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TCW Gfed Reunion Hype and Sign Up


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DONE!! Finally... you guys have no clue how much work goes into these shows. Lol. I like this one too. But it really sets the tone for what I have planned in the future... Next episode is two Fridays from now and it takes place in London. We are going to knock out each capital of every TEW zone before we return to Madison Square Garden... in case you don't notice the pattern.
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Yeah, the concept of the two is amazing. I have my first one for the next event all but finished, but I'm fairly sure, if I continue on this route, I'm gonna have every member of the locker room running out to beat me senseless. Ahh, it just sounds like a challenge. lol
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Yeah, I'm feeling some sort of hype for this next event too. But probably because I know something no one else does. I'm playing "Ladies and Gentlemen" over and over. And it may become the theme for the next show. I may knock out some roleplays while I'm in the zone. I have to write 4 in the next 2 weeks. (1 Slam, 3 BPK)
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If you need some help with promos or anything, lemme know. I'll do what I can. So long as I don't have to write matches. As much a wrestling fan as I've been for as long as I've been, putting ring psychology on paper, for me, is like giving a monkey a crayon, and hoping for the Mona Lisa. lol
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[quote=AfRoMaN36;480286]Thanks. Your match should be good. A battle between two wrestlers who live off of mind games? The roleplays write themselves.[/quote] I have to face Exile? (sigh). I was hoping to add a darker layer to my character, but now that I'm faced against exile,(and prophet, whose RP's have been excellent, last one was amazing), it's going to be hard. I'm not sure how to pull it off. But I welcome the challenge, atleast I have something to do till school starts in a week. I do have an idea, but I'm not too sure if I should do it, too dark I think, even for wrestling.:eek: More of a story I came up with based off of Chess Maniac and Dearly Devoted Dexter. I'll try to think of something to combat with Exile.
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I appreciate the compliment, truly. :) And, if you ever want to go darker with a character, Exile's not a bad choice. Could outdark me. Then, to counter, I'll dress up as Guy Sexy, a persona I created when I was 15, and videotaped, hoping to be charismatic, instead of being Cactus Ja ... err ... Pinetree Joey ... yeah! Exile is in no way a Mankind rip off. :p In all seriousness, with what I've seen of your work so far, I know I have to bring my A-game. It's gonna be a great match. :D Oh, and just throwing it out there ... Frankie and Don for tag champs! lol
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Yeah some good roleplays... really. I just hate myself right now because I can't seem to force myself to write one of four roleplays I need to write before the show. I was in my zone right after the show but I suddenly fell asleep and now I can't get it back. Jesus, is it just me or are all writers half retarded?
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It's not just you. I had one yesterday, I got struck with this brilliant notion, plotted it in seconds, but I was on my way out the door. Between my front door, and the car door closing, I lost it. Now all I remember was something about a little league game, and I'm thinking Exile's too big for T-ball. lol There are some amazing rps coming out, though.
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;486315]Oh and BPK's next roleplay and a big announcement will be made by tomorrow.[/QUOTE] And the big announcement is ... Exile gets to be a groomsman! He's gonna look good with his burlap mask and black tux. :D Okay, maybe not ... I might sprout another shot up tonight or tomorrow. Still plotting it out.
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Hot damn time flies... I have one roleplay on the cusp of completion and another still in it's infancy. Don't really want to phone in another Hash promo, but with time pressing on, and Edd being annoyingly fun to write... We'll see...
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Okay, I know I gave this whole process thing to how I write up a roleplay, normally, but the one I just posted came from ... *drum roll* me flooding my house when trying to replace the washing machine. It was either write something up, or put a bat to that blasted piece of metal ... I chose the former, `cause I have a tendency to hurt myself. lol
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Lol good one. Well I had the option today of doing the show since I work Friday night overnight. But I decided since guys like Cranshaw are pretty much notorious for last minute roleplays I've decided to wait till Saturday. :D Though I can only see a few of you haven't, whoever hasn't roleplayed yet still has time.
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Well, the shows been up for a while. But I figure no ones checked since I didnt announce it here.... so yeah, it's up. New card is up and I'm fairly certain what the entire card is gunna be for TCW's Last Call. Barring everyone active now remains active. I'll be sending out PM's shortly.
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Another great show too. Gonna buy Exile "How to Make Friends and Influence People" for Christmas. :p And yay for making the front page! It's like being on the cover of TCW magazine. :D I have a few ideas floating around, when I get a better sense of what they are, I'll shoot you a pm, if that's cool.
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[QUOTE=Prophet;489498]Another great show too. Gonna buy Exile "How to Make Friends and Influence People" for Christmas. :p And yay for making the front page! It's like being on the cover of TCW magazine. :D I have a few ideas floating around, when I get a better sense of what they are, I'll shoot you a pm, if that's cool.[/QUOTE] Yep, you've been one of the solid ones for sure. And yes, PM me whenever you need help with anything.
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I've got atleast four roleplays to write and have been deadly busy with 5 overnight shifts this week. Dude... everything that could potentially happen to my store, did. Guys were sent home, arrested, I had to train a new guy.... etc. So to say the least, I've been occupied. I see everyone else is the same.
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Now that sounds like a fun week. In that "at least I did it without enduring a root canal and listening to Kenny G, live, for 9 straight hours" kind of way. On the upside, it's the weekend! :D (Unless you work weekends, in which case, I'm sorry. I dunno what kind of store you work in, but really, what store is a good store when you're working the weekend? I should know, I used to be one of those accompanying a 2 am, still tipsy, craving a cupcake and hitting the gas station kind of guys. "What'cha mean I'm too loud? You're too loud! Aww, I'm sorry, c'mere man, I luuuuff you! *Hic*" Ahh, good times. But I digress ... here's hoping things settle down for ya. :D
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Ahhh, 3 am coffee runs. I didn't know any Starbucks were 24/7, so I've learned something new. lol My retail experience was Payless Shoes and Stuart's convenience stores (both in upstate NY) so I was always out of the place by 11 pm, give or take. And if anyone is wondering ... yes, Al Bundy wasn't that far off with selling shoes. lol
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