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HGC (Cverse97): Hollyweird meets Hollywood!

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[QUOTE=ShadowedFlames;447237]Damn, talk about planning ahead.... :cool: [/QUOTE] Yeah, I noticed that too. [B]Eléctrico[/B] vs. Romeo Heartthrob [B]Dark EAGLE[/B] vs. Troy Tornado Dusty Streets vs. [B]Paul Steadyfast[/B] [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] vs. Tribal Warrior [B]Liberty[/B] vs. Dread Bryan Vessey vs. [B]Rip Chord[/B]
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[INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HGC.jpg[/IMG] [B]HGC Hollyweird TV[/B] Tuesday, Week 1, January 1997 Held at the Southwest's Gorski Ballroom Attendance: 5000 (Sold Out!) [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kelseycampbell2a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Before going to live television, I ran a short angle with Giant Redwood. Strong suggested that we give him so face time, but wasn't comfortable putting him on our first television show of the year. Strong went on to say that if I could make Redwood look good in an angle, that I could make anyone look good in an angle. So, we ran a backstage skit, which we played on the video wall for the live audience, just before the show went on the air. I was standing by the curtains, with my back to the camera, ready to walk out to the ring, when Redwood approached from the side. He said, [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Toots, I heard you's is going to announce a tourn-ne-ment for the HGC World Title.[/B]”[/COLOR] I nodded and informed that he heard correctly. I peaked through the entrance curtain, waiting for the production assistant to give me the go-ahead. Redwood, continued on: [COLOR="Red"]“[B]You make sure I'm in that tourney, ok, toots? I'm the biggest, baddest guy in the HGC... and I'm sure to win the belt.[/B]”[/COLOR] I let out a deep breath, to indicate he was irritating me and that this wasn't the best time to be making demands. [COLOR="Blue"]"[B]First off all, my name is not 'toots'. And secondly, you're not in the tournament. Sorry big guy.[/B]”[/COLOR] Redwood stepped forward, bumping my shoulder with his chest. He looked down at me, his face full of genetic deformity...er, I mean, anger. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]You might want to rethink that[/B]”[/COLOR], he explained, in a loud, intimidating voice. “[B]You're on in 5, 4...[/B]” The production assist jumped in, thankfully. “[B]3, 2, 1...[/B]” And then, I stepped through the curtain. [B] [I]Segment: Redwood wants in the world title tournament.[/I] [U]Rating: C+[/B][/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kelseycampbell2a.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Fireworks filled the arena, as Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes started to welcome the home audience to HGC Hollyweird TV. I stepped through the curtain and onto the entrance ramp, to something of a delayed reaction, as the crowd was obviously expecting Sam Strong or Rip Chord to open the show. After a moment of confusion, members of the crowd realized that it really was, in fact, Kelsey Campbell heading to the ring, and their excitement and noise levels grew accordingly. I entered the ring and took a moment to look around. A ringside assistant gave me a cordless microphone, and I took to warming up the crowd. I welcomed them to the first edition of HGC Hollyweird TV of the year and told them that this was the only wrestling show hot enough to attract me. I then announced that there would be a tournament to fill the vacant HGC World Heavyweight Championship and that this tournament would feature the likes of BLZ Bubb, Peter Valentine, Dread, Bryan and Larry Vessey, Liberty, Rip Chord and Sam Strong. Finally, I announced that two of the first round matches would occur tonight and that the tournament would culminate at HGC Malice in Wonderland. It was an amazing experience. The crowd, despite being slightly confused about my presence, was hanging off of my every word. When I announced that both Rip Chord and Sam Strong were going to be in the World Title tournament, the crowd erupted with such force that I could literally feel the ring shaking underneath my heels. This was exactly what what I wanted... what I needed. [B] [I]Segment: Kelsey hypes the show. [/I] [U]Rating: B+[/U] [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I had just finished prepping the crowd, when cheesy, 70's style porn music began to blare over the arena's sound system. Romeo Heartthrob, a veteran wrestler with a chiseled physique walked through the curtain, holding a microphone in his hand. His gaze was fastened on me, and he rubbed his chin as gave me a creepy nod and smile. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Kelsey Campbell. The big time Hollywood actress. Coming to the HGC to find a real man, I take it?[/B]”[/COLOR] The crowd was busily booing Romeo. I rolled my eyes at his comments, as he continued on. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]I understand, I understand... the Hollywood actors, they aren't very manly. Prissy boys, they spend more time on their hair than you, I'm guessing. And you're here, looking for some real action. Looking for a real man, someone that can make you feel... ravishing.[/B]”[/COLOR] Romeo was as sleazy as they come and his voice made my spine tingle. There was something about him that screamed porn director or used car salesman. I responded: [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Some real action.. from who? You? I don't even know who you are. No, really, who are you?[/B]”[/COLOR] Romeo's eyes flashed with anger and he kicked an imaginary puppy. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]You don't know who I am?[/B]”[/COLOR] I shook my head. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]I'm Romeo Heartthrob. I am the original wrestling playboy! I'm the sexiest man alive![/B]” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Oh![/B]”[/COLOR], I responded. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Romeo Hearthrob. I've heard of you.[/B]”[/COLOR] This seemed to please Romeo. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Oh, what have you heard? ... [I]Big[/I]... things, I'm sure.[/B]”[/COLOR] I nodded, as I gave Romeo a fake reassuring look. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Yeah, very big things. In fact, you're on top of my list.[/B]”[/COLOR] Romeo smiled. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]On top of your list of wrestlers to date?[/B]”[/COLOR] I bit my lip, then smiled as I responded. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Uh, not exactly. You see, they gave me this list of matches tonight. And you're on top of the list... meaning, you're wrestling and you're wrestling right now.[/B]” [/COLOR]Romeo nodded, then began his slow strut to the ring. Apparently he thought that this might impress me, or something. It didn't really work. [B][I]Segment: Romeo hits on Campbell and gets a match for his efforts. [/I][U]Rating: B-[/U] [/B] [QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Electrico vs Romeo Hearthrob[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Elctrico.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Eléctrico burst from the back and rushed by me, as he headed to the ring. Romeo didn't wait for the referee and attacked the young luchador as soon as he slid into the ring. They had a nice back and forth match, with the Eléctrico exhibiting some high flying moves, while Romeo tried to ground him with submission and power maneuvers. The end came when Romeo flap-jacked Eléctrico as a counter to huracanrana, then followed it up with the Cupid's Clutch. All and all, Eléctrico looked very adequate, while Romeo Heartthrob looked quite good. [B][I]Romeo Heartthrob defeated Eléctrico in 10:31 by submission with a Cupid's Clutch.[/I] [U]Rating: D-[/U] [/B] [/QUOTE] As Romeo and Eléctrico cleared out from the ring, we presented a video hyping the first match in the HGC World Heavyweight Championship Tournament. The crowd cheered, heavily, when Liberty's image was displayed and booed, equally heavily, when Dread's face filled the screen. They cheered again, when the video informed that that match was later tonight. [B][I]Segment: A video plays hyping the Liberty vs. Dread match later tonight.[/I] [U]Rating: B[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Match #2: Dark EAGLE vs. Troy Tornado[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DarkEagle.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] We then ran two fast paced wrestlers out there, to see how the crowd would respond to a more modern style match. We didn't get to find out though because apparently, the match was too long, given the push of the wrestlers involved. This was obviously Stallings or Strong's fault, as I wouldn't have made such a rookie booking error. Ok, ok, I admit it! It was my fault! [B][I]Dark EAGLE defeated Troy Tornado in 10:08 by pinfall with an Eagle Shock.[/I] [U]Rating: E[/U] [/B] [/QUOTE] We then ran the same video hype angle for Bryan Vessey and Rip Chord that we did earlier with Liberty and Dread. Hey, if the formula works, use it. [B] [I]Segment: A video plays hyping Rip Chord and Bryan Vessey later tonight.[/I] [U]Rating: B+[/U][/B] [QUOTE] [B][CENTER]Match 3: Dusty Streets vs. Paul Steadfast[/CENTER] [/B][CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DustyStreets.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PaulSteadyfast.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Next we put Dusty Streets, a former SWF Tag Team Champion, in the ring with Paul Steadfasty, the youngest member of the stable known as the Untouchables (also featuring Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant). Unfortunately, Streets seemed a little off tonight and Steadyfast, despite having a lot of potential, couldn't really pick up the slack. Streets seemed to have the match in hand and was setting Steadyfast up for the Dust-Off, when Joel Bryant hit the ring and attacked Streets preventing the clean win. [B][I]Dusty Streets defeated Paul Steadyfast in 6:50 when Paul Steadyfast was disqualified when Joel Bryant ran in and attacked Dusty Streets. [/I] [U]Rating: C-[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DustyStreets.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PaulSteadyfast.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RobertOxford.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Following the official decision, Oxford slowly made his way to the ring, while Bryant and Steadfasty put the boots to Dusty Streets. When Oxford finally entered the ring, Bryant and Steadfasty held Streets up by the arms, and Oxford worked him over with several right hands, before instructing his stable mates to dump him out of the ring. The three members of the Untouchables then raised their hands in victory, to a small and disappointing heel pop. Despite looking off in the match, Streets looked good in the angle. [B] [I]Segment: Robert Oxford, Paul Steadyfast, and Joel Bryant attack Dusty Streets backstage, and leave him down and out. [/I][U]Rating: D+[/U][/B] Backstage... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/LarryVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Next, we see Bryan Vessey receiving a pep-talk from Larry Vessey. The elder Vessey explains to his younger brother that [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]this is a huge opportunity, don't let Rip get in your head. You're younger, faster and better than him.[/B]”[/COLOR] Coach Dick Pangrazzio stands there, mostly repeating what Larry tells Bryan. You'd think that this would be irritating, but it really works, as Pangrazzio and Bryan Vessey work really well together. Bryan appears genuinely inspired by his brother and manager, and looks ready to go. [B][I]Segment: Larry Vessey psyches up Bryan Vessey for his upcoming match.[/I] [U]Rating: B[/U][/B] [QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Cowboy Ricky Dale vs. Tribal Warrior [/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TribalWarrior.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]Stallings told me that Samoans are “instant wins” in professional wrestling. That might be so, but Tribal Warrior, despite being an impressive physical athlete, really didn't hold up his end of the bargain tonight. Cowboy Ricky Dale easily out-wrestled the powerful islander, in a match that failed to grab crowd attention. [B] [I]Cowboy Ricky Dale defeated Tribal Warrior in 8:41 by pinfall with a Southern Justice. [/I][U]Rating: D[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kelseycampbell2a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/LarryVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TysonBaine.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]Next, we ran a backstage angle where I announced that one of the HGC World Heavyweight Championship Tournament matches next week would feature Larry Vessey and BLZ Bubb. After making the announcement, I brought both wrestlers into the screen. Vessey was accompanied by Coach Dick Pangrazzio and, as before, they worked great with each other. Vessey explained that he [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]respected BLZ Bubb's power and ability, but you have to understand that the Vessey name is synonymous with talent and natural toughness.[/B]”[/COLOR] Coach then repeated this and gave another plug to Bryan, who we would see a little later tonight. I then turned the microphone over to BLZ Bubb, who was accompanied by Karen Killer. Fortunately, Killer did most of the talking. She was completley over the top, explaining that BLZ Bubb was a demon from Hell and that [COLOR="Magenta"]“[B]the Vessey name, for all of connotations of earthly accomplishments, could not hope to contain the power of the demon known as...[/B]”[/COLOR] BLZ Bubb then joined the conversation, by growling and saying [COLOR="Red"]“[B]B..... L..... Zzzzzzzzzzzz.....[/B]”[/COLOR] I wanted to add in a “Bubb” there to help him out, but, it seemed to be an unsafe course of action, so I let the issue drop. [B] [I]Segment: Kelsey Campbell interviews Larry Vessey and BLZ Bubb about their upcoming singles match.[/I] [U]Rating: B-[/U][/B] [QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Liberty vs. Dread[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Dread_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Liberty and Dread met in the penultimate match of the night, which was designed to showcase Dread as an unstoppable monster. The match was excellent, with Liberty making Dread's offense look adequately dangerous. Not that the match was completely one-sided, but it was close, as Liberty couldn't really string together any worthwhile series of moves against Dread. Unfortunately, Dread then decided to strangle Liberty. The referee, Sam Sparrow, gave him the 5-count, then disqualified Dread, which puts Liberty into the next round. Later on, I heard this strange rumor that Dread was improving his flying skill as a result of this match. Interesting, as he didn't leave the mat once during the match. [B][I]Liberty defeated Dread in 7:32 by disqualification.[/I] [U]Rating: B-[/U] [/B][/QUOTE] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Dread_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Dread didn't take kindly to being disqualified. He freaked out, screamed at the poor referee, then chased him around the ring, fully prepared to do illegal things to the poor fellow. Fortunately, security guards quickly rushed to the ring and escorted Dread to the back. [B][I]Segment: Dread flips out and chases the referee.[/I] [U]Rating: B+[/U] [/B] [QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Bryan Vessey vs. Rip Chord [/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]The main event of the evening saw Bryan Vessey take on Rip Chord for a spot in the second round of the HGC World Championship Tournament. The match was extremely exciting, with both men giving it everything they had. Unfortunately, Kyle Rhodes stunk up the commentary, an issue that we'll have to address sooner rather than later. After 17 minutes of back and forth action, Rip Chord slipped out of the back of a Vessey Driver, and hit an absolutely brutal looking DDT. [B] [I]Rip Chord defeated Bryan Vessey in 17:01 by pinfall with a Rip Chord DDT.[/I] [U]Rating: B+[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] After picking up the win, Rip Chord grabbed a microphone and started to work the crowd. He explained, [COLOR="Red"]“[B]You all thought I was done. Oh Rip Chord... he's washed up. He's a has been and a drunk. That's what you thought! Didn't you?!?[/B]”[/COLOR] And very quickly, the crowd, as a collective told Rip Chord that he's an “Al-Key”, and I'm pretty sure that they aren't calling him an alchemist. Chord basked in the boos. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]You can boo me all you want. The truth is, I'm best that there's ever been in this business and not a single one of you can deny it! There has never been anyone like me, there's never been anyone of my stature and abilities. I... am.. wrestling.[/B]”[/COLOR] There was, however, one man that could challenge Rip Chord's claims. [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Familiar, patriotic music began blaring out of the speaker's sound system. The crowd recognized this as the music of legendary wrestler Sam Strong. As Rip Chord's face turned sour, Strong burst through entrance curtain with a level of energy and charisma that shouldn't be available to a man of his age. And the crowd.. well, they couldn't have been happier. Strong then pointed at Rip, explained with non-verbal communication that he was going to snap him in half, then marched to the ring. Rip beckoned his longtime foe to the ring, and HGC Hollyweird TV faded to black, as Sam Strong and Rip Chord stood nose to nose. [B][I]Segment: Sam Strong and Rip Chord face off as the show fades to black.[/I] [U]Rating: A*[/U] [/B]
[QUOTE] [SIZE="1"] [B]Summary:[/B] Romeo Heartthrob defeated Eléctrico in 10:31 by submission with a Cupid's Clutch. (D-) Dark EAGLE defeated Troy Tornado in 10:08 by pinfall with an Eagle Shock. (E) Dusty Streets defeated Paul Steadyfast in 6:50 when Paul Steadyfast was disqualified when Joel Bryant ran in and attacked Dusty Streets. (C-) Cowboy Ricky Dale defeated Tribal Warrior in 8:41 by pinfall with a Southern Justice. (D) Liberty defeated Dread in 7:32 by disqualification. (B-) Rip Chord defeated Bryan Vessey in 17:01 by pinfall with a Rip Chord DDT. (A) [B]Overall: B[/B][/INDENT][/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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Thanks for all of the feedback, comments and compliments. I appreciate it! The first card went better than expected, but I don't expect my luck/booking skill to keep up. Ultimately, I'm aiming to error on the side of characters over booking (that is, Sam Strong is in the main event of the next card, despite other choices that might make more sense in terms of ratings). Here's how the predictions went: TheJoshRollins 5/6 Apupunchau@optonline 4/6 Dragonmack 3/6 Actarus 4/6 ShadowedFlame 3/6 Nightshadeex 2/6 Liamo 4/6 foolinc 5/6 soulztnrv1 4/6 Midnightnick 6/6 I'd run a prediction contest with some sort of real prize, but I need to stay a month ahead in the game to keep my thoughts clear, so I'm not sure how it would work out. I'll think about it some more.
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[CENTER][U][B]Psycho Star Boy, Unhappy Television Networks and Roster Woes[/B][/U][/CENTER] [INDENT] After the show, Bryan Vessey flipped out and destroyed half of the male locker room. Apparently J.K. Stallings Jr. lost his mind and decided to try to calm Bryan Vessey down with fatherly advice. Unsurprisingly, Bryan Vessey told him that Stallings could blow it out his rear end, that he wasn't taking advice from a pimple-faced punk, and furthermore, and I quote, that Stallings was [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]completely wasting his time[/B]”[/COLOR]. When I talked to Stallings about this the next day, he told me that Bryan Vessey flipped out because of his match with Rip Chord. Not because he lost to Rip, which, apparently he thought was a great honor, but because he screwed up a move in the middle of the match. Apparently Rip called for a spinning heel kick and Vessey accidentally did a spinning leg lariat. I wasn't even aware that there was a difference, but Bryan Vessey apparently is, and his failure really bothered him. I had no reason to doubt that this was truly the proximal cause of Vessey's backstage explosion, but I felt obliged to tell Stallings about the underlying problem. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Roid rage[/B]”[/COLOR], I explained. Stallings looked at me with disbelief. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Roid rage? Bryan Vessey on steroids... are you sure?[/B]”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Absolutely. Do you remember my fight scene with the giant Russian bodyguard in [I]Mini Guns and Mini-Skirts: Mary Meets the Midget Mafia?[/I][/B] [/COLOR] Stallings nodded and started to drool. Hey, I wasn't proud of the movie, but apparently it had its fans. I continued. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Well, the giant Russian was on roids to the max. One day, a production assistant forgot to bring him his morning blueberry muffin and he flipped out and ate him as a replacement.[/B]”[/COLOR] A look of worry appeared of Stallings face. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]You're joking, right?[/B]”[/COLOR] I shook my head to indicate no. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]No, I'm afraid that he literally ate him. Now, I'm not trying to scare you or anything.[/B]”[/COLOR] Lies, of course I was. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]But, you should really keep that in mind, for the next time that you decide to try to diffuse a situation backstage with a roid-head.[/B]” [/COLOR]I'm not trying to consolidate my power, honestly. Stallings gulped. I patted him on the shoulder and gave him a gentle hug. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Hey, how about you let me handle personnel complaints and incidents from now on? I'm used to dealing with out of control men. I'm a Hollywood actress, remember?[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings thought that this was a good idea and, from here on out, I would be the person in charge of dealing with backstage incidents and personality conflicts. He pushed to test the entire roster for steroids, but I talked him out of it. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]It's just going to cost us money and bring us bad news[/B]”[/COLOR], I explained. In truth, I just felt as though it was too early for me to stick my nose into the business of the half-a-dozen or so likely steroid users. And if I was right about Sam Strong...well, yeah, that could get messy. In other news, Stallings told me that he received very nasty letters from CANN and ACE regarding the ratings of our most recent show. A pity, considering that I thought that the show was pretty good. But, this was Stallings' inexperience and youth coming through. He spent a lot of money to get us on television channels that really didn't want to broadcast wrestling. I'd see if I could pull some strings with a few TV executives that owed me favors next month and get us on a more product-friendly network by March. In the meantime, we have to address roster issues. The SWF has signed Monty Walker to a written contract. Sam Strong explained that [COLOR="Olive"]“[B]Monty had to pull jobber[/B]”[/COLOR] duty this week. Apparently, the unwritten code of the wrestler states that thou shall job when leaving the company. I'm going to start writing down all of these “unwritten codes” that Strong references. I can probably make a small fortune selling the “Written Unwritten Rules of Wrestling” to rookie wrestlers. Anyhow, after reviewing our first show, it became apparent to the booking team (Stallings, Strong and yours truly) that we needed to increase the size of our roster and add something to the commentary team. So, who to hire? Stallings Jr. had previously hired some computer buddy of his to maintain a database of all of the wrestling talent in the world. It's really a nifty setup that they have. After looking through the list and reading up on various folks, we opted to make an offer to Emma Chase to enhance our commentary team. She was young, but she was definitely hot and had a natural knack for gab. Plus, Stallings was absolutely infatuated with her, which would keep him away from me. Hmm, she might take attention away from me. I need to make a mental to note to really think about the female hires a little more closely. In terms of wrestlers, we successfully made offers to Joey and Teddy Flames (known as the Blazin' Flames). They were both a bit older, but were apparently still pretty competent in the ring and would bolster our tag division. Stallings insisted that we make an offer to Dan Stone Jr. We did so and, as expected, he turned us down, deciding to stay loyal to his father's company. Sam Strong insisted that we try to hire a Puerto Rican bodybuilder-turned-wrestler named Adonis. Turns out, he's a bit of a primadonna, as Stallings couldn't get him to sign a reasonable contract. We made a few other contract offers, but didn't expect to finalize anything before our next show. [/INDENT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HGC.jpg[/IMG] HGC Hollyweird TV Tuesday, Week 2, January 1997 Held at the South East's Huntsville Fairgrounds [/CENTER] Matches announced: [QUOTE] Charlie Thatcher vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale Fumihiro Ota vs. Eléctrico The Nation of Filth (Grunt and Stink) vs. The Blazin' Flames (Joey and Teddy Flame) Robert Oxford vs. Monty Walker BLZ Bubb vs. Larry Vessey (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match) Peter Valentine vs. Sam Strong (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match) [/QUOTE]
[SIZE="1"] Predictions and comments are always welcome. Heels on the left, faces on the right. Will work on the show here and there today, but don't expect to finish it until I get some free time at work tomorrow. Yeah, it's easier to write my diary at work than at home...[/SIZE]
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Man, this diary is awesome. HGC was always a promotion that interested me, even though I didn't play a full TEW game until 07, but the history always intrigued me. Quirky name, quirky roster, legends like Strong and Chord still wrasslin' ...seemed cool. Great backstage segements, great shows, KUTGW.
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Charlie Thatcher vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Eléctrico The Nation of Filth (Grunt and Stink) vs. [B]The Blazin' Flames (Joey and Teddy Flame)[/B] [B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Monty Walker [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] vs. Larry Vessey (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match) Peter Valentine vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match)
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Charlie Thatcher vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] [I]I'll go with the Cowboy as he seems to be a star of the future[/I] [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs. Eléctrico [I]Electrico just lost a dark match - that doesn't bode well[/I] The Nation of Filth (Grunt and Stink) vs. [B]The Blazin' Flames (Joey and Teddy Flame)[/B] [I]New team. They win.[/I] [B]Robert Oxford [/B]vs. Monty Walker [I]Monty jobs on way out...you've already said so. Sorry...Sam said so.[/I] [B]BLZ Bubb [/B]vs. Larry Vessey (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match) [I]BLZzzzzzzzz marches on.[/I] Peter Valentine vs. [B]Sam Strong [/B](opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match) [I]Has Valentine ever won a high-profile match in any diary game?[/I]
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Charlie Thatcher vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] [I]I never liked Charlie.[/I] [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Eléctrico [I]Mainly because I hate the dumb outfit that Eléctrico has.[/I] The Nation of Filth (Grunt and Stink) vs. [B]The Blazin' Flames (Joey and Teddy Flame)[/B] [I]Someone else mentioned this: new team, they win.[/I] [B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Monty Walker [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] vs. Larry Vessey (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match) [I]A heel for Strong to beat in the next round.[/I] Peter Valentine vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match) [I]Valentine sucks. Strong is a legend. Strong goes over here.[/I]
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Charlie Thatcher vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Eléctrico The Nation of Filth (Grunt and Stink) vs. [B]The Blazin' Flames (Joey and Teddy Flame)[/B] [B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Monty Walker [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] vs. Larry Vessey (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match) Peter Valentine vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match)
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Charlie Thatcher vs. [b]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/b] : Come on, it's freaking Charlie Thatcher... [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] vs. Eléctrico : Ninjas > anything else The Nation of Filth (Grunt and Stink) vs. [b]The Blazin' Flames (Joey and Teddy Flame)[/b] : Its always better to debut with a win. [b]Robert Oxford[/b] vs. Monty Walker : I kinda like Oxford, even while he still has his mind. [b]BLZ Bubb[/b] vs. Larry Vessey (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match) Peter Valentine vs. [b]Sam Strong[/b] (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match)
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Charlie Thatcher vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs. Eléctrico The Nation of Filth (Grunt and Stink) vs. [B]The Blazin' Flames (Joey and Teddy Flame)[/B] [B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Monty Walker [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] vs. Larry Vessey (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match) Peter Valentine vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match)
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Charlie Thatcher vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Eléctrico [B]The Nation of Filth (Grunt and Stink)[/B] vs. The Blazin' Flames (Joey and Teddy Flame) [B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Monty Walker [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] vs. Larry Vessey (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match) Peter Valentine vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match)
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Charlie Thatcher vs. [b]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/b] Fumihiro Ota vs. [b]Eléctrico[/b] The Nation of Filth (Grunt and Stink) vs. [b]The Blazin' Flames (Joey and Teddy Flame)[/b] [b]Robert Oxford[/b] vs. Monty Walker [b]BLZ Bubb[/b] vs. Larry Vessey (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match) Peter Valentine vs. [b]Sam Strong[/b] (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match)
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Charlie Thatcher vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs.[B] Eléctrico[/B] The Nation of Filth (Grunt and Stink) vs. [B]The Blazin' Flames (Joey and Teddy Flame)[/B] [B]Robert Oxford[/B] vs. Monty Walker [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] vs. Larry Vessey (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match) Peter Valentine vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] (opening round World Heavyweight Title Tournament match
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