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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling: DaVE's not here

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/PSW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling: DaVE’s Not Here[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [I][B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Episode One [SIZE="3"]Flashing Mitch Naess[/SIZE] [/CENTER][/SIZE][/B][/I] Mitch Naess is the owner of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. It sounded more like a question and not a valid statement. I tried saying it to myself again, maybe on a second turn it would sound more natural. Mitch Naess is the owner of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Nope. Not a chance. The words still didn’t quite flow from my lips. In fact, they kind of just tripped over my teeth and fell out awkwardly on the floor. Steve Flash had called me up a few days ago and told me of Naess’ entry into the world of wrestling company ownership. He said he had heard it from Wolfie and it was the gospel truth. Me? I thought it was just the beginning of an elaborate Steve Flash rib. You'd never guess from his in-ring image, but Steve was known as the absolute clown king backstage and was a first-class prankster. Steve was also a pro at doing impressions. You name someone in the wrestling business and he could mimic them, from the voice right down to the mannerisms — Rip Chord. Eddie Peak. Bruce the Giant. Tommy Cornell. It was like you were in the same room with the greats. My cell phone rang and brought my thoughts about Mitch Naess and Steve Flash to a screeching halt. “Hello,” I said in my usual gruff manner, as if I had been interrupted. “Hey Geno,” said the excited screeching staccato voice on the other end. “Mitchell Naess, owner of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Got a little business proposition for you, buddy.” It was Flash. I was sure of it. Steve could trick the best if they weren’t on their game and I heard the whistle. Flash had a spot-on Mitchell Naess impression in his portfolio, so I knew this was the genesis of me being on the sharp end of the rib stick. I was intrigued, so I decided to play along to see where the joke was going. “Okay Mitch ..." If that [I]is[/I] your real name. "... shoot.” “I’ve heard a lot about your mind for the business,” said the faux Naess, “Phil said if I was looking for someone who could kickstart us, you’d be the one. I know you don’t have a track record, but to be honest no one with a track record wants to come here. Most people think I’m crazy.” “Well, Mitch … no offense, but you are. So what do you want?” “I want you to come up here to Pittsburgh and book for us.” Alright, Steve broke the cardinal rule of ribbing: try not to be too outrageous or you’ll expose yourself and kill the bit. The game of tag was over. Steve Flash was “it”. “C’mon Steve, enough is enough” I said. “Cut it out and stop joking.” “Um, Geno … number one, who’s Steve? And number two, I’m not joking. We need you up here.” Jesus, he’s really trying hard. Usually he gives up the goods when he's caught. Could it be? I looked down doubtfully at the caller ID just to make sure. This was no rib. It was a Pittsburgh area code. And this [I]was[/I] Mitch Naess on the other end of my phone. Great. This was it. A head booking job had been dropped into my lap by Mitch Naess. It was up to me to decide whether this was a live grenade or a golden opportunity in my crotch.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/MitchNaess.jpg[/IMG] [B][I][SIZE="4"]Episode Two[/SIZE][/I][/B] [B][I][SIZE="3"]Life’s a Mitch, then DAVE dies[/SIZE][/I][/B][/CENTER] Mitch Naess thought that lightning could not only strike twice, but it could strike the same exact spot – a pile of sawdust formerly known as the Tree of DAVE. Phil Vilbert, Lord Almighty of the dearly departed Danger and Violence Extreme, had given Mitch his holy hardcore blessing to kickstart Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Mitch thought he was keeping the spirit of DAVE alive under a different name, but to most of the DAVE faithful, Naess was just making a ghoulish low-rez photocopy of a corpse. You can’t blame the kid for trying to resuscitate it. When Mitch was the voice of DAVE, it was the greatest time of his life. He was a fan who made it behind the curtain and became a star. He gave the game something that it was truly missing – someone on the mic who knew exactly what the hell he was talking about. When Mitch was on the headset in DAVE, he spoke in a weird hybrid of a scholarly professor teaching the game of wrestling and an overexcited child being thrown into a threshing machine. But there was something about his trademark style that connected directly with the viewer. Smarks on the internet loved the guy. And the wrestlers did too. He made all of the guys in DAVE look good on camera, whether they were at the top of their game or had a few too many beers and pills the night before. This was Naess’ life, plain and simple. And it showed that he cared that much. When Vilbert’s pride and joy died, Naess was absolutely destroyed. Sure he had a few B-show offers to announce for TCW and the SWF, but his heart was in the Tri-State area. His soul was hardcore. There was no way in hell Mitch was going to accept hardcore’s defeat, much less it’s death. So the kid reached into his bank account, took out all he had and then he did the dumbest thing imaginable. He placed all of that money on the table of the roulette wheel that is the wrestling business and started up Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Yessir, Naess was bound and determined to dig up DAVE’s corpse, snip himself some DAVE DNA and make himself a DAVE clone. Unfortunately for Mitch, this grave had already been raided of most of the vital parts. Nemesis left, taking with him DAVE’s brain. Acid and Eric Tyler took the heart. Eddie Peak left with the guts to TCW. Art Reed went off to Japan with a few vitals of his own. Oh Mitch tried his best. He stayed on the phone for months after DAVE’s death. With Phil’s blessing, Mitch thought the guys would surely continue worshipping at the hardcore altar. But instead of a steady stream of “yeses”, all he got were a depressing flood of “nos”. The negative answers were varied. They wanted guaranteed money or new challenges. Mitch wreaked both of been there, done that and smelled like a man without the scratch. Sure, some of the old DAVE guys signed on. But they were either too young or too old to have the power to sink Mitch’s banner into the hard Tri-State earth. He needed a right-hand. An extra brain to figure out another way. He needed what Phil had: Nemesis. But Nemesis was retired. Burned out on the business. Mitch had already begged and pleaded and cried. The answer was a no. The man known to most wrestling fans as the star-hooded Dr. Classic was Mitch's last chance. Surely Eugene "Geno" McGrath, the man under that hood, could accentuate the positives and hide the negatives that were PSW. McGrath had a mind for the business, vouched for by Phil Vilbert himself. That alone signified to Mitch that McGrath held all the keys. It didn’t matter if those keys fit the Pittsburgh Steel ignition, Naess was willing to try them all until his creation had roared to life. It was absolutely necessary to get McGrath to hold the his PSW book, to be [I]his[/I] "Nemesis". And Mitch was ready to do anything or say anything to make that happen.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;457884]Looking very good so far. And I'd like to say, best dynasty title ever. I'll be reading along with this one closely, good luck.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the kind words, SHaynes23. I was hoping someone would get the reference. [QUOTE=Nedew;457906]Great start, and I absolutely love some of those metaphors. Keep it up.[/QUOTE] Again, thank you. I can't wait to get to the booking. But there's just a little more backstory first.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B][I]Episode Three[/I][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B][I]What’s in Your Icebox, Dr. Classic?[/I][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Mitch Naess sat in the little hole in the wall that is his office and took a long extended look at me. I wasn’t the least bit nervous, but Mitch’s chair was literally vibrating. I thought it might be from the two cans of Red Bull and the six cups of coffee he was known to have consumed before lunch. He was a caffeine junkie, so much so, that the guys in the back thought he was snorting coke. Of course, it was completely untrue. At the time of our meeting, I had no idea [I]he [/I] was the one who was as nervous as hell. “Holy ****, Geno! It’s a damn honor to be in the same room with ya,” Mitch began in that screeching rapid-fire delivery that had made him a cult hero and had fueled the initial coke rumors. He then reached over the table and clasped my outstretched hand and shook it with the force of a California aftershock. According to most of the boys who worked with him, Mitch could be an overzealous fanboy at times, but he wasn’t stupid. Mitch knew he couldn’t run PSW all alone. He saw how running DAVE wore on his mentor, Phil Vilbert. It’s well known that Phil was a first-class control freak. Everything had to be done his way and by him. He didn’t trust anyone completely with his DAVE. Day after day Phil would stumble in during the last gasps of DAVE, worn out and frazzled on just a few minutes sleep. His eyes were not sockets, but two burned out holes. His posture was fatigued and as stooped as Atlas. Despite his god-like aura on camera, Phil was human and that do-everything alone attitude eventually snuffed out the fire inside of him and with it, his will to keep DAVE alive. Mitch was determined not to let this happen to his PSW. He knew his forte was announcing and accounting, so that’s what he’d stick to. Naess was incapable of holding the book. Everyone knew it. He wanted to have fun and be one of the boys. You can’t do that as a booker. There are tough decisions to be made on a daily basis; you can’t be everybody’s friend. A fanboy booker destroys a locker room from the inside, quickly and efficiently. That’s where I came in. I wasn’t a fanboy. Far from it. I had grown up backstage in the wrestling business. My father was the legendary Bobcat McGrath and I been a wrestler since the age of 16. I’m only 30, but I’ve bounced from one regional to another. I’ve got quite a little cult following, but not by my given name of Eugene McGrath. No, my dad thought he’d save me the McGrath comparisons and put me under a hood. It was damn hot under that mask during the Dallas summers, but you get used to it. In truth, I’ve been eternally greatful to my father for masking me. I’ll spare you the gory details of what famous wrestler’s kids go through when they break into the business. Let’s just say it ain’t pleasant and that I love my Dad for sparing me from having to bear that cross. Dad called me Dr. Classic. As in I was likely to turn in a classic match with surgical precision every night. And thanks to my Dad’s foresight, that hood was my ticket to having an everyday normal career. Or at least as normal as a wrestling career could get. Don’t get me wrong, I like my life in the ring, but I love the behind-the-curtain stuff more. Even as a kid in Dallas, Texas, I was at my happiest when I took apart things and saw how they worked. I did it so often, that pretty soon, I could just see how to fix anything – even on a wrestling show. And if it couldn’t be fixed, I knew exactly how to hide a weakness so that an average someone wouldn’t notice. Phil found that out on the only car ride we shared a few years back. We were headed to Atlanta when … “Geno? Geno?!” Mitch hollered. Mitch was snapping in front of my face in midair and had brought my inner monologue to a crashing stop. I guess he was attempting to bring me back to what he probably thought was a first-class, flashy PSW pitch. “Yeah? And?” “Like I said, most everyone’s on board,” Mitch said with absolute delight. “You can’t pass this up.” “Bull****,” I replied. “If the terms aren’t right … watch me, Mitch.” “No really! You can’t pass this roster up!” “Who’s on board then, Mitch? Eddie?” “Yeah.” “Eric?” “Absolutely! He’s the heart of DAVE!” “What about Art?” “He wouldn’t miss it!” “And Acid?” “Front and center and flying into living rooms in a grey cloud of smoke, Geno!” “You don’t have a TV deal, Mitch.” “With our DAVE pedigree we’ll get one within a year, I guarantee it! C’mon! We need you, Gene! Take the book! Take it!” Something wasn’t quite right. He was pressing me like a used car salesman at the end of a very bad month of sales. My horse**** detector was dancing off the charts. In fact, I was up to my neck in it and I could smell it. I paused, and without a word, stared him right in his eyes for what had to be at least a full minute. “I’ll guarantee you a small portion of the gate in addition to your salary.” He’d lost his natural mind. No promoter gives up a cut of the gate unless he’s desperate. I felt he was lying to me about the roster and the prospects of having a TV deal. I knew what was in my lap now. It was a live f*****’ grenade. I wanted to run, but at the same time, I also knew what was in my refrigerator and in my bank account. I needed to eat, so I needed this job. So what’s a man to do? The answer? Fall on that damn grenade. “Okay,” I said reluctantly. “You got yourself a booker.” “Great. We’ll set up a meeting with the boys to announce your hire. You won’t regret this, Geno!” Yeah, I would. Because later I found out that my fridge and PSW shared a few things in common: 1) Both were in need of repair 2) Both its contents were around during the Reagan Administration And 3) there was absolutely no “lettuce” inside.
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[QUOTE=McShamrock;457783] [B][I][SIZE="3"]Life’s a Mitch, then DAVE dies[/SIZE][/I][/B][/QUOTE] FOr this alone you deserve Diary of the Month :D Very interesting start. Not got hooked into any PSW diaries yet, but this one seems to have a lot of promise. And really, who can't love a guy called Dr. Classic?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/liberty.jpg[/IMG] [B][I][SIZE="5"]Episode Four[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Ellis Island South[/SIZE][/I][/B][/CENTER] My first glimpse of the Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling locker room didn’t cover me in goosebumps; it made me break out in hives. Upon reaching the door’s threshold, I was greeted by the stench of cigar smoke, urine and the most gruesome sight a man could witness – Tank Bradley in a dog collar and a speedo. This was not a glorious start to my booking career. Mitch had promised me a gold mine of talent, but instead of feeling like a wealthy booker I just I felt like the Statue of Liberty. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses … the line in the poem about the wretched refuse and homeless would especially apply to most of this bunch. Another quick scan of the place yielded mostly bad revelations. None of which I care to relive. But since this is a diary, I'll indulge the reader. This was the last PSW show before I took over and my suspicions were correct, Mitch was lying his a** off. Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler, Art Reed and Acid were nowhere to be found. My mind was racing. For once I was overwhelmed. There was too much to fix, too much stuff to take apart. Suddenly, the cigar smoke got thicker and smellier. Almost as if it’s source was stalking me and getting closer by the second. Before I knew it, the smell was on top of me. I was lifted off of my feet and swung around like a small child. “Ha! If it ain’t Bobcat McGrath’s boy,” a voice boomed in my ear. “I thought you wore that hood in yer sleep, kiddo!” I was spun around wildly. Face-to-face with nothing but paint and sideburns and a smoky cackle I knew quite well. The Wolverine. My Dad had wrestled Wolfie back in the 90’s and the two were friends. If anyone could give me the lowdown on this joint, Wolf was my guy. “How’s the old man, kid?” “Great. He’s good … so what’s the story on this place, Wolfie?” “Well, Parker and J.D. are good hands, kiddo. Bad news though, word on the street is that Parker’s not long for this place. Eisen's camp is callin’ him daily. Braun’s good for a few more matches. I think. Tank’s a pile of elephant dung. You got yours truly. And then ya got the wreck of anatomy that’s Johnny Martin. In other words, welcome to bookin’ hell, son.” Wolfie went on for a bit, and from the old vet’s analysis, with the exception of Steven Parker, my upper card was for s***. And Parker was likely gone in months, if I didn’t do something drastic. I watched the post-Christmas show and I got physically sick throughout. Our roster wasn’t ready for TV at all. Radio was the proper medium for us. Maybe Pepto Bismol could be our sponsor. They'd sell a ton of product. "How'd we do, Mr. McGrath?" Ash Campbell asked me enthusiastically after the show. I smiled and nodded generically. No reason to break the kid's spirit, or have his dad Nemesis, one of the game's legit tough guys, break my face. I knew I had a lot of work to do. After everyone filed out of the arena, I went to a quiet food joint, ordered coffee and I began to scrawl notes in my legal pad. I wasn’t happy with what I saw looking back at me: [I]Current Main Event as of 12/28/07 Johnny Martin Alex Braun JD Morgan The Wolverine[/I] This was going to have to change. And fast. They’re all good guys to have but we needed some fresh parts. We can’t be a can of DAVE Lite. We’re less than a month out from PSW Genesis 2008 at The Ministry and we need some help. I whipped out my cell phone and made the first of what would be many moves. The first sentence out of the phone’s receiver was at least a bandage for one of PSW’s many gaping wounds. “Steve Flash here and I’m all yours.”
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Thanks to all for your encouragement. This game is addictive, ain't it? It's a ton of fun to get to know characters and flesh them out. There's so many great minds and diaries on here. And the titles? I thought I was leaning on the punny with them so I broke it up with Episode Three. Episode Three was initially titled "Naess to Finally Meet You, Doc" ... boy I'm glad I went with the Icebox title. :p [QUOTE=foolinc;457990]Great start and good luck. From the games I've played, you are going to need it. NYCW is a totally beast in 2008 and FCW, while no where as sick as NYCW, is still a force to recon with.[/QUOTE] Yeah, the practice runs I've had with other feds, I've always noticed that NYCW sells out The Ministry most of the time and has some pretty hot matches. They're going to be tough to crack.
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[SIZE="4"][B]Diary Entry (1/21/08):[/B][/SIZE] [I]I signed Steve Flash to help with our youngsters and to give Parker that extra shove. The guy's a beast at showing kids the right way to work. We'll just run him down the line with Ash Campbell and the rest. I was a big fan of the Super Junior movement, so I also made the first signing of what I hope are a few more of that style: Jacob Jett. I'm crossing my fingers his new gimmick will fly with the Pittsburgh faithful. We're shooting to be a little more diversified than DAVE was in the past. Hopefully that'll help us avoid our demise. Went out and inked a guy I know Pittsburgh fans will love. Jack Marlowe. He's tough, he's wild and he's a juice maker. Although I will admit the phone conversation and subsequent negotiation was very, very weird. More details on that later ... Alright, I made a couple of preemptive moves to keep Parker with us for awhile so that we could reap some of the benefits of our Flash card teachings. First, I hired his girlfriend Dawn Coombs. I also did something I'll never forgive myself for. I shook hands with the devil on a non-aggression pact. Yep, I'm in bed with the slut known as the SWF. Lord have mercy on my soul. Crap, Wooten Fitzpaine just touched me. Note to self, take shower immediately.[/I] [QUOTE] To: [email]voiceofsteel_naess@psw.com[/email] From: [email]booker@psw.com[/email] Mitch, I read your goals. And the message was received loud and clear. More cash in the bank and you want tough guys who can go the distance. I think you'll like what I've done with my first three moves. Booking sheet for Genesis is attached, reflecting new signings. Geno[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B][I][SIZE="6"]Booking Sheet[/SIZE][/I][/B] [SIZE="5"][B]PSW Genesis[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Jan. 26, 2008[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][SIZE="4"][B]Main Event[/B] [B]PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match![/B][/SIZE] Johnny Martin (c) vs. Jungle Jack Marlowe [SIZE="4"][B]PSW National Championship[/B][/SIZE] Steven Parker (c) vs. Steve Flash J.D. Morgan vs. Jacob Jett [SIZE="4"][B]PSW Tag Team Champions Hardcore Non-title Match[/B] The Deadly Alliance[/SIZE] [I][SIZE="3"]The Wolverine & The Punisher[/SIZE][/I] vs. [SIZE="4"]The Jersey Devils[/SIZE] [I][SIZE="3"]Alex Braun and Tank Bradley[/SIZE][/I] Teddy Powell vs. Ash Campbell [B][SIZE="4"]Dark Match[/SIZE][/B] Dr. Classic vs. Nelson Callum [/CENTER][/SIZE]
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A diary from a poster as new as you has no business being this good. My predictions for Genesis 2008: PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match! [b]Johnny Martin (c) [/b]vs. Jungle Jack Marlowe [i]Right now you need Martin's name recognition, but I wouldn't be surprised if Marlowe is going to be groomed to replace him by the end of the year.[/i] PSW National Championship [b]Steven Parker (c)[/b] vs. Steve Flash [i]Flash is going to job like the consummate professional he is. I'd be surprised if he ever holds singles gold with PSW given his age and your desire for younger stars.[/i] [b]J.D. Morgan [/b]vs. Jacob Jett [i]No reason to give up Morgan's overness and momentum on Jett this early in the game. Morgan's probably going to win via interference, setting up a Jett feud with a younger member of Morgan's stable.[/i] PSW Tag Team Champions Hardcore Non-title Match [b]The Deadly Alliance[/b] vs. The Jersey Devils [i]What's worse than pushing The Deadly Alliance? Letting Tank Bradley win a match.[/i] Teddy Powell vs. [b]Ash Campbell[/b] [i]Campbell gets the surprise win. One of the younger guys needs to win to help lend credibility to your transition to younger talent, and this is the match where it would do the least damage.[/i] [b]Dr. Classic[/b] vs. Nelson Callum [i]Bookers don't lose dark matches to guys too young to drink.[/i]
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SW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match! [b]Johnny Martin (c)[/b] vs. Jungle Jack Marlowe [i]As much as I like Jack, I can't see him winning on his debut.[/i] PSW National Championship Steven Parker (c) vs. [b]Steve Flash[/b] [i]Easiest choice ever, unless you signed a pact with SWF. Then I look stupid.[/i] [b]J.D. Morgan[/b] vs. Jacob Jett [i]Huge fan of Jett (he's from Michigan and is talented to boot!), but Morgan is still your top heel.[/i] PSW Tag Team Champions Hardcore Non-title Match [b]The Deadly Alliance[/b] vs. The Jersey Devils [i]Bit of a toss-up, but I can't stand Tank.[/i] [b]Teddy Powell[/b] vs. Ash Campbell [i]Pretty easy. Powell is more over and at the moment a better worker.[/i] Dark Match [b]Dr. Classic[/b] vs. Nelson Callum [i] From the write up I am going to assume your character is going to be more than a trainer.[/i]
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Main Event PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match! [B]Johnny Martin (c)[/B] vs. Jungle Jack Marlowe [I]Welcome to PSW Jungle Jack, you'll get a shot at the title on your debut, but it'll also be inside a steel cage. Marlowe's a great big man but as Foolinc said I can't see him winning on his debut in match of this importance.[/I] PSW National Championship Steven Parker (c) vs. [B]Steve Flash[/B] [I]Pact or not, Parkers probably going to leave at the end of his contract, what a pact means is that you'll be able to plan ahead more for his departure, rather than have the rug pulled out from underneath you. Flash is a reliable veteran, that still has it and you could do alot worse than transitioning the mid-card title on him for the forseeable future. [/I] [B]J.D. Morgan[/B] vs. Jacob Jett [I]There's something about Jett that I don't like, maybe it's the stupid hair, anyway Morgan will show him that substance wins over style[/I] PSW Tag Team Champions Hardcore Non-title Match [B]The Deadly Alliance[/B] vs. The Jersey Devils [I]I was thinking maybe the Devils would get the non title win, to make a claim towards a tag title match, but then I realised they had Tank Bradley on their team. Is there a more universally despised Cornellverse wrestler than Tank Bradley ?[/I] [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Ash Campbell [I]Campbell may develop into something, but for now he's a glorified job boy[/I] Dark Match [B]Dr. Classic[/B] vs. Nelson Callum [I]Can't see you jobbing yourself out to someone of Callums current standing[/I]
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Main Event PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match! [B]Johnny Martin (c)[/B] vs. Jungle Jack Marlowe [I]I love Jungle Jack. I really do. But it's something about the embodiment of Hardcore in Martin, that I can't see him losing.[/I] PSW National Championship Steven Parker (c) vs. [B]Steve Flash[/B] [I]Parker leaves. Flash doesn't.[/I] [B]J.D. Morgan[/B] vs. Jacob Jett [I]Morgan will stretch Jacob across the Atlantic.[/I] PSW Tag Team Champions Hardcore Non-title Match [B]The Deadly Alliance[/B] vs. The Jersey Devils [I]I love Braun. I hate Bradley. So. Hates outweight the loves, so Wolvy and Punisher win.[/I] [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Ash Campbell [I]Teddy needs to be over.[/I] Dark Match Dr. Classic vs. [B]Nelson Callum [/B] [I]Dark horse pick.[/I]
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Main Event PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match! Johnny Martin (c) vs. [B]Jungle Jack Marlowe[/B] PSW National Championship [B]Steven Parker (c)[/B] vs. Steve Flash J.D. Morgan vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] PSW Tag Team Champions Hardcore Non-title Match The Deadly Alliance The Wolverine & The Punisher vs. [B]The Jersey Devils[/B] Alex Braun and Tank Bradley [B]Teddy Powell [/B]vs. Ash Campbell Dark Match Dr. Classic vs. [B]Nelson Callum[/B]
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Main Event PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match! [B]Johnny Martin (c)[/B] vs. Jungle Jack Marlowe PSW National Championship Steven Parker (c) vs. [B]Steve Flash[/B] [B]J.D. Morgan[/B] vs. Jacob Jett PSW Tag Team Champions Hardcore Non-title Match [B]The Deadly Alliance The Wolverine & The Punisher[/B] vs. The Jersey Devils Alex Braun and Tank Bradley [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Ash Campbell Dark Match [B]Dr. Classic[/B] vs. Nelson Callum
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Main Event PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match! [B]Johnny Martin (c)[/B] vs. Jungle Jack Marlowe PSW National Championship [B]Steven Parker (c)[/B] vs. Steve Flash [B]J.D. Morgan[/B] vs. Jacob Jett PSW Tag Team Champions Hardcore Non-title Match The Deadly Alliance [B]The Wolverine & The Punisher[/B] vs. The Jersey Devils Alex Braun and Tank Bradley [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Ash Campbell Dark Match [B]Dr. Classic[/B] vs. Nelson Callum
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No pressure, but you've got a lot to live up to with this show :p Main Event PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match! Johnny Martin (c) vs. [B]Jungle Jack Marlowe[/B] [I]Swift title changes all across the board I reckon, make PSW "yours".[/I] PSW National Championship Steven Parker (c) vs. [B]Steve Flash[/B] [I]Same again here, especially as Flash can carry any and every challenger to a decent match.[/I] [B]J.D. Morgan[/B] vs. Jacob Jett [I]You've gotta give the old guard *some* credit right?[/I] PSW Tag Team Champions Hardcore Non-title Match The Deadly Alliance The Wolverine & The Punisher vs. [B]The Jersey Devils Alex Braun and Tank Bradley[/B] [I]If anything's stinking up your card, this is it. And you aren't even taking the titles off of the pensioners yet either!?[/I] [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Ash Campbell [I]Powell needs a push, Campbell needs to pay his dues. Perfect mix![/I] Dark Match Dr. Classic vs. [B]Nelson Callum[/B] [I]User characters never complain :D[/I]
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[QUOTE=Nedew;459006] The Deadly Alliance The Wolverine & The Punisher vs. [B]The Jersey Devils Alex Braun and Tank Bradley[/B] [I]If anything's stinking up your card, this is it. And you aren't even taking the titles off of the pensioners yet either!?[/I][/QUOTE] If anything, this match is going to be one of the strongest on the card. The Wolverine and The Punisher seem to be able to overcome their lack of ability with a surprising amount of popularity for a regional promotion. For now, at least, they'll produce better matches than any other team on the roster. The question is whether or not their big paychecks will be worth it.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;459025]If anything, this match is going to be one of the strongest on the card. The Wolverine and The Punisher seem to be able to overcome their lack of ability with a surprising amount of popularity for a regional promotion. For now, at least, they'll produce better matches than any other team on the roster. The question is whether or not their big paychecks will be worth it.[/QUOTE] Really? Whenever i've played PSW, it's always been The Deadly Alliance knackered after anything over 5 minutes, and all their wheezing and spluttering is usually for nowt when it's all for a grand total of E+, and that's if you're lucky. Perhaps I just book(ed) them wrong?
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[QUOTE=Nedew;459195]Really? Whenever i've played PSW, it's always been The Deadly Alliance knackered after anything over 5 minutes, and all their wheezing and spluttering is usually for nowt when it's all for a grand total of E+, and that's if you're lucky. Perhaps I just book(ed) them wrong?[/QUOTE] We might have different standards. Whenever I tried to book PSW I considered a D to be a major triumph.
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