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MoSC: The Worst Of British Wrestling

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[QUOTE=Prophet;480290]Must make the result chart ... although, I stink out loud at this, so maybe it's better I don't. lol[/QUOTE] Aah, dude... you should be on. I ballsed up :o. You'll definitely be on the next one. My bad. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[B]Wooden Bananas[/B]vs. 21CA [I]It's tiem for the Alliance to start losing. Plus, Neill and Jay B can afford to lose without making anyone look bad[/I] [B]Byron[/B] vs. Arthur T. Turtle [I]Turtle's nbto Ultra-Vomit, but I can't see him winning[/I] [B]The Highland Warrior & Kevin Jones[/B] vs. Adam Matravers & The Landlord [I]C'mon, like I'm gonna bet agains Warrior and KEVIN JOOOOOOONES![/I] [B]Jeff McPeterson[/B] vs. ??? [I]There's a lot of good reasons for ??? to win, but I can't see Jeff going down. Plus, Granny will get angry[/I] [B]The Executive[/B] vs. Danny Patterson [I]Patterson's my least favourite member of the 21CA, plus the Executive needs to make a strong debut-uinless it's Ultra-Violence in an ultimate swerve o'doom[/I] It's an executive decision to make Patterson lose.
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Wooden Bananas vs. [B]21CA[/B] [I]My heart wants to go with Wood and Jack, but with no title on the line, and Jack a talent trade I just don't see it happening.[/I] [B]Byron[/B] vs. Arthur T. Turtle [B]The Highland Warrior & Kevin Jones[/B] vs. Adam Matravers & The Landlord [B]Jeff McPeterson[/B] vs. ??? [B]The Executive[/B] vs. Danny Patterson
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Wooden Bananas vs. [B]21CA[/B] [I]Noooooooo! That dear Mister Wood can't stand against those horrid 21st Century men![/I] [B]Byron[/B] vs. Arthur T. Turtle [I]Well, I suppose he's got to win something eventually.[/I] [B]The Highland Warrior & Kevin Jones[/B] vs. Adam Matravers & The Landlord [I]Nobody beats Mister Warrior! Especially not when those nasty young men are likely to just start hitting each other.[/I] [B]Jeff McPeterson[/B] vs. ??? [I]Jeffrey's such a nice young man. I've knitted him a sock especially for the occasion! I'll even put a brick in it for him, as a special present.[/I] [B]The Executive[/B] vs. Danny Patterson [I]Ooh, that Patterson! He'll get what's soming to him, and no mistake.[/I]
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Wood/Jack vs. [B]21CA[/B] [I]Going with the Alliance while Jack's on talent trade[/I] [B]Byron[/B] vs. Arthur T. Turtle [I]Like both these guys - but Byron to go over[/I] [B]The Highland Warrior & Kevin Jones [/B]vs. Adam Matravers & The Landlord [I]HW and the Jones boy should work better together[/I] [B]Jeff McPeterson [/B]vs. ??? [I]It's going to be a good day for the McPeterson clan[/I] [B]The Executive [/B]vs. Danny Patterson [I]This is a risky choice, as I can't think of many people more over in the UK than Patterson, but it'll make life interesting at the top of the card[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSCint.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Thursday, week 2, October[/B] Live in front of 198 fans at the "Phoneix Nights" Men's Working Club [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MannyMorhan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPag.jpg[/IMG] [B]Manny:[/B] Hello wrestling fans. Allow me to, once again, welcome you to the Combat Zone. Tonight, we find out who "The Executive" is! [B]Pag:[/B] Well, let me tell you something, Manny. Whoever it is, the guys a schmuck! [B]Manny:[/B] Oh? [B]Pag:[/B] The fact is he should have sat back and let Mister Nova buy out this piss hole! Whoever steps through that curtain tonight to face "The Tower Of London" is in for a whole world of hurt! [B]Manny:[/B] That's your expert, unbiased opinion is it? [B]Pag:[/B] Absolutley. [B]Manny:[/B] Shame it's a croc of sh*t then, really. [B]Pag:[/B] We'll see Many Morons, we'll see! [B]Manny:[/B] MORHAN! MANNY MORHAN! What is complicated?! [B]Pag:[/B] Certainly not your thought processes. [B]Manny:[/B] Oh, I say, how droll. Let's just call the matches shall we? [B]Pag:[/B] I shall, Manny. [I]I[/I] Shall. Christ knows what you're hoping to achieve over the course of the next hour. [B]Manny:[/B] Namely, a paycheck. You, on the other hand, seem determined to achieve a black eye. [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CANeill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATreason.jpg[/IMG] Jungle Jack and The Gnarly Heel start as the legal men. Neill is the first to land a blow... ...but no, Jack blocks it and lands a blow of his own. Another right hand... ...and another. A big haymaker. [B]Manny:[/B] ...and Neill is down! [B]Pag:[/B] No, no, Manny he's just checking the canvas for irregularities. [B]Manny:[/B] Do you know what I like about you, Pag? [B]Pag:[/B] Err... my unparalleled grasp of wit and irony. [B]Manny:[/B] Not a damn thing! [B]Pag:[/B] Cold, Manny. Very cold. Rather than following up on the offensive, Jack signals to the crowd that he is going to tag in Wood. The fans go nuts. Jack waves his finger and changes his mind, though. He shouts out in his primal voice. [I]"What do you want?!"[/I] [I]WOOD![/I] [I]"What do you need?"[/I] [I]WOOD![/I] He tags in his partner as Harley Neill scrambles away and tags in DJ Treason. [B]Manny:[/B] What a coward! He wants no part of The Blood & Beer Champion! [B]Pag:[/B] Would you? Look at him... he's feral! The DJ runs in enthusiastically... ...only to be floored by a Clothesline. From here, it is an absolute owning. Wood and Jack destroy the youngster, never allowing the opportunity to tag out. In the eighth minute, Larry and Jack both whip Treason to the ropes. Running Big Foot! The DJ staggers round straight into the grasp of Jungle Jack. As Wood lays out Harley Neill, treason suffers the Jungle-Jackhammer! [B]Match Rating:[/B] D [I]After the bell, "Wooden Bannanas" celebrate for the crowd.[/I] [CENTER][I]However, JD Morgan takes them out from behind with a chair.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The big Biker in the second row stands up. "He can't even make a chair spot exciting!" "BOOOORRRRING! BOOOORRRRING! BOOOORRRRING!" As "Boring" Morgan goes mental, screaming for the crowd to shut up, Harley Neill joins in the assualt. So does DJ Treason after he has regained consciousness.[/I] [B]Neill:[/B] You must be Saddam Hussein, Jacky boy. This Barney was between me and Woodlouse over 'ere. If you wanna stick your garden hose in my business, you're gonna get handed some serious Tony Slattery! So, if you got the orchestras, I say you meet me in the Stephen King next month for a Loser Leaves The Combat Zone Match! Then we'll see whose Damian Duff, eh? [B]Manny:[/B] A Loser Leaves The Combat Zone Match? But Jungle Jack's only just got here! [B]Pag:[/B] And us 21st Century boys think it's about time he left! [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/Byron.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/ArthurTTurtle.jpg[/IMG] This one is pretty open and shut. "The Turtle Package" puts up a decent struggle but is eventually put away with the Upperclass Uppercut. [B]Match Rating:[/B] E [CENTER][I]Jeff McPeterson is backstag for a shoot promo.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]McPeterson:[/B] You think you proved something last month, Patterson? Think again! One more time you had to resort to outside interference to retain a title that should never have belonged to you! Well, tonight, you're back in the Crystal Palace and I, for one, hope this "Executive kicks your... [CENTER][I]He is suddenly blindsided.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAGarcia.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The suave figure floors him from behind and kicks the crap out of him whilst he's on the floor.[/I] [B]Garcia:[/B] You chose to get up the noses of the wrong people, Jeffery. You see, Mister Nova has connections and, should it be required, we're not adverse to calling in a few favours. So, you want to lay out a challenge? How about you meet our friend in the ring tonight? [I]The assailant lays in one final kick and spits on McPeterson.[/I] [B]Champagne Lover:[/B] Hey, chico, when you f**kin' with the 21st Century, you f**kin' with the best! [I]The feed cuts back to rimgside.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] Holy... was that?! [B]Pag:[/B] Hell yeah it was! Ya hear that Manny? We've got connections! [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/TheHighlandWarrior2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/KevinJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/ExecutiveLandlord.jpg[/IMG] [I]"Men Of Steel!" chants resonate around the arena right from the opening bell.[/I] This, too, is pretty academic. Whereas the "Men Of Steel" combine well, the friction between Matravers and The Landlord is obvious. By the seventh minute, Matravers is taking one hell of a beating from "The Welsh Special". [I]Little Jimmy the chimney sweep lets out his customary scream. "KEVIN JOOOOOOOOONES!"[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] Goddamn it, my ears. That f**king kid! [I]The guy in the rugby shirt joins in. "KEVIN JOOOOOOOOOOONES!"[/I] [B]Pag:[/B] My god, have they allowed cloning in the North? I think he's multiplying. [B]Manny:[/B] ...or Jones just has more than one fan. [B]Pag:[/B] Impossible, Manny! He's We... [B]Manny:[/B] Just because he's Welsh, it doesn't mean he doesn't have fans. [B]Pag:[/B] Okay fine but, be honest, they're all related to him... [B]Manny:[/B] Why do I get the feeling this is leading somew... [B]Pag:[/B] ...by birth [I]and[/I] marriage. [B]Manny:[/B] Right on cue. Matravers desperately reaches for the tag... ...Landlord steps off the apron. [B]Pag:[/B] You coward! Stay and fight! From there, the carcass is left for Warrior and Jones to pick apart. Both men stride up to Matravers. [I]"Would you like to or shall I" "Och aye, ya be my f**kin' guest" "But you saved me last week. It's only right for..." "Aah, wee f**kin' nonsense, boy-o. You go for ya f**kin' life, eh?" "How about we both go?" "Och aye, I f**kin' like the sound a' that!"[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] I wonder what they're discussing. [B]Pag:[/B] All I'm hearing is "Leaks, daffodils, sheep shagging"... "Thistles, men in dresses and sh*te beer!" [B]Manny:[/B] You are a walking, talking Alf Garnett impersonator aren't you? Kevin Jones hits the Belly-To-Belly Suplex! Matravers staggers to his feet straight into Warrior's waistlock... Highland Fling! [B]Manny:[/B] HIGHLAND FLING! HIGHLAND FLING! 1...2...3! [B]Match Rating:[/B] D [I]The Landlord may have left Adam Matravers high and dry but he returns to the ring to attack Jones from behind. When The Highland Warrior goes to aid his friend he is caught with a stiff shot with some brass knuckles.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] Where did they come from? [B]Pag:[/B] First rule of scouting, Manny... always be prepared. [B]Manny:[/B] Scouting?! He's a bloody pub landlord! [CENTER][I]Emma Evans is backstage on the phone.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/ExecutiveEvans.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Evans:[/B] Yes, sir, we're ready for you... sorry?... Oh, a "Crystal Palace" Match... you'll see when you get here... yes... yes, Mr Moore's idea... not bad but, I must say, I'm not sure he's cut out for the job... well, me actually... no, sir, seriously... yes... I think I'd do a fine job as commissioner... okay sir, no problem... very good, sir... see you soon. [I]She hangs up and smiles.[/I] [B]Evans:[/B] Ha... "cut out"... [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG] [I]As Champagne Lover steps through the curtain, Poncho guy goes nuts... he finally has a Mexican to cheer! "Si si, senor. Muy bueno!" The famed luchadore stops of to share the vast majority of a bottle of tequila, after producing a salt pot and several limes from his wrestling trunks.[/I] The two men have great chemistry and combine for a fantastic match. However, it is clear that McPeterson is somewhat outclassed. In the tenth minute, Champagne Lover boots McPeterson in the gut ready for the Lover Stunner. However, The Streetfighter pushes him away. The Mexican bounces off the ropes, chest first. McPeterson rolls him up... 1...2...3! [B]Match Rating:[/B] C- [B]Manny:[/B] He did it! He actually did it! [B]Pag:[/B] No way! Who books this sh*t?! [I]After the bell, both men dart to their feet and a brawl breaks out which has to be seperated by Scotty Gregory and several ring hands.[/I] [CENTER][I]Danny Patterson makes his way to the ring unaccompanied, ready to meet "The Executive" for the Crystal Palace Match.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPatterson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Manny:[/B] Who is it? Who is it? [B]Pag:[/B] Calm the f**k down. It's probably someone really lame! [CENTER][I]The curtain flies back and two figures step out.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/ExecutiveEvans.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/ExecutiveCornellsuit.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]There is no entrance music, no gimmicks, the crowd just explodes.[/I] [B]Manny:[/B] Is that? [B]Pag:[/B] It can't be! [B]Manny:[/B] But... [B]Pag:[/B] He doesn't have a beard. It can't be! [B]Executive:[/B] The names Cornell! [I]Cue huge pop![/I] [B]Cornell:[/B] ...Eddie Cornell! [I]The cheers cease. Danny Patterson looks bemused. Some tumbleweed makes it's way through the ring.[/I] [B]Cornell:[/B] But the name's still Cornell! [I]Huge pop! Patterson's face drops. The Executive makes his way to the ring and the glass panels are put in place.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Crystal Palace Match[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UK.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/ExecutiveCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPatterson.jpg[/IMG] Cornell takes the fight right to Patterson. Despite being considerably shorter than the giant, his fast combo of body blows begins to even the odds. [I]Elsie stands up, clearly somewhat oblivious to the previous happenings... "There's only one Cornell!" The drunken crowd seem more than happy to play along. "THERE'S ONLY ONE CORNELL! THERE'S ONLY ONE CORNELL!"[/I] Patterson starts to come back, his sheer power being a large factor. However, Cornell does not back down. He comes back after ducking a punch and hitting a knife edge chop. From here, a full-on brawl erupts. By the tenth minute, Cornell has Patterson right where he wants him. He jumps up behind the giant and locks in the Tilt Grip, his version of his cousin's infamous Guilt Trip. [CENTER][I]The 21st Century Alliance emerge from the back.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CANeill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CATreason.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMorgan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAGarcia.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Manny:[/B] What are they gonna do? There are four panels of glass keeping them out! Using all their might, with three men on each side, they pull down one of the glass panes from the apron. Glass shatters all over the arena floor and The Alliance storms the ring. [CENTER][I]The Men Of Steel come sprinting out closely followed by The Executive's assistance.[/I] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/TheHighlandWarrior2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/KevinJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/ExecutiveLandlord.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A huge brawl breaks out in the centre of the ring. [B]Manny:[/B] My god it's a gang war! In the confusion, referee, Scotty Gregory, has little option but to call a no contest. [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [B]Manny:[/B] No! Not again! [B]Pag:[/B] And did those feet in ancient times... [B]Manny:[/B] They weaseled their way out again. [B]Pag:[/B] Walk upon England's mountains green... [I]The internet feed cuts out.[/I] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"]Show Rating:[/COLOR][/B] C-[/SIZE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/logoletters.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="7"][B]Presents...[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/SADM.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][B]Loser Leaves The Combat Zone![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Jungle Jack vs. Harley Neill The Gnarly Heel[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CANeill.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Jungle Jack gained much respect for Larry "Got" Wood in their match for The Blood & Beer Title, enough to aid him when assaulted by the 21st Century Alliance. The Alliance tried to get their revenge in a tag match against the wildmen but, now, it has come down to this. In Harley Neill's quest to reach Larry Wood's title, he has challenged Jungle Jack to a "Loser Leaves The Combat Zone" match in order to finally rid himself of his perennial pain in the arse.[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Ripper LeStat vs. Keith Adams[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/RipperLeStat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/KeithAdams.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]The vampiric Ripper LeStat made his debut against Ultra-Violence two months ago. At St Andrew's Day Massacre, he faces "Rock Solid" Keith Adams. Will experience or sheer ferocity triumph?[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]The McPeterson Clan vs. The 21st Century Alliance[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/TheHighlandWarrior2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]The McPeterson clan team up for the first time in a year in order to take on their respective nemeses in The 21st Century Alliance. The feud between The Highland Warrior and Adam Matravers began when our own Scottish hero saved Kevin Jones from a blindside assault. His son's beef with the recently debuted Champagne Lover started after suffering a blindisiding of his own. The most revered team in MoSC face two of the hottest prospects in world wrestling![/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"]Number One Contender's Match[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]"The Welsh Special" Kevin Jones vs. "The Executive's Representative" The Landlord[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/KevinJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/ExecutiveLandlord.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]These two have hardly got it off on the right foot after The Landlord hit The last Orders on Jones two months ago. "The Executive's Representative" added insult to injury with a further beating after last month's tag match. Now, "The Welsh Special" gets his chance at retribution in a match for the Number One Contendership! [/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Last Man Standing Match for the MoSC UK Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Eddie "There's Only One" Cornell vs. Danny Patterson(c)[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/MOSC_UK.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/ExecutiveCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q51/menofsteelcombat/21CAPatterson.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]In the words of Manny Morhan, Danny Patterson weaseled his way out of another title defence at Top Scotch. This month, at St Andrew's Day Massacre, Eddie Cornell goes toe-to-toe with the giant once more and he has given referee, Scott Gregory, specific instructions to not stop the match under any circumstances... until one man is completely unconscious![/SIZE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All predictions welcomed.[/CENTER]
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Jungle Jack vs. [B]Harley Neill[/B] Talent Trades are limited sadly. I will miss you Jack. I'd gladly give him a Rugby Ball to remember us by. (Can you smell the WILSON parody with Jungle Jack and a Ball?) [B]Ripper LeStat[/B] vs. Keith Adams [I] Rip his head off.[/I] [B]The McPeterson Clan[/B] vs. 21CA [I]DUAL GENERATION HIGHLAND FLING! HIGHLAND FLING![/I] [B]Kevin Jones [/B]vs. The Landlord [I]KEVIN. JONEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.[/I] [B]Eddie Cornell[/B] vs. Danny Patterson [I]TOMMY'S A WANKER. *Clapclapclap*[/I]
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Jungle Jack vs. [B]Harley Neill[/B] [I]And thus, I am left with millions of Wooden Banana's imitation t-shirts in the backseat of my car. *Sigh*[/I] [B]Ripper LeStat[/B] vs. Keith Adams [I]Another lamb led to slaughter ... mmm, veal.[/I] The McPeterson Clan vs. [B]21CA[/B] [I]The young McPeterson falls to the tequila drinking Champagne Lover (waitaminute ... shouldn't it be champagne drinking?) But after downing a brewery, we'll see a swaying Highland Fling![/I] Kevin Jones vs. [B]The Landlord[/B] [I]Eeeee-victed![/I] Eddie Cornell vs. [B]Danny Patterson[/B] [I]Am I the only one who gets this creepy Evil Spock vibe from E. Cornell? 21CA has the numbers advantage, and the number grows every week ... even the Exec. falls to the ratings monster.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Prophet;482864] 21CA has the numbers advantage, and the number grows every week ... even the Exec. falls to the ratings monster.[/I][/QUOTE] Haha, yeah. I think I'll have to settle on a definite "roster" at some stage, though :D. Any other takers? Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Jungle Jack vs. [B]Harley Neill[/B] [I]JJ's on a talent trade, so winning here would be redundant...plus, 21CA needs to win at least once[/I] Ripper LeStat vs. [B]Keith Adams[/B] [I]Adams is very useful in my ROF game, so I'm going for him here[/I] [B]The McPeterson Clan[/B] vs. 21CA [I]The time has come for the playing field to be levelled out...dominant heel factions are excruciatingly dull[/I] [B]Kevin Jones[/B] vs. The Landlord [I]Why? 'Cos he's KEVIN JOOOOOOOOOONES! that's why![/I] [B]Eddie Cornell[/B] vs. Danny Patterson [I]Why bring Cornell in if he's going to lose?[/I]
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Jungle Jack vs. [B]Harley Neill[/B] [I]Bye bye, Jack! We'll release you back into the wild.[/I] [B]Ripper LeStat[/B] vs. Keith Adams [I]He's a bit useless, but at least he's not going to try headlocks.[/I] [B]The McPeterson Clan[/B] vs. 21CA [I]Ooh, that nice Mister Warrior... why if I were only twenty years younger... *Swoon*[/I] Kevin Jones vs. [B]The Landlord[/B] [I]Even KEVIN JOOOOOOOOONES won't be able to avoid being stomped here.[/I] Eddie Cornell vs. Danny Patterson [I]I'm old, but I still remember what happens every other time someone nearly beats Patterson! His friends show up, and we get a horrible mess.[/I]
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Jungle Jack vs. [B]Harley Neill[/B] [I]Neil keeps his momentum going here and Jacks heading back anyway[/I] [B]Ripper LeStat[/B] vs. Keith Adams [I]Guess he may as well as win[/I] [B]The McPeterson Clan[/B] vs. 21CA [I]Keep the owners strong[/I] Kevin Jones vs. [B]The Landlord[/B] [I]Toss up here, but i like the Landlord[/I] Eddie Cornell vs. [B]Danny Patterson[/B] [I]Patterson wins by cheating/interference again... setting up for McPeterson Jr to win title i hope[/I]
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[B]-Breaking News-[/B] For the first time in weeks, I have some time on my hands. Between getting a presenting slot on the radio, playing for the gridiron team (yes, you heard right) and taking one of the most reading-heavy courses going, it's a real rarity and privilege. I'm camped in front of the computer with a beer and a bag of nachos and it looks like I might have time to start craking on with a show :eek:. Much love. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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