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Destined to Fail 2008

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When Chris Funk gets in on the action, there is going to be NO STOPPING ME! What you gonna do! Watch ya gonna DOOO!!! When Chris Funk, and all his Funkamaniac's come running down on.... Ooops, that's not right... OOO Yeah, dig this... no... When the Millions, and Millions, Of the Funks fans... um, no, that's not it either. The Funk says Know your role and shut your.... Nope, still wrong. The Funk is, the best there is, the best there was..... dang it, no! TO BE THE FUNK, WOO!! You Have to Beat the Funk.... No that's not it, hold on. When the Funk gets his 24 inch pythons.... No wait, hold I got it now. The most Electrifying Man, in Sports Entertainment! If you Smell..> What the Funk.... Dang it, hold on, I got it now! Never mind, it's lost its moment and I don't feel like it now!
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;491078]When Chris Funk gets in on the action, there is going to be NO STOPPING ME! What you gonna do! Watch ya gonna DOOO!!! When Chris Funk, and all his Funkamaniac's come running down on.... Ooops, that's not right... OOO Yeah, dig this... no... When the Millions, and Millions, Of the Funks fans... um, no, that's not it either. The Funk says Know your role and shut your.... Nope, still wrong. The Funk is, the best there is, the best there was..... dang it, no! TO BE THE FUNK, WOO!! You Have to Beat the Funk.... No that's not it, hold on. When the Funk gets his 24 inch pythons.... No wait, hold I got it now. The most Electrifying Man, in Sports Entertainment! If you Smell..> What the Funk.... Dang it, hold on, I got it now! Never mind, it's lost its moment and I don't feel like it now![/QUOTE] very clever my friend..... now when I debut I need a new catch-phrase....... *to edisraw* listen your "remark" about this thread being "destined to fail was a jack*ss remark so it is YOU who needs to chill out buddy.
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Speaking as the man with a sledgehammer, let's save the aggression for the ring. I live with Phantom Stranger, and yes, this is still going. He does, however, have a job during the day and various other things during the evenings that also take up his time. Trust me. You'll all get your turns at being beaten soon enough. The Prime Time Players will see to it!
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[CENTER][U][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="5"]BWA [SIZE="4"]In Crisis[/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT][/U] Held at St Luke's Church, Torquay [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/davidhallettyoungenglishman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/emma.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Good evening, everybody, and welcome to BWA In Crisis. We've got a lot to show you tonight, most of it stemming from the chaos that erupted last month – but some of it due to the BWA's guerrilla cameraman Jimmy, who'll be bringing you a couple of video reports from the last month. [B]Emma Whatever:[/B] Yep. It's all happening here in the BWA, and some of the arguments aren't even starting on the show! [B]YE:[/B] Absolutely. Up first, for example, two of the Prime Time Players have demanded a hardcore tag contest facing off with George McAllister and his valet Lu Lu. The argument? Both men claim to be the prettiest among the BWA. [B]EW:[/B] They won't be after this. [B]YE: [/B]Count on it. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/daweasel.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/herrindomina.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/GeorgeMcAlister.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/LuLu.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]HARDCORE MATCH[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] So here it is, a real grudge match over looks. Two men, two women, four steel chairs and a plethora of other weapons – and it's the men complaining about not being pretty enough. [B]EW:[/B] Only in the BWA. [B]YE: [/B]That's not good advertising, Emma. Tyler's starting off with that sledgehammer he used on Astil last month, and McAllister looks to have chosen a chair for his own opening gambit. [B]EW: [/B]That Tyler's aggressive for a little feller! [B]YE: [/B]Indeed he is, but that just shows how canny the Scot is, blocking each swing of the hammer with that chair of his. And a kick to the nuts from McAllister to turn the tide! [B]EW:[/B] That works. [B]YE: [/B]Good old British sportsmanship. Means nothing to these people, does it? [B]EW:[/B] Should it? [B]YE: [/B]Well, no. McAllister has Tyler on the ropes here with hard punches to the gut. [B]EW:[/B] Well, Tyler's protecting his face! [B]YE:[/B] Very true. And some of the Scot's own medicine there with a low blow in return. Tyler retrieves the hammer – McAllister is down! He's down and bleeding! [B]EW:[/B] And now the Prime Time Players are switching places with the tag. Domina in with a cricket bat... [B]YE:[/B] I'd say a boundary shot to the back of McAllister's head there. And here comes Lu Lu! [B]EW:[/B] Flying headscissors on Domina! Dropkick to her head! [B]YE:[/B] Hey, that's my job! Here comes Tyler and Lu Lu ducks the clothesline! [B]EW:[/B] But not the spinebuster! Domina and Tyler laying the boots to her – McAllister with a chair shot to the back of Tyler's head! [B]YE:[/B] Domina's trapped in a two on one situation – no! Big boot lays McAllister out – spear on Lu Lu – one, two, three! The Players steal one! [B]EW:[/B] But it was the girls involved in the decision. This won't end... [B]YE:[/B] I think you're all too right. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/panix-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]EW:[/B] Here comes the founder of the BWA. I think this is going to be about last month's title shot for his friend... [B]YE:[/B] No bet. [B]Panix:[/B] All right. I'm going to keep this short. I'm not happy. Long-hair, whatever the hell you call yourself – get out here. We need to have words. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/odin.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]EW:[/B] There he comes... [B]YE:[/B] Indeed. He calls himself Odin, for those of you watching online. A fitting name... [B]Panix:[/B] OK, here's how it is. My buddy Jaffa spent a week in the hospital thanks to you. He wouldn't be able to take part in the title match tonight if it hadn't been for Astil. Now Astil and I have that match with you tonight, but what I want to say now – this ends tonight. You don't go around interfering in BWA title matches! Justin Short learned that the hard way. Big Dave learned it the hard way. If I have to, I'll teach you the same way. But I'm giving you the chance to crawl out easy. [B]YE: [/B]Odin doesn't seem to care... [B]Odin:[/B] For nine days my namesake hung suspended from the Tree of Life. For nine days, in his pain, he uncovered secret after secret of the world, brought to him by the ravens. By Huginn and Muninn. Thought... and Memory. Clearly, you have only been attended by Thought. [B]Panix:[/B] What are you talking about? [B]Odin: [/B]The memory you lack... is that I have allies. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/jimmy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE: [/B]It's Jimmy! Jimmy's attacking Panix! [B]EW:[/B] He's not even a wrestler! [B]YE:[/B] I guess he wasn't too happy about that... [B]Odin:[/B] Enough. Your work is done... for now. Come. [B]YE:[/B] And now they're just going to walk out without a care in the world. EW: Odin, Dr Casey, and now Jimmy. This is shaping up to be a dangerous threat. [B]YE:[/B] Will there be others? [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/petedavis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/jacobserfling.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/tyleridol.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/hydeA.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE: [/B]Well, here's a match born out of last month. The Gentleman and his ally didn't take kindly to Hyde Hill the Holland Hitman's attack on Pete Davis.before his match last month. [B]EW:[/B] Wait, Hyde what? [B]YE: [/B]Hyde Hill the Holland Hitman. [B]EW:[/B] What about his girlfriend? [B]YE:[/B] ...I'm sorry, what? What about his girlfriend? [B]EW: [/B]Does she sell sea shells by the sea shore? [B]YE: [/B]How is it that YOU had the job offer? [B]EW:[/B] Well, I notice things like that huge biel toss by Tyler Idol. [B]YE:[/B] He certainly got some height on Jacob Serfling, didn't he? And now that running boot puts the former ref back down. A thumb in one eye... [B]EW:[/B] Here comes the Music Man! [B]YE:[/B] Tuba shot! No – Idol rolled clear, but Serfling's made the tag as JW circles on the outside. Pete Davis coming in fast with a bionic elbow! The Idol is staggered! And a headlock! [B]EW:[/B] BOR-RING! BOR-RING! [B]YE:[/B] Emma, please! [B]EW: [/B]Ooh, Idol with a back suplex... [B]YE:[/B] Yes, indeed, tag's made, here comes Hyde... [B]EW:[/B] This guy Hill is a wrestling machine! [B]YE: [/B]Something of a complete package, absolutely. Speaking of which, small package... and the Gentleman kicks out clean, up fast and a clothesline takes Hyde down. Davis with another, countered by Hill into an armbar takedown and he floats over into an innovative submission hold... [B]EW:[/B] TUBA SHOT! [B]YE: [/B]Definitely, the Music Man getting his revenge for last month this time, and referee Chris Roberts is sending him to the back – Idol on the top rope and there's the Weight of an Idol splash onto the Gentleman behind the ref's back. Hyde picks him up and here comes that full nelson powerbomb again – yes – and Idol's calling for the tag! [B]EW:[/B] Here he comes and Hyde dropkicks Serfling off the apron! [B]YE:[/B] Idol makes the cover after Hyde's finisher... one, two, three! [B]EW:[/B] Well, we know who wears the pants in this tag team. [B]YE:[/B] ...Eww. [B]YE:[/B] Well, ladies and gentlemen, we go now to a video shot earlier in the month by... well, by Odin's newest stooge Jimmy. But be that as it may... [I]On the flatscreen the scene abruptly bursts into life; the locker room. Panix and Jaffa are talking about something, though Jaffa looks a little unhappy with his conversation partner. The Lads' Night Out have some kind of drinking game going on. Astil is playing around with a Gameboy.[/I] [B]Astil:[/B] Hey, Jimmy, point that at someone else, yeah? Assassin's Creed DS ain't exactly the sort of thing you'll get put on the show, you're wasting your- [I]The door opens and a man walks in, two others flanking him and one other bringing up the rear.[/I] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/MaxxHero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/AndrewMcMenamin.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/BobbyStPierre.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/themaniac.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]McMenamin:[/B] Good afternoon, all. Who's in charge here? Ah, you must be Mr. Storm. Here... read this. [B]Panix:[/B] Oh, you've got to be ****ting me. [B]McMenamin:[/B] Actually, it's called 'shafting'. Work on your enunciation. Attention, plebes; let me set the score for you. I represent the Gentlemen's Club, and I also represent – well, I have a friend who represents – the Devonshire Athletic Commission. What this means is that unless my requests are heeded... the BWA will close. [I]The entire locker room rises as one; a moment later, the LNO fall over again.[/I] [B]McMenamin:[/B] Simmer down, gentlemen; if my friend closes the BWA any assault on me will be rendered felonious, and charges will be pressed. For now, this shouldn't be a problem. At the moment, my request is simple. The tag team title rematch will, I assure you, also include my associates here. And I do rather intend them to be the next BWA Tag Team Champions. Am I understood? Excellent. Come on then, gentlemen... let's leave the proles in their swamp. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/davidhallettyoungenglishman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/emma.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] Strong words from the leader of the Gentlemen's Club. We'll be seeing his 'associates' later tonight, and I guess we'll see how well they fare then. [B][B]EW:[/B] Who's this guy coming out? YE: [/B]Oh, him? They call him the Cowboy... [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/TheCowboy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Cowboy:[/B] Well, evening Torquay! If you're anything like me, you're here for the tag team wrasslin, right? ... [B]Cowboy:[/B] Yeah, that's what I like to hear. Trouble is, the BWA has become kind of the place where tag teams rely on outside interference and attacks, and me, I'm not so into that. I've found one tag team that doesn't play that way and tonight I've got a match against them – but I need a partner, and I want those titles, so it's time to audition folks. Who's interested? [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/YancyIsaacMartin.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] Another debuting wrestler tonight, the man they call Y.I.M. steps up to stand by the Cowboy. [B]EW: [/B]Reckon they'll work well? [B]YE:[/B] What, on the first audition? [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/TheCowboy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/YancyIsaacMartin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/ChrisFunk.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/pantsboy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] Well, they've chosen a valiant team to face off with; the Heroes will certainly put them to the test. [B]EW:[/B] Yup. You've got to be tough if you're going to dress up like that. [B]YE:[/B] It looks like YIM is going to start, squaring off against Pants Boy. Maybe he wants to impress the Cowboy from the off? [B]EW:[/B] This isn't a good start if he does. [B]YE:[/B] No indeed not, a high knee from Pants Boy is immediately followed by a springboard backflip – but YIM is out and clear, a forearm to the back of Pants Boy's head- [B]EW:[/B] That'll never work, that underwear's padded! [B]YE:[/B] Again I say eww. Pants Boy fighting back now with a couple of chops and a dropkick and it looks like YIM has discretion pegged as the better part of valour! [B]EW:[/B] Let's see what the Cowboy's got! [B]YE:[/B] The Cowboy action figure, now with hot tag action! Clothesline! Backdrop! Spinwheel kick! [B]EW:[/B] My house is on fire! [B]YE:[/B] You got it wrong again, and it looks like the Cowboy finally did himself, an arm drag too close to the opposing corner lets Chris Funk get the blind tag and a missile dropkick kills all the Cowboy's momentum in one shot. He's going back to the second rope, Cowboy to his feet, tornado DDT attempt countered by the Cowboy into a flapjack and he dives back to his corner for the tag. In comes YIM once again! [B]EW:[/B] Hey, that can't be legal! [B]YE:[/B] I'm sure Funk didn't deliberately tangle YIM in his cape, but he's definitely taking advantage with those lethal forearms to the blinded grappler. Slingshot suplex from Funk and the tag to Pants Boy - [B]EW: [/B]The Pantsignal! You know what that means! [B]YE:[/B] Unfortunately. [B]EW:[/B] Pants Splash! [B]YE:[/B] Not enough eww in the world, but there's the three count and Pants Boy has got to be happy with that! [I]Once again we go to the flat screen...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/BobbyStPierre.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/MaxxHero.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The Gentlemen's Club work out in a well-equipped gymnasium...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/antithesis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/trell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/wallbanger.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The One Percenters beat up six men outside a bar...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/bigdave.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/tomlynch.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/earlbreese.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]And as Earl Breese and Big Dave flex their arms in lifting their drinks cans, Tom Lynch falls off the Wii Fit machine[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/tomlynch.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/earlbreese.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/bigdave.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/trell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/wallbanger.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/antithesis.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/BobbyStPierre.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/MaxxHero.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/AndrewMcMenamin.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/themaniac.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]BWA TAG TITLE MATCH (TITLES VACANT)[/U][/B] [/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] Well, this promises to be an interesting contest. Ten men in and around the ring, and the longest-running rivalry in the BWA facing an unexpected new threat. Looks like the LNO have their vodka dispenser set up again, so watch for another flame attack. [B][B]EW:[/B] I think if they try that again they'll never get out alive. YE: [/B]Got to agree there. It looks to be Wallbanger, Earl Breese, and Maxx Hero starting things off. I had a chat with Maxx earlier, and out of the Gentlemen's Club he's easily the nicest of the group. I think he'd actually be all right if- [B]EW:[/B] Doesn't matter – Breese and Banger just dropped him simultaneously. [B]YE: [/B]I think that may be the first time two men who've never even thought of tagging co-operatively hit Total Elimination in professional wrestling. The Maniac doesn't look happy about that – up on the apron there. Banger steps across to back him off – right hook from the Maniac! [B]EW:[/B] Sneak roll up by Earl! [B]YE: [/B]But Banger kicks out and sends Earl halfway across the ring. There's the first of the LNO's refreshing shots of vodka! [B]EW:[/B] Ooh, look at Maxx go! [B]YE:[/B] Dropsault on Banger staggers the bigger man. Well played, Mr Hero! And Breese capitalises with a spear on Wallbanger, cover – broken up by Trell and Hero simultaneously! Here comes Lynch to fend off Trell! [B]EW:[/B] A sneak attack from behind by Tom Lynch drops Trell to one knee and Hero capitalises with a Shining Wizard. [B]YE:[/B] Absolutely. The LNO on Hero now, double facelock – DDDDT! [B]EW: [/B]DDDDT? [B]YE: [/B]Double Drunken DDT! [B]EW: [/B]Personally I think they just locked up and fell over. [B]YE:[/B] Effectively the same thing. Breese gets up and eats the Forearm From Trell, Banger follows that with the Banger Smash – and Bobby St Pierre comes off the top with a tope to wipe out the One Percenters! [B]EW:[/B] I'm actually enjoying this! [B]YE:[/B] Naturally. Lynch into the corner for a vodka shot, Bobby isn't going to allow that, diving splash- [B]EW:[/B] OW! [B]YE:[/B] Looks like the optic has some kind of quick release, as Bobby jumped straight into an LNO booby trap, a falling vodka bottle to the face. Real shame the ref didn't see... [B]EW:[/B] Tom Lynch takes advantage, though! [B]YE:[/B] Indeed, cover from Lynch broken up when the Antithesis punches him through the ropes. He's bleeding from the nose; good right hand from the Antithesis! [B]EW: [/B]Hero has Trell back down with a legsweep- [B]YE:[/B] Banger Smash, though! The Percenters seem to have this in hand. Cover by Banger on Hero – holy - [B]EW:[/B] The Maniac just pulled Banger right out of the ring! [B]YE:[/B] The ref's tearing his hair out. I think he just spotted the broken vodka bottle. [B]EW:[/B] Breese is covering Trell! [B]YE: [/B]And Tom Lynch on top too! As soon as the ref sees – wait, what's McMenamin doing? OH! [B]EW:[/B] You can't hit the ref! [B]YE:[/B] And with a cane, no less! That's an instant expulsion from... from... [B]EW: [/B]From? [B]YE. [/B]The Athletics Commission. McMenamin will get off scot free. [B]EW: [/B]Not quite – looks like the ref's thrown the match out! [B]YE:[/B] Which means the Gentlemen's Club still have every chance to be the next BWA tag champs. [B]EW:[/B] ...Son of a BITCH! [B]YE:[/B] Wait, look at Wallbanger! [B]EW:[/B] Banger Smash on the Maniac! Banger Smash on Hero! Banger Smash on St Pierre! Gentle shove for McMenamin! [B]YE:[/B] He's not stupid, Wallbanger. [B]EW:[/B] Nope. He's calling for a mic, though! [B]Wallbanger: [/B]You sit right there. Your name's on the list and we WILL get round to you. You now, LNO – you had your toy bottle again, and I think if we search your unconscious manager's pockets we'll find a lighter, right? [B]YE: [/B]Wait, Big Dave isn't- [B]EW: [/B]Forearm from Trell on Big Dave! [B]YE:[/B] Of course. Stupid of me. [B]EW:[/B] And there's the lighter! [B]Wallbanger:[/B] Yeah, that's what I thought. Y'all want to play with FIRE, boyos?? Then let's REALLY play with fire. I call it a Biker's Bonfire. Flaming tables surround the ring, chains, chairs, and beer bottles inside the ring. Get put through a flaming table and you're eliminated. You got the balls to accept that challenge? [B]Earl Breese:[/B] We're drunk enough! [B]Wallbanger:[/B] So maybe you ain't just pussies. Alright – next month. You, us. I want Antithesis in, so let's make it three on three. No, actually, you know what? Five on five. You can't get two buddies to help, you start on a handicap. Pissing off the locker room is about to come back and bite you two bitches! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/astil2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/odin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/panix-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] Well, this should be good. Odin looks to be devastating and both other men have rage to fuel a real, knock-down, drag-out- [B]EW:[/B] Panix is down! [B]YE:[/B] Chokeslam from Odin. He ducks Astil's spinkick, slides out of the ring – Oh, come on! Jimmy on the apron and the ref's distracted. Odin has a chair, grabs Astil- [B]EW:[/B] Lex Talionis! [B]YE: [/B]This is just unfair. He grabs Panix- [B]EW:[/B] Lex Talionis! [B]YE:[/B] Yes, thank you, we all saw it coming. Odin throws the chair out of the ring. He's picking up Astil... and... placing him on top of Panix? [B]EW:[/B] And leaving? [B]YE:[/B] I... don't get it. Jimmy drops down, the ref turns around – one, two, three! Astil scores the win over Panix! [B]EW:[/B] And Odin. [B]YE:[/B] Well... actually, yeah. Huh. [B]EW:[/B] He must have a plan, right? [B]YE:[/B] Got to. What is it, though? [CENTER][B] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/gringo.jpg[/IMG] © vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/jaffa.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/cameronbrogden.jpg[/IMG] [U]BWA UK CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]EW:[/B] You know, Astil probably has the number one contendership now. [B]YE:[/B] That's a good point. Astil versus Gringo, that could be a heck of a match... [B]EW:[/B] Or Astil on Jaffa action! [B]YE:[/B] ...Eww. [B]EW:[/B] And Astil on Prime... that's dreamy. [B]YE:[/B] I worry about you sometimes. Gringo looks pissed off right now- [B]EW:[/B] He knows the IWC are mostly talking about the LNO and Prime Time Players. [B]YE:[/B] Well, he should do more interesting stuff! [B]EW:[/B] Does that count? [B]YE:[/B] ...I guess Jaffa was more injured than we thought if that worked. [B]EW:[/B] Where does the rest of your spine go when someone folds you like that? [B]YE: [/B]Like playing basketball... Oh, look out! [B]EW:[/B] OUR DESK! [B]YE: [/B]Jaffa just got put through our commentary desk from inside the ring! Emma, are you OK? [B]EW: [/B]... [B]YE:[/B] Emma? [B]EW.[/B] ...mmm... [B]YE: [/B]Oh, for Pete's sake. Emma, the wrestlers are not for snuggling. [B]EW:[/B] Are too! [B]YE:[/B] My head is one continuous loop of 'eww' right now, folks, so I apologise if my play-by-play suffers. Prime looks to be playing the speed game against the powerhouse Gringo, and that enzuigiri was superb. Springing up to the top rope – Primacanrana! One, two – no! Gringo's still in this thing! [B]EW: [/B]And he's got Prime by the throat! [B]YE: [/B]Oh, you're back with us then. Chokeslam try – Prime twists out, inverted DDT by Prime and he goes to the top rope - [B]EW:[/B] Pants Splash! [B]YE:[/B] No, that's someone else. This is Prime, not Pants. EW: Damn right Prime's not pants! [B]YE:[/B] Well, I don't think Gringo thinks so either. Looks like another Primacanrana – NO! Powerbomb by Gringo and that has to be it! [B]EW:[/B] Herrin Domina's in the ring! [B]YE:[/B] She's snogging the ref! [B]EW:[/B] Now there's a distraction! [B]YE: [/B]Distracted, hit with a cane, and snogged in one night. It's like he'd gone clubbing with the LNO. [B]EW:[/B] Hey, there's Pretty Amazing! [B]YE:[/B] Gringo goes to break the snog and Thomas Tyler slides his sledgehammer into the ring. Domina leaves, Gringo turns back – hammer shot! That's it, Prime must have cost himself his title shot- [B]EW: [/B]No – looks like the ref spotted Thomas Tyler grabbing Jaffa. He's ordering him to the back... [B]YE: [/B]Tyler DDTs Jaffa onto the concrete anyway and leaves. And of course the hammer's nowhere to be seen... Prime has Gringo covered... [B]EW:[/B] One, two, three! I get my hot Astil on Prime action! [B]YE: [/B]Only if Astil's actually the number one contender. But that's it for tonight, folks. We have a new BWA UK Champion and I think tempers are only rising from here on in. We'll see you in November for Breaking Point!
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LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Please, remain in your seats and restrain your applause, for here we have the FUTURE! of the BWA. Your BWA Champion, your soon-to-be BWA Tag Team Champions, and the GREATEST women's wrestler in Torquay - BAR NONE! So feel privileged, Ladies and Gentlemen, because here tonight you get what we have been so sorely lacking of late: a visit from the Big Leagues! So, George McAllister - seems like you managed to dodge a bullet this month. How would you afford the money for even more plastic surgery? But no, it looks like you're saved from washing the bloodstains out of your wardrobe for a while yet. So let me make you a proposition, if your looks are so important to you: put that pretty face of yours on the line! Hey, I'll do the same, keep it fair - after all, who could deprive these people of the chance to see me beat your arse in the BWA's lastest and greatest attraction: a FIRST BLOOD MATCH! So if you think you can take me? Risk it all. LuLu, kiss goodbye to that face one last time, and McAllister, get ready to live out your days as a scarred freak. Because you may have skill, you may have strength, you may have brains and you may have beauty, but you still aren't ready... FOR THE PRIIIIIIIIIIIME TIIIIIIIIIIIIME!
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Congrats Prime [QUOTE]EW: And Astil on Prime... that's dreamy.[/QUOTE] Damn strait! Good show, and um. thanks ... Nevy. For the win. ? Updated pic for you guys: [url]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/photo.jpg[/url] Strait Edge Samurai. Fo sho.
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Ladies and gentlemen, and the BWA fans, at BWA In Crisis, you were lucky enough to bear witness to the crowning of the true BWA UK Champion, the greatest wrestler in the nation, if not the world, Prime. You witnessed the dawning of a new era, the birth of the age that will go down in history as The Prime Time. And it won't just end there... Oh no. I will lead my Prime Time Players, the lovely Herrin Domina and the future of Tag Team wrestling, picking up where my legacy in that division left off, Thomas Tyler, and Mistaken, I will lead them to total dominance of the BWA. All the stables before us are nothing. NOTHING! Compared to the Prime Time Players. Degeneration X? Amateurs. The NWO? Clowns. The Four Horsemen? Relics. Evolution? Don't make me laugh. Make no mistake, Prime Time is upon us, and it's here to stay.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/DTFPosters/BWABP1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Prediction Key: Dave 'The Snake' vs. Mr Canada Darth Sid w/ the Revenant vs. "The Music Man" JW FIRST BLOOD MATCH George McAllister vs. 'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler PRIME TIME GAUNTLET, MATCH ONE Astil vs. 'Must Be' Mistaken Odin vs. Panix Storm BWA UK Championship Prime (C) vs. Gringo BIKERS BONFIRE MATCH Team 1% vs. Team LNO BONUS QUESTION: Guess the teams for Bikers Bonfire! [I] The highest score this month will grant the right to choose Prime's next challenger.[/I]
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Dave 'The Snake' vs. [B]Mr Canada[/B] [B]Darth Sid w/ the Revenant[/B] vs. "The Music Man" JW FIRST BLOOD MATCH George McAllister vs. [B]'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler[/B] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET, MATCH ONE Astil vs. [B]'Must Be' Mistaken[/B] [B]Odin[/B] vs. Panix Storm BWA UK Championship [B]Prime (C)[/B] vs. Gringo BIKERS BONFIRE MATCH Team 1% vs. [B]Team LNO[/B] Just to inform you all "The World Tour" is always on looking for his new "tour" spot. So watch your backs. Plus I'm now 2 - 0 in the BWA, which will be 3 - 0 after my next match.
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Dave 'The Snake' vs. [B]Mr Canada[/B] [I]Snakes can bite, but Mr. Canda might be part-french...have you ever been hit with a string of onions?[/I] [B]Darth Sid w/ the Revenant [/B]vs. "The Music Man" JW [I]Purely because Revenant can distract him by stealing the tuba[/I] FIRST BLOOD MATCH [B]George McAllister[/B] vs. 'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler [I]Because fingernails don't cut that deep[/I] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET, MATCH ONE Astil vs. [B]'Must Be' Mistaken[/B] [I]Astil may dominate, but Mistaken's got Prime and Herren in his corner (and Pretty Boy, but he's just a wuss with girly hair)[/I] [B]Odin[/B] vs. Panix Storm [I]C'mon...like I'm bettign against my man Odin. With the Hardcore Paparazzo in his corner Odin's unbeatable.[/I] BWA UK Championship [B]Prime (C)[/B] vs. Gringo [I]See my reasons for Mistaken's match[/I] BIKERS BONFIRE MATCH [B]Team 1%[/B] vs. Team LNO [I]No idea who's on the team, but this is the One Percenters home turf, there's no way they can lose[/I]
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Prediction Key: Dave 'The Snake' vs. [B]Mr Canada[/B] [I]Dave The Snake is a perennial jobber - one more stepping stone on the way to victory.[/I] [B]Darth Sid w/ the Revenant[/B] vs. "The Music Man" JW [I]A Tube is no match for magical powers![/I] FIRST BLOOD MATCH George McAllister vs. [B]'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler[/B] [I]Sorry, man. I hope they look after you in intensive care.[/I] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET, MATCH ONE Astil vs. [B]'Must Be' Mistaken[/B] [I]Hah! Astil, baby, you stand no chance. You're just not ready... FOR THE PRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME![/I] [B]Odin[/B] vs. Panix Storm [I]The boss is a good-natured guy, and Odin is a monster![/I] BWA UK Championship [B]Prime (C)[/B] vs. Gringo [I]Hey, you lost once already, man. Watch yourself.[/I] BIKERS BONFIRE MATCH Team 1% vs. [B]Team LNO[/B] [I]Those sneaky, cheating bastards![/I] BONUS QUESTION: Guess the teams for Bikers Bonfire! [I]I'm guessing that Team 1% will feature Wallbanger, Trell, the Antithesis of Decency, and... two names at random... Flash Reynolds and Richy G.[/I] [I]I'm guessing that Team LNO will feature Lynch, Breese, Big Dave, Tyler Idol and Hyde Hill The Holland Hitman, who have been paid off in crates of booze.[/I] Oh, and Jimmy? Stick to photography. Those who can, do. Those who can't? They just take a picture.
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Dave 'The Snake' vs.[B] Mr Canada[/B] [B]Darth Sid w/ the Revenant[/B] vs. "The Music Man" JW FIRST BLOOD MATCH George McAllister vs. [B]'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler[/B] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET, MATCH ONE [B]Astil[/B] vs. 'Must Be' Mistaken *I really want to win, but prudence is the better part of valor* [B]Odin[/B] vs. Panix Storm BWA UK Championship [B]Prime (C)[/B] vs. Gringo BIKERS BONFIRE MATCH [B]Team 1%[/B] vs. Team LNO BONUS QUESTION: Guess the teams for Bikers Bonfire!
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Dave 'The Snake' vs. [B]Mr Canada[/B] [I]Because he's Canadian, and they rock.[/I] [B]Darth Sid[/B] w/ the Revenant vs. "The Music Man" JW [I]Just because.[/I] FIRST BLOOD MATCH George McAllister vs. [B]'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler[/B] [I]It's Prime Time baby![/I] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET, MATCH ONE [B]Astil[/B] vs. 'Must Be' Mistaken [I]The PTP will let him win, so I can take care of him myself.[/I] [B]Odin[/B] vs. Panix Storm [I]Because Panix loves to job ;)[/I] BWA UK Championship [B]Prime[/B] (C) vs. Gringo [I]What's the point in Astil running the gauntlet if I don't get to kick his ass in a title match?[/I] BIKERS BONFIRE MATCH [B]Team 1% [/B]vs. Team LNO [I]As always... HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE GUYS!?![/I] BONUS QUESTION: Guess the teams for Bikers Bonfire! [I]NFI.[/I]
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