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Jim Force Returns

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Guest Bolton
I predict the whole world will feel THE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE OF UFW!!!!!! :D This dynasty never gets old.
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Who will finally beat Jim Force? It will be someone who forces Force to learn to add a bit of speed and flight to his arsenal, for the Force must be Fast to defeat him. First, this opponent will us emind games, to make Jim Force second-guess himself, and follow that up with a powerful attack that leaves him senseless and slow, leaving him no choice but to begin speed-training. My prediction: Land Mass. Yes... Force will be Divided by Mass and become Accelleration. :)
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Haha this is awesome. Force is great. He now is the World Champion of the UFW and the Midget Tossing Champion! As for my prediction... I like the idea of Land Mass beating him but I am gonna go with the man that has beat him before. A huge giant. Oh yes you all know who I speak of. ......... [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="6"]GIANT REDWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;469375]Who will finally beat Jim Force? It will be someone who forces Force to learn to add a bit of speed and flight to his arsenal, for the Force must be Fast to defeat him. First, this opponent will us emind games, to make Jim Force second-guess himself, and follow that up with a powerful attack that leaves him senseless and slow, leaving him no choice but to begin speed-training. My prediction: Land Mass. Yes... Force will be Divided by Mass and become Accelleration. :)[/QUOTE] Well, that's a good idea in theory... but Newton's laws, as we all know, were demonstrated to be at best incomplete by Einstein. Einstein, of course, is German for "a stone". Personally, I think it'll be Duane.
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[B](NOTE: Tiger, I couldn’t figure out who you voted for in the Mario Brothers / X-Force match, so I may owe you a point; let me know, as I’ll go with the honors system in this one as well.) [/B] I honestly don't know about this, I looked back at my predictions,and I said it could either way but I must have forgotten to actually highlight someone. Obviously saying I would have voted X-Force would get me the points but to be honest I can't say either way.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;469132]Nooooooooo after a good start the foooooorce is leaving me guess its time for a certain Tommy to do a face turn in my company and style himself after his favorite wrestler! By the way thats also my guess who wil take the belt of of Jim after you have driven TCW out of busniss and snapped up Tommy Cornell ehh I mean Tommy Force! In the short term aka within dynasty writing reach I guess Skye as the student turns on the master Anakin style.[/QUOTE] Well, I guess it's on! Starting on the next show, I'll keep a tally of predictions for who you think will be the first to beat Jim Force (despite his Triple H push) for the World title. Anyone in the C-Verse is eligible, and you can change your mind at anytime, until a certain cutoff date where I'll close changes. So I take it you think Remmy Skye will be the first. Hmmmm... [QUOTE=CubsFan915;469198]Those were supposed to be D+ ratings. I forgot to put a space between the : and the D.[/QUOTE] After I finish this update, I'll double check the ratings and edit the previous post if you got extra points. [QUOTE=mad5226;469266]NO...I refuse to believe that the great Jim Force will Ever EEEVVVerrr lose, especially in a title match. It just won't happen, Ii predict he will keep his title...FOREVER[/QUOTE] I suspect I'd lose readers / fans if Jim Force remained champion forever... [QUOTE=Bolton;469274]I predict the whole world will feel THE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE OF UFW!!!!!! :D This dynasty never gets old.[/QUOTE] Thanks Bolton! Made my day! [QUOTE=infinitywpi;469375]Who will finally beat Jim Force? It will be someone who forces Force to learn to add a bit of speed and flight to his arsenal, for the Force must be Fast to defeat him. First, this opponent will us emind games, to make Jim Force second-guess himself, and follow that up with a powerful attack that leaves him senseless and slow, leaving him no choice but to begin speed-training. My prediction: Land Mass. Yes... Force will be Divided by Mass and become Accelleration. :)[/QUOTE] Well, unless you're talking about the Force calculated from two point charges, also known as Coulomb's law, where you multiply the magnitude of two point charges, divided by the distance r, times the proportionality constant k...However, I'm pretty sure Coulomb's law is partially derived from Newton's 2nd law...I think... Land Mass it is! Potential match of the year candidate FTW! [QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;469402]Haha this is awesome. Force is great. He now is the World Champion of the UFW and the Midget Tossing Champion! As for my prediction... I like the idea of Land Mass beating him but I am gonna go with the man that has beat him before. A huge giant. Oh yes you all know who I speak of. ......... [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="6"]GIANT REDWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] UFW...the only wrestling fed where midget tossing is allowed in all of North America! If that's not a reason to attend a show, I don't know what is...actually, the pre show bikini contest is a strong draw as well! I liked your swerve there; making me think Bruce the Giant, only to swerve me with Giant Redwood...wait, Giant Redwood?! WTF!? ;);) [QUOTE=mrnoun;469520]Well, that's a good idea in theory... but Newton's laws, as we all know, were demonstrated to be at best incomplete by Einstein. Einstein, of course, is German for "a stone". Personally, I think it'll be Duane.[/QUOTE] If anyone can drag a match grade higher than C out of Jim Force, Duane stone would be among the few that could accomplish that feat! [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;469736][B](NOTE: Tiger, I couldn’t figure out who you voted for in the Mario Brothers / X-Force match, so I may owe you a point; let me know, as I’ll go with the honors system in this one as well.) [/B] I honestly don't know about this, I looked back at my predictions,and I said it could either way but I must have forgotten to actually highlight someone. Obviously saying I would have voted X-Force would get me the points but to be honest I can't say either way.[/QUOTE] Blast your honesty! :p - from [url]www.ufw.com[/url] We have just learned that Suzanne Brazzle will be out of action due to the attack she suffered at the hands of UFW Women’s Champion Raven Nightfall. There are rumors swirling around the locker room that Sara Marie York will rise up and get revenge for her fallen friend. She begins her quest by facing Melody Cuthill in the squared circle! A multitude of exciting singles matches have been signed as well! Will the iron fists of Frankie Perez take down the triple threat prowess of Davis Wayne Newton? Who will introduce more chaos and anarchy to UFW: Citizen X or Whippy The Clown? Who will soar higher: Black Eagle or Jacob Jett? Finally, Remmy Skye defeated Black Eagle in our last event to become the #1 contender to Jim Force’s UFW World Championship! Can the apprentice overcome the master, or is the young padawan still too inexperienced in the ways of the Force to defeat his master? All this and so much more on the next UFW A New Force Of Hope! [QUOTE]Quick Prediction Thingie: Frankie Perez vs. Davis Wayne Newton [B]Rating:[/B] Citizen X vs. Whippy The Clown [B]Rating: [/B] Sara Marie York vs. Melody Cuthill [B]Rating: [/B] Matt Sparrow vs. Mario Heroic [B]Rating: [/B] James Hernandez vs. Fox Mask [B]Rating:[/B] Black Eagle vs. Jacob Jett [B]Rating: [/B] Jim Force (C) vs. Remmy Skye for the UFW World Championship [B]Rating: [/B][/QUOTE]
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[B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: D Citizen X vs. [B]Whippy The Clown[/B] Rating: D+ [B]Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Melody Cuthill Rating: D+ [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] vs. Mario Heroic Rating: C- James Hernandez vs. [B]Fox Mask[/B] Rating: D+ [B]Black Eagle [/B]vs. Jacob Jett Rating: D+ [B]Jim Force[/B] (C) vs. Remmy Skye for the UFW World Championship Rating: D+ Not yet kid not yet he needs to turn to the dark side first and for that he needs to meet the sith lord Tom Force.
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[B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: D [B]Citizen X[/B] vs. Whippy The Clown Rating: D+ Sara Marie York vs. [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] Rating: D [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] vs. Mario Heroic Rating: C- James Hernandez vs. [B]Fox Mask[/B] Rating: D+ [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Jacob Jett Rating: D+ [B]Jim Force (C)[/B] vs. Remmy Skye for the UFW World Championship Rating: D+
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Guest Bolton
[B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: D+ [I]The Man with Stone hands and feet shall prevail.[/I] [B]Citizen X[/B] vs. Whippy The Clown Rating: D [I]The anarchist who hates the FOOOORCE may tell lies about the FOOOORCE, but still has enough FOOORCE to defend against pranks.[/I] [B]Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Melody Cuthill Rating: D [I]The buyer of the FOOOORCE's products shall show her FOOOOOOORCE.[/I] [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] vs. Mario Heroic Rating: C [I]The evil bird man has powers beyond the Heroic One's imagination. They are no match for the FOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE.[/I] [B]James Hernandez[/B] vs. Fox Mask Rating: D+ [I]He may have his Mainstreamers, but Hernandez has no FOOOOOORCE.[/I] [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Jacob Jett Rating: C [I]The Eagle may be the top star besides the FOOOORCE. Yep, that was my true feelings.[/I] [B]Jim Force (C)[/B] vs. Remmy Skye for the UFW World Championship Rating: C- [I]REMMY SKYE, YOU MAY BE THE NUMBER ONE FAN OF THE FOOOOOORCE, BUT YOU WILL FEEL THE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE!!!!!!!!![/I]
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[B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: D+ [B]Citizen X[/B] vs. Whippy The Clown Rating: D [B]Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Melody Cuthill Rating: D+ Matt Sparrow vs. [B]Mario Heroic[/B] Rating: D+ James Hernandez vs. [B]Fox Mask[/B] Rating: D+ Black Eagle vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] Rating: C [B]Jim Force[/B] (C) vs. Remmy Skye for the UFW World Championship Rating: C-
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[B]Frankie Perez [/B]vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: c- Citizen X vs. [B]Whippy The Clown[/B] Rating: D+ [B]Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Melody Cuthill Rating: D [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] vs. Mario Heroic Rating: D+ James Hernandez vs. [B]Fox Mask[/B] Rating: C [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Jacob Jett Rating: c- Jim Force (C) vs. Remmy Skye for the UFW World Championship Rating: Draw D+
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[B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: C- Citizen X vs. [B]Whippy The Clown[/B] Rating: D+ [B]Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Melody Cuthill Rating: D [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] vs. Mario Heroic Rating: C- [B]James Hernandez[/B] vs. Fox Mask Rating: D+ Black Eagle vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] Rating: A* [I]An A plus because it is simply the Amazing One, Triple J, THE CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS.... alright I admit retardation.[/I] [B]Jim Force (C)[/B] vs. Remmy Skye for the UFW World Championship Rating: D+
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[B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: D+ [B]Citizen X[/B] vs. Whippy The Clown Rating: D [B] Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Melody Cuthill Rating: D Matt Sparrow vs. [B]Mario Heroic[/B] Rating: D+ James Hernandez vs. [B]Fox Mask[/B] Rating: D+ [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Jacob Jett Rating: C- [B]Jim Force (C)[/B] vs. Remmy Skye for the UFW World Championship Rating: D+
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This looks like a good card. [B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: D+ Citizen X vs. [B]Whippy The Clown[/B] Rating: D Sara Marie York vs. [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] Rating: D+ [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] vs. Mario Heroic Rating: D+ [B]James Hernandez[/B] vs. Fox Mask Rating: C- Black Eagle vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] Rating: C- [B]Jim Force[/B] (C) vs. Remmy Skye for the UFW World Championship Rating: D+
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[QUOTE=BuddyGarner;473680]Jim Force sucks. I hope Solomon Autin shoves his pizza slice down Jim's throat. Jim Force, I'm sorry but the desinty is not behind you. And no Triple H push will get you past the Adam Ryland overness cap of death.[/QUOTE] Lies! Because I'm positive that Triple H also encountered an overness cap... but since he's Triple H, he just went and used the editor. After all, he IS The Game.
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[B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Rating: C- [B]Citizen X[/B] vs. Whippy The Clown Rating: C- Sara Marie York vs. [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] Rating: D+ [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] vs. Mario Heroic Rating: D+ James Hernandez vs. [B]Fox Mask[/B] Rating: D+ Black Eagle vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] Rating: C [B]Jim Force (C)[/B] vs. Remmy Skye for the UFW World Championship Rating: C- I really have no clue with some of these predictions. The Force has convinced me of my choices though.
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[QUOTE=Beeker;473090]Nothing is better than the image of Brains McGhee being tossed around while squeeling 'wheeeeee!' NOTHING![/QUOTE] Originally, when I conceived the Olympic midget toss, I had Brains squeeling 'F*******CK!" I can't remember why I changed it to 'wheeee!' to be perfectly honest. [QUOTE=BuddyGarner;473680]Jim Force sucks. I hope Solomon Autin shoves his pizza slice down Jim's throat. Jim Force, I'm sorry but the desinty is not behind you. And no Triple H push will get you past the Adam Ryland overness cap of death.[/QUOTE] I DO hope you're wrong with the overness cap. It'll make my job harder in the long run, though you could absolutely be right. I wish I knew the odds of Jim Force having a high destiny stat whenever a game is initialized, but I think Adam is the only one with that knowledge. So...who's Solomon Autin? [QUOTE=Comradebot;473688]Lies! Because I'm positive that Triple H also encountered an overness cap... but since he's Triple H, he just went and used the editor. After all, he IS The Game.[/QUOTE] If Jim was still in USPW, what are the odds he'd try to hook up with Alicia Strong? Oh well, on with the show: [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]UFW Ultimate Force The Weston Gymnasium Thursday, Week 2, February 2008[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/UFW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Pre Show - Super Duper Secret Dark Match #1: A quickie but a goodie; I should have put this match on the card. [B](Rating: D+)[/B] - Super Duper Secret Dark Match #2: Not as good as the first one; boy, am I glad I made this a dark match [B](Rating: E+)[/B] - Sara Silver hosts a bikini contest (no surprise there) where Katie Cameron won, defeating the likes of Jaime Quine, Raven Nightfall, and Sara Marie York. [B](Rating: D+)[/B] Main show [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Frankie Perez vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Poor Davis Wayne Newton; he just can’t catch a break here in UFW, but he takes everything in stride and continues to perform well. He eventually submitted to Frankie Perez’s P-Clutch (camel clutch with one knee driven into the opponent’s lower back). [B]Winner in 3:23:[/B] Frankie Perez [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [CENTER] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/WhippyTheClown.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Citizen X vs. Whippy The Clown[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Another short yet strong match, where Citizen x and Whippy The Clown put on a spectacular aerial display from start to finish. In the end, Whippy was unable to pull off the upset, as he was pinned after getting hit with X’s Flaming Anarchy (flying butt drop...unfortunately). [B]Winner in 2:52:[/B] Citizen X [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/SaraMarieYork.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MelodyCuthill.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Sara Marie York vs. Melody Cuthill[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Sara Marie begins her quest to gain a measure of revenge for her injured friend Suzanne Brazzle through intense training. Her sparring partner tonight: none other than Melody Cuthill. The ladies definitely did not disappoint, and Sara ended this short affair by getting the pinfall with an Energy Burst (glittering magician knee; think Gregory Helms shining wizard). [B]Winner in 2:43:[/B] Sara Marie York [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Matt Sparrow vs. Mario Heroic[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Everyone’s favorite fireball throwing, Italian plumber put on a terrific match with Sparrow; unfortunately, he was also on the short end of the stick, as his oppoennt gets the pinfall victory after hitting the Bird Brain Buster (delayed brainbuster suplex.) [B]Winner in 15:24:[/B] Matt Sparrow [B]Rating:[/B] C- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - James Hernandez comes out to a mixed reaction; despite his heelish ways, the audience respects his ability, hence the mixed reaction. [B]James Hernandez:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]“That’s right, cheer for the Mainstream sensation! Cheer for the single most talented man in the world of professional wrestling! Because my Hernandezites are zombies who obey my every whim, and worship at the altar of James Hernandez! It’s only a matter of time before I go on to beat that musclebound clod Jim Force, and fulfill my destiny to become UFW World Champion! Tonight, I take my first step towards my rightful place at the top of UFW, facing a so-called “superhero” called Fox Mask. A loser in a fox mask…I can already tell you that this match is a complete waste of time; a forgone conclusion, especially to a man as talented as your’s truly! Fox Mask, I will embarrass you, humiliate you, and defeat you! It won’t even take me five minutes! Come on, get out here!”[/COLOR] [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]James Hernandez vs. Fox Mask[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Blast! I should have put this on for the main event, as this was easily the best match ever produced in UFW’s short, yet already stories history…well, the greatest match part is true at least. Fox Mask and Hernandez put on a great show, and Fox Mask proved Hernandez wrong by pushing him to his limits. Fox Mask easily could have won, but in the end the heelish Hernandez hits a low blow while referee Jez McArthuer was conveniently looking away. Stunned by the low blow, Hernandez goes for his trademark set-up, the fever beat (leaping, single-art DDT!) and hits it! Hernandez then ascends to the top rope, takes flight, and hits the Apparition #14 (shooting star press!) He then goes for the cover and gets the three count. [B]Winner in 14:38:[/B] James Hernandez [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Remmy Skye can be seen sneaking around backstage, looking around corners cautiously. He clearly doesn’t want to bump into a certain someone. So of course, he bumps into him; as he peers around a corner, a baritone voice screams behind him, startling him. [B]???:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“REEMEEE SKYYYEEE!!!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“AAAHHH! Oh…Jim, hey what’s up, dude? I wasn't, like avoiding you or anything...”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JimForce.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“REEMEE SKKYYEE!!!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Dude, I told you before, it’s Remmy, not ream me! That, like sounds so wrong!”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“REEMEE SKYYEE!!! YOUR POWERS IN THE FOOORCE ARE INSIGNIFICANT NEXT TO THE POWER OF JIIIM FOOORCE! BUY MY MERCHANDISE!!! IF YOU GO ON WITH THIS MATCH, YOU WILL ENDURE TRIAL BY FIRE AND FOOORCE! WILL YOU CARRY OOOON!”[/COLOR] [B]Remmy Skye:[/B][COLOR="SeaGreen"] “Dude, Jim, I know I can’t feel the Force, channel the Force like you, but I have an opportunity to become the UFW world champ! Look dude, this match needs to happen, but since you’re here, I need to know if we’ll still be friends after this.”[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]“ONLY DEATH, CORRUPTION, AND LACK OF MERCHANDISE CAN DISMEMBER THE BOND BETWEEN MASTER AND APPRENTICE OF THE FOOORCE, REEMEE SKYYEE!!! REMEMBER ALL THAT I HAVE TAAAUUGHT YOOOUU! ONLY THEN WILL YOU SURVIVE! ONLY THEN WILL YOU HAVE THE FAINTEST CHANCE OF DEFEATING ONE SUCH AS AAAIIIEEE!!!” [/COLOR] - the two stare each other down. Ooohhh… [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Black Eagle vs. Jacob Jett[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Holy crap! Another match-up that I should have put in the main event! That’s two in one show! Why me? Ahem, Eagle and Jett worked well together, and put on a match of the same caliber performance of Fox Mask and James Hernandez. Eagle would end this contest after hitting the New Jersey Turnpike for the 3-count! [B]Winner in 14:52:[/B] Black Eagle [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty%202008/originalbelt05.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Jim Force vs. Remmy Skye for the UFW World Championship[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] Before these two locked up, they shook hands as a sign of respect. Then the bell rang and all hell broke loose. Skye didn’t even bother with a tie-up; he knew he was outweighed and overpowered, so he began the match throwing numerous elbows at Force. Force’s retaliated with signature Jim Force wild, sloppy brawling! Since so many of his punches hit nothing but air, Skye took the advantage, and soon had Force on the run! For the next several minutes, Skye would unleash his flashy, high-flying arsenal on Force, and get a handful of near falls, but no three count! Frustration was setting in on Skye as he picked Force up off the mat and attempted a suplex. Force surprisingly showed some technical ability by hooking the leg and blocking the suplex attempt. Force then reversed, not into a suplex, but in the Full Force (suplex powerslam)! Force goes for the cover! 1… 2… Skye gets a shoulder up! Force can’t believe it! No one has ever kicked out of his finisher before…actually that’s not true, but no one in UFW has, until now! Skye reaches the ropes, and Force unleashes a few clubbing blows. But something strange is going on…Skye is no selling Force’s punches…I mean, he seems impervious to pain! Sky is shaking the ropes like Force does! Force now looks pissed off and constipated beyond measure! Force bounces off the ropes! FOOOORCE CLOTHESLINE! Skye goes down, but immediately gets back up! FOOORCE PU---no, Skye blocks it, and hits numerous elbows and knife edge chops! Force is reeling! Skye bounces off the ropes and hits a running drop kick! Force goes down like a ton of bricks! Skye goes to the top rope, and stalks his prey, waiting for him to get up! Force slowly gets to his feet, gasping for air like a blowfish! Skye launches himself and hits the Skye Diver (flying clothesline off the top rope!) BOOOM! Force falls! Skye hooks the leg! 1… 2… Force kicks out, old school style! Skye gives the audience a ‘dude, no waaay!’ look, indicating that he can’t believe it! Force reaches the ropes and shakes them like a crazy warrior! Skye’s punches have no effect! With Forcechlorian-filled adrenaline juicing through his veins, Force mouths the words “You still have much to learn, my apprentice!” With those words, Force pumps his arms towards the heavens and Forces up! FOOORCE PUNCH! FOOOORCE PUNCH AGAIN! FOOOORCE KICK! FOOORCE CLOTHESLINE! FOOOORCE CLOTHESLINE AGAIN! Repeat this sequence as many times as you can mentally imagine! Skye is down and out! Jim Force clumsily goes to the top rope, and waits for Skye to get up! Skye groggily gets to his feet. With Skye on spaghetti legs, Force flies off the top rope, hitting his trademark flying double axe handle! Feeling the FOOORCE like Anakin on Ritalin, Jim Force gives THE SIGNAL (Beeker ©), picks up Skye, and sets him up for the Full Force (suplex powerslam, like Goldberg’s Jackhammer)! Force hoists Skye into the air, and in a display of power, delays it for nearly ten seconds, before twisting his body and crashing to the canvas with a resounding Full Force! Force makes the cover! 1… 2… 3! [B]Winner in 9:53 and STILL UFW World Champion:[/B] Jim Force [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [SIZE="5"]Final Show Rating: D+[/SIZE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Prediction Outcome[/CENTER][/B] FORCEchlorians earned tonight: [LIST] [*]Bolton: 9 [*]CubsFan915: 8 [*]d_w_w: 9 [*]Hyde Hill: 13 [*]juggaloninjalee: 6 [*]kowalewski: 8 [*]maskedpropaganda: 11 [*]Nightshadeex: 10 [*]Tigerkinney: 11 [/LIST] Total FORCEchlorian Points Earned: [LIST] [*]Bolton: 47 [*]ColtCobana: 14 [*]CubsFan915: 42 [*]d_w_w: 43 [*]Hyde Hill: 41 [*]infinitywpi: 5 [*]Jaded: 1 [*]juggaloninjalee: 39 [*]kowalewski: 19 [*]mad5226: 14 [*]maskedpropaganda: 47 [*]Nightshadeex: 45 [*]nZane: 10 [*]Tigerkinney: 53 [*]Wallbanger: 47 [/LIST] Who will defeat Jim Force for the UFW World Championship! (NOTE: Any character in the C-Verse may be chosen. You may change your mind at any time, [B]up to a certain cutoff date that will be announced[/B]…in the future! If anyone actually gets this right (it’s a long shot, in theory anyways) they’ll be awarded…a lot of FORCEchlorian points (I’m thinking 50…100, around there)) [LIST] [*]Hyde Hill: Remmy Skye [*]infinitywpi: Land Mass [*]juggaloninjalee: Giant Redwood (WTF?!) [*]mad5226: No one [*]mrnoun: Duane Stone [/LIST][/QUOTE]
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Guest Bolton
I feel Jim Force will fall to........... Big Smack Scott! Only the Smacker's botched piledrivers can ever overcome the FOOOOOOOORCE!!!! :cool:
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[QUOTE=kowalewski;474387]I think Gargantuan finishes off the Force someday. He's bigger, more menacing, younger, and equally untalented.[/QUOTE] Why I outta...I outta...oh, who am I kidding! You're right on all counts! :p [QUOTE=Bolton;474400]I feel Jim Force will fall to........... Big Smack Scott! Only the Smacker's botched piledrivers can ever overcome the FOOOOOOOORCE!!!! :cool:[/QUOTE] The only problem with Big Smack Scott is that SWF would likely never release him even if they fall to cult. And even if they did, I likely wouldn't pursue him, to be perfectly honest. Well, maybe in a drunken state I would, in which case, I'd job him out to Eagle, Hernandez, Skye, Fox Mask, etc. [QUOTE=Hyde Hill;474424]Yaaaaaaaay the force has not left me as of yet all those force brand nanu´s most be taking effect![/QUOTE] You're doing well; your Forcechlorian's continue to surge! And now for a quick post, then I must get back to studying for a physics final on Friday. [Center][B][SIZE="4"]Departure[/SIZE][/B][/Center] It was bound to happen sooner or later. According to Pro Wrestling Hits magazine, the Supreme Wrestling Federation is now considered a global sized promotion. They’ve been considered the top promotion in the world for awhile, and their most recent success further cemented their top-tier status. With their increase in size came a need to increase their roster, which meant looking at the pool of wrestlers and staff available and offering them exclusive, written contracts. Which is why I wasn’t surprised when twenty-four hours after the initial story broke, I learned that SWF have offered contracts to three UFW employees. Though it was not 100% confirmed, I knew all three would sign. I didn’t consider them to be disloyal; it was a better financial situation, and the chance to attain superstardom. Quite simply, they offered more than anything UFW could offer at this moment in time. “So do you have replacements in mind?” Jim asked as we talked over the situation. “Of course,” I answered, handing him my notepad. He skimmed through it briefly then nodded in approval. “Good choices, and it’ll be good to see him in the backstage area again.” Jim said, clearly satisfied. “I was thinking of throwing a party for the people that are leaving.” “Hey, I love Matt and Jez! But I’m not so sure…” “Just think about it; you don’t need to give me an answer now.” “Okay.” I responded, rather relieved for the delay. I made my way back to my office, contemplating the whirlwind of events over the past few days. I was sorry to see Matt and Jez leave. Matt was a main event talent for us, and Jez was as good a referee as any. Still, it wasn’t all bad news. I sat back at my desk and re-read the title to the last item on [url]www.totalextremewrestling.com[/url]. “SWF Make An Offer to Fabulous Frank” A small, uncontrollable smile crept on my face. I immediately began work on composing a thank you letter addressed to SWF owner Richard Eisen. - from [url]www.ufw.com[/url] It’s no secret that Matt Sparrow will be leaving UFW shortly. We here have learned that he has challenged UFW World Champion Jim Force for the title! It is 99% confirmed that the match will take place at the next UFW event! In other singles action, James Hernandez faces former #1 contender and self-proclaimed #1 Force Follower Remmy Skye, while Black Eagle is signed on to wrestle Fox Mask! With numerous UFW wrestler’s jockeying for position to challenge for Jim Force’s coveted UFW World Championship, who will stand out among the among the rest! Find out on the next UFW A New Force Of Hope! [QUOTE]Quick Prediction Thingie: Citizen X vs. Mario Heroic [B]Rating: [/B] Frankie Perez vs. Jacob Jett [B]Rating: [/B] James Hernandez vs. Remmy Skye [B]Rating: [/B] Black Eagle vs. Fox Mask [B]Rating:[/B] Jim Force (C) vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship [B]Rating: [/B][/QUOTE]
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I bought all those Jim Force jerky sticks and only get worse in the Force?! SNAP INTO A JERKY STICK... OHHHH YEAH! [B]Citizen X[/B] vs. Mario Heroic Rating: D+ Frankie Perez vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] Rating: D James Hernandez vs. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] Rating: C- [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs. Fox Mask Rating: D+ [B]Jim Force (C)[/B] vs. Matt Sparrow for the UFW World Championship Rating: C
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