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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[CENTER][B]Epilogue 2: 2017[/B][/CENTER] 2017 saw the most star-studded Invitational tournament of all time, as seven of the eight qualifiers were all former winners: Mainstream Hernandez, Jay Chord, Brandon Smith, KC Glenn, Sean Deeley, El Heroe Mexicano and Kirk Jameson were all in the mix. Entrant number eight had a pedigree all of their own: Lauren Easter had gained a wildcard entry by entering a battle royal under a mask and bodysuit, last eliminating a furious Antonio. Easter battled valiantly against KC Glenn in her opening match, although she ultimately fell to defeat. Her performance was the final catalyst that opened the floodgates for women to compete on more of an even footing with men in singles matches, as well as tags. The final winner of the Invitational turned out to be Mainstream, claiming his third title after almost a decade away from the company. Lifting the trophy he proclaimed that MAW was Mainstream once more: He was back full-time, with the company being the fastest-rising in the world, it was only fitting that he get back on board for the ride. As big a talking point as the Mainstreamer’s win was, the main event of the night proved to be the showstopper. After a year of facing every challenge he could find, Gino Montero cashed in his title shot against Aaron Andrews. The reigning Invitational champion had made the announcement on the pre-Christmas Nationwide after dropping the All Action title to Jefferson Stardust as the whacked-out rock god confirmed his ascension to MAW’s uppercard at the previous Monday’s pay-per-view, The Night Of The Champions. Montero noted that his first instinct was to re-enter the title hunt, but as an eleven-time champion, he felt that he’d done everything that he could with the title, and after seeking advice from someone he trusted he’d decided that the time had come to take the next step in his career. That someone was revealed the following week to be the masked Mr. Lucha IV, an apparent luchadore continuing the Mexican Mr. Lucha tradition. During the title match, Montero had the Mr. Lucha IV in his corner, while Andrews was backed by Kirk Jameson. The match was a classic – MAW’s best ever match. It didn’t run for a hugely long period of time, but there was plenty on show for everyone to enjoy as the two hugely-talented workers put everything on the line. It was also a scrupulously cleanly fought match, with Montero having seemingly quelled the anger that had threatened to overwhelm him in recent months through the help of Mr. Lucha. In the end, it was Montero who came out on top. Andrews’ two year, three month reign came to an end as the victim of a Montero Press earned a three count at the third attempt after a furious closing spell. After the bell, Andrews shook hands with the victor, handing over the title belt as a sign of respect. Montero and Lucha celebrated in the ring until, to Montero’s surprise, Lucha undid his mask and removed it. The man underneath was definitely not Mexican – just heavily tanned, and had obviously been using a fake accent as he was none other than Angry Gilmore. The two men stared at each other, the crowd going nuts, as the show came to a close. The following Nationwide painted a very different picture to the one that many had expected. Gilmore opened the show in the centre of the ring by declaring that he was contemplating retirement, and he wanted to give back to the industry he’d received so much from. Becoming a mentor to the young stars of MAW seemed like the way to do it. He’d gone to Montero and offered his services under a false identity – just to see if he had what it takes to advise one of the best he’d ever seen. However, he was challenged immediately by Davis Wayne Newton who claimed that he’d spent too long fighting for the top spot to have a broken-down has-been like Gilmore take the attention away from him. He’d been planning to go after Montero, but Gilmore still had some name value, and retiring a veteran would only add to his lustre. The two would embark on a thoroughly enthralling feud, with the interesting sub-plot of Lisa Bowen, Newton’s manager, trying to seduce Gilmore on a number of occasions – leading to Jessie Gilmore and her sister, Kristen Pearce having an... interesting match with Bowen and her ally, Emmy. Montero, meanwhile, was feeling the pressure that Andrews had felt. It seemed to only be a matter of time before his punishing schedule caught up to him. Fortunately for him, that moment came in a non-title match on Nationwide against the new All Action champion, Joss Thompson. The International forced a submission from a tired Montero on Nationwide just four days after the champion had successfully defended his World title in a thrilling clash with Cobra after the starkly evil challenger had spent weeks ambushing the champion with various snakes. In the wake of the defeat, Montero visibly reduced his schedule to ensure that he continued to provide value for money, but he wasn’t putting himself through the wringer every night. With MAW’s strong roster including two Stones, two DeColts, Heroe, Andrews, Chord, Jameson, Hernandez, Newton, Deeley, Swoop and a whole host of others, Montero seemed to take the view that conserving his strength might not be the worst idea in the world. Thompson proved to be a less than inspiring champion, following Swoop McCarthy’s occasional tactic of walking out of matches without the positives of more often sticking around until the finish. He retained the title for several months without once managing a clean finish – only for Josh Jones to upend him after Thompson blithely agreed to a match without checking the stipulations: Jones had requested that the title change hands on a count-out. Elsewhere, the Traditional title had been defended in a series of stellar matches that pushed the division to the forefront of the company. The DeColts, Davis Wayne Newton, Sean Deeley, Jeremy Stone, Jefferson Stardust, Jack Giedroyc... Just some of the names chasing or holding the title before Heroe’s reign came to an end when he had his rematch against Edd Fu. The pair tore the house down at Wrestling Classic in a straight-out wrestling match, with Edd busting out some outrageous moves – but also showing off the solid technical basis that comes from graduating the House of Stone. The end of the match came with Stone wrapping the masked champion up in a Boston crab, having focused his attack on Heroe’s back throughout, drawing the submission in short order to claim the title. Edd and Jeremy had a stunning match at Super Showdown in March, with Edd eschewing much of his traditional aerial wizardry in favour of a ground-based assault that kept Jeremy guessing. To the shock of many, the end of the match came with Jeremy trapped in a sharpshooter in the centre of the ring, unable to reach the ropes or break the hold, and given no choice but to concede defeat to his younger brother. The two brothers embraced in the middle of the ring, Jeremy raising Edd’s hand in gracious defeat. It was a touching image – but spoilt almost immediately as a big man climbed into the ring and nearly decapitated Edd with an almighty lariat. The attacker stared Jeremy down, and the crowd went wild at the familiar but completely unexpected face of Steve DeColt. For the next several weeks, everywhere Edd went Steve followed, gorilla pressing him into the fourth row of fans, slamming him on a chair, putting him through a table and throwing him off the stage to the floor below. Every attack was followed by a staredown with Jeremy, who would come running to try and help his little brother – but DeColt would back away each time, an arrogant grin on his face. By the time Edd and Steve faced off with the Traditional title on the line, Edd was wounded and struggling, but the Stone pride would not allow him to back away – a shame, as a valiant fight was not enough to put DeColt away, the biggest of one set of brothers putting away the smallest of the other with a thunderous DeColt Stampede for the win to take the title and bragging rights between the two families. Over the coming months, Edd would challenge unsuccessfully to regain his title, while Steve would continue to bully and brutalise the MAW roster. Alex and Ricky would come in for flack for their perceived unwillingness to confront their brother over his actions – or, as some claimed, their tacit support of them. Alex finally stepped in the ring with Steve, clearly reluctant to tackle his brother, but having had enough of his arrogance and brutality. However, the Traditional champion treated him like just another challenger and blasted him with a string of power moves for the win. But still there was no match against Jeremy. The fans wanted it, Jean Cattley offered the match on a number of occasions, and Jeremy himself had even issued the challenge on a number of occasions. Steve, however, was having none of it. He refused to face Jeremy in the ring, claiming that it was his vengeance for years of his family suffering under Jeremy’s. Edd’s beatings had been step one – the younger Stone was an easy punching bag. Jeremy was going to have to take his punishment the worst way he knew how: In his competitive instinct. Steve would never sign to a match against Jeremy, so Jeremy would never have the satisfaction of wrestling the one match that deep down he’d always wanted. Elsewhere, Mainstream Hernandez’ pursuit of the World title was in full flow. A thrilling victory over Jay Chord at April’s Americana was claimed as Step One. Mainstream said that he’d cash in his title shot only after he defeated every other former MAW champion on the roster – meaning that Kirk Jameson and Aaron Andrews would be facing the Mainstreamer in the coming months. The Gilmore/Newton feud came to a head in July as the two tangled at Summer Heatwave. After a lengthy feud, the actual match came to a relatively short conclusion as Newton took the win with a Fisherman’s Suplex after just over twelve minutes. After the bell, Gilmore applauded his opponent and, taking the mic, announced that the time had come: He was retiring from active competition. He took up a position as a manager, setting himself against Wanda Fish, whose loose group of followers had been making attempts on the Tag Team and All Action titles, with some success. Josh Jones had been toppled by Cobra, and while his All Action reign had been short with Fumihiro Ota quickly beating the snake handler, Ota likewise had a short reign as Fish ordered Cobra, the Lawmakers and Xavi Ferrara to beat him down ahead of his first defence. That match, not exactly coincidentally, was against Fish’s other client, Ryan Powell. Powell picked up an easy win and for a few weeks bossed the All Action division – but then Angry Gilmore revealed his newest client: Hugh de Aske. The wildly popular pirate made his return to MAW in a big way, upending Powell in short order for the All Action title. Gilmore’s next client was a complete unknown in the form of Sandra Shine, a promising young competitor who threw herself right into the Women’s title hunt with notable victories over Brooke Tyler and Kristabel Plum in her first few weeks in the company. Rewind to June, and Fan Festival saw Step Two, as Mainstream and Jameson clashed. It was the most closely contested match of Mainstream’s return, with both men coming close a number of times to scoring the win. It was a thrilling battle, on a par with the main event that saw Gino Montero retaining the World title against Alicia Strong, incidentally. Mainstream and Jameson tore into one another for over twenty minutes in a match that had the fans torn between their two idols – until from out of nowhere Mainstream KOd Jameson with a superkick for the win. In the following weeks, Jameson would express doubt about Mainstream’s methods in gaining the win, but Mainstream would vociferously deny any wrongdoing, and his subsequent victories came as clean as a whistle. The following month he would face Andrews in Step Three with Jameson present at ringside as a special observer – something that Mainstream had agreed to extremely reluctantly. Mainstream and Andrews embarked on a thrilling contest, with Mainstream doing his best to ignore Jameson’s presence at ringside. Jameson didn’t involve himself in the match at all – indeed, he moved on a number of occasions to be out of the sightline of the fighters. However, when Mainstream and Andrews spilled through the ropes at his feet, he was drawn into helping both men rise up, resulting in a tussle with Mainstream that Andrews also got involved in. What happened next wasn’t clear, except somehow Andrews ended up staggering backwards and crumpling to the mat as Mainstream and Jameson looked at one another in surprise. Mainstream didn’t waste much time, however, grabbing Andrews and rolling him into the ring before nailing the Pontiac To Home to complete Step Three. Summer Heatwave’s main event, however, was MAW’s first genuine Match of the Year contender as Jay Chord challenged Gino Montero for the World title. A thirty minute contest featuring a slow build before exploding into a flurry of close falls with ten minutes left, Chord and Montero gave their all as they sought to establish themselves as the true victor in this battle of the second-generation stars. Chord used everything at his disposal, hitting Montero with a Cradle Piledriver, a Super DDT and even going back to his time as Kid Arachnid with an Antidote Web, but none of it was enough. In the end, Montero soared with a Montero Press to take the win and earn a standing ovation, with the match earning the company its first ever A grade from Pro Wrestling Hits. On the next Nationwide, Montero addressed the title situation. Mainstream Hernandez would get his title shot in October – Montero’s schedule was already full for the next three months. Swoop McCarthy had been making noises for months, and his victory that Monday night over Scythe was enough to gain him the number one contender spot. Beyond that, Montero had been approached by El Heroe Mexicano for a World title shot – and had accepted that for September, provided he got past McCarthy. Mainstream wasn’t happy, but be had to work with what he had. In the meantime, there was the small matter of his blossoming rivalry with Jameson and Andrews to deal with – neither man was happy with the outcome of the match on Monday. A tag match was set for August’s Battle of the Mid Atlantic show, and when the night came around Mainstream’s surprise partner was revealed to be none other than Jay Chord – a man that Mainstream called ‘unfailingly honest – he’ll tell you to your face that he’s going to knife you in the back’. Mainstream’s partner and attitude didn’t endear him to the crowd, nor did his actions in the tag match as he and Chord double-teamed Jameson relentlessly, Mainstream calling on Jameson to ‘own up!’ Mainstream, it seemed, was holding Jameson responsible for the unclear outcomes in his recent matches, but if he was after instant justice, he didn’t get it in this match as an Andrews Flying Bodypress took him down for the pin. With Montero still booked up after his narrow win over Swoop McCarthy, Jameson demanded a match against Mainstream at September’s Clash event. Meanwhile, Andrews and Chord would clash after their simmering rivalry boiled over when Chord cheated to beat Jameson on Nationwide. What Montero thought while watching all this was unclear. However, a thrilling time limit draw with Heroe at The Clash meant that he’d be facing whoever the challenger was the following month. Whoever that challenger would be was far from clear. Jameson pinned Mainstream to win their match, but Mainstream immediately lodged a complaint, claiming that Jameson had cheated. Andrews and Chord, meanwhile, fought to a bloody standstill. On Nationwide it was announced that the review of the Jameson/Mainstream match was inconclusive. Then Jameson put in a counter-claim that he should be the one to receive the World title shot the following month, as he’d beaten the #1 contender! Just to complicate matters further, a BotMA rematch in the main event saw Andrews and Jameson draw with Mainstream and Chord when Andrews pinned Mainstream and Jay pinned Jameson. The following week saw all four men claiming their right to a title shot at October’s pay-per-view. Gino Montero cut them short when he accepted every challenge – it would be a five-way match for the World title! Montero’s move, however, did nothing to alleviate tension between the foursome, with only Andrews and Jameson seemingly on the same page, but even that friendship seemed strained by their individual ambitions. When Montero and El Heroe Mexicano teamed to take on Scythe and Cobra in the main event, the four challengers each took up positions at ringside, leading to the match being thrown out when Chord went after Montero, with Andrews and Jameson chasing Chord, and Mainstream going after Jameson. Finally everyone was separated, and Jean Cattley made the announcement that the World title match would take place inside a steel cage to keep all the craziness locked inside. Whoever came out the winner, he said, would be freed of their obligations to face any of the other four so long as they held the title. In the meantime, he was banning all five of them from physical contact on pain of being thrown out of the match. By the day of the big event, tensions were at an all-time high in the company. The undercard was also stacked with matches resulting from deeply personal rivalries, with the long-awaited clash between Davis Wayne Newton and his former ally Sean Deeley suspected by many to be the sleeper hit of the year. After several years as allies, Newton and Deeley had finally fallen out over the friendship – and more – of Lisa Bowen in the spring. At first Bowen had seemed to favour Newton, but his treatment of Deeley had soured her affections, and if she hadn’t outright aligned with the former Traditional champion, by October she was no longer an item with Newton. This night would see their first ever singles match. Hugh de Aske seemed to be alone in not being involved in some drawn-out saga – that is, until it became clear that his recent All Action title defences had somehow been rigged in his favour – a random match generator he’d been using to pick opponents and stipulations had continually thrown up matches that favoured the champion, while picking challengers who had little or no experience in the area. The champion didn’t seem to object to the discovery – he’s a pirate, after all, and no-one should expect any better from him. Instead, he suggested that a truly random draw take place, and it turned up a ladder match against Lauren Easter. Perhaps the most anticipated match of the show was the first-ever American clash between Jeremy Stone and Steve DeColt. DeColt was a victim of his own talent, as he had ploughed through almost everyone in his defences of the Traditional belt, and one by one potential challengers had shied away from going up against the dominant champion. The roll call of those unwilling to face DeColt read like a who’s who of professional wrestling, and as Cattley read the list off on Nationwide, DeColt had swelled up so much with pride that for a moment it looked like he might explode. Then Cattley dropped the bombshell: With no challengers available, it was up to him to choose one – and that challenger would be none other than Jeremy Stone. The match was set for Where It All Begins Again, and DeColt could show up or forfeit the belt. Elsewhere on the show, the Tag Team titles were on the line between the multi-time champions Fox Force Five and the recently-formed duo of Edd Stone and Ashley Grover, who had found kindred spirits, a natural chemistry and something a bit more in their partnership. And then there was Rampage. Tired of being ‘shoved to the touchline’, Brandon Smith had formed a team of similarly disaffected wrestlers, including Acidic (Acid II) and The Charger. Initially targeting youngster The Architect, the so-called Rampage moved onto Luchas De Mascaras when the honourable masked men intervened in one of their beatdowns. Taking still more offence at the intervention, Smith organised a gang beating of the two Mexicans, calling in favours with Davis Wayne Newton, the West Texas Lawmakers and Lenny Brown to leave the two men bloodied and hospitalised. To everyone’s surprise, Jefferson Stardust stepped up to the plate to face the vicious thugs. The former Tag Team champion had quietly made a name for himself as a much-improved wrestler over the previous year or so, having set out to face anyone of note who came through the company. Stardust upset Smith at August’s Battle Of The Mid Atlantic to – in theory – end Rampage’s assaults. However, Smith cited a loophole in the contract: He couldn’t lead Rampage in any more assaults... But their new member could. With that, Swoop McCarthy slid into the ring and blasted Stardust with a chair, knocking him clean out before unleashing a barrage of chairshots. In response, Commissioner Cattley barred all Rampage members from receiving title shots until they’d faced their victims, a match that could only take place in two months once their injuries had healed. Two other matches would take place on the show. The King of the Indies match featured the cream of North American, Canadian, Mexican and Japanese talent. Both DeColt brothers were entered, as were Phil Jerome and Quentin Queen. In addition to the MAW talent, TCW (Joey Minnesota), SWF (Robbie Retro), SOTBPW (Boriken Love Machine Jr), OLLIE (El Mitico Jr), WLW (Matthew Gauge) and GCG (Greg Gauge) were all entered in the match. The final match on the card saw Alicia Strong taking on Fuyuko Higa for the Women’s title. The two women had been tag partners, of course, but their relationship had splintered in recent months to the point where they were now engaged in a bitter feud over the Women’s title. Strong had toppled Higa for her second title the previous month, and Higa had immediately cashed in her rematch. A series of ambushes, attacks and assaults had followed, with the impression being that the two women had spent the last four weeks in almost constant battle with one another. Commissioner Cattley had eventually called in the police on the final Nationwide before the event in order to prevent the pair disrupting the broadcast, and the two women had been dragged kicking and screaming from the arena, still trying to get at each other even as they were bundled into the squad cars. [CENTER][B]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/B] Hugh de Aske (c) vs. Lauren Easter – MAW All Action title in a ladder match Fox Force Five (c) vs. Stone and Grover – MAW Tag Team titles Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Phil Jerome, Quentin Queen, Joey Minnesota, Robbie Retro, Boriken Love Machine Jr, El Mitico Jr, Matthew Gauge and Greg Gauge – King of the Indies Battle Royal Alicia Strong (c) vs. Fuyuko Higa – MAW Women’s title Sean Deeley vs. Davis Wayne Newton El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Jefferson Stardust and The Architect vs. Rampage (“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Swoop McCarthy, Acidic and The Charger) Jeremy Stone vs. Steve DeColt (c) – MAW Traditional title Gino Montero (c) vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Jay Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez – MAW World title in a cage match[/CENTER] [I]OOC: [U]Really[/U] the last show - just a bit of fun for me to throw out using 'name' workers and bringing back some old favourites...[/I]
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MAW Where It All Begins Again [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] (c) vs. Lauren Easter – MAW All Action title in a ladder match [B]Fox Force Five[/B] (c) vs. Stone and Grover – MAW Tag Team titles Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Phil Jerome, Quentin Queen, [B]Joey Minnesota[/B], Robbie Retro, Boriken Love Machine Jr, El Mitico Jr, Matthew Gauge and Greg Gauge – King of the Indies Battle Royal [B]Alicia Strong[/B] (c) vs. Fuyuko Higa – MAW Women’s title Sean Deeley vs.[B] Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [B]El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Jefferson Stardust and The Architect[/B] vs. Rampage (“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Swoop McCarthy, Acidic and The Charger) [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] vs. Steve DeColt (c) – MAW Traditional title Gino Montero (c) vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Jay Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez – MAW World title in a cage match It's been on hell of a ride. I must say this is why i bought the game and played it for so long. Time for me to cash in shortly and get the 2010 version soon. I've been seriously impressed by this dynasty and it's been such a great read. I only wish this was something that took place in the real world. So much great drama and stunning work. I know that doing this is a tough thing, but i can't wait for what comes after. Hope you do another dynasty. Thanks for the time wasting as i check the site daily to see if theres another chapter to read. Been great.
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MAW Where It All Begins Again [B]Hugh de Aske (c)[/B] vs. Lauren Easter – MAW All Action title in a ladder match [B]Fox Force Five (c)[/B] vs. Stone and Grover – MAW Tag Team titles Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Phil Jerome, Quentin Queen, Joey Minnesota, Robbie Retro, Boriken Love Machine Jr, El Mitico Jr, Matthew Gauge and [B]Greg Gauge[/B] – King of the Indies Battle Royal [B]Alicia Strong (c)[/B] vs. Fuyuko Higa – MAW Women’s title [B]Sean Deeley[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Jefferson Stardust and The Architect vs. [B]Rampage (“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Swoop McCarthy, Acidic and The Charger)[/B] [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] vs. Steve DeColt (c) – MAW Traditional title Gino Montero (c) vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Jay Chord vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] – MAW World title in a cage match
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MAW Where It All Begins Again Hugh de Aske (c) vs. [B]Lauren Easter[/B] – MAW All Action title in a ladder match [I]Never thought I'd pick against the Pirate, but it sounds like that's the direction the storyline is heading.[/I] [B]Fox Force Five (c)[/B] vs. Stone and Grover – MAW Tag Team titles Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Phil Jerome, Quentin Queen, Joey Minnesota, Robbie Retro, Boriken Love Machine Jr, El Mitico Jr, [B]Matthew Gauge[/B] and Greg Gauge – King of the Indies Battle Royal [I]Just a guess, I think he's the best wrestler in the match.[/I] [B]Alicia Strong (c)[/B] vs. Fuyuko Higa – MAW Women’s title [I]She's meant more to MAW than Higa.[/I] Sean Deeley vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [I]I just like the Triple Threat more.[/I] [B]El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Jefferson Stardust and The Architect[/B] vs. Rampage (“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Swoop McCarthy, Acidic and The Charger) [I]When in doubt, go with the faces on the big show.[/I] [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] vs. Steve DeColt (c) – MAW Traditional title [I]This would be an amazing match.[/I] Gino Montero (c) vs. Aaron Andrews vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Jay Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez – MAW World title in a cage match [I]It's no secret how proud you are of Jameson, I think he would've been Kid Arachnid III if he was available, so I see him finishing out the diary as champion.[/I]
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Hugh de Aske (c) vs. [B]Lauren Easter[/B] – MAW All Action title in a ladder match [B]Fox Force Five [/B](c) vs. Stone and Grover – MAW Tag Team titles Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Phil Jerome, Quentin Queen,[B] Joey Minnesota[/B], Robbie Retro, Boriken Love Machine Jr, El Mitico Jr, Matthew Gauge and Greg Gauge – King of the Indies Battle Royal [B]Alicia Strong[/B] (c) vs. Fuyuko Higa – MAW Women’s title Sean Deeley vs.[B] Davis Wayne Newton[/B] El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Jefferson Stardust and The Architect vs. [B]Rampage [/B](“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Swoop McCarthy, Acidic and The Charger) Jeremy Stone vs. [B]Steve DeColt[/B] (c) – MAW Traditional title Gino Montero (c) vs. Aaron Andrews vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Jay Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez – MAW World title in a cage match
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And here I was thinking it was all over! This epilogue has been epic, and I can't believe there's another show to only increase the epicness. [b]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/b] Hugh de Aske (c) vs. [b]Lauren Easter[/b] – MAW All Action title in a ladder match - Everybody loves Lauren Easter [b]Fox Force Five (c)[/b] vs. Stone and Grover – MAW Tag Team titles - Much cooler name Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Phil Jerome, Quentin Queen, Joey Minnesota, Robbie Retro, Boriken Love Machine Jr, El Mitico Jr, [b]Matthew Gauge[/b] and Greg Gauge – King of the Indies Battle Royal - As the DeColts have had a lot to do with MAW in the epilogue, I was tempted to go for them, then Minnesota ...but Matt Gauge is a favourite. [b]Alicia Strong (c)[/b] vs. Fuyuko Higa – MAW Women’s title - Higa is awesome, but Strong has done a lot for MAW. Sean Deeley vs. [b]Davis Wayne Newton[/b] - If this diary was going on longer, DWN would be the future. [b]El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Jefferson Stardust and The Architect[/b] vs. Rampage (“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Swoop McCarthy, Acidic and The Charger) - I'm surprised El Heroe hasn't been MAW World champion, to be honest ... [b]Jeremy Stone[/b] vs. Steve DeColt (c) – MAW Traditional title - How old has Jeremy got to be in 2017? Still, he remains Jeremy Stone and that menas he wins and gets revenge for Edd. Gino Montero (c) vs. Aaron Andrews vs. [b]Kirk Jameson[/b] vs. Jay Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez – MAW World title in a cage match - The toughest one to pick. As Gino is a staggering 11 time All Action champion by this point and has reigned with the top belt for a while, I figure you'll want some feel good ending to the diary that includes a title swap. Andrews has already had his long second reign, Jay Chord will always be around I assume. I wanted to pick Mainstream on first glance, but like others said, you've always been proud of what you did with Jameson and he didn't really get the best reign before being stolen last time. Therefore, Kirk comes out on top, I think.
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I think i may have only done perdictions and commented once or twice on your diary JC but how can I not do perdections on this card, just pure awesomeness. What a ride this has been, sad to see it go but what a way to go out. MAW Where It All Begins Again [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] (c) vs. Lauren Easter – MAW All Action title in a ladder match [I]Its got to be Hugh, he never got the run he was supposed to before, he deserves this.[/I] [B]Fox Force Five[/B] (c) vs. Stone and Grover – MAW Tag Team titles Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Phil Jerome, Quentin Queen, Joey Minnesota, Robbie Retro, Boriken Love Machine Jr, El Mitico Jr, [B]Matthew Gauge[/B] and Greg Gauge – King of the Indies Battle Royal [B]Alicia Strong[/B] (c) vs. Fuyuko Higa – MAW Women’s title Sean Deeley vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [B]El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Jefferson Stardust and The Architect[/B] vs. Rampage (“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Swoop McCarthy, Acidic and The Charger) [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] vs. Steve DeColt (c) – MAW Traditional title Gino Montero (c) vs. Aaron Andrews vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Jay Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez – MAW World title in a cage match [I]It couldnt be anyone else but Kirk, he was your first star that you made, the reason he is as good as he is was becuase of you, he has to go outon top to finish this off[/I]
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[B]Hugh de Aske[/B] (c) vs. Lauren Easter – MAW All Action title in a ladder match Fox Force Five (c) vs. [B]Stone and Grover[/B] – MAW Tag Team titles Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Phil Jerome, Quentin Queen, [B]Joey Minnesota[/B], Robbie Retro, Boriken Love Machine Jr, El Mitico Jr, Matthew Gauge and Greg Gauge – King of the Indies Battle Royal [B]Alicia Strong[/B] (c) vs. Fuyuko Higa – MAW Women’s title [B]Sean Deeley[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Jefferson Stardust and The Architect vs. [B]Rampage[/B] (“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Swoop McCarthy, Acidic and The Charger) Jeremy Stone vs. [B]Steve DeColt[/B] (c) – MAW Traditional title Gino Montero (c) vs. Aaron Andrews vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Jay Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez – MAW World title in a cage match
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Hugh de Aske (c) vs. [B]Lauren Easter[/B] – MAW All Action title in a ladder match [I]From how you've been building her up, a loss here would most likely cripple any credibility for intergender matches in MAW, so I'll go with deseating the pirate[/I] Fox Force Five (c) vs. [B]Stone and Grover[/B] – MAW Tag Team titles [I]Seems like a thrown together match, so I'm assuming that there is a reason for the Stone/Grover pairing other than just standard cannon fodder for your champs[/I] Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Phil Jerome], Quentin Queen, [B]Joey Minnesota[/B], Robbie Retro, Boriken Love Machine Jr, El Mitico Jr, Matthew Gauge and Greg Gauge – King of the Indies Battle Royal [I]I wanted to pick someone like Jerome/Queen for the upset, but I realized they probably wouldn't have the popularity to get away with it vs the import's CC. I don't see one of the Gauges winning over another, and same with the DeColts, so I picked Minnesota over the rest (since he did have a MAW appearance before IIRC)[/I] [B]Alicia Strong[/B] (c) vs. Fuyuko Higa – MAW Women’s title [I]Strong deserves to be champion at the end, since she's been the pillar on which you've based the woman division around pretty much the entire time[/I] Sean Deeley vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [I]DWN has been involved in higher profile storys/matches, and fits in more with your main event crowd than Deeley does IMO[/I] El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Jefferson Stardust and The Architect vs. [B]Rampage (“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Swoop McCarthy, Acidic and The Charger)[/B] [I]I think you own BBS and Swoop this win over El Heroe/Fire Fly, since they've delivered the goods in the upper midcard for the longest time without getting their due[/I] [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] vs. Steve DeColt (c) – MAW Traditional title [I]Would be a shame for Stone not to win after the long build[/I] Gino Montero (c) vs. Aaron Andrews vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Jay Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez – MAW World title in a cage match [I]If this diary was continuing, I would go with Mainstream, but Jameson is your golden boy. Chord is Chord, Montero and Mainstream really wouldn't give a "feel-good" ending, Aaron has been champion for nearly HALF the time you've owned MAW (maybe a third of the time), so I don't see how Jameson could lose[/I]
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Hugh de Aske (c) vs.[B] Lauren Easter[/B] – MAW All Action title in a ladder match [I]Lauren Easter to win the belt here to further the no gender barrier between MAW. I really like how you have got the Women to eventually be on an equal footing as the Men, as a gradual revolution, rather than one you have desperately tried to force feed the fans.[/I] [B]Fox Force Five (c)[/B] vs. Stone and Grover – MAW Tag Team titles [I]Safe pick here is that the champs retain[/I] Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Phil Jerome, Quentin Queen, [B]Joey Minnesota,[/B] Robbie Retro, Boriken Love Machine Jr, El Mitico Jr, Matthew Gauge and Greg Gauge – King of the Indies Battle Royal [I]Minnesota is probably the biggest name here.[/I] [B]Alicia Strong (c)[/B] vs. Fuyuko Higa – MAW Women’s title [I]As someone else pointed out it would feel right for Strong to be holding the women's belt at the end of this diary. I can also forsee her perhaps 'retiring' the belt after this, especially with the women on an equal footing as the men. [/I] Sean Deeley vs[B]. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [I]DWN is the one who if things were to continue would have more upside going into the future.[/I] El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Jefferson Stardust and The Architect vs. [B]Rampage (“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Swoop McCarthy, Acidic and The Charger)[/B] [I]Rampage get the win here to further cement themselves as the new threatening heel stable[/I]. [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] vs. Steve DeColt (c) – MAW Traditional title [I]You don't have someone ducking someone for so long, not to have them get their comeuppance when they finally do meet.[/I] Gino Montero (c) vs. Aaron Andrews vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Jay Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez [I]As other's have pointed out, Jameson emerging as the champion here would just kind of feel like the fairytale ending.[/I]
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Really enjoying the feedback here. I hope to have the show posted... sometime. I'm going for somewhere between typical detail and the amount I put into the last show, so it's taking a while to come together. I will say that on the main event no-one winning is completely out of the question, although Aaron regaining is by some distance the outsider. I'm tempted to have Jay get crippled because, you know, funny. Glad that people have enjoyed the epilogue, as I wanted MAW to evolve fairly realistically. Bringing in the Stones/DeColts is plausible due to their Canadian overness being significantly greater than their US. Angry appearing and Mainstream re-signing are stretches, but I figure by mid/late 2016 that MAW would have gone National. At least I didn't have the headache of choosing a non-Regional name when that happened. Been thinking about it for years and the best I could come up with was Modern American Wrestling. As for Jeremy/Steve... Even with both men well into their forties (I think) that's never going to be less than a classic. I'm probably not doing grades for the show, but I have to think it'd be MOTN.
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[B]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/B] Hugh de Aske (c) vs. [B]Lauren Easter[/B] – MAW All Action title in a ladder match Seems like this would be the time to have a woman win a singles title. [B]Fox Force Five (c)[/B] vs. Stone and Grover – MAW Tag Team titles Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Phil Jerome, Quentin Queen, [B]Joey Minnesota[/B], Robbie Retro, Boriken Love Machine Jr, El Mitico Jr, Matthew Gauge and Greg Gauge – King of the Indies Battle Royal Agree with TK - Joey's the biggest name here. [B]Alicia Strong (c)[/B] vs. Fuyuko Higa – MAW Women’s title [B]Sean Deeley[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Deeley breaks out of Newton's shadow El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Jefferson Stardust and The Architect vs. [B]Rampage (“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Swoop McCarthy, Acidic and The Charger)[/B] [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] vs. Steve DeColt (c) – MAW Traditional title Steve almost has to lose after ducking Jeremy for so long. Gino Montero (c) vs. Aaron Andrews vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Jay Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez – MAW World title in a cage match
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Pretty clear this isn't going up in one post - might even be three rather than two. However, the first part should be up tonight or tomorrow with a bit of luck - just need to finish off the battle royal. Also trying to work out if I can sneak in a bonus KC Glenn match somehow. I'm looking forward to going a bit nuts with the angles for this show - no need to worry about ratios or running out of time. So, yeah. Last call for predictions :p
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Hugh de Aske (c) vs. [B]Lauren Easter[/B] – MAW All Action title in a ladder match [B]Fox Force Five [/B](c) vs. Stone and Grover – MAW Tag Team titles Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Phil Jerome, Quentin Queen, [B]Joey Minnesota[/B], Robbie Retro, Boriken Love Machine Jr, El Mitico Jr, Matthew Gauge and Greg Gauge – King of the Indies Battle Royal [B]Alicia Strong [/B](c) vs. Fuyuko Higa – MAW Women’s title Sean Deeley vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Jefferson Stardust and The Architect vs. [B]Rampage [/B](“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Swoop McCarthy, Acidic and The Charger) [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] vs. Steve DeColt (c) – MAW Traditional title Gino Montero (c) vs. Aaron Andrews vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Jay Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez – MAW World title in a cage match
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[I]OOC: Presenting part one of three...[/I] [CENTER][B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Where It All Begins Again Monday, 15th October 2017[/B] Live on pay-per-view from the Isaak Road Arena – 20,000 sell-out! Your announcers: [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JamesCasey.jpg[/IMG] – [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG] – [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Random_Female079.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Green"]James Casey[/COLOR] – [COLOR="Magenta"]Katie Cameron[/COLOR] – [COLOR="Blue"]Jackie Gonzales[/COLOR][/CENTER] * We opened the show with Hugh and Lauren in the ring, a ladder standing in the entranceway as they faced one another. Hugh picked up a mic. [COLOR="Blue"]"Arrr, Lauren me sweet. Ye and I have raised many a jug in honour of each other's bravery and prowess in martial combat and, aye, e'en in marital combat from time to time. 'Tis a shame that ye've been drawn against me this night. Ye're a proud warrior, me darling. No one I'd rather have by me side whether in love or war. 'Course, tonight all's fair in love and war, and ye and I have to give everything we've got, arr, e'en until one of us be keelhauled and the other be giving a lusty yo-ho up in the crow's nest with the title in our hands. No offence, love, but I've been a scurvy cur when it comes to keeping this belt, and I ain't ready to give it up yet, [I]comprende[/I]?"[/COLOR] Lauren smiled. [COLOR="Blue"]"Hugh, we have downed a few in our time, and you've beaten up my scumbag boyfriends for me when I've asked. I was as surprised as anyone when my name got drawn to face you. But I want that title, Hugh. Nadia Snow and Wanda Fish may have held this title for a few minutes, but no woman in MAW history has made a real go of defending a title one-on-one against all comers, male or female."[/COLOR] Hugh smiled. [COLOR="Blue"]"Love, any other time I'd be in your corner, cheering you on. Truth is, I'm rooting for you in a little corner of me soul. However, this be my gold, and you don't get between a pirate and his gold. Sorry, love, but I'm not gonna be holding back tonight."[/COLOR] Lauren nodded, her smile fading a little. [COLOR="Blue"]"I wouldn't want you to."[/COLOR] The two exchanged a slightly uneasy look, before shaking hands as the referee called for the bell. [COLOR="Green"]“Game faces on. These two like each other well enough, but this is for the gold.”[/COLOR] * [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MAWAllAction-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/HughdeAske.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/LaurenEaster.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hugh de Aske (c) vs. Lauren Easter[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] Ladder match[/CENTER] Straight from the bell, Hugh blasted Lauren in the face with a punch, dropping her like a sack of potatoes. Thinking her out, de Aske lazily collected the ladder from ringside only to have it dropkicked into his face as he tried to slide it into the ring. Hugh looked up in astonishment as Lauren smiled and shrugged from inside the ring. The pirate then cracked a grin of appreciation that his opponent was ready to go. The two fighters put on a blistering display, giving their all with and without the ladder, an implement only seen half a dozen times in MAW history. The two competitors used it just enough to get the fans popping, while sticking mostly to ‘real’ wrestling to prevent them from cooling off. In the end, Easter and Hugh were duking it out atop the ladder when Lauren did something the champion couldn’t: A high kick that caught the pirate in the jaw, knocking him off balance and, before he could recover, jumping up and grabbing the belt from the hook to win the match and become the first real female All Action champion! Winner: Lauren Easter * Jeremy Stone was backstage with Joanne Rodriguez. [COLOR="Blue"]“Jeremy, tonight you finally get your hands on Steve DeColt. After everything he’s done to Edd and to the rest of the MAW roster, are you approaching this match with a clear head?” “Yes.” “You don’t feel that your judgment will be affected by how Steve DeColt has acted in recent months?” “No.” “Has Edd asked you to take revenge on DeColt on his behalf?” “No.” “Can you share any strategies you have for the match?” “No.” “Finally... Do you believe that you’ll beat Steve DeColt tonight?” “Yes.”[/COLOR] With a polite nod, he turned and walked off-screen. [COLOR="Blue"]“We all know that Jeremy Stone does his talking in the ring, and tonight it seems that he’s got a lot to say to Steve DeColt. Let’s go back to ringside.”[/COLOR] * Fox Force Five were backstage, preparing for their match by doing free weights, their typical intensity evident in their every movement. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Not a spare ounce on them,"[/COLOR] Katie commented. [COLOR="Magenta"]"These two have refined the art of tag team wrestling perhaps better than any other duo in history."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"There isn't a hint of ego in their relationship,"[/COLOR] Jackie added. [COLOR="Blue"]"When you speak to them, the team is all. They've found their niche, and they've made it fit them perfectly."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Tag team wrestling requires a skillset very different from singles wrestling. You have to be able to rely on your partner, and the truly great teams develop an instinctive rapport. In MAW history there's only really The Canadian Blondes and Fox Force Five who've progressed to that point."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"And as for their opponents..."[/COLOR] The scene shifted to the locker room of Edd Stone and Ashley Grover. [COLOR="Green"]"A mixed locker room? Rip wouldn't have agreed to that."[/COLOR] The door opened as the camera moved inside, stopping short as Edd and Ashley moved into view, stumbling around the room as they tore at one another's clothes, kissing passionately. The camera quickly withdrew. [COLOR="Magenta"] "Well, they certainly have chemistry,"[/COLOR] Katie managed as Jackie cracked up in the background. [COLOR="Green"]"It may not be ideal preparation for their match, but I suppose they'll be relaxed if nothing else."[/COLOR] * [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MAWTagTeam.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MAWTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/FlyingJimmyFoxx.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/EddStone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AshleyGrover.jpg[/IMG] [B]Fox Force Five (c) vs. Stone & Grover[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR][/CENTER] The challengers had a slightly dishevelled air about them as they made their way to ringside, only appearing some thirty seconds after their music started playing with Grover’s hair artfully mussed and Edd’s boots not fully tied. Rather sweetly, Grover was wearing Edd’s trademark ring jacket, the upturned collar coming halfway up her head. Edd, meanwhile, had AG written on his wrist tape. [COLOR="Blue"]“It must be love,”[/COLOR] Jackie commented. Once the match began, it was a straight test of the strength of their relationships – absolute tag-team perfection against white-hot chemistry. Stone and Grover had the early advantage as their fast-paced offence even outpaced the speedy champions. However, the clinical teamwork of the Triple Fs began to tell, the experienced veterans helping each other out, sharing the worst blows between them, never quite being beaten enough to actually be beaten, and ultimately Stone was caught with a Meteor Hammer to give the champions the successful defence. Winners: Fox Force Five * Backstage, and Joanne Rodriguez was standing by with Kirk Jameson. [COLOR="Blue"]“Kirk, it’s been four and a half years since you left MAW, and after returning a year ago this is your first shot at the World title. You’re in the ring with the World champion and three other men, including your best friend Aaron Andrews. Please, tell us what you’re thinking as you prepare for tonight’s main event.” “Conflicted. It’s as simple as that. I wasn’t expecting to go after the title while Gino had it – he’s a nice guy, and I’m happy that he’s the champion. That being said, I had that gold title for a few months and it felt good. I want it back. I’m not ashamed to admit that. “As for being in the ring with Aaron... We’re friends, and I hope that’d last out tonight. However, I have a feeling that at some point we’ll be in the ring together, and something will happen. Maybe we’ll both have a chance to win. Maybe we’ll be the only ones left. Maybe...”[/COLOR] He stopped, and shook his head. [COLOR="Blue"]“Maybe [COLOR="Blue"]anything[/COLOR], Jo, maybe anything. Five guys will enter that cage tonight, and only one can leave as champion. I truly believe that we’re five of the best in the world right now. We’re all young, we’re all at the peak of our careers, and tonight we all have one final goal in mind: leaving as champion. “I think, though, that there’s another question you want to ask me?”[/COLOR] Joanne nodded. [COLOR="Blue"]“You and Mainstream Hernandez have had issues this year. Perhaps more than anyone, the two of you seem to loathe one another. If you have the chance to take the title for yourself, or get revenge on him, which will you take?” “I’ll take the title. It’ll hurt him more in the long run, and I can always give him a match down the line.” “Do you think you can keep your objectivity in the heat of battle? In recent weeks you’ve seemed pretty much on the edge where Mainstream is concerned.”[/COLOR] Kirk frowned. [COLOR="Blue"]“Five, six years ago I fought Aaron and, so help me, I came as close as I care to remember to losing it. I held it together then – just. I have to think I can do so tonight. If not...”[/COLOR] Kirk tailed off and was silent for several seconds. A shadow seemed to pass across his face before he spoke again. [COLOR="Blue"]“If not then... Mainstream, tonight isn’t about you and me. I’m happy to keep it that way. Don’t push me, or you’ll regret being locked in a cage with me.”[/COLOR] * Ten men, one camera – fortunately for time reasons neither El Mitico nor Boriken Love Machine seemed to be inclined to share their thoughts with a wider audience, and Alex DeColt just nodded at the camera as it passed him. Everyone else, though, had something to get off their chest – even if, in the case of Queen and Jerome, it was just to bow their heads and utter their battle cry (if such a hushed phrase can be described that way): [COLOR="Blue"]“His will be done.”[/COLOR] Joey Minnesota wasn’t much more talkative: [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m here because I was sent here. I’ll take the trophy back to California if it’s worth it, or dump it in the trash if it’s a piece of ---- like I suspect.”[/COLOR] Greg Gauge stared at the camera from behind mirrored shades, his expression disdainful: [COLOR="Blue"]“Bite me.”[/COLOR] Ricky DeColt was in a more garrulous mood: [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s always great to be in with a chance of becoming King of the Indies. Some of the talent we have here would walk into any company in the world, so it says a lot if you can win this match. We’ve never had a DeColt be the King before, although this’ll be the sixth time one of us has entered the match. With me and Alex in it together, you know it’s going to be special.”[/COLOR] Robbie Retro smiled broadly and pointed at the camera:[COLOR="Blue"] “Wrestling doesn’t come much more retro than the classic battle royal. World titles have been won and lost in these matches. Careers have changed. Sam Strong once eliminated every man in a battle royal. If I do that tonight, I’ll be a worthy successor to the legendary Kings of the past.”[/COLOR] Matthew Gauge stroked his moustache, smiling a little: [COLOR="Blue"]“My brother has a way with words, doesn’t he? Imagine my surprise when I heard we were both going to be in this match. It’ll be the first time ever that we’ve fought, if you can believe it. I know he’s going to try and win – of course he is. And because he’s my brother, I know just what he’s capable of. In the end, though, I don’t think that he’s as good as I am. And when I say that he’s the second best wrestler in the match.... Well, you do the math.”[/COLOR] * [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/ROF_Contender.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AlexDeColt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/RickyDeColt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AustinSmooth.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/QuentinQueen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JoeyMinnesota.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/RobbieRetro.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/BorikenLoveMachine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/ElMtico.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MatthewGauge_alt8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/GregGauge_alt5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]King of the Indies Battle Royal Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Phil Jerome, Quentin Queen, Joey Minnesota, Robbie Retro, Boriken Love Machine Jr, El Mitico Jr, Matthew Gauge and Greg Gauge[/CENTER][/B] This was never going to be a slow match, given the talent involved. An explosive start, though, still managed to catch some people by surprise. Barely had Alex DeColt entered the ring and completed the field when Joey Minneosta superkicked him flush on the jaw, sending him staggering back into the ropes. Greg Gauge was right there to try and pitch Alex over, with El Mitico jumping at the chance to take out one of the favourites as well. Ricky tried to help, but leaping onto the backs of his brother's assailants in a match like this was a bad move - Boriken Love Machine took the opportunity to grab Ricky's legs and pitch him over the top rope, before sending Mitico after him with a surgical shove, only to fall to a fleeting Gauge brothers reunion as the twins clotheslined him out of the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]"Less than twenty seconds on the clock! This could set a record!"[/COLOR] With almost a third of the field eliminated in the opening seconds, there were a few moments breathing time as everyone caught up with what had happened. It didn't last, with Minnesota going after Matt and Greg targeting the Divine Intervention duo of Jerome and Queen. Retro and Alex shrugged and began to slug it out in the centre of the ring, and for a few minutes the three smaller fights remained table, Greg in particular showing great form as he tangled with the young team. In time, however, battling the odds seemed to count against him as Jerome and Queen began to overwhelm him. Greg, however, is nothing if not crafty - a thumb to the eye blinded Jerome, and Greg doubled Queen over with a boot between the legs, before pitching him head-first into Jerome's gut. Greg then grabbed Queen and launched him up and over the top rope with a back suplex that gave Queen a hard landing, spread-eagled face-first on the ringside mats. [COLOR="Blue"]"Greg's in control. Does his brother really think he's better?"[/COLOR] Matt was certainly in trouble, Minnesota having handed out his trademark precise strikes and minimalist power moves. KC Glenn's mentor has made his name through precision and economy of motion, dishing out the maximum impact for the minimum effort. Matt was feeling the effects of that, no question, as he was pummelled from pillar to post by Minnesota, only gaining a breather when one or other of their fellow contenders crossed their path, and Minnesota had to pause in his pursuit. [COLOR="Blue"]"Minnesota's just plain scary - he's like a robot!"[/COLOR] Perhaps, but an unlucky one as he chose the wrong moment to cross in front of Robbie Retro as Alex DeColt came steaming in with a lariat that managed to take all three men down and out from the unexpected collision. Greg looked across the ring, littered with fallen bodies, to his brother. Matt, battered and winded, looked back. He pushed himself upright off the ropes and the two made their way towards each other. Before they could tie up, however, Robbie Retro kipped up and decked first one twin, then the other. He looked torn for a moment between pursuing the two, and eventually opted to go after Greg, jumping on him and raining strikes in on his face. [COLOR="Blue"]“Stupid, stupid – Matt’s the wounded one.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Would you turn your back on Greg Gauge?”[/COLOR] As Retro worked over Gauge, Matt was tussling with Phil Jerome. The focus shifted to Minnesota and Alex DeColt, who were sizing one another up for just long enough to allow tension to build before they started exchanging punches, their technical excellence momentarily forgotten as they tried to beat one another senseless. The fans were enjoying the action but Greg cut them off as he blasted Minnesota with a dropkick before throwing himself at DeColt. Alex dodged, and cuffed Greg on the back of the head, tipping him over the top rope. DeColt turned away, but Greg had grabbed the top rope and was hanging on for dear life. Phil Jerome tried to finish him off, but Greg grabbed the younger man and the two tussled precariously on the ropes for several seconds before Minnesota dumped Jerome over, saving Greg as the former Tag Team champion slid under the bottom rope. Minnesota was thanked with a thunderous roundhouse kick, Greg stealing one of his victim’s trademark moves to floor him with an almighty impact to the side of the head. Greg then launched himself at DeColt, flooring him with a punch before unloading with a barrage of elbows that split the Canadian’s lip and drew blood from his nose. Matt and Robbie, in the meantime, were trading punches. Both men showed considerable strength both in delivering and receiving the hard strikes, clearly staggered by the blows, but equally clearly not about to back down and risk losing the match. They were interrupted by Greg, once more going on the wild offence, as he threw a big dropkick that took Robbie over the top rope – with a little help from Matt, who was quick to take advantage of his brother’s intervention. Once more Greg and Matt were left facing one another, but this time they only had a few seconds before Minnesota threw himself at them, clotheslining both brothers down to the mat. Greg rolled out of the ring, putting space and the ropes between himself and his attacker. Matt wasn’t so alert and as he rose to his feet Minnesota was on hand to throw him up and out with a belly-to-belly suplex, leaving the PGHW star eliminated almost before he had a chance to realise he was in trouble. Minnesota turned back to face his opponents, positioning himself so that he could see both DeColt and Greg, the latter of whom was halfway to re-entering the ring, but thought better of it on catching Minnesota’s eye. Minnesota ignored Greg, choosing instead to kick Alex in the face as hard as he could, causing further injury to his nose. Alex slumped back on the mat, giving Minnesota free reign to launch himself forward and land a kneedrop right into the centre of DeColt’s face. Minnesota looked down at his fallen opponent, knee still in his face, and smiled. [COLOR="Green"]“Good God almighty.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s just... disturbing.”[/COLOR] He looked up once more at Greg Gauge, who looked at that moment like he’d rather do anything than enter the ring again. However, Minnesota was beckoning him in, arms wide, gesturing at DeColt and making a gesture as though to throw him over the top rope. [COLOR="Blue"]“Is he making a promise or asking for help?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Both, probably.”[/COLOR] Greg seemed to be weighing up his options, but at last he slid into the ring and helped Minnesota pick up the insensible DeColt and dump him over the top rope. His reward was an open-handed slap that sounded a ‘crack’ heard in the nosebleed seats. Greg was clearly stunned from the slap, and Minnesota used that to try and pitch him over the top rope. Greg hung on once more, and managed to land a knee to the side of Minnesota’s head as he clutched at the top and middle rope, spread-eagled awkwardly as he fought to prevent himself being eliminated. Minnesota staggered backward, Greg slipping back under the ropes once more. [COLOR="Magenta"]“He has more lives than a cat.”[/COLOR] Before Greg could attack, Minnesota had recovered enough to throw a swinging left hook – but Greg just dropped to the mat and swept Minnesota’s legs from under him, dropping him throat-first across the top rope. As Minnesota chocked and gagged on the mat, Gauge jumped up and hit a legdrop across his throat, further injuring the TCW star. Greg then got down on all fours and ground his elbow into Minnesota’s throat, the TCW man kicking and flailing, but seemingly unable to break the hold. [COLOR="Green"]“Minnesota may have met someone as ruthless as he is!”[/COLOR] Minnesota’s struggles faded slowly, his nails leaving long scratches on Greg’s arm as he tried to claw his way free. Gauge barely blinked at the wounds as he pinned his opponent, only lifting his elbow off Minnesota’s windpipe several seconds after he’d stopped struggling. Even then, he punched Minnesota in the face several times in order to make sure that he was out cold before picking him up and carrying him over to the ropes. He paused, seemingly ready to just drop him over the top, but with a growl of effort he hoisted Minnesota up onto his shoulders. With a broad smile on his face he pitched Minnesota over the top rope, angling him so that he dropped head-first onto the mat. [COLOR="Blue"]“Greg Gauge wins!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“There was no call for that! Minnesota was brutal in that match, but Greg may have crippled him!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“He did what he had to!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“He’s won and that’s that – but what if he decides to stick around now?”[/COLOR] Indeed, Greg had the trophy aloft in the centre of the ring, but his eyes were cast aloft to the banner of Gino Montero hanging among that of the other MAW stars from the rafters. [COLOR="Blue"]“I think he sees someone he wants to face next!”[/COLOR] Winner: Greg Gauge [I]Next: Part 2[/I]
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[I]OOC: Two down, one to go...[/I] The four members of the team dubbed by some as Anti-Rampage were backstage. El Heroe Mexicano stared into the camera. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"I've been here a few years now. I like this company. I like that, for the most part, you can go about your business, give your all, and that's all you need to do. You don't need to worry about bullies and thugs and selfish fools who think that might makes right. "Brandon Smith, on the other hand, seems to live by that rule. He thinks that his strength and his ability mean that he stands alone. He's had his chances, same as we all have, and he didn't get the job done. So what does Smith do? Does he dedicate himself to self-improvement? Does he focus his drive and ambition on honing his abilities? Does he redouble his efforts to be a better wrestler? "No. He gathers around him a cluster of selfish, narcissistic brutes and uses them to try and make his point. I've fought by Brandon Smith's side. I was glad to call him a friend. Now I look at him, and I wonder if the seed was there all along. I suppose, though, that's irrelevant. His actions, and those of his gang speak for him. He needs stopping, and showing the error of his ways. He needs to realise that might doesn't make right - not here, not in MAW!"[/COLOR] Jefferson Stardust stepped forward. [COLOR="Blue"]"Swoop, you and I had so much in common. Glorious hair. Washboard abs. The ability to hold thousands..." [B]"...AND THOUSANDS..."[/B] "...spellbound with our every word. For you that wasn't enough. For you, the lure of gold was too much. Swoop, you have a proud history in this company. Only a few months ago you won the All-Comers International Keg Draining. With your charisma, and your talent, the World title could have been in your grasp. After me, of course, but even so..."[/COLOR] Stardust shook his head. [COLOR="Blue"]"To sell your soul for a pot of gold... I understand, Swoop, I do. To chairshot your fellow idol of thousands..." [B]"...AND THOUSANDS..."[/B] "...to make your point was just wrong, though. For that I will make sure to take my revenge."[/COLOR] Amazing Fire Fly glared into the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]"Acidic, you give masked men a bad name, amigo. For that you're gonna pay."[/COLOR] The Architect had the last word. [COLOR="Blue"]"I'd love to say that you've made a mistake in coming after me, but I still have a lot to learn. Look at it this way: I'm not as strong as Brandon Smith, or as fast as Acidic. I don't have Swoop's ability to absorb punishment. I'm not impervious to pain, the way Charger seems to be. So I guess what I can say is this: You guys brought chairs to a fistfight. You put me through a table. You threw me off the stage. For months it's been like I'm your personal chew toy. Now I have team-mates to even the odds, but I had an idea about how to build on that, so I picked up a few toys as well."[/COLOR] He held up a chair around which he'd wrapped some barbed wire. [COLOR="Blue"]"Try it. I'm begging you. Bring a chair. Set up a table. Take the fight outside the ring. I'm sick of being mugged. When you step out of line – and I know you will, because you need to use shortcuts – then I'll be there to hurt you a lot worse than you've ever hurt me."[/COLOR] * J-Ro was standing by with Jay Chord. The former MAW champion looked thoughtful as he stared off into the distance. [COLOR="Blue"]"Jay, before tonight is over you'll have fought for the World title against five other men inside a steel cage. Since returning to MAW three years ago, you've had several chances at the World title and lost them all. Why will tonight be any different?"[/COLOR] Slowly Jay turned his head to stare down at Rodriguez, who backed away a short distance. [COLOR="Red"]"I am Jay Chord. Success is my birthright. I was born to be a champion, and the four men in that cage tonight are just obstacles to be eliminated. I know that you've held a title here, and maybe you've had success elsewhere, by your standards, but I am Jay Chord. From day one I was destined to be the greatest, and tonight I take the next step towards immortality. Mainstream, Aaron, Kirk... And especially you, Gino. All of you know what it is to be the champion. None of you know what it is to achieve greatness. Only I can transcend the mundane to become the legend, the glorious, ascendant immortal that few among the billions on this planet can ever dream of approaching, let alone realising. "Tonight I will move closer to my ultimate destiny. Anyone who stands between me and my goal... I will end you."[/COLOR] * [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MAWWomens.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AliciaStrong_alt6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/FuyukoHiga.jpg[/IMG] [B]Alicia Strong (c) vs. Fuyuko Higa[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Women's title[/COLOR][/CENTER] Such was the antipathy that had built between the two proto-legends that this match didn’t begin in the ring. It didn’t begin at ringside. It didn’t even begin in the aisle. It began in the locker room with the two women beating one another with anything that came to hand. [COLOR="Green"]“The match doesn’t begin until the bell is rung. Until then they can just do whatever they want.”[/COLOR] And that’s exactly what they did as they tore into one another at full tilt, ripping and tearing, throwing one another into the walls, Higa even piledriving Strong through a catering table – too late realising that she couldn’t win the title backstage. She had to drag Strong through the corridors to the entrance into the main arena, where she stopped to catch her breath. Turning back to Strong she was met with a high dropkick that sent her crashing out onto the ramp as Strong revealed she’d recovered more than she’d let on. Flying through the curtain, Strong tackled Higa at the top of the ramp, taking her down and sending both women rolling down the ramp, clawing and punching at one another. [COLOR="Magenta"]“No holds barred, nothing left untried, these two will give anything to beat each other.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“With the Women’s title on the line, that’s no surprise. As so often happens, though, this professional issue has become deeply personal.”[/COLOR] Lying at the foot of the ramp, the women stared glassy-eyed up at the lights. The referee couldn’t do anything – the match still hadn’t officially begun. It was several long moments before Higa began to stir, still the stronger after piledriving Strong earlier. She dragged the champion upright, and whipped her into the ring apron. Strong took the impact across her back, screaming in pain. She staggered back towards Higa, who met her with an instinctive Perfection Sweep before letting out a scream of her own, this time one of frustration as she realised that Strong was now dead weight outside the ring. Dragging Strong to the apron, she tried to pick her up but Strong sandbagged, just alert enough to know that not fighting back could cost her the title. Breaking free of her challenger, Strong caught Higa in the gut with a hard kick, doubling her over. She tried for a DDT, but Higa pushed her clear and scrambled into the ring. Strong followed, and the referee called for the bell, surprising both women a little. It didn’t stop them for long as they shook off their cobwebs and flew at one another once more. The pace continued fast and unabated, the two fighters hatred for one another driving them through the pain barrier and onward, punching, kicking, even biting at times as they used everything in their armoury, even unleashing some previously unseen moves as they innovated on the spot. Higa nailed a Perfection Sweep, but Strong was too close to the ropes. Strong nailed a Strong Arm Tactic, but Higa got her shoulder up at the last second. Higa tried for a piledriver, only for Strong to reverse it into a backdrop, only for Higa to reverse that into a sunset flip. Strong was down for two, but just rolled free and as she sprang to her feet she threw herself forward and nailed Higa with a second Strong Arm Tactic to put the challenger down in the middle of the ring and score the win after a classic match – and one that stands to be fought time and again in the future of MAW. Winner: Alicia Strong * Backstage, and Lauren Easter’s title victory celebration was in full swing. Herself and Hugh de Aske were in the centre of events, having a rum drinking contest, Lauren with the Traditional title firmly fastened around her waist – if looking a little big. Scattered around the room were other members of the MAW roster, some looking genuinely happy for Lauren’s success, others eying the title belt covetously and clearly calculating the odds of beating the new champion. Others were just there for the free drink, as Hugh insisted on liberally topping up everyone’s glass if they had so much as a sip. And then there was Brooke Tyler. The perennial thorn in Easter’s side marched into the room with her backup Simony Sentinel in tow. Walking straight up to Easter, she slapped her across the face. Easter fired back immediately, throwing her rum into Tyler’s eyes before diving at her, taking her down to the ground as the two exchanged punches and slaps, rolling on the floor as the crowd cheered them on indiscriminately. [COLOR="Blue"]“Arrr, catfight,”[/COLOR] Hugh said, smirking at the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]“I may have lost me booty, but this pirate has always looked on the bright side, and it seems like tonight might not turn out so bad after all. Ladies!”[/COLOR] He jumped into the fray, hauling Tyler off his friend and receiving a slap from Sentinel for his troubles. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now then, love. Plenty of Hugh to go around!”[/COLOR] Which was, frankly, as much of a cue as was needed for the rest of the roster to pile in, old scores demanding settling, new ones opening up, or just a bunch of fighters antsy for a fight deciding this was their moment. And in the middle of it all, Hugh and Lauren back to back as they showed that their match hadn’t affected their friendship and loyalty to one another as they defended each other in the mass brawl. * With the sound of the fight still audible in the background, the scene shifted to an amused Aaron Andrews, standing by with Joanne Rodriguez. [COLOR="Blue"]“Aaron, tonight is your first real chance to regain the MAW World title, but to do so you have to get past Jay Chord, Mainstream Hernandez and two of your best friends: World champion Gino Montero who defeated you for the belt, and Kirk Jameson, with whom you have a long and storied past. With so much history between you and all four of your opponents, I’ve heard people backstage saying that for once you’re the outsider in this match. Do you really think you can overcome all the personal issues and win the match?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be standing here,”[/COLOR] Aaron replied, the good humour fading quickly. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Mainstream, Gino, Jay and Kirk have all beaten me. I can’t say the same for all of them. However, what I can say is that I am the record holder here in MAW. Almost four and a half years as World champion – that may never be equalled. If Gino falls tonight, he’ll have been champion for nine months. Mainstream’s only reign was more than a decade ago, Kirk’s almost half a decade ago, and Jay’s somewhere in between. Gino’s fought almost everyone worth fighting... but this is my first chance to take back the title. Will it be tough? Yes – unquestionably. Does that make it worth doing? Yes. Nothing worth having comes easy, Joanne. Nothing at all.”[/COLOR] * We cut to a video running down the long history between Sean Deeley and Davis Wayne Newton, going back four years to Newton’s return to MAW and nascent allegiance with Sean Deeley ahead of the 2015 Invitational. Deeley: [COLOR="Blue"]"...he, like I, a master technician..."[/COLOR] Newton: [COLOR="Blue"]"It's true. I am back in MAW."[/COLOR] Deeley: [COLOR="Blue"]"You and I will steal the show at the Invitational."[/COLOR] Newton: [COLOR="Blue"]"It's just business."[/COLOR] Clips played of the RCI, with Newton falling to Heroe in the first round. Deeley reaches the final. Deeley: [COLOR="Blue"]"Every day is my day. Davis made a mistake."[/COLOR] Deeley: [COLOR="Blue"]"I’m not arrogant enough to claim that I’m the best wrestler in the world but there are plenty of others who’ll do so for me."[/COLOR] Newton and Deeley continued their alliance. Newton: [COLOR="Blue"]"I want to be the best wrestler, period."[/COLOR] Deeley: [COLOR="Blue"]"We intend to show our superiority."[/COLOR] Deeley: [COLOR="Blue"]"If we were ever to face one another, it’s possible that the Internet would explode hours before the match from the overwhelming excitement – but that isn’t going to happen. You see, we realised a long time ago that we work best when we work together."[/COLOR] The screen focused in on Lisa Bowen, standing between the two men as Deeley said those words. We then shifted to a montage of the two men in singles and tag matches, focusing on their undoubted talents. Lisa Bowen was shown cheering them on, and it was clear that the duo's friendship and teamwork grew deeper as time passed. Newton: [COLOR="Blue"]"We've got each others backs."[/COLOR] That played out over the first hint of dissent, Newton hitting big, flashy moves and playing to Bowen. Deeley, on close inspection, clearly getting irritated, and responding with his own increase in work rate. For Deeley, it was a case of becoming more intense, inflicting more pain on his opponents to gain victories quicker, while Newton almost toyed with his opponents, hitting the big moves that looked good, but weren’t as efficient. And, it was clear, Bowen favoured Newton. Deeley and Joss Thompson talked, the latter advising the former on how to approach Bowen. Newton acted, whisking Bowen into his arms after defeating Gilmore, even as Deeley raged over her role in the attempted ‘seduction’ of Gilmore. The catalyst came just weeks later, Newton revelling in his status, telling anyone who’d listen.... Newton: [COLOR="Blue"]“I am the class of the field, the uncrowned champion, on the hottest streak, and with the hottest girl.”[/COLOR] And then he was caught with Emmy, Bowen’s ‘assistant’ and a gift from Newton himself. The following week on Nationwide, Bowen confronted Newton. He tried to brazen his way through. Newton: [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m a star, sweetheart. I’ve made it this far doing what I want. If you want to come along for the ride, you have to live with the rules.”[/COLOR] But it wasn’t Bowen who answered. The distraught woman couldn’t bring herself to speak to her cheating boyfriend, instead Deeley charged the ring as Newton smirked. Newton: [COLOR="Blue"]“Did you ever twig that Sean was in love with you? Not anymore, eh? Not now you’ve been with me. Sean, you missed out. This girl will do anything.”[/COLOR] Bowen for once broke her usual implacable façade, her resolve crumbling even as Newton bailed out of the ring, escaping as Deeley entered. Deeley seemed torn between going after Newton, and comforting Bowen. Choosing the latter, he approached her cautiously, but she turned and fled as Newton pointed and laughed from a position of safety. Newton continued to ride high as Deeley floundered, clearly missing Bowen. At last he cracked and attacked Newton after Newton defeated Edd Stone. The two brawled at the top of the entrance ramp and onto the stage – but the brawl was interrupted by the return of Lisa Bowen after several weeks absence. Bowen: [COLOR="Magenta"]“Davis... for what you did to me... I hope you pay.”[/COLOR] Newton smirked and, with Deeley distracted by Bowen once more, blasted him with a dropkick that sent Deeley flying off the stage to a hard landing on the concrete eight feet below. With his smirk widening by the second, and a strut to rival the most arrogant disco king, Newton left the scene with Deeley in pain, and Bowen distraught that her return had backfired. But there was one glimmer of hope for Deeley. His injuries weren’t that bad, and with a challenge to face Newton tonight accepted, Bowen agreed to be at ringside to watch him taking on her ex-boyfriend. Newton laughed the whole thing off until the last Nationwide before the big show as Stone and Newton faced off once more. This time Bowen stood in Stone’s corner, advising him as the two Canadian’s went to work on each other, and Bowen’s advice tipped the tide in Stone’s favour as he picked up the win. Deeley: [COLOR="Blue"]“That was Edd Stone, Davis. Now imagine what someone who knows you as well as I do will accomplish this Monday night...”[/COLOR] * [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/DavisWayneNewton_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sean Deeley vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/CENTER] Follow Strong/Higa? Not a problem. Deeley and Newton know each other inside and out, and their first ever match may as well have been their hundredth. This was a chain wrestling extravaganza, with both men giving their all to try and outwrestle the other. Lisa Bowen, who’d previously encouraged both men as they’d outwrestle their opponents, watched on in silence – her usually neutral expression for once on full display as her trademark sunglasses were absent, showing the concern in her eyes as the former friends tore into one another. As solid as these two are, it was clear that inspiration was going to have to come from somewhere outside the norm to separate them. That moment came with Deeley trapped in an abdominal stretch, Newton positioning him to face Bowen as he ground his elbow into Deeley’s face. Bowen’s expression grew more and more distraught as Deeley’s suffering intensified, Newton using everything in his power to try and break his former partner. Finally, Bowen snapped, jumping onto the apron to try and convince Newton to break the hold. Newton just smirked as he did just that – and shoved Deeley at Bowen, who dived out of the way and took a hard landing on the mat. With Deeley distracted by Bowen’s fall, Newton swiftly wrapped him up in the STF, and the distracted Deeley tapped out in quick order. Winner: Davis Wayne Newton * Newton laughed as he left Deeley lying in the ring, the losing wrestler’s face displaying a mixture of disgust and frustration over his loss. He pushed himself up onto his knees, and watched Newton leave, loathing written across his face. He slumped even as the crowd roared, making him turn to see Lisa Bowen standing beside him, tentatively holding out a hand to him. He took it carefully, as though expecting her to disappear as their hands touched. With a half-smile, he gestured towards the exit. Bowen nodded, and he held the ropes open for her to pass through before walking her up the ramp and through the curtain. [COLOR="Green"]“Huh. I don’t always agree with Deeley’s actions, but I guess I wish the two of them good luck.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Somehow I don’t think this match settled anything.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m looking forward to the rematch already.”[/COLOR] * Joanne Rodriguez was backstage with the fourth entrant into the main event, Mainstream Hernandez. [COLOR="Blue"]“Mainstream, since returning to this company you’ve become a three-time Invitational champion, and tonight you’re officially cashing in your title shot – except that it’s not a one on one match. Tonight you’ll face four opponents inside a steel cage. Do you feel that you could have picked a more opportune time to take your shot?”[/COLOR] Mainstream glared at J-Ro, clearly angered by her question. [COLOR="Blue"]“I came back to this company to show that I am the best,”[/COLOR] he said slowly. [COLOR="Blue"]“Beating four of the top fighters in the world will go a long way to proving that. I outlasted seven great competitors to take the Invitational trophy this year, and it seems since then that I’ve been lambasted and berated by everyone for daring to place myself on a level with people I’ve already beaten. Kirk Jameson dared to call me a cheat. Aaron Andrews attacked me in cold blood. Gino Montero has been ducking my challenge for months. Even Jay Chord, who’s a weasel from his boots on up, seems to think he can win this match. “It was me who took MAW into the mainstream a decade ago. I’ve returned to my home, and instead of receiving a prodigal’s welcome, I have been cast out into the darkness. False idols have taken the place I once occupied. Tonight I don’t just fight for the World title. Tonight I fight for honesty and justice. When I am named the World champion once again, I will open the eyes of those who have been deceived by those who followed in my footsteps, but who have proven themselves unworthy of donning the mantle I left behind. And when I am champion again... you will love me once more.”[/COLOR] * Swoop McCarthy and Brandon Smith were backstage with their Rampage allies, Acidic and The Charger. Swoop stepped forward. [COLOR="Teal"]“Y’know, I’ve been here and there and everywhere in my career. Oz, the States, Canada, even did a stint in Japan. Everywhere I go, I get respect. In Oz it weren’t that hard – not much of a fight for a guy like me. In Japan, they see someone my size and they’re already halfway bowing, even before I start kicking arse. Up in Canada they’re so used to ten minute armlocks that a guy like Swoop gets treated like a god from day one. “And then there’s M... A... W...”[/COLOR] The fans start to chant, but- [COLOR="Teal"]“Shut yer stinking mouths, you lousy mouth-breathing ingrates. Ever since Swoop arrived in this country, it’s been All Action this, Traditional that, why not the Tag belts, Swoop? “I’ll tell you why not. Why not is because I am Swoop McCarthy, and I am a genuine force of nature. Australia couldn’t hold me. A whole continent wasn’t enough to satisfy me. Only the world is enough, and that’s why I joined with these men here. The disaffected, the downtrodden, the ignored... The men who know what it’s like to want everything, and who won’t settle for less. This is where I belong. Heroe, you and your do-gooding second-raters can stand in our way, but tonight you get taken out as a message to everyone else.”[/COLOR] Smith glared at the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah’ll say this once, and once only. You can walk out of here tonight. Just don’t be in the ring when the bell rings, or else you lose the opportunity, and anything else we decide to take off you as well...”[/COLOR] * [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/ElHeroeMexicano_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AmazingFireFly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JeffersonStardust.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/TheArchitect.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/BulldozerBrandon_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/SwoopMcCarthy_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AcidII_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/TheCharger.jpg[/IMG] [B]El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Jefferson Stardust and The Architect vs. “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, Swoop McCarthy, Acidic and The Charger[/B] Elimination match[/CENTER] Can you be eliminated before a match like this even begins? Charger and Fly gave it the old school try, with Fly launching himself through the ropes as Charger made his entrance, splattering the huge Samoan through the announcers’ table and into the steel crowd barrier, knocking himself cold in the process. The two men were down and out before the bell rang. Architect was next to go, although it could probably be argued that the youngster gave a lot better than he took. Dealing out his trademark hurricanranas all round, he caught Acidic, Swoop, Smith, Swoop again and Smith once more, before Swoop pulled him off Acidic’s shoulders and planted him with a vicious half-nelson suplex. A Down Under Stunner added insult to injury. On his way out, Architect picked up his barbed chair and stared at it for a long moment in disgust, before Heroe counselled him to set it aside. Architect dropped the chair and walked off, clearly furious at his elimination. Swoop then took the fight to Jefferson Stardust, who was more than eager to get at his chair shot-happy assailant. Swoop seemed to think Stardust would be easy pickings, but for his troubles he was met with Stardust’s patented Revolving Matrices, the smaller man flying around his attacker, landing punches and kicks at such blistering speed that Swoop was brought to his knees. An attempt at an Idolizer, though, was blocked by Swoop’s greater mass and the Aussie bailed and brought in Acidic. The two high-flyers took the match to the air with thrilling results, the hard-hitting Acidic emulating his mentor with some devastating assaults. A bad landing cut his momentum dead, however, and left him gasping for air on the ropes as Stardust fired off a spinning roundhouse kick that upended Acidic over the top rope. His landing wasn’t just hard, however, it was brutal as he dropped down to land on his side atop Architect’s barbed wire chair drawings screams and groans of sympathy as he tried to stand up, the chair clinging to his side as the barbs held onto his tortured flesh. At last Acidic managed to free himself from the devilish contraption, and he rolled weakly into the ring. Understandably, though, he had no fight in him and after a desultory exchange of punches he was caught with an Idolizer and eliminated. Swoop was straight back into the fray, going right after Stardust as the referee tended to Acidic, helping the masked man out of the ring and calling for the trainers to come and help the badly-injured man. Swoop unloaded with a series of big punches, driving Stardust back into the ropes and leaving him in the same position Acidic had been moments earlier. [COLOR="Green"]“Does he mean to pay Stardust back on his team-mate’s behalf?”[/COLOR] Swoop steamed in with a clothesline that took Stardust over the top rope, but the agile rocker managed to catch the top rope and land on the ring apron. Automatically, he struck a pose to highlight his flashy move, but that left him defenceless as Swoop unleashed one last big punch, dropping Stardust down to where the barbed and bloodied chair lay on the mat. Swoop smirked proudly as he picked up the microphone. [COLOR="Teal"]“And that’s why you don’t screw with Rampage. I’ve spent a long time playing to you losers in the cheap seats, and that’s enough as far as I’m concerned. Putting Stardust down, taking out that loser in the mask,” [/COLOR]Swoop waved dismissively over his shoulder at Heroe, [COLOR="Teal"]“is just the start. After tonight, we move forward to glory and greatness, and most importantly gold around our waists. After tonight Swoop will be-“[/COLOR] The tirade was interrupted as Stardust re-entered the ring and swung the barbed chair in a big arc, crashing it down on the back of Swoop’s skull and laying the big Australian out in the blink of an eye. He stared down at Swoop, his normally jovial expression sombre except for the fire in his eyes. Bringing the chair up once more, he unleashed a shot to Swoop’s bare back, and then one to his legs, and another, and another, and another, repaying – with interest – the assault that had sidelined him for months earlier in the year. The bell rang, and Stardust ignored it, and even when Heroe made it into the ring and tore the chair from his hands Stardust switched seamlessly to stamping and punching Swoop’s motionless body until Smith, seeing that he was safely disarmed, finally entered the ring. Stardust came to his senses and backed away just enough to allow a barrage of security, referees and trainers to separate him from Swoop. He struck a pose to a decidedly mixed reaction before leaving the ring, his expression one of grim satisfaction as a bloodied and unconscious Swoop was gradually eased from the ring. The crowd remained silent as the big Australian was loaded onto a stretcher and followed in Stardust’s wake. [COLOR="Blue"]“Are you going to try and excuse that?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“No. Stardust was out of control, and out of order.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Swoop had even less excuse for the initial attack, though.”[/COLOR] It was some minutes before the match resumed, with just Smith and Heroe left on their respective teams. The two squad leaders circled each other, nemeses facing at last after months of pursuit and ambushes. Smith flicking out jabs that Heroe deftly avoided until he was baked into a corner. Smith charged in, but was quick to slam on the brakes as Heroe darted away. Smith stopped short of hitting the turnbuckles, but Heroe was right behind him and dropkicked him hard into the unforgiving steel bolts anyway. Smith staggered out of the corner, and Heroe was there to blast him with a Shining Wizard to put him down for two. Smith went on the retreat, rolling out of the ring and even grabbing the barbed chair, only for the referee to grab it from him and warn him off. Heroe used the distraction to suplex him on the arena floor, before dropkicking the side of his head as he tried to sit up. [COLOR="Green"]“Heroe’s relentless. He’s had enough of Smith’s assaults!”[/COLOR] Smith made it back into the ring, and Heroe seemed to think that he was done. The masked man scaled the top rope and focused in on his opponent, springing off with the clear intention to nail a seated senton, but Smith caught him in mid-air and reversed it into a thunderous powerbomb that shook the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“Holy ----!”[/COLOR] Heroe lay motionless in the ring as Smith stared upwards, his cheat heaving. He sat up painfully, crawling across the short distance to cover Heroe, but the masked man raised a shoulder – just – at two. [COLOR="Green"]“Heroe doesn’t know how to quit. I haven’t seen fortitude like this since Jean Cattley retired.”[/COLOR] Smith dragged Heroe upright and unloaded with a series of big punches. Not necessarily fast, Smith’s fists had plenty of time to build up momentum before they hit Heroe’s ribs, face and chest. [COLOR="Blue"]“He’s got guts, but Smith will punch his way through them if that’s what it takes!”[/COLOR] Heroe shook with each impact, jolted from one side to the other as the punches struck home. He staggered backwards, eventually trapped in the corner as Smith climbed onto the second rope and grabbed Heroe’s head to hold it steady as he aimed his punches – only for Heroe to lunge forward, taking Smith’s legs out from under him and dropping him facefirst onto the top turnbuckle. Smtih snapped upright, his eyes staring ahead of him, his arms hanging limply at his side as he hung motionless for a split second, blood streaming from his newly-broken nose before he toppled backward, crashing to the mat. Heroe sat slumped in one corner, seemingly unable to move, staring at Smith’s still form for several long moments before crawling across to him. Instead of making the cover, he rolled Smith over onto his front before inch by inch pulling him into the Cattle Mutilation. [COLOR="Magenta"]“A pinfall wouldn’t be enough after all Smith has done to Heroe and his friends. He wants to make him submit!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I can’t remember Smith ever submitting before, but the state he’s in he might just pass out.”[/COLOR] The referee checked Smith’s free arm once... twice... a third time... And called for the bell, awarding the match to Heroe after one of the most brutal and gruelling matches MAW had seen in years. Winner: El Heroe Mexicano * Heroe didn’t celebrate his win. He released the hold, and slumped sideways onto the mat, almost as exhausted as his unconscious adversary. Stardust and Architect made their way down to the ring to collect their exhausted leader, and sat him on their shoulders as they walked back up the ramp, the crowd cheering Heroe and his success in vanquishing Rampage – for now, at least. [I]Next: Part 3. A big return, Jeremy Stone vs. Steve Decolt, and the World title cage match...[/I]
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[I]OOC: And so we come to an end. Thanks to everyone, basically. Oh, and 'Decolt country' is TM Self, of course.[/I] * KC Glenn walked down to the ring and picked up a mic. [COLOR="Blue"]"I have something to ask our commissioner, Jean Cattley. Jean, you and I have fought together, and we've fought against each other. I've always respected your ability, and since you got given power, I've found myself respecting your decisions as well. However, I've been petitioning your office for several weeks for a match tonight. I didn't want to make a big deal of this, but I feel I could add to the card."[/COLOR] Cattley's music played, and the commissioner appeared on the stage. [COLOR="Navy"]"You may be right, KC. However, we have a four hour slot on pay-per-view, and if we run over, then the main event gets cut off. I had to take a gamble on how matches would fit into the four hours, and I went for the seven announced. Still, the elimination match was a lot quicker than I expected, and half the contestants seem to be in need of medical attention, so I guess it's doubly lucky that I've just signed a deal to bring in a new wrestler to the company... and that he's here tonight."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"If he wants a fight, I'll give it to him. I want to be a part of tonight, Jean. i want to show what I can do."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]"I know, KC. You always give your all. You'll need to, tonight, and I'm not sure that even that would be enough, because tonight you'll be facing... [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] "...Steven Parker!"[/COLOR][/CENTER] The two-time former MAW champion entered the arena to a booming response. He waved to the fans, looking a little overwhelmed by the response. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve been away for almost ten years, but with Mainstream back in business, Jean in charge, and a Chord running his mouth all the time, it seems just like old times in a way. “I always wanted to come home. And here I am, back where I truly belong. I used to say that I was the future, and I’ve come back to show that I was right. I did become as good as I said that I would. And I’m here to prove it.”[/COLOR] * [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/KCGlenn.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [B]KC Glenn vs. Steven Parker[/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Magenta"]“They almost look like brothers – twins, nearly.”[/COLOR] And on this showing, one might almost have thought that the two men had been raised and trained in the same places, at the same time. It was a furiously competitive, cleanly-fought contest. Parker showed that his absence had taught him a lot of new tricks in Pittsburgh and Hollywood, among his other stops. Glenn, however, is no slouch – trained by Joey Minnesota, and seasoned by multiple trips to Japan, a stint in SWF and giving his best against the best in MAW. It was a well balanced match, and on occasions it looked as though either man could win. However, Parker seemed a little hesitant to finish off his opponent just when it seemed he had it won. [COLOR="Green"]“Parker showing a little ring rust, it seems.”[/COLOR] Glenn had no such problems, and when Parker tried for a Future Shock only to have it blocked by his opponent, Glenn caught him with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band for the win. Winner: KC Glenn * After the bell, Glenn offered Parker his hand and the two men shook without any sign of resentment over their close-fought contest. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, isn’t that nice. Both men gave their all, I guess, but if they want to compete at the very top level here in MAW, they’ll need to bring a little more aggression to their game – like this next man.”[/COLOR] * Joanne Rodriguez looked like she wanted to interview Steve DeColt, but instead DeColt snatched the microphone from her and glared at her until she walked away. [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s better. I am Steve DeColt, and as far as I am concerned, wherever I am is DeColt country. You only enter with my permission. I didn’t agree to this match – I’ve been forced into facing someone whose overblown reputation has dogged my every step since I can remember. I didn’t want to give Jeremy the consolation of a clean defeat – I wanted him to live out his life knowing that I’d beat him, but always wondering, always with that nagging, gnawing doubt eating away at him. “But whatever. Tonight, Jeremy, you’re fighting Steve DeColt. Tonight you will learn as so many others have learned, that when you fight me you have to count your blessings if you walk out on your own. I’m going to unleash a stampede on you, Jezza. And if I’m honest, it’ll be nice to point to this match and say ‘I won’.”[/COLOR] * [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MAWTraditional_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JeremyStone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/SteveDecolt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jeremy Stone vs. Steve DeColt (c)[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR][/CENTER] The challenger was the first man to enter for this match. He was left waiting in the ring for several minutes as DeColt took his time leaving his dressing room, passing his brothers en route and laughing in their faces. He took a half-step in the direction of Edd Stone as he passed the youngest brother and his new girl. Edd and Grover stared him down, and DeColt laughed again as he strutted past, slapping the gold belt around his waist as he did so. When DeColt at last made it to the ring, he took still more time actually getting between the ropes. He demanded that the referee check Stone’s boots and trunks for any illicit items before he would enter. At last he stepped into the ring and, after he handed over the title belt, the referee called for the bell. Even then, though, DeColt wasn’t ready to fight. He held up a hand as Stone moved in, and pointed to the tens of thousands of fans in attendance, and indicated the many thousands watching on pay-per-view. [COLOR="Blue"]“History,”[/COLOR] he could be heard saying. Jeremy nodded along. [COLOR="Blue"]“You are,”[/COLOR] he said, and dropped DeColt with as big a punch as any that had been thrown all night. The match was on, and Jeremy began by throwing caution and technique to the winds, pounding on DeColt with fists, feet and knees, driving the bigger man ever backwards. Finally DeColt was trapped in a corner as DeColt unleashed a series of rapid-fire kicks, stamping the life out of the champion. That was, until DeColt caught Stone’s foot and twisted it hard, wrenching him off his feet. DeColt rose like an angry angel, fist ****ed and firing once, twice, more times into the face of Stone, eventually unleashing an almighty roundhouse that felled Stone like a toppling monolith. DeColt paraded around the ring, his opponent flat on his pack, his eyes glassy and unfocused as DeColt played to the crowd. At last the champion turned to press his advantage, only to be wrapped into a smart small package that got two as Stone sprang to life. DeColt was furious, and completely wild as he attacked his career nemesis, but now Stone was calm and centred – if a little slow in reacting at times. DeColt’s strikes hit home, not every time, and certainly he was wearing himself out as he threw everything and the kitchen sink at the savvy challenger. [COLOR="Green"]“A total contrast in styles.”[/COLOR] Stone staggered back against the ropes, a wild swing having landed flush on his jaw. DeColt could not exploit his opponent’s weakness, however. Flushed and breathing heavily, he put distance between himself and DeColt as he regained his breath. [COLOR="Blue"]“Smart move. He’s been fooled by Stone playing possum before. He can afford to let Stone come to him.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Can he? Stone is no slouch on the attack.”[/COLOR] Neither man seemed keen to approach the other. They circled slowly, each worn down from the energy expended to that point, and the beating they’d taken. Jeremy flicked out a series of left jabs. DeColt blocked with his right arm, but Stone slipped in and hit a left uppercut that sent the champion tumbling. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Stone is switching up, matching DeColt as well as using his perfect technique!”[/COLOR] DeColt, though, scissored Stone’s legs out from under him and swiftly wrapped him up in a bow and arrow lock. Stone struggled, seeking the breaking point but unable to find it thanks to DeColt’s incredible strength. [COLOR="Blue"]“DeColt can do anything Stone can as well!”[/COLOR] Stone seemed to fade, but at the last second broke one arm free and forced the release. He made for a corner, seeking time and space to reorient himself. DeColt followed him in at pace, and Stone neatly sidestepped him, sending DeColt into the turnbuckles. The champion staggered out, and Stone was right there, scooping him up onto his shoulder with a bellow of effort. [COLOR="Green"]“DeColt Stampede! No!”[/COLOR] Stone’s legs buckled, and DeColt slipped over his back, grabbing Stone’s chin as he dropped to his knees. [COLOR="Blue"]“His back couldn’t take the weight.”[/COLOR] With Stone off balance, and DeColt having all the leverage, the champion fired off one, two, three elbows to Stone’s face, spilling blood from the challenger’s nose. He then wrapped his arm around Stone’s head and pointed to the sky. [COLOR="Green"]“Oh no. We know that signal – that’s how Jeremy calls for-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“-the Stone Hold!”[/COLOR] DeColt dropped into place, trapping Stone’s legs as he hauled back on his hed, bending the challenger almost into a circle as he drove his free hand again and again into Stone’s back, a cruel but effective variant on the paralysing hold that Stone had mastered, and which had led him to countless titles. [COLOR="Magenta"]“No-one’s ever escaped the Stone Hold before!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“If anyone can, surely Jeremy can.”[/COLOR] But with DeColt’s fist slamming time and again into his spine, and the champion screaming in his ear, and his own excruciating submission locked in tight, and maybe with more pressure than he himself had ever applied to any opponent... ...there was only one possible outcome. [COLOR="Blue"]“Stone taps! Stone taps! Steve DeColt has just made Jeremy Stone tap out!”[/COLOR] Winner: Steve DeColt * Jean Cattley sat in his office watching the live feed as Steve DeColt continued his post-match posedown routine. There was a knock on the door, and El Heroe Mexicano entered. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Commissioner, you wanted to see me?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Heroe, thanks for coming in. Do you remember when you started here in MAW? I brought you in to stand against Rip Chord’s Cult.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Sure I remember.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“And you had a special deal in your contract, didn’t you? For siding with me, you got a title shot written into your contract whenever you wanted it. Whenever you wanted it.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“I did. It’s never been the right moment just yet, but I think about that clause a lot. Gino’s my friend, and Aaron too, so I’ve not had anyone to cash it in on yet.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Tonight the title is on the line in a steel cage with five men fighting over it. Whoever wins, they’ll be exhausted. You could take advantage of that.”[/COLOR] Heroe nodded. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Don’t think I haven’t thought of it, Commissioner – but I want it to be the right moment, and that wouldn’t be it.”[/COLOR] Cattley nodded. [COLOR="Navy"]“Even if Jay or Mainstream wins? No, don’t answer that. You’re a good man, Heroe. Take a tip from a man who wasn’t good, but who did hold a lot of titles: Learn to be a bad man occasionally.”[/COLOR] He turned back to the feed, leaving Heroe looking thoughtful. * We were treated to the latest in television technology, a split-screen with one half showing the lowering cage and the entrance of the four challengers, the other half showing World champion Gino Montero as he was interviewed by Joanne Rodriguez. [COLOR="Blue"]“Gino, any words before you enter a steel cage and take on four other men for your World title? Be honest, are you insane?”[/COLOR] Montero laughed. [COLOR="Blue"]“No, but I have always sought out the best and the most fierce competition, Joanne. And tonight my opponents are just that – four men, each with deep, personal loathing of almost everyone else in the ring. To overcome all that, and emerge the champion... That would be something special.”[/COLOR] * [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MAWWorld.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/KirkJameson_alt6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/GinoMontero_alt3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JayChord.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/vs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Gino Montero (c) vs. Jay Chord vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]MAW World title[/COLOR] Cage Match[/CENTER] [COLOR="Green"]“One twenty by twenty ring, surrounded by a twelve foot high steel cage. One World title. Five of the finest wrestlers in this business today, and the only way to win is by pinfall or submission”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Mainstream will win. Or Jay.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“We’ve almost forgotten about the champion. Everyone’s been chasing him this year, but he’s met every challenge and not just survived – he’s thrived.”[/COLOR] With five men in the ring, and no way out, there was no circling, no staredown and no time wasted. As soon as Montero entered the ring, the bell rang and even with the door being locked shut, Mainstream flew straight at Jameson, while Chord went after Andrews. The two rivalries erupted in stand-up fistfights as the two pairs of enemies traded blows as Montero watched on. The champion seemingly wanted to jump into the fray, but held back as he watched his challengers focus on one another. He was alert enough to evade Jameson when Mainstream whipped in the champion’s direction, and Kirk became the first man to hit the steel bars as Mainstream switched attention to Montero. With Jameson out for a time, the four still standing unleashed the first barrage of big moves. Andrews caught Montero from the top with a Flying Bodypress, but Jay broke up the pin and dropped him with a Jay Chord DDT. Mainstream broke up that pin, but then Montero was on his feet, and caught Jay and Mainstream with a dropkick that sent both men crashing against the steel. As Montero recovered, though, Kirk was right behind him to take him down with a back suplex. With the other three recovering, Kirk went to work on the champion, keeping on top of him and working over his legs to try and take away his trademark high-flying moves. However, Jay recovered quickly to haul Kirk off the champion and pitch him towards the cage. He tried to grab Montero, but was caught out as Andrews topped Jay short, and the two grabbed Jay and planted him with a double reverse DDT. The brief reunion was interrupted as Mainstream re-entered the match, flying off the top turnbuckle with a dropkick that caught Aaron in the back of the head, catapulting him into the cage for the first time. Montero capitalised on being the only fighter not yet to taste the steel. With his opponents once more engaged, he struck fairly freely, dropkicking Chord into Andrews, and snatching Kirk off Mainstream and dropping him with a bulldog. As Mainstream went after the champion, he was met with a superkick that nearly took his head off. For a moment Montero reigned supreme, but Aaron snatched him up and planted him with a half-nelson suplex that took him down and out once more, and given the brutality of the landing, it seemed that he was out for the duration – especially as Mainstream followed up with a kneedrop off the second rope, landing on Montero’s head with a sickening thud. [COLOR="Magenta"]“The champion is out. It took four men, but he’s out.”[/COLOR] With Montero down and out, the four remaining fighters seemed to realise that going after him for the win was a largely pointless affair – one of them would always be on hand to interrupt. They focused their attention on one another, with Mainstream going straight after Kirk. The first and most recent Invitational winner showed no restraint going after the man he’d accused of cheating and lying in recent months, trying to smash him against the bars. Kirk retreated, concentrating on blocking and deflecting Mainstream’s blows until he was alone against the ropes with Mainstream still throwing punches. Mainstream took a big swing, but he telegraphed too clearly and Jameson ducked, Mainstream clipping the bars with his fist and recoiling in pain. He doubled over, clutching at his hand. Kirk shoved him to the mat and went after Jay, who had Aaron trapped in one corner, unloading with punches until Kirk scrambled up the ropes and cage bars to haul him off with a side Russian legsweep that left Chord down and out clutching his head as Jameson rolled upright, and Andrews stepped wearily out of the corner. The crowd roar, which had been loud all match, further intensified as the two best friends stared each other down. For the first time in five years it seemed that the two might tie up with the World title at stake, but before they could move forward, Mainstream re-entered the fray, his right hand glistening as he swung at Jameson, but caught Andrews flush on the jaw as Andrews dived forward, pushing his friend out of the way and catching the blow, dropping in a crumpled heap to the mat as Jameson tackled Mainstream and bore him to the mat. He grabbed Mainstream’s hand and smacked it into the cage bars, drawing a metallic clang as the camera zoomed in to reveal a set of brass knuckles. [COLOR="Green"]“Mainstream’s using brass knucks! He’s been accusing Jameson of cheating, but it looks like he’s been the one taking liberties.”[/COLOR] Mainstream managed to shove Jameson off and came up swinging. Jameson fell back once more, not even daring to try and deflect the brass knuckles in case he was struck. That left him prey to Jay Chord, who struck from behind, trapping him in a full nelson. Mainstream threw a punch, but Kirk shoved himself and Jay backwards, scoring a quick rollup for a one count before Mainstream broke the pin by dropkicking Kirk in the back, shoving him off Jay and leaving him sprawled in the corner. Mainstream grabbed Jay’s hand and pulled him upright. Jay clapped him on the shoulder and turned to go after Kirk, but Mainstream held on tight and, as Jay turned back to face him, buried the brass knuckles into his gut. As Jay doubled over in pain, Mainstream decked him with a right hook, dropping him to the mat. [COLOR="Blue"]“Mainstream takes out another challenger! My pick for the win!”[/COLOR] With Jay down, Mainstream advanced on Kirk, who was pulling himself upright with the ropes. He tried once more to land a punch, but this time Jameson grabbed his hand and whacked it into the steel bars. The brass knuckles fell free, and Jameson fired off a series of right hands to Mainstream’s gut before whipping him into the corner and following him in with a splash. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Jameson’s building momentum!”[/COLOR] As Mainstream staggered out of the corner, Kirk surveyed the ring. Montero was barely stirring on the far side, under the ropes and out of harm’s way. Jay was lying in one corner, while Andrews had pulled himself into a sitting position in the opposite corner. Mainstream stood in the centre of the ring, trying to clear his head as Kirk sprinted towards him, knocking him down with a hard clothesline. Mainstream struggled to rise to his feet as Jameson stood over him, and for his troubles Jameson dropped him with a piledriver. Jameson stared down at his nemesis, and then looked up at the top turnbuckle. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Bullseye time.”[/COLOR] The crowd roared as he looked further up, his gaze travelling up the cage bars and settling on the top rung. [COLOR="Green"]“No way.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I hope he falls off.”[/COLOR] Jameson began to scale the bars, the roar increasing in volume with each step – and jumping noticeably as Jay Chord suddenly sprang to life, throwing himself across the mat to cover Mainstream as Kirk was trapped in no-man’s land between the top turnbuckle and top bar. He got two, but the count was broken as Andrews dived out of the corner and tackled him off Mainstream, the two men scuffling as they rolled into the corner of the ring. At that moment Kirk stood on the top rung, arms aloft as he stared down into the ring. At that moment, Andrews rose to his feet, Chord trapped in a front face lock as he prevented the second generation star from going after Mainstream again. The two friends exchanged a long look as Andrews seemed to realise that he could hold Chord, or let him go and prevent his friend winning the title. Andrews nodded. Jameson leapt. [COLOR="Green"]“Bullseye!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“No!”[/COLOR] The crowd counted as the referee’s hand slapped the mat once, twice, three times. [COLOR="Magenta"]“New champion!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Jameson wins! Jameson wins! After all this time, after all the trouble Mainstream’s caused for Kirk Jameson, he’s the new champion!”[/COLOR] Winner: Kirk Jameson * Jameson’s music played and he collapsed onto his knees in the centre of the ring as the World title belt was handed to him. Aaron Andrews approached with mixed emotions writ large on his face, but he offered Jameson his hand with a smile that looked – understandably – forced. Mainstream still hadn’t moved, while Jay Chord just sat slumped in disbelief in the corner. Gino Montero, meanwhile, was hanging on the ropes, looking forlorn but not beaten, a determined expression on his face as he met Jameson’s gaze. The two men nodded at one another, a promise of a match for another day. [COLOR="Magenta"]“All credit must go to Gino Montero for accepting this match – he had no reason to take on four men, but he wanted to know if he could succeed against those odds.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You know that Mainstream won’t accept this lightly.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I know that if I had to pick one man to replace Gino Montero as this company’s figurehead, then Kirk Jameson would be it. Never anything less than honourable, decent and a damn fine wrestler, Kirk Jameson is the new World champion!” [/COLOR] [B]Overall: A*[/B] [I](Well, why not?)[/I] [B] [CENTER]The End Really No, [I]really[/I][/B] [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=105836"]However...[/URL] And if you want to download [URL="http://www.megaupload.com/?d=36MMIEK1"]the whole thing...[/URL][/CENTER]
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Thanks all, glad you enjoyed it. Oddly, as I was writing, I found the Stone/DeColt match the one I enoyed the most. The main event could have come out one of three (or more) ways. I was mainly buzzing around a Montero retention, or a Mainstream victory. The strong feeling behind Kirk regaining the belt swayed me to that result. (Don't say I never give back to the fans ;)) It also convinced me to drop the initial plans for a [I]Heroe[/I] win, cashing in his guaranteed shot at the belt. I originally planned for him to cash in that shot (and the RCI-won shot) on Jean Cattley over the summer during the last full year of the diary. Unfortunately, poor chemistry scuppered that plan, which is why we had the Gold Rush and Swoop's title shots on those shows instead. It's been over a month since I finished writing the 2014 RCI, and the epilogue and this last show have been written in that time. I've quite enjoyed the absence of day-to-day writing (especially as I've been busy in work, where I get a lot of it done - but shhhh, my boss hasn't noticed). That said, after an initial peak, my prowess at MW2 has been tailing off in the last week or so, so maybe getting back to writing more will stop me going crazy about my 1:2 kill:death ratio :p Anyway, thanks for all the comments and compliments. As always, if you have any questions, let me know. Otherwise, thanks for coming along for the ride, and I hope you enjoy the move to New York.
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