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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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I think I know where you're going with Swoop. You aren't trying to lower his overness to keep him until you can sign him to a written contract, are you?
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 5th October 2013[/CENTER] Suzanne Brazzle vs. Lauren Easter[/B] Spinning out of the three-way tag match last week, Women’s champion Suzanne Brazzle was in non-title action here against Lauren Easter, who made an impact in her return to MAW seven days ago. The two women had ten minutes, and used every second to get the crowd warmed up. Easter looked fantastic, clad in black leather that had every man in the 2,000 strong crowd thinking bad thoughts, and made a strong contrast to the white-clad, blonde Brazzle. The action comprised an archetypal good/evil contest, with Easter fighting as much with her mouth as anything, running Brazzle down throughout, piefacing her, rubbing her face in the mat and generally acting as though she had no respect for the reigning champion. Brazzle mounted a comeback around the seven minute mark, and managed to take control of the match, but as she came off the top rope, Easter caught her with a dropkick before drilling her with a snap Belly To Belly Suplex for the win and, as Rock noted, surely a future title opportunity. Winner: Lauren Easter (C) * Raphael and The Mentor made their way down to the ring. Raphael picked up the mic: [COLOR="Blue"]“A change is coming,”[/COLOR] Raphael declared. [COLOR="Blue"]“I will control my destiny.”[/COLOR] He handed the mic to The Mentor, who nodded his agreement. [COLOR="Olive"]“Raphael has shown in recent weeks that he is a match for any person fighting in MAW today. He will be a champion, and soon. And tonight he will show that he is worthy of victory over any person in the locker room – by accepting the challenge of anyone who cares to face him.”[/COLOR] A bald man emerged from the back, wearing simple black workout trousers, the only other adornments being the tape wrapped around his fists and wrists. As the camera zoomed in on him, we slowly realised that it was none other than... [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/FumihiroOta_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ...Fumihiro Ota, unmasked and bare faced. The veteran Japanese competitor entered the ring slowly. Raphael eyed him guardedly while Mentor, noticeably, took a half-step back. [COLOR="Blue"]“Young one,”[/COLOR] Ota said, his voice reaching the fans for the first time in his near six-year MAW career. [COLOR="Blue"]“You have done well. And yet you fail to show respect for your elders. I have been young, and I have been headstrong, and I have been foolish, but as I have gained experience I have come to see the correct way – the way that I shall show you tonight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]“You see,”[/COLOR] Mentor cut in, [COLOR="Olive"]“you’re exactly what’s wrong with MAW. You’re standing in Raphael’s way, claiming to be all about the ‘true way’ or whatever. Age should not stand in the way of talent. When I take the shares from James Casey,” he turned, and shot me a venomous look, “then people like you will be the first ones out of the door.”[/COLOR] Ota smiled slightly, the expression now eerily visible on his face. Beneath his hood, it was possible to imagine Mentor’s own expression melting into uncertainty. [COLOR="Olive"]“Just get on and put him away,”[/COLOR] he said to Raphael, his voice for once lacking its usual bombast. * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Raphael[/B] As luck would have it, these two have fantastic chemistry, making Ota’s turn back to the light side – now shorn of all face paint, ninja wear and sundry other gimmicks – a successful one. The match was as much about the story as anything else, with Raphael stopping regularly to check with Mentor, while Ota stalked him in a very deliberate manner. The bursts of offence in between flowed beautifully, with Ota dishing out some heavy duty kicks, and Raphael responding by trying to tie up the Oriental star on the mat – only for Ota to be able to wriggle free time and again, finally putting Raphael down with a Shining Wizard for the pin. Winner: Fumihiro Ota (C) * [COLOR="Blue"]“Do not adjust your set,”[/COLOR] Harry Allen announced, as he emerged from the back, flanked by a man in a fancy frock coat, powdered wig and highwayman’s mask. [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/HarryAllen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/HandsomeStranger.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]“We are here, in MAW, Harry Allen an’ the Handsome Stranger, ready to compete in this year’s [B]King Of The Indies[/B]. We’re here to take it to the best that this company has to offer. Y’all may remember me from a few months back, but mah buddy here, all mysterious and stuff, he’s a newcomer here, so be sure an’ give him that big Mid Atlantic Wrestling welcome I remember so very fondly.”[/COLOR] The two men were indeed given a warm welcome by the MAW fans, a welcome that turned to jeers at the emergence of Rudy Velasquez and Lord Geoffrey Windameer. [COLOR="Blue"]“My colleague and I do not see eye to eye very often,”[/COLOR] Windameer said. [COLOR="Blue"]“But it’s clear that on this occasion, we are in agreement. It’s bad enough that our talents fail to be recognised adequately at the best of times. For the powers-that-be to bring in outsiders when the two of us don’t get the attention we deserve-“ “-or the money,”[/COLOR] Velasquez cut in, before Stranger interrupted him in turn. [COLOR="Blue"]“So, you want time to display your skills? You want to be paid? Well, there are two of us, and two of you... I would say that looks like a tag team match in the waiting. Now, come down here, that we may engage in battle for the honour of our respective allegiances.”[/COLOR] As the four men prepared for the match, we noted that it would comprise workers who variously represented SWF, USPW, TCW and NYCW in addition to Velasquez’ and Windameer’s MAW loyalties. * [B]Handsome Stranger and Harry Allen vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer and Rudy Velasquez[/B] Sadly, the match wasn’t as good as the angle, with Stranger and Allen all over the place, timing wise. We played that off as unfamiliarity with each other – after all, they come from different feds. It certainly seemed to cost them as, while individually they were able to hold their own against their foes, the comparatively slick teamwork of Windameer and Velasquez, who are very different people but equally selfish when presented with the chance to exploit an opponent, counted against them. A miscommunication saw Stranger knocked from the ring apron, leaving Allen alone in the ring, allowing Windameer to pitch him into the corner where Velasquez was there to hit the Street Cutter for the win. Winners: Windameer & Velasquez (D+) * Swoop McCarthy came down to the ring. [COLOR="Teal"]“Now you’ve all seen Swoop fightin’ a lot of different folks over the last few weeks. Swoop’s taken on the best, and if the losses have been more than the wins, well, Swoop’s still new to this country, and new to the men standing across the ring. “It’s been a magnificent learning opportunity. No-one can deny that Swoop McCarthy is the fastest rising star in this business, and to continue that meteoric upward rise, it’s time to challenge the biggest name that this company has to offer – the former World champion, the ‘Mean Machine’ himself, Jean Cattley!”[/COLOR] Cattley stepped out onto the ramp, his betraying a mixture of anger and scepticism. [COLOR="Navy"]“You’re the fastest rising star in the business? You’re on a meteoric upward rise? McCarthy, I’m here tonight to help my friends – not fight some delusional wannabe. In case you hadn’t noticed, the wolf is at the gate. In eight days time, this company might be lost to The Mentor. And you think that now is the right time to start throwing challenges around?”[/COLOR] Jean scowled down at the Australian prodigy. [COLOR="Navy"]“Hell, why not? I need to kick someone’s ass tonight. It may as well be yours.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Swoop McCarthy[/B] This was a strong finish, serving as further confirmation that Swoop is a prodigious talent. He looked great against Cattley, his athletic, power-based offence giving him an edge against the veteran technician. However, he found himself being caught time and again in painful submission holds that gradually wore down his ability to use his most effective moves, particularly his signature Running Powerslam. In the end, when Swoop did try for the move, his legs couldn’t take Cattley’s weight, and the former World champion was able to reverse into a Mood Swing for the win. Winner: Jean Cattley (C) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I]Next: A legend hangs up the boots, brother, while SWF have a new champion, and EHM goes On Tour...[/I]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;650666][I]Next: A legend hangs up the boots, brother, while SWF have a new champion, and EHM goes On Tour...[/I][/QUOTE] ha! So you get your grubby mitts on Alicia? Great readin'. :) I have some ideas on how you can get the women to produce better results in MAW's product, if you're interested (it would also solve another of your longstanding problems, to boot).
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[COLOR="Green"]“Alicia?”[/COLOR] The beautiful blonde woman looked up. [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh, James, hello,”[/COLOR] she said, still absently stirring the coffee that had been sitting in front of her for the last ten minutes. [COLOR="Green"]“Is something the matter?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Er... not exactly.”[/COLOR] I pulled up a chair, and sat down opposite her. [COLOR="Blue"]“If I tell you something, can you promise not to tell anyone?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Er, okay,” [/COLOR]I said, wondering what she might have on her mind. [COLOR="Blue"]“Dad’s retiring.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Oh,”[/COLOR] and then, [COLOR="Green"]“Oh!”[/COLOR] She nodded. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’ll be public in a few days time. And then...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“USPW will be yours.”[/COLOR] She nodded. [COLOR="Green"]“Well, allow me to be the first to offer you congratulations. And if ever you’re interested in a job, just let me know.”[/COLOR] She laughed. [COLOR="Blue"]“Thank you, James. I’m going to need some time to sort things out... I’ll need to decide what I’m going to do.”[/COLOR] I inclined my head, quizzically. [COLOR="Green"]“What do you mean?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, I don’t think I’m going to keep Shane on as head booker. He and I have never seen eye to eye, exactly.”[/COLOR] She paused, and looked at me. [COLOR="Blue"]“Would you be interested in the job? I know that it’s USPW, but...”[/COLOR] she tailed off. [COLOR="Blue"]“Sorry, I shouldn’t offer like that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“It’s okay. I’m fine where I am, thank you, but what about Mauler?”[/COLOR] She blinked. [COLOR="Blue"]“[I]Masked[/I] Mauler?”[/COLOR] I couldn’t really blame her for her scepticism. Mauler was something of a legend among old-school workers like myself, Rip and Sam Strong. He was someone who’d taken a thimbleful of talent, a pinhead of athletic ability, a ratty old balaclava that had belonged to the previous Mauler, and the least intimidating voice in the whole business and still got over with a gimmick that was outdated before he debuted – let alone by the time he inherited it a decade later. Part of that was down to a really strong grasp of the business. Separate from the psychology needed to control a match, Mauler had a good feel for how to build a card or a feud – better than I did, in all honesty. I had a feeling that he was just what USPW needed in order that they didn’t scare away even more folks than would jump ship with Sam going. [COLOR="Green"]“Yeah, he’s good at old school booking – much better than I’d be. And he’s been out of work since 4C went under. You could do worse – even if you’re going to evolve USPW’s product over the next few years, Mauler will be useful to have around in the meantime.”[/COLOR] Slowly, a smile spread across her face. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s worth looking into, I guess.”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="Green"]“Besides, Rip doesn’t have that many friends. I’d hate for him to get angry with Sam if I left to join you...”[/COLOR] She laughed, and I renewed my determination to get her under a full-time contract as soon as I was able – she was just too good to let go to AAA and 5SSW. Besides, the people who laughed at my jokes were thin on the ground. Adding one more wouldn’t hurt... * SWF have a new World champion. Troy Tornado has had the title for nine months now, and has had generally strong matches in its defence. He has now dropped the belt to Lobster Warrior in a Four Corners defence also involving Eric Eisen and Kid Toma. The match was a stunner – a genuine match of the year contender. Lobby’s reign is considered to be a bit of a lifetime achievement award, although Morrisette is currently one of the company’s most popular workers. * [QUOTE] [CENTER][I]MAW.com Show Report – On Tour in Tri State Thursday, 10th October 2013[/CENTER] Hello everyone, I’m Reese Paige, and this is your On Tour report. Our first match tonight saw Kashmir Singh in action against young hopeful Phil Jerome. Jerome has kept quiet since debuting in MAW, unlike many of our competitors. What’s going on inside that head of his? Only time will tell. One thing we do know is that he’s learning fast, as he took the veteran Singh to the limit, before falling to a Bombay Duck. Next up, Two Smoking Barrels and their manager Ernest Forthdyke-Hume took a moment to tell us just how good they are – very, apparently. EFH has a knack for keeping things simple, and it seems simple works, as Josh Jones and Quentin Queen then scored a no-frills win over Anne Lee Kubrick’s Wilkes Brothers. Next up the Bulldozer himself, Brandon Smith, laid it on the line for Delirium, telling the masked man that he was impressed with his speed and agility – but in the real world, he had the edge because he was a pure competitor, no frills, no messing – just the pure desire to succeed. So it proved as he made short work of the young high-flyer, putting him down with a Backdrop Driver. Next Dazzling Dave Diamond said hello to his growing numbers of fans. He noted that Remmy Honeyman and he were at polar opposites in almost every way – except one. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’re both here to win. One of us is going home unhappy tonight. The other can be found in the lounge of the Queen’s Hotel later this evening, celebrating his victory with any beautiful young lady who cares to join him. If you need more than one guess who that is, well, let me give you a clue: D... D... D...”[/COLOR] Diamond lived up to his boasting in an impressive encounter, where he was able to power through his opponent’s technically solid offence, delivering a series of hard blows to his face and head before finishing him with a Dazzle Driver for the win – and a celebration that’s still going on, several hours later. Something seems to have gotten into Thea Davis of late, and it has to do with Nadia Snow. Snow was primping and preening herself backstage, with the aid of her butler and make-up artist, when Davis burst into her dressing room, making cryptic comments about someone Snow had treated unfairly – before demanding a match there and then. Snow coolly brushed Davis off, before agreeing to a tag match, informing Davis that her former partner Jaime Quine would be siding with Snow. The match itself saw Davis aligned with Brooke Tyler against her two opponents. The four women gave it their all, putting on a thrilling display that saw Snow treating Davis with the utmost disdain – even more so than Quine managed. All this served to get the fiery redhead mad, and she lost her temper and her way, eventually walking into a Plum Tucker from Snow and eating a loss. In the next match, Bradford Peverell and Marc Speed clashed. Both men are rumoured to have gold in their sights in the near future, and this match gave them a chance to try for contention. It made for an interesting clash of styles, similar to the Diamond/Honeyman clash earlier in the show. Peverell was able to unleash some heavy blows in the early going, but Speed fought back by taking Peverell to the mat, and working over his right arm, denying him his most potent weapon. Ultimately, this work paid off as Peverell was forced to tap out to a Cross Armbreaker, giving Speed a big win over his title rival. GB Wood was in the ring, and he called out El Heroe Mexicano. After beating Nathaniel Casino last week, he claimed that Mexicano was cut from the same cloth – partying hard and wasting his potential when he should have been working on being the best wrestler he could be, like Wood always did. Mexicano took exception to this, and claimed that you need the occasional evening away from training to keep your life in perspective – otherwise you end up with no life at all outside wrestling. The two settled the matter in the ring, where the fans were treated to a fantastic display of wrestling. The two men are very different in many ways, and at times didn’t quite seem to know what to make of each other, but at the same time they put on an amazing contest highlighted by Mexicano’s Flying Headbutt for the win – and, apparently, proof that a big night out now and then won’t hurt your performance. With that said, I’m off to join Diamond at his party. Fans, we’ll see you next time we hit your area On Tour! Kashmir Singh def. Phil Jerome – D- Two Smoking Barrels def. The Wilkes Brothers – E+ Brandon Smith def. Delirium – E Dazzling Dave Diamond def. Remmy Honeyman – D- Snow and Quine def. Tyler and Davis – E+ Marc Speed def. Bradford Peverall - D El Heroe Mexicano def. GB Wood – C- Overall: D+[/I] [/QUOTE] * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Brazzle and Davis vs. Snow and Easter Team Honor vs. The Second Sons Harry Allen vs. Tim Westybrook “Machine” Jean Cattley and Fumihiro Ota vs. Ruin and Raphael[/CENTER]
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So Alicia's finally taking over the USPW throne eh? Well that's got to be good for you. [B]Brazzle and Davis[/B] vs. Snow and Easter Team Honor vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] Harry Allen vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley and Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Ruin and Raphael
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[B]Brazzle and Davis[/B] vs. Snow and Easter Team Honor vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] Harry Allen vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] “Machine” Jean Cattley and Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Ruin and Raphael[/B] What was the rating for the Peverell vs Speed match btw?
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[I]OOC: Turns out that having a baby can eat into your time even before it arrives in the world. Who knew? As today is d-day, this could be my last post as a non-father. Or we could be waiting another ten days. Either way, this show contains a promo I've been waiting weeks to show you all.[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, October 13th 2013[/CENTER] Brazzle & Davis vs. Snow & Easter[/B] The main focus of this match was on the fight between Susan Brazzle and Lauren Easter, who will face off in eight days for the Women’s title. The two gave their all in the ring, and when Nadia Snow or Thea Davis were tagged in, they equally did their bets – except for when Davis was in the ring, and Easter tried to tag in Snow. Snow grudgingly accepted the tag, but refused to get in the ring. Davis tried to drag her into the ring, but Snow responded with a hard slap. Grabbing Davis’ hair, she tried to ram her head into the ringpost, but Davis blocked and reversed, suplexing Snow into the ring. Snow immediately rolled out to the arena floor. Davis chased her around the ring, but when she followed Snow back under the bottom rope, Easter sprang over the top rope and dropped a leg across the back of her head. As Brazzle charged in to try and even things up, Easter took her down with a rolling wheel kick as Snow made the cover, picking up the win through teamwork and intelligence – if not good sportsmanship. Winners: Snow & Easter (D+) * Davis was helped to her feet by Brazzle, her face contorted in pain and anger as she stared at the smug Snow, being helped back into her dress by her butler. Davis snatched a microphone. [COLOR="Blue"]“Nadia, you -----, that’s enough,” [/COLOR]she growled. [COLOR="Blue"]“Everyone backstage knows the truth, and you still won’t face me. Maybe shaming you in public would be enough.”[/COLOR] Nadia smiled. [COLOR="Blue"]“Darling, you can’t shame me. I have done nothing to be ashamed of.” “You slept with my boyfriend!”[/COLOR] Nadia’s smile widened. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yes, yes I did. And I had such a lot of fun in doing so. He was a stallion, dear. It’s almost as though he hadn’t had such fun before...”[/COLOR] Thea turned pink. [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s enough! I want you in this ring, one on one. I’m not going to let you get away with this.” “I already have. He was a nice boy, but you can have him back, dear.” “I don’t want him back-“ “Well then, I fail to see the problem. I had fun, you’re free of someone you didn’t want-“[/COLOR] This time it was Thea who interrupted Nadia, but instead of speaking over her, she charged across the ring and dove through the ropes, flattening Nadia and her butler in one go. Thea fired off punch after punch, forcing Nadia to cover up until her butler was able to pull Thea away. [COLOR="Blue"]“Face me, you ----,”[/COLOR] Thea cried, as Nadia pushed herself upright, a slight but noticeable trickle of blood trailing from the corner of her mouth. [COLOR="Blue"]“Fine,”[/COLOR] she spat. [COLOR="Blue"]“Next week, here – you can have your chance to get whatever revenge might keep you warm at night. But it won’t work as well as your lover did, when he lay in my arms.”[/COLOR] With some semblance of her normal arrogance, she turned and swept away as Thea seethed. * The Mentor’s music played, and he came down to the ring backed up by Ruin, who not only had his World title belt in one hand, but also something large bundled under his other arm. They were joined by Raphael, Antonio and Casey Valentine. The men entered the ring, Ruin shoving the bundle none too gently into the ring and looming over it as Mentor took a microphone. [COLOR="Olive"]“It’s quiet around here. It must be the sound of Rip Chord not talking while he recuperates in the hospital. “James Casey, we beat down your protégé and left him lying. He was a trained wrestler – it’s part of the job. “Then we beat down Rip Chord, who was a wrestler, and a tough ------- in his day. Still, he’s now an old man, and he’s certainly taking his time to come back from his injuries. Really, I wanted you to get the point that there was nothing I wouldn’t do to get control of this company.”[/COLOR] The Mentor turned to look at the shapeless bundle at Ruin’s feet. [COLOR="Olive"]“What do you say, James?”[/COLOR] he asked, turning back to face me. [COLOR="Olive"]“Will it be third time lucky? Are you prepared to hand over your shares now? Or do we look inside the sack to find out who your actions are going to cause suffering for next?”[/COLOR] I glared at The Mentor. [COLOR="Green"]“I’m not giving you my shares, Mentor. I don’t know what you’d do with the company if you had it – and I’m not prepared to risk finding out.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]“What I’d do with this company is make it what it should be – the proving ground for young stars. What it was before you messed things up. Now look at everything, James. Who’s on top in this company? This company doesn’t show the future today. It shows today today. This company has lost its way, and only I care enough about the future of this business, and of this company, to make things the way they were again.”[/COLOR] I scowled. [COLOR="Green"]“You’re blaming me because this company doesn’t build stars any more? What about Hugh de Aske? What about KC Glenn? What about Kirk Jameson? They’re all stars, and they all got their break here in MAW because of Rip and I.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]“And what about Raphael? What about Casey Valentine, and Antonio? What about the dozens of workers who’ve come to MAW in your time here and been told they were too small, too slow, or too weak to be a star?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I’ve never said that to anyone!”[/COLOR] I snarled. [COLOR="Olive"]“And what about the wrestlers you’ve cut loose? What about them? You’ve taken this company onto television, but do the younger workers make it? No – it’s workers like Jean Cattley, Tim Westybrook, Phoenix – or whatever he’s calling himself this week – and Eddie Powell. They’re workers who’re with MAW to pick up a paycheck when they aren’t with their other employers. This company is supposed to be about developing new talent – not about living off the reflected glories of Hollywood or New York.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I’m going to say this once, and because it’s clear you’re stupid, I’m going to say it slowly,”[/COLOR] I began.[COLOR="Green"] “This company needs older, more experienced talent like that for the young stars to learn from. If we just opened the gates of the training camps and let a bunch of twenty year olds fight, no-one would care, and the matches wouldn’t be worth watching. We need people like Westybrook and Cattley because people care about them. And when they fight people like Raphael or Antonio, people will start to care about them, as well. Yes, we want to make stars, but not everyone can be a star – no matter how hard we work them. Some people just don’t have it. If they have some talent, they can always find work, but not everyone can be the next Rip Chord. And we still work hard on developing new talent. No, we don’t always put them on TV – but you need to earn your spot on television. We only have an hour each week. We have to know that the people who come out here to fight will deliver.”[/COLOR] The Mentor laughed. [COLOR="Olive"]“Very convincing... Tell me, did Rip Chord feel like you do when you came up with these ideas, this pecking order? Or did you convince him to become just another clone of every other company out there?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“You’ve got it wrong,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Green"]“This company will be strong enough, one day, to turn out talent the way you want us to. We can’t do that now. Training wrestlers is a slow process with the resources we have available to us. With more money – the sort of money you only get when you grow in size – we can invest more in new wrestlers. That will always be the priority of MAW. We could save a lot of money by not running weekly shows to hone the future of the industry, but we do that anyway – and we always will.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]“I could do it better. I would revolutionise this company. Our television show would be unmissable. Our live shows would feature the best young talent in the world. You talk about the future. I would build it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Well, we’ll never know, will we?”[/COLOR] I asked, dismissively. [COLOR="Green"]“Because your recent actions don’t suggest you can be trusted. Beating people up doesn’t convince anyone-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]“Then let me tell you a story,”[/COLOR] Mentor said, cutting across me. [COLOR="Olive"]“It's a story about a man who came to work for his best friend. This man thought that his friend’s company could be improved. That while the idea of building the future of this business was laudable enough, that he could make the company bigger and bigger, and bring in more and more money, and at some point in the future, well, he could go back to making the future... “This man set about bringing in scores of new workers who were ‘better’ than the ones already working for the company. Already, he was ignoring his obligation to make those wrestlers better – he was just waiting to fire them. “One of those newcomers was a pretty young girl named Katie, who stole this man’s heart. He engineered events so that her and her boyfriend broke up, and then he swooped to take her for himself. A lovely, romantic storyline, I’m sure you’ll all agree. “Time passed, and Katie and the man, whose name was James, had two beautiful children – twins, no less. They were blessed, no question. Clearly good things don’t just happen to good people.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Mentor, if you’ve-"[/COLOR] I managed, before he cut across me again. [COLOR="Olive"]“I think you’ve got the idea, haven’t you? I’m not a monster. Your children are safe. Katie, on the other hand...”[/COLOR] Ruin bent down, and unwrapped the bundle at his feet. The still, unconscious form of Katie Cameron was revealed. I stared at her, helpless as Ruin stood over her, and Mentor crouched down to turn her face to the camera. [COLOR="Olive"]“Give me the shares, James.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“If you’ve hurt her-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]“I don’t believe in, or condone, violence to women – unless they stand in my way. By allying herself with you, she stands in my way. It is with infinite regret, but not a second’s hesitation, that I would give the order to my students to punish this woman for your intransigence.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“You b------.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]“Be careful, James. If the next words out of your mouth aren’t to my liking, then it will be a Heartbreaker, a Roman Conquest, a Turnbuckle Exploder – that should be interesting – and then, finally, Miss Cameron will complete her very own Descent Into Hell.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Okay.”[/COLOR] I hung my head. [COLOR="Olive"]“You agree?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I do.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]“You see? I am a reasonable man – Casey, Antonio, give him back his woman.”[/COLOR] The Second Sons picked Katie up and moved her over to the ring apron, before retreating back to the group. I took Katie in my arms. [COLOR="Olive"]“You can sign over your half of this company in eight days time. Where It All Begins Again – how appropriate.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“No.”[/COLOR] The Mentor did a double-take. [COLOR="Olive"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I said no.”[/COLOR] I laid Katie on the announcers’ table and turned back to face the group. [COLOR="Green"]“You’re right, Mentor. Over the years, I’ve lent Rip Chord a lot of money. And what with one thing and another, the only way he could repay me was by making me part-owner of this company. That gives me a lot of power. It also makes me a really bad person to ---- off when you’re employed by this company. Mentor, I don’t know how you convinced Rip to give you a job, but when he did, you became an MAW employee. That means that, so long as you work for this company, I can take my revenge on you for what you’ve done to Katie. So in eight days time you and I are going to step into the ring together. Any interference from anyone, and they’ll be fired. If you beat me, you can have the shares – I don’t want a part of any company you’re a part of. If I beat you, well, you take off that mask so we can see who you are – and then you’re fired!”[/COLOR] The Sons looked as though they were about to charge out of the ring to come after me, but The Mentor raised one hand to stop them. [COLOR="Olive"]“Very well. Enjoy your last days in power. Perhaps you will be able to win. Perhaps my cause will become a footnote in history... But perhaps not. Perhaps you will find that you have been wrong all these years. And then, when I have beaten you, and taken your half of this company... Well, I’ll unmask myself anyway. Because I want you to know who defeated you, James Casey. And then you will be the one who’s fired.”[/COLOR] * [B]Team Honor vs. The Second Sons[/B] The two teams felt each other out in the early going of this match, a slow start as the Sons sought to avoid defeat, as Rock noted on commentary. The remark earned him a glare from Mentor, as Reese warned him not to anger the masked man. Back in the ring, the match was unfolding with Jenny advising the Team Honor duo, and Mentor advising the Sons. With all due respect to Jenny, the Sons have the better advisor right now, and while for long spells of the match Team Honor had the better of the action, Mentor clearly had his protégés well drilled as they were able to avoid defeat time and again, and when Johnson tried to tie Antonio up in a Carolina Crossface, the young Italian-American was able to reverse it into a Roman Conquest for the win. Winners: The Second Sons (D) * Ruin and Raphael were in Mentor’s locker room. Ruin stood in the centre of the room, almost immobile, his slowly moving chest the only sign of movement. Raphael sat slumped in a corner, knees drawn up to his chest as he stared blankly into space. This rather odd tableau was interrupted when the door to the locker room slammed open and Jean Cattley and Fumihiro Ota burst into the room. The two men charged Ruin, knocking him to the ground. Cattley tipped the craft services table onto the World champion’s prone form as Ota charged Raphael, drilling him with a Shining Wizard as he tried to rise to meet the challenge. The two men then turned to Ruin, manhandling a heavy armchair onto their shoulders and slamming it down on Ruin as he tried to rise. Ruin was dropped to the ground, pinned under the heavy weight of the seat. [COLOR="Navy"]“See you in the ring,”[/COLOR] Cattley said, with a tight smile. * [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley and Fumihiro Ota vs. Ruin and Raphael[/B] This was all about the conflict between The Mentor’s followers, and those who have set themselves in opposition. Cattley and Ota smartly cut the ring in two – not separating Ruin and Raphael, but rather obstructing Mentor and thus his ability to communicate with his charges. The strategy was rather more effective with Raphael, who seems to rely more on Mentor’s advice, than it was with Ruin – who’s big enough to tower over both opponents, and in any case can default to generic big man offence without losing a great deal of effectiveness. The veteran team relied on isolating Raphael as much as possible, but the blonde eccentric proved to be a slipper customer, displaying impressive speed and agility as he prolonged the match, keeping Ruin involved but choosing to handle the bulk of the match himself – seemingly at Mentor’s insistence as Ruin was kept fresh on the outside. The strategy seemed to backfire, however, as Raphael tired before his opponents, who benefited from their earlier attack, and the even split in ring time. In the end, Raphael succumbed to a Mood Swing from Cattley as Ruin look on, impassive. Winners: Cattley and Ota (C-) * Harry Allen came to the ring. [COLOR="Blue"] “Six months or so back, ah was one of the first men to stand against Tim Westybrook. He beat me – it was a close match, but he beat me. Since then, he’s gone and beat near enough everyone he’s faced. Seems like he’s the big test for anyone and everyone in this company. Well, ah’m in line for a big challenge in a few days time. Ah want to see if ah’m gonna be the winner. Ah want to see if ah can stand against the best.”[/COLOR] Sara Silverman emerged from the back. [COLOR="DimGray"]“My client is always willing to fight. Now, he did face you once before, and was successful. The way that MAW operates, this may not mean that he will get such a big bonus if, I should say when, he is successful. But my client’s challenges have been scarce of late. His lifestyle demands a certain regular income, and while he has other sources of income, the extra payment is always welcome. He welcomes your challenge, Harry Allen. He enjoyed your match, and knows that you are a worthy challenger.”[/COLOR] * [B]Harry Allen vs. Tim Westybrook[/B] So, Westybrook hasn’t had a match in a while, and is one of the few workers who’s over enough to beat Allen without a squeak of protest from TCW. There can be no surprise at the outcome of this match, then. However, Allen made Westybrook work hard throughout the match, and if the result was pretty predictable, the action was excellent as Allen showed that he had learned a lot in his short time away from the Mid Atlantic. He came off the top rope on a number of occasions, stunning the ‘Iron Man’ several times, and scoring with a missile dropkick that not only took Westybrook down, but sent him rolling out of the ring to regroup, with Sara Silverman looking stunned as she hurried to his side to advise him. After a short spell on the outside, during which Allen played to the fans, Westybrook returned to the ring – and regained control of the match with a spring lariat (Steinerline) that turned Allen inside out and upside down. From there, the match was Westybrook’s as he made relatively short work of the outsider, eventually pinning him with the TNT Whirlwind. Winner: Tim Westybrook (C+) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I](Raphael was overused. Yeah, well, I have ideas in that direction...) Next: On Tour, more KotI entrants revealed, and the build to WIABA continues...[/I]
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;652983]The Allen/Silverman promo was amazing, well worth... oh, wait,.. :D Although if The Mentor is who the latest promo leads me to believe it is, I can't see Casey having much chance with one and a half legs... ¬_¬[/QUOTE] Welcome back! And I'm curious as to who people think The Mentor may be, so do share...
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Jacob Jett, perhaps? That would be quite the coup. My only reasoning behind that is the wording of the latest promo where he talked about how you "engineer events" so that Katie would break up with her boyfriend. Also, I'm kinda hoping Mentor wins, no matter who he turns out to be, just because that would make for some interesting shows to come, and basically all it would mean for shows is that you'd have to make do with Rock and perhaps someone new doing colour (which could also be part of the youth movement and the changes that Mentor would be making). ... I am so stealing this storyline whenever I get my company to a point where it could make sense. I feel all inspired. :D As far as your real life goes, good luck with fatherhood.
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