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Destined to Fail 2008

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[QUOTE=Astil;527910]So uh, Prime. 2 match losing streak. That's really too bad. Remember when we tagged together, and you used to win. Good times. Too bad, enjoy the losing.[/QUOTE] Remember when we split up, and you used to be UK Champion. Oh wait, that was me.
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Awright, here's the thing. I really dig doing this diary, but even so it's popularity, as shown in pageviews and in things like the DOTM votes, boggles my mind. The BWA appears to have found a niche with its readers beyond what it has with me. So you guys deserve the chance to really have your say. Accordingly, I am hereby instituting the first ever... [CENTER][U][B][SIZE="4"]DESTINED TO FAIL READER FEEDBACK POLL[/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] Answers on a postcard, or, y'know, by hitting 'reply'... BEST BWA CHARACTER (Note: No voting for yourself! ;) ) FAVOURITE BWA RIVALRY MOST OVERUSED CHARACTER LEAST FAVOURITE RIVALRY BEST BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE LEAST FAVOURITE BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE BWA CHARACTER MOST DESERVING OF A GREATER PUSH FEUDS YOU'D LIKE TO SEE CHARACTERS YOU THINK MORE SHOULD BE DONE WITH I can't promise that I'll act directly on your responses, but any and all answers will be borne in mind for forseeable future.
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BEST BWA CHARACTER (Note: No voting for yourself! ) I mark out for Pirate Panix. FAVOURITE BWA RIVALRY Prime vs Astil (Not just because it's me either) MOST OVERUSED CHARACTER Astil, he should be fired :P LEAST FAVOURITE RIVALRY Don't really have one. BEST BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE The Prime Time Players. Shockingly. LEAST FAVOURITE BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE Gentleman's Club BOOOOOO!!!!! BWA CHARACTER MOST DESERVING OF A GREATER PUSH Prime. You know you can do it :P The Triple Crown is waiting :D FEUDS YOU'D LIKE TO SEE Prime Time Players vs One Percenters CHARACTERS YOU THINK MORE SHOULD BE DONE WITH The Heroes shouldn't just job all the time, they're good comedy characters.
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BEST BWA CHARACTER (Note: No voting for yourself! ) Prime or Pirate Panix or Odin FAVOURITE BWA RIVALRY Prime vs. Astil :D MOST OVERUSED CHARACTER Astil. But in a good way ;P LEAST FAVOURITE RIVALRY Hmmmmmmm... if I didn't like it I forgot it. It was Panix vs. Odin, but then came Pirate Panix and Blamo, entertaining. BEST BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE Astil and Prime, then he went all stupid with it. Now I'd say PTP. Makes me look better that I kicked all there areses LEAST FAVOURITE BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE G Club BWA CHARACTER MOST DESERVING OF A GREATER PUSH Pirate Panix FEUDS YOU'D LIKE TO SEE Odin vs. Astil Sick demented freak vs. guy willing to do anything -and- is a strait edge. Writes it self really. ;) CHARACTERS YOU THINK MORE SHOULD BE DONE WITH Heros. James Casey. He's the champ but all I know is he's James Casey and he has a tazer. Unless I missed something.
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BEST BWA CHARACTER (Note: No voting for yourself! ) [B][U]Pirate Panix[/U][/B]. FAVOURITE BWA RIVALRY [B][U]One Percenters vs Lads Night Out[/U][/B] MOST OVERUSED CHARACTER [B][U]Astil, I think he deserves it though :D[/U][/B] LEAST FAVOURITE RIVALRY [B][U]None[/U][/B] BEST BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE [B][U]One Percenters(Shocking I know)[/U][/B] LEAST FAVOURITE BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE [B][U]Gentleman's Club[/U][/B] BWA CHARACTER MOST DESERVING OF A GREATER PUSH [B][U]George McAlister[/U][/B] FEUDS YOU'D LIKE TO SEE [B][U]Trell vs George McAlister(not quite sure why just wanna see how it would come out :D)[/U][/B] CHARACTERS YOU THINK MORE SHOULD BE DONE WITH [B][U]The Heroes dont think they should be jobbing to everyone[/U][/B]
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[B]BEST BWA CHARACTER[/B] This one's difficult, but I do love Odin. His weird Norse mystic character kinda reminds me of Raven (which is almost certainly intentional, given Nevermore). [B]FAVOURITE BWA RIVALRY[/B] A tie between LNO/One Percenters and Astil/Prime. The Stable War is much more epic, but the story of Astil/Prime feels a bit more focussed [B]MOST OVERUSED CHARACTER[/B] This isn't a big complaint at all, but if I had to choose one I'd go for Prime. I like him, and Astil, but their feud was fairly generic and dominated at one point when I think there were more interesting things going on [B]LEAST FAVOURITE RIVALRY[/B] Again, this isn't by much, but I wasn't huge on Odin/Panix. It didn't seem to have any reason for starting. But hey, the Pirate thing was cool, and once it got a bit more meat on it it did turn around and become very cool [B]BEST BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE[/B] Honestly? They're all good. But if I absolutely had to choose one I'd go for the PTP. They just have such a strong identity and sense of unity, plus a very cool catchphrase [B]LEAST FAVOURITE BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE[/B] If I had to choose one, I'd go wit hthe Gentlemen's Club. Not because they're not good, but just because they aren't quite as mind-blowingly awesome as the other teams/stables [B]BWA CHARACTER MOST DESERVING OF A GREATER PUSH[/B] I won't deny I'd like a bit more action, but in all honesty the guy who deserves a bigger push is Pretty Amazing. He's got a great character and some nice gimmicks, but mostly plays tag guy or Prime's minion [B]FEUDS YOU'D LIKE TO SEE[/B] Panix/Astil, as it's the nearest we can get to Pirate vs. Ninja [B]CHARACTERS YOU THINK MORE SHOULD BE DONE WITH[/B] There' few here. The Heroes are great characters who deserve a bit more action. Casey's character is great but could do with more fleshing out- he went from sideman in the Asatru to champ without much focus that I noticed. And The Cowboy's tag quest interested me, but I kinda lost track of where it was at
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[B]FEUDS YOU'D LIKE TO SEE [/B] There was a moment you told someone that they would help save the BWA and it occurred to me that haven't had a big company wide threat yet. I thought perhaps Never as Odin, as a cult leader 'Ravenesque' type could build a stable of acolytes, or teh Gentlemen's club could pay off some people's bar tabs and build their numbers. In eitehr case, the group would start controilling the titles and running the shows. Jumping on whoever didn't fall into line. This would allow long time faces and heels to switch places, an impetus for new feuds heretofore unheard of, and povide a means of getting more people on each show up until the final battle 6 to nine months from now. I thought that was where youw ere headed. But if not, let me throw it out there as a suggestion.
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[CENTER][U][B][SIZE="4"]DESTINED TO FAIL READER FEEDBACK POLL[/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] Much though it pains me to do so, I think I'll drop out of character for this one. [B]BEST BWA CHARACTER[/B] Odin, without a doubt. He's a monster heel booked in an interesting way - he's been uber-pushed, but has kept himself away from the title. He's been beaten, and beaten quite a bit for a monster, but it hasn't hurt his credibility. [B]FAVOURITE BWA RIVALRY[/B] Astil and the Prime Time Players. I reckon that this is one of those rivalries, like the LNO and the One Percenters, that can run and run. Just because the feud's over, it doesn't mean that the rivalry is. [B]MOST OVERUSED CHARACTER[/B] Hard to say, really. On the one hand, we don't have enough time to use half the people we do have; on the other, who could be phased out? Gringo and Jaffa get my vote. I didn't follow the old D2F that closely, didn't see a lot of their big moments, and have never really 'got' their characters. Them being on any given show doesn't do much for me. [B]LEAST FAVOURITE RIVALRY[/B] Nothing that's has actual time devoted to it has completely lost me, so I can't really answer this one. [B]BEST BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE[/B] The Asatru. They have the potential to become a crazily dominating group of massive potential, with only a little strengthening of the supporting members. [B]LEAST FAVOURITE BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE[/B] The Cowboy and Richie G. They seem thrown together, don't have much chracter and since the Cowboy actually found his partner, there's not even much plot behind their pairing. [B]BWA CHARACTER MOST DESERVING OF A GREATER PUSH[/B] George McAllister. He came off the best in a decent enough feud with a member of the Champion's stable, but since then I've had more work than him and his next match sees him and his wife jobbed out. To Odin, yeah, so it's not much of a loss, and he pulled a victory back next show, but still. He had a big win, and deserves a bit more. [B]FEUDS YOU'D LIKE TO SEE[/B] Hmm. I'd like to see the Prime Time Players vs. Mister Canada vs. The World. After his recent loss, the PTP begin mocking the Canadian by bringing their own belts to matches and claiming fictitious championships. The LNO bring in their own championship - the Drinking Championship. A few other guys start joining in as well, until McMenamin forbids people from creating any more belts and holds a giant unification match to bring all the belts under one champion. Possibly even a tournament, if it's big enough. [B]CHARACTERS YOU THINK MORE SHOULD BE DONE WITH[/B] Doc Casey and Jimmy The Hardcore Paparazzo. Thus far, they're mostly Odin's stooges, and Jimmy's little more than a less-then-glorified jobber. 'Must Be' Mistaken and Herrin Domina. The feud with McAllister gave 'Pretty Amazing' his own personality, but the other two members of the PTP could do with perhaps a bit more establishing in their own right. I agree that the Heroes could do with being used a bit more - they've actually got gimmicks, and as a result they could stand to be given more face time.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/DTFPosters/BWAMTIF1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Prediction Key George McAllister & Lu Lu vs. Y.I.M. & The Music Man The Prime Time Players (Prime, 'Must Be' Mistaken, 'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler, & Herrin Domina) vs. Lad's Night Out (Tom Lynch, Earl Breese & DJ Storm) & Don Phoenix NO ROPES BARBED WIRE DEATHMATCH, DAWN STORM TO BE CAGED FOR THE DURATION Panix Storm vs. Odin BWA UK Championship Dr. James Casey (c) vs. Jaffa
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George McAllister & Lu Lu vs. [B]Y.I.M. & The Music Man[/B] [I]I don't see Lu Lu really evening this match up...[/I] [B] The Prime Time Players (Prime, 'Must Be' Mistaken, 'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler, & Herrin Domina)[/B] vs. Lad's Night Out (Tom Lynch, Earl Breese & DJ Storm) & Don Phoenix [I]Following botched interference by The Straight-Edge Samurai. And probably the One Percenters...[/I] NO ROPES BARBED WIRE DEATHMATCH, DAWN STORM TO BE CAGED FOR THE DURATION [B]Panix Storm[/B] vs. Odin [I]Because he's an f'n PIRATE!!![/I] BWA UK Championship Dr. James Casey (c) vs. [B]Jaffa[/B] [I]Casey shouldn't be Champ. He hasn't been built enough, he's just Odin's lackey. Jaffa is a former champ (IIRC, perhaps a full title history post is needed Phantom?), and would be much better for the company as champion.[/I]
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;529451](IIRC, perhaps a full title history post is needed Phantom?).[/I][/QUOTE] He certainly is, back in the Panix Administration. (Dr Casey is currently* up there in the #2 slot for our Franchise Players, ahead of Astil and behind Odin. But as is so often the case diary momentum and in-game momentum aren't the same thing; the plan was always to start developing Casey as a character with this coming match, but internal shifts, other folks' worker morale, and the sheer effectiveness in-game of his streak meant he ended up champion ahead of that. I digress, though; something which was high on my priority list even before the feedback was Start Unveiling Why Those Two Are Allowed To Hang With Odin.) Anyway, rambling now. So, title histories: BWA UK Championship Jan 07 - March 07 Jay Morrison (remember him?) March 07 - Dec 07 Jaffa (Notable defence: Samoa Freaking Joe) Dec 07 - Oct 08 Gringo (No funny comment.) Oct 08 - May 09 Prime (Notable Defence: Cardboard Freaking Cell) May 09- ???? Dr James Casey BWA Tag Championship Jan 07 - May 07 Lads' Night Out May 07 - June 07 The Heroes June 07 - August 07 Gringo & The Steel City Destroyer (title stripped by Don Phoenix) August 07 - December 07 The Outlaw & Steve Smith (title granted by Don Phoenix) December 07 - August 08 Astil & Prime Aug 08 - Dec 08 VACANT Dec 08 - Jun 09 Gentlemen's Club Jun 09 - ???? Los Muertos Rudos BWA Canadian Championship Dec 08 - May 09 Mr Canada May 09 - ???? The Wrestlemaniax One thing I noticed doing this - Prime has spent more time with BWA gold than any other wrestler. * - Well, after next show.
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[B]BEST BWA CHARACTER (Note: No voting for yourself! ;) )[/B] Panix, but don't tell him I said that. [B]FAVOURITE BWA RIVALRY[/B] Anything that Prime is involved in. [B]MOST OVERUSED CHARACTER[/B] I really can't see anyone being over-used. I have no idea what our stats are for the promotion, but if everyone is pretty close on overness, etc... there is no way anyone is being over-used. [B]LEAST FAVOURITE RIVALRY[/B] Love the rivalries.... I don't really feel that there has been an over-abundance in this yet. [B]BEST BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE[/B] Gentleman's club has to be one of my favorites. [B]LEAST FAVOURITE BWA TAG TEAM/STABLE[/B] Again, there is no one that I can say I don't like yet. [B]BWA CHARACTER MOST DESERVING OF A GREATER PUSH[/B] What determines this? I figure you just role with the game on this one, lol. [B]FEUDS YOU'D LIKE TO SEE[/B] I'd like to see what's going to happen with this Dr. Funkenstein dude and myself, if anything. [B]CHARACTERS YOU THINK MORE SHOULD BE DONE WITH[/B] Okay.... anyone that you can use more would be a pluss, if it doesn't hurt the show. That being said I'm going to add to this: I couldn't help but notice eveyrone's rooting for "The Heroes!", so I'll input my thoughts on us. First, I don't mind jobbing to get other's more popular, and the company to grow bigger. I'm actually hoping to end up a critical backstage person, perhaps a road agent or something someday. The way we have been used certainly doesn't upset me, which I'm sure you know, but just in case, I wanted to make sure you knew. That being said, I wouldn't mind "us" getting a real good push to establish us as possible "Face" threats for the Heels, and setting us up as good mountains to climb to step into the Main Event, then later the Midcard, and back down to just getting on a "Big Show" once in a while. We'd still end up in the same boat, but at least it would mean more (and possibly every once in a while give us another run to keep us as that threat). My partner seems to be much younger then me (I don't know this for a fact), so I wouldn't mind us spreading out as single's workers as well, possibly giving him a chance to shine.
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Prediction Key [B]George McAllister & Lu Lu[/B] vs. Y.I.M. & The Music Man [I]Because the McAllisters can't play fair to save their lives. There's no way that they won't cheat to win this one - not that they'll ever win a match any other way, of course.[/I] [B]The Prime Time Players (Prime, 'Must Be' Mistaken, 'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler, & Herrin Domina)[/B] vs. Lad's Night Out (Tom Lynch, Earl Breese & DJ Storm) & Don Phoenix [I]Oh, come on. The guy who lost control of the BWA does not even things up against the boss! Don, buddy, face it: you're just not ready...[/I] [I]FOR THE PRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME![/I] NO ROPES BARBED WIRE DEATHMATCH, DAWN STORM TO BE CAGED FOR THE DURATION [B]Panix Storm[/B] vs. Odin [I]I reckon that in forcing Panix to embrace tha cause of brutality and chaos, Odin achieves his goal and 'rewards' Panix with the victory here.[/I] BWA UK Championship [B]Dr. James Casey (c)[/B] vs. Jaffa [I]Because no guy named after an orangey biscuit gets to break the streak.[/I]
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George McAllister & Lu Lu vs. [B]Y.I.M. & The Music Man[/B] [I]Because Pretty Amazing (that everyone thinks he's a boy) picked the other team, and I can't remember a time when disagreewing with him wasn't fun[/I] The Prime Time Players (Prime, 'Must Be' Mistaken, 'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler, & Herrin Domina) vs. Lad's Night Out (Tom Lynch, Earl Breese & DJ Storm) & Don Phoenix [I]I honestly don't know who's going to win this one, so I'll go with a draw thanks to some form of reality-warping mass run-in[/I] NO ROPES BARBED WIRE DEATHMATCH, DAWN STORM TO BE CAGED FOR THE DURATION [B]Panix Storm[/B] vs. Odin [I]Ultimately, I think we all win this one, no matter who gets the count. But there ain't no way Doc's losing the title, so Panix gets the win here to provide some face challengers[/I] BWA UK Championship [B]Dr. James Casey (c)[/B] vs. Jaffa [I]Like I said, ain't no way Doc's losing the title. Plus, it'll be so satisfying watching Jaffa get waht's coming to him[/I]
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