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The current plan for Kane's "Is he alive or dead?" storyline is that he is referring to himself. He will return to his former masked self. The current plan is to have him feud with Batista and it is possible that he will interfere in the World Heavyweight Championship match tonight.
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[QUOTE=MattitudeV2;464619]The current plan for Kane's "Is he alive or dead?" storyline is that he is referring to himself. He will return to his former masked self. The current plan is to have him feud with Batista and it is possible that he will interfere in the World Heavyweight Championship match tonight.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=TheEdgeOfReason;464630]If he returns to masked Kane I will mark hard.:D I hope that CM retains tonight. Hopefully it will be a good show tonight.[/QUOTE] If Matt's source's are correct, then I'm going to make a prediction. Punk retains, possibly by Kane's interference. Possibly Kane attacking PUNK, not Batista (to give Batista a DQ). This will give reason for Batista to feud Kane, and keep the title on Punk. I would imagine the idea right now it to keep the overness up on everyone, and not let anyone go over anyone, lol. So Having Kane mess up Batista's title shot would pretty much eliminate Batista being a problem for them for a while, and possibly opening up Punk for a feud with a less over person to go over for next time.
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;464722]TBH I was slightly dissapointed with the HBK/ Y2J match. I was expecting a classic. I really hope this isnt going to end their feud.[/QUOTE] That's what I am saying you know that it's not over. WWE is doing smart booking and doing the longer style storylines like the MVP v HArdy thing from last year. The final match was awesome because of the length of time it carried over. I think after running into those issues with that and realizing it benefited both MVP and Hardy from having it carry on that long they are sticking with that format.
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Guest Ransik
Very boring PPV... started watching with Dreamer & Henry and I think we can explain that one easily. HBK and Jericho was incredibly boring which was sad for those two great athletes with an ending that went on 5 minutes too long. And look... Undertaker's girlfriend won the Divas Title while the wrestler tapped to a crappy anklelock... Bleh.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;464728]Very boring PPV... started watching with Dreamer & Henry and I think we can explain that one easily. HBK and Jericho was incredibly boring which was sad for those two great athletes with an ending that went on 5 minutes too long. And look... Undertaker's girlfriend won the Divas Title while the wrestler tapped to a crappy anklelock... Bleh.[/QUOTE] If I'm usally correct your a TNA Fan right,why do you give a **** about a WWE PPV.
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Guest Ransik
[QUOTE=MattitudeV2;464730]If I'm usally correct your a TNA Fan right,why do you give a **** about a WWE PPV.[/QUOTE] Cause I'm a wrestling fan and not for a particular company but for workers... and I'm watching this without a dime coming out of my pocket? The whole "TNA fan boy" comments are rather tired and pointless... a new argument would be appropriate. I figured with the card listing it'd be at least decent and right now unless I see Kane come out with his mask on I'll be playing Zuma the rest of the night instead of watching this.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;464743]Cause I'm a wrestling fan and not for a particular company but for workers... and I'm watching this without a dime coming out of my pocket? The whole "TNA fan boy" comments are rather tired and pointless... a new argument would be appropriate. I figured with the card listing it'd be at least decent and right now unless I see Kane come out with his mask on I'll be playing Zuma the rest of the night instead of watching this.[/QUOTE] Well you did just prove me right.
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Guest Ransik
[QUOTE=MattitudeV2;464745]Well you did just prove me right.[/QUOTE] Prove you right on what? I call bad shows like I see them. TNA's last PPV was terrible but at least there was some good ring action out of it, tonight's WWE PPV is just moving in slow motion and is coming off like a 3 hour RAW special.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;464749]Prove you right on what? I call bad shows like I see them. TNA's last PPV was terribly but at least there was some good ring action out of it, tonight's WWE PPV is just moving in slow motion.[/QUOTE] Bro you have your opinions I have mine lets just leave it at that.
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[QUOTE=MattitudeV2;464730]If I'm usally correct your a TNA Fan right,why do you give a **** about a WWE PPV.[/QUOTE] I'm not a TNA fan boy and I agree with him. The Jericho-Michaels finish was way too long. It's also annoying watching 5 minutes of video between every match, but thats been WWE's style for a while now. However, the Punk Batista match was good for what it was. Punk's smirk was great. He reminds me a lot of my all-time favorite wrestler, Mr. Perfect. Nice cover by Lawler, way to explain Monday's stupid ending. :)
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[QUOTE=scorpion;464752]I'm not a TNA fan boy and I agree with him. The Jericho-Michaels finish was way too long. It's also annoying watching 5 minutes of video between every match, but thats been WWE's style for a while now. However, the Punk Batista match was good for what it was. Punk's smirk was great. He reminds me a lot of my all-time favorite wrestler, Mr. Perfect. Nice cover by Lawler, way to explain Monday's stupid ending. :)[/QUOTE] Well at least someone else shares his opinion I was thinking he was being a TNA dick.
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Guest Ransik
I liked how Batista and Punk were stiffing the whole time... but Punk had to bump like a rubber ball to make Batista look good on top of it... and having Kane come out just to ask if he's dead again is pointless. No commentary in the Parking Lot Brawl... only one good spot so far in almost 10 minutes as well and the camera didn't even catch it.
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I'm going to come right out and say it. I like CM Punk as the World Heavyweight Champion. I've said many times before, that while I like Punk, I never felt he had earned a real emotional connection with me. He hadn't been through enough. He had quirks, but no true personallity. This title reign is giving him something. While a lot of people are going to bitch about how he's not being booked "strong enough", that's precisely what I'm connecting with. The fact that he's [I]not[/I] a proven guy. The fact that he [I]can't[/I] beat anyone with ease. He's [I]human[/I]. People doubt him. He probably doubts himself. He has something to prove, and that's something I can relate to, in ways I can't with 350lb, unstoppable Batista. Most matches I watch, I watch for workrate, for crispness, and I'm rating in my head how good the match is. Very rarely do I disconnect myself from my smarkish exterior and revisit my inner mark. I did with this match. I connected with Punk and [I]wanted him to win[/I]. Every time Batista hit a move, I thought "Holy crap, how can Punk beat this guy?" Every time Punk fought back, I hoped that he would make the most of it. It was a great time. I feel a little robbed in the finish, but if there was a Batista/Punk rematch, I'd pay to see it, because I want to see Punk beat this guy. I don't want to read about it, or hear about it, I want to see it.
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[QUOTE=Self;464768]I'm going to come right out and say it. I like CM Punk as the World Heavyweight Champion. I've said many times before, that while I like Punk, I never felt he had earned a real emotional connection with me. He hadn't been through enough. He had quirks, but no true personallity. This title reign is giving him something. While a lot of people are going to bitch about how he's not being booked "strong enough", that's precisely what I'm connecting with. The fact that he's [I]not[/I] a proven guy. The fact that he [I]can't[/I] beat anyone with ease. He's [I]human[/I]. People doubt him. He probably doubts himself. He has something to prove, and that's something I can relate to, in ways I can't with 350lb, unstoppable Batista. Most matches I watch, I watch for workrate, for crispness, and I'm rating in my head how good the match is. Very rarely do I disconnect myself from my smarkish exterior and revisit my inner mark. I did with this match. I connected with Punk and [I]wanted him to win[/I]. Every time Batista hit a move, I thought "Holy crap, how can Punk beat this guy?" Every time Punk fought back, I hoped that he would make the most of it. It was a great time. I feel a little robbed in the finish, but if there was a Batista/Punk rematch, I'd pay to see it, because I want to see Punk beat this guy. I don't want to read about it, or hear about it, I want to see it.[/QUOTE] I completely agree. I'm not a RoH fan, and I'd only seen a little of him prior to the last month, but he's winning me over. I'd love to see him as a heel at some point.
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Guest Ransik
JBL beat Cena in the most boring Parking Lot Brawl in history. And this is not being anti-WWE.... if ANYONE can show me a video of a more boring one PLEASE.... never do. The match went over 10 minutes too long... had the most ant-climatic finish ever; John Cena thrown onto a windshield and pinned after both men had thrown each other onto windshields the whole match. And considering an elbow "opened up" HBK to gush blood... in a match where glass, fire and steel was used the whole time.... only Cena's elbow got cut the whole time?
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[QUOTE=Ransik;464778]JBL beat Cena in the most boring Parking Lot Brawl in history. And this is not being anti-WWE.... if ANYONE can show me a video of a more boring one PLEASE.... never do. The match went over 10 minutes too long... had the most ant-climatic finish ever; John Cena thrown onto a windshield and pinned after both men had thrown each other onto windshields the whole match. And considering an elbow "opened up" HBK to gush blood... in a match where glass, fire and steel was used the whole time.... only Cena's elbow got cut the whole time?[/QUOTE] See WCW, Junkyard Invitational
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Decent match. Slightly dull at times but some good spots. I found it funny how John "Superman" Cena survived being trapped in a flaming car but was dead after being thrown into a windshield.... almost like the real superman deflecting bullets.... yet dodging the guns. ... Oh well.
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Guest Ransik
[QUOTE=scorpion;464786]See WCW, Junkyard Invitational[/QUOTE] I thought WCW 2000 was stricken from the record books? :p Ok ok.... so tonight's was the 2nd worst, but you have to admit... a Parking Lot Brawl with Brian Knobbs in it is destined to fail.
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