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How to fix this completely broken game

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Well im playing a 1991 mod and come on... this game is useless you couldnt find a way to explain to me how it was even concieved to be POSSIBLE in game that a show could get a .01 or .02 rating on TV. or that my main show could get a 3.0 rating with TV companies threatening to kick me off TV every week How I can't push young stars because their matches early in their career are so bad they bring entire show ratings down How WWF, WCW, and AWA and every other fed have no TV shows, are all slipping in popularity worldwide.... what is with this game? i thought it was supposed to be akin to a real world simulation... how do I remedy ANY of these problems? please help me because Im at the point where i never want to look at this game again.
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Sounds like you've got a rubbish mod and that's what's bringing the stats down. It's not the game's fault that you've got a crap database. Try playing with the Cornellverse and see if the same faults present themself. Here's a hint - they won't ;)
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I can easily explain why all of those things are happening. The person who made the mod you're playing screwed it up. It has nothing to do with the game. I'm sure the game works perfectly well with the default Cornellverse data. You're playing a flawed database, that is all it is. Find another one, and hope it's not as bad as the one you're playing right now.
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Read the help file that comes with the game. There are many reasons for the problems you stated above and many of them have to do with your lack of knowledge of the product you are booking and many other things. For example: In promotions whose product states that wrestlers are rated more on popularity than performance, young stars that are "unknown" and not seasoned enough will get bad ratings because the people don't know who they are. Pushing unknown, young guys is a difficult process, just like it is in real life. You just cannot get them big wins over big names and expect them to go up the card like in EWR or other simpler sims. Many factors determine how or when they become stars. Seriously, read the help file, search this forum for the Official Tip Thread have patience.
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[B]Pushing Younger Stars:[/B] This is a problem everyone seems to have at some point. If you want to push a guy that is pretty much zero over the way you start out doing it (assuming you don't have a B show) is dark matches. Everyone has someone thats over on their roster or atleast more over than the guy you want to push. Give him wins in dark matches every week against more over, and better skilled wrestlers if at all possible. I'm playing a 91 mod and Steve Austin had E popularity in all regions, two months of B Shows and dark matches and he's D+'s all around the board. So be patient, book them for dark shows every week and they'll get there. You can roughly do three solid dark matches for every event if you plan on giving them any amount of time to have a match at all. [B]T.V Shows for WWF, WCW, AWA[/B] This is what is called a "mod". Meaning that this is not the data that came with the game. Someone other than the creator of the game (Adam Ryland) has created this world, they've placed the "real world" people in the game, they've decided how "over" the character and promotions are, they've even set up how many t.v shows they get. I know in the 91 mod WCW starts with two shows and WWF with like three. So either I'm not sure what happened at the start or you've been playing for a while and the promotions have lost their t.v shows. Heck it was around this time that AWA went out of business anyway. So did you start the game out with t.v shows for these promotions? If not than the mod maker didn't make any t.v shows. If you wanted to continue this "mod". You could go into the editor, create the amount of t.v shows you want each promotion to have and then start a new game. Without more info on the t.v shows I can't be much more help on them. [B]Ratings[/B] Ratings are explained right there in the game. a 4.0 in the game world is not the same as a 4.0 in "real world". They explain it has to do with what 50,000 viewers per half a point or something to that nature? If thats the case then figure out with .02 of 50,000 viewers are and thats who's watching your show. Further more ABC lets say would drop you if you had a 3.0 rating since they want ratings in the 6, or 7's. Each network has a certain amount of ratings they expect you to hit and if you don't hit them they'll warn you to get the ratings up, if that doesn't happen they'll pull your show which will turn hurt your promotion's prestige. I think you're confused thinking this is a real life wrestling simulator, when in reality its just A pro wrestling simulator. This game was not created with the likes of John Cena and Triple H in mind. The game was created based off of a fictional universe reffered to as the "cornellverse". Its your default data in your game. Mod makers and mod players are always struggling with trying to best as possible adapt "real world" so if fits smoothly into the game. I hope I answered some of your questions.
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Thanks for the insight guys I was thinking it was a horrible game programming job but I suppose it is just the mod though the game still seems to me to be too harsh. You're saying the game isnt so hard with other mods? and about young stars I see it in every wrestling fed that has ever existed, wrestling in opening bouts, are young stars... it shouldnt affect the outcome of the entire show thats ridiculous
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Is that what dark matches are for? when I go see a wrestling event, which is quite often, its dark matches have talent VS local wrestlers or 2 jobbers fighting... when I tuned into WWF, WCW, and any other wrestling fed... the opening bouts were matches with lower card guys. To me it seems i have to use all my best guys all show or suffer the ratings loss
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hehe you hot the nail on the head USE YOUR BEST GUYS ALL SHOW. Especially because a wwf/wcw are rated way more on popularity then skill. Dark matchers are matches before the t.v taping so you wont see those unless you go to a wwf event. And yes its many a time lower company dude vs local jobber but as there are no local jobbers do the next best thing low company dude vs slightly less low company dude. P.S. on the ratings are you advance booking at all??????? This makes a huge difference ratings wise and a slight difference attendence wise. Just to reiterate the other guys, read the help file plus the official tip thread and other interesting stuff on this board and you wil start doing well in no time. Try the Cornellverse if you doing well there with say SWF then you should do decent with WWF in the mod. If after playing SWF well and you still tank with WWF wel yeah then its porbably an unbalanced mod and not the game.
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If you are playing the 1991 mod that I think you are playing, then I don't know why you are having those problems, as I never have. Like others have already stated, it seems as though you're playing with a promotion that is rated more on Popularity than Skill, and tanking, by booking it as though it is ROH. Just a guess though. If none of that is true, then maybe it is the mod you are using.
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;461799]Is that what dark matches are for? when I go see a wrestling event, which is quite often, its dark matches have talent VS local wrestlers or 2 jobbers fighting... when I tuned into WWF, WCW, and any other wrestling fed... the opening bouts were matches with lower card guys. To me it seems i have to use all my best guys all show or suffer the ratings loss[/QUOTE] I was under the impression that opening bouts did not have too much effect on the overall show rating. Grant it, every match effects the final show rating, but I believe you could still stick lower card matches near the beginning of your show without it hurting the final show grade too much. Maybe somebody else with more knowledge can clarify this. The other thing is, for B shows, your show rating isn't all too important in your overall popularity. From what I heard, B show ratings have no effect on your popularity. So even if you get a low show rating, it really doesn't hurt your fed too much.
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[QUOTE=Rocksta;461914]I don't mean to be harsh here but it seems like your not very good at the game yet. Read the tip thread and look for little things to help you out. You'll find things become much easier and smoother as you play more.[/QUOTE] oh no Rocksta you wouldnt want to sound harsh with someone as polite and reasonable as VerbalCody. :o Read the guys post history for cryin out loud
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;461778]Well im playing a 1991 mod and come on... this game is useless you couldnt find a way to explain to me how it was even concieved to be POSSIBLE in game that a show could get a .01 or .02 rating on TV. or that my main show could get a 3.0 rating with TV companies threatening to kick me off TV every week How I can't push young stars because their matches early in their career are so bad they bring entire show ratings down How WWF, WCW, and AWA and every other fed have no TV shows, are all slipping in popularity worldwide.... what is with this game? i thought it was supposed to be akin to a real world simulation... how do I remedy ANY of these problems? please help me because Im at the point where i never want to look at this game again.[/QUOTE] My suggestion is to keep posting whining, combative messages like this one. I'm sure that if you keep it up just a little longer, Adam will make the game just how you like it.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;461939]oh no Rocksta you wouldnt want to sound harsh with someone as polite and reasonable as VerbalCody. :o Read the guys post history for cryin out loud[/QUOTE] Oh...My....God, is this guy from GameFAQS? But seriously, this game doesn't have that hard of a concept, use younger guys in dark matches, and use your better talent in the main card.
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Dude, sounds like its either your OR its the mod, OR some combination thereof. I'm currently building overness and talent in a small, crappy promotion in Europe. If the game was broken that just wouldn't be possible. Try a new mod, and take the advice of Shamans from World of Warcraft: Learn2Play.
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If I took advice from people who played world of warcraft, I'd probably have be sleeping alone at night anyway, if I have one TV show that gets a 3.0 rating, and I have a second show which I headline with Hulk Hogan VS Randy Savage the 2 hottest wrestlers in the world with an A* feud and it just HAPPENS to be on a B show which happens in prime time a 9 PM and the show gets an A rating because I don't use anyone but the best wrestlers who ever lived... it gets a .2 TV rating same as last week. So, I doubt theres a problem with the mod unless the mod maker has set up how to TV ratings are spit out. Ive listened to a lot of the posts here, and this is still completely nonsensical in any world for the TV ratings to work as such
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Oh here's another little diddy of a problem with this fine piece of programming My fed of course dropped to Cult status because apparently I need to only have undercard matches off TV which I didn't know... but I digress Now im cult status, so I go to sign Owen Hart to a contract and NO he all of the sudden doesn't want a written contract with the #1 promotion in the country.. WTF?!? no he wont sign off on a written contract because some abstract statistic has said im not global, Im cult. last week, he would have signed. this week, no such luck no matter HOW much money, titles or benefits I offer him?? where is any sense of common sense in that system? The contract system in this game doesn't make any sense because its not like dealing with people at all. It FEELS like Im dealing with computer code. Someone tell me if theres any option I can click to make this any less ridiculous
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Listen -- people have already told you that the problem is with the mod you're running. Play a game with the Cornellverse, or perhaps a better-tuned mod. I'm not a mod guy myself, so you'd have to ask around as to which exactly those are. Yes, a badly designed mod could result in screwed-up TV ratings. In this case, though, you're talking about a B show. Yes, if you run a B show, it will get lower ratings than your A show -- in part because it's a B show, and in part because it's probably on a smaller network. What networks are the two shows on?
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;462195]Someone tell me if theres any option I can click to make this any less ridiculous[/QUOTE] sure, let me help. first click log out. then click the little x in the top right hand corner. *poof* you and your crying will be gone, making this a little less ridiculous.....:D
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;462195]Oh here's another little diddy of a problem with this fine piece of programming My fed of course dropped to Cult status because apparently I need to only have undercard matches off TV which I didn't know... but I digress Now im cult status, so I go to sign Owen Hart to a contract and NO he all of the sudden doesn't want a written contract with the #1 promotion in the country.. WTF?!? no he wont sign off on a written contract because some abstract statistic has said im not global, Im cult. last week, he would have signed. this week, no such luck no matter HOW much money, titles or benefits I offer him?? where is any sense of common sense in that system? The contract system in this game doesn't make any sense because its not like dealing with people at all. It FEELS like Im dealing with computer code. Someone tell me if theres any option I can click to make this any less ridiculous[/QUOTE] Not every game is for everyone. While I and the vast majority of the people on these boards thouroughly enjoy this game, not everyone is going to be happy with this, or any game. That being said, you are not going to get a lot of sympathy or help by coming here and bashing the game, the designer, and the people here while asking them for help. So if you aren't happy in your game experience, then sorry, but no one is interested in your derogatory complaints.
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;462195] Now im cult status, so I go to sign Owen Hart to a contract and NO he all of the sudden doesn't want a written contract with the #1 promotion in the country.. WTF?!? no he wont sign off on a written contract because some abstract statistic has said im not global, Im cult. last week, he would have signed. this week, no such luck no matter HOW much money, titles or benefits I offer him?? where is any sense of common sense in that system? The contract system in this game doesn't make any sense because its not like dealing with people at all. It FEELS like Im dealing with computer code. Someone tell me if theres any option I can click to make this any less ridiculous[/QUOTE] That's the penalty you get for dropping down to cult. To me, it's great that stuff like that is included, because it balances the game out, and adds to the replay value. If any cult promotion could sign huge stars to written contracts, just because they have the money to, what would be the purpose of trying to grow to a National or better? That's apart of the challenge. It makes you work harder, instead of it being a cake walk to the top.
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;462194]If I took advice from people who played world of warcraft, I'd probably have be sleeping alone at night anyway, if I have one TV show that gets a 3.0 rating, and I have a second show which I headline with Hulk Hogan VS Randy Savage the 2 hottest wrestlers in the world with an A* feud and it just HAPPENS to be on a B show which happens in prime time a 9 PM and the show gets an A rating because I don't use anyone but the best wrestlers who ever lived... it gets a .2 TV rating same as last week. So, I doubt theres a problem with the mod unless the mod maker has set up how to TV ratings are spit out. Ive listened to a lot of the posts here, and this is still completely nonsensical in any world for the TV ratings to work as such[/QUOTE] If people never tune in to see your "A rated" B Show, then it really doesn't matter does it? B Shows will get lower ratings yes, because less people will tune in to it in the first place. It doesn't matter if you put on a masterpiece, there wasn't many people who bothered to tune in because they never expected much in the first place. Grant it, I figure you got the few that did tune in to stay on their TVs since you provided a captivating show. But word of mouth doesn't travel that fast; do you think they called their friends and neighbors to watch the wrestling B show as they were watching it?
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