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HGC (Cverse97): Hollyweird meets Hollywood!

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[CENTER][B][U]Predictions[/U][/B][/CENTER] [U] For the PPV Event:[/U] Dragonmack 4/7 Actarus 5/7 Midnightnick 6/7 Nightshadeex 5/7 maskedpropaganda 3/7 Liamo 6/7 Tigerkinney 7/7 Imarevenant 5/7 Tommy J. 6/7 Mr T Jobs to Me 6/7 derek_b 5/7 [U]For the month:[/U] (remember that the PPV counts double, so there were a total of 6 points possible) Mr T Jobs to Me 5.05 Tigerkinney 5 Tommy J. 4.88 Midnightnick 4.71 Nightshadeex 4.6 Liamo 4.55 Imarevenant 4.26 Actarus 3.93 maskedpropaganda 3.86 Dragonmack 3.64 Apupunchau@optonline 3 derek_b 2.43 MrOnu 1.33 foolinc 0.83 So, congratulations to Mr T! Very close contest this month, if Mr. T had missed one more match, Tigerkinney would have won the contest. I'll be sending you a PM a little later on. Maybe this weekend. Have to get a backstory post up first though.
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[CENTER][INDENT][B][U]Kelsey Campbell + J.K. Stallings Jr. = The Greatest Management Team Ever. not.[/U][/B][/CENTER] Another successful pay per event. The HGC has grown ever slightly in popularity the last couple of months, as we edge our way to what Sam and Rip call the “National” level. Moreover, we've made money in both January and February. So naturally, I was pretty happy the day after The War to Settle the Score. Then, I received a message. So much for the happy times. Guess I'll go share the news with my teenage boss. I walk into his office, where he's sitting behind a gigantic desk, playing around with a computer. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Hey sweetie,[/B]”[/COLOR] I say in a soothing voice. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]We need to talk. I have some bad news.[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings Jr. looks up. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Oh, that's okay. I have good news.[/B]”[/COLOR] Hmm. Maybe things weren't as bad as they seemed. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Okay, I'll go first.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“[B]No, no. I'll go first. If we start with good news, then the bad news will only bring us down a little.[/B]” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Yeah, but if we start with the bad news, then the good news will bring us back up. I don't know about your sweetie, but I'd rather end up on the top than the bottom any night.[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings doesn't immediately respond, as his mind is obviously busy assigning hidden meaning to my last statement. After a moment of thinking happy thoughts, he returns to reality and responds. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Okay, you first.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Ok. Well, I heard from my network friends. Turns out, we won't be able to get aboard a national television network for the upcoming season.[/B]” [/COLOR] Stallings shoots to his feet, shocked by my statement. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]What?!? That's... that's.... that's awful news![/B]”[/COLOR] I'm a little surprised at his response, to be honest. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Well, I did say it was bad news.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Exactly! You said bad news. This is, this is... this is terrible news! Awful, terrible news![/B]”[/COLOR] I swallow, now realizing that my bad news is probably more bad than his good news is good. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Well, at least you still have the good news, right?[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings falls back into his seat, looking more than a little flush. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Oh crap.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]What? What is it?[/B]”[/COLOR] He doesn't look at me as he speaks. He simply stares at the desk. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]The good news was that I canceled our deals with the our regional television partners. To, you know, clear the way for our national deal.[/B]” [/COLOR] I slam my hand on his desk. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]You canceled our television deals before we got another one?!?[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings looks up at me with a defensive look that is natural to disappointed and frustrated 16 year olds everywhere. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]What? You said you'd get us a deal with a big company![/B]”[/COLOR] Deep, slow breathing. Try to relax. He's just a kid. Stallings stands up, ready to say something else. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]And you know what else...[/B]”[/COLOR] I cut off his angry tirade by simply pointing at him. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Watch your tone with me, young man.[/B]”[/COLOR] He complies. Well, if nothing else, the power is definitely in my hands. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Pay per views. We run two pay per views a month. Then we'll make sure to get a show next cycle.[/B]”[/COLOR] [/INDENT]
[SIZE="1"] OOC Note: So, yeah, here's what happened. I lost the HGC's television deals with ACE and CANN earlier in the game, as some of you have noticed. In addition to those deals, the HGC also starts with deals with several smaller television companies. They provided me with coverage in all but 3 regions in the U.S. I'm greedy though and have been growing, so I thought it made sense to try to get my show on one of the medium sized carriers. So, the day before my last TV show in February, I applied for a deal with 2 carriers of that size and put in my notice with my other characters. The day after the show, I was able to officially cancel my old deals. A couple of days after this, however, I received notice from the medium companies with national coverage that they didn't want to deal with me, as they thought it was better to see how my new show did. Of course, I didn't have a new show, so this was some weird bug or user error. I posted about it in the tech forum (this happened quite awhile ago, I've basically been at this point for awhile) and Adam fixed the game for me. So now, I'm going to run a generic PPV on week 2 and the main PPV on week 4 for the next 3 months. My story lines are going to be a little less developed, due to time constraints, but, well, the show goes on. Also, given the change in format for the next few months, the prediction contest is going to go over a 3 month period (a total of 6 shows), with all shows carrying the same weight.[/SIZE]
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[INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HGC.jpg[/IMG] [B] HGC Presents... HGC Showcase[/B] Sunday, Week 2, March, 1997 To be held at the The Dust Bowl in the South East [/CENTER] Matches announced: [QUOTE]Nikki Heartthrob vs. Kelsey Campbell The Nation of Filth vs. Datsun and Rockwell Super Joshuya vs. Monty Walker Fumihiro Ota vs. Paul Steadyfast Romeo Heartthrob vs. Joey Flame for the HGC International Title Dark EAGLE vs. Sam Strong Peter Valentine vs. Liberty[/QUOTE] [/INDENT]
[SIZE="1"] Predictions and comments welcome. I'm intending that the shows will be in more of a recap format (in terms of angles - the matches are already recaps :p) for now, as I want to speed through to the point where I can get a TV show again.[/SIZE]
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Guest cmdrsam
[B]Nikki Heartthrob[/B] vs. Kelsey Campbell The Nation of Filth vs. [B]Datsun and Rockwell[/B] Super Joshuya vs. [B][Monty Walker[/B] [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Paul Steadyfast [B]Romeo Heartthrob[/B] vs. Joey Flame for the HGC International Title Dark EAGLE vs.[B] Sam Strong[/B] Peter Valentine vs. [B]Liberty [/B] You have a good thing going here bud. Keep it up. I had the same thing happen with mine but I managed to settle on NCTV. I figured some national coverage was better than none. But your twice a month PPV might work out better.
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[quote=d_w_w;474349]Also: Midnightnick: Look for the 2nd half of your January prediction win to come into play in April/May. Mr. T: The PM is coming a bit later tonight.[/quote] Awesome. I'm quite happy with that portion of my prediction. Nikki Heartthrob vs. [B]Kelsey Campbell[/B] [I]You're the booker.[/I] The Nation of Filth vs. [B]Datsun and Rockwell[/B] [I]I love NoF. You don't.[/I] [B]Super Joshuya[/B] vs. Monty Walker [I]More talent. [/I] [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Paul Steadyfast [I]It's Ota.[/I] [B]Romeo Heartthrob[/B] vs. Joey Flame for the HGC International Title [I]The Flames should stay to tagging.[/I] Dark EAGLE vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] [I]As. If.[/I] Peter Valentine vs. [B]Liberty [/B] [I]See above[/I].
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[B]Nikki Heartthrob [/B]vs. Kelsey Campbell The Nation of Filth vs.[B] Datsun and Rockwell[/B] [B]Super Joshuya[/B] vs. Monty Walker Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Paul Steadyfast[/B] [B]Romeo Heartthrob[/B] vs. Joey Flame for the HGC International Title Dark EAGLE vs.[B] Sam Strong[/B] Peter Valentine vs.[B] Liberty [/B]
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[B]Nikki Heartthrob[/B] vs. Kelsey Campbell [I]Have I mentioned that Kelsey is hot ;) But being hot wont help her in a wrestling ring.[/I] The Nation of Filth vs. [B]Datsun and Rockwell[/B] [I]NOF, really do stink and I don't just mean their wrestling ability[/I] [B]Super Joshuya[/B] vs. Monty Walker [I]The Cruisers need to start winning a few outside of their own ranks, to make them look credible.[/I] [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Paul Steadyfast [I]Ditto for this match, and it is only the 'epitome of mediocrity', Steadyfast that he's up against.[/I] [B]Romeo Heartthrob[/B] vs. Joey Flame for the HGC International Title [I]Romeo won't suddenly drop the International belt to someone he:[/I] [I]1. Has no beef with[/I] [I]2. Is primarily a Tag wrestler[/I] [I]3. Already holds a title of his own[/I] Dark EAGLE vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] [I]Wish I could say Dark EAGLE but there's more chance of the Nation of Filth having their contracts (accidently) renewed than Strong jobbing in this match[/I] Peter Valentine vs. [B]Liberty[/B] [I]Liberty's getting pushed, Valentine (quite sensibly) isn't.[/I]
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[B]Nikki Heartthrob[/B] vs. Kelsey Campbell The Nation of Filth vs. [B]Datsun and Rockwell[/B] [B]Super Joshuya[/B] vs. Monty Walker [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs. Paul Steadyfast [B]Romeo Heartthrob [/B]vs. Joey Flame for the HGC International Title Dark EAGLE vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] Peter Valentine vs. [B]Liberty[/B]
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[INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HGC.jpg[/IMG] [B]HGC Presents... HGC Showcase![/B] Sunday, Week 2, March 1997 Held at the Dust Bowl in the South East Attendance: 15,000 (Sold out!)[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #1: Nikki Heartthrob vs. Kelsey Campbell[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/NikkiPower.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kels.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We jump right into the ring this week. And more importantly, I jump right into the ring this week, for my first singles match. The match is kept short, as I'm still learning the basics, but my amateur wrestling and martial arts background gives me solid footing in terms of athleticism, striking, mat skills and submissions. Unfortunately, Nikki isn't exactly a polished competitor, so we relied on Pat Deacon to script the match for us. Fortunately, my popularity levels are through the roof (wearing skimpy outfits in poorly made action movies tends to increase your popularity with the key wrestling demographic), and so the crowd enjoys the match, despite the fact that it's lacking in terms of work rate. Personally, I was willing to take a loss to Nikki, but Stallings, Strong, and Deacon didn't think this was a good idea. Something about the big difference between our “overness levels”. So, instead, Nikki controlled the match, but was disqualified when she wouldn't release a chokehold on me, bellowing out that I was a “damned home wrecker.” [B][I]Kelsey Campbell defeated Nikki Heartthrob in 4:50 by disqualification. [/I] [U]Rating: C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #2: Nation of Filth vs. Datsun and Rockwell[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Stink.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Grunt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/LobsterWarrior_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Nation of Filth are not long for the HGC, as Grunt's contract is soon to expire, and we've opted to not offer him a new contract, given his inability to tell a story in the ring. Unsurprisingly, Datsun and Rockwell picked up the win, despite their inexperience as a tag team. Rockwell, in particular, looked good, as he scored a submission victory over Grunt, while Datsun clotheslined Stink out of the ring. [B][I]Rockwell & Datsun defeated The Nation Of Filth in 6:13 when Chris Rockwell defeated Grunt by submission with a Fujiwara Armbar. [/I][/B] [B][U]Rating: D[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Backstage... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JKStalkingsJr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kels.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CharlieThatcher.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I'm walking down the hall, with a towel around my next. I turn a corner and run into Stallings Jr. and Charlie Thatcher. Stallings stops to talk to me. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Hey, nice job out there, Kelsey.[/B]”[/COLOR] I roll my eyes. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Yeah, I really showed her with that vicious hold that I had on her hands with my throat.[/B]”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“[B]Hey, a win is a win.[/B]”[/COLOR] I shrug. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]I suppose. What's with the muscle?[/B]”[/COLOR], I say, as I motion my head toward Charlie Thatcher. Thatcher stands there, his emotions hidden by dark glasses. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]I hired him. You know, with Dread causing problems and all, I thought it might make sense to have a bodyguard. Just in case, you know?[/B]” [/COLOR] I look Thatcher up and down. He's a big guy. Looks strong and intimidating. But yeah, Dread will eat this guy's lunch. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Yeah, good luck with that.[/B]”[/COLOR] [B][I]An angle featuring Stallings, Kelsey and Thatcher.[/I] [U]Rating: C[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #3: Super Joshuya vs. Monty Walker[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MontyWalker.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Back in the ring, we had a match-up between Super Joshuya and Monty Walker. This was another short match, reflective of the position of the wrestler on the card. The match was kept open, with both wrestlers getting in trademarked spots. Both competitors are young and have a lot of potential, yet their lack of popularity seemed to keep the match from reaching the next level. Still, the match was acceptable and ended with Super Joshuya picking up the win with a J-Drop. [B][I]Super Joshuya defeated Monty Walker in 7:40 by pinfall with a J-Drop.[/I] [U]Rating: D[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] Backstage... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JKStalkingsJr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CharlieThatcher.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Stallings and Thatcher are walking backstage. [COLOR="Green"]“[B]I can't wait to find Dread. The look on his face, when he realizes that he can't push me around. It's going to be great.[/B]”[/COLOR] Thatcher provides a stoic response through a small nod to Stallings. Then... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Dread_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Dread rushes into the scene, clubbing Thatcher from behind with a clubbing forearm shot to the back of the head. He then grabs Thatcher by the belt and shoulder and slings him into the wall. Thatcher turns around, dazed. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Hired muscle?!?[/B]”[/COLOR] Dread yells. Dread then pummels Thatcher with a series of right hands, which leave Thatcher crumpled against the wall. Dread laughs. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Some protection you hired there, boy.[/B]”[/COLOR] Dread then turned toward Stallings. He grabbed the terrified by the tie. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]Thatcher. Me. Now.[/B]”[/COLOR] Stallings nods, nervously. Dread then shoves Stallings away from him, sending the boy billionaire to the ground. Dread then pulls Thatcher up and shoves him down the hall. Dread continues to assault Thatcher as they move down the hall, until finally, they reach the gorilla position. There, Dread flings Thatcher through the curtain. [B][I]Dread attacks Charlie Thatcher.[/I] [U]Rating: B+[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #4: Dread vs. Charlie Thatcher[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Dread_alt1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CharlieThatcher.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Dread then beat Thatcher down the aisle way, before sliding Stallings' bodyguard into the ring. A referee soon came out, and this match was made official. Although, it seems misleading to call it a match, as this was simply 5 minutes of Dread abusing Charlie Thatcher, before mercifully putting him away with a Dread Bomb. [B][I]Dread defeated Charlie Thatcher in 5:43 by pinfall with a Dread Bomb.[/I] [U]Rating: D[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] Following the match... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Dread_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CharlieThatcher.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Sometimes the victory is not enough, however, as Dread continued the assault on Thatcher after the match, planting the bodyguard with a release version of the Dread bomb. Dread then left the ring, reached under the table, pulled out a table, and slid it into the ring. In a matter of moments, Thatcher found himself being Dread Bombed for a third time tonight, this time through a table. [B][I]Dread attacks Charlie Thatcher and destroys him.[/I] [U]Rating: B+[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #5: Fumihiro Ota vs. Paul Steadyfast[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PaulSteadyfast.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Fumihiro Ota, who gave a strong showing in a losing effort against Dark EAGLE at the War to Settle the Score, then squared off against Paul Steadyfast, who recently separated himself from the Untouchables. The match was basic, but watchable, with Ota using his speed and striking ability against Steadyfast's technical skills. Toward the end of the match, Steadyfast's ex-stable mate, Joel Bryant, made his way to the ring. As Ota and Steadyfast exchanged moves, Bryant reached into the ring and tripped up Steadyfast. Paul jumped up, turned around and yelled at Bryant. Unfortunately, this distraction would be his undoing, as he turned around and was caught off guard with a Ninja Strike. [B][I]Fumihiro Ota defeated Paul Steadyfast in 13:46 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike following interference from Joel Bryant.[/I] [U]Rating: D+[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] Following the match... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RobertOxfordyoung.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PaulSteadyfast.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Robert Oxford runs to the ring, where he and Bryant take advantage of Ota's handiwork and begin to assault their former stablemate, Paul Steadyfast. Predictably, this brought out: [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DustyStreets.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Dusty Streets. This soon turned into an even 2 on 2, brawl, with Streets brawling with Oxford, while Steadyfast squared off against Bryant. Things would not remain even for long, however, as the sneaky ninja: [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Fumihiro Ota jumped in, and helped the Tag Team Specialists assault Streets and Steadyfast. Apparently, Ota supports evil everywhere he goes. It's kind of his thing. [B][I]Oxford, Bryant, and Ota attack Steadyfast and Streets.[/I] [U]Rating: D[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #6: Romeo Heartthrob vs. Joey Flame for the HGC International title[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JoeyFlame.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As one brawl clears out, another one forms. But first, Romeo defends the HGC International title against one half of the newly crowned tag team champions, Joey Flame. At this point in time, Joey is marginally worse than his brother Teddy in the ring (in terms of performance), but still is still one of the top competitors in the HGC, even at the age of 44. Romeo, at age 42, while not as flashy or dynamic, is every bit as solid a worker as Joey and is an extraordinarily gifted entertainer. Both competitors, despite their relatively advanced ages (for wrestling), still have large gas tanks, and were allowed to go for quite awhile. Despite all of these positives, a number of factors came together to try ruin this match. First, Joey Flame was completely off his game tonight. Second, Joey was visibly tired by the end of the match. Third, and perhaps most importantly, Joey and Romeo don't really click at all,which made for some awkward moments during the boat. And despite all of this, the match was solid and entertaining. Romeo used his typical heel tactics to control the match, but had difficulty putting Joey away. Eventually, the Demons of Rage made their way to the ring. Demon Anger ran interference on the referee, which allowed Spite to take a cheap shot at Joey. This gave Romeo all the time he needed, and he hooked in the Cupid's Clutch, forcing Joey to tap out. [B][I]Romeo Heartthrob defeated Joey Flame in 17:53 by submission with a Cupid's Clutch after interference from Demon Spite. Romeo Heartthrob makes defence number 2 of his HGC International title. [/I] [U]Rating: C[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] Following the match... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DemonSpite.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JoeyFlame.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Demons of Rage enter the ring and attack Joey Flame. Joey tries to fight back, but he's easily over-matched. Especially given that Romeo Heartthrob decided to jump in, as heels in the HGC seem to think it's their natural right to jump in on any attacks they see. Joey isn't alone for long, however, as his brother... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TeddyFlame.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Teddy Flame ran out and tried to save him. Teddy came out on fire and managed to turn the tide against the Demons and Romeo. With his presence, the HGC Tag Team Champions were on their feet, actively fighting off the Demons and Romeo. Soon after this, the Blazin' Flames ejected all 3 of their enemies from the ring. The Demons of Rage teased about reentering the ring, but were kept at bay by the Flames. Romeo watched on, shrugged, then started walking to the back. And that's when the red glow came over the arena. [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TysonBaine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] And BLZ Bubb, accompanied by Karen Killer walked through the entrance curtain. Romeo paused, unsure what to think, but BLZ Bubb marched by him and toward the ring. The Blazin' Flames were distracted by BLZ Bubb's approach, and were taken by surprise by the Demons of Rage from behind. BLZ Bubb then entered the ring, as the Demons continued to assault the tag team champions. The normal lights were returned to the arena, as BLZ Bubb joined in the assault of the Blazin' Flames. [B][I]Demons and Romeo attack Joey Flame, Teddy saves. BLZ comes out.[/I] [U]Rating: C[/U][/B] Backstage.. [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kels.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Cowboy Ricky Dale and I are watching the events unfolding in the ring on a monitor. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Looks like BLZ Bubb and the Demons have formed sorta posse[/B]”[/COLOR], RDJ states, as BLZ Bubb unloads a Hades Bomb on Joey Flame (on the monitor). [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Sure does,[/B]”[/COLOR] I say, nodding. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Maybe you should help the Flames.[/B]”[/COLOR] Ricky Dale looks at me. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Ya' think I should help 'em out?[/B]”[/COLOR] I nod some more. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Yeah, even the odds up a little, you know?[/B]”[/COLOR] And with that, RDJ tips his hat to me, then walks off. I continue to watch the monitor. The Demons of Rage have Joey Flame set up in the corner, and are taking turns clubbing the younger Flame Brother. BLZ Bubb has Teddy Flame set up in the opposite corner, and his dropping loud, massive slaps across his chest. Cowboy Ricky Dale then bursts through the curtains, receiving a sizable cheer from the crowd. RDJ takes Romeo out from behind with a running forearm, as Romeo had paused to watch the assault from the entrance ramp. Ricky Dale then runs to the ring and slides in. BLZ Bubb continues to work Teddy Flame over in the corner, as the Demons double press Joey Flame to the outside. Then, the Demons of Rage turn to face Cowboy Ricky Dale. He catches them with a head of steam, taking both men down with a double clothesline. Demon Anger is up first and Cowboy Ricky Dale sends him up and out of the ring a boot to the face. Demon Spite is soon up as well and attacks RDJ from behind. RDJ takes a few shots, then blocks the punches, and responds with a series of right hands of his own. Then, RDJ clotheslines Spite out of the ring. As he turns around, however, he's met with a flying Teddy Flame, courtesy of BLZ Bubb airlines. Teddy rolls out of the ring stunned, as RDJ pulls himself up to his feet. BLZ Bubb stares down at the cowboy turned hero and shakes his head. On the outside of the ring, Karen Killer gives 2 thumbs down, to which BLZ Bubb nods. RDJ then struggles to attack BLZ Bubb, but is quickly grabbed by the throat, then hoisted up, and planted in the center of the ring with a Hades Bomb. We then switch back to our backstage view, where I'm worriedly watching the television, while chewing on my bottom lip. [COLOR="Purple"]“[B]Oops.[/B]”[/COLOR] [B][I]Kelsey sends RDJ to help, he fails.[/I] [U]Rating: C-[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #7: Dark EAGLE vs. Sam Strong[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DarkEagle.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After that mess is cleaned out of the ring, we have Dark EAGLE, the current HGC Cruiserweight Champion, square off against the current HGC Heavyweight Champion, Sam Strong, in a special attraction match. Dark EAGLE gave Sam Strong a run for his money in first few minutes of the match, but as things progressed, it became clear that EAGLE was not in the same league as Strong. The rest of the match was mostly one-sided, with Strong picking up the win with his trademark Strong Arm Tactic. Hopefully, however, Dark EAGLE picked up some popularity just by being in the ring with Strong. [B][I]Sam Strong defeated Dark EAGLE in 10:12 by pinfall with a Strong Arm Tactic.[/I] [U]Rating: C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Next.. [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PeterValentine-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Peter Valentine makes his way to the ring. He grabs a microphone. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]It's a crime, pure and simple, to have a man of my physique sitting in the back, sitting on the sidelines, while a bunch of has-beens and pansies take center stage. I mean, really? Liberty and Rip Chord are the best contenders for the Heavyweight Title? I don't think so.[/B]”[/COLOR] Valentine then poses, showing off his massive (and reportedly all natural) arm and back muscles to the crowd The crowd reminds Valentine what they think of him. [COLOR="Red"]“[B]But that ends now. Tonight, I'm going to beat Liberty. And after I'm done with the poster boy, I'm going to go after Strong.[/B]“[/COLOR] [B][I]Peter Valentine reminds everyone how great he is.[/I] [U]Rating: C+[/U][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Match #8: Peter Valentine vs. Liberty[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PeterValentine-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] And then Liberty, the fun-loving surfer, made his way to the ring, to the crowd's approval. We knew, from previous experience, that it was dangerous to use Valentine in the main event, as his in-ring abilities are lacking. However, he's still very popular, and we thought that matching him up with a fan favorite brawler like Liberty would work out okay. And, for the most part, it did. Unfortunately, Valentine still brought the match down. Not that the match was bad. It was one of the better matches of the evening, and probably the fan's favorite match of the night. Still, the match was something of a disappointment. Valentine was off his game (he has a serious issue with consistency) and was exhausted by the 10 minute mark. As far as the match itself, we used the old eye poke scenario. The eye poke scenario is as follows: Good guy controls match for first 20-30% of the match. Then, the bad guy takes over following an eye poke. The bad guy controls until the match is 90% complete. The good guy rallies and wins the match. And so it was. [B][I]Liberty defeated Peter Valentine in 10:45 by pinfall with a Liberation Slam.[/I] [U]Rating: B-[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] Following the match... [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Sam Strong's music begins to play, the crowd erupts with cheers, and the champion enters the ring, while Liberty finishes up his victory celebration. Strong grabs a microphone. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]Let me tell you something, brother, that match I had with you and Rip Chord at the War to Settle the Score was one of the toughest matches I've ever been in. And to be honest dude, I wasn't sure that I was going to pull it out.[/B]”[/COLOR] Liberty nods, as if to say it was a close, tough match. [COLOR="Blue"]“[B]But, let it never be said that Sam Strong is not a fighting champion. Brother, you brought it that night, and you took me to the limit. And as far as I'm concerned, you deserve a shot at my belt. So what do you say, Liberty? Me and you, one on one, in 2 weeks, at Just Another Day, for the HGC World Heavyweight Title?[/B]” [/COLOR] Strong hands the microphone over to Liberty. [COLOR="Teal"]“[B]Surf's up, Dude. It would be an honor to get back into the ring you. So, yes, I accept and I'll be there, man.[/B]”[/COLOR] Strong and Liberty then shake hands. Then, we end the show, with the HGC Champion and #1 Contender posing for the crowd. [B][I]Liberty and Sam Strong agree to a match.[/I] [U]Rating: A*[/U][/B][/INDENT]
[QUOTE] [SIZE="1"] [B]Summary:[/B] Kelsey Campbell defeated Nikki Heartthrob (C-) Rockwell & Datsun defeated the Nation of Filth (D) Super Joshuya defeated Monty Walker (D) Dread defeated Charlie Thatcher (D) Fumihiro Ota defeated Paul Steadyfast (D+) Romeo Heartthrob defeated Joey Flame to retain the HGC International Title (C) Sam Strong defeated Dark EAGLE (C+) Liberty defeated Peter Valentine (B-) [B]Overall: B-[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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Guest cmdrsam
I'll give this show a 2 thumbs up ratiing. :) Another top notch effort. I'll be honest I kinda got a better feel for tew08 by using your work here. Now I feel alot more comfortable. Not all the way there yet but feel I can hold my own. So I thank you for that. And I thank you for having a great read here.
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[INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HGC.jpg[/IMG] [B] HGC Presents... HGC: Just Another Day[/B] Sunday, Week 4, March 1997 To be held at the Alderbrook Grounds in the North West[/CENTER] Just Another Day? starts off with a pair of special attraction matches. First, we see Joel Bryant (member of the now defunct Untouchables and one half of the Tag Team Specialists) square off against Mr. Lucha (legendary luchador). Then, we see the power Polynesian duo Savage Fury take on the Vessey Brothers. The third match of the evening sees Fumihiro Ota square off against Dusty Streets. There is a bit of history between the competitors in this match, as Ota defeated Streets' ally Steadyfast two weeks ago and then assisted the Tag Team Specialists (Bryant & Oxford) in an assault on Streets and Steadyfast. This is followed by a six-man tag team matchup, featuring the newly aligned Demons of Rage and BLZ Bubb. Their opponents are the HGC World Tag Team champions and Cowboy Ricky Dale (who was sent into this fray by Kelsey Campbell two weeks ago). After that, we will see the monster Dread in one-on-one competition against an unnamed opponent. And finally, we have a championship main event, where Liberty challenges Sam Strong for the HGC World Heavyweight title. Strong gave Liberty this match following Liberty's impressive performance in the triple threat match at The War to Settle the Score. We have it on a good word that J.K. Stallings Jr. is going to announce special rules for this match, to spice up the face-face encounter. Matches announced:[QUOTE] Joel Bryant vs. Mr. Lucha Savage Fury vs. The Vessey Brothers Fumihiro Ota vs. Dusty Streets BLZ Bubb & Demons of Rage vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale & The Blazin Flames Dread vs. ??? Liberty vs. Sam Strong for the HGC World Heavyweight Title in a Special Gimmick Match[/QUOTE][/INDENT]
[SIZE="1"]I'm not sure when the card will be up - probably the weekend, I'm guessing. I'm kind of lacking in motivation, for whatever reason. Anyhow, comments and predictions are welcome.[/SIZE]
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Joel Bryant vs. [B]Mr. Lucha[/B] [I]Senor Lucha gains his place in the world.[/I] Match #2: Savage Fury vs. [B]The Vessey Brothers[/B] Go Vesseys. Match #3: Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Dusty Streets[/B] [I]It's hard choosing between the two. I favor Dusty though.[/I] Match #4: [B]BLZ Bubb & Demons of Rage[/B] vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale & The Blazin Flames [I] BLZBoss is domination. [/I] Match #5: [B]Dread [/B]vs. ??? [I] Dread. No more. [/I] Match #6: Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] for the HGC World Heavyweight Title in a Special Gimmick Match [I]He isn't going to lose the match.[/I]
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Joel Bryant vs. [B]Mr. Lucha[/B] Savage Fury vs. [B]The Vessey Brothers[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Dusty Streets[/B] [B]BLZ Bubb & Demons of Rage [/B]vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale & The Blazin Flames Dread vs. [B]???[/B] Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong [/B]for the HGC World Heavyweight Title in a Special Gimmick Match
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Forgot the predictions contest from the previous event. Oops. Actarus 6/7 Midnightnick 7/7 Tigerkinney 6/7 Imarevenant 5/7 cmdrsam 5/7 So, congrats to Midnightnick for the show. As this is the only show since the prediction contest reset, no real reason to list overall standings yet. Will post them after the next show.
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[B]Joel Bryant[/B] vs. Mr. Lucha Savage Fury vs. [B]The Vessey Brothers[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Dusty Streets[/B] [B]BLZ Bubb & Demons of Rage[/B] vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale & The Blazin Flames [B]Dread[/B] vs. ??? Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] for the HGC World Heavyweight Title in a Special Gimmick Match
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Guest cmdrsam
[B]Joel Bryant[/B] vs. Mr. Lucha Savage Fury vs. [B]The Vessey Brothers[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Dusty Streets[/B] [B]BLZ Bubb & Demons of Rage[/B] vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale & The Blazin Flames [B]Dread[/B] vs. ??? Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] for the HGC World Heavyweight Title in a Special Gimmick Match
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[B]Joel Bryant[/B] vs. Mr. Lucha [I]Bryant to win, with a little help from Bob Oxford.[/I] Savage Fury vs. [B]The Vessey Brothers[/B] [I]Vessey's are higher up the card and more talented[/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Dusty Streets[/B] [I]It wouldn't be a major shock if Ota got the win, but I think Streets yake this[/I] BLZ Bubb & Demons of Rage vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale & The Blazin Flames[/B] [I]These sort of star studded Six mans can always go eithe way, everyone seems to have picked the heels so far, so I'll go the opposite and pick RDJ and the tag champs[/I] [B]Dread[/B] vs. ??? [I]Take it from me ??? never wins any matches[/I] :D Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] for the HGC World Heavyweight Title in a Special Gimmick Match [I]Strong won't be dropping the title just yet. If anything I think we are probably in store for a long run with the strap from Strong.[/I]
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Joel Bryant vs. [B]Mr. Lucha[/B] Savage Fury vs. [B]The Vessey Brothers[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Dusty Streets[/B] [B]BLZ Bubb & Demons of Rage [/B]vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale & The Blazin Flames [B]Dread[/B] vs. ??? Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong [/B]for the HGC World Heavyweight Title in a Special Gimmick Match [I]Quite happy with those...just a bit unsure on the opener.[/I]
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Joel Bryant vs. [B]Mr. Lucha[/B] Savage Fury vs. [B]The Vessey Brothers[/B] [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Dusty Streets BLZ Bubb & Demons of Rage vs. [B]Cowboy Ricky Dale & The Blazin Flames[/B] [B]Dread[/B] vs. ??? Liberty vs. [B]Sam Strong[/B] for the HGC World Heavyweight Title in a Special Gimmick Match
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