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What kind of a wrestling fan are you?


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What promotions do you watch or have watched at one time or another? Do you just watch it on TV? Do you own DVD’s? Do you buy PPV? For the ways you don’t watch why don’t you watch it that way? What do you like in wrestling and what don’t you like in wrestling? Who the people you loved and who are the ones you could never get behind? Are you a bigger wrestling fan now? Do you go to events? Are they big events or are they local? Do you follow any Indy’s? If so what and if not why? Really kind of curious to see how different people look at wrestling differently and what wrestling they actually see. The questions above are just examples of things people could talk about and not a survey like I posted a long time ago. So, what kind of a wrestling fan are you?
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I can't pinpoint when I became a fan, but I know it was around the time of the first King of the Ring tournament. I can vividly remember watching it, but I know I was already a fan at that point, and I can't for the life of me remember where I would have watched it. Wrestling got in me young, and although I have had extended breaks from being a fan, it's always sucked me back in somehow. My all time favourite wrestler was Owen Hart. When he was alive, I was too young to understand a wrestler's ability in the ring, but I could still relate to characters, and Owen's was one I could get behind. The younger brother, overshadowed by his older sibling was very similar to my situation. My twin brother has always been the golden boy of the family. Stronger than me, faster than me, smarter than me. I longed for the day when I could beat him, just like Owen beat Bret at Wrestlemania X. This 'latching onto' the weaker members of teams and family units has continued to this day. It's why I like Matt more than Jeff. Christian more than Edge. Heels more than Faces. I love the story aspect of wrestling. Sure, watching a good technical sequence or high spot is a thrill in of itself, but what truly gets me excited is a good story. A [I]reason[/I] for these two people to be fighting. The Chris Jericho/Shawn Michaels feud is my favourite thing right now, because it's about characters, beyond "[I]I'm a really good wrestler[/I]" "[I]Oh yeah? I'm a better wrestler[/I]" "[I]Let's fight[/I]". I'm not one for going to shows, mainly because I'm completely unable to mark out. I'm just a quiet guy. I sit in my chair, enjoy the wrestling, while everyone around me chants "[I]Hardy[/I]!" or "[I]Mrs. Steiner[/I]!" and I feel bad about not joining in. I just don't have it in me to yell and scream and bring attention to myself. I think it's a childhood trauma thing. I've been to 5 shows in my life, 3 crappy indies (although Jim Niedhart was on one) a RAW house show last October, which I was bored with after the 3rd match (until Jeff showed up. He may be a spot monkey, but I needed spots after watching the same match 5 times in a row) and I was at one of the TNA UK tour shows, which was excellent. I'm proud to say I even marked out a bit. Whenever someone hit a big move, an almost involuntary "OH!" escaped from me and most of the people in the arena. Doug Williams' roll-through German Suplex was out of this world. Like I assume most people here, I've always dreamt of becoming a wrestler, but as I get older, the less I see it happening. I've always had a good head for understanding things, for technique. In school, I could High Jump better than guys 4 inches taller than me, simply because I mastered the Fosbury Flop (my brother could of course beat guys 5 inches taller than him). There's a part of me that thinks I would be a very competent technical wrestler. I'm only 23, so if I start right now, and spend a year getting into serious shape, then find a kick-ass wrestling school, I might be able to make it to a certain degree, but I'm only 5'9, so... It doesn't seem quite worth it, even to my modest standards. Still, the wrestling bug is in me. Looking around my flat, I see so much merchandise that I'm going to hide before I go on the pull again. A couple of t-shirts, a pile of ECW video's, a handful of DVD's, and perhaps most embarrassing, Johnny Nitro and CM Punk action figures, which I was absently playing with earlier, attempting to see if a particular spot I had in my head was feasible... which it wasn't. Thankfully, the majority of my action figure collection, casually collected over the last decade, is boxed up in my folk's garage. Were it discovered, I would never live it down.
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Lou Albino and the Samoan's I met when I was very young. We used to have our own backyard ring (Well... We tied rope around some tree's, and called it a wrestling ring). Before I knew anything about territories, before I realised that different promotions had different people, I watched as a very young kid (like 6 to 10). Things come up in real life, and we didn't watch wrestling anymore till I was old enough to drive. This time period is shown off a great deal in DOTT. I went to a movie theatre to watch the first Wrestlemania... and I'll tell you, that was the closest thing to a live event you could have possibly gone to see. The theatre was huge, and there were thousands of us yelling our heads off.. I don't think I could hear right for about a week afterward. My favorite wrestler was Jimmy Snuka. He was the "Supafly"! We would root for him no matter who he was against, didn't matter. I was also a fan of Rowdy Piper. He would talk all that trash, but would surprise the heck out of people sometimes. I remember getting into an debate with one of my friends during one match, where he just knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Piper couldn't beat this guy unless he cheated. I told him I thought he could. It looked like I was wrong at first, as the guy was knocking him around like he was nothing, but Piper was just bating him. Soon as the guy thought he had Piper, Piper started laughing at him, and did some kind of monkey flip ending in a quick pin... That match was the fastest match we seen that night, lol. He didn't cheat at all, fact is, the other guy did to get the quick upperhand. I don't know why I can't remember the other guy, was pretty popular back then, but I remember vividly my friends jaw dropping in disbelief. Afterward he liked Piper as well. I like the entertainment of it now. I used to want it to be real. Now at my age, and having had friends in the bussiness, seeing practice's, and being married to someone that was in the bussiness for a short while, I see it in a whole new light. It's why I dissagree with so many people when they say "X" can't wrestle, or "Y" is better. In the ring anyone is better then anyone, and anyone can look like they can wrestle better then anyone else if that's how it's supposed to look. For those that say "Cena can't wrestle", or "Khali only knows three moves"... Whatever. I know it's just what they "WANT" you to believe, and although people think of themselves as being "Smarter" about it, it's actually just being a new kind of "Mark". We fall for what they want us to believe. If MVP is meant to look like he can wrestle, then by golly, he's going to look like he can. If Batista is meant to look like he can only brawl, then by golly that's how its going to be done. So... I enjoy the entertainment parts, see who looks more believeable (better actor/actress) more then anything. I know a guy that can slam a pregnant wife and make it look like he killed her, but (yep, it was my wife) she couldn't quit laughing because he did it so good, it was like being laid on a couch. It's like a dance, and the better you are at it, the more believeable it looks, and the less likely anyone is to get hurt. Practice a match for a couple of weeks, and you can come up with some fantastic, and very technical looking match's. So for me, it's the entertainment of it more then the match's themselves. My wife is like "Shut up and fight already", but I'm more into the character's myself.
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Let's see, I got into wrestling around April 2006, I can't remember the day, but I remember, I was flipping through the channels, and it stopped on wrestling, around this time I thought wrestling was idiotic but I was slowly warming up to it. The match was between Rey Mysterio and Kurt Angle and I was instantly hooked, the Raw the next week only solidified my love of it. For a while Rey was my favorite, then I watched Chris Benoit, and he became my favorite, and he was what I aspired to be like when I decided to wrestle, I still want to have a similar style to him when I wrestle. Slowly, I started watching more indy wrestling, though I actually thought Ring of Honor was boring for a while there, then I watched thier first PPV and I've loved ROH since. I've also watched WWE and TNA less lately, I just can't stand the way they book everything, WWE has decent storylines and mostly bad wrestlers, and TNA has the exact opposite, I like to watch iMPACT!, but I just can't get into anything except the comedy skits, also CHIKARA has been becoming my favorite promotion as of late, can anyone recommend any of their DVD's. My family can't afford to go to the closest promotion, which is in Denver. Wrestlers I hate, I'll just list the main as this could take all day otherwise: Batista (jerk and sucks at anything that has to do with being in the ring), Hulk Hogan (can't stand attitude brother), Kevin Nash (taking up a spot in TNA that could be used for a younger guy), and Brock Lesnar (idiot and egomaniac all rolled up into one whiny package) Favorite Wrestlers: Raven, Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, Nigel McGuinness, The Briscoes, The Colony (weirdest stable ever, but in a good way), Matt Sydal (I refuse to call him Evan Bourne), and AJ Styles.
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[QUOTE=The Swanton825;460431] Slowly, I started watching more indy wrestling, though I actually thought Ring of Honor was boring for a while there, then I watched thier first PPV and I've loved ROH since. I've also watched WWE and TNA less lately, I just can't stand the way they book everything, WWE has decent storylines and mostly bad wrestlers, and TNA has the exact opposite, I like to watch iMPACT!, but I just can't get into anything except the comedy skits, also CHIKARA has been becoming my favorite promotion as of late, can anyone recommend any of their DVD's. [/QUOTE] King of Trios 2007 and 2008 Young Lion Cup 2007 (Haven’t seen 2008’s) Cibernetico & Robin Cibernetico Forever Best of 2007
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I'm not sure when I started watching wrestling, but it was shortly after Wrestlemania III. My first wrestling memory is watching Ricky Steamboat lose the IC title to Honky Tonk Man. The first wresting event I ever attended was a WWF Superstars Taping held Nov. 17, 1987. I have only passing memories of the card, although I was able to find it on the internet, but I do remember that Hulk Hogan wrestled One Man Gang, and I got to see Strike Force and Demolition. As a kid my favorite wrestlers were the Ultimate Warrior, Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude (who I got to meet and have my picture taken with), and Tito Santana. My favorite tag teams were Strike Force, Demolition, Road Warriors, Hart Foundation, and the Rockers. There weren't really any wrestlers I disliked for any reason outside of them being a heel but while I liked Hogan, I was never the mark for him the way I was for the Warrior. I started watching WCW in the early '90s and I was of course a fan of Sting, Dusty and Dustin Rhodes, and Brian Pillman. I stopped watching wrestling in the mid '90s. I missed the nWo and the attitude era, although my dad still watched and friends were watching so I knew what was gong on. Sometime in 2000 I stumbled across wrestlecrap.com. I had so much fun reading about all the stupid gimmicks I had seen as a kid, that it brought back my interest in wrestling and I started watching WCW. About the same time I discovered a game called EW9000 and another one called Promotion Wars. I watched WCW until it folded and then WWF until the Invasion angle killed my interest. Since then my viewing has been on and off depending on how good the product is. Right now its on. I mostly get my wrestling fix these days by watching the "old school dvd's". I buy just about every legends dvd that WWE puts out. I also like watching WWE 24/7. I really never got into RoH, and I rarely catch TNA. As I've gotten older, there are quite a few wrestlers who are now favorites of mine, as I can now respect what they brought to the business. Those include Roddy Piper, Bobby Heenan, and my favorite Ric Flair. Of the current wrestlers I like Jericho, Christian, Samoa Joe, Edge, and CM Punk is starting to win me over.
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I first started watching wrestling on sunday mornings with the whole WWF Superstars show. I instantly latched onto Shawn Michaels and followed his career heavily. Even to the point where... When PPV's would happen I wouldn't be able to afford them (or get my parents to buy them as I was really young) so I would lay in bed and watched scrambled PPV events and listen to what was happening... Making sure that HBK won (as that was really the only match I would care about). When WCW became really strong I found myself flipping back and forth between the two companies on Monday Nights (which were "Heavenly night") and then on Tuesday morning at school us guys would all sit around and talk about what we liked about the show. We even went as far to create our own backyard wrestling fed (not an extreme one like most people were doing) and modeled a lot of our stuff after what we had watched (But not ripping anything off at all). I started to turn away from wrestling in my freshman year of college (mostly because I didn't have time to watch the shows anymore) and would loosely follow what was going on while continuing to compete in E-Feds loosely (At least not like I did when I was in high school.. haha. that was one of my main outlets). Now, I find myself watching RAW weekly... Smackdown sometimes... And am keeping up with it more now (especially seeing how my girlfriend right now is actually cool with watching it.. haha. She has a mini crush on HHH) so i've slowly gotten back into it but it wasn't until the last couple weeks were I really found myself Enjoying the shows. I felt like I could choreograph everything that was going to happen from the start of the show and it started to get really boring... now... They seem to be on a better pattern. I watch a little TNA but barely enough to call myself a "fan".... however, I do think it's great to have competition out there as they deliver a little more adult based programming (which is always good to see).
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I got into wrestling about 89/90 and was a real fan of Ultimate Warrior. I was 11 at the time and was probably attracted to the colourful tassels. I remember playing an arcade game called Survivor during my lunch break and I was always warrior. With my parents being very anti-wrestling I wasn’t able to watch much wrestling and my interest waned until 90/00 when I met a new group of friends, on of whom was a WWF fan. Then I met my current girlfriend and her entire family (apart from her) were into WWF and I got back into it around about the time of the Invasion storyline. Then I got bored with the F about the time of the brand split. It wasn’t until I got my own place in 04 and I got connected to cable TV that I discovered there was more than just the F (now the E), there was RoH where I watched a blinding match between Bryan Danielson and Paul London - possibly the best match I ever seen. I also discovered TNA , but that seems a bit hit and miss - too obsessed with WWE rejects. And then this year I went to my first show - All star wresting - and that was the best fun I’ve had with my four year old son as we both really got into it. But, I don’t really watch wrestling on the TV now, I get annoyed when they put adverts in the middle of a match. I was watching that, you rude TV exec! I suppose I’d be classed as a casual fan, but I always seem to get into wrestling when the good stuff has passed. I just missed the height of Hulkamania, I just missed the height of Attitude era. But I realise in my old age that I am drawn to either fast paced cruiserweights or real slow technical wrestling. My best wrestler ever: William Regal.
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Some really interesting perspectives. I particularly enjoyed reading yours, Chris, since you were around for a lot of stuff that I wasn't. If I'm honest, I always find myself thinking that I'm not actually much of a wrestling fan. Without sounding too pretentious or whatever, I think I'm just a fan of creativity in whatever form it takes. For instance, as a kid I was brought up watching Neighbours, which is really a pretty crap show. So, I've phased in and out of watching it without much concern. However, a while back, for about a two year period, they must have got a better writing staff or summat because they had some genuinely class stories. As such I found myself tuning in regularly despite what a stigma it already had in my mind. Same goes for music... I only really want to listen to stuff that's a bit original and imaginative; bog-standard MTV style stuff has never done it for me. So, to use the phrase "mark-out", I can mark-out at anything, be it a great album, a witty t-shirt slogan or whatever. So, that's how I've always looked at wrestling, really: as a creative outlet more than an industry unto itself. I think that explains why I loved ECW so much; Heyman wasn't a spectacular wrestling promoter, he was just a spectacularly creative mind. Some of the ECW stories back in the '90s were just so entertaining that it was difficult not become engrossed. It's also why I don't watch much wrestling anymore; I just get bored so quickly as a shocking amount of the time you can just predict what's coming in a storyline. Although storylines are the most important part of wrestling for me, I feel the exact same way about individual matches and promos too. The reason I love Raven so much as a mic man is because he's got more to him than just his catchphrases; he has a creative streak a mile long and sometimes I'll find myself genuinely intrigued by his comments or sometimes laughing out loud. My rule is: if I could write that promo, then why bother? I'm a fan... you should be showing me stuff I'm entertained by, not stuff I cvould think of myself. ...as for matches, again, I just look out for something imaginative, whether it's a cool spot or, better yet, a well-constructed story within a match. So, I love both Raven and RVD, who are effectively the total opposite in terms of match structure (old-scholl pshycologist and spot monkey) just so long as I'm seeing something that I haven't seen loads of times before. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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I'm really liking this thread, lots of interesting stuff coming out of it. Um I first got into wrestling as a 4 year old I think. If I remember rightly it was the night of Wrestlemania 5 and my dad was having some friends over to watch it. I wasnt allowed to stay up for it but I wanted to know what all the fuss was about so my dad put on a tape of wrestlemania 3 for me. The first match I ever saw was Ricky Steamboat v Randy Savage and I was hooked. I watched it religiously after that. I was a massive fan of wrestling from 1989 through to 1995 when I lost interest for a while. I got back into it in 1999 and have watched it since then although not quite as much as the old days :p I was always a WWF fan but would also watch WCW when it was on. The first WCW match I ever saw was Mick Foley v Vader, I remember being amazed at the brutality of the match because Foley was taking full contact and even got his nose broken in the match. The first live show I attended was in 1991 when my dad drove me down to London for what I thought was to visit a long lost aunt, turned out he got tickets for UK rampage. I can't remember the card but I think it was Hulk Hogan v Sgt Slaughter in the main event. Since then i've been to 21 WWF/WWE shows around the UK but most of them in Glasgow. The best show I have been to was in 1999 when I went to Rebellion in Birmingham, it was HHH v The Rock in the main event, however my biggest mark out moment of the night was when Kane beat Big Show in a no DQ match. I actually realised that wrestling was a work at a house show in I think it was 1992 possibly late 1991. It was Randy Savage v Shawn Michaels and they were brawling on the outside of the ring when I heard Michaels saying to Savage "Ok lets finish this", sure enough about 10 seconds later Savage hit the big elbow drop for the pin. My favourite wrestlers growing up were Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Mick Foley, Undertaker, Ted Dibiase, Jake Roberts & Randy Savage. My fave wrestlers now are Kane, Ric Flair, Mick Foley, Ted Dibiase, Randy Savage, & Jake Roberts. What do I say to people who slag me off for liking wrestling? "It's a soap opera which doesn't have season breaks" :cool: As for Indies I follow SWA but will generally go to any local wrestling shows that are on.
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[QUOTE=masterded;460330]What promotions do you watch or have watched at one time or another?[/QUOTE] At one time, I watched WWF religiously. Then I got wise to other promotions from tapes I saw (OMG, VHS AND Betamax!). Now, I watch Raw when I remember it's on (so not nearly every week) and I watch Impact because I like the product and I know the executive in charge of TNA for Spike and almost every Friday he quizzes me on the show (to make sure I watched it :p). [QUOTE=masterded;460330]Do you just watch it on TV?[/QUOTE] No. [QUOTE=masterded;460330]Do you own DVD’s?[/QUOTE] About 780, at last count. [QUOTE=masterded;460330]Do you buy PPV?[/QUOTE] Yes, when warranted. [QUOTE=masterded;460330]For the ways you don’t watch why don’t you watch it that way?[/QUOTE] I don't pay for crap (unless it makes a good mulch :p) so....that eliminates most of WWE's PPVs (you knew that was comin' :p). [QUOTE=masterded;460330]What do you like in wrestling and what don’t you like in wrestling?[/QUOTE] I like [B][I]wrestling[/I][/B]. While a match can do well with a good story behind it, I don't think the story needs to be as salacious as humanly (or networkly) possible. I think the story told between the ropes should be the most important thing. In wrestling, I like what I like in every other sport: speed, quickness, agility, and deceptive power. I like tenacity. I like the 'dislocate your finger, pop it back in the socket and go back to playing' mindset, since it's the one I employed (and still employ) and the mindset most of the athletes I admired coming up did as well. [QUOTE=masterded;460330]Who the people you loved and who are the ones you could never get behind?[/QUOTE] I could never get behind any of WWE's so-called divas (Lisa Varon/Victoria being the exception), though I used to LOVE the women's product during the 80s (complete with the crush on Wendy Richter :p). In fact, I almost got into a fistfight with someone who said Aja Kong had worked in WWE. Technically he was right but it was WWF way back then. From the tapes I've seen, I loved Mildred Burke and Jaguar Yokota and Candy Okutsu and Lioness Asuka and Chigusa Nagayo and pretty much all of AJW's shows that I've seen. Manami Toyota and Toshiyo Yamada were favorites as well. And what really won me over is when I saw a really awful quality tape of Mariko Yoshida as a spot monkey in AJW. From that point on, she became my favorite wrestler of all. Imagine Jeff Hardy turning into Chris Benoit, style wise. Inconceivable, right? Well, that's exactly what Mariko Yoshida did after coming back from her neck injury. [QUOTE=masterded;460330]Are you a bigger wrestling fan now?[/QUOTE] Yeah, but mainly because I have more money at my disposal and more say over how I spend my time. It was hard when I was a kid since I was so engrossed in sports and extracurriculars and working that I often didn't come home until 11 to midnight every day. Now, with more free time and the power to decide how that free time is spent, I can be a HUGE fan now (and I largely am). [QUOTE=masterded;460330]Do you go to events?[/QUOTE] Yes, probably about two dozen events a year. [QUOTE=masterded;460330]Are they big events or are they local?[/QUOTE] Some big, most small, almost none local. I was offered tickets to the Royal Rumble back in January but turned 'em down. That would've been local. [QUOTE=masterded;460330]Do you follow any Indy’s?[/QUOTE] Yeah. [QUOTE=masterded;460330]If so what and if not why?[/QUOTE] Mainly APW, Ibuki, and SHIMMER though I'm starting to get into Queens of Chaos as well. I try to catch CHIKARA shows when I can simply because Chris Hero and Mike Quackenbush are two of my favorite workers on the male side. I'd rather go to an indy show than a WWE show simply because there's more innovation on display. I've never seen moves like El Generico's Brainbusta or Chaparita ASARI's Skytwister Press on WWE programming (nor will I ever). To give an idea of how zealous I am, I'll fly to Japan to see an Ibuki show but I wouldn't walk six blocks (I work by the Empire State Building which is 4-5 blocks directly cross town from MSG) to see the Royal Rumble. But I know that obviously there are many people who prefer the soap opera to the in-ring action. Duh. That's why the Super Bowl gets such a high viewership. It pulls in the real football fans as well as those people only interested in the commercials and the halftime show. So while some folks are waiting for the new Macbook Air commercial to come on, I'm wondering when the hell Rodney Harrison is going to drop the hammer down on Plexiglass Burress. I find that when you attend shows live, you see more action and less soap opera, which is why I like doing that. From a marketing standpoint, I'm the ideal fan/target (single male, no children, 18-49 demographic group, comfortable household income, with a penchant for spending on non-essentials) but that seems to clash with WWE's target. Seems like TNA's trying to fill that void though.
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[quote=masterded;460330]What promotions do you watch or have watched at one time or another?[/quote] My first contact with wrestling was a fourway match from Japan I think. I was very little, but I remember seeing Jyushin "Thunder" Liger in the match. The attire and mask just stayed in mý memory :) And the show was running on Eurosports (!!). Then there was a decade long pause of wrestling, but in '97/'98 I became interested of WWF and the Undertaker / Kane. Nowadays, I watch mostly WWE (from '98 I think), TNA ('04 I think) and NOAH (from '05,). ROH and some others randomly. [quote]Do you just watch it on TV?[/quote] Not anymore, because of the internet. First we used to have 1-hour Smackdown edition here in Finland, then 1-hour RAW, but they both faded away (late evening/graveyard slot, no wonder no one watched) and left the network. But when those were on TV, I still watched most of my wrestling from my computer. [quote]Do you own DVD’s?[/quote] None. [quote] Do you buy PPV?[/quote] Never have. [quote] For the ways you don’t watch why don’t you watch it that way?[/quote] I don't know :P [quote] What do you like in wrestling and what don’t you like in wrestling?[/quote] The more older I have become, the more I want to see wrestling and less gimmicks and comedy. I love when I'm surprised in a good way.. A holy **** moment in a match, a huge turn of events in a good storyline.. huge, impactfull, stiff moves.. I love a good match from old ECW, NOAH to WWE and TNA for various reasons. [quote] Who the people you loved and who are the ones you could never get behind?[/quote] I love those wrestlers who stand out from the others. As I said, when I was young my first favourites were The Undertaker and Kane. I'm still a fan of both. I think that the original Kane attire is probably the best ever, especially the mask. From WWE I like all those guys that can give a good match (Jericho, Triple H, CM Punk and others). From TNA I like AJ Styles, Daniels, Samoa Joe, Angle etc.. From NOAH I admire Kobashi and KENTA, Naomichi Marufuji and Sugiura. [quote] Are you a bigger wrestling fan now?[/quote] Absolutely. As I watch wrestling I just wan't know more and watch more of it. [quote] Do you go to events?[/quote] I went to a Survivor Series Tour Smackdown show few years ago here in Finland. That's the only one I went, and I was really really disappointed of the card and the matches. Next time I know I'll get ringside tickets. [quote] Are they big events or are they local?[/quote] We have some sort of wrestling here in Finland, but I have never been interested in them.. Actually I don't like to go to to any events, concerts or gigs (non-wrestling). [quote] Do you follow any Indy’s?[/quote] ROH sometimes. [quote] If so what and if not why?[/quote] I think ROH has something different to offer, but the thing I don't like is the small arenas and non-show aspect. I know it sounds crazy, but I like WWE's big arenas, big crowds, ligths and pyros etc, the whole show. :o All in all, I like different wrestling and different promotions. I think that TNA is the #1 for me right now, but I think that they could do a LOT better job with the booking and planning etc.. 1.0 rating with that roster is really bad achievement. They are totally focusing in the wrong things. Less comedy and stupid skits, more high quality wrestling. ;)
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