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As The Title Turns

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[QUOTE=mike b;508342]Hey Bob sir one question did ya have a hard time understanding our local slang when you went to the web site if not then great i have some poki(raw fish) and taco(raw squid) for you for dinner :D[/QUOTE] Pictures tell a 1000 words..........but google translate tells 2000. :p
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Just loaded this up. ;) Raw is shown on a Monday night here in the UK on Sky Sports at 2am. You have it set to air on a Tuesday night. I am sure ECW airs on a Thursday night here and not a Wednesday. The times vary each week though and it can start anytime between 9pm and 11pm. Although I haven't watched it for a bit. TNA Impact airs on a Saturday in a Primetime spot.
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[QUOTE=Trell;510237]Not sure if this was said but there are 2 Miyawaki's in your game, one is all caps and one is normal[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=misfit103;510264]Off the top of my head, Samoa Joe should be Pacific, and Monty Brown and Sabian are black.[/QUOTE] Have been corrected and will be in the next release. If you find more point them out.
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[QUOTE=UFC-KING;510740]I've heard nothing but good things about this mod, but question, how do use it as a database P.S : Sorry bout the noob question, i'm fairly new to TEW, and i'm not so used to downloading these kinds of mods[/QUOTE] 1st post in this mod forum: [url][/url]
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First off, thanks for all the work put into this bob, anyone that can dedicate themself to completing a mod is alright by me. Secondly, I have got really into the Know Your Role data and think it is pretty good but haven't tried this out yet, so can anyone comment on this data? Thanks. Have a good 1 all.
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[QUOTE=wilts;511867]First off, thanks for all the work put into this bob, anyone that can dedicate themself to completing a mod is alright by me. Secondly, I have got really into the Know Your Role data and think it is pretty good but haven't tried this out yet, so can anyone comment on this data? Thanks. Have a good 1 all.[/QUOTE] I haven't gotten to play too long in a game yet but as far as just from the looks of it and everything, BobInc did a great job. I enjoy Know Your Role and Jimmy does a great job with that too but this mod is more indepth with wrestlers if that's your thing. A good friend of mine is in the mod who only started wrestling a year or two ago in the Australia scene and that scene is well represented. Every game area is represented well in this mod and the loading times are pretty good too on my computer. Course there the usual opinions of stats but that's what the editor is for right? I'm liking this mod and while a small detail I do hope that eventually title histories can be added in. As for race and all those other small details, I'm not someone who's big on those being perfect so I can't comment too much. One thing I noticed that needs a bit of tweaking are the risk levels of PPV carriers. Thanks for the great mod BobInc, I really hope you keep up the work as it's already turning into one of my favorites for sure, just have to get the right game going.
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[QUOTE]I haven't gotten to play too long in a game yet but as far as just from the looks of it and everything, BobInc did a great job. I enjoy Know Your Role and Jimmy does a great job with that too but this mod is more indepth with wrestlers if that's your thing. A good friend of mine is in the mod who only started wrestling a year or two ago in the Australia scene and that scene is well represented. Every game area is represented well in this mod and the loading times are pretty good too on my computer. Course there the usual opinions of stats but that's what the editor is for right? I'm liking this mod and while a small detail I do hope that eventually title histories can be added in. As for race and all those other small details, I'm not someone who's big on those being perfect so I can't comment too much. One thing I noticed that needs a bit of tweaking are the risk levels of PPV carriers. Thanks for the great mod BobInc, I really hope you keep up the work as it's already turning into one of my favorites for sure, just have to get the right game going.[/QUOTE] Thanks for your reply. So am I right in thinking that comparing this to Know Your Role would be like comparing T-Zone to 1RC, this being T-Zone.
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[QUOTE=wilts;511909]Thanks for your reply. So am I right in thinking that comparing this to Know Your Role would be like comparing T-Zone to 1RC, this being T-Zone.[/QUOTE] Personal opinion but I would say it the other way as this one being the 1RC to a T-Zone as I was going for a well represented mod, with enough things in each area to make it worth while, while not smothering the mod world with 2000 free agents 1800 of which will probably only see work if hired by the user and 400 promotions 320 of which never grow or shrink. As far as everyone wanting title histories I have been planning on working on them but if anyone has worked on them before knows it is very tedious and slow work. [I][SIZE="1"]Note: not knocking KYR as I have not played it only loaded it, just laying out my thought on others thoughts.[/SIZE][/I] :D
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[QUOTE=TsuMirren;513526]Networks and Carriers...which pic pack are they from? Also, there appears to be a lot of title belts missing. Are they missing or in another pic pack?[/QUOTE] Any pics missing should be just that....missing. I am still working on getting them done.
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Just giving this a try out and I am looking to pick up a few tag teams, and 1 of the teams that I always end up grabbing is The S.A.T, but I can't seem to find Joel or Jose Maximo, or even Amazing Red. Are they not in the data, or am I just going mad?
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[QUOTE=wilts;516125]Just giving this a try out and I am looking to pick up a few tag teams, and 1 of the teams that I always end up grabbing is The S.A.T, but I can't seem to find Joel or Jose Maximo, or even Amazing Red. Are they not in the data, or am I just going mad?[/QUOTE] None of the 3 look to be in and I don't really have a reason why other than I just didn't add them. :D
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[QUOTE=bobinc;516164]None of the 3 look to be in and I don't really have a reason why other than I just didn't add them. :D[/QUOTE] And that is your right. ;) Thanks for the reply, guess I have to find some other tag teams to build up...:confused:
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