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MoSC: The Worst Of British Wrestling

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[QUOTE=Nedew;636861]Great show, worth the wait :) And some cracking alts, any chance of them on the default background?[/QUOTE] Thank you, my man. Give me a list of which ones you're after and I'll see what I can do :). Now, if anyone wants to predict (for a decent spot on the leaderboard), get on it 'cos I may be posting the next show sooner rather than later ;). I love not having exams... Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;636897]Give me a list of which ones you're after and I'll see what I can do :)[/QUOTE] Well, the bikered-up Thug (sans title perhaps?) and the bushy-bearded Highland Warrior are what I've really got my eyes on, though the blue face paint of the warrior has always grated on me somewhat i'll admit... I feel perhaps a 'request' would be somewhat of a liberty to take, but how about a matching Bruiser too? :o
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[QUOTE=Nedew;636923]Well, the bikered-up Thug (sans title perhaps?) and the bushy-bearded Highland Warrior are what I've really got my eyes on, though the blue face paint of the warrior has always grated on me somewhat i'll admit... I feel perhaps a 'request' would be somewhat of a liberty to take, but how about a matching Bruiser too? :o[/QUOTE] Blue facepaint? Grating? :eek: It's The Highland Warrior! ...and my vision of him is a perfect blend of one-part Abdullah The Butcher, one-part 80s Hulkamania, one-part Braveheart and one-part Rab C Nesbitt :D. The facepaint is merely the outward imagery of Braveheart. ...and, as for Bruiser. I was considering doing him up a bit myself. What would you suggest? Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;636956] my vision of him is a perfect blend of one-part Abdullah The Butcher, one-part 80s Hulkamania, one-part Braveheart and one-part Rab C Nesbitt :D. [/quote] I've always thought more a mix of Alex Ferguson and Graeme Souness with the passion of Gordon Strachan, the arguing capabilities of Eamonn Dunphy and the wit of Frankie Boyle (spot the non-Scotsman!) but to each their own :D [quote]as for Bruiser. I was considering doing him up a bit myself. What would you suggest?[/QUOTE] Well, to match Thug is the first thing that comes to mind, but as in my future diary hes's going it alone under the Matt Vicious name, perhaps something a touch more unique would suffice. Hmm, would hair be such a wacky suggestion? A mohawk might set him apart... punk him up a little maybe?
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MoSC UK Tag Team Championship Match The 21st Century Alliance vs. [B]The UK Wrecking Crew(c)[/B] [I]If the Wrecking Crew loses here it kind of invalidates their big return at the last show[/I] Grudge Match [B]Eddie Cornell[/B] vs. The Landlord [I]I like Eddie more, and he is the better worker[/I] Destroy All Monsters Match for the MoSC Blood & Beer Title Beast Bantom vs. [B]Larry "Got" Wood(c)[/B] [I]Bantom's simply not on Wood's level[/I] Adam Matravers vs. [B]???[/B] [I]Never bet against ???[/I] Dog Collar Match for the MoSC UK Championship [B]Kevin Jones[/B] vs. Danny Patterson(c) [I]How could I ever bet against a legend like KEVIN JOOOOOOOONESSSSSSS![/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCint.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Friday, week 2, January[/B] Live in front of 300 fans at the SOLD OUT "Phoneix Nights" Men's Working Club [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MannyMorhan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPag.jpg[/IMG] [B]Manny:[/B] Hello wrestling fans. Allow me to, once again, welcome you to the Combat Zone. We are sold out here at Phoenix Nights for the first time in over a year! [B]Pag:[/B] ...and that's because people are coming to see 21st Century Alliance dominance, Manny. [B]Manny:[/B] Yeah... right. [B]Pag:[/B] Look deny it if you want to... [B]Manny:[/B] ...and I will. [B]Pag:[/B] BUT, you interrupting, cretinous warthog, these people are dying to be saved from the monotiny of fatmen in kilts and Nova's army are the ones to deliver them. You won't be You won't be laughing when we walk away with all three titles tonight. [B]Manny:[/B] We'll see... [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UKTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATreason.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMorgan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCUKWCbelts.jpg[/IMG] The UK Wrecking Crew dominate from the start. Regardless of whether it's DJ Treason or JD Morgan in the ring, they get the crap kicked out of them. In the fifth minute, Morgan applies a Sleeper Hold and take Thug down to the mat to regain composure. [I]"BOOOOOOORING! BOOOOOOORING! BOOOOOOORING!"[/I] Morgan shouts profanities at the crowd but doezs not release the hold. [I]The Jesuses in the front row stand up to chant. "No more rest holds!" *Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap* Soon the whole crowd is in on it.[/I] Bruiser takes this a signal, abadnonnig his corner and stomping on Morgan's head. The DaVE alumni is forced to release the hold. DJ Treason steps in and it's a full-on tag brawl. Thug throws Morgan over the ropes as Bruiser hits the Durham Dominator on Treason. Thug now picks up the young DJ and whips him to the ropes... CLOTHESLINE FROM HULL! [B]Manny:[/B] CLOTHESLINE FROM HULL! CLOTHESLINE FROM HULL! [B]Pag:[/B] Tell me, is there a reason you feel the need to shout a move name out several times? Are these Northern fans so thick that they need explained more than once. [B]Manny:[/B] You are determined to get you're arse kicked aren't you? [B]Pag:[/B] Who's gonna do it, Manny? You?! You're 37 but you look about 85 year old man! What's more pathetic, I bet you fight like an old [I]woman[/I]. [B]Manny:[/B] Screw you. [B]Pag:[/B] Tell ya what, call me when you think of a comeback. Amidst the bickering, Brusier makes the cover. 1...2...3! [B]Match Rating:[/B] E+ [CENTER][I]Melanie Florence is standing backstage with Eddie Cornell.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MelanieFlorence.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCCornell.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Florence:[/B] I'm Melanie Florence... you may remember me from such backstage segments as the night The Highland Warrior downed a pint of furniture polish. I am proud to say that my guest is none other than Tomm... err... I mean Eddie Cornell! [B]Cornell:[/B] Cheers, Melanie. I'm ready to answer any question. [B]Florence:[/B] Really? [B]Cornell:[/B] Really. [B]Florence:[/B] How's your cousin? [B]Cornell:[/B] Except that one. [B]Florence:[/B] What did you think of his match with Sam Keith this week? [B]Cornell:[/B] Or that one. [B]Florence:[/B] Well, what the hell will you answer, then?! [B]Cornell:[/B] About The Landlord, maybe... I'm on my way out to the ring to fight him. [B]Florence:[/B] Oh, fine, let's go with that. [I]Cornell stands there expecting a question.[/I] [B]Florence:[/B] Well... [B]Cornell:[/B] Oh... right... [I]He suddenly seems to snap into character.[/I] [B]Cornell:[/B] Landlord, you stuck a knife in my back last month and, now, it's time for me to return the favour. Warrior said to choose sides and I've chosen mine and you better believe that I am one hundred percent committed to kicking your southern, scummy arses back to Slough or Basildon or whatever sh*thole you come from! [B]Florence:[/B] It should be a doozy... back to you Manny. [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CALandlord.jpg[/IMG] Cornell is true to his word, laying a clinic on The Landlord. It is obvious who is the superior wrestler as the cheers ring out. [I]"THERE'S ONLY ONE CORNELL! THERE'S ONLY ONE CORNELL!"[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Do you think they're saying that ironically or are these fans actually so dumb they think there only is one? [B]Manny:[/B] Are you just trying to distract people form the fact that your guy's getting owned? [B]Pag:[/B] Err... no. Wow... what's that?! [B]Manny:[/B] You're such a dick! Cornell eventually forces his former partner to submit to the Tilt Grip, his variation of his cousin's famous finisher. [B]Match Rating:[/B] D [CENTER][I]DJ Treason approaches Buff Martinez backstage.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATreason.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/BuffMartinez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Treason:[/B] Yo, Buff, ma nigga... my brotha from a dago motha! [B]Martinez:[/B] Err... what's with the accent... and the needless racial slurs? [B]Treason:[/B] I is DJ Treason ain't I, blood? [B]Martinez:[/B] Err... no, you ARE Jay B ARE'NT you, "blood"? [B]Treason:[/B] Whatevs. [B]Martinez:[/B] Look, what do you want? If it's important try speaking in words I'll understand. [B]Treason:[/B] Fine... I have approached you, my most cherished compatriot, to offer my most sincere apologies on behalf of my compunctious subconscious. [B]Martinez:[/B] Don't be a prick! [B]Treason:[/B] Oh f**k it... do you want to join the Alliance? [B]Martinez:[/B] Not really. [B]Treason:[/B] Cool. [I]The DJ walks off but stops and turns back.[/I] [B]Treason:[/B] Wait... what? [B]Martinez:[/B] No, not really. You just lost tonight... twice. Why would I want to join you? [B]Treason:[/B] Blood... we didn't lose. We're just building the suspense for our eventual win, wagwan? [B]Martinez:[/B] That's not how you use wagwan. [B]Treason:[/B] Ya what blood? [B]Martinez:[/B] "Wagwan" is a barstadisation of a rhetorical social nicety. It should be used as the preface of a conversation not as a suffix to a statement. [B]Treason:[/B] You're seriously less cool than when we were teaming together, blood. [B]Martinez:[/B] I haven't changed. You've just got a new gangsta fixation despite the fact that you went to Eton. [B]Treason:[/B] Shush, blood. That's on the download! [B]Martinez:[/B] DOWN-LOW! [B]Treason:[/B] Whatevs. Anyway, join the Alliance! [B]Martinez:[/B] Fine, I'll think about it. [CENTER][I]JD Morgan steps into shot.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Morgan:[/B] Well, think hard, sunshine, 'cos there are consequences if you don't! [I]DJ and JD walk away. Martinez mutters to himself.[/I] [B]Martinez:[/B] Blood?! Sunshine?! [I]He shouts after them.[/I] [B]Martinez:[/B] I HAVE A F**KING NAME! [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_BloodAndBeer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CABantom.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG] In the early going, Bantom is surprisingly dominant. Indeed, he controls the match for a full six minutes. He finishes Wood off with a Throat Thrust. [B]Pag:[/B] It's the Beastly Throat Thrust! [B]Manny:[/B] Seriously, is that the best name he could come up with for a new finisher? [B]Pag:[/B] Hey, I came up with that. [B]Manny:[/B] Aah, that explains it. Bantom Covers... ...but Wood kicks out before the ref's hand ever reaaches the canvas. [B]Manny:[/B] He was playing possum. [B]Pag:[/B] More like beached walrus! He rises and whips to Bantom to the ropes. RUNNING BIG FOOT! 1...2...3! [B]Match Rating:[/B] D [B]Manny:[/B] The 21st Century Alliance is being beaten like a redhead stepchild. [B]Pag:[/B] You know that's a sensitive subject... [B]Manny:[/B] Oh, shut up! [CENTER][I]Adam Matravers enters the ring, awaiting his opponent.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMatravers.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]There is no sign of anyone until a masked figure emerges from the crowd with a chair.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] My god, is that? [B]Manny:[/B] Hell yeah! [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCExile.jpg[/IMG] Seemingly, The Highland Warrior called in a few favours and it certainly pays off. The Men Of Steel's newest ally, Burning Exile, takes the fight right to Matravers. In fact, the Japanese Star flat out dominates. In the tenth minute, he goes for the EXILE Driver. However, Matravers slips out the back and rolls him up. He gets his feet on the middle rope... 1...2...3! [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [B]Pag:[/B] Haha, take that, Manny! [B]Manny:[/B] Yes, what a convincing victory... [I]After the match, Exile tries to get revenge but Matravers hightails it like a cat on a hot, tin roof.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Dog Collar Match[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UK.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPattersonandGarcia.jpg[/IMG] Jones puts in a decent showing in the early stages. However, the match stipulation begins to work against him as Patterson's strength allows him to throw the champion around like a ragdoll. However, the champion's lack of stamina begins to show and "The Welsh Special" makes a comeback. [I]"KEEEEEEEEEVIN JOOOOOOOOOOONES!"[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Those damn, kids. Someone call a pest controller. [B]Manny:[/B] I've thought the same thing many times myslef while listening to you drone on. [B]Pag:[/B] Ha, funny... moron. [B]Manny:[/B] MORHAN! [B]Pag:[/B] Whatevs. [CENTER][I]The Alliance make their way down to the ring.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CANeill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMorgan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATreason.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CALandlord.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CABantom.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAUVandSimona.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Manny:[/B] Oh, here we f**king go... [B]Pag:[/B] Safety in numbers, Manny. [B]Manny:[/B] I have to hear that line every month! At least come up with a new catchphrase! [CENTER][I]However, The Men Of Steel run out behind them.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCWarrior.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCUKWCbelts.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCExile.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Manny:[/B] That's more like it! [B]Pag:[/B] You fickel turncoat! [B]Manny:[/B] You... TWAT! A massive gang war breaks out in the ring. Thoroughly confused, Scotty Gregory is forced to call for a no contest. [B]Match Rating:[/B] C+ [B]Manny:[/B] No! Damn it, no! [B]Pag:[/B] And did those feet in ancient times... [I]Randy Garcia jumps in the ring with a pair of bolt-cutters, previously hidden under the ring. He cuts the dog collar affording the champion a quick escape.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] God save our gracious Patterson! Long live our noble Pat... [B]Manny:[/B] OH SHUT THE F**K UP! [I]The internet feed cuts out.[/I] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"]Show Rating:[/COLOR][/B] C[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=Nedew;640317]That Treason/Martinez/Morgan segment was just beautiful stuff, really. I loved Florence/Cornell too, great show![/QUOTE] Ha cheers, bro. I love writing for this bunch of industry outcasts... Fat Scottish psycopaths, guys who were supposed to make it over to the States but didn't, far less famous cousins, freelancers who get fired everywhere they go.... It's by far the coolest promotion in the C-Verse! ...and I haven't forgotten about those cuts. Leaderboard and some shorter shows (the context of which will be explained) upcoming. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/BD.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/CharliePag2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/TheHighlandWarrior.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]I walked into Braveheart's office, confident in my plans.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Hey, boss, I... [I]I paused.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] What the hell happened to the... [B]Warrior:[/B] 'Air? Baird? Stick on... [B]Pag:[/B] You're kidding... [B]Warrior:[/B] Ach, no, sonny. If I were kiddin', I'd say "did ye hear whenae happened to the rentboy in the Glasweyan nunnery?" [B]Pag:[/B] Yes, well... fascinating though that story may be, could we return to task? [B]Warrior:[/B] Aye. You ain't been doin' a bad job 'ere, laddy. Now, whadd'ya be needin' me? [B]Pag:[/B] One cool bit of news and another idea. [B]Warrior:[/B] Go for ya life. laddy. [B]Pag:[/B] Well, first-up, I've signed working agreements with USPW, CZCW, MAW, TCW and, coolest of all, NYCW. [B]Warrior:[/B] Aye? Really? I thought that aye Stomper was notoriously tight-fisted with his favours. [I]Notoriously?! Long word for Braveheart![/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Yeah, well first I signed a non-aggression pact, not that it would do either of us any favours, and that seemed to twist his arm into giving us a working agreement. [B]Warrior:[/B] Aye... but what use it be? [B]Pag:[/B] Well, check this... We have JD on the roster, right? [B]Warrior:[/B] Aye. [B]Pag:[/B] And he's pretty over in the States? [B]Warrior:[/B] Aye. [B]Pag:[/B] So, I've been doing some research and we can get some pretty useful trades in. The best bit... you'll never guess who Stomper's gonna let us use? [I]He gasped.[/I] [B]Warrior:[/B] Not... LANDMASS?! [B]Pag:[/B] Yes! [I]I paused again.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] What? No! He's a useless sack of sh*t! [I]Braveheart looked hurt. He was clearly a 'Mass mark.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] No... Steve Flash! [B]Warrior:[/B] Who? [I]My face fell.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Never mind just believe me when I say it's good news. He can train the young guys and act as a roadie. [B]Warrior:[/B] I thought I was the acting roadie... [B]Pag:[/B] Aah... yes... well... we wouldn't want to... err... overstretch your talents. [I]He seemed satisfied with that.[/I] [B]Warrior:[/B] Aye and the other idea? [B]Pag:[/B] Well, do you know this whole "regional battle" ranking system on TEW.com? [B]Warrior:[/B] No. [I]No wonder he had been getting his arse kicked by Nova.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Well, nevermind all that. Point is, ROF are getting some notoriety in both the midlands and the south. [B]Warrior:[/B] Damn them! [B]Pag:[/B] No, no... we like Samurai; we hate Nova... remember? [B]Warrior:[/B] Oh... aye. [I]He frowned... he'd clearly lost me at "regional battle".[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Well, if we hold one show in both the midlands and the south we can mitigate the couple of decent shows they had this month. [B]Warrior:[/B] Crap idea! It'lll be expensive! [B]Pag:[/B] I've been keeping a close eye on the purse strings and we're close to making regional and getting some more sponsorship money. Besides, I think we should call the shows "The Jacobite Rebellion". [I]He started to look interested. I thought on my feet.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Err... with the subtitle: "F**k Jeffery Nova". [I]He smiled.[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] ...err... "...right up his pansy southern arse!" [B]Warrior:[/B] AYE! Count me in!
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[CENTER][SIZE=6][U]The "Worst of British Wrestling" Leaderboard[/U][/SIZE][/CENTER] The order of the leaderboard is decided by the following criteria in the specified order of importance: [LIST=1] [*][B]Overall number of correct predictions[/B]. This gives a certain advantage to regular predicters over one-hit-wonders. However, it means that the woefully inept will not top the table regardless of how many times they predict :p. [*][B]Percentage[/B]. This will, rightfully put someone who gets 10/10 ahead of someone who gets 10/600. [*][B]One-off genius[/B]. If you happen to be equal on correct predictions and percentage with someone else, there is something that can give you the advantage: a great idea. Therefore, if you've suggested a cool little booking quirk or a new chant that I like, you'll receive preference. [*][B]How much I like you[/B]. If you are equal on correct predictions and percentage with someone else and point 4 does not apply, I will consider if you've criticised my booking or, perhaps, if you'd called a swerve that I didn't want you to see coming. Who ever said life was fair :D? [*][B]Alphabetical order[/B]. If you are equal on correct predictions and percentage with someone else and neither point 4 or point 5 apply, you'll be judged based on the spelling of your username.[/LIST] <tr>
[CENTER][B][SIZE=6]Predictions Leaderboard[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
[SIZE=3][B][CENTER]Position[/CENTER] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=3][B][CENTER]Combat Fan[/CENTER] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=3][B][CENTER]Shows Predicted On[/CENTER] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=3][B][CENTER]Correct Predictions[/CENTER] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=3][B][CENTER]Overall Predictions[/CENTER] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=3][B][CENTER]Overall Tally[/CENTER] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=3][B][CENTER]Percentage Correct (%)[/CENTER] [/B][/SIZE]
'Banger, as our leader (for a second successive time... might put a veto on three in a row :p), you get to choose something really rather important: Buff Martinez's alignment. Would you like to see "The Barcelona Bull" represent MoSC or 21CA? He's the future of the roster so choose wisely. Make sure you pm your decision, so, no one else knows what's happening ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/JR1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][U]Held in the "Norman Blue Athletic Centre" in the midlands[/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPatterson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/GeordieJimmyMorris.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Danny Patterson defeated Jimmy Morris in a non-title match. [B]Match Rating:[/B] D-[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Eddie Cornell defeated JD Morgan. [B]Match Rating:[/B] D+[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/RipperLeStat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/KeithAdams.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Ripper Le Stat defeated Keith Adams. [B]Match Rating:[/B] E[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_BloodAndBeer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/BuffMartinez.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Larry Wood defeated Buff Martinez to retain the Blood & Beer Title. [B]Match Rating:[/B] D[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMatravers.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Jeff McPeterson defeated Adam Matravers. [B]Match Rating:[/B] D+[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Show Rating:[/B] D [B]Attendance:[/B] 10[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/JR2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][U]Held in the "Paddington Club" in the south[/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Jeff McPeterson defeated JD Morgan. [B]Match Rating:[/B] D[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_BloodAndBeer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATreason.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Larry Wood defeated DJ Treason to retain the Blood & Beer Title. [B]Match Rating:[/B] E+[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/RipperLeStat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/GeordieJimmyMorris.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Ripper Le Stat defeated Jimmy Morris. [B]Match Rating:[/B] E[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCExile.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/BuffMartinez.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Burning Exile defeated Buff Martinez . [B]Match Rating:[/B] D-[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCCornell.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Adam Matravers defeated Eddie Cornell. [B]Match Rating:[/B] D+[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Show Rating:[/B] D [B]Attendance:[/B] 17[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/logoletters.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="7"][B]Presents...[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/GAL2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]First Blood Match for the MoSC Blood & Beer Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_BloodAndBeer.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Harley Neill vs. Larry "Got" Wood[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CANeill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]It's time for the highly anticipated Absinthe' rematch between "The Gnarly Heel" and Larry "Got" Wood. The Blood & Beer Champion steamrollered Neill last time they met in a match named after himself. However, in a bid to even the odds, Emma Evans has signed a First Blood Match, harking back to Neill's days as "The Juicer". Can the challenger rediscover his psycopathic bloodlust and dethrone an undefeated Wood?[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Buff Martinez vs. Razor Valentine[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/BuffMartinez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/RazorValentine.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Razor Valentine makes his combat zone debut against Buff Martinez. With the young spaniard set to choose his side in the inter-promotional war could third-party shenanigans play a part?[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]The Highland Warrior vs. "Lord" Byron[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCWarrior2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/Byron.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]"Powderpuff" Byron, the man who loves to wind up Green Lantern fan, is back in the combat zone and, unfortunately for him, he faces our national hero. He may have wrestling skills but does he have big biceps and even bigger man boobs? Didn't think so...[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Adam Matravers vs. Burning Exile[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCExile.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]According to Exile, when touring with PGHW, Matravers boasted of his dominance in the combat zone and his nemesis from the East Pacific has come to England to prove a point: he can beat him on home or away soil. Thus, he was more than happy to lend his allegiance to the MoSC flag. However, "Mile High" Matravers stopped the masked man's momentum dead last month, picking up a controversial victory which has resulted in this Clash Of The Tartans rematch.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Fans Bring Weapons Match for the MoSC UK Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Eddie Cornell vs. Danny Patterson(c)[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UK.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPatterson.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]We, once more, revisit the gloriously violent tradition of fans bring weapons as Eddie "There's Only One" Cornell steps up to face "The Tower Of London". Cornell is riding some good momentum after defeating his former ally and new 21st Century Alliance Member, The Landlord. However, Patterson has now racked up an impressive eleven title defences and the master of the Tilt Grip could make for number twelve.[/SIZE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All predictions welcomed.[/CENTER]
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Okay, first off ... `Banger wins too much! Time for me to rectify things. :D Secondly, those fans down south don't have a clue what they're missing. Buncha nancy boys! [I]"Ooh, it's too scary and bloody!"[/I]Pfft! :p 3rd: Harley Neill vs. [B]Larry "Got" Wood[/B] [I]Wood is on such a hot streak, pushing his foot into every face that comes close, I don't see the Gnarly One being able to overcome.[/I] [B]Buff Martinez[/B] vs. Razor Valentine [I]Buff picks up the win over Razor, with an assist (although maybe unwanted) from DJ.[/I] [B]The Highland Warrior[/B] vs. "Lord" Byron [I]*clears throat* HIGHLAND FLING! HIGHLAND FLIIING!!![/I] Adam Matravers vs. [B]Burning Exile[/B] [I]I think Exile evens up the series with the High Flying one ... and inevitably pays for his insolance.[/I] Fans Bring Weapons Match for the MoSC UK Championship Eddie Cornell vs. [B]Danny Patterson(c)[/B] [I]Cornell will put up a fight, but I think Patterson will continue to dominate MoSC. I'm tempted to bring a giant stuffed teddy bear to the event as my weapon of choice, but foresee myself being beaten by the crowd before the opening bell. lol[/I]
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[quote=Nevermore;640781]'Banger, as our leader (for a second successive time... might put a veto on three in a row :p), you get to choose something really rather important: Buff Martinez's alignment. Would you like to see "The Barcelona Bull" represent MoSC or 21CA? He's the future of the roster so choose wisely. Make sure you pm your decision, so, no one else knows what's happening ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore[/quote] PM sent. And I'll bow out of predictions until the next table comes around to spread the wealth a bit. That's not to say I won't do anything at all... :cool:
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;641083]PM sent. And I'll bow out of predictions until the next table comes around to spread the wealth a bit. That's not to say I won't do anything at all... :cool:[/QUOTE] Aww, I can't rectify your winning streak if you don't pick ... it's like winning a date with Paris Hilton. No fun if ya don't earn it. lol
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Harley Neill vs. [B]Larry "Got" Wood[/B] Buff Martinez vs. [B]Razor Valentine[/B] [B]The Highland Warrior[/B] vs. "Lord" Byron [B]Adam Matravers[/B] vs. Burning Exile Fans Bring Weapons Match for the MoSC UK Championship Eddie Cornell vs. [B]Danny Patterson(c)[/B]
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Harley Neill vs. [B]Larry "Got" Wood[/B] [I]I don't think that Mister Neill is going to be able to cheat enough, even with all his little friends![/I] [B]Buff Martinez[/B] vs. Razor Valentine [I]I don't know, but I've got a feeling that this match is going to be important for the pretty goreign boy.[/I] [B]The Highland Warrior[/B] vs. "Lord" Byron [I]Nobody can stop that nice Mister Warrior![/I] [B]Adam Matravers[/B] vs. Burning Exile [I]Never trust those Japanese! They can't be trusted, you know.[/I] Fans Bring Weapons Match for the MoSC UK Championship Eddie Cornell vs. [B]Danny Patterson(c)[/B] [I]If he got beaten by a southern ponce down in London, he's not going to win here, is he?[/I]
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Harley Neill vs. [B]Larry "Got" Wood[/B] [I]The gnarly heel suffers a big boot[/I] Buff Martinez vs. [B]Razor Valentine[/B] [I]Treason afoot, I suspect[/I] [B]The Highland Warrior [/B]vs. "Lord" Byron [I]Byron will lose this in a rage of jealousy over Highland Warrior's new hair[/I] [B]Adam Matravers [/B]vs. Burning Exile [I]Doesn't seem much point jobbing Mile High to narky foreigner[/I] Fans Bring Weapons Match for the MoSC UK Championship Eddie Cornell vs. [B]Danny Patterson(c)[/B] [I]Couldn't beat Matravers - not expecting him to beat Patterson[/I]
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Harley Neill vs. [B]Larry "Got" Wood[/B] Buff Martinez vs. [B]Razor Valentine[/B] [B]The Highland Warrior[/B] vs. "Lord" Byron [B]Adam Matravers[/B] vs. Burning Exile Fans Bring Weapons Match for the MoSC UK Championship Eddie Cornell vs. [B]Danny Patterson(c)[/B]
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