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What skills make a good trainer for developmental?

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From what I understand, the Performance skills (Psychology, Basics, etc) are vital. And the type of in-ring skills you want to see worked on. Trying to train up a bunch of high fliers using a big guy who only has rumble skills just wouldn't work too well.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;464657]Yep Basics is paramount and after that a good worker for each performance skill e.g one good high flyer one good brawler and one good technical worker(hardest to find).[/QUOTE] I have to disagree on the end of that. Good technical workers aren't that hard to find. Not easy, but they aren't hard. It seems to me that good Brawlers are the rarety, especially if you're unlucky like me and end up with the "can't sign anyone from a Cult or larger" company.
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You can but they wont like it hehe. No info if people who dont like to be trainers wil do a bad job tough so far. And Comradebot who do you use as the tech trainer then? Brawler I found easy as soon as Hell Monkeys touring contract is up hes great altough he doesnt like being a teacher. Who did you find who doesn´t mind teaching who has good technical skills? I use Jeremy Stone now but his contract came up early and that doesn´t always happen.
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I currently have Steve Flash handling that role, and I'd say his tech is comparable to Hell Monkeys Brawling. And of course you can always bring in Boo Smithson or, once his tour ends, Art Reed. Meanwhile, the vast majority of people with a B- or more in Brawling are either under written deals, work for a Cult promotion, or are an important member of my current roster. Looking now there's a couple B-s who are available... but that's it. Lead Belly and White Knight appear to be the best suited. Still, its no more than the decent technical workers available.
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Hmm Flash´s tech is not near as good as Monkeys Brawling imho. And yeah I used Boo and Walter Morgan till I got Jeremy Stone. And I see you got the cult block yeah then its hard going to find good trainers for anything excpet flying as there are so many flyers in game and its only 2 stats.
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;465015]Dark EAGLE, Steve Flash, Larry Wood, Steward Ferdinand, Rafael Ruiz.. all good trainers.[/QUOTE] Guess what all but one of those guys in my game have in common? Yup, work for Cult or larger companies. Steve Flash is currently teaching developmental group. The real problem is I have alot of brawlers... but no one to teach em. I wonder if the fans will miss Remo if I ship him down there?
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Wrestling: Pistoll Pete Hall (had a fight in GCG so wasn´t loyal anymore), Jeremy Stone, Nicolas Lopes (Had an argumaent backstage, response lowerd selfishness now a good trainer), Steve Flash and Archie Judge as RA. Entertainment: (wich seems to be the hardest to train) Nemesis (omg what a trainer!), Katie Cameron, Adrian Garcia, Tommy Londen, Melanie Flores.
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