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Just curious what other's experiences have been with USPW. I've only played as SWF in the past, and in 08 I decided to see if I could take a smaller promotion to global. It's working, but slowly. I'm consistently putting on C shows and am hoping to eventually build my promotion around Devine and Champagne Lover, who are both up to D+ pop. So... how long has it taken others to get USPW to national? I've only got a couple months left of Bruce the Giant, is he going to resign with me? Any tips on running USPW in general? Thanks.
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It took me a while to indentify with a promotion in the Cornellverse I struggled in 07 to really get into the cornellverse but USPW fits perfectly. I've been running shows for about five months, actually its middle of June and I'm putting on B- shows all the time thats pretty much standard show. I was able to drop matches for t.v down to I think sixty percent. I put on some respectable matches with the likes of James Justice, Bruce the Giant, Darry Devine, Nicky Champion, etc. The thing is guys like Captain USA, James, Champion, Freddie Datsun, Chris Caulfield, Devine and both the Strong's have crazy charisma. I use them in angles along with Valentine, Bruce and some others that are over. On the matches side I've got a great women's division going with Alcia Strong who has great chemistry with Cherry Bomb, then I throw in Brazzle, JoRo, Nightfall and Wanda. Their pulling in C+ matches for me. Freddy Datsun is great at brawling so I got Caulfield, Datsun, Madman, Jungle Jack all of them putting on B- brawls while James Justice makes everyone in the main event wrestle B- matches himself. All in all use your angles and then plan your matches carefully and you can hit B- shows no problem.
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I've always tried to start games with the USPW however always found myself bored after a month or so seeing how the product is so heavily slanted at producing "family friendly" type of wrestling. It all seemed very cookie-cutter to me & something that lacked enough "grit" to really seem interesting. Not to mention that but the "over the top American Persona" kind of gets a little annoying (I love my country but still). Booking a show for a PPV called like "American Pie & Wrestling" just made it really hard for me to get into the vibe of the company. It seems like for those who love that kind of stuff, it offers a great company that isn't that large and that you can ultimately build. Creating your own superstars and really getting a sense of what it's like to challenge a bigger company. I would love to see another SE-like company in the cornellverse that isn't so "family friendly" but all in all the USPW has its place.
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;462673]I've always tried to start games with the USPW however always found myself bored after a month or so seeing how the product is so heavily slanted at producing "family friendly" type of wrestling. It all seemed very cookie-cutter to me & something that lacked enough "grit" to really seem interesting. Not to mention that but the "over the top American Persona" kind of gets a little annoying (I love my country but still). Booking a show for a PPV called like "American Pie & Wrestling" just made it really hard for me to get into the vibe of the company. It seems like for those who love that kind of stuff, it offers a great company that isn't that large and that you can ultimately build. Creating your own superstars and really getting a sense of what it's like to challenge a bigger company. I would love to see another SE-like company in the cornellverse that isn't so "family friendly" but all in all the USPW has its place.[/QUOTE] I think your reasons for disliking USPW are my reasons for loving them. Personally, the over the top Americana of it is laughably cheesy, but in a good way. The fact is, when I book for USPW I don't typically take them all that seriously, and that usually opens my mind up to some truly whimsical storylines. For example... T-Rex. In my USPW game, T-Rex basically walked around going "RAOOOAWAR!", eating copious amounts of "brontosaurus steaks" (at one point he warmed up by eating an estimated 500lbs worth of em), and at one point after being "suspended" by Sam Strong, T-Rex popped out of the dry wall with a dinosaur bone and proceeded to bludgeon the owner of the company with it for revenge. Now tell me, would a "gritty" company ever be able to run that, let alone have it send T-Rex's popularity into the stratosphere (he was As across America when that game ended)?
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[QUOTE]I think your reasons for disliking USPW are my reasons for loving them. Personally, the over the top Americana of it is laughably cheesy, but in a good way. The fact is, when I book for USPW I don't typically take them all that seriously, and that usually opens my mind up to some truly whimsical storylines. For example... T-Rex. In my USPW game, T-Rex basically walked around going "RAOOOAWAR!", eating copious amounts of "brontosaurus steaks" (at one point he warmed up by eating an estimated 500lbs worth of em), and at one point after being "suspended" by Sam Strong, T-Rex popped out of the dry wall with a dinosaur bone and proceeded to bludgeon the owner of the company with it for revenge. Now tell me, would a "gritty" company ever be able to run that, let alone have it send T-Rex's popularity into the stratosphere (he was As across America when that game ended)?[/QUOTE] Haha, I love that storyline Comradebot. Absolutely hilarious. While that sounds like a lot of fun... I wouldn't be able to book it. However, I love what you've done with yours. :)
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;462673]I've always tried to start games with the USPW however always found myself bored after a month or so seeing how the product is so heavily slanted at producing "family friendly" type of wrestling. It all seemed very cookie-cutter to me & something that lacked enough "grit" to really seem interesting. Not to mention that but the "over the top American Persona" kind of gets a little annoying (I love my country but still). Booking a show for a PPV called like "American Pie & Wrestling" just made it really hard for me to get into the vibe of the company. It seems like for those who love that kind of stuff, it offers a great company that isn't that large and that you can ultimately build. Creating your own superstars and really getting a sense of what it's like to challenge a bigger company. I would love to see another SE-like company in the cornellverse that isn't so "family friendly" but all in all the USPW has its place.[/QUOTE] You know, I could kinda see this in a way. An up and coming SE fed with more attitude could be welcome for folks of your mindset. But you know what? Much as I hate statements phrased this way, I think USPW is this year's TCW. USPW the big reclamation project fed with upside that TCW was before Adam sewed their holes closed in the new data. I would suggest that's why you're seeing all this USPW threads lately. Everyone wants to try saving USPW from its huge Medicare bill. Yet they realize they've given the place so little thought in the past they don't know the spirit of the company all that well. Their weakness to my mind isn't the product so much as it is their opening roster. But that weakness would also seem to be what makes them compelling.
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;462810]You know, I could kinda see this in a way. An up and coming SE fed with more attitude could be welcome for folks of your mindset. But you know what? Much as I hate statements phrased this way, I think USPW is this year's TCW. USPW the big reclamation project fed with upside that TCW was before Adam sewed their holes closed in the new data. I would suggest that's why you're seeing all this USPW threads lately. Everyone wants to try saving USPW from its huge Medicare bill. Yet they realize they've given the place so little thought in the past they don't know the spirit of the company all that well. Their weakness to my mind isn't the product so much as it is their opening roster. But that weakness would also seem to be what makes them compelling.[/QUOTE] The thing is, they're openning roster actually isn't all that terrible if you use em right. It requires building a little overness and momentum, but in a few months time those B- shows should start becoming more popular. I know alot of people make the mistake of trying to job out Peter Valentine, only to find out Sam Strong refuses to let him leave. As painful as it sounds, you gotta push Valentine. He's got nothing going for him except overness, and in USPW that can be all you need. A solidly over Peter Valentine can, and will, give you B matches. Of course, you do need to bring in some folks, and possibly cut some. Of the entire starting roster, The Hillbillys still come off as being 100% useless. They're awesome tag experience does little the change the fact that neither can cut a promo, wrestle, and have abyssmal star qualities that often means the majority of the time they're gonna be rough to get overness to. Then you factor in that both are getting old, and you might as well fire them and replace em with King Kong Kennedy and Ox Kreviazuk. Maybe one day I'll figure out how to properly use the Hillbillys, but until then they are THE dead weight in USPW to me.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;462816]The thing is, they're openning roster actually isn't all that terrible if you use em right. It requires building a little overness and momentum, but in a few months time those B- shows should start becoming more popular. I know alot of people make the mistake of trying to job out Peter Valentine, only to find out Sam Strong refuses to let him leave. As painful as it sounds, you gotta push Valentine. He's got nothing going for him except overness, and in USPW that can be all you need. A solidly over Peter Valentine can, and will, give you B matches.[/QUOTE] Can't necessarily disagree here. But reclamation projects are in the eye of the beholder and it would seem many see USPW as the Senior PGA. And while Peter Valentine certainly lives up to his profile as the man players love to hate, I find him to be a double edged sword. Sure he may be a talentless slug who's so far in with the boss that you can't get rid of up and deservedly hated. But that also makes him an asset. Not being able to chase him off makes him your port in the storm if you get raided. Granted, a younger more talented port would be preferable. But for better or worse, Valentine's your insurance policy as USPW. [QUOTE=Comradebot;462816]Of course, you do need to bring in some folks, and possibly cut some. Of the entire starting roster, The Hillbillys still come off as being 100% useless. They're awesome tag experience does little the change the fact that neither can cut a promo, wrestle, and have abyssmal star qualities that often means the majority of the time they're gonna be rough to get overness to. Then you factor in that both are getting old, and you might as well fire them and replace em with King Kong Kennedy and Ox Kreviazuk. Maybe one day I'll figure out how to properly use the Hillbillys, but until then they are THE dead weight in USPW to me. [/QUOTE] I'm actually kind of split on the Hillbillies. Pete truly is a slug with his basics being his only real saving grace. And Al's offensive skills are definitely as junk as you cast them. But I think Al can be salvaged. Sure, you're probably never going to get him over. But Al could serve pretty well as a sort of entry point jobber. He has just enough stamina to do quickie TV matches and the resilence to keep coming back for them week after week. He has toughness, basics and consistency skills that could be used to polish newcomers just learning their craft. And if you're willing to use Al as the old man in a mentor/protege team he might be able to pass some power wrestling tricks as well. If you have to rely on Al as a key piece of the marketing puzzle, you're in deep ba ba sticky. As a trainer of rookies, I think a case can be made for him.
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Wow, a B match out of Peter Valentine?? I've stuck him in a tag team with Kirk Jameson (great chemistry) to help out the tag division, but even with the chemistry and Playboy Jake Sawyer as their manager, they're, uhhhh, struggling. I had the same problem with the 'family friendly' thing, but I've found this to be an awesomely fun fed. Strong lets you change quite a bit of the product and you can still use up to medium risk angles with little or no penalty.
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I just started a game with them because of this thread had my first show and used the big 4 (valentine, bruce the giant, chris caufield and james justice) but not against each other turned Giant in an angle got a C+ for the first show. Caufield vs t-rex and justice vs jumbo jackson where my last 2 matches. after the match I had Giant and valentine attack justice and Caufield come out for the save. What i think looks fun is Devine Davids Champion Elwood and Eric the Bull to see what you can make with them guys. Alicia Strong and Cherry Bomb look to be a PPV Feud. I am not sure how to get good matches out of the tag team divsion though. Thinking of trying Devine and Davids in a team see if they have some chemistry.
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Yeah Devine, Champion, Davids and Happy are my big projects to get over. My tag division has suffere, I've brought in the McWades, The Dirty White boys, I got the Forces of America, I got the Towers of Power, I got Black Eagle and Ultimate Phoniex teaming up and none of these combos are doing anything for my tag division.
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[QUOTE]McWades, The Dirty White boys,[/QUOTE] How did you push these two in USPW? Character-wise? McWades are known for their rough neck style and the Dirty White Boys are Hardcore all the way... I would think they would be hard to push seeing how they are not really "Family Friendly". All in all though, Maybe this is my problem with USPW... I don't really know what exactly I would have to book.
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I pushed the Dirty White Boy's as fan favorite bikers essentially. They don't do much talking they ride their bikes down to the ring and brawl in their matches. The McWades were brought in as a foil to the Dirty White boys, attacking them after matches, destroying their bikes, ambushing one or the other. Things that might not be "family friendly" but certainly nothing worse than WWF circa 80's. I don't have them in first blood matches, or hell in a cell matches, or you know texas death matches. Just good ole fashioned like you said roughneck brawlers. Both teams love to fight, the difference is the McWades seem to like to fight better after the Dirty White boys have finished a match or while their strolling through the building. Thats the approach I took. No blood, no tables, nothing like that.
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