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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling: DaVE's not here

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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;459263]We might have different standards. Whenever I tried to book PSW I considered a D to be a major triumph.[/QUOTE] At the start of the promotion, a D is pretty much the standard of wrestling you can expect. Though, I've seen Teddy Powell and Frankie deliver a C-.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/Genesis.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]PSW Genesis 2008[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Jan. 26, 2008 at The Ministry Expected Attendance: 600 Actual Attendance: 689[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]Pre-Show Objective:[/B] This show is what I call the junior high show. Lots of touching and feeling … out. Nothing is set in stone and I wanna see what I can get away with and who’s willing to come to work with their proverbial hard hats on before I start booking angles. Good crowd. More than we projected, they’re vocal as hell and they’ve even started buying some PSW stuff. Awesome start. Good building block. [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Dark Match Dr. Classic vs. Nelson Callum (Classic defeats Callum via submission)[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Booker’s Notes: I wanted to put Nelson through the paces, really tie the kid to the rack and strech him out a bit. The result? Not bad. He passed most of the checkpoints with flying colored flags. He’s not very tough. He was screaming like a chick at a slasher flick when I locked on the Classic Finish (a modified Cobra Clutch) and put some mustard behind it. [B]Worker Verdict:[/B] It was fun knocking off some ring rust. Jury is still out on Callum. [B]Segment Grade:[/B] D- [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Teddy Powell vs. Ash Campbell (Powell wins by pinfall after interference by manager Nicole Kiss)[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B]Booker’s Notes:[/B] Jesus, I somehow I expected better. Maybe a solid D or D-. No wonder the TCW passed on Powell. The little whiny, jealous bastard bitches about Sammy Bach hitting the big time, then turns in a stinker like this when he’s the senior member in the ring? No excuse for this. None. [B]Worker Verdict:[/B] Another in-ring blow job like this and I might be chopping Powell up and Fed-Ex’ing half of him to Rich Eisen. The other half I send to Naess. Ash needed to learn something and he got nothing out of Powell. We’ll keep working him out in the coal mines of the lower midcard to see if we can squeeze a diamond out of his a**. Ash goes to someone who will actually teach him something other than how to be a loathesome collector of sour grapes. [B]Segment Grade:[/B] E+ [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]PSW Tag Team Champions Non-title Match The Deadly Alliance (c) The Wolverine & The Punisher vs. The Jersey Devils Alex Braun & Tank Bradley (Devils win/Braun pins the Punisher)[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B]Booker Notes:[/B] What in the hell is wrong with me?! I shouldn’t have given the Devils the win, but Alex bitched and moaned and I caved. Wolfie didn’t care, he’s a classy guy and Big Pun just grunted. Trust me, I won’t give Bradley another win. Bradley blew up about four minutes in and I threw up a little after that. Everything else was bloody and a fun little match. Thank god I kept this one under 10 minutes. [B]Worker Verdict: [/B]Wolfie, Pun and Alex picked up the slack and carried the match to its rating – which was better than I could have hoped for. I'm sure they won't have to workout for a week after carrying that heavy sack of s***. Begin “Operation: Break and Blaze” as in “break” up the Devils and set Bradley’s contract in a-“blaze”. [B]Grade:[/B] D [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]The Future of Wrestling: Steven Parker Interview[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Steven “The Future” Parker stands in front of a hostile Pittsburgh crowd and is flanked by Nicole Kiss. “Steve Flash … is a law breaker.” A group of fans in the front row, all of whom are wearing yellow and black Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling hard hats, grab their crotches and chant, “Here’s your Future!” as Parker continues. “Steve Flash is a fraud. He’s drawing social security, yet here he is … wrestling and working when he should be retired.” The smark helmeted blue-collar group leads interchanging chants of “He’s from Canada!” and “You’re a moron!”. “Flash, you are old. You are a broken down grey mare. You are the past. Me? I’m the Future. Tonight, with two Untouchables tied behind my back, I take you to the glue factory.” Parker walks off to a chorus of boos and down the isle. [B]Booker Notes:[/B] Not bad. Not good either. But we had to get this kid some mic time. The line about U.S. Social Security was a stupid one to make in front of this educated crowd. Gotta talk to him about that. [B]Grade:[/B] E+ [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]J.D Morgan vs. Jacob Jett (Morgan wins via Teddy Powell interference)[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [B]Booker Notes:[/B] J.D. kicked ass and made a F-grade clusterfrick cheap finish look like passing grade. And I’ll be damned if Double J didn’t learn something too. The real relaxer was when the crowd reacted well to Jett’s wigger rap-poser gimmick. [B]Worker Verdict:[/B] Okay match for what it was: a way to segue Jett into a Teddy Powell feud. If I don’t cut line on Powell first. Really, is Sammy available yet? I can’t believe I just said that. Kill me now. [B]Grade:[/B] D+ [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]PSW National Title Steven Parker (w/Nicole Kiss) vs. Steve Flash (Parker wins via pinfall when he hits Flash with a roll of quarters)[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B]Booker Notes:[/B] I looove Steve Flash. He makes anyone look like a million bucks. But Parker really brought the goods and learned a little something out there. Good thing Parker is with us until TCW gets a clue or his 15 month contract runs out. [B]Worker Verdict:[/B] The two Steves are gold. Gotta prime Parker for a PSW title run before he hits the yellow brick road. [B]Grade:[/B] C- [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]PSW Championship Title Escape Cage Match Johnny Martin vs. Jungle Jack Marlowe (Martin wins when he escapes out the door) [/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [B]Booker Notes:[/B] What a freaking Bloodletting. For our size and the talent involved, this was a helluva match. Big moves. Johnny got busted up early in and sold like a MFer. Jack followed on a Johnny comeback and the race was on! Both guys were giving everything they had ... or at least as much as Johnny's body could give. Can’t say enough good about this match. They left body parts out there. [B]Worker Verdict:[/B] Jack’s at or near the top of my card. And I hope that wasn’t Johnny’s last good match. Johnny’s best days are behind him, but lucky for us the crowd still loves him. [B]Grade:[/B] C- [B]Overall Show Rating:[/B] C- [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Genesis 2008 MVP (Most Valuable Player)[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] A tie between Steve Flash and Jungle Jack. If it wasn’t for these guys our show would have sucked tailpipe. They’re getting a bonus. I’m giving them my gate profits. What the hell, right? [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Genesis 2008 LVP (Least Valuable Player)[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Teddy Powell and Tank Bradley. Teddy was supposed to show up for me tonight and show everyone that TCW made the wrong hire. He didn't. Tank blew up and was gasping for air in a TAG match that was only eight minutes long. EIGHT MINUTES! IN A TAG MATCH!! Both of these guys have two strikes left ... hell, I might cheat and give Tank all three strikes on one pitch for what he did tonight. [B]Post-Show Booker’s verdict:[/B] The two Steves and the Jungle Jack/Martin cage match saved the show and will probably net us some more fans and some word of mouth. The Tag match wasn't as bad as I expected. More than I could have hoped for. Really. We’re off to a helluva start here. One or two more hires (and maybe a tag team to boot) and we’ll be set to take this battleship out on the seas. One things for sure. There will be some changes.
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Thanks so much for all the predictions! Hope the writing style of the show was interesting. I'm not much of a match writer, so I figured I'd just stay with the theme of the thread and keep it simple. Any suggestions or critiques are very welcome for the rook. [QUOTE=Nedew;459006]Swift title changes all across the board I reckon, make PSW "yours". Dark Match Dr. Classic vs. [B]Nelson Callum[/B] [I]User characters never complain :D[/I][/QUOTE] I wanted to. Really. I did want to make PSW mine and take the belts off everyone ... but I wanted to see what everyone would do first with what they had. And I've never been a huge fan of quick title changes just to make a splash. Now I know the deal and some of these guys are lit up with a laser pointer. [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;458638]Pact or not, Parkers probably going to leave at the end of his contract, what a pact means is that you'll be able to plan ahead more for his departure, rather than have the rug pulled out from underneath you. Flash is a reliable veteran, that still has it and you could do alot worse than transitioning the mid-card title on him for the forseeable future. [/QUOTE] I figured as much. Hiring his girl and the whole will he or won't he sign with TCW creates drama and gives me a storyline I can write about. The pact was done so I could keep him long enough to have some fun without having to go out and grow a prospect from scratch. [QUOTE=shamelessposer;459025]If anything, this match is going to be one of the strongest on the card. The Wolverine and The Punisher seem to be able to overcome their lack of ability with a surprising amount of popularity for a regional promotion. For now, at least, they'll produce better matches than any other team on the roster. The question is whether or not their big paychecks will be worth it.[/QUOTE] LOL! Exactly. The $1400 tag on Wolfie is a bit much. But I can't transition the belts to the Devils. I loathe Bradley, but I'm a believer that everyone needs an antagonist. As for the tag ranks, The Generals are too green and I'm not a big fan of the GOB. Their look would never fly in the Tri-State in real life ... it might go silver in the old SCCW but not in PSW. I'm gonna have to make a makeshift team or go out and buy one on the open market that the fans can truly believe in. [QUOTE=shamelessposer;459263]We might have different standards. Whenever I tried to book PSW I considered a D to be a major triumph.[/QUOTE] Me too. To get a C-minus almost made me want to throw a party. Almost. If Teddy would have popped a C- instead of that stinker, I could have had a really good show for a promotion PSW's size. Oh well. What could have been...
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Even if some people like Tigerkinney are really gifted in that domain, I'm not a big fan of long match write up, so I had zero problem with your writing style. It gives a different perspective of things and personalize your story. Anyway, it's not like anyone will complain about your bitching on Tank Bradley. :D
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I may "borrow" your write up style for my next dynasty. It seems so easy to read and isn't the huge writeup style that I may or may not be able to do, but usually wears me out. About the actual dynasty, I was skeptical about a PSW so i stayed clear for a bit, but I finally caved and read, and it is great. Keep giving people some backstage personality, because that makes things fun, and look into hiring Kirk Jameson, Rhino Umaga and Freddie Datsun to replace Teddy Powell, Tank Bradley and Big Pun. Enjoying it so far. :D
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Episode Five[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Five-O[/SIZE][/CENTER][/I][/B] What a relief, the PSW Genesis show was over and it went off without a hitch. An exhale I had held in my lungs since my theme music hit the PA system in match one rushed out of my lungs and signaled a sigh of utmost relief. Thank God, the crowd didn’t dump on us. That alone is a major plus. If a Tri-State crowd turns on you, you’re like Fredo after Michael lays the kiss on him in the Godfather: Part II. You're dead in the water. Two weeks ago, New York City Wrestling sold out this dark, musty old former church building known to most wrestling fans as The Ministry. We managed 687 in the same old venue in this broken down neighborhood in Queens. Not a world beater, but for a brand new promotion I’ll take it. Later, I would find out our performance was still enough to put us No. 2 behind NYCW in the Tri-State, Mid-Atlantic and New England areas. We were ahead of Freedom, Mid-Atlantic Wrestling and Rhode Island Pro Wrestling in the race for supremacy in certian areas. That's alright, but I'll be frank, No. 2 is also just symbolic of s*** and that’s not something I want to smell like. I basked in the post-show glow and began to scribble some notes in my legal pad, but two sentences in, a big blob blotted out my light like an eclipse. “Hey boss,” the voice mumbled. Or at least I think that’s what Tank Bradley said. He had a half-eaten jelly doughnut hanging out of his mouth and a fried chicken leg in his left hand. Good lord, I thought, he’s throwing it in my face. He wants to be fired. He's practically begging for it. But before I could utter the phrase, “Tank you're fired”, Ash Campbell ran up and shot out a series of words I also could not quite make out. His mouth wasn't full, but he was talking so fast he could easily pass for Mickey Mouse on meth. I congratulated the kid, but before I could give him some words of encouragement, he was gone in the same instant. I looked around for Ash's in-ring dance partner, Teddy Powell, but I guess he cut out early. I suppose he wanted to avoid the backside chewing from me that he knew was surely inevitable. He thinks I'll forget. I won't. “Not bad for a first show, eh buddy?” Steve Flash. One of my best friends on the whole planet and the finest worker most of the country doesn’t know. It’s a shame, really. Most guys couldn’t even shine Steve’s balls with a clear conscience. We chatted for a moment about who he could put over and who he could make a star. That’s Steve. Always thinking of someone else. He was genuinely excited to be here, to contribute, and that’s what makes him special in a business full of self-serving jerks. “Hey, whaddya say we hook a couple of ring rats with some cheese and blow this joint,” a voice from behind me exclaimed. The ensuing cackle and stiff slap on my back gave it away. Even at 42, The Wolverine was still on the prowl. “Nah. I’ve got work to do tonight,” I replied. “Besides Wolfie, after all the rats you’ve been with, your d*** probably takes on the complexion of Jabba the Hut.” “Yeah Wolfman,” perked up Alex Braun from the back, “you finally earn that frequent customer card from the Pittsburgh Free Clinic yet? Or did they reject you based on your advanced age?” “Like you got room to talk, Braun. You’re so old, Anna Nicole Smith wouldn’t have dated you when she was still alive.” Even though the joke was tired, the man known as The Wolverine let out a hearty laugh, shoved a cigar in his mouth and hit the exit. I saw Johnny Martin hobbling slowly toward that same red-light sign, hoping that no one would notice his departure. "Hey John," I yelled across the locker room. "Great match." Johnny smiled and gave a thumbs up, but his face twisted into a grimmace as he gingerly walked. I knew every step was causing him pain, but inside I knew he didn't care. He wasn't here because of the money, he was here because he loved the Tri-State fans. And they loved him. Johnny could do no wrong in their jaded eyes. Sure, he could have easily done what Chris Caufield decided to do, and take some money to run to the Southeast, but much like Mitch Naess, Johnny wanted DAVE to live on in PSW. He refused to abandon the sinking ship. His drive wouldn't let him drown and kept him afloat long enough to grab onto the PSW liferaft. Too bad that same drive to please the ghost of Phil Vilbert was slowly breaking down his body systematically. After awhile, everyone else slowly filed past me, patted me on the back and made their own way out the door. The locker room was peaceful when it was empty and the silence gave me some time to think. I went over the night’s events in my mind and one-by-one I systematically took apart each match. I was almost through the main event, when I looked up and saw one of New York City’s Finest staring me in the face. “Mr. McGrath?” “Yeah.” “Officer Rosenberg from the NYPD. Could you come with me, please?” “What’s wrong, officer?” “Just come with me, sir.” My heart leapt into my throat and my stomach dropped into my sneakers as I got to my feet and followed the police officer to the exit. What in the hell could this guy possibly want? As we went into the alleyway and we rounded the corner of The Ministry, each inch we traveled caused my blood pressure to rise. When I finally saw what Officer Rosenberg wanted me to see, my eyes weren’t ready. The visual was just too traumatic. Fabulous Frank Roberts, my road agent, was handcuffed in the back of a NYPD patrol car.
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[QUOTE=McShamrock;459730] I basked in the post-show glow and began to scribble some notes in my legal pad, but two sentences in, a big blob blotted out my light like an eclipse. “Hey boss,” the voice mumbled. Or at least I think that’s what Tank Bradley said. He had a half-eaten jelly doughnut hanging out of his mouth and a fried chicken leg in his left hand. Good lord, I thought, he’s throwing it in my face. He wants to be fired. He's practically begging for it.[/QUOTE] Lmao! He is begging to be fired there. Think you've found the designated job boy . .
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[QUOTE=Mtm2k6;460791]Lmao! He is begging to be fired there. Think you've found the designated job boy . .[/QUOTE] That's a surefire way I can keep him around for comic relief. The Tank Bradley torch watch has begun. How much will be enough to send Geno McGrath/Dr. Classic over the edge. :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/MitchNaess.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][CENTER][B]Mitch Naess[/B][/CENTER][/I] [CENTER][B][I][SIZE="5"]Episode Six[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Five-O (Part Two): The Update and the Fallout[/SIZE][/I][/B][/CENTER] Sitting outside of Mitch Naess’ office at the Handsome Harley Video Store made me feel like a trouble-making, grade-school kid, who was waiting for his punishment from the principal. And also much like the cliché, I hadn’t done anything wrong. My road agent, Fabulous Frank Roberts, however, had lit up a fan with a left hook after last night’s PSW Genesis show. I wasn’t there, but according to the arresting officer and several published reports, Roberts punched the fan after a critique. Seems the fan wasn’t an admirer of Frank’s previous work in the ring. You really couldn’t blame the fan, Roberts stunk as a wrestler, so it wasn’t as much a critique as much as it was a natural fact. “Mr. Naess will see you now,” the leggy redhead secretary called out, not bothering to even get up from her desk to show me to the door. “Hey Geno,” said Mitch, as I walked in, barely looking up from his computer. An uncomfortable pause followed. Mitch broke the silence. “Um, nice show and all. It was a good start. Have you read the papers?” “Say no more. I know what you’re talking about, Mitch.” “Okay. I want him gone.” “Frank?” “Yes.” “I’ll call him and give him the news personally.” “No. I’ll do it via email. This isn’t the first time Frank has caused trouble. He doesn’t deserve the respect of a phone call.” And with that Frank Roberts was no longer an employee of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. I know what you’re thinking, but don’t feel sorry for the talentless hack, the SWF would pick Frank up rather quickly less than two weeks after the firing. I don’t know what in the hell they were thinking, a body only needs one a**hole. I guess having Big Smack Scott in your dressing room isn’t nearly enough quality backstage drama for Richard Eisen. “Is that it?” I asked our fearless leader and firer by G-Mail. “No, there are a couple of things.” “Okay then, Mitch. What are they?” “One, do you know Adam Ryland personally?” “No.” “Crap. I was hoping to find out when the 1.1 Update would be available, and if my Bert and Ernie alts would be included as an available tag team.” “What?!” “Nevermind.” “Um … O-kay Mitch … so what’s the other thing?” “Oh … we’re a little tight on cash, so I want you to wrestle full-time. And not in dark matches against our greenhorns. I want you on the card against our top guys. With you up there, NYCW doesn't stand a chance.” Great. As if my job wasn’t already interesting enough, now I've got to worry about putting on a great match myself.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Jungle Jack Marlowe[/CENTER][/B] [B][I][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Episode Seven[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Friend to You and Me … (In the Key of Lost) [/SIZE][/CENTER][/I][/B] “Me Jack Marlowe. This Jack Marlowe phone. Leave words at tone. Jack call later.” “Beep.” I had been warned beforehand by my buddy Steve Flash that Jungle Jack Marlowe was a little different. But thanks to the greeting, I was ill-prepared to leave a serious phone message. I hung up my cell phone and devised a strategy for the strange. No one really knew for sure why Jack acted the way he did. Details are sketchy, but according to the “always accurate” rumor mill, Jack had suffered a motorcycle accident in 2006 after leaving a small regional wrestling show. This story begins with Jack leaving the show in a hurry. He was supposed to meet this calendar girl for a hot date, but the s***hole of an arena didn’t have a shower. Jack only had about 15 minutes to get changed and meet this hot chick, so he didn’t get changed out of his leopard-skinned wrestling gear. The last reports have him hopping on the bike and speeding away. On down the road, allegedly Jack hit an oil slick at a high rate of speed and crashed. He was in a coma for a week. When he awoke, he saw his wrestling gear, crumpled up on the chair next to him. Much like Harrison Ford in Regarding Henry, he had no memory of prior events. Only bits and pieces were available to his damaged brain. To top it off, he spoke only in severely broken sentences – comically a lot like Tarzan or George of the Jungle. Jack was and is a physical specimen, so he bounced right back doing shows. He’s quite an imposing and scary dude in person, so no one’s asked, or made fun of him. Most vets just explain it away to the rookies as Jack living his gimmick. I had my strategy, so I dialed Jack’s phone again and this time, I left a message: “Jack? Geno McGrath here … Dr. Classic to some … I’ve been hired as the booker of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling and I thought you’d be a perfect fit for this territory. We’d really like you to come down to Pittsburgh and give us a shot.” A few days later, my phone rang. “I Jack. You Geno?” “Yes,” I replied. “Jack like Geno. Jack like PSW. Jack work?” “Sure, Jack. We’d love to have you here. Name your terms.” “Jack need fifteen-hundred plus gimmicks.” “Gimmicks? Oh! Travel?” “Jack no want travel.” “Do you want a title run?” “Jack no understand.” “Do you want a championship belt?” “Jack no want belt. Jack already have belt to hold up pants.” “Okay,” I said, flabberghasted, “what do you want?” “Jack want nannuhs.” “Nannuhs?” “Jack like nannuhs.” “Please forgive me, Jack. I’m not trying to insult you at all, but what are nannuhs?” “You not know nan-nuhs?” “No. Jack. Please explain.” There was an extended silence. I know this is absurd, but it was almost like Jack thought [B][I]I[/I][/B] was stupid. “Monkeys eat nan-nuhs,” Jack said. Finally, it clicked with me. “Bananas! I get it! Nannuhs! Yes, Jack we can have bananas for you backstage.” “Many nannuhs. Jack fight, potassium go low.” “Yes! Yes! Many nan-nuhs for Jack.” Good Grief. Now I’m starting to talk like [I][B]him[/B][/I]. “Jack take deal. Jack happy like constipated Elephant with diarrhea. Geno good booker. Jack work hard. See in first month.” Just that simple … or maybe not that simple … can something be amazingly simple yet completely complicated in the same breath? At any rate, simply complicated, I had Jungle Jack Marlowe on my roster and a bill for many “nan-nuhs” in Mitch Naess’ inbox every month. Not only would Jack give me 110 percent for his entire stay here and turn in some great hardcore matches for the bloodthirsty Tri-State fans, he would also have a hand in three of my top 10 favorite road stories of all time.
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Jungle Jack may be the greatest backstage portrait of a character since Pox's Eddie Peak backstage in his diary. Serious kudos man, I lol'd. I've always loved Jungle Jack, but that was a totally new way of looking at him, and it was hilarious!
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This is the kind of character development and storytelling I only dream about being able to do in my diaries. Kudos to an excellent job and a frontrunner for one of the best '08 Diaries out there. :D And a little grudging frustration as I had been planning a possible similiar PSW diary in the future, but after seeing how good this one is, that idea will have to get flushed. :mad::p
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You are all way too kind! Thanks so much! To be mentioned with Pox or Pox's Eddie Peak in any way, shape or form is a high complement. Jack just looked like a strange centrifuge mix of Rocky Balboa and George of the Jungle. I thought he was begging to be "aped" this way. Oh god ... that was terrible. :rolleyes: You may now retract all of your Pox comparisons en masse. :p
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[SIZE="5"][B]PSW Booker’s Diary Entry 2/14/08:[/B][/SIZE] Made three more big pickups today. Got Daniel Elderberry and David Bonham to come in and spice up our tag ranks. Most people saw them in the SWF as The Dirty White Boys: Grease Hogg and Lead Belly. Yeah, never liked those names much, either. I felt it sunk them like a lead balloon during their run in the SWF. As many stars as Richard Eisen has made, he’s sunk just as many others when he saddles them with names like that. The SWF owns the rights to Grease Hogg and Lead Belly, anyway, so we’re repackaging them as the slicker, deadlier, more realistic Black Label Brotherhood of Chains Bonham and Bloody Dan Elderberry. Just like Jungle Jack Marlowe, the Tri-State fans will go apes**** for these two outlaw biker types. Mitch doesn’t do too much homework, and I’m a busy guy, so I need all the help I can get. I got this tip from a fan outside the arena at Genesis. He told me about this kid, Kirk Jameson. I contacted the kid and Kirk was not only cheap but he was good -- two things you almost never get together in professional wrestling. That fan knows his stuff. If he shows at PSW Heart Attack on Feb. 23rd, I’m giving him free admission into the show. As for our plans for Kirk? We’re gonna throw him in there with Ash Campbell as a tag team see if he can swim. Now this is just in my head, but two good looking kids with some skills? Maybe we’ll attract a lot of Tri-City females to the shows and get some back and forth tag “express” action for the guys out of the deal. (Yeah, yeah so I broke CornellVerse kayfabe with a real-world reference. That’s strike two on me. Maybe I’ll get lucky and pick up strike three soon. That way I’ll get pinkslipped and never have to watch another Tank Bradley match again.) As for me? I’m gonna be wrestling Jungle Jack in a Steel City Death Match as my famed masked character Dr. Classic. I think I’ll wear my white mask with the black stars. It really shows off the juice well. See ya later, little black book that I won’t refer to as a diary. ‘Cause that wouldn’t be manly and all … [QUOTE] To: [email]voiceofsteel_naess@psw.com[/email] From: [email]booker@psw.com[/email] Subject: Lineup for Heart Attack 2008 Hey Mitch, Picked up artists formally known as The Dirty White Boys for a song. Watch the Kirk Jameson kid close and give me your verdict. Be sure to purchase a s***-load of nan … I mean bananas and have them in a bowl backstage. Don’t ask, just do it. I’ll explain later. The PSW Heart Attack 2008 card is attached below. Let the storylines begin! Geno [/QUOTE]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]PSW Heart Attack 2008[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]February 23, 2008 at The Steel City Pavilion in Pittsburgh, Pa.[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Main Event PSW Dual Title Match[/B] Johnny Martin [I]PSW Heavyweight Champion[/I] vs. “The Future” Steven Parker [I]PSW National Champion[/I] [B]No. 1 Contender Steel City Death Match[/B] Jungle Jack Marlowe vs. Dr. Classic [B]One-on-One Matchup[/B] J.D. Morgan vs. Steve Flash [B]Grudge Match[/B] Jacob Jett vs. Teddy Powell [B]PSW Tag Team Championship[/B] The Deadly Alliance [SIZE="3"](The Wolverine & The Punisher)[/SIZE] [I]PSW Tag Team Champions[/I] vs. The Jersey Devils [SIZE="3"](Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)[/SIZE] [B]Tag Team Debut![/B] The Black Label Brotherhood [SIZE="3"]( David “Chains” Bonham & “Bloody” Dan Elderberry)[/SIZE] vs. The Good Ol’ Boys [SIZE="3"]Thimbleby Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine[/SIZE] [B]Tag Team Debut II![/B] Kirk Jameson & Ash Campbell vs. The Ring Generals [SIZE="3"]“Marvelous” Marv Statler & “Deadly” Dean Waldorf[/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Also ...[/B] The Right Reverend Frankie Future vs. Little Bill Lebowski[/CENTER][/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=McShamrock;461251] Jack just looked like a strange centrifuge mix of Rocky Balboa and George of the Jungle. [/QUOTE] Wasn't there a scene in Rocky II where he is supposed to be filming a commercial and they realize that he's too stupid to portray an ape-man? Maybe a nana would've done the trick.:D Kudos on the characterization. Add another to the canon. :)
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[B]Johnny Martin[/B] vs. Steven Parker [I]The face of Hardcore PSW. No doubts about it.[/I] [B]Jack Marlowe[/B] vs. Dr. Classic [I]Jack like win. Jack make Classic juice. Delicious Juice.[/I] [B] J.D Morgan[/B] vs. Steve Flash [I]A brilliant technical matchup. Morgan gets the nod.[/I] [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Teddy Powell [I]You're not too up on Powell.[/I] [B]The Deadly Alliance[/B] vs. The Jersey Devils [I]Like that's a question.[/I] [B]The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] vs. The Good Ol' Boys [I]Debut Always Win[/I] Kirk Jameson & Ash Campbell vs. [B]The Ring Generals[/B] [I]Except when against established teams.[/I] [B]Frankie Future[/B] vs. Little Bill Lebowski [I]More like Frankie Back To The Future.[/I]
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[B]Johnny Martin[/B] vs. Steven Parker [I]Parker could take it, but I can't see Johnny losing it just yet, and I don't know Steven's contract is up. Also, if you don't want to lose him to TCW, why not sign a working agreement with them? Classic oculd always justify it as covering his ass[/I] [B]Jack Marlowe[/B] vs. Dr. Classic [I]Good though I have no doubt Classic is, Marlowe is quite possibly the next PSW champion.[/I] J.D Morgan vs. [B]Steve Flash[/B] [I]Flash is better than Morgan, and has the popularity to win plausibly[/I] [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Teddy Powell [I]I'm not sure how well The Super Junior style fits in PSW< but Jett is a much better wrestler and hasn't p*ssed you off[/I] [B]The Deadly Alliance[/B] vs. The Jersey Devils [I]They cost a lot, but they're good, and again haven't p*ssed you off[/I] [B]The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] vs. The Good Ol' Boys [I]Whilst I don't know what to think of their new names (Elderberry for one is a dem silly surname), The BLB are a perfect fit for PSW. Chains in particular could be very good for you down the line[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson & Ash Campbell[/B] vs. The Ring Generals [I]Barring bad chemistry, this could be an interesting team, the old opposities attract thing (Cmabell as the excitable high flier, Jameson as the sensible mat wrestler). Plus, Jameson can train up The Ring genrals whilst they're still young[/I] Frankie Future vs. [B]Little Bill Lebowski[/B] [I]Much as I liek Frankie (when he's being Honest, at any rate), Little Bill is actually better all round[/I]
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Main Event PSW Dual Title Match [B]Johnny Martin[/B] PSW Heavyweight Champion vs. “The Future” Steven Parker PSW National Champion [I]Unification? Or Parker's been snapped up by a bigger fed?[/I] No. 1 Contender Steel City Death Match [B]Jungle Jack Marlowe[/B] vs. Dr. Classic [I]No way you're putting yourself over after a segment like that[/I] One-on-One Matchup J.D. Morgan vs. [B]Steve Flash[/B] [I]Battle of the olden goldies - and Flash edges that as he has a mullet. What?[/I] Grudge Match [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Teddy Powell [I]Word of advice, Teddy - don't bring a name like that to a man's business.[/I] PSW Tag Team Championship [B]The Deadly Alliance[/B] (The Wolverine & The Punisher) PSW Tag Team Champions vs. The Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley) [B]No way the Devils win this, surely[/B] Tag Team Debut! [B]The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] ( David “Chains” Bonham & “Bloody” Dan Elderberry) vs. The Good Ol’ Boys Thimbleby Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine [I]Damn you - I'm going to have to hire these guys now[/I] Tag Team Debut II! Kirk Jameson & Ash Campbell vs. [B]The Ring Generals[/B] “Marvelous” Marv Statler & “Deadly” Dean Waldorf [I]Because Ash is hash - how someone like Nemesis could have fathered something like that is beyond me[/I] Also ... [B]The Right Reverend Frankie Future[/B] vs. Little Bill Lebowski [I]LBL never wins - and I'm a sucker for a decent holy man character[/I]
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[B]Johnny Martin[/B] vs. “The Future” Steven Parker for the PSW National Champion [B]Jungle Jack Marlowe[/B] vs. Dr. Classic [B]J.D. Morgan[/B] vs. Steve Flash [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Teddy Powell The Deadly Alliance (The Wolverine & The Punisher) vs. [B]The Jersey Devils[/B] (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley) [B]The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] (David “Chains” Bonham & “Bloody” Dan Elderberry) vs. The Good Ol’ Boys (Thimbleby Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine) Kirk Jameson & Ash Campbell vs. [B]The Ring Generals (“Marvelous” Marv Statler & “Deadly” Dean Waldorf)[/B] [B]The Right Reverend Frankie Future[/B] vs. Little Bill Lebowski
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