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Destined to Fail 2008

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/DTFPosters/BWASC1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Prediction Key: Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo vs. Panix Storm Antithesis of Decency vs. DJ Storm Dave 'The Snake' vs. Richy G Odin vs. The Heroes Mr Canada vs. Yancy Isaac Martin PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH FOUR Astil vs. Prime Time Players BWA UK CHAMPIONSHIP Prime (c) vs. George McAllister vs. Gringo vs. 'World Tour' Tyler Idol
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[QUOTE]Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo vs. [B]Panix Storm[/B] Antithesis of Decency vs. [B]DJ Storm[/B] [B]Dave 'The Snake'[/B] vs. Richy G Odin vs. [B]The Heroes[/B] Mr Canada vs. [B]Yancy Isaac Martin[/B] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH FOUR Astil vs. [B]Prime Time Players [/B] BWA UK CHAMPIONSHIP Prime (c) vs. George McAllister vs. [B]Gringo[/B] vs. 'World Tour' Tyler Idol[/QUOTE] Odin, Ye shall feel thy rath of 1000 holds, as pants boy makes you wear Pants! Of course, the D-Man from Cleveland, will be raising his hand for the fans, after kicking your Nordic butt back to Asgard! Then I'll chop off the part of Yggdrasil that connects Asgard to earth, so you cannot possibly come back!
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Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo vs. [B]Panix Storm[/B] [B]Antithesis of Decency[/B] vs. DJ Storm [B] Dave 'The Snake'[/B] vs. Richy G [B]Odin[/B] vs. The Heroes Mr Canada vs. [B]Yancy Isaac Martin[/B] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH FOUR [B]Astil[/B] vs. Prime Time Players BWA UK CHAMPIONSHIP Prime (c) vs. George McAllister vs. Gringo vs. [B]'World Tour' Tyler Idol[/B]
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Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo vs. [B]Panix Storm[/B] [B]Antithesis of Decency[/B] vs. DJ Storm Dave 'The Snake' vs. [B]Richy G [/B] [B]Odin [/B]vs. The Heroes Mr Canada vs. [B]Yancy Isaac Martin[/B] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH FOUR [B]Astil[/B] vs. Prime Time Players BWA UK CHAMPIONSHIP [B]Prime (c)[/B] vs. George McAllister vs. Gringo vs. 'World Tour' Tyler Idol
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Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo vs. [B]Panix Storm [/B] [B]Antithesis of Decency[/B] vs. DJ Storm [B]Dave 'The Snake'[/B] vs. Richy G [B]Odin[/B] vs. The Heroes Mr Canada vs. [B]Yancy Isaac Martin [/B] I mark for YIM PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH FOUR [B]Astil[/B] vs. Prime Time Players I think some other factors come into this, i think we loose the battle but win the war! BWA UK CHAMPIONSHIP [B]Prime (c) [/B]vs. George McAllister vs. Gringo vs. 'World Tour' Tyler Idol
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woot.. My first singles match.. promo time. [I]DJ Storm, huh? Word is your new friends have puffed you up and made you think you're some kind of tough guy. Or maybe it isn't just them, maybe its that flask of liquid courage you carry around with you. Regardless, at Second Coming you meet your Antithesis, and you are in for a short, sharp, sudden shock. Stark sobriety awaits to suplex you and stand on your empty little head until all the stale, beer scented air escapes. So keep drinking away at that bottle until you realize that all this time you haven't been sipping from it, no, that bottle has been sipping from you. And when that moment of clarity arrives, when you finally reach synthesis with reality, you'll thank me for teaching you the truth, even if you have to say it with your jaw wired shut.[/I]
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Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo vs. [B]Panix Storm[/B] [I]I don't know why. Maybe it could be that poor wee Jimmy stands out as being even less of a wrestler than, oh, anyone else on this roster? Including the commentators?[/I] Antithesis of Decency vs. [B]DJ Storm[/B] [I]Owing to massive LNO interference.[/I] Dave 'The Snake' vs. [B]Richy G[/B] [I]Because Dave will never win anything. Evar.[/I] [B]Odin[/B] vs. The Heroes [I]Seriously, you have seen this guy, right? Flying chairshot to the head doesn't even drop him? Yeah. Not a chance.[/I] [B]Mr Canada[/B] vs. Yancy Isaac Martin [I]He's got his own title and everything![/I] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH FOUR Astil vs. [B]Prime Time Players[/B] [I]Okay, OKAY! So you just keep getting lucky, don't you? Appropriately enough, Freak Chance seems to be on your side. So maybe, just maybe, you'll get it into your thick skull this time: DO NOT MESS WITH US. Because dude, you're just not ready...[/I] [I]FOR THE PRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME![/I] BWA UK CHAMPIONSHIP [B]Prime (c)[/B] vs. George McAllister vs. Gringo vs. 'World Tour' Tyler Idol [I]World Tour? Don't stop on our account, just move right along! Gringo? If you think a certain Norse God is going to let you win this one, you must be worse than mistaken. McAllister? Please, I'm begging you, don't do this - if my boss breaks you first, I'll never get the satisfaction of ending your career! And don't worry, Prime - we've got your back on this one, all the way.[/I]
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Prediction Key: Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo vs. [B]Panix Storm[/B] [I]A hunch.[/I] [B]Antithesis of Decency[/B] vs. DJ Storm [I]Thou shalt not mess with the naked cartwheeling Mafia Don monkey.[/I] Dave 'The Snake' vs. [B]Richy G[/B] [I]Honestly? No Idea. Going with a gut feeling.[/I] [B]Odin[/B] vs. The Heroes [I]By way of beasting using Mjolnir.[/I] [B]Mr Canada[/B] vs. Yancy Isaac Martin [I]Seriously..."Yancy?"[/I] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH FOUR [B]Astil[/B] vs. Prime Time Players [I]He's gotten this far, why stop now?[/I] BWA UK CHAMPIONSHIP Prime (c) vs. [B]George McAllister[/B] vs. Gringo vs. 'World Tour' Tyler Idol [I]I smell an upset...or is that my dinner burning?[/I]
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Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo vs. [B]Panix Storm[/B] [I]Panix needs the momentum more.[/I] [B]Antithesis of Decency[/B] vs. DJ Storm [I]Coolest name prevails.[/I] [B]Dave 'The Snake' [/B]vs. Richy G [I]Flipped a coin, lol[/I] [B]Odin[/B] vs. The Heroes [I]They may be heroes, but Odin's a god.[/I] [B]Mr Canada[/B] vs. Yancy Isaac Martin [I]It's a scientific fact that Canadians are better wrestlers than anyone else in the world...[/I] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH FOUR [B]Astil[/B] vs. Prime Time Players [I]Get his hopes up before he falls victim to some Sweet Prime Music.[/I] BWA UK CHAMPIONSHIP [B]Prime (c)[/B] vs. George McAllister vs. Gringo vs. 'World Tour' Tyler Idol [I]Like there is any doubt.[/I]
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Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo vs. [B]Panix Storm[/B] [B]Antithesis of Decency[/B] vs. DJ Storm [B]Dave 'The Snake'[/B] vs. Richy G [I]i <3 the snake...that sounded a little gay[/I] [B]Odin[/B] vs. The Heroes [I]why not when del bebe has your back[/I] Mr Canada vs. [B]Yancy Isaac Martin[/B] [I]Always yancy[/I] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH FOUR [B]Astil[/B] vs. Prime Time Players BWA UK CHAMPIONSHIP [B]Prime (c)[/B] vs. George McAllister vs. Gringo vs. 'World Tour' Tyler Idol [I]seeing prime is the official cena and all[/I]
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[QUOTE=edisraw;505824][I]Seeing Prime is the official Cena and all.[/I][/QUOTE] Dude, seriously - we've only had five shows, and Prime's only defended his championship three times. He's hardly an unstoppable superman. Anyway, he's not Cena - he's the official HBK. Until, that is, he surpasses even his greatest idol...
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[QUOTE=Regis;506003]Dude, seriously - we've only had five shows, and Prime's only defended his championship three times. He's hardly an unstoppable superman. Anyway, he's not Cena - he's the official HBK. Until, that is, he surpasses even his greatest idol...[/QUOTE] Calm down it was merely a joke.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;506496]Astil, by the time I'm done with you, you'll be eating your cookies through a straw :P[/QUOTE] You mean I'd have to drink cookie milkshakes? Would it bring all the boys to the yard? I'll trade you, but not my Charizard. I'll get to predicting soon, when I'm not posting from a phone.
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;506520]do you really need to try and turn everything around to be funny? because its not working lol[/QUOTE] I wouldn't be much of a face if I was all GRRR all the time. Besides, it's funny to me, and in the end, that's all that really matters. Also, Cardboard Hell in a Cell. Don't think I've forgotten, big man.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;506497]There's a list of Thomas Tyler feuds and it just keeps growing, you're aware of this?[/QUOTE] This isn't a feud! That was a minor run-in for a tangential reason at best. And Astil? We have cookies! They're in the back of this van. Don't worry about the large man in there too, he's just the, y'know, cookie guard. In case anyone steals the cookies. [SIZE="1"]Guys? Do you think he's buying it?[/SIZE]
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