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How to fix this completely broken game

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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;462194] anyway, if I have one TV show that gets a 3.0 rating, and I have a second show which I headline with Hulk Hogan VS Randy Savage the 2 hottest wrestlers in the world with an A* feud and it just HAPPENS to be on a B show which happens in prime time a 9 PM and the show gets an A rating because I don't use anyone but the best wrestlers who ever lived... it gets a .2 TV rating same as last week[/QUOTE] You ran HOGAN VS SAVAGE on a B show?! Do you actually understand the concept of a B show? Edit: Also, did you advance book it, and what was your previous week's B show like?
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OP "Waahh!! Waahh!! I suck at this game so it must be a software error! This game doesn't perfectly represent my (cracked) view of wrestling reality and so is an utter failure!" I'd put you on my IL, but honestly your posts are so pathetic as to be hilarious. So shine on you crazy diamond.
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Folks, don't make fun of people because they find the game difficult. It's not nice, and drags this board down a notch. Verbalcody, you're running into a lot of problems which are basically related to the complexity of the game. In no particualr order: B shows don't affect your promotion's popularity, positively or negatively. Use them to develop your lower card guys, throw in the odd midcarder to help season them, and enjoy an extra free hour of dvelopment time every week. Your big stars need to be all over your main shows. Playing as WWF, however, you can make do with squash matches, long interviews (seriously, the 1991 WWF must have had something like a 50:50 match:angle split) and capping the show with a Hulk Hogan posedown. Now you're at Cult, the onus is on you to get back to at least National before too many of your contracts expire - below National level you can't sign workers to written contracts. I would suggest that rather than play the game with an inherently flawed real world mod*, which wasn't written over a period of years by the person who made the game, try playing as SWF in the default Cornelleverse data. They have a strong WWF/WWE vibe about them, and the game will work with the data a lot better And as has been noted, it's not wise to come onto the boards and complain about the game. We're not the most cliquish or trigger happy bunch on the 'net by a long way, but we do tend to prefer reasoned posts, particualrly when someone's having trouble. We generally try and help, or at least point you to someone who can help. By and large, the game works exactly as its supposed to - it's not easy and its not a game you can pick up and play perfectly first time, but it is tremendous fun once you get hooked on it. Hope you can managed to turn WWF around, and get them back on top - and as much as it pains me to say it, pushing Hulk Hogan to the moon is the way to go there. [SIZE="1"][I]* It's still good - but it's not the Cornellverse. IT's practically a motto around here :p[/I][/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;462368] We're not the most cliquish or trigger happy bunch on the 'net by a long way, but we do tend to prefer reasoned posts, particualrly when someone's having trouble. We generally try and help, or at least point you to someone who can help.[/QUOTE] First off I would have to say this is the best forum I have ever come across, I mean yeah we have a few heated discussions here and there but overall most everyone here gets along and let's even the biggest jerks feel like friends around here (i.e. I originally signed up on this site to see if anyone would give me a crack to this game. I have since bought every single one because well I eventually gave up and gave in, hence the reason I am still around) [QUOTE] [B][SIZE="7"][I]* But it's not the Cornellverse! IT's practically a motto around here :p[/I][/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE] Say it load, say it proud!!! CVerse!!! Go Ryland Go!
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I haven't logged in or posted on this forum since last year, and I probably won't after this post. But let me tell you, without hyperbole, that the people on this forum are by and large the smartest and friendliest bunch of nerds and smarks on the net. My gaming experience (as is the case with many here) is vast. I know a good game from a bad one, and a bad one from a broken one. Is this the best game ever? No, not in my opinion. But it's damn good and it's well-made, and any competent person that takes the time to actually learn the game will be successful. Oh, and knocking WoW players for being nerdy while complaining about a PRO WRESTLING TEXT-BASED SIMULATION ON AN INTERNET FORUM is beyond the pot calling the kettle black. Why don't you ask your girlfriend how cool it would be if TEW worked the way you wanted, I'm sure she'd be [I]very[/I] impressed.
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hmm I like LOTRO better then WoW anyways lol. And yes this is a great and friendly community in my experience so far. And just to be clear I am not a Nerd and am not considered a Nerd I am just on touch with my Nerdy side because I am confident in myself and my projection too the world, just as I am in touch with my feminine side because I am safe in my masculinity. You do have to hand it to the guy he gets plenty of reactions tough... On reactions why don´t you all go check the suggestion forum and check my suggestion on tweaking the autopush all feedback welcome. (shameless bumb I know but hell I am self confident hehe)
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;462195]Oh here's another little diddy of a problem with this fine piece of programming My fed of course dropped to Cult status because apparently I need to only have undercard matches off TV which I didn't know... but I digress Now im cult status, so I go to sign Owen Hart to a contract and NO he all of the sudden doesn't want a written contract with the #1 promotion in the country.. WTF?!? no he wont sign off on a written contract because some abstract statistic has said im not global, Im cult. last week, he would have signed. this week, no such luck no matter HOW much money, titles or benefits I offer him?? where is any sense of common sense in that system? The contract system in this game doesn't make any sense because its not like dealing with people at all. It FEELS like Im dealing with computer code. Someone tell me if theres any option I can click to make this any less ridiculous[/QUOTE] On a side note, why would Owen Hart sign a written contract with a company that's clearly nosediving when he could go make more money elsewhere? Where's the common sense in that?
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[QUOTE=Trashbear;462512]Oh, and knocking WoW players for being nerdy while complaining about a PRO WRESTLING TEXT-BASED SIMULATION ON AN INTERNET FORUM is beyond the pot calling the kettle black. Why don't you ask your girlfriend how cool it would be if TEW worked the way you wanted, I'm sure she'd be [I]very[/I] impressed.[/QUOTE] Wait... oh my God... am I a nerd for playing this game?!?!?!
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Verbalcody, as people have pointed out, this is a very friendly forum and most of your issues are easily explainable - you've done yourself no favours by coming in her with such a OTT aggressive attitude; if you'd just asked why things were happening you'd have probably gotten a lot of helpful tips and hints on how to avoid them and be more successful and you'd probably be enjoying the game a bit more. By wading straight in with insults you've made yourself look bad and annoyed most of the people who would have given you the help you wanted. I'd suggest everyone takes a step back, calms down, and then tries posting with a little bit more respect and civility - on both sides. [QUOTE]My fed of course dropped to Cult status because apparently I need to only have undercard matches off TV which I didn't know... but I digress[/QUOTE] You are mistaken. You can quite happily have undercard matches on TV, they have very little effect on the show's final grade, which is heavily weighted toward the main matches (i.e. the ones at the end of the show). If you've dropped to cult then it's simply because the shows haven't been good enough quality to maintain your existing position, and so the likelihood is that the main events weren't strong enough. [QUOTE]Now im cult status, so I go to sign Owen Hart to a contract and NO he all of the sudden doesn't want a written contract with the #1 promotion in the country.. WTF?!? no he wont sign off on a written contract because some abstract statistic has said im not global, Im cult. last week, he would have signed. this week, no such luck no matter HOW much money, titles or benefits I offer him?? where is any sense of common sense in that system? The contract system in this game doesn't make any sense because its not like dealing with people at all. It FEELS like Im dealing with computer code. Someone tell me if theres any option I can click to make this any less ridiculous[/QUOTE] I'm sorry you feel that's ridiculous, but using statistics to create levels of achievement and limitations is a standard part of most games. The size statistic is not abstract as you stated - it is calculated from your popularity and the way the game world is set up, and the way it is done is very clear. The common sense is also very simple when you take the time to understand it - the higher your size, the more attractive you are to wrestlers, the lower your size, the less attractive you are. In your case, you dropped a size - meaning you are performing poorly - and so now have to deal with things (like contract negotiations) being harder. I'm afraid that I cannot agree with you that that "doesn't make sense" - you did badly, now you have consequences, that is a very standard way of handling things. [QUOTE]anyway, if I have one TV show that gets a 3.0 rating, and I have a second show which I headline with Hulk Hogan VS Randy Savage the 2 hottest wrestlers in the world with an A* feud and it just HAPPENS to be on a B show which happens in prime time a 9 PM and the show gets an A rating because I don't use anyone but the best wrestlers who ever lived... it gets a .2 TV rating same as last week.[/QUOTE] I think this stems from the fact that you are misunderstanding what B shows are. They are the equivalent of old shows like Velocity or Heat. They have a specific purpose in the game of being for developing talent. It's made clear that if you have a TV show set as a B show then it is treated by everyone as a second rate show - you don't get good ratings for it, it's not promoted, etc, etc. If you want to run Hogan vs Savage on it, you should change it to an A show. I'm sorry if you don't like that, but the fact is that your problem (low ratings) are because you aren't using TV shows correctly. Making a fuss that you think this is nonsensical and terrible coding isn't going to get you anywhere, because the advice will still remain the same - use the shows the way they are meant to be used and you will get the effect you want.
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Pft I'm a closet nerd. While wrestling is one of my biggest passions my friends would slaughter me if they knew it. :p Also can I just say Adam's professionalism in topics like these is really outstanding. It's rare to see a developer come in and help in the first place but he does it in a kind manner even when the courtesy isn't returned. Kudos.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=Rocksta;462697]Pft I'm a closet nerd. While wrestling is one of my biggest passions my friends would slaughter me if they knew it. :p [/QUOTE] Remember this: You can't spell Slaughter without laughter :D
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