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Phew, it's only Powell. His mouth annoyed me, is that a legitimate reason to dislike someone? Also, since when is Jefferson blonde? :p [B]Riley McManus[/B] vs. Curtis Jenkins Ota, Smith and Singh vs. [B]The Firm[/B] [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Jefferson Stardust Aaron Andrews vs. [B]Firebird[/B] - Oooh, a toughie. Firebird losing would kinda suck for his whole 'reinvention' thing, and he's apparently part of the new stable now. Andrews losing would suck for his MAW career in general. 2-1 in reasons to not lose, Firebird wins. Or, perhaps more likely, a no-contest.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;481063]Phew, it's only Powell. His mouth annoyed me, is that a legitimate reason to dislike someone?[/QUOTE] Since I take least one pop at Trent Shaffer in this diary for exactly the same reason, I'd say no. And yeah, Powell's mouth is odd - but his hair more so, I'd say... [QUOTE=D-Lyrium;481063]Also, since when is Jefferson blonde? :p[/QUOTE] And as for Jefferson... I'm glad someone noticed that. It's a nod to Mick Foley calling Steven/William Regal blonde in his first book - having accidentally strayed upon a the gay district of a town, he says something along the lines of [I]'the vision of two blonde, muscular, good looking guys like Austin and Regal walking around together was made a whole lot more innocent by the sight of me tagging along'.[/I] So, yeah, notch that one up as another obscure pop culture reference that I'm the only one who'll ever understand. The whole story is littered with them :p
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[I]I [U]am[/U] prolific - I'm aiming to win DotM one of these days by sheer volume alone. Check out shamlessposer's [URL=""]An MAW Story[/URL], by the way. It's off to a good start :)[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Hotter Than Hot Tuesday, 9th July 2010[/CENTER] Amazing Fire Fly vs. Jefferson Stardust[/B] This was probably as good a match as I could expect from these two – neither has any overness to speak of, and were really only here to pad out the show. Stardust won with a Star Burst in front of the 652 people who could make it on such short notice. Winner: Jefferson Stardust (E) * [B]Ota, Smith and Singh vs. The Firm (c) [/B]for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Trios titles[/COLOR] Look, let’s be honest – Powell’s on his way to SWF via RIPW. Richard Eisen’s strengthened Rip’s hatred of him, and Powell paid the price with a couple of losses as the multinational face trio upended The Firm to claim the Trios titles. The match was pretty decent, but at the end of the day it existed to let us wave goodbye to a worker who was hired out of necessity and never once got above average as a result. Winners: Ota, Singh and Smith (D) * The face trio barely had the chance to take their new belts when Firebird exploded out of the crowd, and dashed them to the floor with a trio of quickfire chairshots. Taking a mic, he sneered down at the fallen good guys. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Thus will fall all who stand before me. I have looked into the fire, and what I saw changed me. I saw the true path – and I will make you see it as well. I saw that we were wasting our time in trying to fight those who embrace sin. We must pass through the crucible itself to truly understand what we fight – only then can we hope to claim victory. Join my crusade once more. Experience my fall, as have my fellow maskéd warriors. Only once we have reached the very bottom, only when we have plumbed the depths... Only then can we hope to triumph over those who seek to benefit from their sins.”[/COLOR] * [B]Riley McManus vs. Curtis Jenkins[/B] This was a short match to transition between segments of the show, giving these two youngsters a rare singles appearance. McManus won with a Scorpion Deathlock. Winner: Riley McManus (E) * Rip Chord entered the ring with a broad grin across his face. [COLOR="purple"]“Firebird makes a valid point – you should know the depths of sin to be able to overcome it, or something. I wasn’t listening all that closely – but I did hear that he thinks people who benefit from their sins need saving. Well, that would suggest that he thinks he’s better than anyone else, even as he sins, and sins with a certain vigour I can’t help but find admirable. So I think that Firebird ought to benefit from his actions, so that he can truly understand the nature of sin. To that end he can take part in tonight’s main event – against my old friend Aaron Andrews.”[/COLOR] * [B]Aaron Andrews (c) vs. Firebird[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] This match existed for curiosity’s sake. With both men’s storylines plotted out for the next several months, this freebie show allowed us to find out how they’d do as opponents – pretty well, as it turned out. Both men had spells in charge of the action, and at one point Firebird seemed certain to snatch victory with a Firebird Splash. But Andrews moved at the last split second, allowing him to go airborne with a Flying Bodypress to snatch victory and successfully defend his title. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I]Next: No, no, no; Love and kisses; The big leagues; A double champion, and The big leagues (reprise) or Next: Busy...[/I]
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A loss of four grand on the show isn’t actually too bad – considering how much actually took place on it. * [COLOR="Purple"]“Any news?”[/COLOR] Rip asked, as he strolled into my office late one afternoon, a large mug of coffee in one hand. [COLOR="DarkGreen"] “Troy knocked us back, Rick Law as well,”[/COLOR] I said, feet up my on desk, bottle of Coke within easy reach. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And Alicia’s a no-go area as Sam won’t loan out his champions.”[/COLOR] Troy Tornado had been Jay’s idea. I wasn’t certain, but scuttlebutt had it that Jay’d been a big Painful Procedure fan growing up – and he’d wanted a chance to work with his idol. Who knows? Rick Law had been suggested by Rip as the fourth man to add a little bite against Firebird’s mob – before going on to face Jay and Rip to try and bring some justice to the company. Alicia Strong had been my idea – a chance to see the next generation of Strong vs. Chord. The match, I suspected, would have been good enough to make the fans accept women wrestlers – and that would have opened up a new avenue for the company. My phone rang at the same time as my laptop announced that I had mail. I answered the phone as I flicked over to my e-mail program. My eyes bugged out as I talked absently to the person on the other end of the line. Hanging up, I looked over at Rip. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Owen Love’s out – we’re not big enough yet,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And Rip?”[/COLOR] He nodded. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What did you do to deserve this?”[/COLOR] I asked, as I turned the laptop around so he could read the e-mail. [I]From: [email]Tamara@cwwf.ca[/email] To: [email]James.Casey@mawrestling.com[/email] James, If it were just you and me, I’d love to work together, you know that – but there’s the Rip factor to consider. Once he’s dead and in the ground, I’d be happy to work with you. Unfortunately, until the worthless old soak goes the way half the wrestling world wants him to, it just can’t happen. Love and kisses, TMcF[/I] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Rip?”[/COLOR] He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Oh no... Rip... You didn’t hit on her, did you?”[/COLOR] His eyes widened, and he shook his head so quick I thought it’d fall off. [COLOR="Purple"]“Of course not!”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Purple"]“But I may have ribbed her brother a bit when we worked together... You know how protective she is of him.”[/COLOR] I sighed. It was true. It’s a little known story outside, but Sean McFly – the best wrestler in the world not named Tommy Cornell – is cripplingly shy. And his little sister – five years his junior – was effectively his mouthpiece for a long time. She even trained to be a wrestler so they could travel together as much as was possible. It was really quite sweet – in any social situation, Sean would hang back while Tamara did all the talking until Sean felt comfortable enough to chip in. Once Sean’s comfortable with a person, he’s fine – but until then, and particularly in a crowd of people, like a locker room, he’s petrified. And fresh meat like that would have been a tempting target for the Rip of old. And, of course, Tammy couldn’t walk into a men’s locker room. Sean excels in NOTBPW for a number of reasons. No need to talk, for one thing. Also, he has a large family group around him. And, of course, he knows everyone. Rumour has it he even told a joke, once. It was about a duck. Still, it’s almost certainly true that Tamara actually asked Victoria Stone out on her brother’s behalf. And I’d say that there was about a sixty percent likelihood that it was Tamara who proposed to Victoria, again on her brother’s behalf. Anyway, to cut a long story short – too late, I know – if Rip really did pull any jokes on Sean, Tamara wouldn’t forgive easily. And if by ribbing, Rip means the sort of jokes that Jay would think were a bit over the top, well, no wonder she doesn’t want to work for us. * [COLOR="Blue"]“Are you avoiding me?”[/COLOR] I paused in the act of signing Hugh de Aske’s contract extension, and looked up slowly. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“No?” [/COLOR]I tried. Katie Cameron raised an eyebrow at me, and I felt as though I was back in nursery class, having offended a nun in some way. [COLOR="Blue"]“I asked you out to dinner something like six weeks ago,”[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Well, you didn’t exactly ask me out,”[/COLOR] I said, prevaricating. [COLOR="Blue"]“I asked if I could buy you dinner.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"] “You can – a burger’s fine. You can even bring it to the next show so you don’t have to go to any special effort,”[/COLOR] I said, willing this conversation into a safe place. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’d like to go to some special effort – I never get to with Jacob any more.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Oh... Katie, go and speak to your boyfriend. Please. Because I’m happy to be your friend, truly I am. And I’d be delighted with anything else – but only if you and Jacob ever broke up first. You’re twenty-five, which is no age at all to wait around a little while for the man you love. I know it must be hard to see him going off to Japan all the time, but he’s making a big splash in his career. And one day soon, when you’re looking after your little’uns and he’s main eventing for Tommy or Richard or the Stones, well, you’ll look back and be grateful that some broken down old Brit had the sense to send you away from his office to make the phone call that saved your relationship.”[/COLOR] Katie was frozen in place, and for a moment my heart froze in my chest. I’d been so certain that I wasn’t misreading the signs – but then my friends would say that I couldn’t read the signs even if I was given a complete instruction manual. Just as I was considering whether she might slap me with a sexual harassment suit, she sighed, and her shoulder slumped. [COLOR="Blue"] “I’ve been a fool, haven’t I?”[/COLOR] she said, quietly. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Not at all,”[/COLOR] I assured her. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Jacob’s away, so it’s natural, I guess, you’d turn to someone like me for companionship. Someone safe, who you could trust not to take things too far.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ll go and call Jacob now,”[/COLOR] she said, flashing me an uncertain smile. She walked out the door, but at the last second looked over her shoulder. [COLOR="Blue"]“James?”[/COLOR] I looked up again. [COLOR="Blue"]“I wasn’t thinking of you as someone... safe.”[/COLOR] She walked away. I sat and stared into nothingness for a long time. Only the snapping of my pencil in my hands suggested my line of thought. * That didn’t take long – Ryan Powell has been called up to SWF after just two weeks in RIPW. * Jay Chord in bigger ego shock? He’s just picked up the USPW Television title, making him a dual champion. We may have to widen the arena doors... Actually, I may be being a bit unfair to young Jay. He seems to have calmed down a bit since turning 20. I mean, he still doesn’t like me – but he’s not been a pain in the ass for a couple of months. He’s also snubbed a move by CGC to sign him up – him and Rip seem to be getting on better these days. How about that? * In the ‘Huh?’ category, SWF are continuing their leaching of our ranks by snapping up former champ Erik Strong. Good luck to the guy, I guess, but really? Erik? Rip was a lot angrier about the move than I was. He invested a lot of time into Erik before I came along and moved the focus of the shows away from him. I’ve always been, well, sceptical about his abilities. He can go with the right opponents, but a headliner needs to be able to go with anyone – which Erik was never capable of. * [CENTER][B]July – Beach Blast[/B] Internet Favourites vs. Valentine & Johnson Grayson & Shaffer vs. Antonio & Raphael Jesse Christian vs. Primus Allen Morgan & Benning vs. Glamour And Devastation Amazing Fire Fly vs. Firebird Masked Patriot vs. Jay Chord Aaron Andrews vs. Toxin[/CENTER]
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Internet Favourites vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] [B]Grayson & Shaffer [/B]vs. Antonio & Raphael Jesse Christian vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [B]Morgan & Benning[/B] vs. Glamour And Devastation Who???? Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Masked Patriot vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Toxin
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In all the exitement I forgot the predictions: Internet Favourites vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] Grayson & Shaffer vs. [B]Antonio & Raphael[/B] Jesse Christian vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Glamour And Devastation[/B] - Singh and Smith, newly turned heel and joining Firebird's stable? Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Masked Patriot vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Toxin
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July – Beach Blast Internet Favourites vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] don't see the champs losing this [B]Grayson & Shaffer[/B] vs. Antonio & Raphael Grayson & Shaffer have more potential, so i go with them [B]Jesse Christian[/B] vs. Primus Allen Primus has been on a slide lately Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Glamour And Devastation[/B] Hardest on to choose, seems like you don't bring in new teams to lose so newbies win. Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Firebird[/B] don't see AFF taking this Masked Patriot vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] once again, dont see the champ losing this [B]Aaron Andrews vs. Toxin[/B] I see a double DQ for this when Toxin's boys attack, and someone saves Andrews.
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[I]And now for one of the goofiest segments I've ever written - I may not use him much, but Jefferson Stardust is my favourite character...[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Beach Blast Friday, 26th July 2010[/CENTER][/B] [B]Internet Favourites vs. Valentine & Johnson (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] The Favourites emerged to their usual fanfare as the fans have really started to enjoy their act. I must remember to give them more mic time. The Firm pairing were less appreciated, as a good heel tandem should be. The Favourites tried to use their speed advantage to capture the belts, but Johnson was able to use his technical skills to prevent them overwhelming the champs, while Valentine displayed hitherto unsuspected brawling skills to hold the challengers at bay, before hitting Hugh Lee with a Sweet Sweet Heartbreak for the win. Winners: Valentine & Johnson (D) * Firebird came down to the ring, and held up a hand to stop Valentine and Johnson leaving: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Gentlemen, please. I know that we have had our differences in the past, but I have a message for your leader, and I would appreciate it if you could pass it on to him. The goals of The Firm and The Fallen are not in conflict. There is nothing that you have that we desire. There is nothing we seek that could possibly be of benefit to you. I have no quarrel with you – in fact, I must thank you for opening my eyes to the true nature of the world. On behalf of my fallen colleagues, I offer The Firm a truce. We can certainly achieve our aims much more swiftly without the worry of conflict with yourselves distracting us.”[/COLOR] Valentine took a mic: [COLOR="Blue"]“Firebird, I don’t need to consult Jean. The Firm isn’t about leaders and followers – we are all equal. And I can say now that The Firm wishes you every success in your endeavours.” [/COLOR] * [B]Grayson & Shaffer vs. Antonio & Raphael[/B] This is more like it. The former champs and the Italian-American money men laid it all on the line in this match. On commentary, Rip noted that there were a lot of teams in MAW right now, and that matches like this went towards finding the next challengers for the titles. It was an even match, with Jenny cheering the face tandem on from ringside, and for a time it seemed that the financial wizards might triumph as Grayson took a fearful beating. But he was able to make the hot tag to Shaffer, who bounded in and cleaned house, before nailing Raphael with a Heart Burn to score the win. Winners: Grayson & Shaffer (D+) * [B]Jesse Christian vs. Primus Allen[/B] This battle of powerhouses was about as good as I expected – and the ending was always going to kill the crowd, but needs must. I’m not sure what to do with Jesse just yet. Until he shakes off his ring rust, it’s difficult to say what he’s capable of. This match was basically a slugfest, the ending coming when Findlay O’Farraday tried to save his sometime partner from defeat – only to nail Allen with a big boot by accident with the referee distracted. Christian picked up the win in a slight upset as the fans watched on in disappointment Winner: Jesse Christian (E+) * Findlay O’Farraday stumbled backstage, nearly hyperventilating over his misfire. Primus Allen stormed backstage and booted him cleanly in the head, nearly decapitating the monstrous Findlay in a stunning display of strength and agility. [COLOR="blue"]“At first you were funny,”[/COLOR] Allen snarled, glaring down at his fallen ally. [COLOR="blue"]“Maybe even useful. Then you were just a joke. And now you’re a ----ing liability. Get the hell out of my sight, Findlay, or next time I won’t be so gentle.”[/COLOR] Findlay groaned as Allen stalked off, nearly squashing Jefferson Stardust and Kristen Pearce against a wall as he did so. The glam duo waited until Allen was some way away before moving on, and when they did so they nearly tripped over Findlay. [COLOR="blue"]“You know, it’s getting so that a star and his valet can’t even walk around backstage anymore,”[/COLOR] Stardust groused. [COLOR="blue"]“Monsters, speedbumps, what next?”[/COLOR] Findlay groaned, and Stardust nearly leapt into Kristen’s arms, emitting a squeal like a schoolgirl with a fistful of worms down her back. [COLOR="blue"]“Great shades of Bolan, it’s alive,”[/COLOR] he said, as Findlay staggered upright, rubbing his head. [COLOR="blue"]“And it’s massive!”[/COLOR] Findlay looked around blearily. [COLOR="blue"]“He could be useful,”[/COLOR] Kristen murmured. [COLOR="blue"]“We do need someone to do the heavy lifting.” “True. Big guy? How would you like to live the life of an international rock star?”[/COLOR] Findlay groaned. [COLOR="blue"]“Wonderful. We’ll call ourselves Glamour And Devastation,” [/COLOR]he added, pointing first at himself and then Findlay. [COLOR="blue"]“Now, we’ve got a match. Let’s rock!”[/COLOR] * [B]Morgan & Benning vs. Glamour And Devastation[/B] The new combo got off to a rocky start as they squared off with the former champions. They worked pretty well together, but were mostly holding their own against the more experienced tandem, who eventually came out on top when Stardust fell to a Joe and Behold. Winners: Morgan & Benning (E+) * [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Firebird[/B] I had high hopes for this, with the two seemingly perfectly matched for a feud/mentoring relationship... but they lack any chemistry in the ring, so we won’t go there. Anyway, Firebird went over with the Firebird Splash in a match that was just about average, or thereabouts. Winner: Firebird (D-) * [B]Masked Patriot vs. Jay Chord (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Jay’s latest weighted title defence nearly backfired on him, as Masked Patriot fed off the patriotic energies of the Delaware crowd. Jay made the mistake of sniping at the fans, who started calling him a Commie. Old-school wrestling, old-school fans... Jay was able to snatch victory with a Cradle Piledriver, but Patriot put him through the wringer, and took a big step forward with the narrowness of his defeat. Winner: Jay Chord (C-) * Aaron Andrews was down at ringside almost before the announcement of Jay’s victory. [COLOR="Blue"]“You know what I want,” [/COLOR]he barked, leaning on the announcers’ table and getting in Rip’s face. Jay smirked at him as he paraded not only his MAW belt, but also the USPW National title too. [COLOR="purple"]“And you know what the answer is,”[/COLOR] Rip growled back. [COLOR="purple"]“Kid, you seem like you’ve got some kind of mental block here. I think I know how to flush it out – give you a little medicine, maybe. Of course, get too much in your system and it stops being good for you. Instead, it becomes a Toxin!”[/COLOR] * [B]Aaron Andrews (c) vs. Toxin[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] My instincts suck. This match... well, it didn’t suck, because Andrews and Toxin are mighty fine wrestlers. But I’d had visions of a MOTY candidate, and it was a long way from that. On a basic level, it was fine – but any time the two of them tried to build towards a more complicated exchange it all just fell apart. It was painful to watch for me as these two hugely talented youngsters were forced to work through the most simple sequences before Andrews scored with the Flying Bodypress for the win. Winner: Aaron Andrews (D+) [B]Overall: D+[/B] [I]Next: Smells like...[/I]
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The locker room was crowded after the show. What with one thing and another, we now had something like forty workers under contract, not counting managers, backstage workers and so on. This was good for a couple of reasons. The first was that Findlay and Jefferson made ten – that is, we now had ten regular tag teams on the roster, either full-time or sufficiently recognisably regular that they could move seamlessly between singles and teaming without any trouble. We’d also brought in three new guys, all of whom were sitting in the locker room, all of whom had pedigrees from elsewhere, one way or another. The first was Jonnie “brother of” Perez. A hot youngster with great potential, I had hopes that one day he might be as good as his brother. Maybe. The second was Roderick Remus, who was very much a project. He had potential, but since his brother’s horrendous motorbike accident in 2006 put him into retirement, and left Rod on his own, he hadn’t really had his head in the game. The third guy was Nelson Callum, who was working for beans, and after a miserable time in PSW seemed more likely to find success in MAW. We’d brought these guys in for a reason – quite apart from needing to replace the outward-bound Erik Strong. After turning a $3,500 profit on two shows (one small, one larger) in July, we were going full-time with two equal shows in August. There was still a need for fine-tuning, but I had a feeling that we could do it. I’d accepted that it would cost us money – but probably only a couple of grand. And then... I had a feeling that bigger things were just around the corner for MAW. Regional expansion was on the agenda. And that meant big things. I was excited, watching Rip explain it all. We’d had the other meeting a few months back, where we’d discussed the idea in general. Here we were now, about to put it into practise for real. And if August went well... I could smell it. It smelt like... a barely ventilated locker room holding forty professional athletes. But beyond that... it smelt like... victory. * totalextremewrestling.com today ranked USPW as the most prestigious of all American promotions. TCW and SWF have been yo-yoing of late, while USPW have just been quietly getting on with business – with not a few MAW names on board – and this has led the web writers to award them the accolade. Okay, so being first in America puts them about tenth in the world right now, but still – USPW, eh? * [CENTER][B]August – Summernova[/B] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Kashmir Singh & Fumihiro Ota vs. Ricochet, Sharp, & Toxin The Bailey Boys vs. The Canadian Blondes Thom Morgan vs. Casey Valentine Jonnie Perez and Kirk Jameson vs. Roderick Remus and “Machine” Jean Cattley Masked Patriot vs. Hugh de Aske Fumihiro Ota vs. Firebird vs. Jay Chord[/CENTER]
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Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Kashmir Singh & Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Ricochet, Sharp, & Toxin[/B] [B]The Bailey Boys[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Thom Morgan vs. [B]Casey Valentine[/B] Jonnie Perez and Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Roderick Remus and “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] Masked Patriot vs. [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. Firebird vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] Ota twice on the same card?
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August – Summernova [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Kashmir Singh & Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Ricochet, Sharp, & Toxin [B]The Bailey Boys[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Thom Morgan vs. [B]Casey Valentine [/B] Jonnie Perez and Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Roderick Remus and “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske Fumihiro Ota vs. Firebird vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B]
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;483354]Ota twice on the same card?[/QUOTE] [I]Yup... ;)[/I] * [CENTER][B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Summernova Friday, 12th August 2010[/B][/CENTER] [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Kashmir Singh & Fumihiro Ota (c) vs. Ricochet, Sharp, & Toxin[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Trios titles[/COLOR] Wow. I didn’t set any special parameters for this match, as it’s the opener and all involved are competent workers. As a result, I was shocked that everything clicked as well as it did. If this isn’t our best tag match ever, I’d be surprised. It was a very even contest, with all six men getting their turn to star, before Smith snatched the win an Inverted Piledriver on Ricochet after fifteen minutes or so. Winners: Smith, Singh and Ota (C-) * Before the bell had even rung to signal the end of the match, Firebird slid into the ring and led the rest of The Fallen in a vicious beatdown. As the attack continued, he could be heard screaming “Fall! Join us! Fall!” over and over again. As the attack wound down, he seemed to regain some composure, and pulled himself together. Taking a mic, he looked down at his one-time friends. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“The fire burns in me. I will reach out and set that fire in the hearts of all who ride so proud on their white horses. All those who claim to have goodness in their hearts, they must learn that only when you have plumbed the very depths of your soul can you understand true goodness. Only when you have seen the extremes of darkness and light can you see the right choice, the true choice, the choice that is good, in any situation.”[/COLOR] * [B]The Bailey Boys vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] Back down to earth, then... Although the fans didn’t appreciate the drop in competitor recognisability, they did enjoy the flyweight TJ Bailey employing some brawling tactics that threw the Canadians off balance for a spell before they recovered to snatch victory with a Golden Shower. Winners: The Canadian Blondes (E+) * [B]Thom Morgan vs. Casey Valentine[/B] Morgan’s been rising quickly of late, and has parlayed success north of the border into a bigger push here in the Mid Atlantic. I think this is actually his first singles match since the Kid Arachnid thing. Anyway, he and Valentine put together a pretty enjoyable match, ending with a Sweet Sweet Heartbreak from The Firm’s youngster. Winner: Casey Valentine (D+) * Backstage, and we were in The Firm’s locker room. [COLOR="blue"]“Casey, come here,”[/COLOR] Jean said, as Valentine entered. [COLOR="blue"]“We need to talk.” “What’s up?” “You don’t speak for The Firm, Casey. Only I do that. I brought this group together – and the last few months I’ve watched as one member after another leaves.” “Maybe it’s the way you lead?”[/COLOR] Cattley half-rose from his chair, before sitting back down. [COLOR="blue"]“It’s not my leadership, Casey. I’ve spoken to Cameron, to Darryl, to Ryan... and to Primus and Jared. And now I’m speaking to you.” “What’s your point?” “If you don’t want to work under me, then leave this group. Do not try to usurp me. Of all the things that I’ve done in my career, The Firm remains my proudest achievement. Some daddy’s boy with a couple of tag titles to his name isn’t going to take it from me.” “What do you mean?”[/COLOR] Casey asked. [COLOR="blue"]“Don’t play dumb, Casey. It’s insulting. You know that you’ve been trying to pull the rug out from under my feet. It’s why Cameron left. It’s why Darryl left – although much more because of how much you hated him – and it’s why Ryan left. I’ll congratulate you on keeping your ambitions hidden from me, but that’s it. Stop trying to take over, or you’ll be out of the group. “I’ve got a match next, a chance to assess a potential recruit. You can let me know your decision later.”[/COLOR] * [B]Jonnie Perez and Kirk Jameson vs. Roderick Remus and “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] This was an enjoyable match somewhat hampered by the ring rust of Perez and Remus. Still, they need to work it off, and showed reasonable form in their time in-ring. Jameson and Cattley carried the bulk of the work, renewing an old rivalry from some time back as their partners stretched their legs – literally, and metaphorically. The end came when Cattley caught Perez in a Mood Swing. The Firm’s leader gave no indication of how Remus’ ‘interview’ had gone. Winners: Remus and Cattley (D) * Hugh de Aske came down to the ring: [COLOR="Blue"]“Arrr, I’ve got me a match against this Masked Patriot character. Now, no pirate worth writing a shanty about ever swore allegiance to a nation – not unless it kept them out of Davy Jones’ locker, anyway. So I don’t really trust a man who’s so proud of his country. Not that, as a Belgian, I think much of Americans as a matter of course, anyway. So come on, Patriot. Bring the best of your country to bear on me, and I’ll launch a broadside that’ll split ya from prow to stern, and leave you sucking for air alongside Jonah and Davey Jones hisself!”[/COLOR] * [B]Masked Patriot vs. Hugh de Aske[/B] Patriot took part in his second excellent match in as many outings here, as he and Hugh the pirate put together a sterling brawl-based effort that the usually technically-minded Mid Atlantic fans lapped up. Hugh was able to mix up his offence a little bit, but gave Patriot enough that the fans stayed interested in the action throughout, until Hugh landed a Cut Throat Driver to claim the victory. Winner: Hugh de Aske (C-) * Rip entered the ring: [COLOR="purple"]“Firebird makes an excellent point. I’ve always thought so. So once again, I’ve decided that he must be rewarded for his bravery. Tonight, we’ll see Firebird taking on my son, Jay Chord, for the MAW Heavyweight title.”[/COLOR] This garnered a mixed reaction, as the fans didn’t want to see a heel/heel match – but equally liked the idea of Jay having some real competition. [COLOR="purple"]“But because I like to stir the pot, let’s give Firebird’s victim a chance at some vengeance. Let’s throw Fumihiro Ota into the match, as well!”[/COLOR] * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Firebird vs. Jay Chord (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] The story of this match was simple. Firebird worked over the battered Ota, who struggled back valiantly to nail some of his patented ninja offence. Jay, meanwhile, sat back and watched, breaking up potential pinfalls as necessary, but mainly just feeding the challengers to each other to allow them to do all the work. It was a successful tactic for the most part, as he barely broke a sweat while the two rivals tore into one another with fierce abandon. In the end, Ota nailed a picture-perfect Ninja Strike on Firebird, but Jay was on hand to tackle the black-clad face, and plant him with a Cradle Piledriver for the easy win. Winner: Jay Chord (C-) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I](That’s what I’m talking about)[/I] * That was quick – part 2. Erik ‘Dark Star’ Strong has been called up by SWF. * And yes, that really is all that happened between shows. * [CENTER][B]August – Iron[/B] Aaron Andrews vs. Primus Allen Grayson & Shaffer vs. Ricochet & Sharp Jesse Christian vs. Nelson Callum Morgan & Benning vs. Valentine & Johnson Kashmir Singh vs. Firebird Kirk Jameson vs. Hugh de Aske “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Jay Chord[/CENTER]
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[B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Primus Allen [B]Grayson & Shaffer [/B]vs. Ricochet & Sharp Jesse Christian vs. [B]Nelson Callum[/B] Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [QUOTE]Erik let's see if him and Mainstream tag together once again.[/QUOTE] On a side note I have seen many tag teams that are refered to in bios not have any experience such as strong + mainstream or wood + scofield. Art Reed + Groucho Bling etc
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August – Iron [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Primus Allen [B]Grayson & Shaffer[/B] vs. Ricochet & Sharp [B]Jesse Christian[/B] vs. Nelson Callum Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] Good to see BBS getting another much deserved match against Chord - hopefully my prediction will be wrong and I might get to see a title match somewhere in the near future. Also, I failed to mention it before, but the Delaware fans calling Chord a Commie was priceless.
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Iron Friday, 26th August 2010[/CENTER] Grayson & Shaffer vs. Ricochet & Sharp[/B] This was The Fallen duo’s biggest match to date, and they took to the challenge with glee. Cheating mercilessly, they eked out every possible advantage against their more experienced opponents. At one point, they even peeled off their masks to reveal that each was wearing their teammate’s mask underneath, in apparent attempt to confuse the referee. Of course, they didn’t change their trousers, and Ricochet is black while Sharp is white, but it got a chuckle from the fans. The match eventually settled down to a normal tag match, and The Fallen duo scored a significant upset when Shaffer fell victim to Fallen Chances. Winners: Ricochet & Sharp (D+) * [B] Jesse Christian vs. Nelson Callum[/B] Christian is still working off ring rust, and so this match was still somewhat less than you might expect. Callum, making his debut, tried to outwrestle his opponent, but couldn’t outmuscle the huge fan favourite, who eventually caught him up in a Human Torture Rack for the submission victory. Winner: Jesse Christian (E+) * Earlier today, Jay and Rip were backstage in Rip’s office. [COLOR="Purple"]“Son, I’ve got the perfect challenger for you tonight – Brandon Smith.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] “Are you sure? He’s big and dangerous – I know I can beat him, but...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“He’s a valid challenger. The Board of Directors can’t deny that. And besides, he’s already the Trios champion.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“So?”[/COLOR] Rip beamed. [COLOR="Purple"]“If he were to win, he would have to give up one of the titles. He wouldn’t give up the Trios belt – he’s too ‘honourable’ to abandon his friends. And he couldn’t give up the Heavyweight title. So subconsciously, he won’t try hard enough to beat you.”[/COLOR] Jay gazed at his father in admiration. [COLOR="Red"]“That’s brilliant.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“That’s how I won all those world titles, kid.”[/COLOR] * [B]Morgan & Benning vs. Valentine & Johnson (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] This was another enjoyable tag team match, as all four teams are coming along nicely. Casey Valentine continued his recent fine form, once more showing off his continually improving brawling skills as he fought Morgan to a standstill, allowing Johnson to snare Benning in a Carolina Crossface to score the victory. Winners: Valentine & Johnson (D) * [B]Kashmir Singh vs. Firebird[/B] Firebird is awesome. Seriously. This was by some distance Kashmir Singh’s best match in the company, and makes me wonder what else he might be capable of. The action seesawed back and forth without pause for ten minutes, with Singh showing off his incredible – and often underestimated – strength by throwing Firebird around, inflicting some pretty serious damage on him. But Firebird used his wily veteran knowledge to overcome the Indian bruiser, egging Singh on into causing himself damage when a corner charge went awry, allowing Firebird to blast Singh with a series of strikes, prior to nailing him with the Firebird Splash for the win. Winner: Firebird (C) * Firebird took a mic: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Another day, another victory. Kashmir Singh, you have tasted defeat. If you join me, you will taste so much more. The intoxicating darkness, and he exhilarating light. You may think that defeat leaves a sour taste in your mouth, but until you have fallen as far as a soul can fall, you cannot understand my drive. For it is only then, when you rise once more into the light, that you truly come to understand the power of goodness in this world.”[/COLOR] * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Hugh de Aske[/B] Rip, Rock and I exchanged glances as this match wore on. I think we were waiting for the other shoe to drop. A match this good hasn’t been seen in MAW since Steven Parker went back to Eisen-ville, and both men would be getting a beer on me after the show. It wasn’t even a case of chemistry, just two highly gifted youngsters who it seems were benefiting from the absence of constant exposure, and using their spot to make a claim for increased airtime. Jameson used his technical skills to stay one step ahead of Hugh, who for once wasn’t able to bring his sly trickery to his own advantage. After ten minutes in which Jameson thwarted de Aske’s wily offence at every step, the pirate shook himself and changed tack, trying to beat down Jameson fairly – but without remorse. But Jameson had an answer to every bit of that as well, and eventually caught de Aske with the Bullseye to score a big win. Winner: Kirk Jameson (C+) * [B]Aaron Andrews (c) vs. Primus Allen[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] A night of tremendous action continued with this fine contest, as the RCI champion squared off against the Traditional champion. From the outset, Andrews speed seemed to give him the advantage, and his greater experience allowed him to blunt Primus’ power game. But Allen kept plugging away, and wasn’t above a boot between the legs when the referee was out of position. Taking over the match, Allen pummelled his opponent viciously, repeatedly knocking him to the mat and driving the wind clean out of his lungs. Andrews was left gasping, but had enough in the tank to avoid a Flying Lariat that left Allen down on the mat. Ascending the turnbuckles, Andrews went airborne, but Allen popped up and caught him, reversing the move into an almighty Powerslam. The pinfall was academic, and the Traditional title was now the property of The Firm. Winner: Primus Allen (C-) * Aaron Andrews took the mic as Allen celebrated: [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m not a champion any more, Rip. No title to hold me back. I was beaten fair and square by Primus Allen. There’s nothing to stop you giving me the title shot now.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Just one thing, kid. You lost. There’s no money to be made in booking a loser against my son. Come back when you’ve got some wins under your belt.”[/COLOR] Andrews scowled, and left, passing Brandon Smith on the way. Smith took the mic, and asked Andrews to wait. [COLOR="Blue"]“Good evening, everyone. It’s always a pleasure to be here in Delaware. I know there’s a whole arena full of proud Americans here, and I know they don’t like the shenanigans on show here. “Rip, I know that you think you’re a mighty smart fella, but you counted on my honour preventing me from abandoning my friends. You see, here’s the thing. My friends are honourable too. They’d never prevent me from capitalising on this big an opportunity. So tonight, in that very ring, ah will be taking the gold from your son, and when I do ah’ll have to give up the Trios title, which is a shame, but the look on your face, and the face of your son will help keep me warm at night. And so will that title belt.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Jay Chord (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This is a match that we’ve run in various training days before now, and the two men have tended to work together fairly well. Still, it was Brandon’s main event debut, and bigger names than he have frozen in that spot. Happily, he took to it like a duck to water, bringing his usual power game to bear on the young champion and taking great delight in pitching him around the ring like a rag doll. However, he was at times hesitant, with seemingly one eye on the entrance ramp in case of attack by The Fallen, and this gave Chord the space he needed to make a comeback. By the time Smith was able to settle into the rhythm of the match and get back up to speed, Jay had built a big lead, and was able to edge out his challenger with a Cradle Piledriver for another successful defence. Winner: Jay Chord (C-) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I]Next: Blooming...[/I]
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The party was in full swing. Jay was dancing indecently with Sienna, while Hugh looked on and laughed. Occasionally it’s hard separating fantasy from reality, and I have to admit to feeling a slight disconnect when I saw the two on the dance floor – but Sienna’s a sweet girl, not the husky-voiced, borderline trampish character she plays for us. Rip was laughing with Jean Cattley and Casey Valentine, while Antonio was taking money off Kashmir Singh and Amazing Fire Fly in an impromptu poker match. Sienna apart, the MAW ladies were gathered in one corner of the room, talking quietly amongst themselves. I wanted to walk that way, but before I could do more than look, Rip buttonholed me. [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid! We’re up to Regional!”[/COLOR] he cried, throwing a meaty arm around my shoulders. Discreetly, I glanced at his glass, but it seemed like there was nothing but lemonade in there. Rip was drunk - but only on success. Looking across at Heidi, I caught a shake of her head, and I relaxed. She’d been keeping an eye on Rip for me. [COLOR="Purple"]“What now?”[/COLOR] he asked, suddenly serious. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“There’s one guy I’ve been trying to bring in since day one. And it might be nice to put out the feelers to a few others, too. But we’ve got a solid roster, here.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Big enough for two shows a month?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“At least. Give me another month or two, Rip. I think after October, it might be time to go on tour again.”[/COLOR] He frowned. [COLOR="Purple"]“We lost a lot of money last time, kid,”[/COLOR] he said. I nodded. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“That’s why I want a couple of months to build up a war chest. It might be nice to have a big name appear on each show, to put on a great match in the main event, but really I’m looking at four or five matches featuring the youngsters and cheaper guys. No-one on more than five or six hundred a night, for instance. It’s about half the roster right now.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Think you can keep it up?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“For long enough to get us up to the next step, yeah. After that, it’ll be TV.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Ah. TV.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"] “And pay-per-view.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Ah. Pay-per-view.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“But that’s a long way in the future. Even if our shows are awesome, we’re probably talking two or three years away. I’d rather build more slowly across three regions than try and flood two and suffer from overexposure.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I agree, kid. It’s a good strategy. We might even want to start going nationwide once we hit a certain popularity in the Great Lakes and South-East. But just remember what happened to the guy who flew too close to the sun – he got his fingers burnt.”[/COLOR] I nodded thoughtfully. Over the years, I’d learned to just accept Rip’s mixed metaphors, and move on. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Yes. I don’t want to break the 100k barrier again – not if at all possible. But I think it’s worth taking a small loss, if we can keep it small.”[/COLOR] Rip nodded, all trace of good cheer gone. [COLOR="Purple"]“I know we’ve gotta move with the times, kid. But I just wanted to give back when I founded this company. Sometimes I get a bit carried away, thinking we’re the next big thing.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"] “The next medium-sized thing would do me,” [/COLOR]I said, with a grin. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Rip, let’s be honest, the key to improving the youngsters is to get them working matches, as often as possible, as much as possible. And weekly shows is the way to do that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Yeah, I know... Kid?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"] “Yes, Rip?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I’m glad you’re here. I don’t think I could have dealt with all this by myself.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"] “It’s a wise man who knows his limitations, Rip,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I can’t be the figurehead for the next generation of wrestlers. I can’t tell stories of wild battles with the young Tommy Cornell. I can’t inspire people with memories of World titles won before tens of thousands of people.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You can’t handle all the rubbish that comes with the day-to-day running of a successful, growing wrestling company.”[/COLOR] Rip half smirked, half scowled. [COLOR="Purple"]“You’d do better without me than I would without you, huh?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“It’s a partnership, Rip,”[/COLOR] I said, a little meekly. The thought [I]had[/I] crossed my mind. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And it’s one that’s going to see this company growing like wildfire over the next few years.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Yeah... it’s just a long way from Stanley Hall, me, Jean, and ten green kids with a lot of promise.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“We’re still all about the future, Rip. The average age here is about 26 – prime age for improving. And when we get the finished article, like X or Erik, off they go.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“To the Eisens.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Yeah, well, let’s not get into you and Richard again, huh?”[/COLOR] Rip grinned tightly, and then laughed. [COLOR="Purple"]“Ah, you’re right, kid. It’s a long time ago, and who am I to complain if my dream’s succeeded in ways I couldn’t have imagined five years ago? Hey, go talk to Katie, will you?”[/COLOR] I blinked at the non sequitur. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Katie? Why?”[/COLOR] Rip shrugged. [COLOR="Purple"]“Seemed a bit miserable backstage earlier. You didn’t notice?”[/COLOR] He cracked a grin. [COLOR="Purple"]“I may have to find another road agent if you’re not going to pay attention.”[/COLOR] I managed a weak smile before walking over to the girls. In truth, I’d been trying to put Katie out of my mind of late. Sending her off to patch things up with Jett had been difficult, and I’d regretted it immediately. But honestly, I was kidding myself if I thought that there was any chance of a future between this broken-down middle aged Brit, and the vivacious Canadian bombshell. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Katie?”[/COLOR] The group of girls turned as one. Jenny and Dawn were flanking their colleague, while Kristen was rubbing her shoulders consolingly. [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello, James,”[/COLOR] she said, offering a watery smile. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What’s wrong?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Jacob’s gone to Japan.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“On a tour?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“No...”[/COLOR] Her lip quivered, and I looked to Kristen for help. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Jacob’s signed with World Level Wrestling,”[/COLOR] she supplied. I struggled for a moment before placing WLW. We didn’t have a lot in common with the company, so I’d never had much to do with them. “What’s he doing if he’s not on tour?” I asked. [COLOR="Magenta"]“He’s signed a written deal out there. He’s dropped all his other commitments,”[/COLOR] Jenny said, softly. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“All of them?”[/COLOR] I asked, incredulously, then winced. Katie was one of those commitments, after all. “He’s moved out there,” she said, her voice sounding forced and unnatural. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Oh.”[/COLOR] Kristen caught my eye, and nodded towards an empty spot in all the noise and bustle of the party. I followed her over there. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Jacob’s moved to Japan for two years. He didn’t ask Katie to go with him,” [/COLOR]she said, and stared at me, hard. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I don’t have any contacts in Japan,”[/COLOR] I said, defensively. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“There’s nothing I can do to get her out there.”[/COLOR] Kristen smiled. [COLOR="Magenta"]“She said you were a good guy... That’s not what I meant, James.”[/COLOR] Realisation dawned, and my jaw dropped. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You want me to... to...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“To make Katie happy? Yes – is that such a terrible thing?”[/COLOR] My face settled into a frown. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I can’t. Her and Jacob were happy – he might be planning to take her off to Japan any minute.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“He hasn’t mentioned anything-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“But he might. Look, I understand that Katie’s upset, and I wish-“[/COLOR] I stopped myself short, and took a moment to regain a professional state of mind. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Of course, if there was anything I could do as Katie’s boss to help her, then I would. But as far as I can see there isn’t.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“And as her friend? As the man she’s attracted to?”[/COLOR] For a moment, I thought about firing Kristen there and then. I quelled the impulse – I was supposed to the moderate one backstage. Rip’s the hothead. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“While there’s still a chance that Katie and Jacob can make something of their relationship, I have no business getting involved. Until such time as they split up, I’m just a face in the background – do you understand? If anything’s to happen between us, I have to know that I didn’t do anything to cause the breakup.”[/COLOR] She looked at me in frustration. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Normally girls like to see an honourable man, but-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“In the unlikely event that Katie breaks up with Jacob and decides that the ideal replacement is a Brit, nearly twice her age, who uses a cane to walk more than a step at a time, then at least she’ll know I can be trusted.”[/COLOR] With that, I turned and limped away, deftly avoiding the lambada-ing Sienna and Jay on my way. I wasn’t in much of a mood for partying anymore. * Thanks to increased sponsors fees and merchandise profits, we made a twenty thousand dollar profit last month – only part of which got spent on the party. * MYCW, INSPIRE, and CZCW – what do all these companies have in common? Jay Chord has knocked them all back to stick with MAW – that’s what. Rip’s in a pretty good mood right now. * [CENTER][B]September – Back To School[/B] Grayson & Shaffer vs. The Canadian Blondes The Bailey Boys vs. Glamour And Devastation Masked Patriot vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley Internet Favourites vs. Ricochet & Sharp vs. Valentine & Johnson Kirk Jameson vs. Primus Allen Aaron Andrews vs. Firebird ??? vs. Jay Chord[/CENTER]
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[B]Grayson & Shaffer[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [B]The Bailey Boys[/B] vs. Glamour And Devastation [B]Masked Patriot[/B] vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley Internet Favourites vs. Ricochet & Sharp vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson [/B]vs. Primus Allen [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Firebird ??? vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] Its Flash Time now that you are regional, congrats. BTW they sure like their parties in the mid atlantic don't they?
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[I]That party was probably the first non-wrestling segment of any diary, ever, that I read all the way through. Wonderfully written. And congratulations on going regional![/I] [B]Grayson & Shaffer[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [I]I was gonna go with the Blondes here for some reason (I think I just like them more), but I went with experience instead.[/I] The Bailey Boys vs. [B]Glamour And Devastation[/B] [I]I like this team a lot, and I see them as having quite a bit of potential.[/I] [B]Masked Patriot[/B] vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley [I]Smith has taken a few losses lately, albeit in title matches, and I think needs a win to keep him a threat.[/I] Internet Favourites vs. Ricochet & Sharp vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] [I]When in doubt, I always go with somebody's kid.[/I] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [I]I feel like it could really go either way, but for some reason I see Allen as the more established of the two.[/I] Aaron Andrews vs. [B]Firebird[/B] [I]Ordinarily I'd choose Double A, but I smell something fishy here...[/I] ??? vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [I]I very much like this booking strategy, and it's one I've been using in one of my games for a while now - bring in a big name to job to your champion to help establish the company and the champion.[/I]
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September – Back To School Grayson & Shaffer vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] The Bailey Boys vs. [B]Glamour And Devastation[/B] Masked Patriot vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] Internet Favourites vs. Ricochet & Sharp vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] Aaron Andrews vs. [B]Firebird[/B] ??? vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B]
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Grayson & Shaffer vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] [I]- If they're going to carry on floundering around with nothing to do, they can at least keep winning while they flounder, that's my motto ¬_¬[/I] The Bailey Boys vs. [B]Glamour And Devastation[/B] [I]- The Bailey Boys have had one win already, that's quite enough.[/I] Masked Patriot vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] [U]Internet Favourites[/U] vs. Ricochet & Sharp vs. Valentine & Johnson [I]- Picking a winner was too hard, so I underlined the team that *won't* win ¬_¬[/I] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Firebird [I]- Double A needs some wins, and Firebird's interference runners are busy.[/I] ??? vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B]
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