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In my WWF game currently in June of 1983... WWF Heavyweight - Andre the Giant WWF Intercontinental - Don Muraco WWF Tag Team - Brisco Brothers (Jack & Jerry Brisco, will be dropping belts soon though because Jack Brisco's contract demands are ridiculous)
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World Heavyweight: Kane (defeated Batista and CM Punk (c) at SummerSlam) WWE Intercontinental: Kofi Kingston (retained against Santino Marella at SummerSlam) World Tag Team: Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes (retained against Cryme Tyme at SummerSlam) WWE Womens: Beth Pheonix (won Battle Royal on RAW pre-SummerSlam) WWE Championship: Edge (defeated Triple H at Great American Bash) WWE Tag Team: The Hardy Boyz (defeated Miz and Morrison on SmackDown after Great American Bash) WWE Diva: Victoria (won at Great American Bash, retained at SummerSlam over Michelle McCool) ECW Championship: Finlay (defeated Mark Henry at SummerSlam) WWE United States: Carlito (defeated Matt Hardy on ECW after SummerSlam) DOTTGen BETA - Just past SummerSlam
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TCW 5 months in World: Cornell (he'll probably keep it until Jan when he looses it at Malice in Wonderland to Wolf Hawkins) International: Wolf (fueding with Joey Minnesota and Sammy Bach and will probably loose it soon) Tag Team: New Wave All Action: Ed Stone (just beat Joey Minnesota for it) Rising Star (Created belt for a B show I started): Freddy Huggins
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TCW one year and a bit more in (maybe going to start a dynasty so if intrestred dont read lol) World: Cornell International (changed to main event titel): Wolf Hawkins Hard Hitting (old HardCore titel upped to midcard, for midleweight and above): Eddie Peak Cruiserweight (upped to midcard for middleweight and below): Troy Tornado Tag Team: The Machines All Action: Gino Montero Heels ruling at the mo wil change. Having them all seesaw back and forth.
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To carry on the TCW love going on, I am a year and 8 months in my champions are: TCW Heavyweight: Troy Tornado(A* across the boards) TCW International: Brent HIll (B+/A across the boards) TCW Tag Titles: LAwless= RIck Law and Eddie Peak(good chem) who are only C+ across USA. I retired the all action belt almost immediately i need my belts to matter. Tag titles i can never get into booking any good teams end up making it strong as singles stars.
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I am using a converted verison of T-Zone from TEW07 with some add-ons from myself and some other person that I can't remember who sent it to me. I have just finished the Bash and I am on the first Raw of August. World Heavyweight: Triple H (currently in a feud w/Batista, drafted and won #1 contender match recently) WWE Intercontinental: Jamie Noble (drafted and currently in feud with Burchill) World Tag Team: Ted Dibiase & The Great Khali (Khali got drafted and @ Night of Champions became Dibiase's partner and the beginning of a new Million Dollar Corp) WWE Womens: Mickie James (currently feuding with Victoria (drafted) & Katie Lea) WWE Championship: John Cena (currently fueding a 'heel' Undertaker) WWE Tag Team: Finlay & Hornswoggle (won @ Night of Champions, kinda of just there and not being used) WWE United States: John Morrison (feuding with Hardy, won @ the Bash) WWE Diva: Molly Holly (returned @ the Bash in battle royal to win title) ECW Championship: CM Punk (used MiTB to defeated William Regal minutes after Regal won from Kane @ the Bash) (Teddy Long has made ECW no longer associated with Smackdown and re-introduced TV and Tag Team titles) ECW Television: The Miz (currently just there winning matches over traded talent) ECW Tag Team: Tommy Dreamer & Tazz (feuding with Big Daddy V & Striker next)
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[QUOTE]Tag titles i can never get into booking any good teams end up making it strong as singles stars.[/QUOTE] I have the same thing Kved it takes forever for a team to build up experience and as soon as they have at least some experience they are generally too over to seriouly use for the belt anymore. And I may have more belts but they definitly mean somthing!!! Plus going for brand split soon so they wil mean more hehe.
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In my SWF Diary Game: end of february SWF World Heavyweight Champ: Vengeance SWF Shooting Star: Marc DuBois SWF Tag Team: High Concept (Elmo Benson, The Divine Mumford and Groucho Bling-sort of) SWF North American: Rich Money In my non diary SWF Game (March 2009): (a worldwide brand split is in effect) SWF SWF World Heavyweight: Remo SWF North American: Angry Gilmore SWF Tag Team: The Montero's (Gino and Luis Jr. with Luis as manager) SWF Shooting Star: Darryl Devine SWF All Japan SWF All Japan Champion: Champagne Lover SWF Super Junior: UK Dragon SWF All Japan Tag Team: The Island Boys (Rhino Umaga and Akima Brave) SWF Puro King (tri-monthly tournament as in it lasts three months from jan-march, there is a three month break and the tournament is held again from july-sep): Hell Monkey (2 time reigning defender) NAPW (created regional fed in the tristate) NAPW North American- Steve Flash NAPW Tag Team- The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler) NAPW Tri-State- Shooter Sean Deeley
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WWE July 2009 WWE Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton WWE United States Champion: Rey Mysterio WWE Women's Champion: Mickie James World Tag Team Champions: Triple H & Brock Lesnar World Heavyweight Champion: The Undertaker WWE Intercontinental Champion: Ken Kennedy WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Lita WWE Tag Team Champions: Matt Morgan and Mark Jindrak (under the management of Matt Striker) ECW World Champion: Rellik ECW Television Champion: John Morrison
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[B]SWF SWF Supreme TV;[/B] SWF Championship: Eric Eisen SWF World Tag Team Championship: Wrath of God (Jack Giedroyc and Valiant) SWF North American Championship: Lobster Warrior [B]SWF High Voltage;[/B] SWF World Heavyweight Championship: Rich Money SWF Tag Team Championship: The Amazing Bumfholes SWF Shooting Star Championship: Hoshino
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SWF World Heavyweight - Christian Faith SWF North American - Rich Money SWF Tag Team - High Concept SWF Shooting Star - Marc DuBois I plan on Faith having a pretty long reign Rich Money is soon to drop the North American title ready for his main-event push I plan on putting the Tag Team title on the re-signed Dirty White Boys w/ Mayhem Midden DuBois is about to enter a killer feud with Remmy Skye
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Running AJW in my own real world dataset: AJW World (Main Event, Normal) - Sara del Rey AJW no Shinjutsu (Main Event, Veterans)- Manami Toyota AJW Adrenaline (Midcard, high flying) - Apple Miyuki AJW Queen of Puro (Midcard, Pure) - Ayumi Kurihara Twinstar of AJW (Midcard, tag)- Beauty Pair 2.0 (Yoshiko Tamura & Arisa Nakajima) AJW All-Pacific (Midcard, normal) - Vanessa Kraven NEO Future Legend (low level, youngsters) - Esui I'm just about to create a brand specifically for my tag teams (both normal and 6-man), at which time I'll introduce a 6-man tag title. I just need four more teams to stock the new brand with.
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Guest kedrickmclemore
WWE After Summer Slam I scratched the WWE Diva Championship and brought back the ECW Tag Team Titles. I am currently in the process of moving the US title back to smackdown. here is my champions RAW World Heavyweight Champion: CM Punk(Currently in a feud with the returning Randy Orton) Intercontinental Champion: Kofi Kingston(feuding with Jamie Noble which is coming to an end over the next few shows or i stip match at Unforgiven) Women's Champion: Mickie James(Nothing notable except i have all the top women wrestlers in a Unchained Storyline) World Tag Team Champions: Ted Jr. & Rhodes(They lost the championship to Cryme Tyme at GAB, But Got them back at Summer Slam due to Joe Hennig Debut & Joining them as a Generation Now! Stable also i am building Solo Snuka up as a baby face once he gets either Midcard or Higher i am going to turn him and have him join the Stable. And Cryme Tyme is starting a feud with my newly signed team of Austin Aries and Jimmy Jacob as Age of Society X with Julius Smokes as there mouth piece if they need him.) Smackdown! WWE Heavyweight Champion: Triple H(Currently i have been feeding Upper or Midcard Guys to him, because Vince want his Momentum to Remain above B-, He Feud with MVP last two month and it pushed MVP to Main Event Status, Triple H will be feud with Edge going into wrestlemania early next year. with Edge probably winning the title at Royal Rumble if not earlier.) United States Champion: Elijah Burke(Matt Hardy is currently Main Event Status so i took the title off of him to fued with Mark Henry, then Elijah Burke went to Main Event status with his Feud with Matt Hardy. Now I had Burke to beat Hardy at Two PPV in a row, so he is going from Brand to Brand giving out open challenges, i plan to have this going on for a few weeks and Jeff Hardy Answering his challenge on SD! and beating him by Countout, Setting up a Match against Him in Unforgiven and Jeff Hardy Bringing the title back to Smackdown! for good. Tag Team Champion: Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins(since they defeated Morrison and The Miz at a Pay Per View where they was granted a match right after Finlay and Hornswoggle have Morrison and Miz a run, having Vickie to make the match right after. Right Now, i am starting a feud with The Returning Dudley's against Ryder and Hawkins. Cruiserweight Champion: is currently being debated whether to bring it back All of my Female Wrestlers are now all on RAW ECW ECW Heavyweight Champion: Mark Henry(Who is starting a feud with Matt Hardy) ECW Tag Team Championship: Vacant(Top Candidates for Title are Dreamer/Richards & Chris Hero & Claudio C. & Morrison & The Miz
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Im been playing as MAW for 9 months now MAW Title - Champagne Lover (Champagne has been it for 8 months he won it in the RIP chord tournament when Erik Strong got injured for 3 months) MAW TV Title - Brandon Smith (Won It From Cameron Vassey he earned the title from beating him on a PPV he won it in a 3 way match Cameron Vassey Vs Casey Valentine Vs Brandon Smith) RIP Chord - Champagne Lover (Won it along with the MAW title beat Frankie Perez In The Final)
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TCW Champs World Champ:Tommy Cornell (Still Champ Since Start) International Champ:Edd Lecter aka Eddie Peak (Defeated Koshiro Ino at Malice In Wonderland 2009) World Tag Champs:Minnesota Law aka Rick Law & Joey Minnesota (Defeated The Machines at the show before Psycho Circus 2008) All Action Champ:Sammy Bach (Got Title Bach Off Tre Coleman aka Trance at Psycho Circus) Im Thinking of having Sammy Bach losing it to Jack Avatar Minnesota Law to lose it to the New Wave Edd Lecter To lose it to Tank Bradley and Tommy Force to hopefully lose it to Rich Money
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Started a game with the WWF on the Montreal Screwjob mod now in May 2000. [B]WWF World Heavyweight Champion[/B]:Owen Hart (Beat Bret Hart @ Mania) [B]WWF European Champion[/B]:Booker T (Beat Jericho @ Mania) [B]WWF Intercontinental Champion[/B]:Kurt Angle (Beat Rey Mysterio @ Mania) [B]WWF World Tag Team Champions[/B]:Outsiders (Beat Juvi & Psicosis @ Backlash)
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Guest jtalley31
Playing the Montreal screwjob mod: WCW World Heavyweight: Chris Benoit WCW International (replacing the CW title): vacant (will be going to Kevin Nash at the next PPV) WCW United States: Super Calo WCW World Tag Team: Bret Hart and Sting (Main Eventers, so they will be dropping them to some midcarders at the PPV) WCW Television: Disco Inferno
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SWF April 2009: [B] World Heavyweight: Jack Bruce ([COLOR="Red"]Heel[/COLOR])[/B] He first lost the title to Christian Faith in June 2008 (Times Of Trouble), but regained it four months later at Let the Games Begin. 5 Defences so far. [B]North American: Rick Law ([COLOR="Blue"]Face[/COLOR])[/B] Defeated Randy Cruise (yeah, I did the whole Bumfhole -> Cruise thing too. I suck, I know) at Supreme TV week 1 of March 2009. 0 Defences so far. [B] World Tag Team: The Biggz Boyz ([COLOR="Blue"]Faces[/COLOR])[/B] Defeated Swoop McCarthy & Fred Garcia at Supreme TV week 1 of March 2009. 0 Defences so far. [B]Shooting Star: Champagne Lover ([COLOR="Red"]Heel[/COLOR])[/B] My longest reigning champion. Won the title off of Randy Bumfhole at Supreme TV week 2 of May 2008. 6 Defences so far.
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