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Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone

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Welcome to... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! May 2009, week 1, Wednesday From the Sold-Out Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Battle Royal The Big Problem def. Acy Youngblood, Jimmy Foxx, Jordan, Moose, Speedball, Remus, Cougar, Dragon, and Smart in eleven minutes (D-) Backstage, The Jungle Rulers corner Kirk Jameson and make rather overt threats about his title. Kirk scoffs... but as they leave, he looks concerned (D+) SECOND MATCH Donnie J def. CLM in fourteen minutes via finisher (D-) Kirk goes to Fox with his fears of the Jungle Rulers interfering in both their matches. Fox brushes off the threat, saying he already has to worry about three people -- four isn't that much more of a problem (D) Championship Hype Video (D-). Why it's here, we don't know. THIRD MATCH Fumihiro Ota def. Ultimate Phoenix in sixteen minutes via Ninja Strike (D) FOURTH MATCH: CZCW Title Jungle Jack def. Stevie Greyson, Jack Griffith, and Fox Mask(c) in twenty-six minutes after Jungle Lauren comes out and.... does... and exotic jungle tribal dance to distract everyone while Jack rolls up Stevie for the win (C-) Jack and Lauren celebrate as they bring out the ladders for the main event (D+) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Ladder Match Jungle Lauren def. Kirk Jameson in twenty minutes after Jack returns to ringside and does the Jungle Dance to distract Kirk (C-) Show rating: D+ To be fair, we cheated a bit... as we were doing the writeup and typing up the last match, the power cord came out of the laptop. So when we rebooted, we shuffled a few matches around. Originally, it was the Xtreme Match getting a C, followed by a D CZCW Title match. I think it turned out better this way. But we're not going to make a habit of that.
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Where sometimes, you just gotta fish Legos out of the shower drain: Welcome to the Coastal Zone. And yes, that is a deep, existential pilosophy-like way of looking at life. Or maybe just a comment from my life. Take your pick. Ah, life with a four-year-old... CZCW Coastal Tour May 2009, week 1, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with the Jungle Rulers celebrating with the Jungle Dance, but of course Fox and Kirk come out, upset and demanding a rematch. The Jungle Rulers tell them that they'll give them a rematch... but not for singles titles, for the Tag Titles, at Surf Slam. (D+) OPENING MATCH The Big Problem def. California Love Machine in ten minutes via Chokeslam (E) SECOND MATCH Fumihiro Ota def. Rod Remus in six minutes via Ninja Strike (E+) Jack Griffith is out, and he calls Stevie Greyson down to the ring, blaming him for the debacle that was WttCZ's main event. Stevie blames Jack, and really, they're both wrong but they decide to interject themselves into the main event tonight anyway, and they'll settle things at Surf Slam (D) MAIN EVENT: Six-Man Tag Fox MAsk, Stevie Greyson, and Kirk Jameson def. Jungle Jack, Jungle Lauren, and Jack Griffith in twenty-one minutes via Fox Hunter (D+) Show rating: D Well, good main event, but we really need to find something else to follow it up with. We're also happy with The Big Problem's improements in Stamina. Slow week... Queen Emily began working for FCW... Marc Speed changed styles to SUper Junior... that's about it. CZCW Coastal Tour May 2009, week 2, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with Jack and Stevie getting in each other's faces backstage, until they decide to do 'pick your poison' tonight (D-) OPENING MATCH Marc Speed and Snap Dragon go to a double count-out by brawling all over the place (D-) Hype video for the tag team match at Surf Slam (D-) SECOND MATCH The Big Problem def. Stevie Greyson in twelve minutes via Chokeslam after Jack Griffith does a run-in (E+) MAIN EVENT JAck Griffith def. Fumihiro Ota in twenty-four minutes after multiple attempts at interference by Stevie Griffith (D) Show Rating: D Now as good as we'd hoped for those two, but still enough ot keep increasing our popularity in the Mid-South. We can't complain about that. On the next Coastal Zone: The build to Surf Slam continues. They lost their singles titles; can Fox Mask and Kirk Jameson pull it together as a team to get some revenge?
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Longing for the day when we can get a TV show on a decent network: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Seriously, we might be able to get an hour-long sow on Mexican TV and get a flatline for ratings... even ECW got better than that... CZCW Coastal Zone May 2009, week 3, Sunday Piper Casino, Southwest USA We open with the Jungle Rulers in the ring again, gloating again, when Fox and Kirk come out. Words are exchanged, etc, etc, etc, and we settle on tonight being 'switch opponents' night: Fox will face Lauren, and Jack will face Kirk, both in non-title matches (D+, D) OPENING MATCH Jungle Jack def. Kirk Jameson in eighteen minutes via finisher after interference from both Jungle Lauren and Fox Mask (C-) The Jungle Rulers then cut a promo on the pair, gloating about how next they're going to go 2 for 2 (D+) Hype video for the Stevie/Jack feud, to give the workers some rest (E+) MAIN EVENT Fox Mask def. Jungle Lauren in twenty-two minutes via finisher after interference by both Jungle Jack and Kirk Jameson (C-) Show Rating: D+. .... oh, come on, you're telling me that hype video knocked us out of C- range? Dammit... we almost had a C- show... Oh, well. But we're generating decent heat -- this may be the highest-rated tag match in our history. And a pair of C- matches on one show is nothing to sneeze at... for us.. which is, y'know, sad. And then, karma bites us. Sine he's working three, even four days a week, Jungle Jack has suffered a bruised tailbone, defeating Metle O'Curle in GCG. That's going to put a crimp in our plans... CZCW Coastal Tour May 2009, week 3, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Fox Mask & Kirk Jameson def. Air Force One in twelve minutes, despite the distraction of Jungle LAuren (D-) Fox and Kirk taunt Lauren, but Jack comes out and the war of words continues, with Fox and Kirk deciding that the Jungle Rulers need to have matches tonight... and Farrah agrees (D). Fox picks The Big Problem to face Jack (E+), and Kirk picks Remmy to face Lauren (E)... and these are title matches. SECOND MATCH: CZCW Title Jungle Jack(c) def. The Big Problem in nine minutes via DQ when Fox Mask runs in and blindsides him. TBP is less than happy (D-) Remmy Skye cuts a promo on Lauren, saying tonight he hopes her mind in on her little feud... so he can sneak in and grab her title (D-) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Ladder Jungle Lauren def. Remmy Skye in eighteen minutes despite Kirk Jameson's interference (and catching a ladder for his troubles) (D) Show rating: D Good news: Jack's tailbone healed up before our big show! It's on now! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: CZCW Surf Slam 2009!
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Welcome to CZCW Surf Slam 2009! June 2009, week 1, Wednesday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA DARK MATCH: Triangle Donnie J def. Ultimate Phoenix and Fumihiro Ota in nineteen minutes using the ropes for levereage (D+) OPENING MATCH California Love Machine def. Remmy Sky in fifteen minutes with a foreign object (E+) The Jungle Rulers cut a promo about the main event (D+) SECOND MATCH: Customary Battle Royale Snap Dragon def. everyone not used elsewhere tonight in twenty minutes (E+... I guess the battle royal mistique has worn off?) Stevie Greyson cuts a promo on Jack Griffith (D-) THIRD MATCH The Big Problem def. Rod Remus in ten minutes via Chokeslam (E+) Fox and Kirk cut a reponse promo on the Jungle Rulers (D) FOURTH MATCH: Last Man Standing Jack Griffith def. Stevie Greyson in eighteen minutes (D+) Main event hype video (D-) MAIN EVENT: Tag Title Ladder The Jungle Rulers def. Fox & Jameson in twenty-six minutes IN THE BEST MATCH IN RECENT ZONE HISTORY (C+) Show rating: C-! After a trio of sub-par matches, and a decent sub-main, we luck out and get one hell of a main event that turns an average show into a great show! W00t! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Yeah, nothing we can do will top that, so... we'll still try.
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Where we're back after a sudden laptop hard drive failure... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! I swear, the number of laptop hard drives I gothough, my crotch must be magnetic. There's a wrestling gimmick in that, somewhere. So, we had a new dominant heel tag team holding all our gold and so far thwarting all our heroes' attempts to get it back. Where do we go from here? CZCW Coastal Tour June 2009, week 1, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with Fox Mask in th ering, saying he played by the rules... he had the tag match... now, he wants his Championship back. He's not answered by Jungle Jack, he's answered by The Big Problem, who tells Fox to get the hell out of the way and let other people have a shot. YOu guessed it, we set up a match for tonight (D-) OPENING MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Marc Speed in twelve minutes via pinfall (D) After the match, Fox and Kirk discuss their options. "Look, you beat Lauren... you take my Xtreme Title shot. At least we'll have a good shot at getting one of the belts off them." "No. I want my belt, and I'm going to get my belt." (D+) SECOND MATCH: Tag Snap Dragon & Stevie Greyson def. Jack Griffith & JEremiah Moose in fifteen minutes via cheating pinfall (D-) Jungle Jack comes up to Fox backstage and wishes him luck tonight... because he's decided tonight's match is a #1 Contenders Match (D+) MAIN EVENT Fox Mask draws The Big Problem in ten minutes via double DQ (D) Farrah sighs and declares that Battle at the Beach will be a triple-threat match for the CZCW Title (D-) Show rating: D Anyway, a bit of a change... Welcome Back To The Coastal Zone, Pee-Wee Germaine! Why? Well, he's over a thousand a show less than Farrah. It should help us get back to four digits of loss per month instead of five. CZCW Coastal Tour June 2009, week 2, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA Backstage, The Big Problem mentions how tonight, everyone in the Championship Match is picking a partner for a tag title match tonight, and he needs a partner. It turns out he's talking to Ultimate Phoenix, who accepts (D-) OPENING MATCH Snap Dragon def. Ace Youngblood in fourteen minutes via finisher (E) Welcome to the Coastal Zone, Extraordinario Jr! He says he's here because it's the best place outside MExico to find luchadores... or at least, it used to be. So, c'mon, where's his competition? (E) SECOND MATCH: Lucha Masked Cougar def. Extraordinario Jr in fourteen minutes via finsiher (F+) Hype for Battle at the Beach (E+) MAIN EVENT: Tag Titles Jungle Rulers (c) def. Fox & Jameson and Problem & Phoenix in thirteen minutes via DQ when Phoenix clobbers Lauren with a small stepladder and throws his hat into the ring for the Xtreme Title (D+) Show rating: D- Okay, two really poor matches... but we got yet another high-level "Who knew?" great cehmistry note, as Problem and Pheonix do great together. Two high-level, great-chemistry teams? We'll have to take advanatage of that. On the next Coastal Zone: The build for Battle at the Beach continues, with two big title matches... and the first Battle At The Beach Tournament!
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Where we're proud to be part of a record-setting event, Welcome to the Coastal Zone! ... altho we'd rather the event be Zone related, instead of saying "Nine bucks of that $19 million The Dark Knight made at midnight were mine." I'll take what I can get. And, after yet another Slow News Week, here we go again! CZCW Coastal Tour June 2009, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH The Big Problem def. California Love Machinee in eleven minutes via chokeslam (E+) Afterwards, The Big Problem cuts a promo on Fox and Jack, telling them that come Battle at the Beach, they both will have to deal with a Big Problem (D-) SECOND MATCH: Tag Air Force One def. Masked Cougar & Extraordinario Jr in fifteen minutes after Dragon uses a foreign Accent (E) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Ladder Jungle Lauren(c) def. Fumihiro Ota in eighteen minutes (D+) Afterwards, Lauren cuts a promo on Phoenix (C-) Show rating: D And after yet another slow week... get a lot of slow weeks lately... CZCW Coastal Tour June 2009, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Air Force 1 def. Rod Remus & Remmy Skye in thirteen minutes after Remus turns on Skye and refuses to tag in, walking out on him (D) Ultimate Phoenix cuts a promo on Jungle Lauren... a rather old-school, ineffectual promo (E+) SECOND MATCH Donnie J def. Stevie Greyson in sixteen minutes via finisher (D-) Jungle Jack hypes the main event at BatB (E) MAIN EVENT: Three-Way Tag, Non-title Fox Mask & Kirk Jameson def. The Jungle Rulers and Burning Problem (Phoenix & Problem) in sixteen minutes (D+) Show rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: Jungle Jack vs Fox Mask vs The Big Problem! Jungle Lauren vs Ultimate Phoenix! And introducing: The Battle At The Beach Tournament!
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Welcome to CZCW Battle at the Beach 2009! July 2009, week 1, Wednesday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCHES: BATTLE AT THE BEACH QUARTERFINALS Donnie J def. JAck Griffith in ten minutes (C-) Remmy Skye def. Fumihiro Ota in eight minutes (D) Kirk Jameson def. California Love Machine in seven minutes (D-) Rod Remus def. Stevie Greyson in ten minutes (D-) Backstage, Jungle Lauren goes face to face with Ultimate PHoenix and, after a tense moment, offers a handshake... then fakes him out and kicks him in the nuts. Ow. (E+) BATTLE AT THE BEACH SEMIFINALS Kirk Jameson def. Donnie J in eleven minutes (C-) Rod Remus def. Remmy Skye in seven minutes (D) Fox Mask cuts a promo about the main event (D-) BATTLE AT THE BEACH FINALS Kirk Jameson def. Rod Remus in twelve minutes (D) with post-match celebration (D-) XTREME LADDER MATCH Jungle Lauren (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in fifteen minutes (C-) Main Event Hype Video (D-) CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH The Big Problem def. Fox Mask and Jungle Jack in ten minutes via CHokeslam on Jack (D+) Show rating: D+ Next, on the Coastal Zone: The Zone takes a shot to the gut. Seriously. Things were going so well, too...
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[QUOTE]We open with Emily and Farrah running down the three cage matches for tonight and reminding us that the losing girl will have to do whatever the winning girl says[/QUOTE] Love the diary so far its crisp and fastpaced just as the zone should be. Stil wondering what the winner made the other one do tough? All that build up and no Comedy/T&A payoff? Oh and if I remember correctly you said Jamison showed up in your destiny part of the creative meeting and vanished, that happens when they get to upper midcard/main event level, the AI kinda thinks they have reached their destiny by then, don´t worry he still has high destiny and hasn´t reached his skill/overness cap at all.
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Where we're starting to be noticed... unfortunately. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Well, TCW just hit Global size... and they're making a move on Jungle Jack, Jack Griffith, and Farrah Hesketh. Good thing we hired Pee-Wee... and good thing we made that decision in the main event... pity tho, that was a great team... CZCW Coastal Tour July 2009, week 1, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with Jack and Lauren irate at the Big Problem, and Jack begins outlining his plan to get his title back, but the two are interrupted by Fox and Kirk. Fox wants his title back from Jack... but since Jack doesn't have it, well, they'll take a tag match. And Kirk adds in that it'll be under Xtreme rules... which means, Lauren will have her second Ladder Match in under a week. (D) OPENING MATCH: CZCW Title The Big Problem (c) def. Jack Griffith in twelve minutes via Chokeslam (E+) and a short victory celebration (E+) MAIN EVENT: Tag Ladder Match Fox Mask & Kirk Jameson def. The Jungle Rulers(c) in twenty-eight minutes (C-) Show rating: D Well, we were hoping for TBP to do better, but... We would go on to lose Jungle Jack, Jack Griffith, and Farrah Hesketh to TCW. As stated earlier, we had Pee-Wee to handle reffing duties, but losking the two Jacks was going to be a bit of a blow... but you know what that makes our next show? That's right... a Job Them Out Special! And we'll include someone who's being a butt about their contract on that list as well... CZCW Coastal Tour July 2009, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: CZCW Title Donnie J def. The Big Problem(c) in twelve minutes after foreign object (E+) Afterwards, Jungle Jack comes out and says he wants that title back. Donnie shrugs and agrees to a match later tonight (D) SECOND MATCH Fox Mask def. Jack Griffith in eighteen minutes via Fox Hunter (D) (Yeah, they would -both- be off their game tonight) We announce the first match for Wave of Fury: Jungle Lauren defending the CZCW Xtreme Title against Remmy Skye (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Donnie J (c) def. Jungle Jack in eigghteen minutes via finisher (D+) Show Rating: D Yeah, Big Problem would be leaving us shortly, as he for some reason didn't recognize the title run we gave him and refused to negotiate with us... so we took the title off him ASAP. Big Jerk. On the next Coastal Zone: Damage Control. Special Programming Note: Anyone remember about a year and a half ago when I did a short dynasty called WWE: Aftermath, about what happens in the WWE after a plane crash takes out several dozen workers and staff, including Vince, Steph, Cena, and HBK... and then I stopped updating it after one of the WWE's planes suffered an engine failure and I got a little freaked out by the coincidence? Well... it's back, and I've got a year's worth of stuff to catch up on... Look for it updating twice a week in a dynasty section near you!
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;467924] Special Programming Note: Anyone remember about a year and a half ago when I did a short dynasty called WWE: Aftermath, about what happens in the WWE after a plane crash takes out several dozen workers and staff, including Vince, Steph, Cena, and HBK... and then I stopped updating it after one of the WWE's planes suffered an engine failure and I got a little freaked out by the coincidence? Well... it's back, and I've got a year's worth of stuff to catch up on... Look for it updating twice a week in a dynasty section near you![/QUOTE] YES! I am stoked for this! I don't do real life dynasties unless they are completely reality changing. You know, like Vince being Satan. What? That's not different than reality? Well, crap.
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Subject to raiding by the bigger feds since... well, the day we were born. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So in the space of one week, we've lost arguebaly the best man on the roster and part of a dominant tag team (Jungle Jack), a guy who had great chemistry with Fox Mask and could put on good matches with several peopl e(Jack Griffith), our ref/announcer/jill of all trades (Farrah) and one-half of a well-performing potential future tag team with Phoenix (Problem). This... sucked. CZCW Coastal Tour July 2009, week 3, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA Runtime Error 381. ... let's try that again... okay, here goes. OPENING MATCH: 10 Man Mayhem Newcomer Yusuke Takahama def. Speedball, Moose, Reeves, Extraordinate, Jackpot, Smart, Cougar, Ace, and Remus (E+) Donnie J makes an open challenge for tonight (D-) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Fox & Kirk (c) def. Remmy Skye & TBP in ten minutes when Jungle Lauren shows up to distract Remmy, and Fox & Kirk simply bury TBP with speed moves (D) Afterwards, Lauren cuts a long promo about how Remmy isn't Xtreme anymore... he's a joke, the world's youngest has-been (D+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Donnie J (c) def. Ultimate Poenix in seventeen minutes via finisher (D) Show Rating: D We admit, we're in a holding pattern right now... Wave of Fury is mostly going to suck because our plans have been really derailed. And speaking of Derailed: Yusuke Takahama won last night's Ten Man Mayhem match, but not without... BREAKING HIS FREAKIN' NECK???? Oh, good god... how in the... See, this is why we don't hire peopel from overseas. They're deceptively fragile. CZCW Coastal Tour July 2009, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Masked Cougar def. Mark Smart in five minutes via finisher (E+) SECOND MATCH Air Force 1 def. Speedball & Jackpot in nine minutes (E+) Remmy Skye cuts a promo on Jungle Lauren (E+) THIRD MATCH Remmy Skye def. Rod Remus via pinfall (D-) MAIN EVENT: Tag Titles Jungle Lauren & Fumihiro Ota def. Fox & Kirk (c) in twenty minutes when Remmy runs down and attacks Lauren, getting Fox & Kirk DQed (D+). Remmy continues the attack after the bell (E) Show rating: D On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Wave of Fury. And since it'll suck, we'll give you a head-to-head preview of SWF vs TCW!
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Padding out bad shows with filler? Sure, why not. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! As promised, it's SWF vs TCW Head-To-Head! SWF has the edge in importance right now... Champions: SWF's World Heavyweight Championship is B+ prestige, held by Christian Faith on his fifth reign. The North American title (C prestige) belong to Angry Gilmore (third reign). The Shooting Star champion (E- prestige) is Steven Parker (Former Zoner James Prudence held it from March 2009 to... oh, last week), and the Tag Titles (C- prestige) are held by Elmo and Groucho (third reign). In TCW, the World Heavyweight Championship (B prestige) is held by Tyson Baine (third reign). The International title (C+) is Shawn Gonzales' for the first time. The All Action title (E+) belongs to Edd Stone, and the Tag Champs (D+) are Rick Law and Eddie Peak. Looking at it title-wise, we have to give the edge to SWF here. Main Eventers: SWF has Angry Gilmore, Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Joe Sexy, Lobster Warrior, Remo, Rich Money, Runaway Train, Steve Frehley, and Vengance. TCW has John Anderson, Ricky Dale Johnson, Sam Keith, Scout, Sean McFly, Tommy Cornell, Troy Tornado, and Tyson "BLZ Bubb" Baine . Based on sheer numbers, SWF gets the edge here again. Other workers of note (Meaning, non-main-eventers and non-title-holders with B- or higher momentum): TCW has Brent "Wrestling Machine #2" Hill, Clark Alexander, Dan Stone Jr, Freddy Huggins, Genghis Rahn, Guide, Joey Minnesota, Rocky Golden, Sammy Bach, and Wolf Hawkins. SWF has Atlas, Big Smack Scott, Brandon James, Cheetah Boy, Chris Caufield, Fred Antonio Garcia, Jack Geidyroc, James Prudence, John Greed, Kurt Laramee, Marc DuBois, Robbie Retro, and Valiant. That's 10 to 13, SWF wins. Former Zoners: TCW has Mikey James, Jack MArlow, Jack Griffith, Farrah Hesketh, and Plague. SWF has Citizen X, James Prudence, and Matt Sparrow. e give this one to TCW. So, yes, SWF is still firmly in the #1 spot, but TCW has the all-important 'Zone Boost' from STEALING OUR MAIN EVENT!!!!! CZCW Wave Of Fury 2009 August 2009, week 1, Wednesday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Neckbreaker Battle Royal CLM def. Ace, Extra, Foxx, Jackpot, Moose, Cougar, Remus, Dragon, and Pheonix in ninteen minutes (D) Backstage, all the main eventers are in a shouting match over who gets to face Donnie J tonight. Eventually, EMily cuts into the live feed and says "Why don't you all fiht it out?" (D-) SECOND MATCH: 30 Minute Ultimate Submission Kirk Jameson def. Marc Speed, Three taps to one (D) Jungle Lauren cuts a long promo on Remmy (D-) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Jungle Lauren(c) def. Remmy Skye in ninteen minutes (D+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Donnie J def. Fox Mask, Fumihiro Ota, and Stevie Greyson in twenty-four minutes by pinning Ota (D) Show rating: D Hrm. That was... dissapointing, but not by much. We knew that would suck. Now... to see what we can do about it... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Ch-ch-ch-changes...
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Barrelling towards the future without a road map: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Well... last time we needed direction, we booked two shows ahead and took advantage of the extra time to hype matches... so let's try that again. We'll just treat Reach For The Sky as a typical show, and book stuff for Hardcore Halloween. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2009, week 1, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with Donnie J celebrating the fact he walked out of a four-way match retaining his belt, when out comes Ultimate Phoenix who challenges him for the title. Donnie accepts (D-) OPENING MATCH CLM def. Extraordinario Jr in eight minutes via cheating (E) SECOND MATCH Stevie Greyson def. Fumihiro Ota in nineteen minutes via pinfall (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Donnie J (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in sixteen minutes via finisher (D) After the main event, Stevie Greyson returns and makes a challenge to Donnie J... not tonight, they're both tired... but in, say, two months? (D-) Show Rating: D- Well, gotta admit, we were hoping for better. But, amist the flurry of re-signings going on, we picked up another new talent, Island Boy Apollo. We figured he was young enough to pick up some techniccal or flying skills. Hopefully he'd last longer than the last new guy. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2009, week 2, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. Jackpot Jordan in nine minutes via finisher (E-) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One def. Fox & Kirk (c) in seventeen minutes via pinfall after ref distraction (D) Afterwards, Fox and Kirk argue over who's fault it was that they just lost their tag titles... again... and nearly come to blows over it (E+) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Title Jungle Lauren (c) def. Remmy Skye in seventeen minutes via finisher (D-) Afterwards, Lauren announces the new rules for Xtreme Contendership. Anyone who wants a shot at her has to beat two other people who want a shot at her. So let the games begin (D) Show Rating: D- On the next Coastal Zone: Who said Lauren can make the rules? Are our top faces fighting amongst themselves? Can the new guy put on a better match if we give him a good opponent?
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Where we're already sick of the message 'Yusuke Takahama not available for this show'... but if we fire him, we have to find someone to take his spot on the roster. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2009, Week 3, Sunday Piper Casino, Southwest USA We open with Fox and Kirk in the ring, arguing about last week. The two both still blame each other for losing, so they'll settle it here tonight (D-) OPENING MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. American Flash in eight minutes via finisher (F) Backstage, Kirk rants about Fox (D) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. Ace Youngblood & Rex Reeves in ten minutes via Dragon's Breath (D+) Fox rants about Kirk backstage (D-) MAIN EVENT Fox Mask draws Kirk Jameson due to 20-minute time limit (D+) Show Rating: D- Wow... not only did our jobbers not click, they lacked flow in the middle of an eight-minute match? Well... maybe it's time to get a new class of jobbers. Eh. Maybe next month. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2009, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. Island Boy Apollo & Extraordinario Jr in eleven minutes via finisher (E+) Stevie Greyson says that tonight, he's going to show Donnie J what's in store for him at Hardcore Halloween (D-) SECOND MATCH Stevie Greyson def. a really botching-it Fumihiro Ota in seventeen minutes via pinfall (E+) Backstage, Fox and Kirk yell at each other some more (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Donnie J (c) def. Fox Mask due to interference from Kirk Jameson, despite interference from Stevie Greyson (D) Show Rating: D-. And not a good enough D- to raise our popularity, like some have been. Hrm. So... right. Well, CZCW Reach For The Sky is next!
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[QUOTE=Nightshadeex;470462]I thought you said you wanted to put him up against [I]better[/I] talent. I am amazed you've still stuck with The American Flash.[/QUOTE] I supposse its possible The American Flash is marked has having awesome potential. At the very least, he looks awesome.
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CZCW Reach For The Sky 2009! September 2009, week 1, Wednesday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Remmy Skye def. Fumihiro Ota in ten minutes via finisher (D) Donnie J announces that tonight, he'll be defending the Coastal Zone title... for the first time... in a Loser Battle Royal. All the scrubs get to compete with him! (D-) SECOND MATCH Extraordinario Jr def. CLM in nine minutes (E) Kirk Jameson challenges Fox to a half-hour Iron Man Match, since 20 minutes wasn't enough time two days ago (D) THIRD MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. Remus & Cougar in eleven minutes (D-) Fox accepts Kirk's challenge (D) FOURTH MATCH: Xtreme Title Jungle Lauren (c) def. Ultimte Phoenix in nineteen minutes via finisher as we forget all about the Xtreme Tournament. (D+) Stevie Greyson informs us that he's wormed his way into the Loser Battle Royal... so tonight, the only loser is going to be Donnie J. And the, uh, other eight guys in the match (D) FIFTH MATCH: 30 Minute Iron Man Fox Mask draws Kirk Jameson in 30 minutes (C-) MAIN EVENT: Loser Battle Royal for CZCW Title Donnie J (c) def. Ace, Apollo, Jackpot, Moose, Speedball, Smart, Rex, Flash, and Stevie Greyson in fourteen minutes (D-) Show rating: D- Well, at least we're not -losing- popularity.
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Y'know, technically, the mid-south includes Texas, so we -do- still have a coast there. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! The end-of-year report's going to have a long list of people who retired this year. Some shockers. But nothing really affects us. CZCW Coastal Tour September 2009, week 1, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Remmy Skye in seventeen minutes via finisher (D+) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Jungle Lauren(c) def. Rod Remus in sixteen minutes (D) Kirk then comes out and argues how he should have had that title shot. Lauren scoffs (D-) MAIN EVENT Stevie Greyson def. Ultimate Phoenix in nine minutes (D-) Stevie then hypes his match with Donnie J at Hardcore HAlloween (E+) Show Rating: D- Y'know, sooner or later we're going to have to bite the bullet and make a full-on push to try and rise a popularity level in the Southwest... we're just not comfortable thinking we can do that yet. But we're hitting the point where we can't reliably get a popularity raise in the Midsouth on a regular basis anymore. And we'll fix that by hiring on a few (relatively) big names to provide our guys some competition. CZCW Coastal Tour September 2009, week 2, Southwest Piper Casino, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. Rod Remus & Marc Speed in five minutes via flash pin on Remus (D-) Stevie Greyson comes out to remind us all Donnie J is scared of him. Donnie J is out to say he's not scared, and to prove it, there's a match tonight... a tag match. And to make it fair, Donnie brought someone Stevie can beat... or, y'know, maybe not. Donnie's friend turns out to be... Genio Verde, now on a full Zone contract! Stevie looks shocked for ten seconds, then says, "Wow... I thought I was the only one who got a friend of mine a contract last weekend. Donnie, meet my partner... Teddy Powell!" (D) SECOND MATCH Fumihiro Ota def. Kirk Jameson, despite a Fox Mask distraction, when Jungle Lauren interferes in fifteen minutes (D-). Oh, yeah, they don't click... forgot. After the match, Kirk and Lauren argue over wether Kirk deserves a title shot (D). And backstage, Ota gets in Fox's face about showing respect, and Fox reminds Ota he's a former champion, and Ota's the one who acts like he owns the place (D-) MAIN EVENT: Tag Stevie Greyson & Teddy Powell def. Donnie J & Genio Verde in seventeen minutes, Stevie pins Donnie (D) Show Rating : D- I know what you're thinking. The main even got a D? How? Well... turns out Tevie and Teddy have no chemistry. Who knew? Hopefully things will get better when we use our two new signings... and one more we're hopingg to get shortly... in singles matches. On the next Coastal Zone: We lose two main eventers, we hire three more. Who's the third man enteringg the Zone?
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Where one day we'll have someone enter the Hall of Immortals. That day: Sometime in 2035. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Yeap, new member of the HoI: Dread. Good for him. Never saw that much in him myself, but I'm not on the HoI board. Oh, and we didn't get our third man; we wanted to focus on his other contract. Well, we still got two people, so that's good. CZCW Coastal Tour September 2009, week 3, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. Extraordinario & Cougar in eleven minutes via DQ in eleven minutes (E+) SECOND MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Teddy Powell in fourteen minutes via DQ when Jungle Lauren runs in and attacks Kirk in front of the ref (D+) Genio comes out and spends some time mocking Teddy, and Teddy eventually invites Genio to try his luck at Hardcore Halloween (D-) Backstage, Jungle Lauren explains why she's been attacking Kirk: not to prove he doesn't deserve a shot; he does. In fact, he's had the shot for weeks now and hasn't realized it. She's just softening him up first (D-) MAIN EVENT Genio Verde def Ultimate Phoenix in nineteen minutes via DQ (Sense a theme for the night?) when Teddy runs in and attacks him (D) Show rating: D- Genio and Phoenix don't click? Odd. They had a B- match in Mexico back in July. Stupid American fans don't appreciate good Luchadores... Joining Dread in the Hall of Immortals: Sam Keith. That one, makes sense to me. And finally, Stevie Greyson is sucking up to Queen Emily in online interviews. Always good to have one of the announce team on your side, right? Annnnd the freakin' power cord came out again. Argh. I forget if anything happened between that show and the next, to be honest... I think it was just re-signing people. CZCW Coastal Tour (Recreation from history files) September 2009, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA Air Force One (c) def. Island Boy APollo & Jeremiah Moose to retain the Tag Titles (D-) Teddy Powerll def. Fumihiro Ota after interference from Fox Mask (D) Donnie J & Jungle Lauren def. Kirk Jameson & Steview Greyson (D+) Show Rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: Hardcore Halloween! DonnieJ vs Stevie Greyson! Jungle Lauren vs Kirk Jameson! Fox vs Ota! Genio vs Powell! And probably a filler match. (Side note: If you'd like to donate to the 'buy infinitywpi a battery for his laptop so he doesn't have to worry about the damn power cord anymore' fund, please let me know. Only $80 to go...)
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Welcome to CZCW Hardcore Halloween 2009! October 2009, week 1, Wednesday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with CLM complaining he doesn't have a match tonight. OUt comes Remmy Skye to offer an oppertunity. OUt comes Rod Remus to say he'd rather get the match. Ultimate PHoenix comes out and tells everyone to quit complaining -- they'll have a tag match (D-) OPENING MATCH: Tag Remmy Skye & Ultimate Phoenix def. CLM & Rod Remus in eleven minutes via pinfall (E+, every single one of them off their game) Backstage, Fox and Ota argue over respect again (D-) SECOND MATCH Genio Verde draws Teddy Powell in twenty minutes due to time limit (C-) Kirk Jameson hypes up his title shot (D) THIRD MATCH Fox Mask def. FUmihiro Ota in eighteen minutes via finisher (D) Donnie J hypes up the main event (D-) FOURTH MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson def. Jungle Lauren (c) in eighteen minutes (C!!) Obligatory main event hype video (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Stevie Grayson def. Donnie J (c) in twenty-two minutes via finisher (D+) Show rating: D+
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Plans to expand should be made carefully, worked out for months, and then acted upon... not simply jumped into. But then, Welcome to the Coastal Zone! The Mid-South can hold for a month. We're going to make a big push to raise our popularity with a string of Southwest shows. We're hoping that, with the new talent and new titleholders, we can pull off multiple D+ shows. Of course, we're doing this without build-up, so... What could possibly go wrong? CZCW Coastal Tour October 2009, week 1, Sunday Piper Casino, Southwest USA We open with Stevie Grayson celebrating his new title, and asking if anyone wants a title shot. The first person out gets one... and dit's Remmy Skye! (D) OPENING MATCH: CZCW Title Stevie Greyson (c) def. Remmy Skye in seventeen minutes via pinfall (D+) Kirk Jameson comes out and says he'll make this a theme night... who wants an Xtreme shot? The first one out is... it's a rematch, it's Lauren! (D) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson (c) def. Jungle Lauren in twenty-four minutes (D+) Show Rating: D+ We were honestly hoping to pull a C- out of that somewhere... but we'll take it! CZCW Coastal Tour October 2009, week 2, Sunday Piper Casino, Southwest USA We open with Donnie J complaining. Jungle Lauren got a rematch... why not him? Out comes Teddy Powell to tell Donnie he's not the one who should be complaining... he should be theo ne getting a title shot. You guessed it, we'll settle it tonight! (D) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson (c) def. CLM in nine minutes (D-) Donnie J cuts a promo on Teddy (D) SECOND MATCH Genio Verde def. Masked Cougar in thirteen minutes via finisher (E+???) Teddy cuts a promo on Donnie (D-) MAIN EVENT Teddy Powell def. Donnie J in eighteen minutes via finisher (D) Show Rating: D ... wow, our Lucha contingent is doing horribly this dynasty. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The push for more popularity continues as we shove our new stars down people's throats. But will the undercard get upset that they're not being used?
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Where we think the Japanese wrestlers in this game are way too fragile: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Yasunobu Masuno, one of the biggest native wrestlers in Japan, severed his spinal column. Some other midcarder disaligned his. The guy we brought over had a broken neck; do the JApanese have geneticly weak spines and necks? Ultimate Phoenix is now solely ours, having left MPWF. No idea who's choice that was, really. We'd have to make a decision to either use him more often, or just use his aging reputation to try to make someone else's rep. Given our history, what d oyou think we're choosing? CZCW Coastal Tour October 2009, Week 3, Sunday Piper Casino, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. Ace Youngblood & Jackpot Jordan (D-) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Title Kirk Jameson (c) def. Fox Mask in eighteen minutes via DQ (C-) Fox complains about Kirk not showing him respect, so he's going to force some respect out of him. Kirk calls Fox jealous, and the two decide on a rematch to finish off the year (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Stevie Grayson (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in nineteen minutes via pinfall (D). Show Rating: D I'm starting to think we just need to make the Xtreme Title our main event for all the shows... MAW has hit Regional size. We are now officially -way- behind the curve. CZCW Coastal Tour October 2009, week 4, Sunday Piper Casino, Southwest USA We open with Kirk Jameson cutting a promo, telling Fox Mask that he's going to show what respect is all about... tonight, he'll face the man Fox refused to respect, FUmihiro Ota, because he deserves a title shot... and Fox doesn't. (D+) OPENING MATCH: CZCW Title Stevie Greyson (c) def. CLM in ten minutes via finisher (E+) Stevie then makes an open challenge for whatever our November show is (D-) SECOND MATCH: Battle Royale Jungle Lauren def. Ace, Extra, Apollo, Jackpot, Moose, Speedball, Cougar, Remus, and Flash in eighteen minutes (D-) Lauren then accepts Greyson's open challenge (D) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Title Kirk Jameson (c) def. Fumihiro Ota in fifteen minutes via pinfall (D-) Show rating: D- Hrm. Did we know Ota and Jameson had bad chemistry? Lemme check... yeap, just two months ago. Gah. To continue the 'Japanese Wrestlers Are Fragile' theory: Mito Miwa, Spinal Disalignment, three months. On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Showdown at Sundown! Grayson vs Lauren! And probably other stuff... but it's more than we had planned for last year's show!
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Welcome to CZCW Showdown at Sundown! November 2009, week 1, Wednesday New Mexico Armory, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. Island Boy Apollo & Rod Remus in fourteen minutes when Remus over-reacts to a slightly hard tag by slugging Apollo in the face and walking off, leaving him alone (D-) Afterwards, Apollo calls Remus back to the ring, and demands revenge... at Christmas Chaos. (E) Backstage, Air Force One celebrates by making an open challenge for Christmas Chaos (E+) SECOND MATCH Fox Mask def. Remmy Skye in twenty-two minutes via Foxhunter (D+) Backstage, Stevie Greyson goes off on a rant about how everyone thinks Lauren's going to win the title because of her Xtreme title reign... well, he's more than extreme, he's mainstream (D-) Backstage, Jungle Lauren lets us know she knows Stevie Greyson, and goes down a list of his acomplishments and matches in 'the big leagues'. But he's in her league now, and she's going to show why it's her league (D-) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Title Kirk Jameson (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty minutes via DQ when Fox Mask chairs the crap out of both of them (D+) Fox then rants and raves at Kirk and how the newcomer thinks he's better than the vets, when he isn't (D-). But he's interrupted by Phoenix, who's really ticked off and wants revenge... next week on the Coastal Tour (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Stevie Greyson (c) def. Jungle Lauren in twenty-seven minutes via illegal choke hold. (C-) As Lauren recovers, she gets angry, shoving Pee-Wee for not noticing the choke, and demands a rematch... which Queen Emily grants her, for Christmas Chaos (D) Show Rating: D+ Yes, we have a card for next month already in place! Things are looking up...
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