone[/B] In what’s becoming a staple of tonight’s card, one half of a rubbishy tag team proves to be an equally bad singles wrestler. Omar goes over with the Anaconda Vice in 9 minutes. D rating. [B]Women’s Title match: Melody Cuthill vs Grace Harper[/B] Melody is probably one of our most consistent wrestlers so far, and puts on a reasonable bout with fellow face Grace Harper. Melody Maker for the win on 8 minutes. D rating. [B]Alyssian Scottsfield vs The Natural[/B] Nothing to see here, either. Natural after 7 minutes with a Nature Calls. D rating. [B]Mighty Cavanagh and Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone[/B] Bloodstone seems to have taken some lessons from Maverick, and is also busting out some MMA stuff. It’s an old finisher that wins it, though, the Bloodstone Mutilation on Cavanagh for the 10 minute win. D rating. [B]Tim Westybrook vs Eddie Peak [/B] Ouch – bad chemistry strikes, as these two never get going. 14 minutes in, Westybrook gets a submission victory with a Boston crab. D- rating. [B]Backstage Brawl[/B] Backstage, a wild brawl has broken out between the Stones and the McWades. B- rating. [B]Tourney match: April Appleseed vs Emma Bitch[/B] Payback victory for Emma, going over April in 6 minutes. E+ rating. [B]McWades vs Stones[/B] I have no idea what Dean McWade was doing here, but can I fire him for it? The big brawler stinks up the joint, before tapping out to Dan’s Stone Ankle Stretch after 10 minutes. C+ rating. [B][CENTER]C- rating overall.[/CENTER][/B]
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Wow didn't see Peak doing the job. Of course I have the Monkeypox version of him in my head, so I'm sure that doesn't help. Good show. Sucks about Dean not being any good. It seems your womens division is something to really hold on to. Great stuff
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Guest cmdrsam
I'll have to admit I kinda fell into love with C-Verse by accident. Now I have seen USPW, MAW, even NYCW diary's. Now with that being said I don't know alot about NOTPBW other than the Stone Family. So I'm relying on you to guide me thru them ok? I'll start posting picks when I get more familiar with them but so far I like what I see.
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