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Improving Wrestlers

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I'm pretty new to this game and i was just wondering how much wrestlers can improve. now i've seen people like Jacob Jett on the old game improve dramatically. But my question is, is their parameters to improvement. For example do they have to wrestle to improve? Or is it more effective to send them to development. I take it that some improve more than others but do some not improve at all. Is a worker likely to go from a D to a B in 5 years? i'd appreicate as much info as possible.
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First off improvement is done by a mix of a number of stats so just because worker A (let's say Jacob Jett) improves a lot during one game he may not improve at all during another game. So the limits of improvement are some what mutable each game. Secondly how fast workers improve is also mutable. There are certain stats I want to say destiny but I'm sure there are others that effect it, that determine how quickly a worker will improve. In one game Jett me increase is psychology at .8% per match and in another he may only increase at .1% per match and sometimes not at all. Wrestlers need to wrestle to improve. Whether they're wrestling 5 matches a month for you (1 a week plus a big event) or they are in a development territory wrestling one match a month they need to wrestle to improve their skills. Learn by doing. So each wrestler in each game has a different level of the heights he can reach and how fast he can get there. It means you may try and groom one worker and he will never go past a certain point or it takes you 10 years instead of 5 years to get him to the main event or you may get a worker that develops into a main eventer in a matter of 2 or 3 years. Its really the joy of trying.
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I think you're getting confused with developmental workers. Workers on Development contracts will improve whether the child promotion runs shows or not (as long as they're not at their potential already, of course). Unemployed workers generally don't improve much unless they wrestle independent shows. Neither do employed workers who don't wrestle. For reference: Jacob Jett in 2014, after consistent employment throughout (with various promotions. He really is a promotion-whore :p) has C+ Brawling (up from C-) B Aerial (up from B-), A Flashiness (up from B+), C+ Mat Wrestling (up from C), B Basics (up from B-), B Safety (B-), C+ Psychology (D). So not a huge improvement, but he was already brilliant, and don't forget it's limited by the Potential stat, which by default is random for most people. Rex Reeves, who's been unemployed since the start of the game (:'( where's LDW when you need it, eh Rex?) has: E- Brawling (E-), D Aerial (D), D- Flashiness (D-), E- Mat Wrestling (E-) , C- Basics (C-), C Safety (C), E Psychology (E). In a seperate game, I'm only in 2012 and Jett has B- Psychology already, most of his other stats are at or near his 2014 level too, so obviously he's got a better Potential in this one. Interestingly, in this game he never worked for NOTBPW, so didn't even get taught by the Stones like he did in the 2014 game.
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I wouldn't go as far as to say it's 'predetermined'. A worker with excellent potential still might not reach it depending on a number of other factors. But a worker with crap potential is unlikely to make it big. All that's changed is that instead of their potential being worked out by a formula involving Star Quality and... er... other stuff (Charisma, IIRC, was another factor), it's an explicit stat now.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;433396] Rex Reeves, who's been unemployed since the start of the game (:'( where's LDW when you need it, eh Rex?) has: E- Brawling (E-), D Aerial (D), D- Flashiness (D-), E- Mat Wrestling (E-) , C- Basics (C-), C Safety (C), E Psychology (E). [/QUOTE] That's not very uplifting for me. Rex happened to be my first signing in my MAW game :( (although he was hired to be a jobber to my massively heel roster)
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JOBBER?!?! How very dare you. Rex Reeves is a champion of fantastic pedigree ¬_¬ Over a year as undefeated LDW Champion (except the bit where he was defeated, but it didn't count). In more serious news, that was just an example of the fact that unemployed workers don't improve much/at all. If he's working for you, he'll soon become the paragon of wrestling talent that we all know he can be. ¬_¬ And if not... well, at least you didn't hire Dusty Bin. You didn't hire Dusty Bin, right?
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;433694]I swaer one of these days I'm going to take dusty bin and make hima huge star.[/QUOTE] I plan to turn Bigger Dan Ewe into a huge star in Europe if I can... And in my USPW game I managed to turn The Idaho Punisher into a star. Shocking stuff.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;433603]JOBBER?!?! You didn't hire Dusty Bin, right?[/QUOTE] Dusyt Bin...??? Hmm, maybe needs to be my next jobber. I am hoping that Rex Reeves may just learn a bit and advance to my midcard later on in his career. We never know Dusty Bin or Reeves may be the next Cornellverse version of Arn Anderson :eek:
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[QUOTE=alden;433537]Isn't it all based on the potential stat now? I might be wrong but how good a wrestler can be is now predetermend isn't it?[/QUOTE] Anyway, ignoring the Dusty Bin talk, the answer to this question is no. Potential being set to "Random" means that there potential to increase is based on destiny, star quality, charisma and other stuff. Basically as it used to be. Potential is just there so historical mods can ensure future stars have the capability to be huge.
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[QUOTE=Gnrfan;433378]Is a worker likely to go from a D to a B in 5 years? i'd appreicate as much info as possible.[/QUOTE] Unless things have changed drastically since 07, I would say that in five years you can turn a prospect into a superstar - I certainly had one guy jump four letter grades in some skills in a year under my tutelage in 07. Granted that may have been 3.001 letter grades in reality, but still - he wasn't wrestling every show, and not always against the best opponents either. Your future stars will shoot up the charts. Your perennial openers won't. But there's always that random factor... ;)
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