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The Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society (Cornellverse)

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[B][U]O.O.C Note: :([/U][/B] Apologies to anyone who invested time in reading this diary and making predictions, but I'm having to end it. This always happens with my first diaries of a new game. Reason being this time, is that I forwarded the game on multi-advance a couple of weeks, only to find that TCW (who had oh so conveniently just gone International size, so that means they went on a massive signing spree) had pillaged three key members of my roster, one of whom was Shawn Gonzalez (who was central to one of my major storylines, and the next main event). The others were Carl Batch (who I was important as the Kings mouthpiece) and my road agent Rico Santana (though immediately he was replaceable) Now admittedly I should have signed a non aggression pact, but surely the multi-advance should have stopped and warned me that TCW had made offers to these people. Though I wouldn't have been able to stop them signing with TCW, I could have say brought forward the event I had planned and adjusted my plans for that event accordingly. I tried to rectify it by rebooting the last back-up save in place, but even after that I couldn't do anything about TCW pillaging my roster. I could carry on, but it just feels like that with his happening all the effort I had put into this game/diary has been sucked out of me. For those who did take part in the last prediction contest, here's what happened.......... Kings of the Street defeated Dragon & Tigre via Da Drive By (D-) Charles Rainier defeated Matt Hocking via Moonsault (E+) Ox Mastadon squashed Regular Joe with a Ten Ton Splash in under a minute - this was to be the start of a three minute challenge angle (E-) Bradford Peverall defeated El Hijo del Zonk via DQ (D-) The Sensational Singh defeated Eddie Howard via pin whilst using the ropes for leverage (D) Mainstream Hernandez and Kirk Jameson fought to a double count-out (D+) Shawn Gonzalez defeated Hells Bouncer, Leper Messiah and Rudy Velasquez to become the new no.1 contender making Velasquez tap put to the Latino Crab. (D+) Hells Bouncer, attacked Shawn after the match. Puerto Rican Power, forced Mean Jean Cattley to submit to the Atomic Full Nelson to retain the PR Championship (C) Show Rating: D+
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OK so sadly, this diary is over. But it's pretty clear that I like doing one, and it didn't take me long to get back on the diary wagon after ending my long running BHOTWG diary for 2007 , to start up this one for 08. Anyway you can help influence what I decide to do for my next diary. 1. Try one of the other existing promotions in the Cornellverse. I'll rule out BHOTWG, because as much as I loved doing them for 07, it's a little too soon to go down that route again for me. I'll also rule out doing an MAW diary, because there's a glut of those on here already. 2. Start up a new promotion-going with the building an indy from the bottom up scenario. 3. Try FCW again/reboot this diary. This would involve copying and pasting my opening posts into a new diary, but obviously booking the shows from the start. Mind you I would have different owner goals, so even my opening posts would need adjusting. The Cornellverse fed/option I get the most suggestions for , from readers of this diary over the next 5 days or so...will be the next diary I will go with.
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that's one of the pitfalls of diary writing in these early days as unknown or unrealized aspects of new features, or just some ealry bug makes your current save untenable. I have been lucky in mine so far, having already seen that the multi-advance doesn't stop on every email like you think it would, and none of the bugs being resolved in each new daily temp patch have cropped up yet. My vote would be for you to reboot FCW, but utlimately, it should be a fed that interests you, as opposed to what we want. If it doesn't really interest you, then you won't have any fun doing the diary.
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How about Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling? There don't seem to be many people doing them. I've just started a game with them myself after getting a little tired of my FCW game - the main problem being that it's based in Puerto Rico, and as the importance of that region is so low it takes ages to get up to regional (despite having been D- pop there I'm still only E importance). I also lost the same members of my roster as you did (although not through being stolen), Batch and Gonzalez wouldn't re-sign because I wasn't big enough and Santana I didn't notice his contract was running out (it was before the patch was introduced to e-mail you when there was 1 month left)
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[QUOTE=praguepride;449656]I vote to keep it going! I believe that you can salvage this diary! And if not redo FCW, it was fun to read about the Puerto Rican wrestling. Plus PRP is awesome as an undefeatable owner. I never saw that one coming![/QUOTE] What he said.
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Sucks that the diary is already over. I can see now why I don't start diaries up so early on! :D I don't really have a suggestion for your next step - I think you should do whatever you want to do. Ultimately your best diary is going to be for a fed you're really interested in booking rather than a fed you're using just because other people want you to. [QUOTE]Or, why not 21CW? I have never seen a 21CW diary stay around for any extended period of time.[/QUOTE] That's because it's bloody hard!
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Just think about it though, that's a lot of backstage drama. PRP's best friend leaving, the latino kings losing carl batch...that would all make for interesting drama both on and off the screen. Don't throw in the towel yet, work with it, mold it and make it your own!
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[QUOTE=EricAdams;449695]I just want to read another Kinney thread. Deal with the robbery like a real indy would.[/QUOTE] The robbery I can deal with, the fact that I didn't get any kind of warning, due to the multi-advance not stopping on important e-mails,that some of my workers were being poached, is what I can't deal with. As for where I do go next, there does seem a fair bit of support for me doing FCW again, and I must say that I did enjoy writing for the likes of Leper Messiah. Though to be honest I think Marcel Fromage had the most insightful response, that I should book a fed, that I feel inspired about booking.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;449709]The robbery I can deal with, the fact that I didn't get any kind of warning, due to the multi-advance not stopping on important e-mails,that some of my workers were being poached, is what I can't deal with. As for where I do go next, there does seem a fair bit of support for me doing FCW again, and I must say that I did enjoy writing for the likes of Leper Messiah. Though to be honest I think Marcel Fromage had the most insightful response, that I should book a fed, that I feel inspired about booking.[/QUOTE] Are they already gone or do you have X amount of days? If you have seven days just go into the editor and tweak it to where you'd have an acceptable amount of time. I always do that so I can get a farewell show out of my big names. [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;449709] Though to be honest I think Marcel Fromage had the most insightful response, that I should book a fed, that I feel inspired about booking.[/QUOTE] Oh, totally. Do whatever you want to get involved with or else it will be half-arsed/peter out. Though I do feel like any puro will probably be too similar to the Hammer fed.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;449709]The robbery I can deal with, the fact that I didn't get any kind of warning, due to the multi-advance not stopping on important e-mails,that some of my workers were being poached, is what I can't deal with.[/QUOTE] On a technical note, were you using Full or Partial multi-advance? If Full, then it's your own damn fault ¬_¬ If Partial, I'd post that in the tech support forum, as although it's not a bug per se, I agree that someone making an offer for one of your workers definately should count as an 'important e-mail'! So yeah, go and whine :p As for the new dynasty, I agree wholeheartedly with Marcel. The best dynasties are of games you enjoy playing. So I'd suggest playing a game just for the hell of it first, and then writing retrospectively if you find it fun. The History section saves all your angles too, so if you name them properly you'll have all the information you need (except road agent notes, but hey...) to write a dynasty for a game that's already, say, a year in. That way you'll know if you enjoy it or not before you start writing. Although that does have the downside that you have to write about storylines that have 'already happened' in your mind. Which is why I don't do it ¬_¬ All my best storyline ideas (not that I have many good ones ¬_¬) come to me as I'm typing up a show, let alone booking it :p
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That sucks Tiger man. I vote for FCW again, or if ya just want to have some fun you can run the most enjoyable promotion for me to play anyway the little federation that could - 4C. I dunno how much longevity is in either 4C or FCW though. Actually I change my mind if ya not sticking with FREEDOM (still my first choice), I say ya give us an start from the ground up indy. Whatever ya choose I will be reading. ....I had d#mn high hopes for Messiah's Circus too...
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Guest Bolton
I would actually like to see you try PGHW, as it would be interesting seeing you booking the likes of Miwa and Kunomasu. But FCW again would be good, as PRP + Creative Control + God-like status in Puerto Rico = Great stuff.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;449743]On a technical note, were you using Full or Partial multi-advance? If Full, then it's your own damn fault ¬_¬ If Partial, I'd post that in the tech support forum, as although it's not a bug per se, I agree that someone making an offer for one of your workers definately should count as an 'important e-mail'! So yeah, go and whine :p [/QUOTE] I took a look this morning (before heading to work), just to make sure that I didn't make some numpty error of putting it on Full. But it was on partial, hopefully the 1.1 patch I downloaded has fixed that. Anyway I'm leaning towards an FCW reboot. I enjoyed writing for them, and it appears that many here also want me to carry on with them. Some of the early shows will probably turn quite similar, though being fully aware this time of P.R Power's creative control, I can learn from some of my mistakes, next time round. After sleeping on it, it just feels like I have unfinished business with FCW, but I'm too p'oed with my current save game, to keep this version going.
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[B]This diary has now been resurrected here:[/B] [URL][/URL] [I]I've run a couple of shows, which have all turned out pretty well. There are some similarities to the first shows of this diary, but I've also done a fair few things differently and The Messiah's Circus will be back ![/I]
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