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Kaz leaving TNA

Guest Ransik

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Guest Ransik
Gerweck is reporting that Kaz will be leaving TNA at the end of the month. Dunno the reasoning behind this after they've pushed him to the moon... seems kind of weird.
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It's back up on tnawrestling.com and if you look at the Roster page Kaz has been taken off. If it's true, it sucks. If it's not, it's great.. Kaz is a great worker and it seems TNA pisses him off or he doesn't get his way, then he leaves TNA goes on a 6 week WWE run then leaves them cuz they want him to cut his hair. I think he'd have a better job in TNA, or as an Antonio Bandaras Stunt man.
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So worked. :P "While this is merely speculation, it looks like this could possibly be a "worked-shoot" angle to generate interest/attention in Kaz, so we shouldn't jump the gun on him really leaving the organization quite yet. For one, TNA hardly ever posts notes regarding departures from the company. The only departure they have announced this year is that of "Wildcat" Chris Harris. Secondly, him apparently doing an angle after making a decision to leave the company is quite peculiar. And probably the key reason showing that this deal may be a work is that the "Karen's Angle" interview segment should have been taped at last week's Impact tapings when they had all the talent and production people together. The TNA site is saying he requested his release today, and will be on her show later this week. If that's the case, they'd have to fly both Karen & Kaz in to some remote location, as well as their production people, put together her fancy set for the show, and film it, this week. TNA really only films stuff for television if they're showing say, Eric Young touring a city, and other candid looking stuff, where they only need a cameraman or two, and not a big production staff. One key thing to look for in the segment is if Karen wears the same one strap black dress she wore on Impact last week in a vignette plugging the upcoming show. If so, it would appear that Kaz's segment was taped beforehand, and that this is all a work. Anyway, stay tuned to this story because there appears to be more than meets the eye."
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Sounds like a cool story. During the X-Cup I thought that should have been the angle; Kaz has to fill the legendary Jerry Lynn's shoes, but suffers a crisis of confidence, especially when he loses his round 2 match against... who did he face? Ultimo Guerrero? However he overcomes this crisis to win Ultimate X. Instead, they've decided to run that part of the story now... and honestly it's better. The X-Cup sells on it's own, and by giving Mexico the win the improve relations with the folks down there. Hopefully they give this story the time it deserves, as it's a very humanising angle, given to a character I've always found a bit bland. Including the website in the story is a GREAT move. The internet has long since been this 'behind the curtain' entity, but it's such a powerful force that you have to try and bring some of it under that kayfabe umbrella. I'm imagine a lot of eye-rolling when I read people's "[I]It's a work[/I]" comments, which saddens me a bit. Don't you remember when you believed in wrestling? Wasn't it so much more magical then?
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Oh hell yeah, believing in wrestling was the shiz. I have no idea how Hulk slammed Andre... I was on the edge of my seat as Hulk and the Ultimate Warrior stood toe to toe, and I got teary eyed when Savage elbow dropped Warrior like 6 times, still lost, and then had to retire, and then his old lady Liz comes running in from the crowd to get rid of Sister Sherri, and Savage and Liz are reunited... good times, good times.
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[QUOTE=Self;465607]I'm imagine a lot of eye-rolling when I read people's "[I]It's a work[/I]" comments, which saddens me a bit. Don't you remember when you believed in wrestling? Wasn't it so much more magical then?[/QUOTE] Yes, just like when I believed in Santa Claus (up to age 4), the Easter Bunny (was taught the "true" meaning of the holiday), and the tooth fairy. :rolleyes: No. For me, it's best that I know or have an idea so I can think about what direction(s) they might be going in. There have been far too many angles and/or storylines I've followed and been utterly disappointed in their eventual ends. If I had known what possible directions the storyline could've gone in, I could then make an informed decision as to whether the storyline was worth following. I don't like my time wasted by subpar (by my standards/opinion) entertainment vehicles.
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What's funny is that "everyone knows its fake" yet people still get fooled all the time. For example, the ring collapsing during the Brock-Big Show Match, and Matt Hardy crashing Raw after he got fired. So many people (I wondered about the ring- a little) were thinking both were shoots. Also, go over to youtube and watch the Damien Demento Shoot Interview, its obviously a work, but people were posting comments like, "leave the guy alone." Of course my favorite story, and I can't remember who it was, but they were working an Indy show and they purposely slipped while they were climbing the ropes, just to get a "you f'd up chant." If I recall they were trying to be the heel but were getting cheered, so he did it for that reason.
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I just wrote a long post explaining my view on a whole host of things, but I've done too many long posts lately. Honestly, I can't fault your way of looking at things, Remi, I'm just different. I like believing 100% in the story and characters put in front of me. I like not knowing what's going to happen. I miss the days when I believed in Santa. The world is a less magical place now. P.S. The Matt Hardy thing was a work? Well I'll be jiggered.
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Guest Ransik
*shrugs* I didn't know it was a work because all I found on websites was that Kaz asked for his release from TNA and was granted it, never mentioned anything about it being a work. I just figured something went wrong in his life and he needed to leave for a while.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;466956]Wait, that wasn't a shoot!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:[/QUOTE] I don't know if you are being serious or not, but that is what made that moment so cool. It was totally believable that it could happen and I was sitting there wondering if it was done on purpose or an accident. When wrestling can suck you in like that its fun to watch.
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[QUOTE=scorpion;467174]I don't know if you are being serious or not, but that is what made that moment so cool. It was totally believable that it could happen and I was sitting there wondering if it was done on purpose or an accident. When wrestling can suck you in like that its fun to watch.[/QUOTE] totally serious. I had no idea it was a work until some stupid person (JK Love u guys) posted it
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