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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling: DaVE's not here

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Just caught up with this diary and iMark. Can't wait to see who the mystery man is. Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Presents Summer of Violence May 31, 2008 At the Steel City Pavilion Three Main Event Quality Matches! Steel City Street Fight Johnny Martin vs. [B]The Mystery Man[/B] PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match Escape [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. Dr. Classic PSW National Heavyweight Championship [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] vs. Steve Flash PSW Tag Team Championship [B]The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] vs. The Good Ol' Boys Hardcore vs. The Church of The Force First Blood Match [B]Alex Braun[/B] vs. Reverend Frankie Future Teddy Powell vs. [B]Burning Exile[/B] J.D. Morgan vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] Plus Dark Matches ... [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Brimstone and [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Tank Bradley [I] COME ON SAYEED ALI YOU CAN DO IT MY SON[/I] Yeah...i kinda mark for Ali
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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Presents Summer of Violence May 31, 2008 At the Steel City Pavilion Three Main Event Quality Matches! Steel City Street Fight Johnny Martin vs. [B]The Mystery Man[/B] PSW Heavyweight Championship Cage Match Escape [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. Dr. Classic PSW National Heavyweight Championship Steven "The Future" Parker vs. [B]Steve Flash[/B] PSW Tag Team Championship [B]The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] vs. The Good Ol' Boys Hardcore vs. The Church of The Force First Blood Match [B]Alex Braun[/B] vs. Reverend Frankie Future [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Burning Exile J.D. Morgan vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] Plus Dark Matches ... [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Brimstone and [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Tank Bradley
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/SoV.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=5]Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Presents[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=5]Summer of Violence[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]May 31, 2008[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]At the Steel City Pavilion[/SIZE][/B] [B]Attendance: [/B]599 [/CENTER] [B]Preshow Booker’s Notes: [/B]This is it. The show we’ve been waiting for. Our house attendance is back up and we’re ready for the pitch. It better be a homer, because we sure could use the runs. As for the mystery guest of honor? Well, it was a chore getting him into the building. We had to sneak him into the building in the trunk of my car about 10 hours before the show was to begin. I ushered him upstairs, got him some food and he’s been there ever since. We can’t take any chances that anyone sees him before it’s time, so there he’ll stay. When he walks down through the locker room and then out the curtain, the place – both fans and workers – is going to crap a solid gold brick encrusted with diamonds. No one, and I mean no one has seen any of this coming. If they did, they have got to be one of the most observant people alive. [CENTER][I][B][SIZE=4]Dark Matches ...[/SIZE][/B][/I] [B][SIZE=4]Primus Allen vs. Brimstone[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [B]Booker’s Notes:[/B] This Match was only good for one reason: to get Primus Allen over as a legit badass. There was nothing else to take from it other than that. I’ve got huge plans for Allen, he’s an absolute beast and he’s young. As soon as we book some momentum, he’s gonna be a draw. [B]Primus Allen def. Brimstone with a running powerslam (4:19)[/B] [CENTER][B]Match Rating:[/B] [SIZE=4]F[/SIZE] [B][SIZE=4]Sayeed Ali vs.Tank Bradley[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [B]Booker’s Notes: [/B]The Job Tank Out the Door Tour continues. I love Sayeed, he’s just one of those guys that seems like he can have his way with the PSW crowd. He’s a legit street-made, pipe-hittin’ tough guy, who loves to bleed and make others bleed, and PSW fans love that. He also beat the living dog crap out of Tank in the ring and potatoed him about 12 times with various objects. And I didn’t even ask him to. What a guy, huh? Tank hasn’t listened. I saw him with a jelly filled honey bun and a beer in the locker room. Good-bye Tankster, hope you can hook on with someone else, cause that large grocery bill is gonna be hell without a job. [B]Sayeed Ali def. Tank Bradley with a GBH Driver (3:32)[/B] [CENTER][B]Match Rating:[/B] [SIZE=4]E+[/SIZE] [B][SIZE=4]Main Show[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE=4][B]Who is that Mystery Man?[/B][/SIZE][/I] [/CENTER] The show opens with a man sitting in the shadows wearing a black mask and a black hood. His face is obstructed by the shadows and his voice is being distorted. “The Face of Hardcore … you wear it like a red badge of courage. But to me? It’s your scarlet letter of stupidity.” He shakes his head. “I’ve waited a long time to talk to you, Johnny Martin. A long time to tell you what I’ve wanted to tell you, to show you what I’ve wanted to show you.” The masked man takes a long look into the camera and points an accusatory finger. “You continue to embrace this hardcore lifestyle without care of the damage it does to you or the others around you. Your body be damned! Friends be damned! I’ve attempted to reach you, to school you, but you won’t listen. Fine. If you won’t renounce hardcore, then I’ll just have to beat it out of you with an instrument that represents hardcore.” The masked man smacks his hand into his fist and relishes in his brain what he believes is going to take place. “But before you are to meet your tormentor, John, I’ve got one other stop to make on my way. May God have mercy on his soul. You? There will be no mercy for you. You’re going straight to hell, Johnny Martin. Straight … to … hell. And then and only then will I have the revenge I have sought for the past year.” [CENTER][B]Segement Rating:[/B] [SIZE="4"]C[/SIZE] [B][SIZE=4]J.D. Morgan vs. Kirk Jameson[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [B]Booker’s Notes:[/B] Nice little match for an opener. I didn’t want them burning out the crowd to begin with, so they backed off a bit. I really like Kirk. I’m going to start grooming him to take over for Steven Parker, if and when, Steven leaves for TCW or the SWF. J.D.? Solid as ever. J.D. and Jungle Jack are big buddies away from the ring ... man, how’d ya like to be a fly on the wall in those conversations. [CENTER][B]J.D. Morgan def. Kirk Jameson by submission[/B] [B]via the Cross Atlantic Stretch (9:38)[/B] [B]Match Rating:[/B] [SIZE=4]D[/SIZE] [B][SIZE=4]Teddy Powell vs. Burning Exile[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [B]Booker’s Notes:[/B] Man, I knew this would happen. Oniji Taka****a is a “burning” pile of “ex”-crement. Oniji’s a freakin’ prima-donna. The jackass has all the talent in the world, but he prefers to dump it when he crosses the ocean. Just for all the smarks out there, Teddy did a heckuva job and he’s off my s***list. [CENTER][B]Teddy Powell def. Burning Exile via Motion Sensor (9:55)[/B] [B]Match Rating:[/B] [SIZE="4"]E+[/SIZE] [I][SIZE=4][B] Lights Out on Teddy?![/B][/SIZE][/I] [/CENTER] As Teddy Powell is celebrating in the ring with Nicole Kiss, the lights go out for about a minute. In the darkness a fireball launches out into the silhouette of what looks to be Teddy Powell. The lights come back on and Teddy Powell was the one who was hit. He’s rolling around on the mat in abject pain. He’s holding his face and screaming for help. Mitch is going off like a madman in the crow’s nest, “GOD ALMIGHTY! The Mystery Man has burned Teddy Powell! What sick and twisted human being would do such a thing to a defenseless man in the dark?!” Teddy’s stablemates in The Untouchables – J.D. Morgan and Steven Parker – come out and hover over Teddy to sell the reality of the moment. The crowd is buzzing hard and we’ve got them. We’ve got them. [CENTER][SIZE=4][B] Reverend Frankie Future vs. Alex Braun[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [B] Booker’s Notes: [/B]This one’s the start of a 3-match feud . They performed pretty well. A tag-team partner-less Braun worked pretty well. He looked a little slow on the drop a couple of times, but I’ll take a D. Frankie? He looks like he’s grabbing his brass ring. Especially on the finish when The Church of The Force –Primal (Rage) Force and Ash Campbell – came out and cost Alex the match. Then painted his forehead with the neon paint of the CoF. [CENTER][B] Rev. Frankie def. Alex Braun by pinfall when The Church of The Force interfered (10:44)[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][B] Match Rating:[/B] [SIZE=4]D[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B] PSW Tag Team Championship[/B] [B] The Black Label Brotherhood (C) vs. The Good Ol' Boys[/B] [/CENTER][/SIZE] [B] Booker’s Notes:[/B] Wow. This one was way better than I expected. I have to admit, I was wrong about the Good Ol’ Boys. The PSW crowd loves them. It took some juice and some brawling, but Thimbleby and Wooten won them over. I still wouldn’t want either one of them to talk to me for an extended period of time, but hey, our tag division now has two teams in it. [CENTER][B] The Black Label Brotherhood def. The Good Ol’ Boys[/B] [B] by an Outlaw Funeral (11:43)[/B] [B] (Second Defense of the PSW Tag Championships)[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][B] Match Rating:[/B] [SIZE=4]D+[/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B] PSW National Heavyweight Championship Steven "The Future" Parker (C) vs. Steve Flash[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [B] Booker’s Notes:[/B] These two tore down the house again. We booked it to a draw and so far Steven’s sold two of them to a crowd that loves definite finishes. Of course, Steve Flash had something to do with that, too. Just a great technical display that had just about everything. [CENTER][B] Steven Parker and Steve Flash battled to a draw (25:00)[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][B] Match Rating:[/B] [SIZE=4]C-[/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B] PSW Heavyweight Championship[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B] Cage Match[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B] (Escape, Pinfall or Submission)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B] Jungle Jack (C) vs. Dr. Classic[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [B] Booker’s Notes:[/B] This was Jack's and my second match together. I know I'm normally modest as hell, but we tore the house down again. We’ve got pretty good chemistry together. Now if I could just understand what he’s calling in the ring. He about took my head off with a clothesline when he said, “Jack throw clothes string” and when the finish came, he said “Masked guy look at thing that people sit on”, I looked around because I wasn’t sure what he meant. I looked back at Jack and that’s about the time I ate (yes, you guessed it) a steel chair in the face. I’m glad I shook the cobwebs off in time to see the finish of the show. [CENTER][B] Jungle Jack def. Dr. Classic when Jack escaped the cage (18:33)[/B] [B] Match Rating[/B]: [SIZE=4]C[/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B] Steel City Street Fight[/B] [B] Johnny Martin[/B] [B] vs.[/B] [B] The Mystery Man[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] I'm sorry, guys ... I got to writing it and the words began to stretch into a a story. So instead of a small booker's note writeup, I figured I should give it the full treatment. I've got business to attend to this afternoon and evening, but I'll get it up sometime tomorrow. I promise. Yes, I know I suck. :) [CENTER][SIZE=4][B] TO BE CONTINUED ….[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][I][SIZE=5][SIZE=3]I hope this was worth the wait ... again, sorry for the delay.[/SIZE][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=5]Episode Thirteen[/SIZE][/B][/I] [I][B][SIZE=4]The Big Finish[/SIZE][/B][/I] [I][B][SIZE=4]The Mystery Man vs. Johnny Martin[/SIZE][/B][/I] [/CENTER] Normally, I would watch the matches from the backstage area, but tonight I wanted to go out front. I was a little woozy from my match with Jungle Jack Marlowe earlier in the evening, but I think mere determination helped me make my way to the special crow’s nest we had for the wrestlers. Since all the boys wanted to see the surpise, the area was nearly full, but Ash Campbell politely got up from a chair so that I could sit down. Just as my butt hit the seat, Johnny Martin’s music blared over the public address system. We could barely hear the music over the roar of the crowd as Martin slowly made his way to the ring. Right then, I knew we had something special. Johnny stepped through the ropes and gave the his trademarked hi-sign to the fans. Even I had to smile as Martin, who was rarely the focus of the main storylines during his DAVE days, took a little extra time soaking up the reaction from the rabid Pittsburgh wrestling fans. As Johnny turned to face the entrance, the crowd went from outrageously loud to as quiet as a church during a prayer vigil. Every single fan wanted to be the first one to see the person who they believed to be Johnny’s tormentor. The music of Martin’s opponent began and immediately the building’s very foundation shook with the reaction. The music had said it all. You didn’t have to tell the Pittsburgh faithful twice. They didn’t even have to think, much like Pavlov’s dog they reacted to the stimulus. A few bars of music played, so I took the time to scan the faces in the crowd. Each human canvas had a look of surprise, then absolute jubilation. They knew exactly who was about to step through that curtain. And when he did, from the reaction, I’m quite certain some fans actually lost control of bodily functions. Some had tears welling up in their eyes and some hugged in the aisles. A former DAVE hero was about to come home. I didn’t think the place could have gotten much louder, but it did. Oh, did it ever. Because right there, in the dank, musty s**thole known as The Steel City Pavilion, Eddie Peak stood in all of his glory. The fans and the wrestlers didn’t know it before the show, but I had cut an under-the-table talent exchange deal with Tommy Cornell and Total Championship Wrestling. Eddie cost me $10,000 for the night, but I would figure the anything-can-happen in PSW buzz we would create was well worth the loss on the books. “Welcome back” and “Ed-die! Ed-die” were the chants that echoed throughout the building, but much to his credit, Eddie’s icy-blue shark’s glare never left Johnny Martin. Eddie paused for a moment and then sprinted to the ring. Shortly after, the fight was on. Martin and Peak absolutely tore into each other like two rabid animals fighting over the same piece of meat. One by one, the two veterans called their spots in the ring and with each call came a move more psychotic and sadistic than the last. Both guys bled a gusher during the match and the ring mat had the appearance of a gruesome accident scene. I could tell from the six “holy s**t” chants that Eddie and Johnny would both need stitches and staples at the end of the night. I also knew I’d get killed by Cornell for letting Eddie go all out. But as I explained to Tommy later on the phone, ‘you can’t just tell Eddie to tone it down in Pittsburgh. It just can’t be done.’ When Johnny and Eddie headed to the planned finish, the PSW crowd was absolutely eating out of the each man’s respective hand. Before the match that was the exact time I had told Johnny and Eddie to pull the rug out from under the marks’ collective feet. Peak missed with a flaming chairshot and Johnny caught him with a DDT. Both men were down for what seemed like an eternity. Johnny finally got to his knees to a huge reaction. That is when all hell broke loose inside the arena. The crowd had expected that the swerve was over, that Eddie Peak was the surprise. But standing there, in front of that curtain, was Johnny’s Mystery Masked man. As the Mystery Masked man made his way down to ringside, Johnny’s face conveyed to the crowd that the match had been for nothing. What Martin wanted was now ringside. So The Face of Hardcore immediately jumped up and went to the ropes where the masked man stood. That’s when the Masked Man revealed what he had hidden and unloaded with a vicious barbed-wire chairshot to Johnny’s bloody face. Martin went down in a heap. Eddie quickly made the pinfall for the win at 18:42. The Mystery Masked man crawled into the ring and to a chorus of boos ripped off his mask … the crowd couldn’t believe who it was. And moreover, they couldn’t believe he had just used Eddie Peak as an hardcore instrument to nearly kill Johnny Martin. Yes, as stunned as they were to see Eddie Peak in a low-end dive of the wrestling world, they were even more shocked to see the face of Steve Flash under the mask. [CENTER][B]Match Rating:[/B] [SIZE=4]C[/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B]Overall Show Rating:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]C[/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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Wow....I want to tell you something and I know you will not believe me. But after the last promo, in which the mystery man bad mouthed hardcore, something told me it was Steve Flash. However, I didnt say anything because I believed whoever was under the mask was someone new, someone not in the PSW roster. Yet, I am perfectly happy with how things turned out.
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[CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=5][I][B][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/B][/I][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [SIZE=5][I][B] Promos: Chapter Three[/B][/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][I][B]Why Steve Flash, why? [/B][/I][/SIZE][/CENTER] Fans had been waiting for Steve Flash to explain why he had turned on good friend and former DAVE tag team partner, Johnny Martin. Flash was about to give everyone an explaination on a streaming video on the internet. The traffic would shut down our server for periods of time and was the hottest thing going in PSW for a solid month until our next show. Below is the transcript of the promo: [B]Steve Flash:[/B] Why? Why did you do it, Steve? Why did you turn on your friend, Johnny Martin? In order to even begin to understand the answer to the question, let me take you back to March of 2007. Johnny and I are in DAVE and we’re at The Den, fighting for the world tag team championships. You remember it, don’t ya, Johnny? Because it’s burned into my memory. Sammy Bach, a man who couldn’t even tie my shoelaces with a loop and swoop head start, hit me with his big move and I went down hard. I had suffered a concussion. A serious one. Of course, the story goes, after the match, I collapsed and you screamed for help. They rushed me to the hospital and they thought I suffered a mild stroke. I couldn't feel anything. I spent nine months in that hospital, Johnny Martin. Doctors told me I’d never wrestle again. But I wouldn’t listen. I fought and I scraped my way back to some definition of normalcy. And while I fought and scraped, you went back to your hardcore life. Everyone else did, too. Poor Steve Flash, everyone said. Poor old Steve. But where were you, Johnny, when I needed you the most? Where was the Face of Hardcore? I don’t need your fake sympathy! I don’t need your applause! Because without you, Johnny Martin, or the d*mn fans, poor old Steve clawed his way back to the ring! And I got some of my life back through a little bit of revenge. Yeah, I can’t get to big time Sammy Bach, so I burned Teddy Powell for what his partner did. Hope he enjoys his hospital bed for as long as I enjoyed mine. I know what you're saying at home ... why Johnny Martin? Why Johnny?! Because YOU, Johnny Martin, were the one most to blame for what happened to me! YOU were my tag team partner, Johnny! You were supposed to watch my back! You didn't and I lost almost a year of my life. Revenge? Oh, I haven't exacted my revenge from you yet, Johnny. I’m not even close. Three bloody losses is just a tiny taste of what I had to go through. There's more to come and I'm going to keep going until I feel like I'm even ... I’m going to make you scream again, Johnny Martin. But this time? It won’t be a scream for help. It will be a scream for your life. And just like March of 2007 ... I won't hear it. And I'll squeeze that life right out of you. [I]Editor's Note: For a reference as to what Steve Flash is talking about see the links below ... this booking of the finish to the angle has been an homage to MonkeyPox's brilliant 2007 DAVE diary – probably the best piece of writing I've seen on this board. The whole thread is a must-read. But I've listed the two Steve Flash pieces below.[/I] Links: (See the show "Couples Night") [url][/url] (See the story "The Magnificent One") [url][/url]
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Are you monkeypox under a new avatar or something? Man I don´t think pox could have imagined what he has set loose upon the world. Great twist and writing, glad all my guessing where wrong. Now only for Larry Wood to show up as Martin´s defender and we can have a bal!
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Bravo. I thought Peak was a nice surprise, but a bit too easy. And tough to book past a certain point because he's on a trade, too. But Flash is a great idea, especially mixing in the promo and the continuation of the story 'Pox started. Great stuff, man. I'm really enjoying it.
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[QUOTE]screw Cornell ![/QUOTE] Hey that was very nice of Mr.Cornell and me to lend Peak and we fully understood what could happen when we loaned him out to a hardcore fed. He won and he wasn´t injured so there are no hard feelings. If he had been injured and/or lost Mr.Classic knew he and his little fed would have been toast! OOC that was in character, how is that for interlinked c-verse dragonmack? lol. I am not claiming to be mr.TCW btw far from it.
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Nice twist McShamrock, nice twist. I'm surpised that Martin and Peak only got a C as i could have seen them get a C+ but i'm guessing Peak probably had nerves going before a hardcore audience again wink wink. If this was real life i'm certain PSW fans would truely be going Ape Sh!t over that main event and Flash would be getting all the heat he could ever want. Good job man
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Thanks to everyone for the praise! And thanks for reading! I'm not worthy. :p To be honest with all of you, I had no idea who the mystery man was going to be until I sat down to book and sim the card on Saturday before I penned the card diary entry. I would like to have said that, yeah, I was planning it all along. But during the whole storyline, I hadn't the slightest idea who the person would be. I knew I wanted a former DAVE guy with some connection to Martin. But I also knew I didn't want to break the promotion financially for a surprise. I started with Peak. But then I thought the best I could do would be three shows, it would cost me $30,000 in my budget and he'd never agree to lose any of the matches. So I settled on one appearance (and that was just for diary storyline sake, I think we still could have pulled a C show without Eddie) and took the one-time $10,000 loss in-game. In order to minimize my in-game financial losses, I looked to the PSW roster to name the mystery man, and that's when I remembered that in 'Pox's diary Steve Flash got hurt in a match that included both Teddy Powell and his partner Johnny Martin. I looked it up to confirm my suspicions and the diary stuff wrote itself from there. [quote=TEWFan;471130]Wow....I want to tell you something and I know you will not believe me. But after the last promo, in which the mystery man bad mouthed hardcore, something told me it was Steve Flash. However, I didnt say anything because I believed whoever was under the mask was someone new.[/quote] Good call, if you did. I thought I'd give it away for sure when the mystery man burned Teddy Powell ... [quote=Hyde Hill;471175]Are you monkeypox under a new avatar or something?[/quote] No. But I could be a very bad clone from a broken helix of his DNA. :p [quote=The Celt;471244]If this was real life i'm certain PSW fans would truely be going Ape Sh!t over that main event and Flash would be getting all the heat he could ever want.[/quote] Best compliment I've had so far. Thanks Celt! As for the match rating, yeah I expected a C+ ... but I took a C on the premise that we'd put on a D+ show the month before so two steps up got us back to where we were before the stinker. And yep, nerves must have been the culprit. Either that or Johnny's sinking overness from three straight losses. ;)
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I have to say, due to time constraints I only really read Real World (as most are ones I was previously in to, or are friends of mine, or because I don't have TEW08 yet so don't recognise the characters or know anything about them or the companies) but after seeing the love in the DOTM thread I had to give this a try. Whilst not anywhere near finished reading, this is amazing! The creativity, the characterisations, everything is just top notch. I was saying to Tristram not so long ago about I have nothing but the highest respect for those who really turn C-Verse in to such a clear picture with characters I care about and offer a scenario I can believe in even though it's a fantasy world. You certainly do that. It's been a long, long time since I was this impressed with a first view of a diary. VERY long time.
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[QUOTE=McShamrock;471352] I knew I wanted a former DAVE guy with some connection to Martin. But I also knew I didn't want to break the promotion financially for a surprise. I started with Peak. But then I thought the best I could do would be three shows, it would cost me $30,000 in my budget and he'd never agree to lose any of the matches. So I settled on one appearance (and that was just for diary storyline sake, I think we still could have pulled a C show without Eddie) and took the one-time $10,000 loss in-game. In order to minimize my in-game financial losses, I looked to the PSW roster to name the mystery man, and that's when I remembered that in 'Pox's diary Steve Flash got hurt in a match that included both Teddy Powell and his partner Johnny Martin. I looked it up to confirm my suspicions and the diary stuff wrote itself from there. [/QUOTE] Now that [U]is[/U] continuation. Wow. Good call, as Flash always seemed like the nicest guy in the world, so definitely a shock.
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[quote=keefmoon;471358]I have to say, due to time constraints I only really read Real World (as most are ones I was previously in to, or are friends of mine, or because I don't have TEW08 yet so don't recognise the characters or know anything about them or the companies) but after seeing the love in the DOTM thread I had to give this a try. Whilst not anywhere near finished reading, this is amazing! The creativity, the characterisations, everything is just top notch. I was saying to Tristram not so long ago about I have nothing but the highest respect for those who really turn C-Verse in to such a clear picture with characters I care about and offer a scenario I can believe in even though it's a fantasy world. You certainly do that. It's been a long, long time since I was this impressed with a first view of a diary. VERY long time.[/quote] Thanks Keef ... high praise indeed, coming from someone who's been around here for awhile. I'm just a wrestling fan (who's a little disappointed with the current real-world product) and a writer who's just trying to have fun. I'm glad it shows a little. [quote=Mtm2k6;471417]Now that [U]is[/U] continuation. Wow. Good call, as Flash always seemed like the nicest guy in the world, so definitely a shock.[/quote] Yeah Mtm2k6, Flash's picture just screams "nice guy", that's why I went with the heel turn. He's a nice guy, but he kind of retains that dynamic because in Flash's mind, his actions are justified. And really, when you think about it, his thinking (maybe not his actions) are justified. When someone in the wrestling world gets hurt badly and can't wrestle anymore, a majority of people tend to forget about them (Droz, Haybusa, etc.). So it would only stand to reason that a fictional world would do the same thing as well. What makes Flash a heel, is that he places all of the blame on other people or things – hardcore (a no-no in the Tri-State) and Johnny Martin – for the injuries. I'll stop there, don't want to drone, but I could go on and on about character dynamics and other stuff like that ...
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[CENTER][B][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][/B] [I][B][SIZE=5]Episode Fourteen[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]The Future of the Business[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [/I] In the Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling locker room, Steven Parker stood out like a pimple on the nose of a beauty queen. Most of the guys who assembled in the basement of The Ministry didn’t have the appearance of being anything special. Steven Parker was the polar opposite. He looked and carried himself like a superstar. Parker’s star quality wasn’t a calculated measure on his part; it was just in his genetic code. Most of the guys liked Steven, because let’s face it, you can’t really fault a guy for being blessed by the man upstairs. People had nicknamed the kid “The Future” because that’s exactly what he was: the future of the business. An all-arounder who could brawl, could wrestle and could smack you in a hardcore war. As good and as nice as he is, however, Steven had a little issue with protecting his own investment in the aforementioned “future”. Steven was always trying to get over with the violence-craving PSW fans by getting into some dangerous matches. But the booking team would always shoot him down, putting him in technically-based matches with J.D. Morgan, Steve Flash and other wizards of the mat. In Parker’s heart of hearts, wanted to juice. But we knew by hugging him with barbed-wire, we’d be tarnishing the shine of his star and dumping blood on his pristine white reputation. Many guys with that same look and same “it” factor came into a hardcore regional like PSW and would never leave. And in turn, those places would ground those guys into dust. Honestly, I didn’t want Steven to be one of those hardcore casualties. So when he marched into my office to volunteer for Mitch Naess’ latest wild-haired scheme to draw fans – a tournament to crown a “King of Hardcore” – I wasn’t surprised. But I will admit I was a little nervous for Steven’s future bank account tally. “Mr. McGrath, no disrespect,” began Steven with a determined tone in his voice, “but I want to be booked for the King of Hardcore Tournament.” “Look Parker,” I said, “I respect your enthusiasm, but this is gonna get nasty and I don’t want you to mess up …” “What? My face?” “Yes,” I said with shame laced in my voice. “I’m sick and tired of everyone trying to protect me,” Parker said with a rush of emotion, a rush he had obviously stored up for this moment. “I’m sick and tired of everyone trying to speak for me as to what I want and need. Geno, I came to PSW so I could fight. So I could get over as a tough guy. So I could show people who I really am. But here’s the same old s**t, the same old tap dance that Rip gave me … let’s protect the quarterback, the captain of the football team. You’re gonna be something special, kid.” “Steve, I know what you mean …” “No,” Steven barked. “No, you don’t. This can only help my career, not hurt it. Rip bled. Tommy Cornell bled. Anyone who’s been respected in this business has bladed, Geno. Take off the stinking kid gloves and let me out there in the gimmicks and the barbed wire. Let me show the people that I’m hardcore, too. It’s my life, my career. Let me do what I want to do. Just give me a chance.” Silence eclipsed the room as we sat there, staring at each other. He wasn’t going to give a single inch, and I knew it. “Alright,” I said. “You’re in. But you better go all out. You slack for a minute and the PSW fans? They’ll eat you alive like a pack of dingos.” A bright gold-medal winning smile crawled across Steven’s face. It was like a child who had bugged his father for a toy, just long enough to see him reluctantly cave. “Not to mention, you screw up?” I finished, attempting to salvage some shred of authority, “And I’ll whip your carcass at the end of the night, too.” “Thanks,” Steven said, with excitement absolutely running over in his voice, “you won’t regret this.” If Steve gets hurt, I’ll regret it for the rest of my natural life. Because it’ll be just one more body in the mass grave that is hardcore wrestling. The only exception? Steven Parker would be the only one who would be buried in that open cavity with a winning lottery ticket in his pocket.
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[CENTER][I][B][SIZE=5]Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Presents:[/SIZE][/B][/I] [I][B][SIZE=5]The King of Hardcore Tour[/SIZE][/B][/I] [B][SIZE=4]June thru July[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Throughout the Tri-States Area[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=5]The King of Hardcore Tournament![/SIZE][/B] [I][B][SIZE=4]An Eight-Man Single Elimination[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Special Match Invitational Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]To Crown the "King of Hardcore"![/SIZE][/B][/I] [B][SIZE=5]First Round Matches[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=5]All Belts Are On the Line in Tournament Action![/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Jungle Jack[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4][I]PSW Heavyweight Champion[/I][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]vs.[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]The Wolverine[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Steven "The Future" Parker[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4][I]PSW National Champion[/I][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]vs.[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Alex Braun[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]"Dirty" Dave Diamond[/SIZE][/B] [I][B][SIZE=4]of New York City Wrestling[/SIZE][/B][/I] [B][SIZE=4]vs.[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Larry Wood[/SIZE][/B] [I][B][SIZE=4]of Warrior Engine XXV[/SIZE][/B][/I] [SIZE=4][I][B]Johnny Martin vs. Sayeed Ali[/B][/I][/SIZE] [I][B][SIZE=5]Also in non-tournament action ...[/SIZE][/B][/I] [B][SIZE=4] Steve Flash vs. Kirk Jameson[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=4][B]The Ring Generals[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE=3][B]Waldorf & Statler[/B][/SIZE][/I] [I][SIZE=3][B]w/a surprise manager[/B][/SIZE][/I] [SIZE=4][B]vs.[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B]Jacob Jett and Ash Campbell[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=4]Primus Allen[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]vs.[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Little Bill Lebowski[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
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[B]Jungle Jack[/B] PSW Heavyweight Champion vs. The Wolverine [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] PSW National Champion vs. Alex Braun "Dirty" Dave Diamond of New York City Wrestling vs. [B]Larry Wood[/B] of Warrior Engine XXV [B]Johnny Martin[/B] vs. Sayeed Ali Also in non-tournament action ... [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson The Ring Generals [B]Waldorf & Statler[/B] w/a surprise manager vs. Jacob Jett and Ash Campbell [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Little Bill Lebowski
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[B]Jungle Jack[/B] PSW Heavyweight Champion vs. The Wolverine [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] PSW National Champion vs. Alex Braun "Dirty" Dave Diamond of New York City Wrestling vs. [B]Larry Wood[/B] of Warrior Engine XXV [B]Johnny Martin[/B] vs. Sayeed Ali Also in non-tournament action ... [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson The Ring Generals Waldorf & Statler w/a surprise manager vs. [B]Jacob Jett and Ash Campbell[/B] [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Little Bill Lebowski
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[B]Jungle Jack[/B] PSW Heavyweight Champion vs. The Wolverine [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] PSW National Champion vs. Alex Braun "Dirty" Dave Diamond of New York City Wrestling vs. [B]Larry Wood[/B] of Warrior Engine XXV Johnny Martin vs. [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] Also in non-tournament action ... [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson The Ring Generals Waldorf & Statler w/a surprise manager vs. [B]Jacob Jett and Ash Campbell[/B] [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Little Bill Lebowski
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