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Championship Wrestling from Boston Lives Again (A C-Verse 08 Diary)

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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;459399]About time! I was worried no genuinly good dynasties were gonna get rolling. I know what your talking about. The bug always is there calling...[/QUOTE] Hey Maxx...thanks for the compliment. There are a lot of great diaries on the board! But thanks ;) [QUOTE=SHaynes23;459472]Another really good show. I really like the Masked Patriot character and it'll be interesting to see how his title run progresses. Nice little feud you started building up there at the end of the show too.[/QUOTE] Glad you approve. I do have big plans for the feud...we'll see if they pan out the way I want them to! :) It's always tough at the onset with the Local promotions for the first couple of shows as you want to get a couple of guys over so it's usually two semi squashes and a main event :) That's why I didn't do much with the Quick Picks just yet. But feel free to predict away.
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Ok... I'm in. I was on the fence a bit. I mean it's good but it's still CWB, but it's the 'Special Phone Interview with the Masked Patriot' is a brilliant local promotion way to get out of paying the Patriot his exorbinant prices! I'll go with [b]Campbell[/b] due to Allen interfence. And then [b]The Du[/b] to counter the evil Jameson anti-Boston stance from the previous show.
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[QUOTE=Beeker;459752]Ok... I'm in. I was on the fence a bit. [B]I mean it's good but it's still CWB[/B], but it's the 'Special Phone Interview with the Masked Patriot' is a brilliant local promotion way to get out of paying the Patriot his exorbinant prices![/QUOTE] I have no idea what that means lol
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Just that it seemed a bit like what you were doing with the previous incarnation of CWB. And it was good because you're a good writer. I dug the 'Special Phone Interview' somehow that was the catalyst that made this incarnation of CWB its own entity. That's all I meant. :D
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[QUOTE=Beeker;459770]Just that it seemed a bit like what you were doing with the previous incarnation of CWB. And it was good because you're a good writer. I dug the 'Special Phone Interview' somehow that was the catalyst that made this incarnation of CWB its own entity. That's all I meant. :D[/QUOTE] Ha, gotcha. Yeah I wanted to redo CWB as I felt with the new features it might really be interesting in TEW08. I've been watching a lot of Memphis circa early 80's and the same time period for Georgia Championship Wrestling lately so expect to see a VERY old school territory type flavor here :) I got nostalgic for some Lance Russell and Gordon Solie style studio wrestling! And thanks :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES[/SIZE][/FONT] Saturday Week 4 August 2008 57 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA check out highlights at [URL="http://www.johnkeating.biz"]www.cwb.com[/URL][/CENTER] [B]Primus Allen (w/ Ash Campbell) d. Riley McManus[/B] McManus was on loan from MAW as we just needed someone to go in there and put over Allen strong. Riley did just that and I'm sure we'll have him back in the near future. This match was all offense for the Rookie Monster and he wins it in about 5 minutes. [B]E[/B] Ash Campbell grabs the mic: [COLOR="Red"]"Did you see that? Did you SEE that? That, you idiots, is what they call domination. Primus Allen is the baddest man on the planet and he is under my control! He's got MY back and Brady Prince and especially you, Masked Patriot, don't stand a chance!"[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] Andy Hartigan: [COLOR="Purple"]"I think the attack perpetrated by Campbell and his Rookie Monster Allen was just disgusting. Campbell has had two shots at the Boston Heavyweight Title and he has come up short on both occasions. It's time he started looking in the mirror when he's looking for answers. I refuse to give it any more time."[/COLOR] [B]E Duberry Excess d. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] DWN is still getting his feet wet in the area but his performances in ring are really impressing me. Duberry is from South Boston and the crowd just loves him. He gets the win here in about 12 minutes. [B]E+[/B] Duberry: [COLOR="Blue"]"Whassup Boston?! I'm loggin' on ta cwb.com last month and I see Kuhhk Jameson out he-yah runnin down Bawston. That's crap, guy--" [/COLOR] Before he can get any more words out, DWN blindsides him and then hightails it out of the ring. [B]F-[/B] Andy Hartigan has a special phone set up so everyone in the audience can hear the next segment. He calls The Masked Patriot: Hartigan: [COLOR="Purple"]"Patriot, I'm really sorry we can't do this in person but I know that cowardly attack left you pretty injured last month"[/COLOR] TMP: [COLOR="Blue"]"Yeah, I'm still nursing a severe sprain in my ankle. I will be back next month, though and I'm not going to stop until I rid the territory of both of those creeps"[/COLOR] Hartigan: [COLOR="Purple"]"They were out here running their mouths about how dominant they are. I think you'll have other things to say about it"[/COLOR] TMP: [COLOR="Blue"]"Bet on it. I just want to thank all of the fans for supporting me and supporting Championship Wrestling from Boston. I also want to wish Brady Prince the best of luck in tonight's main event. I'll be seeing you all very, very soon!"[/COLOR] [B]E+ Ash Campbell (w/ Primus Allen) d. Brady Prince by DQ[/B] About what I was expecting out of these two. The nice thing about only being an f+ in overness allows me to book matches like this and still improve for a bit :). Decent action with Prince making sure not to turn his attention away from Allen too much. Campbell hit the Shooting Star Press when out through the crowd charges The Masked Patriot!!! Referee Chad Brent has no choice but to DQ Prince as the match turns into a fourway brawl!! [B]E+[/B] As Primus and Ash hightail it out of the ring area, Patriot grabs the mic: [COLOR="Blue"]"You think you're the only one who can play mind games Campbell?! Brady and I want you two goons in a tag match next month so we can have both of you in the ring where we can keep an eye on you!!"[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] Overall Show: [B]E+[/B] Notes: We were able to bump the ticket prices up to $4 which is still a steal! This show we actually made money...$263 to be exact which puts me close to breaking even with the money I started with. A huge relief as I think I'm going to be ok. This was more of a storyline show than about the matches themselves. Good, solid action but it was forwarding the big main event storyline.
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[CENTER][img]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/img] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]WICKED PISSAH PREVIEW!![/SIZE][/FONT] [B][U]Main Event[/U][/B] Brady Prince & The Masked Patriot vs. Primus Allen & Ash Campbell Bradford Peverell vs. Keith Vegas Plus other All Star bouts!! *[/CENTER] *[SIZE="1"][I]card subject to change[/I][/SIZE]
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[B]Brady Prince & The Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Primus Allen & Ash Campbell [I]It will take more tthan two men to take down the Masked Patriot.[/I] [B]Bradford Peverell [/B]vs. Keith Vegas Bradford had a good showing earlier, I say he takes a win.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]WICKED PISSAH[/SIZE][/FONT] Saturday Week 4, September 2008 67 fans at Biker's Paradise [I]check out highlights from the show at [URL="http://breakingtheice.johnkeating.biz"]breakingtheice.johnkeating.biz[/URL][/I][/CENTER] [B]Bradford Peverell d. Keith Vegas in 5:01[/B] Definite squash here for the entertaining Peverell. He just comes off as a degenerate and plays into that very well. He toyed with the young Vegas before KOing him with his Hands of Stone punch. [B]E+[/B] Andy Hartigan is about to hype tonight's big tag team main event when Ash Campbell comes to ringside and interrupts: [COLOR="Red"]"Before everyone gets their panties all in the bunch over the main event, I have a little news for you. In doing some research I see that the last title defense for Masked Patriot was at July's Birth of a Nation, when he cheated to beat me. Patriot has not defended the title for TWO MONTHS when Championship Wrestling from Boston rules clearly state that a champion has to defend his title at least once every 30 days."[/COLOR] Hartigan: [COLOR="Purple"]"Well, there is room for leniency, especially considering the circum---"[/COLOR] Campbell: [COLOR="Red"]"Whatever. If Patriot does not defend his title tonight that means he will go THREE months without defending it. A little more than leniency, wouldn't you say there Mr. Hartigan. I am demanding that, unless you'd like me to make a little call to the Massachusetts State Athletic Commission, that he defend his Boston Hvywt. Title TONIGHT!"[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] The Masked Patriot storms out from the back: [COLOR="Blue"]"Campbell, you don't have to ask me twice...you want me to defend my belt, I'll do it right now! Get in the ring!"[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] A huge grin spreads over Ash's face but the words of Hartigan stop him: [COLOR="Purple"]"Hold on, hold on. Just because he has to defend his title...it doesn't mean it has to be against you, Mr. Campbell. You're not getting the title shot tonight. Bradford Peverell just had an impressive win and I'm giving the shot to him, if he would like it!"[/COLOR] As flips out as Peverell heads to the ring with a look like the cat who ate the canary. [B]E- The Masked Patriot d. Bradford Peverell in 18:38 to retain the Boston Hvywt. Title[/B] Really solid match with Patriot dodging Peverell's hands the entire time. Good back and forth action with both men getting in a lot of offense. The finish came when Peverell thought he had Patriot and went for the KO blow. Patriot ducked and picked up Bradford in the Inverted Piledriver for the win. [B]D[/B] Ash Campbell and Primus Allen storm the ring and brutally beat down Masked Patriot. [B]F+[/B] Brady Prince runs out for the main event but Patriot is in no shape to wrestle... [B]Ash Campbell & Primus Allen d. Brady Prince in 13:28[/B] Prince started out strong by beating down Ash but once Primus was tagged in the heels got and kept the advantage. Patriot returned to ringside, beaten and battered, but it was too little too late as Prince fell victim to the MonsterSlam. [B]E[/B] Overall Show: [B]E+[/B] Notes: In a perfect world. the title match would have been last. I needed it where it was to tell the story though and with our popularity so low, even an E+ helps us. I was really happy with it and we drew 10 more people than last month. So the word is spreading. We also made $273 which puts the company coffers at $2,759.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_newsletter.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][B]Masked Patriot to Defend Against Marc Speed[/B][/SIZE] "Since the Powers that Be in Championship Wrestling from Boston don't want to give me a much deserved title shot, I have gone outside the company and acquired the services of Marc Speed," states Ash Campbell. Speed is most well known for his recent run with Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling and was being brought in for a match on the October Dream On show when Ash Campbell stepped in and acted as Speed's "manager" for the one shot. The idea was brought to CWB offices and initially turned down. When Masked Patriot got wind of the challenge, he refused to let it go. "I've billed myself as a fighting champion from day one and if Marc Speed wants to come in for a shot at the title, he's more than welcome. He's a great wrestler although I question his choice of company. I just hope he's not too disappointed when he heads back to CZCW empty handed." This one promises to be a spectacular contest
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Nice job bringing in Marc Speed, I don't think he matches to your product persay, but he is a good worker and who knows, maybe 'Speedball' can slow it down for ya. That or Patriot will have to drop him on the back of the head. Either way it should be good.
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Brady Prince in the main event? Seriously? I mean, I like the guy but you're out of your mind. :p I always love it when outside guys are brought in for one-shot deals to help out someone from the permanent roster - and put over someone on the permanent roster. Hopefully the latter is what's going to happen with Speed coming in. And yes, you are practically obligated to me to create a Mr. Olympia gimmick! :D
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[QUOTE=thug saint oga;463791]oh snap shippy! great read as always......good enough to get me to log back in and post for the first time in forever!! your dynasties are the best on the board in my opinion. nice. can't wait to see what goes down in bean town!!!![/QUOTE] There's the thug-man! I'm glad I could draw you back out of hiding! [QUOTE=MaxxHexx;463794]Nice job bringing in Marc Speed, I don't think he matches to your product persay, but he is a good worker and who knows, maybe 'Speedball' can slow it down for ya. That or Patriot will have to drop him on the back of the head. Either way it should be good.[/QUOTE] I will say only this...it was a helluva match :) [QUOTE=Showtime4Lajf;463879]Brady Prince in the main event? Seriously? I mean, I like the guy but you're out of your mind. :p I always love it when outside guys are brought in for one-shot deals to help out someone from the permanent roster - and put over someone on the permanent roster. Hopefully the latter is what's going to happen with Speed coming in. And yes, you are practically obligated to me to create a Mr. Olympia gimmick! :D[/QUOTE] Haha, I'm on a limited budget and he has decent skills and overness. He's like the Johnny Weaver of the Cornellverse. Solid, white meat babyface :) I kind of look at Masked Patriot like a mix between Mr. Olympia and Wrestling II. I've been watching a lot of old Mid South...Olympia was THE MAN!
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[CENTER][img]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/img] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]DREAM ON[/SIZE][/FONT] Sunday Week 4 October 2008 66 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA [I]check out show highlights at [URL="http://breakingtheice.johnkeating.biz"]breakingtheice.johnkeating.biz[/URL]![/I][/CENTER] [B]Roderick Remus d. Daredevil Aero in 10:21[/B] A good high flying opener between two babyfaces. Remus is still finding his way with his character and this gave him a chance to get over with the Boston crowd on his ringwork. Not a bad match but Aero is still very green. [B]E+[/B] Ash Campbell comes to the ring with Marc "Speedball" Speed: [COLOR="Red"]"Tonight you are going to get the privilege of seeing one of the most highly touted athletes on the indy scene. Marc Speed doesn't need to conceal his identity and use the comissions and authorities to win his matches. He does it the old fashioned way, he earns his wins in the middle of this ring...just like Ash Campbell! Patriot, your celebrated title reign comes to an end tonight! Just remember Marc, I do get 30% commission...that's what we agreed to, right?"[/COLOR] [B]E+ Brady Prince d. Air Attack Weasel in 13:54[/B] An excellent match and this is the kind of output I really want to see from Prince. Weasel, despite a ridiiculous name, really busted his ass here and I can see really good things from him in the future. Prince needed a strong win here as he is set to take on Primus Allen in the rookie's biggest singles match yet at Brawlapalooza. [B]D-[/B] Prince asks for the mic (God help us): [COLOR="Blue"]"Primus Allen...I've already signed to meet you at Brawlapalooza next month. You and that toady Campbell are gonna pay for your crimes. Payment is due son!"[/COLOR] [B]E- The Masked Patriot and Marc Speed (w/ Ash Campbell) fought to a double countout in 18:23[/B] The best match in CWB to date. I wanted Speed to put over Patriot cleanly but he put up a stink. He still busted his ass in the double CO, though and I would consider signing him to a contract for this match alone (and then he'll have to do what I tell him!). Speed had the advantage early using a lot of mat wrestling until Patriot could unlock the puzzle and gain advantage, using a lot of high impact suplexes and slams. The match tumbled outside the ring and both men were counted out as the crowd was really into this one. [B]D+[/B] Campbell jumps Patriot from behind after the match and furiously tries to yank the mask off his head. Patriot fights him off though and delivers a thunderous belly to back suplex sending Ash scrambling. [B]E[/B] Patriot: [COLOR="Blue"]"Campbell, I'm tired of you and your cowardly attacks. Lets you and me settle this thing once and for all at Brawlapalooza. You want a title shot...you got one...in an [B]I QUIT MATCH[/B]!!!"[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: Without a doubt our best show yet. Two pretty strong matches and a solid opener. I'm hoping Brawlapalooza can be a destination show for us and so far with Patriot vs. Ash in [B]an I Quit Match[/B] and Prince vs. Primus, it's shaping up as a big deal. This show was so well received that I got a call from a bunch of beer sponsor's who wanted to promote at the show (hey, we're in a bar...their beer is only a reach away). I got about $11,000 in sponsorship (5x the money I started out with!) so that's going to allow me to open the purse strings a bit. Brawlapalooza is going to be a 2 hour show and I've already contracted some names to bring in. I love my core roster though so I'm giving them a chance to establish themselves and not just retooling the entire roster. [B]EDIT: I didn't realize match types had "size" limitations on them so at Small I'm not able to hold a steel cage match. I kind of like that limitation so I'm doing some retcon here...lets pretend TMP challenged Ash Campbell to an I Quit Match, shall we? OK, good...let us continue :)[/B]
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Nice card and nice save with the reconing. Looks like Brawlapalooza is going to be a pretty damn strong show. And isn't it nice when the sponsorship money gets a boosted a level? It's like Christmas in *whatever month you are currently in*!
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The Wrestling Event of the Year (that's being held in Boston...on this day in Nov.) [CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/0811_brawl.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: I QUIT MATCH for the BOSTON HVWYT TITLE: The Masked Patriot (c) vs. Ash Campbell Brady Prince vs. Primus Allen Roderick Remus vs. Bradford Peverell Kirk Jameson (w/ Kristen Pearce) vs. Duberry Excess CWB DEBUT! Stevie Grayson vs. Thomas "Trademark" Morgan Davis Wayne Newton vs. Ben Williams
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I QUIT MATCH for the BOSTON HVWYT TITLE: [B]The Masked Patriot[/B] (c) vs. Ash Campbell [I]I don't think Patriot's going to say "I quit". Plus it's a feel good moment to end your big show. You might go for a title change to make the big show feel special too, though.[/I] Brady Prince vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [I]Like I said, I like Prince but having Allen lose here would be cutting him off at the legs.[/I] Roderick Remus vs. [B]Bradford Peverell[/B] [I]Hands of Stone trump the feeble cruiserweight - and breaks Remus's jaw in the progress.[/I] Kirk Jameson (w/ Kristen Pearce) vs. [B]Duberry Excess[/B] [I]The home town boy FTW[/I] CWB DEBUT! [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Thomas "Trademark" Morgan [I]You've shown that you have a soft spot for Morgan before, but Grayson is probably more useful for you at this early growth stage.[/I] Davis Wayne Newton vs. [B]Ben Williams[/B] [I]BEN WILLIAMS~! WOOOO~![/I]
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QUICK PICKS: I QUIT MATCH for the BOSTON HVWYT TITLE: The Masked Patriot (c) vs. [B]Ash Campbell[/B] [I]- Shenanigans lead to a slightly shock upset. I think Ash gets a quick run, as a heel on top is very old school which shipshirt is going for. Especially with Primus running interference for him.[/I] [B]Brady Prince [/B]vs. Primus Allen [I]- New champ needs a new challenger. Primus loses and the first seeds of discontent are sewn between Allen and Ash.[/I] Roderick Remus vs. [B]Bradford Peverell[/B] [I]- I like the new Peverell character.[/I] Kirk Jameson (w/ Kristen Pearce) vs. [B]Duberry Excess[/B] [I]- The Boston Duuuuuu shocks the overconfident Jameson and voila... insta-feud.[/I] CWB DEBUT! [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Thomas "Trademark" Morgan [I]- Debut = the win.[/I] [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] vs. Ben Williams [I]- Ben bumps n' bumps and DWN wows the fans.[/I]
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I QUIT MATCH for the BOSTON HVWYT TITLE: [B]The Masked Patriot (c)[/B] vs. Ash Campbell [I]i think it's too early to take the belt off of bulldozer, although it does make sense storyline-wise[/I] Brady Prince vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [I]primus needs to remain strong......a little outside interference most likely[/I] Roderick Remus vs. [B]Bradford Peverell[/B] [I]KO.....nuff said[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson (w/ Kristen Pearce)[/B] vs. Duberry Excess [I]hometown boy is going down. kirk has a lot of upside in the future and a big win here would help out.[/I] CWB DEBUT! [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Thomas "Trademark" Morgan [I]grayson will bitch if he doesn't win.[/I] [B]Davis Wayne Newton [/B]vs. Ben Williams [I]DWN is too good not to win here.[/I]
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I QUIT MATCH for the BOSTON HVWYT TITLE: [B]The Masked Patriot (c)[/B] vs. Ash Campbell - the champ retains. Ash is not worth any form of title... Brady Prince vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] - The heels need a win, and Allen is a beast Roderick Remus vs. [B]Bradford Peverell[/B] - Worship at the altar of the Pev [B]Kirk Jameson [/B](w/ Kristen Pearce) vs. Duberry Excess - Kirk is awesome. Kristen is awesome. Doob is... well, it's a KK win CWB DEBUT! [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Thomas "Trademark" Morgan - Two CV stars in one match. Morgan is great, if he's on form. Grayson is a fab pick up for a small fed, though. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] vs. Ben Williams - Triple Threat vs. Bump Machine? Only a Williams win if you've got something up your sleeve.
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