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the Tag Team League

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/cooltext94440862.jpg[/IMG] [i]...a TEW08 C-Verse dynasty...[/i][/CENTER] It is a common fallacy that everyone hates the rich. Obviously other rich people usually don’t mind us very much at all. Of course there are sometimes petty disputes between “old money” and “new money” but there’s nearly always a great deal of begrudging mutual respect underlying any of the ornamental bluster. Poor and middle class people don’t really hate the rich either aside from the sad, jealous few who resent their lot in life. And after reading that you might be screaming at your computer screen right now saying “hey man, you’re way out of touch,” and I’ll tell you that I’ve been accused of worse and while I don’t deny that there is a slight disconnect in the way I do things from the way things are normally done it’s not from lack of touch, so to speak. Why don’t you relax, take a breath, and see if I can’t convince you otherwise. A decent, hard-working young man called Jim Surge, a man looking to improve his lot in life, came to me recently with a very interesting business proposal. I’ve known him for a long time as he went to college with a cousin of mine in New Jersey. He’s a bright, athletic, social guy. The sort that will get you very drunk at his party but make sure he’s looking after you all night. Obviously I think very highly of him he just happens not to have a lot of cash through no fault of his own. He’s been looking for a way into the professional wrestling business and had a “eureka” moment. Collect 16 of the world’s greatest tag-teams and put them together into a tag-team only league. Of course the idea is not nearly a new one, Japanese feds since the late 1970s all the way to the present continue to support the idea of tag-team leagues but Surge wanted a permanent, full-time federation to call his own. I don’t know, maybe it was the guy’s charisma, but I decided to cut him an extremely large check and become the silent owner of the brand-new Tag-Team League. If it failed, at least I’d have a nice tax write off. The thing about “Jim Surge” is that he is the former “James Surgilini,” the distant cousin of a reputed, uhm, influential man that operates out of New York City. With no close ties to the family Surge wants his distant cousin to believe that he too is a man of means, which is why he needs money from me. And besides, he’s going to be asking his cousin for a more important favor – the council and muscle necessary to help pry the world’s top tag-team talent away from their current contracts and commitments. You might ask why I would get involved in such dirty hands business. Aside from it being a no-lose business proposition I’d like to paraphrase one of my earliest conversations with Jim: “it should be a lot of fun.”
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I didn’t get to my station in life by relying on the good faith of others. Don’t get me wrong, I like to think that I’m an optimistic and empathetic soul when you get right down to it but I don’t let my fate ride on the wind like dice rolling down an Atlantic City craps table. While I don’t care one way or the other if the Tag-Team League is going to be a financial success, I do very much care that the money I’m giving to my new head booker Jim Surge is going where he says it’s going. We all need a little insurance in life and since I was coming into a business that was completely foreign to me it only made sense. I mulled over the possibilities of hiring at least one “plant” that would report directly to me and only to me about the goings-on of the TTL. As we continued to cruise back to Princeton, New Jersey from New York City in my custom-built, gleaming black Gulf Stream Constellation luxury bus I gained a bit more understanding of how Mr. Surge operates. I admit I was half-expecting this wannabe wise-guy from Jersey to smooth-talk me non-stop into believing that everything was going to be okay with our new startup venture. But instead he spent most of the ride in silence in the kitchen area with headphones on staring into a Berlitz “Learn Japanese” program on his laptop. From time to time when his Treo rang he would raise his eyes from his screen and look over at me. It is well known that I hate cellular communication in any incarnation and Surge played by my rules by not answering. Seeing how he was extremely calm and not at all in a rush to make hasty decisions rubbed me exactly the right way. This is a guy I knew I could work with, at least for now. “So,” Surge said as we rambled our way onto Route 1 heading South from the New Jersey Turnpike, “my cousin says we’re going to need an army of lawyers if we’re really going to pull this thing off. We may not have to use them but we’ll need them as a show of force.” I nodded. It was understood that we would need to somehow invalidate a number of worker contracts as we tried to get the very best tag-teams from around the world into our federation. I leaned back slowly on the leather couch and turned off the flatscreen TV. “The way I see it,” Surge continued in a clear voice that belied any New Jersey or northeastern accent, “we deal with four major teams to start. That’s eight lawsuits for breech of contract and more for possible tampering violations. My cousin can keep everything out of the media, he’s very good at that, and we may not have to do much coaxing at all for some of the workers if you catch my drift...” Jim Surge smiled slyly. I knew this meant that his cousin already had the goods on a couple of Surge’s initial targets, or that some of the targets were the sort that we could simply pay off with a wad of cash. “But we’re going to have to have the situations with these four teams completely settled before we do anything else. Then, a big press conference… we’ll announce these signings publicly to coincide with the birth of the league and presto – any tag-team worth their salt in the world will want to be here to participate. They’ll [i]need[/i] to be here because this will be the hub of excellent tag-team wrestling around the world!” I nodded again, more slowly this time. There may be a very good reason that a dedicated tag-team-only federation has not already captured the international imagination: no one wants it! But this possibility doesn’t even seem to enter Surge’s mind for a single second. “Have you thought more about the setup?” I asked. “I liked your idea about a wildcard team or two.” “It may come down to that,” Surge replied, “It would be a great way to get fans involved before we even have a match. We could let them vote for two singles wrestlers who will form a wildcard tag-team for the league. I’m not sure about one or two wildcards though we’ll have to see how it goes. Otherwise we’ll be pretty standard like we spoke about already: 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 0 points for a loss.” The bus comes to a stop at a traffic signal and the driver makes a right turn heading into Princeton. “And we’re going to get rid of the bottom three teams after each season?” I asked. “Something like that, boss,” Surge said as wrinkles shot across his forehead. “We also spoke about having the bottom six face each other in elimination matches at the end, remember. We don’t have a single worker on the roster yet lets not get ahead of ourselves…” It was his Treo that had caused the distressed look on Surge’s face. “Boss, listen, this is from Mexico I have to take it.” I put my hand up and acquiesced. Hearing Surge speak his passable Spanish in the background was a bit surreal. I guess in my way I was constantly underestimating him and waiting for something to go wrong. But nothing was going wrong. Everything was going very smoothly and we now had a solid plan. Our first four targets had been set - one from the United States, one from Mexico, one from Japan, one from Canada. If we close on all four of them it will be time for a major public announcement. And now, the messy part.
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Backstage at the WaMu [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/TTL1.jpg[/IMG] Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! The moment I heard a sound coming from outside the room my heart began beating so quickly that I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. The rapping on the door to the large, furnished room that had been assigned my backstage office at the WaMu Theater at Madison Square Garden, formerly the Felt Forum, couldn’t have come at a worse time. “You,” I whispered as I pointed to one of the two other people in the room with me, “under the desk. And you,” I said to the other, “try to get behind that curtain; and not a peep from either of you!” I desperately scooped some papers off my desk and deposited them into the top drawer. I took a deep breath, took out a handkerchief and wiped my brow. Knock! Knoc…. “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming,” I said to interrupt the knocking, all the while stalling a few more moments to allow my associates to get themselves completely hidden from view. I pocketed the handkerchief, made my way over to the door, and opened it. It was Jim Surge, who came strolling right in. “Hey boss,” Surge said with a supremely optimistic tone in his voice, “whatcha doin’ back here all holed away, up to no good?!” I hesitated for a fraction of a second but by the grin on his face I knew he was trying to be amusing. “No, that’s your department,” I shot back with a wry smile of my own. Surge shook his head as his smile widened. “Hey we’re in this together, bud,” the TTL’s Head Booker answered. “We’re both gonna hafta repay a few favors and when they get called in there’s nuthin’ we can say.” I looked quizzically at Surge and my furrowed brow obviously telegraphed my thoughts. I wasn’t thinking about having to repay Surge’s “well-connected” cousin and he knew it. The last time I was with Surge for any length of time he hardly had any discernable accent. Now he was suddenly Jersey Jim Surge, as if he had grown up on the streets of Bayonne or Jersey City. It all sounded pretty affected to me, and rang fairly hollow. “What’s up with the accent, right?” Surge said, “I did tawk like dis when I was young but as I went trew school I guess I kinda trained myself out of it but I can fall back in at any given time. Now seemed like a good time, we’re in New Yawk, we wanna connect with da common man, ya know?” My face must have gone white. “I’m KIDDING, KIDDING!” Surge said to my great relief. He seemed a bit deflated that I was unable to follow his line of thinking. “Man, you seem pretty tense boss… I just, uh, wanted to come back here and check in before we kick this thing off. I know you’re not going to be out on stage and all…” “Sorry Jim,” I said, trying to get his energy level back up, “you know me I’m always worried about the details. And I saw some of the lawyers you brought in earlier and I think that’s what put me on edge.” “Yeah, they’re a creepy lot, eh?” Surge replied. “They’ve been in the main green room drinking all the champagne and hitting on all the women. Not good. Luckily we shouldn’t really need them beyond tonight if everything goes well, and I think everything’s going to go well.” He was smiling again. I knew Surge was going to do just fine as he seemed a natural in front of the microphone. What was going to be interesting was the reaction of wrestling fans since he was a complete unknown to the public at large. I had suggested to Surge in private that he should consider himself for the lead announcer position to help get his name out there in the wrestling community but after his little performance today I thought he’s probably better suited for the colour commentator role. “Have you given that lead announcer position any thought?” I asked. “Well actually, that’s the real reason I decided to stop by, I wanted to make it official before I go out there so I can…” “Good,” I said, cutting him off and continuing before he could finish, “listen, I think we need to find a professional announcer to handle the technical aspects of what’s going on in the ring. I want you doing colour commentary and I want you to be the TTL’s first commissioner.” Surge looked taken aback. It was certainly mixed news, a demotion and a promotion all at once. “Okay,” he said after a long moment while starting to shake his head in the affirmative, “now we’re talkin’! I was going to mention that being Head Booker in a league system wouldn’t have been much fun since everyone has to face everyone. I know there’ll be more to it than that but I really appreciate the chance to be on-air in this capacity. I accept!” “Very good then,” I replied, “I’ll be back here watching.” “Thanks man,” Surge said as he made his way to the door, “the first four signings in TTL history! Are you as pumped as I am for this?” “‘Pumped?’ I don’t know that I get pumped,” I replied, “but pretty excited, yes.” Surge laughed as he exited my office, the door closing behind him. “Phew,” I said as my associates slowly came out of hiding. “That was close; now you two, we’ve finished up the paperwork already. Get out there we’ll speak again in the near future. Don’t do anything stupid and never try to contact me, I’ll contact you.” They nodded, waited a few more moments to ensure Surge was gone, and then quietly exited the office. Everything was now in place and the TTL was about to take off.
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TTL Press Conference - part 1 [b]Early February, 2008[/b] I leaned back in my chair in the backstage office at the WaMu Theater at Madison Square Garden in one of the great cities in the world, New York City, New York, USA. Lights already dimmed, I snapped on the flatscreen with the remote control and took a long sip on a Bombay Sapphire and tonic. After a satisfying pause to enjoy the sound of ice clinking against the glass and settling back down, I struck a long wooden match against the outside of a worn cardboard matchbox and lit my Cohiba Churchill. A plume of smoke trailed up lazily from my mouth as I enjoyed the moment. After a few seconds a crude logo illuminated the previously dark screen: [CENTER] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/cooltext94440945.png[/IMG][/CENTER] After the logo faded away the screen showed the inside of the Theater, the entire bottom level jammed with a couple hundred members of the worldwide sports media. It looked like a very good turnout and I was pleased that we would get a good deal of early publicity to perhaps help us capture a pay-per-view deal or two and really get this league off the ground. After a minute or two a nattily attired Jim Surge strolled out to the podium on the stage to address the media with absolutely no fanfare. His calmness, coolness, and look evoked images of James Bond, right down to the prop handgun: [CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/Random_Male52.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As he stood there in his tuxedo he put the gun into an inside coat pocket and poured himself a glass of water. I commented to myself that while I thought the whole fake gun thing was silly, unnecessary, and "out-of-nowhere," I actually appreciated his generally “classy” approach to the night’s stripped-down proceedings. It could easily have been a farce with too much fanfare; I made a note to remember to compliment him later. “Thank you all for your time,” Surge began in a clear, accent-free voice, “I know for many of you it was extremely inconvenient to be here in person on such short notice and for that we extend our heartfelt appreciation.” There was a smattering of applause, mainly from members of the Japanese and Australian media. “I know there’s been a lot of rumor and speculation but tonight has been designed to answer all of your questions. Tonight, I shall be announcing the first four teams that will compete for the Tag-Team League World Championship. You will see by these first four signings that it is our intention to bring the very best tag-teams in the world together for this competition. Any tag-team worth their salt will [i]need[/i] to be here to prove themselves because this is where the best will be!” I chuckled to myself as I took another sip of my gin and tonic. Surge had said nearly the exact same thing to me on the bus ride back from New York City a few weeks ago. “And now, onto tonight’s festivities. First, I’m delighted to introduce to you…” [b]“Not so fast…”[/b] Gasps rang out through the Theater as a voice that could only belong to one man rumbled through the house speakers like an angry lawnmower savaging a plot of overgrown grass. A curtain at the back of the theater pulled away to reveal the only man it could be: [CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/RichardEisen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [b]“This isn’t happening,”[/b] Eisen declared in an arrogant tone as he strolled out from the back of the Theater with mic in hand to a barrage of flashbulbs and into one of the aisles leading towards the stage. He took a few steps towards the stage before stopping. [b]“If you think you’re just going to walk out here and say that you have contracts signed with workers that are already under contract to other promotions, you’ve got another thing coming! Boys, get out here![/b] Two heavyset men in suits and eyeglasses walked out behind the SWF’s owner and Eisen seemed quite pleased to have the spotlight firmly on himself. [b]“These two men are two of the finest corporate lawyers in the country. Together they have a combined 31 years of experience defending the SWF from low-class leeches and unscrupulous parasites such as you! I’m here tonight to let you know…[/b] I recognized the two men that Eisen had brought out behind him. Members of the assembled media had a bit of an ironic laugh at Eisen calling Surge a parasite and I smiled in anticipation of Surge’s next move. “Actually,” Surge said, “you interrupted me before I could finish so now I’m going to interrupt you. It gives me great pleasure to announce the new worldwide legal team for the TTL. Matt, Joe, do you want to come up here please?” [b]“Whaa…?”[/b] choked Eisen as the two men standing behind him made their way up to the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen,” Surge began, “I give you Mr. Matthew Frankfurt of the respected firm Proskaur Rose based here in New York, and Mr. Joseph Creesy of the Los Angeles firm of Quinn, Emanuel, Urguhart, Oliver & Hedges, two giants in American corporate law.” Eisen remained standing in the aisleway, his jaw slightly open and a stupefied look on his face. “We also have Mr. Alfred Clarke of the London firm Slaughter & May, Mr. Paco Perez of Basham, Ringe y Correa in Mexico City, Mr. Patrick Falloon of the Toronto firm Dorsey & Whitney, Mr. Kinji Iwasa of the Tokyo firm Matsuo & Kosugi and Mr. Lachlan King of the Sydney-based Freehills firm. Come on out here gentlemen!” Photo flashbulbs went off once again as Alfie, Paco, Pat, Kinji, and Lachlan made their way out onto the stage to join Matt and Joe behind Jim Surge. “You see Mr. Eisen, we’re not some fly-by-night operation here working with smoke and mirrors. We’re prepared. And all of the men on this stage have, legally, found loopholes that invalidate some existing worker contracts so that we could look into the possibility of bringing them to this league where they would be treated fairly and decently. I assure you that we have the very best corporate legal representation in the entire globe, you’ll find our contracts are air-tight and will hold up in any court under any circumstances.” A red-faced Eisen, seething with anger, whipped his mic back to his face. [b]“I don’t know how you’ve done this, but rest assured, this is just the beginning, not the end. You want me as your enemy? You’ve got it!”[/b] Eisen threw his mic down in disgust as he retreated back behind the curtain. “Right then,” Surge continued without missing a beat, “and now to announce the first roster members of the Tag-Team League!”
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TTL Press Conference - part 2 [b][i]OOC:[/b] Thanks for the encouragement. I had the idea to do this last year with DOTT with the sole intention of putting the Midnight Express over but I never got it off the ground because real life got involved. Hopefully this will be as fun for you to read as it is for me to play and write![/i] A stagehand scampered out onto the stage carrying a large trash bin and he set it down on the floor next to the podium that Jim Surge stood behind. “Over the next couple of weeks as the entire TTL roster takes firm shape it will become quite clear why Mr. Eisen was so upset with us a few moments ago,” Surge began as the lights on the stage dimmed for a moment and a huge, velvety red curtain unfurled majestically as it descended from the ceiling down to the stage floor. “But I can already tell you one of the main reasons right now; introducing, the two-time and reigning SWF World Tag-Team Champions…” Two stagehands moved in perfect synchronization to the center of the stage near the part in the curtains and pulled them back to reveal: [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/RandyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/ZimmyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG] [b]“…Randy and Zimmy – THE AMAZING BUMFHOLES!”[/b] Camera flashes and wild murmuring again from the entire assembled media gallery at the WaMu Theater at Madison Square Garden, so much so that Zimmy had to blink his eyes for a few long moments as if suffering vertigo from the strobe-light effect of the lights. The two men eventually strode out to the podium, holding their SWF World Tag-Team Championship belts up high in the air. “You see this?” Randy said into the podium microphone with some genuine excitement audible in his voice as he motioned up to the freshly polished championship belts. “The reason we’re here and first in line for the Tag Team League should be crystal clear to anyone with half-a-brain: we’re the two-time SWF tag champs and we’re a laughing stock. Well I have a little message for you,” Randy continued, pointing emphatically at the members of the press, “we’re the only ones that are going to be laughing at the end of the TTL’s first season. This is going to be a showcase event like no other and so you’re going to see a different side of the Bumfholes in this competition, I promise you.” Randy and Zimmy then brought their belts over to the trash bin and held them there for a few seconds before releasing them and watching them drop to the bottom with loud thuds. One of the stagehands then directed them over to a marked standing area on the right side of the stage that was facing the photographers, with a TTL banner in the background. Zimmy continued to look a bit bewildered of the whole process and Randy began whispering in his ear as Surge regained the podium and continued. “Next,” Surge said as a spotlight brought everyone’s attention back to the closed-again red curtain, “it took a great deal of negotiation and a lot of time to secure this next team, one of the smoothest tag-teams in the history of lucha libre, the former two-time OLLIE Campeones de Parejas…” [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/Phoenix2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/Phoenix3.jpg[/IMG] [b]“Phoenix II and Phoenix III - DOS PHOENIX!!”[/b] Phoenix II strode up to the podium for a brief moment and Surge stepped aside with a smile. “Gracias, Mr Surge, gracias,” he began, “it is our pleasure to be here as charter members of what will surely be a great league. But this opportunity would not have been possible, nor would our careers be possible, without the man that is going to serve as our manager: Phoenix I!” [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/Phoenix.jpg[/IMG] [b]Phoenix I[/b] appeared from behind the curtain and brought both hands up slowly and he waved them limply at the crowd like an old military dictator surveying his militia and waiving at little children during a parade. A stagehand then brought the luchadors over to the right side of the stage to stand near the Bumfholes but Randy immediately pulled Zimmy away and the two brothers kept a bit of a distance between themselves and the Phoenix boys. “The third team I'm going to introduce to you may be the most surprising one of all,” Surge said hurriedly, the words nearly running together in his excitement. “First, he is perhaps one of the greatest all-around wrestlers of his generation, an elite singles and legendary tag-team competitor. A four-time World Champion and a five-time World Tag-Team Champion...” The curtain pulled back to reveal: [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/JackDeColt.jpg[/IMG] [b]“Jack DeColt!!”[/b] There was actually some respectful applause from the assembled members of the press to accompany this round of camera flashes. Jack waived respectfully but stayed far away from the podium. He started to casually stroll over to where the Bumfholes and Phoenixes were stationed as Surge continued. “His partner is one of the great rising stars in wrestling today, the two-time and the reigning CGC World Heavyweight Champion…” Gasps were heard from everyone who instantly realized it would be Ricky, and not Steve, pairing with Jack for the competition. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/RickyDeColt.jpg[/IMG] [b]“Ricky DeColt!”[/b] Ricky swaggered up to the podium wearing the CGC World Championship belt and he attempted to head flick the hair away from his face but he only made it worse as the hair covered his eyes. He unstrapped the belt and held it over the trash bin with one arm. But as he stood there getting ready to drop it in someone erupted from back behind the curtain with a championship belt of his own and nearly shoulderblocked Ricky through the podium from behind. Ricky's CGC belt fell into the trash bin. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] “Uh,” Surge began as he took a wireless mic from one of the stagehands, “here is the three…” “Enough Surge,” [b]Yoshimi Mushashibo[/b] commanded in a powerful voice from the podium, “and enough with this Canadian flake,” he said as he shoved Ricky DeColt into his older brother Jack who had come back to the podium to ensure he wouldn’t miss out if a brawl erupted. “Team Dynasty 2000 is here!” Mushashibo’s partner emerged from behind the curtain: [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] “Four times my partner [b]Shuji Inukai[/b] and I have won the PGHW Elite Tag Team Series,” Mushashibo stated in a heavily accented voice that still sounded very arrogant. “We have more tag-team experience and more success than any of these other jokes up here on stage.” Mushashibo looked directly at the Bumfholes with his last statement, which caused Randy to go red with anger. “Three times I hold the Glory Crown,” Mushashibo continued, “I now am told to come here and fight a man who has won nothing, a man whose father gives him everything?” Ricky DeColt tried to take off after Mushashibo but Jack held him back, telling him that this wasn’t the time or place for an altercation. Surge, who wanted to put a quick close to the formal proceedings in order to commence the afterparties without major incident, interrupted quickly on the mic: “There you have it, the first four teams of the 16-team Tag-Team League: The Amazing Bumfholes, Dos Phoenix, The DeColt Brothers, and Team Dynasty 2000. Thank you all for coming we’ll have more for you on our personnel moves in the form of press announcements until we’re ready to commence the league…” “Don’t try to stop it Surge,” Mushashibo interrupted, “we all know who the top-seeded team will be in this league… we already know who will be champions: Team Dynasty 2000!” Members of the Japanese media looked embarrassed as if Mushashibo’s actions had somehow caused them shame. Jack DeColt had to physically pull Ricky back from the stage altogether to help get his temper under control. Randy Bumfhole continued to look around as if he was suspicious of the whole proceedings and the Phoenixes, especially Phoenix I, seemed drunk. In all, it was an awfully memorable first press conference. I poured myself another gin and tonic and waited for Surge.
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Backstage after the Press Conference [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/Random_Male52.jpg[/IMG] Surge came walking into my backstage office looking fairly run-down and he immediately plopped himself down on the arm of the leather couch. He instinctively pulled his bowtie loose and unbuttoned the top button of his tuxedo. As he sat there in silence to decompress for a moment, the door to the office finally closed and Surge realized he was sitting in near complete darkness. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/TheGrandAvatar.jpg[/IMG] “Not bad,” I said. “Some fireworks… I think you might have cut things off a little too soon but hey, we’re sticking to the plan and I’m sure you know what you’re doing. Surge nodded as he took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead and mouth clear of sweat. “Thanks boss,” he said, a bit of Jerseyese slipping back into his voice now that his guard was down. “I didn’t want a fight breaking out after the whole Eisen thing. It probably would have negated all of the great press we’re going to get.” “You’ve made one hell of an enemy, you know?” I asked rhetorically. Surge nodded but still couldn’t help smiling with pride about being able to stand up to Eisen in front of some of the world’s most important and influential sportswriters. “What’s going on with the dimmed lights thing, man?” Surge asked as his way of changing the subject. “I get this cool silhouette effect this way,” I replied wryly. “Right,” Surge laughed, “and I suppose you enjoy the smoke more in the dark too? All spooky like some sort of Scooby Doo villain?!” Surge brought a hand up to his mouth and fake-coughed to make light of the effects of the second-hand smoke lingering in the room. “Yeah, it’s what happens when you light a cigar,” I said. “I’m sure,” Surge chucked back in repartee fashion. “Listen I’ve been thinking a lot about the TTL…” “Like a good commissioner would,” I interrupted, just to see what sort of reaction it might elicit. “Yes,” Surge began, perhaps unappreciative of the mind-games at work, “well, you’re not in the best of moods but I thought that the TTL was starting off as a bit of a sausage-fest and I wanted to avoid that...” I couldn’t help but smile. “So,” Surge continued, “I’d like to introduce you to someone that Rich Eisen had toiling away at Rhode Island Pro Wrestling…” The door to my backstage office opened to reveal: [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/HannahPotter.jpg[/IMG] “Holy…” I said. [b]“Hannah Potter,”[/b] Surge interrupted before I could finish the expletive, “I’d like you to meet our generous benefactor. The man who is single-handedly funding this entire operation.” “The pleasure is all mine,” I said as I raised a hand and nodded to her. I moved over to Surge and whispered to him: “and she’s….?” “Eighteen, sir,” Surge whispered back. “Thank goodness,” I whispered in reply. “So, Ms. Potter,” I began, back to full voice, “I take it your considerable talents have been underutilized under the SWF umbrella. I don’t think you’ll find that to be the case here.” “Thank goodness,” she replied flatly in a disinterested tone. “Listen I just do what I’m told right now and you guys are paying me more so this is where I’m at. What the heck are you going to do with me anyway?” Surge looked at me immediately and started shaking his head and wagging his finger. “Good question,” I replied. “Surge?” “I think you’ll make a great manager,” Surge said to Hannah. “How about after the roster is named we’ll let you select a team to manage?” Surge looked over to me and I nodded that the idea sounded as good as any. Hannah seemed to agree. “Okay, sounds good,” Hannah agreed. “Alright then,” I said in a tone intending to formally end the meeting, “anything else before we leave for Princeton?” “Actually, yes,” said Surge. “I hired a lead announcer:” [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/Random_Male36.jpg[/IMG] Right on cue, [b]Tom Core[/b] entered the backstage office and winked at Hannah Potter. “Hi there, I’m Tom Core, thanks for the opportunity you won’t regret it.” “I’m sure,” I said as I sighed a bit. “Any other surprises tonight Surge?” “Weeellll…” he stammered, “do you want to take a look at this logo that my kid tried to design for us?” “How old is that kid?” I asked. “Still in diapers?” “I don’t know his mother keeps track of that sort of thing. Anyway, what do you think?” [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/TTL2.jpg[/IMG] “Well…” I said, searching for the words, “it could probably work if it were a bit sharper. Maybe we could hire someone?” “That’s an idea,” he answered, “touch it up a bit. Who knows, the world is our oyster right now.” “Yeah,” I said, “something like that.”
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/TTLcopy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Times New Roman"][b]For Immediate Release: [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Tag-Team League Adds Three More Teams[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Far East Raid Continues[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]PRINCETON (NEW JERSEY) –[/b] The Tag-Team League is pleased to announce the signings of three more world-class tag-teams for its inaugural roster, bringing the current total to seven teams. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/JoeSexy-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/AngryGilmore-1.jpg[/IMG] [b]Sexual Aggression,[/b] the team consisting of [b]Joe Sexy[/b] and [b]Angry Gilmore,[/b] have been confirmed as the fifth team on the roster. Sexual Aggression are former SWF World Tag Team Champions and now they are looking to bring their game to the next level here in the TTL. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/KenShimedzu.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/NatsuMiyamae.jpg[/IMG] [b]Shimedzu[/b] and [b]Miyamae,[/b] the former two-time BHOTWG World Tag Team Champions, will be bringing [b]The Rebellion[/b] to compete in the TTL. This extremely focused team is already being mentioned as one of the possible favorites to win the entire league this season. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/KokiIshibashi.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/TheIncredibleKoyama-1.jpg[/IMG] Also from Japan are the legendary four-time World Level Tag Team Champions [b]The Avalanche Effect, KOKI Ishibashi[/b] and [b]The Incredible KOYAMA.[/b] Just nine slots remain for possible teams as Week 1 of the Tag-Team League is right around the corner. Sexual Aggression, The Rebellion, and The Avalanche Effect join [b]The DeColt Brothers, Dos Phoenix, Team Dynasty 2000,[/b] and [b]The Amazing Bumfholes.[/b] More announcements soon to follow.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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Press Release #2 [FONT="Times New Roman"][b]For Immediate Release: [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Machines Unveiled as Eighth Team[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Referee Squad Also Named[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]PRINCETON (NEW JERSEY) –[/b] The Tag-Team League is pleased to announce the signing of the eighth team for its inaugural roster, meaning half of the roster for the first season is now set. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/BrentHill_alt2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/HumanArsenal_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Machines – Brent Hill[/b] and [b]John Anderson[/b] have left Total Championship Wrestling and will be competing in the newly formed TTL. Hill and Anderson, twice the TCW World Tag-Team Champions, had to vacate their belts upon the acceptance of their TTL contracts. The team is likely going to be one of the top face teams in the federation “It seems like it’s just going to be crazy, really,” said Hill. “I mean, they’re only taking 16 teams and I thought TCW should be represented. They have such a tough tag-team division there that I think we’ll be well prepared for this competition.” Anderson commented on possibly putting the masks back on and competing as [b]The Wrestling Machines[/b] for the purposes of the league but did not confirm either way. Hill had no comment on the subject. TTL Commissioner [b]Jim Surge[/b] is also pleased to announce that [b]Kazuko Hiroyuki[/b] has been hired as Director of Referees. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/KazukoHiroyuki.jpg[/IMG] In his role Mr. Hiroyuki will largely be an administrative figure, evaluating the performances of the TTL’s in-ring referees for Commissioner Surge and the ownership. Kazuko is in charge of referee scheduling and will also assign himself from time-to-time when he feels he has been out of the ring for too long. [b]Ryan Holland, Jez McArthuer,[/b] and [b]Sadanobu Koruba[/b] were named as the first referee squad for the TTL. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/RyanHolland.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/JezMcArthuer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/SadanobuKoruba.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Current TTL Roster (in order of contract signed):[/b][/u] The Amazing Bumfholes (Randy & Zimmy; heel) Dos Phoenix (II & III; managed by I; face) The DeColt Brothers (Jack & Ricky; face) Team Dynasty 2000 (Yoshimi Mushashibo & Shuji Inukai; heel) Sexual Aggression (Joe Sexy & Angry Gilmore; heel) The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae; face) The Avalanche Effect (KOKI Ishibashi & The Incredible KOYAMA; heel) The Machines (Brent Hill & John Anderson; face) With just eight roster spots remaining, the TTL’s shortlist is believed to include no less than 15 teams! Commissioner Surge said that no final decision has been made about whether or not Team #16 will be a “wildcard” team of two singles wrestlers who have not previously teamed together. “With the caliber of tag-teams that we have here already,” the Commissioner began, “it may be pointless to have anything other than a seasoned tag-team here to compete in that slot because I believe the singles guys will be at a distinct disadvantage. I want the competition to be a level playing field so we may revisit this idea again in the future but I’m not sure if it will get through for this season.” More announcements to follow shortly.[/FONT][/SIZE] ------------------------------- [b]OOC:[/b] [i]If you’d like to cast an "internet vote" (or votes) for your favorite team (or teams) please let me know. Up to 8 votes for the final 8 spots. I have an idea of who I want but I also have a couple of open slots for “internet voting.” Here is the shortlist of 15 teams (in no particular order) that I'm looking at for the final 8 roster slots, but don’t feel limited by it all suggestions are welcome: The New Wave (Guide & Scout) The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) The Specialists (Nate Johnson & Bobby Thomas) Team Toronto (Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett) Marlowe & Watson (Jack Marlowe & Julian Watson) Above & Below (Emerald Angel & Hell Monkey) The Can-Am Blondes (The Natural & Owen Love) The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz w/ Stephanie Drucker) Los Sickness (Enrique Merino & Tijuana Vampire) High Concept (Elmo Benson & Groucho Bling) Youth Energy (Shane Nelson & Lee Rivera) The Vessey Brothers (Larry & Brian Vessey) Nigerian Hit Squad (Rahabad & Rashid Lawal) Double Dutch (Ruud Van Anger & Frank De Pain) The Ace Express (Johnny Martin & Rick Sanders)[/i]
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[B]The New Wave[/B] (Guide & Scout) The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) [B]The Specialists [/B](Nate Johnson & Bobby Thomas) Team Toronto (Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett) Marlowe & Watson (Jack Marlowe & Julian Watson) [B]Above & Below[/B] (Emerald Angel & Hell Monkey) [B]The Can-Am Blondes [/B](The Natural & Owen Love) [B]The Melbourne Blondes[/B] (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz w/ Stephanie Drucker) Los Sickness (Enrique Merino & Tijuana Vampire) [B]High Concept [/B](Elmo Benson & Groucho Bling) [B]Youth Energy[/B] (Shane Nelson & Lee Rivera) The Vessey Brothers (Larry & Brian Vessey) Nigerian Hit Squad (Rahabad & Rashid Lawal) [B]Double Dutch [/B](Ruud Van Anger & Frank De Pain) The Ace Express (Johnny Martin & Rick Sanders Europe should be represented if not by double dutch then The Force. Rhino Umaga plus Samoan Machine are also a very good team. Oh and point taken about writing up accents lol
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8 teams to flesh out the league: [B]The New Wave (Guide & Scout)[/B] The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) The Specialists (Nate Johnson & Bobby Thomas) [B]Team Toronto (Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett)[/B] Marlowe & Watson (Jack Marlowe & Julian Watson) Above & Below (Emerald Angel & Hell Monkey) [B]The Can-Am Blondes (The Natural & Owen Love)[/B] [B]The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz w/ Stephanie Drucker)[/B] Los Sickness (Enrique Merino & Tijuana Vampire) [B]High Concept (Elmo Benson & Groucho Bling)[/B] Youth Energy (Shane Nelson & Lee Rivera) [B]The Vessey Brothers (Larry & Brian Vessey)[/B] Nigerian Hit Squad (Rahabad & Rashid Lawal) Double Dutch (Ruud Van Anger & Frank De Pain) The Ace Express (Johnny Martin & Rick Sanders) also the original [B]Adrenaline Rush (Teddy Powell and Sammy Bach)[/B] would be good to see back in action. And [B]The Island Boys (Akima Brave and Rhino Umaga)[/B] are a great team. so that's my 8 picks.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;469486]Samoan Demolition debut in Australia in Sept 2008 - as you've obviously been editing then it would be awesome to see them in this! I do like these alternate reality style ones - keep it up :)[/QUOTE] Thanks! I think I'm going to keep Samoan Demolition out of the first season of the TTL and let them get some C-Verse history behind them instead. They will be perfect for the second season to take over for one of the relegated teams and already have some built-in heat. I can't wait to see how the AI feds cope with the loss of all the talent too. Should be a pretty interesting game world!
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[QUOTE=Purple Cowboy;469638]Thanks! I think I'm going to keep Samoan Demolition out of the first season of the TTL and let them get some C-Verse history behind them instead. They will be perfect for the second season to take over for one of the relegated teams and already have some built-in heat. I can't wait to see how the AI feds cope with the loss of all the talent too. Should be a pretty interesting game world![/QUOTE] noooooooooooooooo it's okay Brisbane Devil, don't cry too hard, just go destroy the APW and we'll see you in a year. We'll show them. Oh yes we'll show them :mad: :sob:
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The New Wave (Guide & Scout) [B]The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford)[/B] (but why not Jim Force instead of Bryant?) The Specialists (Nate Johnson & Bobby Thomas) Team Toronto (Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett) Marlowe & Watson (Jack Marlowe & Julian Watson) Above & Below (Emerald Angel & Hell Monkey) The Can-Am Blondes (The Natural & Owen Love) The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz w/ Stephanie Drucker) [B]Los Sickness (Enrique Merino & Tijuana Vampire)[/B] High Concept (Elmo Benson & Groucho Bling) Youth Energy (Shane Nelson & Lee Rivera) The Vessey Brothers (Larry & Brian Vessey) [B]Nigerian Hit Squad (Rahabad & Rashid Lawal)[/B] [B]Double Dutch (Ruud Van Anger & Frank De Pain)[/B] [B]The Ace Express (Johnny Martin & Rick Sanders)[/B] Though I also have to add, perhaps instead of Double Dutch you could bring in one of the two decent unsigned European teams. The Foreign Legion are solid up and comers, except for their psychology (which isn't the hardest stat to build) and the United Nations aren't too terrible either. Otherwise, double Dutch and Nigerian Hit Squad are your best bets. Also... you need to bring back the team that existed in Canada during 1997... Land Mass and Mammoth. Why? Why not.
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Ok well seeing as everyone else is doing this :D [B]The New Wave (Guide & Scout)[/B] The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) [B]The Specialists (Nate Johnson & Bobby Thomas)[/B] [B]Samoan Demolition (King Malietoa and The Brisbane Devil)[/B] Team Toronto (Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett) Marlowe & Watson (Jack Marlowe & Julian Watson) Above & Below (Emerald Angel & Hell Monkey) The Can-Am Blondes (The Natural & Owen Love) [B]The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz w/ Stephanie Drucker)[/B] [B]Samoan Demolition (King Malietoa and The Brisbane Devil)[/B] Los Sickness (Enrique Merino & Tijuana Vampire) [B]High Concept (Elmo Benson & Groucho Bling) Youth Energy (Shane Nelson & Lee Rivera)[/B] [B]Samoan Demolition (King Malietoa and The Brisbane Devil)[/B] [B]The Vessey Brothers (Larry & Brian Vessey)[/B] Nigerian Hit Squad (Rahabad & Rashid Lawal) Double Dutch (Ruud Van Anger & Frank De Pain) [B]Samoan Demolition (King Malietoa and The Brisbane Devil)[/B] [B]Samoan Demolition (King Malietoa and The Brisbane Devil)[/B] The Ace Express (Johnny Martin & Rick Sanders)
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[QUOTE=Greg2511;470315]OH, how could I forget...given your location it only seems to make sense to bring in the New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun and Tank Bradley) even if tank bradley is a pile of **** =)[/QUOTE] I have a soft spot for them too even if I'm trying to "avoid" them for the first season! I was thinking if I do bring them in they might be a good candidate to be a team where the mobster cousin calls in one of his favors and forces Surge to take them in. But I'm not sure. I'll keep the voting open for today; thanks all for the suggestions I'm going to roll with a couple of them. rathen, nothing's set in stone yet regarding Samoan Demolition... :)
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[B]The New Wave (Guide & Scout)[/B] [B]The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford)[/B] The Specialists (Nate Johnson & Bobby Thomas) [B]Team Toronto (Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett) Marlowe & Watson (Jack Marlowe & Julian Watson)[/B] [B]Above & Below (Emerald Angel & Hell Monkey)[/B] The Can-Am Blondes (The Natural & Owen Love) The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz w/ Stephanie Drucker) Los Sickness (Enrique Merino & Tijuana Vampire) High Concept (Elmo Benson & Groucho Bling) Youth Energy (Shane Nelson & Lee Rivera) [B]The Vessey Brothers (Larry & Brian Vessey)[/B] Nigerian Hit Squad (Rahabad & Rashid Lawal) Double Dutch (Ruud Van Anger & Frank De Pain) [B]The Ace Express (Johnny Martin & Rick Sanders)[/B] [B]Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)[/B]
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Press Release #3 [FONT="Times New Roman"][b]For Immediate Release: [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Two More Teams Announced[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]The Tag Team Specialists/Vessey Brothers Not Amoung Them [/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]PRINCETON (NEW JERSEY) –[/b] The Tag-Team League is pleased to announce the signings of two more teams for its inaugural roster. The signings will bring the number of TTL squads up to 10, leaving just six slots open. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/Guide.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/Scout.jpg[/IMG] [b]The New Wave – Guide[/b] and [b]Scout[/b] - have followed in the footsteps of [b]The Machines[/b] and left Total Championship Wrestling for the TTL. Four times The New Wave were crowned DaVE World Tag Team Champions, and they were the last team ever to hold that title when the company closed. Also like The Machines, The New Wave is likely going to be one of the top face teams in the federation. “We’re really representing DaVE,” said Guide, who noted that he and Scout may compete in the competition sans facepaint. “There’s a lot to discuss still, we’re not even sure who the rest of the roster is yet so there’s time to make a decision.” TTL Commissioner [b]Jim Surge[/b] is also pleased to announce that [b]Ruud Van Anger[/b] and [b]Frank De Pain,[/b] the team of [b]Double Dutch,[/b] have accepted an invitation to participate in the TTL’s first season. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/RuudVanAnger.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/FrankDePain_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Double Dutch marks the 10th team to sign with the TTL for its inaugural season. Van Anger & De Pain are former three-time UCR Tag Team Champions and were the reigning EWA Tag Team Champions prior to being signed. [b][u]Current TTL Roster (in order of contract signed):[/b][/u] The Amazing Bumfholes (Randy & Zimmy; heel) Dos Phoenix (II & III; managed by I; face) The DeColt Brothers (Jack & Ricky; face) Team Dynasty 2000 (Yoshimi Mushashibo & Shuji Inukai; heel) Sexual Aggression (Joe Sexy & Angry Gilmore; heel) The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae; face) The Avalanche Effect (KOKI Ishibashi & The Incredible KOYAMA; heel) The Machines (Brent Hill & John Anderson; face) The New Wave (Guide & Scout; face) Double Dutch (Ruud Van Anger & Frank De Pain) A couple of teams can now be removed from contention for one of the final six slots as Commissioner Surge announced two legends of tag-team wrestling as the TTL’s first ever Road Agents. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/LarryVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/RobertOxford.jpg[/IMG] 49-year old [b]Larry Vessey[/b] and 47-year old [b]Robert Oxford[/b] have signed on to help coordinate matches and patrol the backstage area. With their unlimited knowledge of the tag-team side of the business they should prove to be keystones to a successful first season. “I’ve always said that a tag-team match is twice as exciting because there’s twice as many participants,” Vessey said after he learned that he would be hired by the TTL. “Who knows, maybe next season Bobby (Oxford) and I will teach some of these spoiled kids what tag-team wrestling is all about!” More information as it becomes available. [/FONT][/SIZE]
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WOO! Good idea bringing in Vessey and Oxford, if either of them should decide to get in the ring again aswell there are some interesting things you could do with them taking rookie's under their wing etc. ANYWAY, although I have posted in here before and expressed my interest in this idea and even my suggestions for the remaining slots. I just want to reinforce that this has to be one of the GREATEST concepts for a diary that Ive ever seen. One that I toyed around with back in the days of EWR but never ended up doing. I am a huge fan of tag team wrestling and am marking out at the very thought of the shows that can come from this. The DeColt Brothers vs Sexual Agression is one I am particularly excited about. New Wave vs Team Dynasty 2000 is another dream match. aaaah Im salivating. The way you are laying this out with points for victories and draws and making it a LEAGUE as opposed to a promotion is fantastic. The one problem I find with tag team wrestling is it can often be hard to book an entire division to look strong. I'm having alot of fun with my SWF dynasty game because the division within SWF is so strong. WWE however I can't get into because while they have plenty of potential teams and whatnot, its just too hard to book that many people into being strong. Hope you are able to pull it off though, and the LEAGUE format should be able to help. EXCITED!!!!!
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[i]Thanks Greg! Although I do have to say that the idea is totally taken from All Japan Pro Wrestling's "World Strongest Tag Team League" which I think they've been running since the late 70s. That's sort of why there's maybe a larger-than-usual Japanese presence in the US-based TTL. I still have to figure out if there are going to be 15 weeks (each team faces each other once so the stakes are through the roof) or 30 weeks (twice, where you figure the "best" team will win at the end of a long season). I'm leaning towards 15.[/i] [FONT="Times New Roman"][b]For Immediate Release: [CENTER][SIZE="5"]TTL Roster Nearly Complete[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Just Three Teams Remaining to be Named[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]PRINCETON (NEW JERSEY) –[/b] The Tag-Team League is pleased to announce the signings of three more teams for its inaugural roster. Internet voting played a major role in the addition of the following teams, leaving management optimistic for the league’s chances once shows actually begin. With 13 teams named, just three slots remain open for Season 1. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/EmeraldAngel.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/HellMonkey.jpg[/IMG] [b]Above & Below – Emerald Angel[/b] and [b]Hell Monkey[/b] - have left WLW to compete in the first season of the Tag-Team League. Above & Below are former World Level Tag Team Champions and Emerald Angel was the reigning two-time World Level Universal Champion prior to signing with the TTL. They had no comments to the press at the time of their signing. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/ElmoBenson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/GrouchoBling.jpg[/IMG] [b]High Concept,[/b] the team consisting of [b]Elmo Benson[/b] and [b]Groucho Bling,[/b] were persuaded to leave SWF in part thanks to internet voting that showed fans want to see them competing against the best teams in the world. “It does feel good, sure,” said Bling at the contract signing. “You know we’re sort of in the same boat as [b]The Bumfholes,[/b] we’ve held the SWF World Tag Team titles twice and still we were sort of on the outside looking in as this whole competition was being put together. If we have to earn our respect in the ring, then that’s what we’ll do.” [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/BlakeBelushi.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/RickStantz.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/StephanieDrucker.jpg[/IMG] The TTL may never be the same as [b]The Melbourne Blondes[/b] were named as unlucky team #13. [b]Blake Belushi[/b] and [b]Rick Stantz[/b] were the reigning APW Tag Team Champions but they will leave their belts behind to compete against the legends assembled here. [b]Stephanie Drucker[/b] has also agreed to continue appearing in the Blondes’ corner, she’ll be working as their manager for the competition. [b][u]Current TTL Roster (in order of contract signed):[/b][/u] The Amazing Bumfholes (Randy & Zimmy; heel) Dos Phoenix (II & III; managed by I; face) The DeColt Brothers (Jack & Ricky; face) Team Dynasty 2000 (Yoshimi Mushashibo & Shuji Inukai; heel) Sexual Aggression (Joe Sexy & Angry Gilmore; heel) The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae; face) The Avalanche Effect (KOKI Ishibashi & The Incredible KOYAMA; heel) The Machines (Brent Hill & John Anderson; face) The New Wave (Guide & Scout; face) Double Dutch (Ruud Van Anger & Frank De Pain; heel) Above & Below (Emerald Angel & Hell Monkey; unknown) High Concept (Elmo Benson & Groucho Bling; face) The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz w/ Stephanie Drucker; heel) More information as it becomes available. [/FONT][/SIZE]
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Bp #1 [CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/ttlBP.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r203/gratefulcowboy/ttl/Random_Male36.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"][b]by Tom Core[/b][/SIZE] [u][b]Welcome![/b][/u] Welcome to the first edition of [i]TTL: Backstage Pass,[/i] the exclusive e-newsletter of the Tag Team League. The goal of [i]Backstage Pass[/i] is to give the viewers of the TTL a little more access to the goings on behind-the-scenes. With just three teams left to be named to the initial roster now is as good a time as any to take the temperature of those involved or whispered to be involved. Rumors abound about the TTL’s mysterious silent owner. Some say that he may already have as many as three “moles” within the organization checking up on [b]Commissioner Jim Surge.[/b] Surge meanwhile has been busily sorting out the latest contract negotiations with his world-class legal team and prospective new members, making sure that everything is being filed according to the letter of the law. [b][u]Internet Voting…[/b][/u] The top four internet vote-getters where fans voiced their opinions for additions to the TTL’s inaugural season roster, [b]The New Wave, Above & Below, High Concept,[/b] and [b]The Melbourne Blondes,[/b] have all been added to the roster. The fifth-place vote-getters, [b]The Vessey Brothers[/b] removed themselves from consideration when [b]Larry Vessey[/b] agreed to join the TTL as a Road Agent. Other teams that received serious internet support include [b]Adrenaline Rush, Los Sickness, Samoan Demolition, Team Toronto, The Ace Express, The Can-Am Blondes, The Specialists,[/b] and [b]Youth Energy.[/b] [b]The Tag Team Specialists[/b] also received some good support but they were removed from consideration when [b]Robert Oxford[/b] signed on as the second Road Agent. Commissioner Surge is reportedly considering taking two of the final three teams from this pool of secondary vote-getters. [b][u]Wildcard Team?[/b][/u] Commissioner Surge has apparently been able to wield enough influence with the mysterious owner to put the kibosh on a “Wildcard” tag-team of two singles wrestlers for the 16th and final slot on the TTL roster. Instead, Surge has a “surprise” in store with a number of outsider tag-teams under serious consideration, including [b]The Tennessee Outlaws, Land Mass & Mammoth, Size of the Fight,[/b] and [b]The Foreign Legion.[/b] No further details are available as Surge has refused all requests to comment on the issue. [b][u]Hannah Potter & the Bumfholes?[/b][/u] [b]Hannah Potter[/b] has reportedly been working the backstage already as she plans to announce which team she will manage in Season 1. The surprising favorites are [b]The Amazing Bumfholes[/b] who seem to have really hit it off with Potter in a couple of casual “meetings” in order to feel each other out. “We took her to Dave & Busters, which is this big chain restaurant/playground where they convert an old warehouse and put in a huge kitchen and video games and pool tables and whatnot,” said Randy. “For people like us we can get a private room with our own private bar and bowling alley. I think she had a really good time and she’s a freakin’ badass on the pool tables too… ran me in two innings playing 9-ball!” Potter was also enthusiastic but left the door open for other possibilities. “Sure I think Randy & Zimmy are great guys,” the young manager began, “and they are extremely focused for this Tag Team League and all of that sort of stuff. But I’ve also been out with [b]Sexual Aggression[/b] and [b]Double Dutch[/b] recently and I was really blown away by their take on things too. If you asked me to make a decision right this second I’d probably say that Randy and Zim are at the top of the list. But next week, it may be a completely different story.” [b][u]TTL Schedule[/b][/u] Commissioner Surge has informally announced that the TTL shall begin operation with Week 1 of the competition to be held in June of 2008. The competition shall be available exclusively through pay-per-view. Season 1 shall consist of 15 rounds of action, with each of the 16 teams facing each other once.
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