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Edge's Return - What Will They Do?!?


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Well, that was a harsh buzzkill on something I said in jest... I realize that the ship has sailed on my having any real media experience; I've got screenplays that've won awards, but never gotten an agent to look twice at them; the most TV experience I have is being interviewed for the nightly news for thirty seconds; I live nowhere near any real television production company, facility, or area. The closest I'll get to writing for TV is... well, where I am. Possibly where I was ten years ago. Y'know what? That's fine with me. I've got a decent (if boring) job, a wife, a son, a hobby... and I'm happy with it all. So I'll just keep making jokes about how some day the WWE, or Hollywood, or whoever, will come around and offer me a job. It's not gonna happen. But I'm not going to stop making the same jokes I've been making for ten years just because someone wants reality to intrude on a perfectly fine line. Note to self: when hired by WWE, give a jobber the gimmick of 'Comradebot, the Russian Robot'.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;497913]Well, that was a harsh buzzkill on something I said in jest... I realize that the ship has sailed on my having any real media experience; I've got screenplays that've won awards, but never gotten an agent to look twice at them; the most TV experience I have is being interviewed for the nightly news for thirty seconds; I live nowhere near any real television production company, facility, or area. The closest I'll get to writing for TV is... well, where I am. Possibly where I was ten years ago. Y'know what? That's fine with me. I've got a decent (if boring) job, a wife, a son, a hobby... and I'm happy with it all. So I'll just keep making jokes about how some day the WWE, or Hollywood, or whoever, will come around and offer me a job. It's not gonna happen. But I'm not going to stop making the same jokes I've been making for ten years just because someone wants reality to intrude on a perfectly fine line. Note to self: when hired by WWE, give a jobber the gimmick of 'Comradebot, the Russian Robot'.[/QUOTE] If that's the case, then I'd suggest you submit the stuff you've wrote previously... really, and award winning screenplay sounds like a much more legitimate strategy than "Hey, look what I just posted on my blog!"
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Lots of great idea's, but I think I like the "Promo from hell" thing the best. This would allow him to stay off camera a few more weeks, and still be able to blame things on him (without him being there). Have "little" things that are "Edge-like" happen. Mainly constant reminder's of "Tables, ladders and chairs". Example: Have a ladder fall closeby. A chair break when someone sits in it. A table appear where there should be no table. Other things that are Edge-like, that I can't think of right now. When he comes back, have that flame/pyro of a different variety (I liked the "White Flame" quite a bit too). Have him come back without talking much. Just small things like "Honey, I'm home!" "Welcome to Hell!" etc. One liner's that reference where he's been all this time, and have him more evil then ever, and maybe even "Supernaturally" strong.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;497937]Have "little" things that are "Edge-like" happen. Mainly constant reminder's of "Tables, ladders and chairs". Example: Have a ladder fall closeby. A chair break when someone sits in it. A table appear where there should be no table. Other things that are Edge-like, that I can't think of right now. [/QUOTE] Yes. Awesome. Man, Demon-Edge could be awesome. Like the anti-Taker. Call me old fashioned, but the idea of Undertaker sending Edge to Hell accidently giving the Rated R Superstar magical powers just seems right to me. I'm thinking the lights go out, and "You think you know me?" appearing written on the canvas in blood could be an awesome way to close a show. After a good month of subtle build, of course. The only other things I find Edge notable for are his relationship with Christian, sorta being a Vampiric-thrall, 5-second poses and diddling Lita. Maybe some dudes get bloodbaths like in the old days, only they're former enemies of Edge, done in the order he faced them... or something.
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[QUOTE=Tha Black Phenom;498005]Man, we're so enthralled into this whole thing that when he'll return as the good old Rated-R Superstar, it'll almost be a downer for some :P[/QUOTE] [I]Almost[/I] be a downer??? I'm going to be completely gutted! All of this stuff sounds awesome :D
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