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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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It had been an exhausting show, no question. Six of the seven matches had been wild affairs, and even the women’s tag had featured some high energy action. I hoped to have left the crowd breathless before the big show, as there was just one more night of action left before the pay-per-view – and we had something in mind for that as well. I hailed Gino and Eric as they came through the curtain, their security guards releasing them once they were out of view of the fans. [COLOR="Green"]“I have an idea,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Green"]“And I need you both on tomorrow’s show...”[/COLOR] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: On Tour Saturday, 13th October 2014[/CENTER] Amazing Fire Fly vs. Cameron Vessey[/B] Cameron Vessey is definitely coming along, and he was able to give Amazing Fire Fly a hard match here, but the lack of chemistry between the two was evident. In the end, Fly nailed the Sky High Fire Fly for the win. Winner: Amazing Fire Fly (D+) * Ashley Grover and Sara Marie York vs. Brooke Tyler and Amber Allen This was a fairly typical women’s tag match, with reasonable action and the crowd fairly muted. York stood out as the best of the competitors, drawing the fans in when she was in the ring and in the end it was she who picked up the win, dropping Amber Allen with an Energy Burst for the pin. Winner: Grover and York (E+) * [B]Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] One of the King of the Indies entrants took on an established MAW star in this match. Foxx took Newton to school from the bell, blitzing him with high-speed offence that had Newton on the back foot. However, the Triple Threat kept his head about him and fought back. However, Foxx proved resilient and Newton couldn’t find a way to put him down, eventually having to resort to using the ropes for leverage to score the pin. Winner: Davis Wayne Newton (D+) * [B]Kristabel Plum vs. Laura Flame[/B] This was a short match with the inexperienced, but powerful, Flame initially throwing Plum around the ring with ease, but Plum recovered to take control of the match, eventually landing a Plum Tucker for the win. Winner: Kristabel Plum (E) * [B]Harry Allen vs. Raphael[/B] Following up his triple threat triumph on Nationwide, Allen clashed with old rival Raphael here. The two put on a decent match, considering, with Allen taking the win with a Flying Fist Drop. Winner: Harry Allen (D) * Eric Eisen stood in the centre of the ring. He called out Fumihiro Ota, and lambasted him for being a thorn in the side of Elite. With MAW closing in a few days, he wanted a chance to put the Super Ninja down as a parting shot. Ota appeared and said that he was ready to face Eisen any time, any place. * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Eric Eisen[/B] Eisen seemed to have his hands full in the early going with the Super Ninja. It seemed that the New Yorker had underestimated his opponent, who struck fast and often with hard kicks and stiff palm blows. Eisen couldn’t seem to find a footing, but bit by bit he was able to wear Ota down. The battle raged for close to twenty minutes, and only came to an end when Eisen nailed the Silver Spoon Shock from nowhere to take the win. Winner: Eric Eisen (C) * Phoenix approached Gino Montero backstage and asked for a title match. Montero agreed, saying that Phoenix was a legend in Mexico, and he’d be honoured to defend his title against him. * [B]Gino Montero (c) vs. Phoenix[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] The respect between these two men was palpable in the opening exchanges, and they even shook hands after a super smooth chain wrestling sequence a few minutes in. For over twenty minutes the fans were treated to a wrestling clinic with the two men even throwing a little lucha into the mix. If the fans weren’t entirely on board with a match lacking in bad guys, they enjoyed the action nonetheless, and when Eric Eisen made his way down to ringside they heaped their stored-up abuse on him. Eisen made himself no friends by flipping the fans off before rubbing his thumb and fingers together, taunting them over his considerable wealth. The referee watched Eisen out of the corner of her eye, but could do nothing as all All Action matches are no-DQ. Eisen took advantage of this by entering the ring and drilling Montero with a Silver Spoon Shock before the champion could react to his presence. Phoenix tried to protest, but Eisen nailed him with a Shock as well, this one onto Monteor’s prone body. Eisen smirked as he dragged Phoenix into the cover, and watched on as the referee, with no choice, had to count the pin – costing Montero his prized title just two days before he was due to face Eisen! Winner: Phoenix (C-) * As Eisen stamped away on Montero, Fumihiro Ota sprinted down to the ring and warded him off with a series of kicks. Eisen tried to get past his earlier opponent, but Ota held him at bay long enough for Phoenix and Montero to somewhat regain their wits and face Eisen down. With no backup from the rest of Elite, Eisen backed slowly away, the whole time pointing at Montero and promising to really make him sorry on Monday night. With Eisen gone, Phoenix was distraught over the ending of the match. He tried to give Montero back the title, but Montero refused to accept. Phoenix said that without earning the title, he didn’t feel right wearing it. Montero said that a rematch was impossible – he had to be ready to face Eisen on Monday, and there was no way to fit another match in before then. Instead he suggested that on Monday night Phoenix and Ota face off for the title, as Ota had helped them both that night. Phoenix and Ota shook hands to agree to the match. [B]Overall: C-[/B] * Nadia Snow wasn’t used by us last night, so she had time to make it to Biker’s Paradise for QAW, whose inaugural event (Proving Grounds) saw her overcome fellow MAWer Maria Guest for the QAW World title. QAW’s head booker, incidentally, is Cueball Lynch, FCW’s colour commentator. * Harry Allen showed that he was back last night with a prank on Raphael. Raph apparently had to wrestle with itching powder in his trunks, which did nothing for his performance or the match. Disciplining a loan guy is always a tricky business, and I couldn’t risk Allen packing his bags and leaving as he’s someone I’d like to bring back one day. In the end, I settled on giving him a bit of a chewing out. Apparently all that time in the PSW locker room has rubbed off on him wrong – but he at least seemed a little contrite. [I]Next: Housekeeping...[/I]
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If it's who I now think it is, holy hell am I excited. He was one of my favourite things about MAW a few game-years ago. Part of me doubts it though. However, you did say his render bears an uncanny resemblance to the guy behind the mask considering the artist wasn't told who it was... and I can definitely see that, if I'm right...
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[I]OOC: Do share...[/I] * Before we go on, I suppose it’s time to do some housekeeping. The first thing to do, I guess, is to explain the footnotes that have been appearing in recent posts. Beginning back in mid-July I began appending posts that contained shows (Nationwide, On Tour or PPVs) with little footnotes. These drew a little attention, and I do wonder if anyone wondered anything about them at all. I wasn’t just being goofy – they were cryptic clues. Each once referred to a number, in a descending sequence. Starting with Manganese (which has an atomic number of twenty-five) we went down through Santa’s big night out (December twenty-fourth), Michael Jordan (shirt twenty-three) and so on. The last show’s clue was ‘all by myself’, referencing the number one. WIABA will be Ground Zero, which will be the number of shows remaining in the dynasty. None. I don’t think it’ll come as a shock to too many people that the next show will be the last in the diary. I have a lot of ideas about how to continue it, and I’m massively attached to the game, of course, but since picking up TEW 2007 more than three years ago I’ve scarcely played as any company [I]but[/I] MAW. It’s time to try somewhere else – in all likelihood SWF to see how long I can go before dropping them to Cult. I hope people have enjoyed the diary. It’s had a lot of faults – scattershot booking, a dependence on stables in the last couple of years, a magpie tendency to bring people in when I didn’t need to – but I think it’s been fun to read. I’ve certainly had a lot of fun writing it, and even after almost two years that’s still the case. There’s been a lot of times I could have ended this diary. The most obvious one was back in January of this game year, with the Cult of Chord defeated and Westybrook, Heroe and Jean celebrating at the end of the Invitational. Still, there were more stories to be told. I have regrets, of course. I should have pushed Hugh de Aske harder. I should have pushed Kirk Jameson sooner. I [I]certainly[/I] should have saved more money before rising to Cult. Then there was the non-push of Brandon Smith, the Women’s division, the [I]tag[/I] division. Above all (maybe): Rip vs. Jay. But the mistakes have been fun, I think. You can learn a lot from this diary about how not to run a smaller fed, and how not to write a diary where everyone should have a distinct and definable character. Two things to work on for me, at least... In the end, it’s been a blast. I wanted to take this moment to thank everyone who’s been reading, either from day one, or past day two-thousand. For everyone who’s helped out with graphics (ReapeR, FINisher and the rest of you), story and character ideas (bigpapa42, Phantom Stranger, Tigerkinney and others – whether acknowledged or otherwise) and above all everyone who’s taken the time to review, predict, comment or otherwise keep this one generally on the first couple of pages (D-Lyrium and Hyde Hill deserve special mention). If anyone has any questions about the diary, be it discontinuity, ‘what the hell’ moments, where are they now, game world queries or whatever, fire away. We’ve still got a few posts to go... [I]Next: Who is Kid Arachnid? He's one of [U]these[/U] guys...[/I]
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I knew this day was coming... Not so much for the very clever epilogue notes, but simply based on comments you've made. In inevitable, but that doesn't make it any less sad for this reader. However understandable, its always disappointing to see a favorite winding down. This one is particularly bittersweet for me - as I've said a few times, 10SR and TigerKinney's FCW were my favorite 2008 projects and both inspired me to try my hand at a diary in the first place. I love the comment about how "learning how not to run a smaller fed" from this. I feel the same way about my SWF project. Realize its not over quite yet, but I did want to say thanks. For a definitive 2008 project that gave us readers so much.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;854811]*blinks* OK, cool... Not sure how, but cool nonetheless.[/QUOTE] Well, I hold you singularly responsible for MAW's money woes. After reading your PPPW diary (a year ago! I feel old...) I began to use more characters on screen who weren't necessarily wrestling. Just gave it more of a realistic vibe - but did start the financial stampede towards oblivion. So, I guess what I'm saying is... Nice job breaking it, hero :p
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/KidArachnid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Who is Kid Arachnid? I’ve been dropping clues over the last few weeks, and the most recent one was that he is a former champion in MAW. From the 1,200 workers in the database, that last clue should take you down to six, if you know your 10SR history. Kid Arachnid is one of the following men: [CENTER] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] Aaron Andrews – Darryl Devine – Greg Gauge [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JayChord.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MaskedPatriot.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MatthewGauge.jpg[/IMG] Jay Chord – Masked Patriot – Matthew Gauge[/CENTER] One of those men is under the mask. All of them have history in MAW. One of those men – all but one of them, you may have noted, being natural heels – has been leading the MAW resistance against the force of Elite. All of them are former champions in MAW. One of them is Kid Arachnid. [I]Next: Backstage at the Bridge...[/I]
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The best, in my opinion, would be for it to be Jay, but he has had some trouble getting over in your game, you've mentioned (damn dynasty stat), so I don't think it'll be him. Aaron Andrews would be alright, I don't think it'll be Masked Patriot. Can you imagine Kid Arachnid taking off his mask to reveal...another mask? The Gauges or Darryl Devine don't have the same "awesome" value that Jay would, or possibly Andrews, so I'm kinda hoping it isn't them.
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Aaron Andrews I think would have to be the favorite. He would make for a great prodigal son ending to the diary, in fact it would only be second to... Jay, who makes sense, but is almost too obvious and I think unlikely to have been brought in on a contract for this long. One of the Gauges or Devine would be a big disappointment in my book. None of those three played that big of a role in MAW over the course of this diary. If the diary was going to continue I think they'd be fine in that role, but I just see JC putting somebody more MAW-significant into that role, knowing the diary was coming to an end. Black horse pick is Masked Patriot, solely because having Kid Arachnid unmask and then going crazy on Elite Providence-style would be a great angle.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;855169]Well, I hold you singularly responsible for MAW's money woes. After reading your PPPW diary (a year ago! I feel old...) I began to use more characters on screen who weren't necessarily wrestling. Just gave it more of a realistic vibe - but did start the financial stampede towards oblivion. So, I guess what I'm saying is... Nice job breaking it, hero :p[/QUOTE] You know PPPW ran out of money, right? (Although juuuust barely... Ironically, I might've survived the final show if I hadn't brought Nemesis in for the end angle.)
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I kinda knew this was coming (I could've sworn you even SAID so a while back, though that might've just been a 'maybe'). I did notice the weird edit notes, and assumed they were part of some cryptic shenangians, but I couldn't work it out in the thirty or so seconds I spent thinking about it so I didn't give it much thought after that. :p Oh, and Aaron Andrews all the way. The Gauges didn't really DO much, I can barely remember Patriot (that one, anyway), Jay would be cool but a bit obvious, Devine was, is and always will be annoying. Andrews vs. Jameson f'n rocked, Andrews as Kid Arachnid would be awesome.
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I have to say, since finding your diary from EWB, you've motivated me to get back into TEW and wrestling sims. I would definitely put this diary up there with LAW/FUSE/etc, without a doubt. But given the hints you've dropped, I'm pretty sure that it's Masked Patriot, who was definitely one of my favorites as a heel earlier in your diary. Good luck in the future, and looking forward to predicting WIABA!
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Like somebody else said, I don't think it's Masked Patriot because you can't unmask a guy to reveal another mask. (though I'd love it, Providence was my second favorite character in this diary behind Hugh) And like somebody else said, I just don't see you trusting Jay Chord to such an important role. Matthew Gauge, IIRC, is a two time Wrestler of the Year in your game and likely WAY too big for MAW even if he were available. Greg Gauge, Darryl Devine...I don't have a good reason why it can't be them, other than I don't see you writing a storyline about either one of them saving MAW. Plus, it's the end of the diary...and with all that he's meant to this thing, the only guy that deserves to win the last match and hold the title at the end is Aaron Andrews.
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Enjoying hearing people's picks. On the subject of 'worth', I would say only Darryl Devine was a legitimate name when he came into MAW. The Gauges and Patriot all got made by their time here, Jay needed MAW to get over in the States, and Aaron, well, Aaron speaks for himself - two years as champion. Darryl would be a left-field pick, but in terms of who's done the best since leaving MAW, only Matthew Gauge outperforms him. He's main evented TCW PPVs without being a main eventer and would arguably be the biggest signing of the six - maybe Jay would have more American name value. However, all six would be available for MAW to sign in terms of being in the right popularity range. One (I think) is on a written deal. The rest are on PPAs. And incidentally, thanks to John Lions (and welcome! Glad to see that signature paid off) for the LAW comparison. Anyone who's enjoyed 10SR - hell, anyone who hasn't as well - should head on over to EWB and read one of the [URL="http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=342"]all-time great diaries[/URL]. Any comparison to rf4's work is a compliment.
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It wasn’t like Rip to be missing before a show. We’d been at Centrepiece Bridge for the last three days, on and off, getting everything set up. A popular local band was performing before the show to get the crowd geed up. We’d sprung for some pyro, and a couple of local celebrities would be in the audience. All this required attention, and with Jay still closer to feckless waster than reliable stalwart, Reese busy backstage and Rip absent, it fell to me to handle the bulk of it. In between all that, I had to arrange for a fleet of taxis and minibuses to make it to the airport at the right time, with the right names on their greeting cards. I’d considered just putting ‘MAW’ on the cards, but some of our talent would just walk right past – either because their minds were elsewhere or, well, they weren’t so smart. I thought back to the days of the Three Towers, a heel monster trio comprising Findlay O’Farraday, Bear Bekowski and Atlas. We’d sprung for their travel, I recalled, because it was less embarrassing for everyone for us to order a Humvee to collect them then for them to try and squeeze into cabs. Or, in Bear’s case, for him to try and work out how to order a cab. I shook my head ruefully. Some of our decision over the years... But then, we were a small fed. We couldn’t afford scouts. We needed to see people in the flesh to know if they’d work out. The Towers... hadn’t. But the Moment Of Madness experiment had brought us... I paused, leaning heavily on my cane. The Party Animals. Dazzling Dave Diamond and Justin Sensitive. They’d been bought in for the MOM shows, and they were still with the company. On balance, I wasn’t sure that spoke much for the concept. With our permanent home at the Biker Museum, we tended to co-opt a few rooms at the Bridge, and it was rare that we’d used the same rooms twice. Reese seemed to have an internal GPS to guide her around. Rip had seen a thousand backstages in a thousand towns, and seemed to have them all memorised. Some of the talent had been pleased when we started running the Bridge, not because of the gate bonuses, but because it opened up a new venue for Rip’s road stories. The Biker Museum and the Delaware Auditorium hadn’t been around during Rip’s active career, so mostly he’d been talking about his glory days in Stanley Hall since 2008. I knocked on doors, and opened some as I limped around the backstage. After half an hour, I was getting nowhere much although I did see something I hadn’t wanted to see after mishearing “Come in!” when, in fact, the young lady in question had been saying something quite different. At last I bumped into someone I knew, at least. Eric was leaving a nondescript room, looking slightly preoccupied. I hailed him, and he started slightly. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Hello, James. Are you looking for me?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Not right now. I was after Rip. Have you seen him?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“Yes, actually. I just had a word with him,”[/COLOR] he said, nodding his head in the direction of the door he’d just walked out of. [COLOR="Green"]“Oh, right. Any problems?”[/COLOR] I asked. I felt a little surprised. As far as I knew, Rip and Eric hadn’t spoken at all during Eric’s time with the company. [COLOR="Sienna"]“No, just a bit of,”[/COLOR] he paused, and frowned. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Business, I guess.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Oh.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“Well, I have to go talk to Gino about our match. See you later.”[/COLOR] He walked off. I knocked on the door and, satisfied that Rip was probably alone, went in. [COLOR="Green"]“Rip?”[/COLOR] He didn’t respond at first, standing and leaning on the window sill as he stared out across the city’s skyline. [COLOR="Green"]“Rip?”[/COLOR] He turned slowly. His expression was blank at first as he looked at me, before recognition dawned. [COLOR="Purple"]“Hey, kid. Problem?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I could do with your help downstairs,” [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="Green"]“I’ve been looking for a while. It’s probably pretty crazy now.”[/COLOR] A flicker of annoyance crossed his face. [COLOR="Purple"]“Yeah, okay,”[/COLOR] he said. He looked at the chair in one corner of the room as though he wanted nothing more than to sink into it. [COLOR="Purple"]“Let’s go, kid. Lots of work ahead of us tonight.”[/COLOR] I followed him out the door and back to the arena floor, where a distinctly aggravated Reese made several barbed comments about the need to keep our walkie-talkies on when out of shouting range. Rip dealt with it calmly enough and the imminent crises were averted soon enough as we got back to preparing for the show. Still, I found myself looking over to Rip a number of times during the course of the day. Even as he dealt efficiently enough with the myriad demands and problems that were brought to him, I noticed a certain something... but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Something, I knew, was wrong. I just wished that I knew what. [I]Next: WIABA preview...[/I]
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Finally completely caught up , after having read this from start to finish over the past few weeks ( mostly during occasional slow times at work.) I had popped in from time to time before and gotten snapshots of the current situations but now I actually have the full picture. As for Kid Arachnid mkIII, while Andrews or Chord would seem to be the most impact unveiling, i discount them for two reasons. 1. something you wrote earlier had the person behind the third mask refer to Jay and KC while out of character so I think that eliminates Jay. And 2. The known backstage problems that both Jay and Andrew continually cause were absent with the new Kid Arachnid. Assuming of course that you didn't just leave those out, but you tended to at least comment on any backstage incidents even if they didnt deserve a full post. I can't believe that Aaron or Jay could have gone that whole several months and NOT had any backstage incidents. It could be any of the other four, but I lean towards Masked Patriot/Providence because A. he is the one man among those you can truly claim to have built up as a star. The other three would have made it with or without MAW. Patriot needed someone to actually invest in him and his character for awhile. B. As Providence, he would enjoy coming in enjoying being the 'saviour' for his own personal reasons. It would be a melding of his original Masked Patriot good guy with his Providence carefree live in the moment and do what he wants. in otherwords, less psycho but still dangerous, only now adhering more to a code of his original persona. and C. Masked Patriot is a favorite of mine, having used him in both my original NYCW diary and my MHW one. Now onto your magnum opus itself. Excellent behind the scenes segments to me were the highlight of the diary, especially the early parts. I personally liked the stables feuds in the later years as it seemed to give more focus to the main shows and ring action itself. While I tended to skip through the match descriptions to the winner, the promos and angles did a great job of telling and advancing the story. While I thought it was bogged down somewhat by the sheer number of people you hired and shows you had, as there were several periods of time I didn't even know who you had on those shows, or when some were renamed and repackaged, it was an interesting and entertaining way of doing a smaller promotion. Sort of a machine gun everything to the wall and see what sticks booking method :p And of course, the 2 year run with new readers still coming in and a large active number of posters, as well as the almost 100,000 views and over 2000 posts speak to the sheer popularity and quality of the diary. All n all, well worth the time I invested in reading it from start to finish. :)
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[I]OOC: Dragonmack, thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you've enjoyed the diary enough to plough through it. I can only apologise for the weaker parts, even if they seem to have a strange charm of their own for some readers. I guess we can't please everyone all the time - even Generation Supreme had The Supreme View *cough* - but knowing that so many people have enjoyed this is pretty cool. Sitting here now, writing up the WIABA main event, definitely makes me want to make sure every stop is pulled. And speaking of WIABA...[/I] * [QUOTE] [CENTER][B]TEW.com Where It All Begins Again preview[/B][/CENTER] Hi everyone, I’m Jay Reso and this is my look at the upcoming MAW pay-per-view, Where It All Begins I’ve been following MAW since day one, and nine years is a long time. I’ve been delighted to be able to catch their shows through my cable provider of late, even if they’ve disappeared from out TV screens. Still, downloading the shows works better for me, so I’m happy enough. And have you seen the new announcer who’s been brought in to replace Jerome Turner? Her name is Jackie Gonzales and she is stunning. It almost makes missing out on making it to the show seem worth it. The focus of this year’s show is, of course, the final showdown between MAW, as represented by The Firm and Elite, as represented by a cluster of current and recent SWF workers. Who needs symbolism? The signing of Eric Eisen was a huge coup for MAW, bringing a lot of extra attention to the company. If Eisen out of the SWF isn’t as popular as he was in the SWF, it’s still clear that he’s the #1 guy in the company. This Monday he’s taking on the wrestler considered to be the next true great – the Mexican McFly, the Latino Kikkawa, the south of the border Stone, Gino Montero. The All Action title isn’t on the line now, but this has always been more a case of two great wrestler going at it, with pride, honour and the future of MAW all hanging in the balance. The Tag Team titles will be on the line as well, with Alicia Strong and a mystery partner teaming against Dirty Elite. This could go either way – we know that head booker James Casey tried inter-gender matches a few years ago, but the fans didn’t much buy into it. Last month’s main event between Alicia and Arachnid was a classic of sorts, but as much for the storyline, the heat and the shenanigans as the match itself. This could be sink or swim for the prospects of a truly mixed company. Next we have the clash between “The Wrath of God” Jack Giedroyc – and the Internet rejoiced – and Ernest Youngman. Tying Giedroyc to Elite (sort of) was a smart move on MAW’s part, as he’s fresh from Supreme TV. This is likely to be the start of a long programme between the two – assuming that MAW doesn’t come to a close at the end of the show. With finances the way they’re rumoured to be, this could be the company’s last hurrah. Going out with a bang would be the Chord way, after all. The second of the Firm/Elite clashes will be the tag match between Luchas De Mascaras and Sexy & Roberts. The decline of the Elite duo has been well documented on tew.com so we won’t say too much more. However, this should still be an entertaining match. From nowhere we have a new All Action champion, as MAW stalwart Phoenix won the All Action title from Gino Montero at the last On Tour show. MAW.com have announced that at the show Phoenix will be defending against Fumihiro Ota. The two men have been with MAW for over six years, and if this match is something of a loyalty bonus, it’s also a fascinating clash between two indy legends. The MAW archives have been trawled and have revealed that the two have only met in singles competition on one previous occasion, a time limit draw four years ago. I’m personally looking forward to seeing what they can produce on the grand stage. The King of the Indies match has, in just three years, become a standout part of MAW’s year. For ‘smart’ fans, the chance to see cross-promotional conflicts like the one between Alex DeColt and Puerto Rican Power is great fun, and if this year’s show is a bit MAWcentric, there’s a lot of talent due in the ring, plus the surprise entrant. Last year Enygma – fresh from SWF, which may have been an inspiration for the formation of Elite – made the big shock. This year the rumour I’m hearing is, well... Suffice to say that the late arrival will be west coast rather than east coast this year. With Giedroyc’s arrival, KC Glenn lost out on a Traditional title shot if rumours are to be believed. The shuffling of talent on the card left him without an Elite dance partner, but he and Davis Wayne Newton should put forth a very enjoyable clash – maybe even a sleeper shot at match of the night. However, it’s hard to look beyond the main event for ‘match most likely’ at this show. For six months Kid Arachnid and Jean Cattley have been circling one another, with Arachnid picking off the members of Elite one-by-one ahead of this showdown. Cattley’s World title triumph over Tim Westybrook remains one of the biggest moments in the company’s history, and cemented his image as the wily and unstoppable veteran. Arachnid, meanwhile, has shown tremendous courage and fortitude in his pursuit of the ‘traitor’. We don’t know who’s under the mask this time – well, we may going by the hints that [email]thethirdhood@mawrestling.com[/email] has been sending through for us to post every now and then – but he’s clear a superior wrestler. That he and Cattley have never met in a singles match in the last six months was a wise move, as this is a first-time clash, a true one-off that we’ve (probably) never seen before. So, in the end, do I expect MAW to survive? Yes, I do, but if they do when a lot of talent is leaving the company. If they do, then Eric Eisen, Joe Sexy, Enforcer Roberts and the other Elite invaders will be gone, assuming there’s no swerve coming. Maybe, outside of all this, SWF have bought out MAW for use as a development fed? Maybe MAW have bought out SWF, and we’re about to see Montero and the others invade Supreme TV? Who knows? Not me – so I’ll be tuned in to find out. Be sure to join me this Monday night! [RIGHT]~Jason Reso[/RIGHT] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/B] Alicia Strong and ??? vs. Dirty Elite (c) – MAW Tag Team titles Luchas De Mascaras vs. Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts King of the Indies: Sean Deeley, Joss Thompson, Cameron Vessey, Harry Allen, Alex DeColt, Swoop McCarthy, Flying Jimmy Fox, Puerto Rican Power, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith and ??? Phoenix (c) vs. Fumihiro Ota – MAW All Action title Jack Giedroyc vs. Ernest Youngman (c) – MAW Traditional title KC Glenn vs. Davis Wayne Newton Gino Montero vs. Eric Eisen Kid Arachnid vs. Jean Cattley (c) – MAW World title[/CENTER] [I]OOC: Apropos nothing, before I booked WIABA I sat down and wrote out in Word how long I thought each segment should be. I ended up with just eight spare minutes on a 3.5 hour show. I'm never that precise when I book in the [U]game[/U]. Apparently it all just came together on the night.[/I]
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[B]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/B] [B]Alicia Strong and ???[/B] vs. Dirty Elite (c) – MAW Tag Team titles [B]Luchas De Mascaras[/B] vs. Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts King of the Indies: Sean Deeley, Joss Thompson, Cameron Vessey, Harry Allen, Alex DeColt, Swoop McCarthy, Flying Jimmy Fox, Puerto Rican Power, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith and [B]???[/B] [B]Phoenix (c)[/B] vs. Fumihiro Ota – MAW All Action title Jack Giedroyc vs. [B]Ernest Youngman (c)[/B] – MAW Traditional title [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton [B]Gino Montero[/B] vs. Eric Eisen [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Jean Cattley (c) – MAW World title
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It is with great sadness I make these picks, but I'm also looking forward to this show. And to your next project. [B][U]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/U][/B] [B]Alicia Strong and ??? [/B]vs. Dirty Elite (c) – MAW Tag Team titles [I]I think you might have someone big lined up for that ??? spot. Sam, maybe? Unlikely. But someone...[/I] Luchas De Mascaras vs. [B]Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] [I]Don't know that the oldies need to go over, but...[/I] [U]King of the Indies[/U]: [B]Sean Deeley[/B], Joss Thompson, Cameron Vessey, Harry Allen, Alex DeColt, Swoop McCarthy, Flying Jimmy Fox, Puerto Rican Power, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith and ??? [I]Going with Deeley more out of hope than anything else. He remains one of my favorites and it irks me that CGC have him locked up in 2010. Grr....[/I] [B]Phoenix [/B](c) vs. Fumihiro Ota – MAW All Action title At least one champion has to retain, right? [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman (c) – MAW Traditional title [I]Not sure on this one. Gonna go with Mr. Wrath.[/I] KC Glenn vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [I]Going with DWN just out of perference, I think.[/I] [B]Gino Montero [/B]vs. Eric Eisen [I]Easy E putting the GM over?[/I] [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Jean Cattley (c) – MAW World title [I]Kid becomes MAW champion before unmasking to reveal he is really... Rip Chord. Baahhahhaa....[/I]
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MAW Where It All Begins Again [B]Alicia Strong and ???[/B] vs. Dirty Elite (c) – MAW Tag Team titles Luchas De Mascaras vs. [B]Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] King of the Indies: Sean Deeley, Joss Thompson, Cameron Vessey, Harry Allen, Alex DeColt, Swoop McCarthy, Flying Jimmy Fox, Puerto Rican Power, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith and [B]???[/B] [B]Phoenix (c)[/B] vs. Fumihiro Ota – MAW All Action title [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman (c) – MAW Traditional title KC Glenn vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Gino Montero vs. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Jean Cattley (c) – MAW World title
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[B]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/B] Alicia Strong and ??? vs. [B]Dirty Elite (c)[/B] – MAW Tag Team titles [B]Luchas De Mascaras[/B] vs. Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts King of the Indies: Sean Deeley, Joss Thompson, Cameron Vessey, Harry Allen, Alex DeColt, Swoop McCarthy, Flying Jimmy Fox, Puerto Rican Power, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith and [B]???[/B] [B]Phoenix (c)[/B] vs. Fumihiro Ota – MAW All Action title Jack Giedroyc vs. [B]Ernest Youngman (c)[/B] – MAW Traditional title [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton [B]Gino Montero[/B] vs. Eric Eisen [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Jean Cattley (c) – MAW World title
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