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He is like most monster heels, his in ring skills are never going to be mistaken for a Stone or even a Steve Flash, but used right, he can get high overness, and do well in entertainment and other feds that rely on overness instead of or in addition to skills. Also, make good use of Menace angles, as those will help build his overness and momentum and get decent grades from the beginning. I can get high D's and low C's from Land Mass using Menace angles and his pop is only E.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;462169]yeah but in an SE fed there are so many better monster heals to use that He is not really worth it. (Primus Allen for one)[/QUOTE] Yes, but while Primus Allen has better in-ring skills at the get go, Gargantuan is both more Menacing and has higher Star Quality, two things which aren't so easy to gain. In the long run, depending on potential, Gargantuan could very easily end up being the better worker. Course if you have the option of developing both, I'd say go for it.
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[QUOTE=Nightshadeex;462202]I had Gargantuan doing well in a rock hard created fed in 2007. Wrestling Steve Flash can make anyone look good though.[/QUOTE] Indeed. Lots of dark matches with both Flash and Larry Wood are helping him develop into at least a halfway decent worker in my game.
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I've never pushed Gargantuan (I rarely hire him)... but wow, I have this unreasonable urge to start a game where I sign up every muscle bound and/or giant wrestler (let's say, heavyweight or higher with either good power or menace or star quality or a funny default picture) in the C-verse... just to see what happens. Oh, what a roster it would be :eek: Bull Wrecker Danny Rushmore Dusty Bin Findlay O'Farraday Gargantuan Giant Redwood Grease Hogg Grunt Java Jim Force King Kong Kennedy Land Mass Lead Belly Mick Muscles Ox Mastadon Peter Valentine Stink Titan The Big Problem Tribal Warrior T-Rex And whoever else I missed. Maybe edit some contracts via some contrived back story and pick up Big Scott Smack, Peter Valentine, Runaway Train... oh. There are good times in the future, good times.
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I know in the bios in the game it says Vengeance was the man who took Runaway Train's place as monster heel in the SWF but I'm turning Vengeance face again and am going to have Gargantuan take Train's place as monster heel. The plan is to have him in development for a few months then for him to attack Train and have The Guru abandon Train in favor of Gargantuan.
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