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I thought Regional battles only took place if you had multiple feds in the same region? Held a show in my test fed's home-region, the Great Lakes, and sure enough at the end of the month I apparently fought in three regional battles (the other two in Tri-State and Mid Atlantic) and placed second in the Great Lakes (hurting what will already be a rather slow rise to Cult) Could someone please explain to me what's going on? Thanks in advance.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;433931]I thought Regional battles only took place if you had multiple feds in the same region? Held a show in my test fed's home-region, the Great Lakes, and sure enough at the end of the month I apparently fought in three regional battles (the other two in Tri-State and Mid Atlantic) and placed second in the Great Lakes (hurting what will already be a rather slow rise to Cult) Could someone please explain to me what's going on? Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE] I got the same message. I assumed it had to do woith spillover regions or the fact that my shows went out on the internet.
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I did have some spill-over, but I neglected to put my shows out on the internet (as it was just a test run, and I was more concerned with the "can I make money" part.) On a side note about overness, after examining my roster I have only seen TWO change in popularity across the board. Was in Jungle Jack for beating Jack Griffith in the Main Event for a C? Genio Verde for cutting that surprisingly good promo? Perhaps American Machine winning of the mid-level belt was one of those changes? No, none of those guys gained popularity and none of their opponents lost any. Instead, Blackjack Robbins and Whisky Jack gained 2% overness for LOSING the tag titles match to the Dirty White Boys. Go figure.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;433931]I thought Regional battles only took place if you had multiple feds in the same region?[/QUOTE] 'Have' is a nebulous term. if more than one Small or Regional fed has a certain amount of popularity in a region, it'll trigger a battle. I rather like that Small and Regional feds gets Regional batters, National/iner/Global feds get National battles, but any number of Cult feds can co-exist...
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Regional Battle (from the help files) Regional battles work almost identically to national battles. Each region in the game world is checked, and [b]a promotion becomes eligible if it fits two criteria; they must be of Small or Regional size, and have between an F grade and a D+ (inclusive; so a D+ grade means you are eligible) popularity in that region. Please note that it is raw popularity that is measured, not importance. A promotion does not have to have run a show in the region to be eligible.[/b] As before, touring promotions are not eligible unless they toured during the month. So there's yours problemses.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;433944]'Have' is a nebulous term. if more than one Small or Regional fed has a certain amount of popularity in a region, it'll trigger a battle. I rather like that Small and Regional feds gets Regional batters, National/iner/Global feds get National battles, but any number of Cult feds can co-exist...[/QUOTE] Pfft, Cult feds have enough problems :p
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