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I read somewhere that Cena hates wrestling against JBL anyways... He kicks his butt for real, meaning "VERY STIFF". Says' nothin' against him but JBL is an Old Schooler all the way, and likes to makesure the young guys go through the "Hardships", lol. I don't really like JBL as anything but Colour Commentator to be honest, but that made me laugh (he said it in an interview I seen on Youtube I believe). Really similar to that anyways. He was refering to a beating he took by JBL for the US or Intercontinental Title a while ago. But it was not an old interview.
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I have no problem with guys working stiff, as long as both are in agreement. I enjoy listening to Greg Valentine talk about his feuds with Tito and Piper, and how the matches were better because they didn't mind giving and taking a beating.
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[QUOTE=scorpion;464810]I have no problem with guys working stiff, as long as both are in agreement. I enjoy listening to Greg Valentine talk about his feuds with Tito and Piper, and how the matches were better because they didn't mind giving and taking a beating.[/QUOTE] Piper was awesome! I loved Piper's Pit. In all honesty, I think if that segment wasn't so darn huge back then, we wouldn't be seeing so many different "tries" at it. I think they are just hoping that someone hits it off as well. I think MVP had a great chance lately, but it/he is no where near as explosive as Piper would get (None of them have been). I do think if anyone, he would be the one I would have try it though. Edge is just not believable enough to be as "Angry", he's more of a "Whiner". Carlito if he wasn't pushed down the card so much, could be, possibly... Jericho is too "Intelligent" to act that way (although I loved it when he did it to HBK). I think MVP would be the one to do it, especially with the MVP/HHH connection that looked as though it would work like racehorse's, when they had that little skit on Edge.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;464728]Very boring PPV... started watching with Dreamer & Henry and I think we can explain that one easily. HBK and Jericho was incredibly boring which was sad for those two great athletes with an ending that went on 5 minutes too long. And look... Undertaker's girlfriend won the Divas Title while the wrestler tapped to a crappy anklelock... Bleh.[/QUOTE] Nice way to avoid the opening decent matches and skip right to the crappy ECW match. I do agree on the other two though, HBK/Jericho has been and should have been better than it was. And McCool winning was so much BS. Loved the title matches though. Edge proved once again he's one hell of a worker and story teller out there, and Punk looked great against Batista.
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Guest Ransik
[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;464818]Nice way to avoid the opening decent matches and skip right to the crappy ECW match. I do agree on the other two though, HBK/Jericho has been and should have been better than it was. And McCool winning was so much BS. Loved the title matches though. Edge proved once again he's one hell of a worker and story teller out there, and Punk looked great against Batista.[/QUOTE] I didn't get to see the opening matches. *shrugs*
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[QUOTE=scorpion;464773]I completely agree. I'm not a RoH fan, and I'd only seen a little of him prior to the last month, but he's winning me over. [I]I'd love to see him as a heel at some point.[/I][/QUOTE] On the one hand, I sort of agree. I've seen some of his Straight Edge heel promo's, and I dug them. However, WWE have finally got a Main Event babyface that [I]I actually like[/I]. It's highly possible that I'll keep supporting him during the turn (similar to how I supported Owen against Bret) but hot damn, I just want to support a babyface who isn't a Hardy Boy for once. Is that too much to ask? :)
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I liked this PPV very much :D Michaels / Jericho was good, so was Punk / Batista. Cena vs. JBL was a huge disappointment, and the main event was quite predictable. But I liked this very much. We got some new champions etc. :) And the most important thing was that Punk retained :D
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Really hope Kane comes back with the mask. His character has been stale for a while now and his manical actions on RAW lately have freshened him up a little. Having the mask again will work wonders for his character. Tbh I didn't see this kind of push for Kane after learning he'd been drafted but I'm glad. He doesn't exactly have time on his side so I for one am glad that he's getting a main-event push.
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The JBL/Cena match was so illogically stupid. 1) The fire was just dumb. It served no purpose. Didn't burn Cena, nothing. Wasted time and over the top. 2) I know I ask for too much from my wrestling programs, but just like I did with TNA, I expected some logic. So here's my beef. Cena had his face slammed through a window and didn't have a single scratch and wasn't pinned. He gets his thrown onto a windshield and he's out cold? Sigh... The HBK/Jericho match was just bad. It wasn't even good BEFORE the HBK injury.
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I thought it was a really mixed PPV (although free in the UK :p). For me Hardy v Shelton was match of the night. They really should have done more with the CM Punk match and have Kane play a bigger part in it. Kane has already been advertised in the UK for Summerslam to be facing Batista one on one, why not start early and have him beat down on Batista more after the match? Unless they have changed plans of course. Edge v Trips was ok. Cena v Bradshaw..... I really want that 20 mins of my life back :mad: HBK v Jericho...... I really enjoyed it, I'm a massive HBK fan and seeing him taking a beating like that from Jericho just got me going, I really got into it.
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Good show let down by a ****ing awful ending which does not make any sense whatsoever. That whole storyline has been dirt, and it had potential. Jericho = win win win. Everything the man does is awesome. I adore this role of his, give him more followers and have them run riot. Loved the opening title switches, I hope H&R's involvement with Edge isn't over though. But yeah. Bring on Regal's return.
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So I guess we can agree that by TEW terms this is one of hose shows that was "Decent, but you will have those extremists who will either love it or hate it." Me... I'm in between. The card couldve looked more promising than it did. But it had its moments.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;464790]I thought WCW 2000 was stricken from the record books? :p Ok ok.... so tonight's was the 2nd worst, but you have to admit... a Parking Lot Brawl with Brian Knobbs in it is destined to fail.[/QUOTE] Whoa, whoa. Not just a parking lot brawl. I vote for ANYTHING with Knobbs in it is destined to fail.
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