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SWF: Generation Supreme

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To be honest with you, as I was reading the last show and the promos about the cross-brand matches, I was thinking "hmm, I wonder if brand-specific PPV's would work here..." I think the 4-4-4 split would be great. Honestly even a 2-5-5 split would work for me. It would be good to see guys like Gino Montero and Art Reed on PPV's again (aside from the insane 6-man "I need more workers to fill out this match!" matches) And being that we're getting into a new game year I think it would be the perfect time to implement it. I say go for it! [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;675519] Basically, endless KMs of boring prairie driving to mull over my version of the Supreme Wrestling Federation. [/QUOTE] Come on - Prairie driving isn't THAT bad! We have........cows......and stuff.....scenery galore!!!
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I have another suggestion: Cut your roster, or send them to development. You don't have to use everyone or have everyone on your active roster. Just some of them to development, and hope they improve. Your the SWF, dammit. You have the right to send some to development and forget about them for a while. :p If there's one thing I have learned from you diary, it's roster discipline. To be honest, I think the brand split is draining your mental and creative resources. Look what happened to FIN. He said he would never stop his diary, but he did, because just couldn't do it. And I don't blame him, either. I think, at some point, you might as well send some of your guys to development, or just outright cut them. It's just too much to handle.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;675622]I have another suggestion: Cut your roster, or send them to development. You don't have to use everyone or have everyone on your active roster. Just some of them to development, and hope they improve. Your the SWF, dammit. You have the right to send some to development and forget about them for a while. :p If there's one thing I have learned from you diary, it's roster discipline. To be honest, I think the brand split is draining your mental and creative resources. Look what happened to FIN. He said he would never stop his diary, but he did, because just couldn't do it. And I don't blame him, either. I think, at some point, you might as well send some of your guys to development, or just outright cut them. It's just too much to handle.[/QUOTE] Its nice to know I'm a warning story.... But yeah, I know. Trust me, I've given potential cuts plenty of thought. There are a few "useless" guys who are gone or going - Kid Toma, Tana, RK Hayes, Death Row... I'm just looking to time it right, so I get the maximum possible use out of them first. The problem comes where I look for further potential cuts. There are simply few others I see on the roster as "useless". Obviously some would be missed more than others, but even the likes of the Black Label Fight Club or Tokyo Underground serve a pretty specific purpose, and I have plans for. I'm look at those upper midcard or above, and there are only a couple names that I see as potential expendable... and they have a role for the moment, at least. I do use RIPW. Guys get short stints down there in a rotating fashion, and some get longer stints. A big problem with it is that I'm trying to develop tag team experience for a lot of workers. Can't do that in development. Its the one thing that keeps me from using Rhode Island even more than I do. As for the drain of having two full brands, yes and no. There are times where it feels like its too much. But its been pretty good of late. I do find the differences between the two brands refreshing at times, too. I do have a plan to reduce the write-ups for one of the brands when the burnout starts to set in again. [QUOTE=G-Prime;675635]I can't be the only one that wants to see someone else get a hold of Faith's head, and start having conversations with it, Al Snow-style.[/QUOTE] Don't think I'm above it...
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As for the disappointing grade for the Pathow/Bloodstone Match, I wasn't so surprised. Their styles are probably not what most SWF fans are looking for. My suggestion still stands-add dashes of diversity. Besides, you need a challenge-a slight change or slight changes in product might give that to you. :p
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/Avatars/Small/AvatarSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote]Random thought of the day... f*ck egos. My regular Thursday meeting with old man Eisen wasn't going so well today. I'm not sure he was going to view it that way, but I was getting quite frustrated. After awhile, I wanted to get up and pace around his spacious office like a jungle cat in a zoo cage. Whether it was intentional or not, Richard managed to throw me off with a rather random musing. As he was considering my latest argument in favor of what we were discussing, he told me, "You know, I could probably save myself a lot of headaches if I just left you in charge when I retire." "Uh... what?" was all I could manage. It had been a good long while since Richard even mentioned the big "R" word, and I had no belief he had reached a decision on the big question at SWF One headquarters - Jerry or Eric? Moreso, I could really think he had given me any consideration for the "big role" at this point, given that he still wouldn't give me title of Head Booker after spending nearly a year now in essentially that role. "Ah come on, kid," he ribbed me. "You can't tell me the idea isn't enticing... Running the show. Answering to no one. That has to be a happy thought." He laughed afterward. "I've never really thought about it, Richard," I told him. Not a lie. At this point, I had never really harbored any ambitions of moving beyond my current role... once I got my title and the pay commensurate to that, anyway. Having to deal with a boss rarely bothered me, as Richard and I didn't butt heads on many issues. Today being the exception, and this meeting just could leave me dreaming about the role that everyone expected Jerry or Eric to inherit. "I think you'd do well," he mused further, before turning his attention back to the piece of paper on his desk. A photocopy of a the fax. A hand written list. He stared at this list for a long moment, and comment, "I don't know, kid. I'm just not comfortable with these." It was the third time he had made almost the exact same statement about the list. It was starting to bother me. Especially since it was Richard who had told me to request just such a list. What exactly did he expect to be on it? "Is it the money?" I asked, deciding to try to narrow down exactly what issue Richard had with the list he had specifically requested. The boss shook his head. "No... Well, I mean it is a lot of money. But that's not it, really." At least he could admit that. The SWF was making money like never before, and that's saying something. If Eisen tried to claim it was the financial demands... I'm not sure what I would have done, but I'm quite certain it would not have been advisable or polite. "So what it is it, specifically?" "Well, the creative control part, for one..." He had brought this up earlier. And I explained it earlier. "Its not creative control. Its creative input on the given brand. So he would basically get a seat on the booking committee. Which means I have to deal with him. Its a problem I'm willing to deal with," I told Richard. Again. He looked over the list again. Looking for more excuses. "It just seems... too much..." he muttered. Richard could make all the excuses he wanted. It came down to one fact. Ego. The only thing giving him pause was his ego. He couldn't put that aside. He couldn't see past it. F*ck his ego. "Besides, with the storyline stuff you've put together, I just don't know that it would work," he told me. "I think it would feel... forced..." "It will work," I assured my boss again. "They will never see this coming. And they will love it." I paused, and then added, "If you want to carry through as much momentum as possible on both brands, this will do it." Richard grimaced. He just couldn't bring himself to believe that. Damn him. The owner of the Supreme Wrestling Federation was silent for a long moment as he considered the situation. He mulled over it one more time. He stared off at the window at the beautiful view of Narragansett Bay. He took his time. I knew his answer. "I don't think so, kid," he finally told me. "I just don't think it will work." Did my reaction show? Did my calm facade allow my roiling interior anger to flash through, even for a brief moment? Richard's expression never changed, so I doubt it. The remainder of the meeting was a blur. I honestly couldn't repeat anything we talked about beyond that point, as I was too busy swallowing down the bitter bile of failure. It was not a taste I enjoyed. Moreso, it was not a taste I was going to accept. This was going to work. I knew it more than I knew the whole Generation Supreme storyline would work. That pushing Money as the main heel in the company would work. That bringing back Sean McFly and debuting him on a pay per view, with no hype, would work. I knew it from the tips of my toes to the odd peak at the top of my bald head. I was willing to bet my entire reputation on it... if only Richard Eisen would let me... There was the hard part. How could I manage it? I walked out of that meeting defeated but undeterred. This was going to happen. It was going to work. It was just a matter of figuring out how I could make Richard see past his ego to accept my truth. If I couldn't get him to accept it...? Well, maybe this ride would end.... Thursday, Week 1, December 2008 Avatar[/quote][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;675639] As for the drain of having two full brands, yes and no. There are times where it feels like its too much. But its been pretty good of late. I do find the differences between the two brands refreshing at times, too. I do have a plan to reduce the write-ups for one of the brands when the burnout starts to set in again. [/QUOTE] I noticed you are running two brands a few weeks ago and have been watching how you handle it as far as burnout goes. I'm only just over two months into my diary and realised how much more time the split takes to book. I'll be following to see how you reduce the write-ups.... I've taken alot from this diary Bigpapa and I thank you again. :)
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My reccomendation would be to enforce a tighter brand split. The random way that Tyler tossed out the Morrisette/Tornado match kinda jarred with me. Granted it's face/face and he shouldn't care that much (it all being a diabolical plan anyway) but even so: Mega match, cross brand, throwaway announcement. I'd actually suggest something like 4-4-2-2. Eight 'hard' split shows, two 'soft' where both brands appear with no cross-brand matches, and two split-free shows where the dream matches occur. Now's the time to do it, at the start of a new year and all.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;675639]A big problem with it is that I'm trying to develop tag team experience for a lot of workers. Can't do that in development. Its the one thing that keeps me from using Rhode Island even more than I do.[/QUOTE] You could always edit their match type ratios, to force them to put more tag matches on. Hoik it up to 50% or so and you should see plenty of tag action. If you wanted to be really cunning, you could also set their match times really low, so that each show is packed full of short matches. :p
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;675802]You could always edit their match type ratios, to force them to put more tag matches on. Hoik it up to 50% or so and you should see plenty of tag action. If you wanted to be really cunning, you could also set their match times really low, so that each show is packed full of short matches. :p[/QUOTE] I have something to add to that. Because it's SWF's feeder league, you ARE justified in changing it's product somewhat for "experiments".
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[QUOTE=Genadi;675728]I noticed you are running two brands a few weeks ago and have been watching how you handle it as far as burnout goes. I'm only just over two months into my diary and realised how much more time the split takes to book. I'll be following to see how you reduce the write-ups.... I've taken alot from this diary Bigpapa and I thank you again. :)[/QUOTE] Thanks. Glad I can be a positive example as well. I will say that having the brands start to be differentiated a bit in terms of the wrestling helps. I sometimes get lazy and end up booking them much the same, but the idea is that Legends isn't quite as SE as Supreme TV is. What also helps is each brand having a major story arc that are each coming together. Edit - forgot to mention - the reduced write-up shows will be something I'm only going to resort to for one brand if I start to get that burn out feeling again. At the moment, not a worry. [QUOTE=James Casey;675774]My reccomendation would be to enforce a tighter brand split. The random way that Tyler tossed out the Morrisette/Tornado match kinda jarred with me. Granted it's face/face and he shouldn't care that much (it all being a diabolical plan anyway) but even so: Mega match, cross brand, throwaway announcement. I'd actually suggest something like 4-4-2-2. Eight 'hard' split shows, two 'soft' where both brands appear with no cross-brand matches, and two split-free shows where the dream matches occur. Now's the time to do it, at the start of a new year and all.[/QUOTE] It was Morrisette-DuBois he just kinda tossed out there, and that was intentional. And it will be brought up in storyline terms as well. After this PPV, the idea was to have the cross-brand matches become more of a rarity. Which is kinda why I went all out and made much of the show cross-brand. Like the suggestion... Hmm... Might play with that. I think I may end up making a poll for people to vote on which option they like. [QUOTE=D-Lyrium;675802]You could always edit their match type ratios, to force them to put more tag matches on. Hoik it up to 50% or so and you should see plenty of tag action. If you wanted to be really cunning, you could also set their match times really low, so that each show is packed full of short matches. :p[/QUOTE] The problem I have with trying to do tag teams at RIPW is that the teams don't seem to get put together. I had the Black Label Fight Club (aka Dirty White Boys) at RIPW for a bit. So far as I remember, a team has to have a non-promotion-specific tag team to be put together by the CP. Despite having that and something like C+ experience, they got thrown in random pairings. As much as I would have loved to develop Lead Belly and Remmy Skye from F- experience, it wasn't what I was going for... [QUOTE=ampulator;675841]I have something to add to that. Because it's SWF's feeder league, you ARE justified in changing it's product somewhat for "experiments".[/QUOTE] Yeah, I'm not above trying it. I just don't think I can get the CPU to put together the pairings I'm looking for there.
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[CENTER][FONT=Arial][SIZE=6]TEW.com - The Supreme View[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TheSupremeView.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Friday Week 3 November, 2008[/B][/CENTER] [quote][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] is one of the foremost wrestler journalists in the business and perhaps the most respected critic of the Supreme Wrestling Federation in the world. Having covered the world's biggest wrestling promotion for years, Marshall has unequaled insider connections, which makes him privy to information that can't be found anywhere else. His highly-respected [B]The Supreme View[/B] column is available only totalextremewrestling.com. Marshall is a regular forum contributor on the exclusive Grey Dog Wrestling forums.[/quote][CENTER]__________________[/CENTER] [quote] [B]Supreme TV[/B] Okay, here's where I start to sweat slightly and feel all shivery: There may be too much Money on Supreme television. Right now, Money is having feuds with Eric Eisen, apparently, and Christian Faith - the latter now focusing on a statue head. Meanwhile, Remo's still backing him up. I'd like to see Remo get focused on in at least one of those programs - perhaps Eisen can try and tempt him away from Money's side with promises of glory etc. Perhaps Remo could even go along with it - until revealing he's been faking all along. Having The Silverbacks on both brands works for me, oddly. Call me hypocritical, but they're doing a great job training up both brands' tag teams, so what the heck. I'm starting to feel like a sell-out :eek: If that promo video didn't tell you who was walking out of the tag match with the belts, then you haven't been watching long enough. My boys have stormed the barriers, which means more Hannah Potter on TV even more. What's not to like? And look - Gen-S are all friends backstage. Breaking kayfabe? Hinting at a turn? Leading to an old/new war? Whatever - depth is good. Death Row... Ugh. The Keiths have real promise, no question, but Knuckles and K could hardly have been less blatant about seeing out their contracts. A heel Jack Bruce just works, doesn't it? It's the Power of Love! And a very good match, too. Bruce/McFly in a No DQ match certainly has potential - McFly can work with anyone, and an inspired Bruce is one of the top five workers in America right now. [B]Legends[/B] So... Money/Faith, a huge match, the clash of the champions... And they're feuding over a head? I mean, Money can make anything look good, but that's what's selling Christmas Clash? Why does Faith care? There's a promo waiting to be given - maybe with some other legends aroudn to talk about respect? I can accept a lot if it's got a storyline explanation, but Faith caring about a statue head is going to require more suspension of disbelief than is normal. Hands up who thought that DSJ would sink or soar? Right now he's kinda treading water, which is interesting. No classics yet, but I suspect that he's finding his feet. Either that, or the Eisens have handed over $40,000 a week to someone who's not going to fit into the SWF. More cross-brand matches. Hurrah. How often are PPV matches not cross brand these days, anyway? Was it just me, or did the crowd switch off for the middle hour of Legends this week? They didn't seem to react to anything between Mr. Tyler and Pete Hall. Maybe a main eventer in there somewhere might have been an idea, right? No Caulfield or Morrisette, Frehley limited to one promo... I know they make matches predictable, but Legends seemed pretty weak, but for the last fifteen minutes. Still, it's not like they don't have the strength in depth to turn it around next week. [B]Rumours[/B] Okay, I've been speaking to a couple of my sources this last week or so, and it's interesting to hear about the news backstage. Firstly, the Gen-S kids are pretty tight backstage. Not all of them, sure (Jay, Ash, surprise) but the group we saw hanging out on Supreme? They're solid. You can expect this to lead somewhere. Johnny Bloodstone is rumoured to be in line for a solo run. Already acknowledged as having links to Dan Stone Jr, he could split from The Golden Faction over a perceived lack of respect. Recent matches with JB in have been a little disappointing to long-time fans, but it seems this could be groundwork for resurgent performances as a solo worker. Finally, consider this: who's got a mic that you wouldn't necessarily expect to have one? Recent storyline development could see a familiar name getting dropped... But is it just a storyline move, or is there more to it? Folks, that's all from me this week. I'll leave you with another quick poll: Badd Kompany, or Elmo and Groucho? Be sure to check back next week, or come and find me on the GreyDog Wrestling forums. For now, this has been the view from here! [CENTER][B]A.N. Marshall[/B] [B]The Supreme View[/B][/CENTER] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TotalExtremeWrestlingLogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF.com: Generation Supreme Review[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/TV%20Shows/Alt/SWFGenerationSupremeTV.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]SWF.com Review of SWF Generation Supreme - Saturday Week 1 December 2008[/CENTER] [/B] Another Friday night and more hot action. In-ring action, that is. The year might be rapidly coming to a close, but SWF Generation Supreme doesn't seem to be slowing down at all. The action is as quick and fun as ever. This week featured a couple main event matches that were more than worth the price of admission. As always, any of the matches from the show are available for download or streaming on SWF.com Don't miss out! [/quote][quote][B][CENTER]Partial Recap of Matches from SWF Generation Supreme[/CENTER] [/B] [B]Enygma & Enforcer[/B] d. Wrecking Crew + The Upper Class + Flex & The Muscle [B]Black Label Fight Club[/B] d. Death Row + Strong Machine [B]Remo [/B]d. ??? + ??? [CENTER][B]Overall Show: B+[/B][/CENTER] [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/SWFWebMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=FlameSnoopy;675899]Bloody.. Your B-show is actually pulling B+ ratings :eek: [SIZE="1"]I know it had Remo and all, but still..[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Yeah, its kinda messed up. I've been getting B- or B grades for awhile. Second week in a row that it hit B+. Not that the grades really matter or are something I'm shooting for. But I follow a pretty basic format for every Generation Supreme show - a bunch of D to C matches of midcard and lower guys with a couple of midcard angles, building into a semi main event of at least an upper midcarder, and a main event which will often feature upper-mid against upper-mid or maybe a main eventer against a midcarder. I usually have a couple of highlight videos of main eventers to show off some main storylines (similar to what even Raw does). This one had an ME vs ME main event, mainly for experimentation purposes, and it pulled an A grade. I try to avoid matches that will be used in the near future for storyline purposes. Typically, I try to use main eventers who I'm trying to develop in some manner. So I might use Rocky Golden against a fairly skilled opponent (or two), in hopes of developing the worker moreso. That's what I did with Remo on this one.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF.com: Vengeance to Return?[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Alt/SkullDeBones_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Mask... of Vengeance[/B][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]Sunday, Week 1, December 2008[/CENTER] [/B] The mystery of Vengeance got just a bit deeper this week. SWF.com has received unconfirmed reports of a very strange package that arrived at Supreme One headquarters late in the week. A package which contained the chrome mask worn by Vengeance, aka Skull DeBones. The sender is apparently unknown, as is the message that the mysterious package is intended to convey. Is Vengeance gone from the Supreme Wrestling Federation for good? Is it a sign of his imminent return? Will he return without his mask? With a new mask? The man known as Vengeance has not been seen in the Supreme Wrestling Federation for several months, after being "indefinitely suspended" by Phil Vibert due to his backstage actions on SWF Legends. Vibert, a long-time friend of the big wrestler, made certain that Vengeance received help for his "issues", but SWF.com has been unable to confirm whether that treatment met with any success. Although this is the first information that has been released to the public by the SWF regarding the situation, it has the entire Supreme Wrestling Federation buzzing. As one might expect, the rumors are running hard about the possibilities. Check out the SWF.com Forums to see some of the fun or even frightening rumors yourself! [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/SWFWebMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[CENTER][B]O.C.C. Pay Per View Survey[/B][/CENTER] Okay, so after a bit of discussion, I've created a poll to see what readers think about the possible changes to how the monthly pay per views are formated here in Generation Supreme. Seeing as the diary is closing in on the start of 2009, it would be a perfect time to enact such changes. Whether you vote or not, feel free to throw your thoughts or ideas out. I figure that this is a change that will affect the readers, so might as well let everyone share their thoughts on it before I make any decisions. [CENTER][URL="http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=bCmCvbiVN3w4zxQIkxAwvA_3d_3d"][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/Vote.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Zeel1;676171]Another new mask would actually be pretty cool. He changed his mask when he went from DeBones to Vengeance, maybe changing it every time he undergoes a change could be a theme for him..[/QUOTE] I'm biting my tongue not to say... er type... anything here. I will say that last night I did my normal routine leading into a pay per view and booked both TV shows and the PPV in one sitting. It went... well... I'm way too eager to get to that pay per view, but I'm going to do my best not to rush things. I'll have the Supreme TV preview up sometime tonight.
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]The Fry Report Preview[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/FryReport.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote][I]Every week on The Fry Report podcast will provide the latest information on everything Supreme. News, rumors, and interviews, all brought to you by the incomparable Duane Fry.[/I] [B]Preview for podcast available Monday, Week 2, December 2008[/B] "It doesn't get much bigger than this, fans. The year 2008 has been one to remember in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, and Christmas look set to be a big one. This week's SWF Christmas Clash 2008 pay per view looks to be one of the biggest of the year... and that's saying something, given how good the year has been!" "Rich Money has a certain skill at making enemies. It has to be considered a talent, really. Last week on Supreme TV, the SWF World Heavyweight champion looked to have made Interim General Manager Eric Eisen into an enemy. Not really the best plan. Whether its payback from Double E or not, Hard Cash will be defending his title in the main event this week. But his opponents are as of yet unknown. That's right, two opponents. Money won't get an easy run into Christmas Clash." "The SWF World Heavyweight championship belt won't be the only title defending this week. In fact, only Badd Kompany's newly-won SWF World Tag Team belts won't be. Antonio Marquez will put his North American championship up for grabs against John McClean and Joss Thompson." "Rich Money's protege Ace Newton will also be defending his SWF Generations championship. This title match is another three-way. The two challengers will be Steven Parker and one of the Keith twins, Matthew." "There is plenty more on tap. Jack Bruce is scheduled to be appear, though not in the ring. Will he introduce his new entourage we saw glimpses of last week? Sean McFly will faces a "stiff" challenge in youngster Ash Campbell. The show also offers a pair of great tag team matches - Sara Silver's Silverbacks taking on The Immortal Bumfholes and Double Deuce facing The New Wave. There is sure to be plenty of drama unfolding as well." "This is a week you cannot afford to miss! Supreme TV is on C.A.N.N. every Tuesday night! The only wrestling on TV on Tuesday night..." [/quote][B]The Fry Report will be available on SWF.com or directly from iTunes.[/B] [quote]A special feature for the Fry Report... A preview of the matches lined up for Supreme TV this week! [COLOR=Red]The Silverbacks[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]The Immortal Bumfholes[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]The New Wave[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Double Deuce[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Payne[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Blood Elderberry[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Matthew Keith[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Steven Parker[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Ace Newton[/COLOR] for the [B]SWF Generations Championship[/B] [COLOR=Red]Ash Campbell[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Sean McFly[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Angry Gilmore[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Colossus[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]John McClean[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Red]Joss Thompson[/COLOR] vs [COLOR=Blue]Antonio Marquez[/COLOR] for the [B]SWF North American Championship[/B] [B][COLOR=Blue]???[/COLOR][/B] vs [B][COLOR=Red]???[/COLOR][/B] vs [COLOR=Red]Rich Money[/COLOR] for the [B]SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/B] [/quote][/FONT]
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I normally dont do predictions but, you know the lines, lol.:p The Silverbacks vs [B]The Immortal Bumfholes[/B] [B]The New Wave[/B] vs Double Deuce [B]Payne[/B] vs Blood Elderberry Matthew Keith vs Steven Parker vs [B]Ace Newton[/B] for the SWF Generations Championship Ash Campbell vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] vs Colossus John McClean vs Joss Thompson vs [B]Antonio Marquez[/B] for the SWF North American Championship ??? vs ??? vs [B]Rich Money[/B] for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship I could see Remo in this match just as a way to insure Money Retains. not sure about the other guy though
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The Silverbacks vs [B]The Immortal Bumfholes[/B] [I]DQ win for the Bumfholes, which is par for the course for a Silverbacks match[/I] [B]The New Wave[/B] vs Double Deuce [I]Easy win for the New Wave[/I] [B]Payne[/B] vs Blood Elderberry [I]Squash[/I] Matthew Keith vs Steven Parker vs [B]Ace Newton[/B] for the SWF Generations Championship [I]Newton has completely out-grown this title but would you want to risk cutting into his overness, which I think a loss to either Parker or Keith would end up doing, so Ace retains the belt for now.[/I] Ash Campbell vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] [I]Another squash[/I] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] vs Colossus [I]Gilmores a little too high up the card to lose to Colussus, but the monster will provide a stern test.[/I] John McClean vs Joss Thompson vs [B]Antonio Marquez[/B] for the SWF North American Championship [I]McClean and Thompson will be too focused on one another, even without that dynamic in the match I would still go for Marquez retaining.[/I] ??? vs ??? vs [B]Rich Money[/B] for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [I]Rich Money isn't going to head into his champion vs champion match with Christian Faith on the back of a loss[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;676355]The Silverbacks vs [B]The Immortal Bumfholes[/B] [I]DQ win for the Bumfholes, which is par for the course for a Silverbacks match[/I] [B]The New Wave[/B] vs Double Deuce [I]Easy win for the New Wave[/I] [B]Payne[/B] vs Blood Elderberry [I]Squash[/I] Matthew Keith vs Steven Parker vs [B]Ace Newton[/B] for the SWF Generations Championship [I]Newton has completely out-grown this title but would you want to risk cutting into his overness, which I think a loss to either Parker or Keith would end up doing, so Ace retains the belt for now.[/I] Ash Campbell vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] [I]Another squash[/I] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] vs Colossus [I]Gilmores a little too high up the card to lose to Colussus, but the monster will provide a stern test.[/I] John McClean vs Joss Thompson vs [B]Antonio Marquez[/B] for the SWF North American Championship [I]McClean and Thompson will be too focused on one another, even without that dynamic in the match I would still go for Marquez retaining.[/I] ??? vs ??? vs [B]Rich Money[/B] for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [I]Rich Money isn't going to head into his champion vs champion match with Christian Faith on the back of a loss[/I][/QUOTE] I agree with TK's picks.
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[B]The Silverbacks[/B] vs The Immortal Bumfholes [B]The New Wave[/B] vs Double Deuce [B]Payne[/B] vs Blood Elderberry Matthew Keith vs Steven Parker vs [B]Ace Newton[/B] for the SWF Generations Championship Ash Campbell vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] vs Colossus John McClean vs Joss Thompson vs [B]Antonio Marquez[/B] for the SWF North American Championship ??? vs ??? vs [B]Rich Money[/B] for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF.com: Exclusive Faith Interview[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/ChristianFaith.jpg[/IMG] [B]Faith - "Like taking a piece of the respect that I earned"[/B][/CENTER] [quote][B][CENTER]Monday, Week 2, December 2008[/CENTER] [/B] The incomparable Duane Fry conducted an exhaustive 38 minute and 22 second interview with SWF Supreme Champion Christian Faith. The brutally honest and open interview covers a wide range of topics, from Faith's legendary matches with the likes of Sam Keith and Sean McFly to his current run at the top of the Legends brand. Plenty of time is spent on Faith's escalating rivalry with his Christmas Clash opponent Rich Money. The 42-year old explains why he is so determined to beat "Hard Cash"... and what "The Head" means to him. Some exerts: “Rich Money claims to be a true wrestling fan who has great respect for the history of this business and this promotion. But I don't see how that can be true. If he truly respected the history of professional wrestling and of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, there is no way he would have allowed the vandalization of Supreme One and the Hall of Champions. That's like a true baseball fan going into Cooperstown and smashing up the Baseball Hall of Fame.” Regarding what the statue of himself that stood in the lobby of SWF headquarters meant, the SWF Supreme champion had this to say: “I've never been driven by accomplishments. By accolades. Those have never been my thing. Sometimes you can't ignore the respect you are given, though. And getting that statue in Supreme One back in 2007 was one of the biggest moments of my career. Its one the biggest signs of respect that you can achieve in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Look who else has earned that... Sam Strong. Rip Chord. Sam Keith. Bruce the Giant. Richard Eisen. And me. Even guys like Micky Starr and Sean McFly haven't been honored in that manner. It puts me in some pretty elite company here in the SWF, and how could I not feel honored by that?” “When Money, Remo, and Big Cat decided to mess with that statue... Well, let's just say they couldn't have made it much more personal than that. Maybe if they want after my wife Gloria and my son Matty... Just defacing the statue didn't mean much to me, to best honest. Its like giving me one more scar. I already have a lot of scars, so what does it matter? But removing and stealing the head... That was something different. That was like stealing a piece of my legacy. Like taking a piece of the respect that I earned through staying loyal to the Supreme Wrestling Federation for more than two decades.” When asked what he had tried to do to get the piece of his statue back, Faith said: “Everyone just kind of forgot about that head. Not me. I never stopped trying to get it back. But I didn't want to make it a public issue, so I did it backstage. I talked to each of the three involved separately and they always said the same thing – someone else had it and they didn't know where it was. I talked to Emma Chase and even Richard Eisen. Excuses. All I got. So now Money has it – after he told me right to my face just a few months ago that he didn't – and wants to put it on the line at Christmas Clash? Hell yes!” “Money is wrong – I don't need more motivation to beat him. But I do want that piece of my legacy back. And I am going to take it back.” This is a revealing and in-depth conversation with a true Supreme Legend. It will be available in multiple video formats on SWF.com later today, including an audio-only PodCast. Don't miss out, fans! [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/SWFWebMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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