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TCW Gfed Reunion Hype and Sign Up


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[url]http://www.gfedwrestling.com/GFed/welcome.py?league_id=116[/url] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/bigpapkev/TCW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/bigpapkev/Picture16-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]"She is the reason I get up in the morning, she is my last thoughts going to sleep at night. She is the love of my life.... and she hates my guts... she is professional wrestling."[/I] After rising to the top of TCW, stealing power from his once idol Tommy Cornell and eventually realizing his dream of becoming TCW champion... Big Poppa Kev allowed his own personal demons to conquer him and thus... led to his downfall... and eventually, the downfall of Total Championship Wrestling. However... now, for the next two months.... TCW RETURNS!! 3 months after closing it's doors, Big Poppa Kev, Willow and the rest of the TCW Family invite all TCW alumni, along with all newbies who are interested whether experienced or not to join us for the best two months of your life. Where once every other Tuesday, we bring you the absolute best shows in Role Playing history. Along with the deepest story lines, the friendliest communities and a guaranteed chance at stardom! AAAND ME!! Big Poppa Kev!! So join me and my lovely fiance Willow, along with: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/bigpapkev/CatJemson.jpg[/IMG] The sassy interviewer, Cat Jemson, [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/bigpapkev/DharmaGregg_alt08.jpg[/IMG] The bubbly Dharma Gregg [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/bigpapkev/FernHathaway.jpg[/IMG] The innocently naive Fern Hathaway [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/bigpapkev/JasonAzaria.jpg[/IMG] The... Jason Azaria... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/bigpapkev/NoPhotoAvailable.jpg[/IMG] And... that other annoying thing who sits next to him... ...in a reunion tour designed to tie up loose ends with all characters who never got the chance to while allowing all curious new members to dip their toes into the world of TCW and the world of roleplaying. And they get to do so with no burden of a long term commitment. Just two months, a Pay Per View and we're outta here!! So while I get the site together and get permission from the original owner to use the same league, agree to join us today in this thread. In two months, you'll be glad you did. I know.... because I'm Big Poppa Kev, and if you can't trust me.... then who can you trust? My fiance? Please.... she's a bitch. ... But don't tell her I said that.... she IS a bitch of course.
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As the guy who let TCW die the first time, it would be wrong of me to not be in this. I'm sure Edd Stone has recovered from falling off of that cage by now. Although... With Edd's coming of age story already told, perhaps it's time to move onto another of the C-Verse's infamous characters. Two months sounds great.
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[QUOTE=The Aussie;466354]I'm down for this.[/QUOTE] Cool. Just let me get the site together and you can all sign up! [QUOTE=Comradebot;466357]So is this a brief return of the infamous TCW efed I've heard about? I might be down since the C-Verse efed that was attempted to be openned earlier this year didn't quite pan out... :-([/QUOTE] Yes it is. Hope to have you on board. [QUOTE=Self;466356]As the guy who let TCW die the first time, it would be wrong of me to not be in this. I'm sure Edd Stone has recovered from falling off of that cage by now. Although... With Edd's coming of age story already told, perhaps it's time to move onto another of the C-Verse's infamous characters. Two months sounds great.[/QUOTE] Edd Stone is GOD!! [QUOTE=Capelli King;466378]Marat Khoklov is coming back with avengence!!! I am down to bringing back that old feud with BPK;) One thing, are the old stats preserved?[/QUOTE] Easy there, Big Bird... Only if Jonfun allows me to use his league. Which I hope so! [QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;466427]As the last champion in TCW it would be wrong not to show up and bring back the title to the fans who helped me gain the championship in the first place.[/QUOTE] If you sign back up... the title will remain yours! Along with all other titles..... Just dont cry again.
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;466568]Edd Stone is GOD!![/QUOTE] He certainly evolved into a very fun character. I'm just not sure he has anywhere in particular to go, arc-wise. Sure, he could go after some belt, or enemy, but without some kind of subplot to write to, I'm pretty lost. Edd went full circle last time. He came in as some punk kid, the black sheep of his family, and through acceptance from the fans and from a loyal tag partner, he was able to discover the best part of himself, and be at peace with that. Did he get the belt? No. Did he get the girl? No. He didn't need to. I like how my story of Edd came to an end. I'm apprehensive about fiddling with it. ([I]Don't worry newbies. Very few people write in the depth I talk about here. Hell, reading my promos, you'd think I'm the shallowest guy in the world. Which for the most part I am[/I].) I also have a different character I'm interested in writing. Different personality. Fun in a different way. If I do decide to 'abandon' Edd, he'd at the very least feature in some of my roleplays, wandering around backstage, hitting on Cat Jemson, or perhaps being a backstage interviewer himself. I'm undecided about the character, but I'm in for the fun, so rock on.
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Awesome, glad to have you join. I suppose until the site is ready you guys can use this thread to introduce your TCW characters or to re introduce them for the vets. Maybe give us a taste of what your characters about. It may take a few hours to reach jonfun. Remember it doesn't HAVE to be a TEW character.
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For all the guys which are not aquainted to TCW and the E-fed which was going on. IT started around end June last year and was going on for around 9 months. Basically people post 2-3 roleplays a week and try to get their character going as in real wrestling. Basic idea is to get your character interesting and hyped, get into feuds with other characters and overal have fun in an entertainment type wrestling promotion. I am sticking to my old character Marat Khoklov. I liked this dudes character in the Cornellverse and i always try to make something out of him (usually not too successfully:D) in the E-fed he had a very good run i would say, was around from the beginning till mid January. Was the all time in cash earned, total wins and total matches before he left. He had Floyd Goldsworthy as his mouth piece (sticking to the C-verse history of managing monsters) he was about to be challenging for the title around November, but i decided i was too busy with things in real life, ended up giving Gonzalez a push into the main event scene. Guess the highlight of Marats career was the early feud with BPK which later became head booker. The feud continued later on, so i ended up cussing BPK for well over 4-5 months:D
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[QUOTE=Crychon;466745]Let us hoist the anchor and have the wind at our backs...[/QUOTE] Aye Aye Captain!! Let us sail the seas once more!! Jonfun wrote me back, he will give us the password to reopen the site so it should be anytime now. But if by morning I don't have it I'll just have to open up a new league and artificially enter the records myself from memory. Great to see the enthusiasm. I honestly considered that league my child... even though it technically wasn't me who gave it life. hope the newbies can also contribute! I'd love to see some of their characters of choice introduced in this thread if they still want to join!
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;466667]For all the guys which are not aquainted to TCW and the E-fed which was going on. IT started around end June last year and was going on for around 9 months. Basically people post 2-3 roleplays a week and try to get their character going as in real wrestling. Basic idea is to get your character interesting and hyped, get into feuds with other characters and overal have fun in an entertainment type wrestling promotion. [/QUOTE] Is some sort of simulation run with matches or anything. I mean what happens after we write promos and get into feuds with one another. I am highly intrigued just a feeling a little gray on the details of what happens...
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[QUOTE=Prophet;466925]By this, do you mean it can be a real superstar, or does it mean that it can be a created persona?[/QUOTE] A created persona. Real wrestlers arent allowed. And WWE superstars are actually illegal. [QUOTE=lordprimeau25;466928]Is some sort of simulation run with matches or anything. I mean what happens after we write promos and get into feuds with one another. I am highly intrigued just a feeling a little gray on the details of what happens...[/QUOTE] AHERM... Well, ordinarily we just used a match simulator with me adding details within the match to link it to a feud or to just spice it up. I will most likely continue doing that but if I am to do a show once every other week, I may add much more detail within it. I also tend to add humor in it... esspecially in jobber matches. If anyone remembers Cranshaw defeating Chief Gordon Ramsey via hangnail. And writing promos is simple. My best advice is to look at the promos written by everyone else and copy the style you like best. Just by being a member you will be automatically placed in a storyline unless you perfer some time to build your character up by facing jobbers for a few weeks first weeks. If I think you deserve a break, you will get a title match, the hardcore title is ussually the entry belt for the guys who desrve to be pushed but arent ready for the big show yet. Same may apply for the tag team titles. The international title is given to the guy who is nearing main event status and the world title is given to the guy who I can see carrying the promotion. The direction the feuds go within shows are up to me. I may either throw you a curveball or if it looks like the two feuding wrestlers have a plan of their own I will PM you and ask what you want to do. Wins are decided based on how good you are compared to your opponent, however if your opponent needs a win to keep the storyline interesting or just running smoothly, it overrules all. Normally I would suggest you pace yourself to one or two roleplays a week to not burn out so easily.... but with a show every other week for two months.... go nuts. In the end, just have fun. There really are no politicians here. No one will try and hold you down. I am not the undefeated, undistupted world champion owner you see in every other efed. I became champ by becoming the leagues best heel, despite never winning a single feud. And I didnt even hold the belt that long. I perfer the role of hunter, rather then the hunted. My character is in way over his head. Besides, your job as owner is to make sure everyone gets over. And if you're over... then you job.
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[QUOTE]A created persona. Real wrestlers arent allowed. And WWE superstars are actually illegal. [/QUOTE] Excellent, then I am in. As soon as I decide which of the many characters I've created I want to use, and can actually give a cool picture to. :D Kind of jumped the gun ... what I meant was I am in, if it's cool and there's room. I asked that question because I feel more comfortable being a guy I've created. Someone whom I've built up in my own mind, and know the ins and outs of. And I kind of miss the break of writing promos, immersing myself into the mind of a character that is outlandish, or demented, or whatever direction he goes.
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Better if you you choose a TCW character, it kind of makes people "connect" with who he is and also gives you a certain "history" if you wish. However there were quite a few virtual characters such as "Captain Cranshaw" which ended up being franchise players, Adam should think about putting him in his the Cornellverse;)
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[QUOTE=Prophet;466952]Excellent, then I am in. As soon as I decide which of the many characters I've created I want to use, and can actually give a cool picture to. :D Kind of jumped the gun ... what I meant was I am in, if it's cool and there's room. I asked that question because I feel more comfortable being a guy I've created. Someone whom I've built up in my own mind, and know the ins and outs of. And I kind of miss the break of writing promos, immersing myself into the mind of a character that is outlandish, or demented, or whatever direction he goes.[/QUOTE] Sure... their should be more then enough room.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;467036]Better if you you choose a TCW character, it kind of makes people "connect" with who he is and also gives you a certain "history" if you wish. However there were quite a few virtual characters such as "Captain Cranshaw" which ended up being franchise players, Adam should think about putting him in his the Cornellverse;)[/QUOTE] I can understand that, but it's harder for me to play a character that is known, I think because so many people have an idea, individually, or collectively, of how that person would work. It's like trying to write for an actual wrestler, which I could never do. Trying to portray the Rock, when so many have seen how he is, and have in their mind how he sounds, makes it difficult for me to put what slant I wish for him. It's just a personal preference I've always had. Besides, if I do introduce someone, and his reaction is met with "meh," I can always job him out for 2 months. I'll become a glorified Charlie Haas! :D [QUOTE]Sure... their should be more then enough room.[/QUOTE] Yay! Thank you. :)
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It's not all about winning :D Just write the character you feel you'd have most fun writing. I personally prefer taking characters and adapting them, but that's me. Not that I would enjoy writing Rock or Austin or Jericho, but give me Edd Stone or some other C-Verse character, with certain definite characteristics but no set-in-stone rhythm of speech or sequences of actions, and I'm golden.
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Oh, I don't really care if I win. My goal is to have fun. I've always been that way. I've always tried to be the Mick Foley of "e-fedding", if you will. It never mattered to me if I came out on top, but if the feud I was in became one where people would say "wow, that's a build up" and enjoyed it, then I did my job. And if I do become Charlie Haas, it won't be all bad. Steady paycheck, Jackie Gayda ... I could live with that. lol As for the character type, I realize there's a vast difference between this world and the world on television, so my example wasn't exactly accurate, but I've always felt more comfortable this way. Besides, it's a challenge. Edd Stone is known, the perception is different, but he's known. If by the end of this, you guys have an understanding of the character I envisioned when I started out, that's super bonus.
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That is why i kind of prefer to go for a Cornellverse character as there is some background to work on. However as i said before, some people made up characters which went very well, it takes some level of creativity i must say and most likely you will be basing your character on someone you know. This is not really about winning or not, naturally better more stable roleplayers get more of the main event and title shots overal.
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