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Perhaps, a temporary farewell


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Well, ladies and gents, tommorrow, I am off to Uni. What with extra stuff to sort out at first such as disconnecting towers and subscribing to the college internet system etcetera et-bloody-cetera, there is a strong likelihood of my not being able to log on for a while. As such, seeing as you lovely bunch often brighten up my day through some means or another, I thought I'd take the opportunity to say "Cheers and tata for a bit"... just so you don't think I've fallen of the face of the Earth. *Cough* Outlaw *Cough* :D This is also the reason I'm not going in proper for DJ's Gotham Mafia. If, however, stuff gets sorted soon as, I'll be back and ready to come off the reserves list for the starting line-up. In the event of this, I expect someone to stand down to allow my brilliance in on the game as a benefit to the playing experience of everyone involved... I kid; I kid. Seriously, point is "Wish I could play; can't commit". So, cutting this horrific ramble short (despite it still being longer than it ought), take it easy chaps and fare thee well over the next few days/weeks. Oh, and if I end up avoiding some of the problems I'm anticipating, I may be back before you know it. Thus, this post could well be pointless. Add "verbose" to that list of Sicillian flaws, Chris ;). Nevvy out. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;496021] Oh, and if I end up avoiding some of the problems I'm anticipating, I may be back before you know it. Thus, this post could well be pointless. Add "verbose" to that list of Sicillian flaws, Chris ;). Nevvy out. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] I hope ya get back soon, My "verbose" friend. By the way, I never said that stuff, you did, lol.
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Ahhh, more proof that nothing good can come from education! It's why I live by that famous saying ... ig ... ignor ... stupid is as stupid does. :p In all seriousness, I hope everything goes as smoothly as can be expected in this kind of move. And that you can make it back sooner than later. :D
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Well, well, well... Guess who's back? That wasn't so long as I anticipated. However, regaining internet access was a kick in the teeth. See you all in an ECW thread near you... very soon ;). ...and a one star thread rating? Eh - for something so mundane as this?! Whoever that was, try venturing outside for a breath of fresh air :). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[quote=Nevermore;498499]Well, well, well... Guess who's back? That wasn't so long as I anticipated. However, regaining internet access was a kick in the teeth. See you all in an ECW thread near you... very soon ;). ...and a one star thread rating? Eh - for something so mundane as this?! Whoever that was, try venturing outside for a breath of fresh air :). Quote The Raven Nevermore[/quote] Welcome back, and don't forget about MoSC! /was the first to 5-star the thread after the random wanker 1-starred it, may the fleas of a thousand camels find paradise in his armpits
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;498758]Welcome back, and don't forget about MoSC![/Quote] Ha, I won't. The ridiculous 21CA story I have going is too fun to pass on. [quote]/was the first to 5-star the thread after the random wanker 1-starred it, may the fleas of a thousand camels find paradise in his armpits[/QUOTE] Great line! :D Cheers for the kind words. Hopefully, I'll be back to full activity soon. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;498499]Well, well, well... Guess who's back? That wasn't so long as I anticipated. However, regaining internet access was a kick in the teeth. See you all in an ECW thread near you... very soon ;). ...and a one star thread rating? Eh - for something so mundane as this?! Whoever that was, try venturing outside for a breath of fresh air :). Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Hmm. Welcome back?... I was gone longer. This time....LOL
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