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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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Jay left early after his match – Dropping the belt and then jobbing to Grayson did not agree with him. Rip, stuck at the announcing table, could do nothing to stop him. After the show, he caught up with his son, who was busy partying at some biker bar where, apparently, he was taking money off the regulars in arm-wrestling contests. So pleased was he with his success that he pretty much ignored what Rip was saying. Or maybe it was the noise – those places can get pretty rowdy, and Jay may not have heard him. Anyway, no-one expects Jay to be a locker room leader – which is sad, but there you go. His leaving the show when his match was done is not exactly something I consider a major deal, but Rip wanted to exert his authority. Who am I to say otherwise? Especially considering how angry Rip looked about the whole affair the following morning. I can’t help but think that having to go into a bar to berate his son made Rip angrier than having to berate him at all, though... * [B]MAW On Tour [/B] Thursday 18th November – Great Lakes Glamour and Devastation def. Internet Favourites – F+ Antonio def. Amazing Fire Fly – E+ The Bailey Boys def. Jared Johnson and Nelson Callum – E+ Jonnie Perez and Hugh de Aske fought to a time limit draw – D- Overall: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR] [I]Notes: The last match saved us ... Neutral chemistry between Johnson and Callum ... Bret Graveson warned about passing rumours about Jared Johnson[/I] Thursday 25th November – South East Evil Spirit def. Matt Hocking – E- Internet Favourites def. Jared Johnson and Roderick Remus – E Jonnie Perez (c) def. Antonio to retain the MAW Traditional title – E- Casey Valentine def. “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith – E Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Valentine still injured ... No chemistry for Jonnie/Antonio ... Only 16 fans in attendance ... Neutral chemistry for Remus/Johnson[/I] * tew.com today carried an article citing inside sources at SWF saying that Steven Parker is set to be the main focus of the company in the next few years. I hope it’s true – he really is one of the good guys in this business. There’s also the added bonus that, as I forwarded the story to Rip’s secretary, and she printed it out and showed it to him, he’s been in a good mood. Parker is the first MAW graduate to really make it big in the business. He’s a lower midcarder right now in SWF, but he’s improving with every match and seems likely to be the next big breakout star as his entertainment skills have come on in leaps and bounds recently. The thing is, Rip sees this kind of thing as a personal success for two reasons: One, that one of his guys is making it big. That’s a good thing – it proves that MAW can work as a producer of talent. Never mind guys like Frankie Perez, Ryan Powell and Darryl Devine, for whom MAW was a stopgap between spells at the top table – Parker was built from the ground up here in MAW. The second is that, if Parker does blossom as expected, then Richard will be relying on one of Rip’s protégés for the success of his company – and Rip just loves that. * [CENTER][B]MAW Remember November[/B] RCI qualifier: “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Joey Poison RCI qualifier: Matt Hocking vs. “Lone Wolf” Robert Thomas The Bailey Boys vs. Ford & Speed Smith & Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes Masked Patriot vs. Firebird Fumihiro Ota vs. Jay Chord Aaron Andrews vs. Hugh de Aske [/CENTER] I looked at the card, deciding if anything needed changing before I sent it off to our publicists. It was – deliberately – top-heavy, but after our last big show, and the four largely so-so tour efforts, I was keen to have a return to form. Starting the RCI was good, the tag title match would be strong, and even if Thomas was a debutant, everything I knew about him suggested that he would be a strong addition to our midcard. The only question in my mind was how long to hold off on the Andrews/Chord rubber match...
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RCI qualifier: “[B]Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Joey Poison RCI qualifier: Matt Hocking vs. “[B]Lone Wolf” Robert Thomas[/B] The Bailey Boys vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Masked Patriot vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [B]Aaron Andrews [/B]vs. Hugh de Aske
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RCI qualifier: [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Joey Poison RCI qualifier: Matt Hocking vs. [B]“Lone Wolf” Robert Thomas[/B] The Bailey Boys vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] Masked Patriot vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [I]- Wouldn't be surprised to see this go the other way, but I'm not brave enough to predict that :p[/I] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske
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RCI qualifier: “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. [B]Joey Poison[/B] RCI qualifier: Matt Hocking vs. [B]“Lone Wolf” Robert Thomas[/B] The Bailey Boys vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Masked Patriot vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Remember November Friday, 26th November 2010[/CENTER] Smith & Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] I’ve had a vague idea of running with a Smith/Singh team since I came to MAW almost three years ago now, and after this match, I’m sold. These two teams tore the joint up, putting on a fabulous display of tag team action as Singh played face-in-peril against the vastly more experienced Canadian pairing. Brandon Smith eventually got the hot tag, but while he was blitzing the champs with power moves, Flash Savage had the sense to yank down the top rope, making the Bulldozer take a nasty spill to ringside. When he got back in, his momentum had crashed, and he was easy prey for a Canadian Crab that forced him to tap out – and gave the Blondes another successful defence. Winners: Canadian Blondes (C-) * Rip entered the ring, still looking angry after his showdown with Jay. On commentary, we passed it off as disappointment that he couldn’t force Andrews into a rematch – the Board of Directors had seen to that. [COLOR="Purple"] “Once again, the Rip Chord Invitational is upon us,” [/COLOR]Rip said. [COLOR="Purple"]“For those of you who don’t know, this tournament traditionally crowns the hottest talent in the country. This year we’ll see everyone from that old warhorse Steve Flash, to my protégés Casey Valentine and Antonio, and even a couple of new faces, such as recent debutant Matt Hocking, and our latest signing Robert Thomas, who’ll get things started right now!”[/COLOR] * [B]RCI qualifier: Matt Hocking vs. “Lone Wolf” Robert Thomas[/B] This was a heck of a come down after two storming segments. Both these guys are pretty popular, although not so much in this part of the world. Still, I’d imagined a D or so, but coming after such a hot start I think the drop in name recognition upset the fans more than I’d imagined. There was nothing wrong with the match exactly, it’s just that while the fans sort of know the guys, they don’t care about them in an MAW setting. That’ll change, I hope. Thomas won with a Specialist Touch. Winner: Robert Thomas (E+) * [B] RCI qualifier: “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Joey Poison[/B] This was much more like it – these two are just tremendous performers, and in a sense it was a shame to pair them together so early in the tournament, but I wanted a stacked card, and this contributed. The match consisted of two vastly experienced veterans employing all the tricks at their disposal – and inventing a few for luck – as the fans really got into it. After a fast-paced, evenly contested bout, Jean caught Poison with the Mood Swing to advance. Winner: Jean Cattley (C-) * [B] The Bailey Boys vs. Ford & Speed[/B] Of course, this was a come down, but the time was that this was about the best that we could hope for in our tag division – now it’s just an average match. If I’m honest, the Baileys are pretty much cannon fodder, although they might score the odd win here or there. Neither one has much beyond basic talent, which is why the former Fallen boys controlled much of the match, giving their opponent just enough offence to keep it interesting. But the outcome was never really in doubt, so it was no surprise when Sped clamped TJ into the Cross Armbreaker for the win. Winners: Ford & Speed (D) * Firebird had something to say before his match: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“The only people who wear masks have something to hide. Myself and Evil Spirit wear masks – we want to show symbols to the world for what we truly believe in: The darkness and the urges that drive the common man – and the fire that purges the darkness from him. Masked Patriot... No. It is a convenience – something to show the world. An act that he does not believe in his heart. He is hiding something, and I will know what it is. And when I know that... Patriot will fall.”[/COLOR] * [B] Masked Patriot vs. Firebird[/B] Firebird has really come into his own of late, with a string of superior matches, of which this was one. Patriot could well be a star, and matches like this can only help him hone his skills. Once again, Firebird verbally tore into his opponent, as much as he did physically, but this time it seemed to backfire as Patriot quickly lost his cool, blitzing Firebird with a series of power moves reminiscent of Brandon Smith’s offence. This led to a thunderous Patriot Slam on the former Phoenix to give Patriot the win. Patriot celebrated with a snarl on his face, and it was noticeable that Firebird didn’t look too put out by the result. Winner: Masked Patriot (C) * Backstage, and Jay Chord was waiting outside Aaron Andrews’ locker room, glowering at the shiny gold star on the door. As Andrews emerged, he did a double-take and raised his hands in readiness for an attack. [COLOR="Red"]“Relax – I’m not here to attack. I just want my rematch.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“No, I’m fighting Hugh de Aske tonight,”[/COLOR] Andrews said. [COLOR="Red"]“The phoney pirate? Why?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“He gave me a hell of a match in a cage a few weeks back. Remember?”[/COLOR] Jay scowled. [COLOR="Blue"] “As for you, well, I think the guy behind you’s ready for a fight.”[/COLOR] Jay turned slowly, and found himself face to mask with Fumihiro Ota. The ninja raised his gong and tapped it twice. [I]Bong. Bong.[/I] * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Jay Chord[/B] It was time for Chord to get some heat back, and who better to do it against than Ota, who’s highly reliable, and had a reason to keep one eye on the entrance ramp. Chord exploited every little distraction, even at one point faking a tap on Ota’s shoulder to get him to spin round, leaving him prone to a back cracker. Ota fought back as he began to believe that no interference was coming, but by that point Chord had established a pretty decent lead, and while Ota battled ferociously, he wasn’t able to recover the deficit before he fell to a Cradle Piledriver Winner: Jay Chord (C-) * [B]Aaron Andrews (c) vs. Hugh de Aske[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] When you absolutely, positively, have to have a great match... Hugh has become one of my go-to guys for great matches, and Andrews is hardly a slouch. In the absence of an Andrews/Flash match, this was my default match for a hot end to the show, even if it did lose its flow slightly as they pushed past the twenty minute mark. The Dread Pirate made Andrews work every second, never letting up as he pushed hard in his first crack at the big belt. Ultimately, though, he came up just short as Andrews scored with a Flying Bodypress for a successful defence. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C+) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I](By some distance our best show ever)[/I] * [I]Next: Dread retires. It's better than it sounds...[/I]
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The Biker Museum had been less than half full, and an impromptu council of war was held in the locker room as we tried to work out why. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“We’re down nine-thousand this last month,”[/COLOR] I said, as an opening gambit. Jay, Jean, Rip, Heidi, Aaron and Steve Flash looked back at me with varying expressions on their faces ranging from blind trust to thoughtfulness to disdain to worry. Of them all, the blind trust – Heidi, who for some reason thinks the sun shines out of the seat of my trousers – was the hardest to face. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Thoughts? And what happened tonight?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“If I may?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Steve, please,”[/COLOR] I said, giving him the floor. [COLOR="Blue"]“The word is getting out in our new areas,”[/COLOR] he said, his soft New York-cum-Ottawa accent taking a little of the edge off my nerves. [COLOR="Blue"]“We may have made a loss in the last month, but attendances will rise on the road.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“As for tonight... Who were we up against?” [/COLOR] Heidi checked a clipboard – a front, I was sure. She knew exactly what was going on, but didn’t necessarily want everyone to know that she knew. [COLOR="Magenta"]“South of the Border in South-East Mexico, WLW out of Tohoku – Jacob Jett won their Streetfighting title on the show – EX2010 also ran a show in Tohoku, but at a different venue, SAISHO were also in Tohoku, but at a third venue and CWWF were in Quebec. Nothing that should have affected us to the tune of eight or nine hundred people – especially as none of them was even in this country.”[/COLOR] Jay now leaned forward. [COLOR="Red"]“Can I...”[/COLOR] I looked at him curiously. He normally wasn’t backward in coming forward in expressing his opinions. [COLOR="Purple"]“Go ahead, son,”[/COLOR] Rip said gruffly, and Jay shot him a grateful look. [COLOR="Red"]“I know that I’m still learning all this, but I’ve been around Dad a lot, and I think I get a fair bit about the business. I think we’re overextending ourselves.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“You want to shut down the touring shows?”[/COLOR] Jean asked neutrally, saving me from asking the same question, but with a lot more venom in my voice. [COLOR="Red"]“No,”[/COLOR] Jay replied. [COLOR="Red"]“We’re getting more hits on the website from the areas we’re visiting – and it’s steady traffic. But we may have gone out a little too soon. Even so, we need to stick with it, as we’d be admitting defeat if we pulled out again. Nine-thousand is a big pot of cash – but it’s not insurmountable. We can swallow that kind of hit for a few months, and if we can keep this sort of level of performance up at the big shows, then we’re going to explode here in the Mid Atlantic. I don’t think we ought to panic about tonight’s crowd, unless it becomes a habit – and we can always go back to Delaware if North Carolina doesn’t recognise good wrestlers.”[/COLOR] This raised a smile among those of us present. [COLOR="Navy"]“I think Jay’s right,”[/COLOR] Jean said. [COLOR="Navy"]“We’re growing, but we might have a few blips along the way. We shouldn’t worry too much – yet. But it’s good to have contingency plans in place. Saying that, after tonight’s show, I don’t think anyone will have gone home and not be planning to be here for our next offering.”[/COLOR] Aaron raised his hand, and I nodded to him. [COLOR="Blue"]“I do wonder if the touring shows, while they’re expanding our name outside of the Mid-Atlantic, might be having repercussions back home,” he said, sounding very scholarly. “Small shows, lowercard wrestlers, no real storyline advancement... For the folks who take the time to watch online, it must make MAW seem a bit, well, bush league. I wonder if it might be worth being more aggressive in our marketing of the tour shows – giving them the same level of hype that we do for our normal shows?”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“It’s something to consider. In a month we can consider it, but I think for now I’d like to play it safe. Thank you, everyone, for coming – I need a cool head when it comes to money. I see red and I tend to panic.”[/COLOR] More smiles, and a few laughs. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Jay, can I have a word?”[/COLOR] I asked, as the group began to file out. [COLOR="Red"] “What’s up?”[/COLOR] he asked, as Heidi closed the door on us with a curious look that made me suspect she’d be listening at the keyhole. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I just wanted to thank you for your input in the meeting. Don’t worry about speaking up – I do think you have a good head for the business.”[/COLOR] He nodded, and looked serious. [COLOR="Red"]“This is my company, James,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Red"]“Dad founded it to have something to pass on to me, one day. And I intend to keep it running, no matter where I go in the world. I may not always be here, but I want to make sure that this company is here.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Me too,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I may not be best friends with your father – or you – but we all have the same goal in mind.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Then I’d say we can find a way to work together – even with a few disagreements along the way,”[/COLOR] Jay said, with a half grin. He extended his hand, and I shook it. * From the ‘bonding over something I doubt I’d ever understand’ category: Joey Poison and Findlay O’Farraday have struck up a strong friendship of late. * Casey Valentine has snubbed a move to CGC to stay with us. As much as I appreciate his loyalty – and I do – he’ll never achieve his potential just working with us. I have to keep reminding myself that he’s only 22 – it seems sometimes that he’s been around a lot longer. I keep expecting him to be ready to go into the main event – but he’s not. Not yet, anyway. * Dread finally hung up his boots at the end of the month. He’s been inducted into the tew.com Hall of Immortals. There’s a small ceremony each time – I remember watching Rip’s, as it was the first time the site used streaming video for it – and it’s generally a pretty classy affair as the retiring wrestler thanks his friends, co-workers and so on. Dread, God love him, is not much of a public speaker, and was overcome by the admiration of a lot of legends – Rip and Sam Strong made the trip to Japan especially, as did several of the deColts, and a whole host of Japan’s finest showed up too. Dread rambled a bit in his speech, before switching to English and telling a story about one of his first nights in SWF back in the early eighties, when he got corralled by Sam, Rip, Richard Eisen and Micky Starr, and the four veterans showed him how to party, wrestler style. Not much of the story is repeatable, but highlights included an eventful trip to a strip club (Richard, apparently, kept yelling that he wanted to go to one until the others just gave in and crashed one), four bars being drunk dry (maybe an exaggeration, probably not) a car chase using a 2CV and a Mustang that they picked up somewhere, three Indian students, an off-duty paramedic, and a very life-like statue of a donkey upon which, apparently, Rip passed out and the others left him to be found, the next morning, by a party of small school children on a field trip. Someone had suggested watching the show at MAW headquarters, and it’s fair to say that the place has never seen many twenty- and thirty-something men crying with laughter in the one room. Sitting in the front row, Hugh, Hugh and Steve were relying on each other for support to stay upright as Jay went pink, then red, and finally just gave up and broke down with the rest of us as the story reached the part about the bunch of bananas and the bottles of baby oil that, for some reason, each man was carrying around in a holster under their arms. Happily, the whole room that the ceremony was being held in was visible on the video, and the Japanese translator was having a fine time keeping up with the story as one by one the people in the room ended up giving in to the humour of the story. Rip and Sam lasted ‘til near the end, but Sam cracked at the donkey. Rip, who had seemed to be on the verge of blowing his top, erupted into great booming laughs as he heard the – libellous and unrepeatable – account of where Richard ended his evening, while the last to go was PRIDE Koiso, who had wavered a couple of times before Dread wound down with the story of how Micky Starr ended up on a futon with himself and Corporal Doom, at which point the PGHW stalwart gave up and joined the rest of the room in laughing. Amazing how a thirty-year old tale of debauchery can bring so many folks together. * It was a dark and stormy night. I tossed and turned in my bed, my knee hurting worse than usual after the sudden climate shift a few hours before. Finally, I threw off my covers and stumbled to the bathroom. I sought out the bottle of painkillers in the cabinet, and washed two down with a glass of water. I try and avoid drugs of any sort – but after over fifteen years living with a bum knee I know that sometimes it’s necessary. Fortunately or otherwise, working as a wrestler gave me a certain tolerance for pain, so most of the time it’s manageable. That bottle of painkillers dated back more than two years – I generally only had it bad once a month or so. The thunder rolled again, the flash of lightning illuminating the bathroom for long enough to let me catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Long, greying hair and a fastidiously trimmed goatee, deep lines around my eyes, and a few pale lines around my hairline betraying the times I’d bladed – and done it a bit too well. I’d never been an enthusiastic bleeder, but when I did have to do it, I did it properly. I sighed. Scars, grey hairs and a knee that wouldn’t straighten properly until the weekend. It really wasn’t what I’d imagined, all those years ago. My addled, aimless thought process was interrupted by the pealing of my doorbell, just audible above a tremendous crack of thunder. The storm had been centred over my house for several minutes now, and I wondered who it could have been that was daft enough to come out on a night like this. Well, Rip would have done it for a laugh – waking me up in the middle of the night would put him in a good mood for days. But he was in Japan, and even Rip wouldn’t hire someone to ring my doorbell at two in the morning. Probably. Thinking that it might be the police, reporting to me that Jay had been picked up for being unduly obnoxious, I leaned on my cane as I negotiated the stairs, wishing as I always did that my income would stretch to installing a lift in my house. The doorbell rang a second time, and I swore under my breath as I rounded the bend in the stairs, made it to solid ground, and fumbled with the locks. Yanking the door open, I was stopped in my tracks by the bedraggled vision in front of me: Katie. [COLOR="Magenta"]“I’m sorry,”[/COLOR] she said, and on closer inspection I could tell she was crying her eyes out as well as having the heavens open on her. [COLOR="Magenta"]“I didn’t know where else to go.”[/COLOR] A few minutes later, we were sat by a roaring fire, Katie wrapped up in a bulky mass of towels that at least allowed me to focus on what she was saying – the short walk from her car to my front door had soaked the flimsy blouse she was wearing, and this had distracted me somewhat at first. She shivered, slim fingers clutched so tightly around the mug of coffee I’d made her that her knuckles were white. [COLOR="Magenta"]“I’m sorry,”[/COLOR] she said, again. [COLOR="Magenta"]“I don’t really have anyone else I could go to.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“That’s okay,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I’m always happy to see you.”[/COLOR] It was a pretty weak attempt at humour, but even so, I didn’t think that it merited the response it received, as Katie dissolved into tears, great, racking sobs that made the coffee spill over the top of the mug. I quickly took it away from her before she did herself too much damage, and set it down on the table. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What’s the matter?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Jacob and I have split up,”[/COLOR] she managed to get out, between hitching breaths. I grimaced. Not unexpected, but upsetting for her. I patted her as comfortingly as I could on the hand, and she surprised me once more by collapsing bonelessly into my arms, where she sobbed into my t-shirt. Fleetingly, I wondered what Rip or Jay would have said if they’d walked in on this scene. Deciding that that sort of thinking wasn’t helpful, I came to the conclusion that this was simply an extension of my duties as the person in charge of the roster. Settling myself in for a long night, I muttered soothing words and rubbed Katie’s arm as calmingly as I could. But even so, the storm had passed and the first grey fingers of dawn had grasped the sky before her sobs had subsided, and she had fallen asleep. I laid her down on the sofa, headed to the kitchen to get some breakfast, and tried to work out what the hell I was going to do next. * I was frustrated in my attempts to sign a possible future star for MAW as we prepared for the next leg of MAW On Tour. KC Glenn, a ridiculously talented 19 year old with everything in his favour, has signed on for a second tour with INSPIRE. I’m hoping that another month of appearing sporadically will convince him to sign up with us – I have all of December to convince him, as this kid is the biggest and best young talent I’ve seen since Davis Wayne Newton. And yes, that does include Jay – not that I’ll be selling KC that way to Rip. * Although I didn’t get KC – yet – I did make an acquisition that I felt would improve the roster. * MAW On Tour Thursday 4th December – Great Lakes Joe Benning and Brandon Smith def. Antonio & Raphael – E+ Amazing Fire Fly def. Nelson Callum – E+ Jonnie Perez (c) def. Jared Johnson to retain the MAW Traditional title – D- Hugh de Aske def. Riley McManus – E+ Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Fly’s first win ... strong match from Perez and Johnson[/I] Thursday 11th December – South East The Canadian Blondes (c) def. Internet Favourites to retain the MAW Tag Team titles – E Jonnie Perez (c) def. Jared Johnson to retain the MAW Traditional title – F+ Ford & Speed def. The Bailey Boys – E+ Hugh de Aske def. “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith – D+ Overall: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Strong finish ... Ford and Speed may be too valuable to use as a team on the show ... Remus is still very rusty – that will change[/I] * [CENTER][B]MAW Season’s Beatings[/B] RCI: Masked Patriot vs. Greg Ford RCI: Steve Flash vs. Marc Speed Smith, Singh and O vs. The Triple Threat Stevie Grayson vs. Primus Allen Internet Favourites vs. Firebird and Evil Spirit The Bailey Boys vs. The Canadian Blondes Kirk Jameson vs. Jay Chord Aaron Andrews vs. ???[/CENTER]
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RCI: [B]Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Greg Ford RCI: [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Marc Speed [B]Smith, Singh and O[/B] vs. The Triple Threat Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] Internet Favourites vs. [B]Firebird and Evil Spirit[/B] The Bailey Boys vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. ???
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Season’s Beatings Friday, 12th December 2010[/CENTER][/B] [B]RCI: Masked Patriot vs. Greg Ford[/B] There were around 1400 in attendance – it’s still not the 1700 predicted, but it’s better. They got to see the show start with a decent match pitting these two midcarders against one another, with a place in the quarter-finals of the RCI at stake. The two bulls thundered against one another, utilising brute force that would have crushed a lesser man, but these two were able to shrug off one another’s most powerful blows for several minutes until the toll began to tell. Ford seemed to have it won at one point as he got Patriot down, but he made the mistake of going up a turnbuckle, and Patriot caught him and drove him into the mat with a Patriot Slam before he could get airborne. The pinfall was academic. Winner: Masked Patriot (D) * [B]RCI: Steve Flash vs. Marc Speed[/B] This was a blistering technical exchange, the complete antithesis of the previous match. Both men had a counter ready for almost everything in their opponent’s arsenal, and the result was a tactical masterclass. In the end, experience told, with Flash scoring with the Flash Bang to advance. Winner: Steve Flash (C) * Jared Johnson, Roderick Remus and Nelson Callum appeared together. Johnson took a mic: [COLOR="Blue"]“After all due consideration, I have been unable to separate these two in my quest for my new partner. And so I got to thinking about my time in The Firm, and one of the men who I replaced – Davis Wayne Newton. Therefore, we have agreed to form The Triple Threat – and we’re issuing a challenge to the Trios champions here and now for their titles!”[/COLOR] * [B]Smith, Singh and Ota (c) vs. The Triple Threat[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Trios titles[/COLOR] The newly formed Triple Threat still had some kinks to work out, and the well-practised champions had the better of the match, with Ota in particular in fine form. But an appearance by Firebird saw Ota distracted at a crucial moment, allowing Johnson to score with the Carolina Crossface for the win – and the titles for the new team. Winners: The Triple Threat (D-) * Ota made his way backstage, looking as angry as is possible behind a mask that allows only the tiniest slit for the eyes. Barely has he past the curtain, however, when Firebird jumped him and beat him to the ground, before taunting him about Evil Spirit’s defection to his side. * [B]Stevie Grayson vs. Primus Allen[/B] Allen continued his assault on the upper ranks of the MAW roster in this match, targeting long-time main eventer Stevie Grayson, who’s been a bit lost without Trent Shaffer around of late. Allen made relatively short work of the former TCW star, finishing him off in under ten minutes with a Running Powerslam. Winner: Primus Allen (D+) * [COLOR="blue"]“Do we really have to do this?”[/COLOR] The camera was backstage, with the Internet Favourites. Max Mayhem looked uncertain. [COLOR="blue"]“Absolutely. Master Ota told me all about this Evil Spirit guy – he’s a really nasty piece of work. He took Master Ota’s training and perverted it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Well... okay. But going up against Firebird as well? The guy’s nuttier than Monkey Ball on acid – and you know that TEW ‘11 is out tonight. I don’t wanna be in hospital when I could be downloading it and pushing us to the tag titles!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Max... Please. Look, next time we play DOA Beach Volleyball, I’ll let you put in that cheat code you’ve always wanted to try,” [/COLOR]Hugh said. Max froze. [COLOR="blue"]“Really?”[/COLOR] Hugh nodded, solemnly. Max’s expression changed from worried to ecstatic as though he were having an epiphany. [COLOR="blue"]“What are we waiting for?”[/COLOR] he demanded. [COLOR="blue"]“Let’s go!”[/COLOR] * [B]Internet Favourites vs. Firebird and Evil Spirit[/B] Try as the Favourites did, this match was only ever likely to end up one way. Spirit was as vicious as ever, at one point the referee having to bodily haul him off Mayhem to as the Favourite laid against the ropes, knocked goofy by a series of hard strikes. No sooner had Mayhem regained his feet, than Spirit was back on the offensive. Coupled with Firebird’s skill and experience, the Favourites’ gallant efforts came to nought when Mayhem fell to a Firebird Splash. Winners: Firebird and Evil Spirit (D-) * The Canadian Blondes were backstage, reeling off a list of teams they were better than – Natural Storm, the Rock City Stars, Internet Favourites, Painful Procedure, the Stones ([COLOR="blue"]“Any combination”[/COLOR]), Remo and Skull DeBones, Future Shock, the Fabulous Bumfholes, the Hardy Boys... [COLOR="Blue"]“Basically, any team that ever existed, will exist, does exist, could exist or has been dreamed of in some imaginary world where we don’t exist and the best tag teams in the world get split up randomly so they can feud with each other and then one of them disappears into nothingness,”[/COLOR] Golden concluded, with a smirk. * [B]The Bailey Boys vs. The Canadian Blondes (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] The Blondes have perked up considerably since winning the belts as a side-effect of The Firm’s break-up. This was the latest in a series of comparatively strong efforts, with Blondes looking dominant en route to a submission win as Savage caught CB Bailey in a Canadian Crab. Winners: Canadian Blondes (D-) * Backstage, and Jay Chord was stamping around in a foul mood. Kirk Jameson rounded a corner from the other direction and the two slammed into each other. [COLOR="red"]“Watch where you’re going, you idiot,”[/COLOR] Jay snarled. [COLOR="Blue"]“Make me, loser,”[/COLOR] Kirk snapped back. [COLOR="red"]“Oh... You’re going to pay for that,”[/COLOR] Jay said, clearly feeling touchy. [COLOR="blue"]“Right now? I’ve got nothing better to do than beat you,”[/COLOR] Kirk replied. [COLOR="Red"]“It’s on!”[/COLOR] * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Jay Chord[/B] This was largely an experiment on my part. Despite the impressive level of interest from fans – it was ranked most anticipated by visitors to the website, and on the gate – I was glad to have put it on in the semi-final. While both men are capable of great matches, they seem to cancel one another out, and as a result this match was good – but not great. Chord continued his rehabilitation with a Cradle Piledriver win over the hot prospect – a victory that he celebrated like Fourth of July and Thanksgiving rolled into one. Winner: Jay Chord (D+) * Rip took to the ring: [COLOR="purple"]“Champ, come on out,” [/COLOR]he said. Aaron Andrews emerged from backstage to his usual tumultuous response. [COLOR="purple"]“I don’t see why you should get it all your own way,”[/COLOR] Rip said. [COLOR="purple"]“Choosing your own opponents indefinitely, and all. You see, you’re ducking my son, and I’ll find a way to force you to accept his contractually-obligated rematch. You only won that title from him by a fraction – a nothing. And that’s what you are, Andrews. Nothing, compared to Jay. Still, while you’re carrying around that belt, I’m going to make you work for it – and if you lose the belt, I want the person who takes it off you to understand the way things work around here. So I went to the Board of Directors and proposed an opponent for you – a world class worker, who’s fought in Mexico, and Japan, and who I know is going to be very familiar to our fans here in the Mid-Atlantic... Matthew Gauge!”[/COLOR] * [B]Aaron Andrews (c) vs. Matthew Gauge[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This was much more like it. The individual skills and growing experience of these two young stars made for a very strong finish to the show. Gauge betrayed his recent Japanese adventures by stiffing Andrews in the early going, and Andrews fired back with a series of wickedly hard blows. The match was incredibly strong, with both men displaying commendable spirit as they refused to back down or give up. In the end, however, the champion’s greater will to win and retain his title seemed to make the difference, as an exhausted Andrews caught Gauge with a Flying Bodypress from the top to snatch the win in a desperately close match. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C+) [B]Overall: C[/B] * [I]Next: Jay gets his --- kicked. Seriously...[/I]
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[I]OOC: Just a heads up... There's a show coming up in a few posts time that was a real letdown for me. And I kinda half-assed the writeup. So if it's not up to the usual standards, well... It's a way to go yet, though - lots of top-notch fun in the meantime :D[/I] * It was Antonio who fetched me. It was the first time I’d had to be hauled out of my office in I don’t know how long – dealing with Bret on tour always seemed to involve Rip dressing him down, for some reason. Anyway, I followed Antonio down the hall at a fair clip, and we passed through the door of the locker room to find chaos within. Jay and Oscar Golden were on the floor, Oscar mounted on the boss’ son, raining punches down on him as Jay tried to cover up with his forearms, to some success. Even as some shots got through, Golden was mainly missing with his punches. I swung my cane around and into the wall with a crack, and shards of wood splintered off and pinged around the room. The noise, thankfully, was enough to make the fight stop, as Golden looked up and Chord lowered his guard for a moment. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Steve, what happened?”[/COLOR] I asked, looking past the fighters to Flash, who had been, with Riley McManus and Joe Benning, trying to haul Golden off Jay. [COLOR="Blue"]“Jay was being a -----,”[/COLOR] he said, concisely. [COLOR="blue"]“Oscar took offence, and told him to shut up. Jay threw the first punch – Oscar threw most of the rest.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Phoenix?”[/COLOR] I asked, looking over to where Firebird was standing. He nodded, confirming Flash’s story. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Get up,” [/COLOR]I said to Oscar. He scowled, but stood up, glaring down at the prone Jay as through trying to decide whether to jump back on and resume punching. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Jay, you’ve been warned time and again, and it just doesn’t seem to have an effect. So here’s the deal – you’ve just given up 25% of this month’s salary. I won’t tolerate fighting in my locker room – at all.”[/COLOR] Jay stood up, looking contrite – and bruised. [COLOR="Red"]“I understand,” [/COLOR]he said, quietly. I raised an eyebrow, and noticed that Golden looked as shocked as me at how quietly Jay was taking his medicine. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Get going, Jay. I don’t think you being here is a good idea right now.”[/COLOR] He nodded, and grabbed his stuff, making a quick – and quiet – exit. * The phone rang at 3:42 am. I was ready for it, having been drinking Coke, fixing my cane and watching late-night TV since I got home. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Hello, Rip,” [/COLOR]I said, as I answered. [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid,” [/COLOR]he growled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I assume you’re ringing about Jay.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“We had an agreement.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“We do. But you know what locker rooms are like, Rip,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That had to be dealt with right there, right then. There was no chance to get you in to deal with it – not if anyone was going to have any respect for me afterwards.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“You think the kid deserved a fine?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Yes, Rip, I do,”[/COLOR] I said, trying to remain calm. Rip’s voice was level, hinting at anger but, so far, controlled and calm. I was buzzing with caffeine, trying to prevent myself saying something I might regret. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Anyone else would have been placed on immediate suspension or given a last warning. Hell, if it had been Bret I’d have fired him. Jay got off lightly.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“You know his contract is due.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Yes. You’re going to deal with that, right?”[/COLOR] There was a long pause. [COLOR="purple"]“I don’t know if I should. The kid’s so hard to deal with.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Well, I know that he won’t even talk to me. So it’s up to you, Rip. He’s an asset to the company, but if you think we can do without him...”[/COLOR] He snorted. [COLOR="purple"]“I hired you to take care of stuff like this, kid,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Fine. Let Jay leave. I’ll be honest, Rip, I think we’ve got the maximum bang out of him. Anything else from now on... well, he’s just another wrestler.”[/COLOR] There was a long pause, and I wondered if I’d been too blunt. But I’d spent over two years massaging Jay’s ego – I was ready to move on if he was. [COLOR="purple"]“Okay, James,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="purple"]“I’ll speak to him. If I can get him to sign on again, I will. I gotta tell you, I’m feeling pretty tired.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“It’s four in the morning, Rip. I’m not surprised.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Yeah, well, what are you doing up?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I was waiting for you to call.”[/COLOR] There was a short, humourless laugh on the other end of the line. [COLOR="purple"]“Smartass.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Good night, Rip.”[/COLOR] He hung up, and I did the same. I tried to get some sleep, but two things kept me awake – the first being the caffeine buzzing around my system. The second was trying to remember the last time that Rip had actually used my name when talking to me. * [B]MAW On Tour [/B] Thursday 18th December – Great Lakes Flash Savage def. Amazing Fire Fly – E Raphael def. Riley McManus – E+ Oscar Golden def. “Regular” Joe Benning – E Antonio and Casey Valentine def. Matt Hocking and Jonnie Perez, and Raphael and Jefferson Stardust Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Just experimenting in the main ... Raphael being double-booked was an oversight[/I] * Something I missed because, well, I don’t watch USPW... But anyway, Jim Force left the company back in March. But worry not Force fans – he was active on the independent scene thereafter, before singing on with RIPW, and he has now returned to his natural habitat by signing with USPW once more, where he will no doubt continue to put on D-range matches until he retires. * Thursday 25th December – South East Jonnie Perez (c) def. Roderick Remus to retain the MAW Traditional title – E- Internet Favourites def. Glamour And Devastation – F+ Hugh de Aske def. “Regular” Joe Benning – D- The Canadian Blondes (c) def. Smith & Singh to retain the MAW Tag Team titles – E+ Overall: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Christmas? What Christmas? ... Reminder: Hugh de Aske in the main event - always[/I] * [CENTER][B]MAW End Of Days[/B] RCI: Fumihiro Ota vs. Antonio RCI: Kirk Jameson vs. Casey Valentine Aaron Andrews and Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord and Primus Allen “Machine” Jean Cattley, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith & Kashmir Singh vs. Joey Poison and The Canadian Blondes Morgan & Benning vs. Ford & Speed Amazing Fire Fly and Internet Favourites vs. The Triple Threat Jonnie Perez vs. Matthew Gauge[/CENTER]
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Damnit, been busy these past few days, missed out on my MAW. :( Great non-show segments, as always, especially the one with Katie... awwww. And if the lastest installment isn't the best reason to push the Blondes you've ever had, then there's no hope for 'em. ;) In the ring, some awesome things going on too. Is Matthew Gauge back for a while, or just a trade? Gauge vs. Andrews could be golden with a storyline behind it. Maybe a bit too much meta-gaming on the last show though, eh? I mean the Internet Favourites thing was quite funny, but the Hardy Boys reference? :p Edit: I see I've done my usual trick and forgotten the predictions. ¬_¬ Also, this card appears to be in a completely random order ¬_¬ Or at least, I hope so... because if not either Antonio or Jonnie are in the main event... :blink: RCI: [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Antonio [I]- You said you had big things planned for Ota. So I'm assuming he won't fail to make it to the RCI finals. Because of Antonio. That wouldn't be big. ¬_¬[/I] RCI: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Casey Valentine [I]- Could go either way, but I'm going for Jameson because his utter lack of microphone skill is actually making him a cult favourite of mine and you've done a pretty good job of showing that so far, intentionally or not. 'Make me, loser!'. I'm sure Jay was deeply hurt.[/I] Aaron Andrews and Steve Flash vs. [B]Jay Chord and Primus Allen[/B] [I]The Champ and The Veteran vs. The Guy On Borrowed Time and The No Longer A Rookie But Still A Monster. On paper it would seem obvious, but I'm going with Primus Allen just to be all counter-culture and trendy. Oh, and Jay by the proxy of being his partner.[/I] “Machine” Jean Cattley, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith & Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Joey Poison and The Canadian Blondes[/B] [I]- As hard as it is to predict against a team include Cattley and Smith, I can't not predict the Blondes to win.[/I] [B]Morgan & Benning[/B] vs. Ford & Speed [I]- Because Morgan and Benning haven't been fed to the Blondes for a while since March, when they beat them. ¬_¬ Besides, Ford and Speed won last time.[/I] Amazing Fire Fly and Internet Favourites vs. [B]The Triple Threat[/B] [B]Jonnie Perez[/B] vs. Matthew Gauge - This one depends a lot on whether Gauge is here full-time or not. I'm going to assume he's not. Edit: Also, the Trios match on the last show was for the Tag titles, apparently :p
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MAW End Of Days RCI: [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Antonio [I]My favorite Ninja FTW[/I] RCI: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Casey Valentine [I]Get the mileage out of him before he leaves too.[/I] [B]Aaron Andrews and Steve Flash[/B] vs. Jay Chord and Primus Allen [I]Jay was a prick in '07 and he is a prick in '08[/I] “Machine” Jean Cattley, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith & Kashmir Singh vs. J[B]oey Poison and The Canadian Blondes[/B] [I]Everybody knows Blondes are poison! :D:p[/I] Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] [I]Jobbers vs almost jobbers[/I] [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Internet Favourites[/B] vs. The Triple Threat [I]They have to win, they're the favorites![/I] Jonnie Perez vs. [B]Matthew Gauge[/B] [I]Squash[/I]
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RCI: [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Antonio [I]Antonio will be stuck in midcard forever[/I] RCI: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Casey Valentine [I]Kirk to advance[/I] Aaron Andrews and Steve Flash vs. [B]Jay Chord and Primus Allen[/B] [I]Left field prediction time: Flash to turn on Andrews[/I] [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith & Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Joey Poison and The Canadian Blondes [I]Smith & Singh could be the next title contenders[/I] Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] [I]I like Speed far too much[/I] Amazing Fire Fly and Internet Favourites vs. [B]The Triple Threat[/B] [I]T3 are just getting started[/I] Jonnie Perez vs. [B]Matthew Gauge[/B] [I]He's a Keith[/I]
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RCI: [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs. Antonio [I]Because he's a ninja.[/I] RCI: Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Casey Valentine[/B] [I]Wll, the push has to start soon, right?[/I] [B]Aaron Andrews and Steve Flash[/B] vs. Jay Chord and Primus Allen [I]Job your way out Jay[/I] “Machine” Jean Cattley, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith & Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Joey Poison and The Canadian Blondes[/B] [I]Poison looks like Hardy, therefor he wins[/I] Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Ford & Speed[/B] [I]Although Ford and Speed are two words that shouldn't be assosiated, I'll give them a win.[/I] [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Internet Favourites[/B] vs. The Triple Threat [I]WHAT!?! Over nine thousand?[/I] [B]Jonnie Perez[/B] vs. Matthew Gauge [I]Please?[/I]
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[I]10SR: Where D-Lyrium does my spell checking. Anyone else think that's cool? :p[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: End Of Days Friday, 26th December 2010[/CENTER] RCI: Kirk Jameson vs. Casey Valentine[/B] This was a decent opener. However, we had once again dipped under a thousand people at the Biker Museum. This seemed to shake these two, as both are capable of more, and even though they were given license to go nuts the result was just decent, as noted. Jameson scored the winner with a Bullseye to advance. Winner: Kirk Jameson (D+) * [B]RCI: Fumihiro Ota vs. Antonio[/B] As much as I like Ota, he dislikes putting undercarders over. Antonio had to win this one as Ota is way too over to need to be involved in the RCI, and therefore the result was an average match that Antonio won with an Italian DDT. Winner: Antonio (D) * [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Internet Favourites vs. The Triple Threat (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Trios titles[/COLOR] A straightforward first defence for TTT here, as they rolled over Fly and The Favourites in two straight falls. Roderick Remus is still pretty rusty, but the bulk of the action was handled by Jared Johnson who is improving daily. Winners: Triple Threat (E+) * [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith & Kashmir Singh vs. Joey Poison and The Canadian Blondes[/B] A much more well received trios match followed immediately. With the two regular teams having come to blows of late over the tag titles during the touring shows, we noted on commentary that a win for the face trio would earn Smith and Singh a title shot at the next show. The addition of Cattley and Poison added an extra dimension to the match, with all six men looking good when given the chance. In the end, Cattley caught Golden with a Mood Swing to score the deciding third fall for his side. Winners: Cattley, Smith and Singh (D+) * After the bell rang, Singh and Smith celebrated their victory in the ring, only to be jumped from behind by the bitter Blondes, who knocked Singh from the ring and proceeded to brutalise Smith, capping off the demolition with a spike piledriver before Cattley made it back to the ring to chase them off. Singh and Cattley tended to Smith, who had to be helped from the ring by paramedics, a concerned Singh accompanying him along the aisle. * [B]Morgan & Benning vs. Ford & Speed[/B] Thom Morgan’s been complaining of late about a lack of wins. Well, here’s one for him – and if he doesn’t shut up he might just find that it’s his last. The match was decent, but not great as, again, neither Ford nor Speed liked losing to the lower placed team. Rip and I exchanged glances as Morgan caught Speed with a Morgan’s Finest for the win – the locker room seemed to need a boot up the rear end. Winners: Morgan & Benning (D) * Matthew Gauge came to the ring and took the house mic: [COLOR="blue"]“I’m back – and better than ever! Last time I was here, my brother and I ran wild over everyone and everything. We helped Jay dominate this company!”[/COLOR] This earned a round of boos – MAW fans have lengthy memories. [COLOR="Blue"]“This time I’m here for myself – although I’m grateful for the Chords for bringing me back. It’s me first: Just the way it should be.”[/COLOR] * [B]Jonnie Perez (c) vs. Matthew Gauge[/B] for the [COLOR="purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Jonnie’s very much a work in progress, so it was heartening to see this good a match out of these two. It was helped by their instinctive understanding of how and when to do what – which made a pleasant change after the earlier matches. This was a closely contested match, with the enthusiastic Perez countered by the more seasoned Gauge time and again, before he managed to score with Perfect Parity to snatch victory and a successful title defence. Winner: Jonnie Perez (D+) * Rip entered the ring, looking smugger than he had for a couple of months. [COLOR="purple"]“Good news,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="purple"]“The Board of Directors have seen fit to grant my boy a rematch for the title in two weeks time.”[/COLOR] The fans popped cautiously, waiting to see if Rip had a sting in his tail. [COLOR="Purple"]“And so tonight we’ll have a tag team match – Aaron Andrews and Steve Flash against Jay and Primus Allen. And whoever wins the match gets to choose the stipulation for their rematch.”[/COLOR] Rip’s grin left no-one in any doubt who he thought would win the match. * [B]Aaron Andrews and Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord and Primus Allen[/B] Our first really good match of the evening was, fittingly, our main event – even with more complaining about the result. It was a back and forth match with all four men putting on a good display that the crowd bought in to. Jay was more than happy to hide behind the massive Primus, who chucked people around with some abandon, before Jay sneaked in to do damage as and when he felt it was safe. It was an approach that paid dividends, as Jay was finally able to haul Andrews up into a Cradle Piledriver to score his first clean win over the champion – just two weeks before his rematch for the title – with his stipulation of choice. Winners: Chord and Allen (C-) [B]Overall: D+[/B] [I](A relative success, but a disappointing regression from the last couple of shows. I don’t doubt that the low attendance didn’t help – but some people need to learn how to lose gracefully. In short, a rotten way to end the year. Incidentally, this isn't the show that I half-assed writing up - although it might seem like it. I was just... pacing myself. Yeah, that's it... :o)[/I]
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When Jay Chord knocked on my office door and told me there was trouble in the locker room, I was confused. When he told me that Aaron Andrews was at the centre of it, I was baffled. When it turned out to be true, and that Aaron had been spreading rumours about why Matt and Greg were no longer working together, and why Sam hadn’t used his clout in TCW to get them hired... I wouldn’t say I was speechless, but it took a few minutes walking with the guy to marshal my thoughts properly. In the end, I explained that this sort of thing wasn’t appropriate behaviour, and that I expected more from my champion. Sometimes disappointment cuts deeper than anger, and I hoped that this would be the case. Like Jay a couple of weeks ago, he appeared appropriately contrite, but I was left wondering what had sparked him off – I’d never got the impression that he was the sort to cause trouble before. * The Mid Atlantic crowd are willing to use any excuse for a party, and the New Year is as good a one as any. Somewhere, I knew, the party was raging in earnest. Rip would be laughing and joking, club soda in hand. I don’t know anyone who drinks club soda apart from recovering alcoholics. I can’t stand the stuff myself. Maybe it’s some sort of secret cure? The wrestling world was always busy on New Year’s Eve, with plenty of shows to help wrestling fans ring in the New Year the way they like best. And, of course, some countries work to different calendars, so the last day of December isn’t special for them in the same way it is to those working on the Gregorian calendar. Around about now, Rip would be looking for someone to talk to about the last year – was the company on the right track, had we made money, that sort of thing. The last two years, he’d latched on to me. This year, I hoped he’d latch on to Heidi – I’d made sure that she had all the information available to her before I left. I suspect she knew most of it anyway, if not all. She always seemed to know what was going on, which was more than I could claim half the time. I ran over the figure in my head while I waited for the bill. We’d run 27 shows this year, turning a profit of about 25k overall, although since resurrecting the weekly touring shows, we’d bitten hard into our cash surplus. The bill arrived, and I paid quickly. The food had been nice enough, and the waitress pleasant enough to warrant a tip, but the place was full of people getting ready for partying. It was a bit too noisy for what I was looking for this evening. I wasn’t at the party, of course. I’d spent several hours, earlier in the month, on the ‘phone to WLW. Even with Ota around to help translate, it had been hard work. Basically, I’d been trying to bring in Jacob Jett to work a show or two around the Christmas period, but contract issues meant that WLW – not currently on tour – couldn’t comply. I wasn’t complaining – instead, I took it as a sign. I looked up and smiled. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Ready to go?”[/COLOR] Katie beamed at me as she walked up to the table. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Whenever you are.”[/COLOR] * [B][CENTER]Year End Awards[/CENTER][/B] [U]Wrestler of the Year[/U]: Yoshimi Mushashibo – The 35 year old Japanese star has spent the year in PGHW, working 48 matches. He had a two month run as Glory Crown champion, swapping the belt with Mito Miwa in mid year and with Shuji Inukai won the Elite Team Series tag tournament for the 7th time in 13 years. Up to his usual standards, then, and those standards are higher than most wrestlers in the world. [U]Young Wrestler of the Year[/U]: Matthew Gauge – A proud moment for MAW as our most recent signing picks up his first career award. The 21 year old has starred for CZCW, USPW, GCG, INSPIRE, PGHW, WLW and, of course, MAW in a massively busy year that has seen him work a total of 88 matches. While his losses have outnumbered his wins, he’s been GCG World Tag Team champion with Kiminobu Kuroki since January – odd in that he left the company at the end of February... [U]Veteran Wrestler of the Year[/U]: Jeremy Stone – What’s a WotY poll without someone from Canada? With Johnny Bloodstone going down with an injury in the early days of 2010, Jeremy Stone has picked up the slack for NOTBPW, wrestling in over 60 matches and scoring a repeat in this award. He held the Canadian belt entering the year, and managed a nine month run with the gold before surrendering it to sibling Dan Jr, with whom he won the Ed Henson tag tournament as well. Frustratingly for Jeremy, he then earned a hoodoo over Dan – beating him three times in their next four meetings, never with the title at stake. [U]Female Wrestler Of The Year[/U]: Fuyuko Higa – This 20 year old future megastar could easily have edged out Matthew Keith for Young Wrestler of the Year as well – and it won’t be long ‘til she’s knocking on Mushashibo’s door. Debuting in April, she was quickly snapped up by 5SSW and within two weeks had captured the All-Asian title. Although she only held the belt for six weeks, it was a sign of the promotion’s faith in her, and by the end of the year she was tussling with the main eventers in a stunning series of battles. Guided by the legendary Thunder Hike, she is an immensely impressive young worker with an incredible future ahead of her – the only potential drawback being her apparently awful backstage attitude. [U]Promotion/Most Improved Promotion of the Year[/U]: NOTBPW – Both awards go to the Canadian giant, which cemented its position as the #1 promotion in the world. Having fully recovered from the slump of four years ago, NOTBPW is now the promotion everyone wants to work for. The only thing that can stop them is a lack of upward mobility – if your name’s not Bruce, Stone, DeColt or McFly, you didn’t get a main event run in NOTBPW in 2010 – it’s that simple. [U]Match of the Year[/U]: Brent Hill def. Guide (A*) TCW Wrestling Clinic, December – A Christmas present for TCW fans, this December 25th scrap was the second of a Brent/New Wave trilogy that garnered rave reviews over the festive period, and saw Hill taking the randomly drawn series with a pair of wins over Guide reversing a first match defeat by Scout. To be honest, a little more action from the 40 year old Hill over the course of 2008 would have seen him win WotY (or maybe VWotY?) – as he had an A average and an A* high in his 34 matches over the year. [U]Show of the Year[/U]: PGHW Free Fall Tour, Saturday 20th May (A*) – Capped by a simply brilliant Mushashibo/Vessey main event, this show also featured a Koiso/Jimbo battle, as well as Shuji Inukai and Eisaku Kunomasu besting Muruyama & Ugaki in the semi-final slot. A choice card – slightly strange in that it came out of nowhere in particular, although the preceding show held four days earlier was a strong showing as well. * MAW On Tour Thursday, 4th January 2011 – Great Lakes Internet Favourites def. Yusuke Takahama and Zeshin Makioka, Glamour And Devastation and Evil Spirit and Ultimo Soetsu – F+ Nelson Callum def. Amazing Fire Fly – E+ Joe Benning def. Roderick Remus – E Jonnie Perez (c) def. Jared Johnson to retain the MAW Traditional title – E+ Overall: [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Spot Spirit’s dressing room companions ... Smith is ‘injured’, Hugh is expensive[/I] * Jack Bruce will retire come the end of the month. One of the most popular wrestlers in the country, Bruce has been a main eventer in TCW and SWF for almost fifteen years – and at the age of 38 is going out on a high. It’s a particular problem for SWF, as Bruce is the reigning World champion, having the belt for over nine months. It will be fascinating to see where SWF go with their main event. Remo is a definite possibility, as it’s around eighteen months since his first reign with the belt ended. * Bad news for former MAW star Black Eagle, who we’d originally intended to bring back one day as part of The Fallen storyline. He’s hit the skids with girlfriend Raven Nightfall, one of the hotter women in wrestling. Possibly the rumours that he doesn’t even take off that mask at home were true after all. * In other MAW dating news, Persephone (aka Dawn, who manages the Internet Favourites) and Steven Parker have gotten engaged. It was a busy day for couples in general, as Simona Cox and Jed High also split, as did Toshiharu Hyobanshi and Kiko Sakakibara. Katie and I are doing fine, though... * Apropos nothing much, I decided to take a look at NYCW’s roster. Our main competitor – in my eyes, anyway – has eighteen wrestlers under contract, nine of whom are also employed in MAW. With the exception of Steve Flash, all of them were with us first. It might be time to consider running some shows in the Tri-State area to benefit from the popularity of guys like Brandon Smith out there. * Thursday, 11th January 2011 – South East Jonnie Perez (c) def. Jefferson Stardust to retain the MAW Traditional title – F+ Curtis Jenkins def. Matt Hocking – E- Hugh Lee def. Evil Spirit – E Hugh de Aske def. Riley McManus – E+ Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Nice progression ... Really trying to get some of the youngsters some experience ... Leeerrrooooooyyyy!!!![/I] * Over in WLW – Japan’s home for MAW rejects – Frankie “Kill Switch” Perez has snatched gold in the form of the World Level Tag Team titles with Mr. Lucha III. This comes a week after Jacob Jett dropped the Streetfighting title to Tsurayuki Kamachi. Meanwhile, in 5SSW, ‘J-Ro’ Joanne Rodriguez picked up her second World title, beating Kit Hatoyama, while Grace Harper snatched the NOTBPW Women’s title. One day, the MAW Women’s title will be sufficiently prestigious to be mentioned in the same breath as those two... * All eyes on Robbie Retro, apparently, who’s due to be the next big thing in the business. Surely that’s contrary to his gimmick? * [CENTER][B]MAW New Year, Old Rivalries[/B] RCI: Riley McManus vs. Firebird RCI: Amazing Fire Fly vs. Hugh de Aske ??? and Kashmir Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes Masked Patriot vs. Primus Allen Kirk Jameson vs. Joey Poison Stevie Grayson vs. Matthew Gauge Aaron Andrews vs. Jay Chord in a street fight for the MAW Heavyweight title[/CENTER] [I]Next: Match of the Year. Ish...[/I]
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RCI: Riley McManus vs. [B]Firebird[/B] [I]Toss up...[/I] RCI: Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] [I]Wins until he faces Ota.[/I] ??? and Kashmir Singh vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] [I]They ARE the Blondes. Unless Singh brings in McFly or Cornell he losses[/I] Masked Patriot vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [I]For some reason I don't like the new Masked Patriot.[/I] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Joey Poison[/B] [I]Pleeeease[/I] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Matthew Gauge[/B] [I]Job, Stevie, job.[/I] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Jay Chord in a street fight for the MAW Heavyweight title [I]Job, Jay, job[/I]
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RCI: Riley McManus vs. [B]Firebird[/B] [I]Firebird might not win every match he's in these days, but he's not at McManus' level yet.[/I] RCI: Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] [I]You've said you're pretty high on Fire Fly, but Hugh is too good to lose here.[/I] [B]??? and Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [I]Generally a mystery partner is likely to mean that the mysterious partner's team wins... that's all I'm going by here. Maybe the start of a new feud or something.[/I] Masked Patriot vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [I]Allen is a monster.[/I] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Joey Poison[/B] [I]Poison is the man![/I] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Matthew Gauge[/B] [I]Gauge is the best young wrestler in the universe at this point. Grayson is blander than bland.[/I] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Jay Chord in a street fight for the MAW Heavyweight title [I]I'm not sure I'm buying Jay actually leaving, but no matter what I don't think he'll get the belt back after his somewhat underwhelming reign.[/I]
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MAW New Year, Old Rivalries RCI: Riley McManus vs. [B]Firebird[/B] RCI: [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske [B]??? and Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Masked Patriot vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Joey Poison[/B] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Matthew Gauge[/B] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Jay Chord in a street fight for the MAW Heavyweight title
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: New Year, Old Rivalries Friday, 12th January 2011[/CENTER] RCI: Riley McManus vs. Firebird[/B] This was a fairly straightforward win for Firebird. The head of The Fallen taunted his opponent from bell to bell, taking the win and advancing to the quarter finals with a Firebird splash. Winner: Firebird (D) * [B]RCI: Amazing Fire Fly vs. Hugh de Aske[/B] I knew this one wouldn’t be great – but both men deserved spots in the tournament, and this was really the only pairing that was available. We kept it short deliberately, Hugh snatching the win in around six minutes with a Cut Throat Driver. Winner: Hugh de Aske (D-) * The Canadian Blondes hit the ring, looking smug: [COLOR="blue"]“Last time out, we lost a battle,”[/COLOR] Flash Savage said. [COLOR="blue"]“But believe me, we won the war. By brutalising the so-called Bulldozer, we ensured our continued domination of the tag team title. That’s just smart business, eh?” “That’s right,”[/COLOR] Golden said. [COLOR="blue"]“You all can cry into your ------ American beer for as long as you like – Smith and Singh won’t be cashing in their title shot tonight, so we get the night off.”[/COLOR] Kashmir Singh’s music played, and the Blondes’ chosen opponent came down to the ring, looking grim: [COLOR="blue"]“Well done, my friends,”[/COLOR] he said, spitting the Blondes with a loathsome glare. [COLOR="blue"]“You achieved your goal two weeks ago. My good friend Brandon is unable to compete tonight, due to the injuries that you inflicted upon him. Congratulations.”[/COLOR] The Blondes smirked, and Golden mimed wiping away tears. [COLOR="Blue"]“Happily, I have been able to find a substitute to act as my partner. You see, when drafting the contract for our last match, the clause stated that if our team won, we’d receive a title match tonight. It did not specify Brandon and myself – so allow me to introduce my partner... Jean Cattley!”[/COLOR] Cattley emerged from backstage and shook hands with Singh as the Blondes pitched a fit. Bret Graveson shrugged, and called for the bell. * [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley and Kashmir Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] The Blondes’ shock at their unexpected adversary carried over to the match, as Cattley was able to dominate whichever of them stepped into the ring to try and tackle them. Singh had less luck when he tagged in, as the Blondes were more familiar with him and did everything they could to keep him in the match. But it was a strategy doomed to failure, as Cattley got the hot tag and barrelled through the opposition, dropping Golden over the top rope with a hard clothesline before scoring a Mood Swing on Savage to score the pin and earn himself and Singh an unlikely tag team title. Winners: Cattley and Singh (D+) * [B]Masked Patriot vs. Primus Allen[/B] Although Primus Allen’s title shot is locked and booked and advertised and so on, I’m still a bit cautious about his prospects of putting on a great match. This bout went some way to allaying my fears, as the two powerhouses tore into one another with complete abandon. Patriot is a pretty good Andrews analogue – not as skilful, but comparable – and it showed that Allen could compete to the necessary standard. Of course, he needed a win as well – and he got it with a Running Powerslam. Winner: Primus Allen (C-) * Another solid victory under his belt, Allen took the house mic: [COLOR="blue"]“Count that as a final reminder, Andrews. Two weeks time, it’s you and me – with your title about to change hands.”[/COLOR] * Backstage, and Kirk Jameson and Aaron Andrews were getting ready for their matches: [COLOR="blue"]“Listen, I’ve fought Primus before. The guy’s an animal,”[/COLOR] Kirk said. [COLOR="blue"]“You’ll need to be on form before the match, during the match, and after it as well – he’s so hard to put off his stride.” “I’ve fought big guys before,”[/COLOR] Andrews said. [COLOR="blue"]“I can take down Primus.” “Don’t take him lightly,”[/COLOR] Kirk replied. [COLOR="blue"]“I know he’s only got a couple of years experience, but he’s getting better every single day.” “I know. It’s fine – listen, being a champion is all about confidence. I know you’ve had an up and down time since joining the company, but you just have to have faith in yourself. Don’t worry too much about your opponent – it just takes time away from your own preparations.” “Maybe you’re right.” “It’s got me this far,”[/COLOR] Andrews said, with a grin. [COLOR="blue"]“All I need to know about the Chords is that they’re petty, venal little egotists. Beyond that, Jay has some skill, but I’ll always beat him – because I know I’m better than he is. I know people are wondering about our last match – how I only won the title by a second. That doesn’t matter. I won – and with every match I get better, so tonight I’ll win by a clearer margin. As for Jay, he’s always looking for a way out of any clean fight. I’d rather just get in there, and get the job done. I’m surprised he’s picked the stip he has, to be honest – it plays more to my strengths than his, but I guess he’s just hoping that he’ll get lucky.”[/COLOR] Kirk nodded, and looked impressed. [COLOR="blue"]“Listen... do you think after the RCI and that, could we work together a bit?” “Of course – we can get a couple of tag matches going. Maybe see if we can shut Firebird up. What do you think?”[/COLOR] Kirk grinned. [COLOR="Blue"]“That sounds great.” “Good – well, you’re up now. Good luck, man. And, hey, remember to just have confidence in yourself, right?”[/COLOR] Kirk nodded, and headed out for his match. * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Joey Poison[/B] For reasons to be detailed later, this was a somewhat bittersweet match – tremendous action, but... Anyway, the match was basically comprised of Poison selling for Jameson, who’s impressed me hugely in his recent outings. Although Poison rallied at times, Jameson always had the matter in hand, and eventually scored with the Kirk-Hold to take the win by submission. Winner: Kirk Jameson (C+) * [B]Stevie Grayson vs. Matthew Gauge[/B] This match was announced as determining Jonnie Perez’ opponent at the RCI. Grayson and Gauge tore into one another from the off, each looking for the big move to score the decisive advantage. However, it became a war of attrition, as the two were evenly matched with little give in their abilities. After nearly thirteen minutes, the determining factor came when Grayson went for 460 Degree Splash, only to eat mat as Gauge scrambled clear. From there, he was easy prey for a Depth Gauge as Matthew made the most of the opportunity to snatch victory. Winner: Matthew Gauge (C-) * Backstage, and a segment shot earlier today showed Rip and Jay together in Rip’s office: [COLOR="Red"]“Bring that camera in closer,”[/COLOR] Jay ordered, and the camera moved in until it was focused tightly on Rip’s forehead. At that distance, it was possible to make out the network of scars and lines along Rip’s hairline. [COLOR="purple"]“This,”[/COLOR] Rip growled, as the camera zoomed out a bit, to show the two men, [COLOR="Purple"]“is my legacy. What I see when I look in the mirror every day. This is what comes of being the best wrestler in the world for damn near twenty years - a multi-time World champion. It’s what comes from being the biggest and baddest dog in the fight. There’s always someone who thinks they can match up to you. And they always realise soon enough that they can’t – so they try and take you down by any means necessary. Which is when things start to get... bloody. “You see, I look like this because I spent thirty years beating everyone who stepped in the ring with me. Most folks who tried it look like this because they stepped into the ring with me once. Never again. “No-one thrives like a Chord under pressure. No-one can handle the heat of a big match like a Chord. And no-one can fight like a Chord with his own blood pouring down his face.”[/COLOR] Rip gave a frightening smile as Jay took over speaking. [COLOR="Red"]“Aaron Andrews, I know you’ve wondered why I chose a street fight for my rematch. I know there are people out there wondering why I’d risk spoiling my looks, why I’m venturing into this dangerous an environment. It’s simple: it’s in my blood. “You see, Aaron, nothing matters to me more than being the best. Nothing matters more than having that gold around my waist that says I’m top of heap – the king of the mountain! So I’m going to put it all on the line tonight. Andrews... I’m prepared to go to the wall to take back the title that you stole from me. Can you honestly say the same?”[/COLOR] * [B]Aaron Andrews (c) vs. Jay Chord[/B] in a [COLOR="Purple"]street fight for the MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Holy ----, as the crowd so vociferously chanted during this match. Andrews of late has been moving away from his speed based offence to augment his brawling skills, so I figured I’d throw these two a bone by making their feud blow-off a down and dirty rumble. Inspiration striking has rarely been more fortuitous... This was, simply, MAW’s best match ever – by some distance. All the rules went out the window as these two superstars battered each other senseless with weapons, fists, boots, elbows, and more weapons. Every near fall was desperately close, and the fans simply couldn’t take their eyes off the action. Chants of “Holy ---“ reverberated around the arena as the two laid into one another at a rate that would have made Nemesis’ heart warm. The match raised the bar in giving no quarter. Aaron was busted open inside of ten minutes as he gave Jay free reign to wail away on him with a kendo stick. A nasty gash was opened up on his hairline, while Jay raised a series of welts across his back. Aaron retaliated with a staple gun – I know, I know, but it wasn’t loaded – before doing some real damage with Rip’s chair, pitching the legend onto the floor in order to get at it. The match was unbridled brutality, and yet it had its less bloody moments as well, as Jay fired off no less than five Super DDTs on nothing but the ring mat, taking the time to pose after each one, turning slowly to let the photographers get a good shot of his blood-streaked visage. Finally, he covered arrogantly and looked shocked when Andrews kicked out at two-and-seven-eighths. But that was as nothing compared to the look on his face as Andrews arose like an avenging angel, blood streaming down his face, Jay’s discarded kendo stick hanging from his hand. Andrews took a swing that even John Henry would have admired, the kendo stick arcing almost in slow motion through a full 360 degrees in Andrews’ hands before cracking down between Jay’s eyes. Jay crumpled. The kendo stick, splintered from the impact, dropped from Andrews’ fingers, and the blood-drenched champion slowly climbed to the top turnbuckle, before waiting an age for Jay to haul himself upright. The crowd fell silent as Andrews soared, sixteen-hundred people holding their breath as Andrews nailed a picture-perfect Flying Bodypress, crashing down on Jay and bearing him to the mat. Three seconds later, and Andrews had retained his title, and finally put an end to his year-long feud with the Chord family. Winner: Aaron Andrews (B-) [B]Overall: C+[/B] * [I]Next: Tommy Cornell special guest appearance!!![/I]
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Well, I just read this entire thing. And it's pretty awesome. - The back story between your character and Rip is great, and it works into the C-Verse history in a way that makes complete sense and sets up Rip's character going forward. Even as the story's evolved, there's still the feeling that James genuinely doesn't trust him completely. - I was only ever a real fan of The Firm when they were kicking people out - Cattley's schtick during that era got old quickly for me. I was hoping someone would ask him, "If you're so damn good, what the hell are you still doing here?" but no one did. - I think my favorite moment was James just tearing Rip and Jay to pieces backstage after their match. Would have been [I]really[/I] interesting to see what would've happened if Jay had taken that swing at him. - The e-mail from Tamara McFly :eek: - Speaking of that, I didn't realize Rip was so universally reviled. There was a line somewhere about Jay having to pay for Rip's sins "until all the people (Rip) pissed off are dead" that I both loved and couldn't believe. - I feel like Primus messing with O'Farrady (and acknowledging it) got overlooked, so I'll just say that I enjoyed that. - Why the Ash Campbell hate? - Jay's jackassery really doesn't know any limits. Someone was bound to finally go off on him. Though getting beat up by Oscar Golden? Pretty LOL :) - B-!!!!! - I think Jay stays, for some odd reason.
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