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Favourite Feud EVER!


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Rok so in the history of wrestling guy A fights guy B and the fans go home. Pretty boring until you add some story to it. My idea for this thread is to see what people rate as theyre favourite feuds of all time(reasons for this can be anything from good booking, good matches or good storyline). I'll start with my top 3: #3. Kurt Angle vs Triple H(the one where Stephanie Mcmahon was in the middle kind of thing and Kurt was playing all nice guy and Triple H was pissed off boyfriend, it was one of the few soap opera stories the WWE actually pulled off in my opinion(altho i was young at the time maybe wouldn't work for me now)) #2. Mankind vs The Undertaker(the one where he fell from the cage, this feud made Mick Foley for more than just HITC match my memory is not always accurate but i seem to remember this was first time i stood up and took notice of that freak Mankind, sure he was always winning but he was fighting nobodies, in his first feud of any real notoriety he beat the top dog of the WWF clean and put on some pretty great shows and angles in the process) #1. HBK vs The Undertaker(the one that introduced Kane to the world, that alone makes it good, but I also liked how HBK was at his comic best and argueably best in ring ability, playing the arrogant weasly heel to perfection to cheat his way on top against the best built monster in history AND the matches rocked( HITCH and casket matches are classics) NOT EVEN AN UNDERTAKER FAN BONUS Categories: Feud that wasn't as good as it should have been: For me it has to be Ric Flair vs Mick Foley, after a series of great promos the matches were a complete let down and it was used to early on the card and booked stupidly(the Face winning without almost no resistance and of course "I'm gonna wrestle terribly tonight" Mick Foley) Most recent favourite Feud: MVP vs Matt Hardy: This feud seemed to go on forever and it had me hooked throughout, my favourite part was when they were teaming together and MVP was basically a tweener because they were both so popular by playing off each other so well. Unfortunately I really feel both peaked with this feud and wont have another one like it in the rest of their careers.
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[I]Bret Hart vs Owen Hart.[/I] I was only young at the time, but the idea of a younger brother being in the older brother's shadow, and exploding in jealousy, really struck home with me. Was the Undertaker/Mick Foley Hell in the Cell match part of a feud at all? I thought it was pretty much thrown together on the fly.
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Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude. Two of my favorite performers going at it. Even though Jake was a natural heel he was able to pull of the face role in this feud -- particularly when Rude had a picture of Jake's wife painted on the crotch of his tights.
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Undertaker and Mankind were pretty much feuding forever. They had the first ever boiler room brawl and Buried alive matches, I think they had regular matches as well and even when Undertaker was feuding with Kane I'm pretty sure Mankind was involved too. At the time you couldn't think of one without the other. Heres a vid: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJIi4hv8--E[/url]
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The never-ending Shawn Michaels vs Triple H feud circa 2002-2004. Was what got me into wrestling in the first place. Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho in the lead-up to WrestleMania 19. Matt Hardy vs MVP was pretty entertaining. Christopher Daniels vs AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe. The ring work. The build up. Was awesome.
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Chris Jericho v Dean Malenko is the feud that really got me into Jericho... that was some good stuff. Armbar. DX vs Nation of Domination arguably brought The Rock to the forefront of things... which is important, of course. Triple H vs Mick Foley was an important one, too. I'll second Hardys vs Dudleys vs Edge and Christian. For some reason Ricky Steamboat vs Johnny B Badd sticks out in my mind? Hm. Maybe it was the whole 'glitter cannon to the eyes' incident.
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[QUOTE=Self;471142][I]Bret Hart vs Owen Hart.[/I] I was only young at the time, but the idea of a younger brother being in the older brother's shadow, and exploding in jealousy, really struck home with me.[/QUOTE] Not only did it have that universal story of younger sibling in the shadow, but it had an underdog story to it as well, at least as far as in WWF world and each of their standings at the time. I mean the fans didn't have to look back far to remember the jobber in neon colours. Though even if you were young and not knowing the workings of wrestling you knew when watching Owen that he sure seemed better a lot of the time then who he was losing to.
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Didn't Foley debut feuding with the Undertaker? I have no idea who these "nobodies" he was always beating could be. The Mega Powers: It spanned decades, involved some of the very first "shoot" comments, and was generally awesome. Sting vs. Hogan: the NWO really elevated Sting into a force of nature before pulling the rug out from him at Starrcade. Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle- the best thing to come out of the entire Invasion angle.
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The one that got me into wrestling: Shane vs Test. And right when Test appears to have won, not only Stephanie, but Shane's respect, in swoops Triple H and ruins it all. Mankind vs Al Snow Big Show vs Angle. Angle preaches abstinence at a college, Show comes in and starts handing out condoms. Those two played off each other perfectly. ... for that matter, any feud where Big Show was the face. Heyman/JR was fun, tho that wasn't a feud so much as constant clashing at the table.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;472726] Big Show vs Angle. Angle preaches abstinence at a college, Show comes in and starts handing out condoms. Those two played off each other perfectly. [/QUOTE] I lolled at that one. I wondered if it was "legit" or completely faked. Wasn't it at a mall? (by "legit" I mean they actually handed out condoms and abstinence pamphlets, by faked I mean it was all done in a studio somewhere.)
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[QUOTE=Pampero Firpo;471177]Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude. Two of my favorite performers going at it. Even though Jake was a natural heel he was able to pull of the face role in this feud -- particularly when Rude had a picture of Jake's wife painted on the crotch of his tights.[/QUOTE] That was one of the best. I remember watching that and popping for the two biggest moments, when Cheryl said, "My husband, Jake the snake Roberts," and when Jake ran in and ripped off the tights. [B]Strike Force vs Hart Foundation[/B] If for no other reason than this is the feud that made me a wrestling fan. Strike Force is to this day one of my all time favorite tag teams. I was as heartbroken, if not more so for their break up than I was for the Rockers breakup. [B]Randy Savage vs. Hulk Hogan (WWF)[/B] A year in the making it had it all: Broken Friendship, betrayal and a beautiful woman. Two others that I didn't experience when they happened but have come to enjoy by watching the matches on DVD/24-7 Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat Grag Valentine vs Tito Santana
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I think the Mankind vs. Rock feud was amazing. The turn at Survivor Series 1997, when Foley almost had the gold, the Super Bowl empty arena battle, the I Quit match at the Rumble. Going back some, Hart vs. Piper, I thought was good. Building to their Wrestlemania match for the IC title. I also have to go with the Mega Powers implosion, although as a kid, I was a huge Randy Savage fan. Darn you, Hogan! *Shakes fist*
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[QUOTE=Superkevd;472643]I think his first feud may have been with the Undertaker but he only ever fought the Undertaker on PPV are you telling me you believe that Mankind only ever fought on PPV for the first maybe half a year of his WWF career?[/QUOTE] You talk about standing up and taking notice, but he spent the entire first year of his career feuding with Undertaker. [quote=obsessed with wrestling]# 1996: Mick Foley finally signed with the WWF, and was given a cannibal gimmick known as "Mankind".. * April 1, 1996 - RAW: Mankind defeated Bob Holly by Submission * April 22, 1996 - RAW: Mankind defeated Aldo Montoya by Submission. * April 28, 1996 - In Your House 7: The Undertaker defeated Mankind.[/quote] I guess always winning means that he squashed a couple of jobbers for two weeks? He won matches to keep his heat because every other month he was being buried alive or tombstoned or what have you and they wanted to build him up as a threat.
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[QUOTE=Superkevd;472643]I think his first feud may have been with the Undertaker but he only ever fought the Undertaker on PPV are you telling me you believe that Mankind only ever fought on PPV for the first maybe half a year of his WWF career?[/QUOTE] I think you're talking to me... What I meant by the Undertaker/Foley HITC not-a-feud thing, was that I vaguely remember reading something in Mick's first book, where he says he was surprised by how legendary the match became, because no one cared going in. His feud with Undertaker had been and pretty much gone, and originally he was booked to do something else. The card changed a week or two before (did Kane win the belt that night?) and Foley and Undertaker (complete with broken foot) were thrown together. The result was... awesome. I mean it was no wrasslin' match, but for sheer spectacle... awesome. Either it's in the book, or I dreamt it... which has happened in the past. I'm not saying Undertaker and Foley didn't have a feud, I'm just saying I seem to remember that HITC match not being part of it. [QUOTE=lazorbeak;472759]I guess always winning means that he squashed a couple of jobbers for two weeks? He won matches to keep his heat because every other month he was being buried alive or tombstoned or what have you and they wanted to build him up as a threat.[/QUOTE] Getting tombstoned every other month and still getting up for more... I find that pretty threatening :D
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[QUOTE=Self;472769]I think you're talking to me... What I meant by the Undertaker/Foley HITC not-a-feud thing, was that I vaguely remember reading something in Mick's first book, where he says he was surprised by how legendary the match became, because no one cared going in. His feud with Undertaker had been and pretty much gone, and originally he was booked to do something else. The card changed a week or two before (did Kane win the belt that night?) and Foley and Undertaker (complete with broken foot) were thrown together. The result was... awesome. I mean it was no wrasslin' match, but for sheer spectacle... awesome. Either it's in the book, or I dreamt it... which has happened in the past. I'm not saying Undertaker and Foley didn't have a feud, I'm just saying I seem to remember that HITC match not being part of it.[/QUOTE] You're right. Whereas it can not be denied that Mankind and Taker did have a long feud, around the time of the HIAC they weren't really and it was more thrown together than anything. So technically all parties are correct- Taker and Foley did feud, but not really around the time of HIAC. And yes, Kane did win the title that night. It was a First Blood match and seemed like such a let down after Hell In A Cell. The Cell came down in the match and everything, but still nothing. And then Kane went ahead and just dropped the belt the next night. Probably my least favourite 24 hours in the Attutude era- between Taker pinning Mankind in the cell and Austin winning the title back. Hated it. As for favourite feud, Sting - nWo sticks out, as does Austin - Rock, I loved Malenko - Jericho, the TLC teams produced great matches between No Mercy 99 and Mainia 2001, and the original Undertaker - Kane feud. It just went on forever and for once the huge build for a monster debut did not bomb. I've never liked Paul Bearer, but in the build up to Kane's debut he was pure gold.
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Austin and Vinny turned me on to wrestling. I didn't watch from about 2000-2006. Since I began watching again I was waiting for the day to see Cena and Orton as I thought they were to the top two young talented in the company. As it went I thought they lived up to about 75% of what they could have done in a program with each other but I still enjoyed it.
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