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Developmental Territories

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I'm planning on restarting my game with TCW (they are still at the National rating in my current game) and was wondering if anyone had a recommendation on which I should use as a Developmental Territory. I'm using MAW in my current game, but I don't feel it's really worth it, because of their lack of events. Any Ideas!?
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In 2007 I usually went for two territories. I'd use MAW to train my Brawler, Technicians and like minded regular workers. I'd use CZCW to train my future All-Action division stars Cruisers, Juniors, Luchadors and like minded regular wrestlers. TCW Usually had so much cash I'd just yout right hire all the guys I was ever thinking of using to a development contract and laod up both territories.
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Erm...[quote]#16: Development Territories The way development territories work has been overhauled in 08, in order to make them simpler to use and more effective. There are several modifications that have been made. The system for sending people to and from development has now been made much simpler, and is done simply by clicking a Send \ Recall button when viewing a worker. People can be moved around at will, there is no longer any negotiations necessary. When sending someone to a development territory you can now give them a reason \ focus. This can be; skill development, conditioning, to remove ring rust, or to act as a trainer for other workers. Development territories remain as separate organizations that are run by the AI, but a slight change is that the "parent" company now has to pay some of the "child" promotion's costs. This is to make up for the fact that you have such a large say in their booking by lieu of the fact that you can move people in and out of the promotion at will. [b]The speed that a worker will develop has also been altered, to allow characters to improve at a more realistic rate. This is done by having him improve on days when he is not wrestling, to simulate the fact that he is training. Therefore, even if the promotion is only running one show a month, the worker can still improve quite a lot.[/b] As usual, the level of improvement depends on their personality, their Destiny, their maximum possible skill levels, and who they have to train with.[/quote]
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[QUOTE=alanreao;433854]It still helps to have someone work matches. You can see who he has chemistry with, and how he actually performs.[/QUOTE] Actually you can't see who he has chemistry with. The only way you can see that is to have him wrestle for you.
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Also, keep in mind that the max size a development territory can be is CULT this time (it was REGIONAL in 07). That can be huge, as you can conceivably have a development territory with their own TV AND Pay per views. That could help them keep their cashflow situation straight while running lots of events. Also, remember that you can send them your stars to work their shows and give them a little boost (just like in real life). Imagine what would happen with a CZCW (as in Apu's example) if Wolf Hawkins showed up for one of their TV shows or PPVs. Dev territories involve a lot more strategy this time around. For TCW, I'd go with Apu's suggestion OR make one of the "new" promotions active and set it up to fit TCW so it would be an RIPW kind of thing, without impacting the existing game world. Give the dev promotion the exact same product as TCW so you know for sure who would fit with the parent promotion.
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