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Rhode Island Pro Wrestling

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[quote=Extracts from “Rest In Peace, Wrestling” by JC Charles] It took less than two years for it all to go sour. Secretly, Mycroft Nero was amazed he’d managed to survive that long under the ‘guidance’ of the Eisen family. Rhode Island Pro Wrestling had been his idea, his vision. He’d made the mistake – he now knew it for what it was – of approaching Richard Eisen with the proposal. It made sense in his mind; Richard had been the one responsible for killing the territorial system all those years ago so he should be the one to help fix it. Of course, Rip Chord’s Mid Atlantic territory got most of the credit for that now. It started brilliantly; Nero got a hefty chunk of Eisen’s fortune to start the company up. He got to work with the likes of Nevada Nuclear, Mikey James, Valiant and Aristocrat. But soon the trouble started. BJ O’Neill was one of the first people that got the call. She could barely talk, according to Nero. Nothing he’d ever said to the scouts came close to a recommendation. But they needed a good looking manager for a new tag team, so off she went. Then Mikey James was released, for reasons Nero still couldn’t understand to this very day. Then there was Jerry. Richard saw RIPW as a feeder league, a place to develop talent his scouts had found on the independent circuit without having to deal with them himself, to find out if they could cut it, to separate the wheat from the chaff. Jerry saw RIPW as a chance to jump the queue. It was no secret that Jerry Eisen wasn’t the world’s greatest announcer. This fact wasn’t even withheld from Jerry himself. He was always second-fiddle to Peter Michaels; but anyone would be. Michaels was the best at his job that anyone could be. But Jerry didn’t fret too much, because soon enough daddy would retire and leave the company to him. But then there was Eric. On the face of it, there was the horrible SWF Election storyline. This was, of course, purely a work. But it sent alarm bells ringing in Jerry’s mind all the same. What if Richard did choose Eric as his successor? After all, his grasp of the business was far better than Jerry’s – not only was Eric a wrestler in his own right, but it’s well known that Eric has been on the booking team for a while now, while Jerry chooses not to get involved with the creative direction of the company. Eric was a former SWF World Champion. What did Jerry have? Age? Mediocre announcing skills? Nero didn’t blame Jerry for wanting power. He knew how desperate Jerry was getting just as well as anyone. Daddy Eisen was getting older. He’d be retiring soon. He wouldn’t want to have to put up with the stresses and strains of running the world’s largest wrestling promotion. Jerry had to act, and he had to do it now. So in November of 2007, Jerry Eisen met with his father in one of the plush conference rooms at Supreme HQ. Jerry wanted to move to Rhode Island. Nero fought it, of course. Nero would’ve fought it to the death – and he’d probably have won. RIPW was his, and his alone. He worked [i]with[/i] Richard Eisen, not [i]for[/i] him. Jerry Eisen taking over his promotion was absolutely out of the question, and he told Richard thus. So it was that two months later, RIPW was cast adrift into the ocean of independent wrestling. No Nevada Nuclear, no Atlas, no enormous cash buffer whenever he needed it. Hell, he didn’t even have any champions any more. They’d all gone west. -=- Windy City Wrestling, he named it. Setting up shop in the Second City, Jerry’s new promotion had all of the perks and luxuries Nero was used to having. He had all of the developmental talents previously loaned to Nero (all except one, at least). He had all of his father’s money – not that he needed it – and his company’s support. Nero was left with nothing. No champions – no babyfaces either for that matter. No main event for the rapidly approaching Breakout card. Nothing. But that didn’t matter; he’d been there before, he’d come back from it. Wouldn’t he? Jerry, meanwhile, was using his vast contacts within the business to secure his initial roster. This, at least, provided some light relief for Mycroft. Of all the booking expertise available to him, Jerry had decided that the man to help spurn the new generation of SWF talent would be Bob Casey. The fun didn’t stop there; one look at the assembled roster would bring a smile to anyone’s face. In the main event, Chicago’s fans were set to see the delights of Jim Force, Mick Muscles and Assassin #2 (curiously Assassin #1 was nowhere to be found). Nevada Nuclear was there too, of course, but he’d be called up sooner rather than later. Other delights on the card included Roger Dodger. However, there was one bright spot on the dying sun of Jerry’s opening extravaganza, he’d managed to snag Canadian prospect Mainstream Hernandez who’d be working under his given name, James. All this became a moot point after the first week, when Jerry’s great talent for running wrestling companies came to light; he’d booked the arena, and designed all the adverts, for the first Friday of January. By which point he had three entire wrestlers on the roster. Needless to say, WCW’s start was shaky. Chicago’s fans would have to wait another month to see their hero Jim Force in action. As for Nero, he needed help, and as January headed relentlessly into its second week, help duly arrived. -=- The phone rang in Nero’s office one cold afternoon in early January. At least Eisen had let him keep the phone. He answered half-heartedly, his pen poised over a list of the contracts he’d offered, wondering which one he’d need to cross off now. To his surprise, the voice belonged to none of them. It was Derek ‘The Stomper’ Bradford. ‘Stompy’, as Nero fondly called him, had heard of Nero’s ‘predicament’, and wanted to offer his support. Of course, this was welcome news but it was news that confused Nero. What help could Derek Bradford, a nearly-retired wrestler running an 80’s throwback promotion in neighbouring New York, possibly bring to RIPW, and why would he want to? The answer came in the form of a son, Shawn. Nero was well aware of Derek’s unhappy first marriage, but had no idea it had actually spawned offspring. Sadly, Shawn’s mother died of cancer a year previously, and Shawn had moved from his mother’s home in Oxfordshire, England to New York to live near his old man. While in England, Shawn had been training to follow his father’s footsteps as a professional wrestler, and that training was soon augmented by Stomper himself and other notables such as Steve Flash and Rick Sanders. However, Shawn’s intentions for his future didn’t match his father’s. It’s no secret that NYCW is stuck in the 80’s, some even say the 70’s. Recent attempts to liven up the place hadn’t really helped too much, and as a result it’s often looked upon fondly as a throwback to the Golden Era, but nothing more. Shawn is a child of the 90’s. When he was growing up, promotions like DaVE and CZCW were around, not to mention Men of Steel Combat back home, their edgy product was beginning to seep into the monolithic SWF promotion, and their newborn rivals HGC. Everything was high-risk, everything was fast-paced, above all everything was [i]new[/i]. Shawn wasn’t a NYCW wrestler. He was of the new breed. He had no intention of wrestling in NYCW, let alone inheriting it. So that was what led to Stomper’s proposition. Nero would take Shawn under his wing. Stomper had shown him the ropes. Flash, Funk and Sanders had made sure Shawn Bradford was a competent all-rounder. He was a good kid with a good look and a sensible head on his shoulders. It was up to Nero to impart in Shawn the wisdom and business acumen needed to run and book wrestling company. In return, a working agreement would be set up between the two companies, ensuring that neither competes too directly with the other, and exclusive wrestlers (if such a thing should ever come to be) can be shared between them occasionally. So this is Shawn’s story. A budding young wrestler reunited with his father, entrusted with running a wrestling promotion that’d just become an orphan itself.[/quote] [COLOR="White"][SIZE="1"]This is just filler text because the board wouldn't let me make a post that was just a quote ¬_¬[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[I](OOC: Wow, thanks. High praise from the likes of you. :D After reading this back, it seems really short and disjointed. Meh. I'm sure it'll get longer as I get into it more. Besides, every single babyface on the show (except Lion Heart) is making his debut, so it's bound to be a bit disjointed isn't it? ¬_¬) Then again, maybe that's just the influence of the song currently playing: Steve Earle - I Ain't Ever Satisfied. :p).[/I] [i](OOC2: Zero points for guessing the main influence behind Mark Smart's latest gimmick. And if you like that game, keep your eyes open around May-ish for the debut of a sandvich-eating ally of his. I'm gonna have loads of fun with that team).[/i] [SIZE="5"][CENTER][B][COLOR="Navy"]Rhode Island Pro Wrestling: Breakaway[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][I]Friday, Week 4, January 2008 From the Violet Center, Providence, RI Att: 109[/I] [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JerryMartin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/LionHeart.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Jerry Martin vs. Lion Heart[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] A match that, it’s safe to say, won’t be remembered too fondly as a great opening bout. Lion Heart is, there’s no other word for it, terrible in the ring and Jerry Martin is one of the least convincing Psychos in the world. This all made for a pretty crappy start to the show, which Martin won with a Discus Punch. Yes, a Discus Punch. In America. In 2008. Winner: Jerry Martin in 7:40 via Discus Punch (F) [center]-=- [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/ShawnBradford.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Shawn Bradford vs. Dr. Markus Kluger[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] Kluger came out wearing a long white coat and stethoscope and carrying a bulky black briefcase. He didn’t get any mic time, but he seems the mad doctor type, with his slicked-back hair and glasses (which he removed for wrestling. The glasses, I mean. Not the hair). This match was better than the previous one, but still far from stellar. Bradford looks a decent enough wrestler for a 22 year old, but nothing amazing yet. Kluger emerged victorious after a shooting star legdrop, which he calls the Hypocritical Oath. Winner: Dr. Markus Kluger in 7:55 (F+) [center]-=- [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/ProfessorNero.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Professor Nero was out next onto the stage area, followed by Natural Storm trying to look menacing. Nero informs us that the next match will see ‘the prime cuts from the beefiest cow in the field’, Natural Storm, in action. Nero goes on to hype Natural Storm up as the next big thing to hit the world of wrestling. “Somethin’ so big, you better not blink, ‘cause they’ll be up with the Eisens before ya know it!”, which isn’t well received by the 100-or-so people who’ve just seen their company half destroyed by the SWF. They soon brighten up though, when Wiley Steinway and Coyote Dynamite rush out from the back and blindside the tandem, sending Nero scampering to the back out of the way. (D-) [center]-=- [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WileySteinway.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/CoyoteDynamite.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm [/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] Amidst the amusing taunts and put-downs from Mayhem Midden on commentary (“they think they’re bikers? They wouldn’t know a handlebar from a handlebar mustache! Hell, looks like Steinway got so confused he got both!”), these two teams put on a decent contest, for us anyway. Storm showed they had talent and could make something of themselves, but Wiley Coyote were too experienced to fall for any of their heelish antics, and ended up taking the victory with a Steinway Highway on Eddie Howard. Winners: Wiley Coyote in 10:27 (E) [center]-=- [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/MayhemMidden.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Mayhem Midden got up from his position at the announce table with a huge grin on his face. He grabbed a house microphone as Rob Miskovsky looked on, bemused. Midden yelled for Wiley Coyote to pay attention, and laughed at them. He said that Wiley Coyote are a laughable excuse for a biker gang if what he'd just seen was anything to go by, and that next month he'd get his ‘buddies’ to come up and show them what a real gang looks like. Several times throughout the rest of the show Miskovsky tried to gleam information regarding Midden's 'buddies', but Midden wasn't giving anything away. (D+) [center]-=- [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Buttercup.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]Backstage, Jack Griffith is with the delightful Buttercup. Buttercup wants to know how Jack feels about being the new guy in town, and his opponent tonight, John Greed. “[COLOR="Blue"]Yannow, it’s kinda funny actually. I arrive here, after a lifetime of committin’ more sins than Greed could ever ‘aspire’ to, I arrive here, and I’m the good guy. I can roll with that. So this John Greed, he’s here preachin’ about how underappreciated he is, ‘n’ how Richard Eisen passed him over and left him here to rot. Says he wants the title, so he can show everyone that if he has to stay in this ‘hell’, as he calls it, he can at least rule it. Well if this is Hell, Greed. Hah. If you thought this place was Hell… You don’t know Jack![/COLOR]” The camera starts fading out, as Griffith turns to Buttercup. “[COLOR="Blue"]Now then, babydoll. How’s about we commit a few sins of our own tonight, huh?[/COLOR]” He grins, and she blushes and smiles shyly back. (D+) [center]-=- [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Raphael.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JustinSensitive.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/ProfessorNero.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Raphael and Justin Sensitive are backstage too, this time outside a door with ‘Nero’ emblazoned on a plaque fixed to it. Sensitive goes to knock, but Raphael just bursts in regardless. “[COLOR="Red"]Hey, boss. I was thinking. This tag team title situation. Well, we were the first champions, right?[/color]" "[COLOR="Magenta"]And by far the most attractive champions,[/COLOR]" Justin added. "[COLOR="Red"]Right,[/COLOR]" continued Raphael, not really listening. "[COLOR="Red"]So surely that means-[/COLOR]” Nero raises a hand to silence the youngster. “[COLOR="DarkRed"]I've already sorted that out, Raphael. You and your partner will face the only other former champ-eens still wholly with the company; Brendan Idol and Kentucky Bill. And you’ll do it next, so ye best git ‘n’ put some wrasslin’ gear on![/COLOR]” Raphael is caught in two minds as he leaves. On the one hand, title shot. Good. On the other hand, it’s next, with no time to prepare OR do his hair properly, bad! Luckily Justin is on hand to provide advice. “[COLOR="Magenta"]Just relax, Raph. We got what we wanted, right? You look great, champ. We always do. We don't need time to prepare.[/COLOR]” (E-) [center]-=- [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Raphael.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JustinSensitive.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/BrendanIdol.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/KentuckyBill.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][B]The Heartbreakers vs. Brendan Idol and Kentucky Bill[/B][/COLOR] [I]For the [COLOR="DarkOrange"]RIPW Tag Team titles[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] Following the trend of steadily increasing match quality, the fans seemed to get into this one. Idol and Bill are a somewhat random team, and why they won the belts last time around isn’t clear. However, The Heartbreakers, while they seem destined for a breakup and feud somewhere along the line, for now are a great team with bags of potential. They started showing this when Justin Sensitive hit the Grace Landing on Kentucky Bill to take the titles for a second time. Winners: The Heartbreakers in 10:42 to win the RIPW Tag Team Titles. (E+) [center]-=- [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JohnGreed.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] John Greed makes his entrance for the main event, looking confident with a perma-smirk on his face. After getting to the ring he demands a microphone. “[COLOR="Red"]Jack, contrary to your belief, I do know you, very well. At least, I know your type. You’re not especially rare here in America. You were a slave to sloth, gluttony, lust, even greed at one point, weren’t ya, Jack? And I could’ve helped. I still can. Unfortunately it seems you’d rather fight me. Well, it seems you’re missing the one sin that could actually help you at a time like this.[/COLOR]” Greed cracks a self-assured grin, as the fans start booing. “[COLOR="Red"]You’re missing pride. See, that’s always been your weak point, hasn’t it Jack? You loved all the other sins, until two of ‘em almost killed you. You loved those wild nights, and hot crazy days. You loved the alcohol, the drugs, the sex, the rock ‘n’ roll. But just a little bit of pride? Out of the question. We’re not even talking the real, sinful stuff. The love thyself more than thy loves thy God. No, just a little tiny bit of pride in yourself would’ve seen you through, Jack. But instead, sloth claimed you, didn’t it, along with its buddies; lust, greed and gluttony. I find those last three tend to stick together, they search for people who’ve fallen to their buddy sloth, and then drag ‘em down even further. The even more tragic part is, you think you’re out of it. You think you’ve beaten them. You’ve flirted with five of the seven, Jack, and you truly think you’ve beaten them.[/COLOR]” Greed emitted an evil cackle while the crowd made their feelings known. “[COLOR="Red"]Before life disappoints you, Jack, and shows it’s real hand, allow me to give you a preview. Meet number eight. This one, you definitely can’t beat[/COLOR]". (D-) [center]-=- [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JohnGreed.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][B]John Greed vs. Jack Griffith[/B] [/COLOR] [I]For the [COLOR="DarkOrange"]RIPW Championship[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] Ooooh dear. Welcome to RIPW, where the two participants in our main storyline for the first few months have absolutely no chemistry. Still, even though it looked down-right awkward in places, this was still a respectable match by our standards. Griffith came out full of fire, as though Greed’s mind games had the complete opposite effect and actually spurred him on. Greed was taken slightly off-guard, and had to rely on his speed and agility to save him on numerous occasions. In the end though it was Jack who prevailed, hitting a Jack-In-The-Box (Sky High/Vertical Life Spinebuster) for the victory and the title. Winner: Jack Griffith in 12:49 (E+) After the match, Griffith reached under the ring for a celebratory bottle of Southern Comfort, making sure Greed was watching him as he took a swig and celebrated with some young female fans in the front row. [B]Overall:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR]
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[quote=An extract from "Rest In Peace, Wrestling" by JC Charles]Bradford was downbeat after the show. Most of the wrestlers had been quite positive as they left, with several talking about how well they thought their new characters had been established and how being cut adrift from the SWF might not turn out so badly for them after all, but Bradford didn't share their spirit. The only spirit he did share was Jack Griffith's, as the new RIPW Champion sat down next to him. "Why the long face, booker-man?", quizzed the southern star. "You and John. Don't get me wrong, it was a decent match. I just expected better things. You know?". He gladly accepted the pro-offered bottle and took a swig. "Hey, I can only work with what I'm given," said Jack defensively. "John's just not ready for the slot you wanna give him quite yet. He's a good enough wrestler, but these fans care more about characters than wrestlers. You gotta un'erstand, this company just had it's heart ripped out. I get it, you wanna stick with the guys already here as much as possible, and I admire ya for that, but... fact is, some o' them just ain't ready. We need fresh faces, names, up top with me. And this angle with Greed is the perfect way to introduce some. Let's go talk to the Prof. We'll work soemthing out, champ. Don't worry, you did good." "We did at least make a profit. That's something I guess," mused Bradford as he followed Griffith into the small office space Professor Nero was using for the night.[/quote] [quote=ProWrestlingHits.com’s ‘Rhode Island Roundup’ Column] Some news and notes from the latest RIPW show in Rhode Island: - Crowd reportedly in the low 100's. To be expected really since they didn’t announce any matches at all and it’d been well publicised that half their roster had been taken away, they’d lost their developmental link with the SWF and almost all of the wrestlers that went with it. - Lion Heart isn't expected to stick around for very much longer. As a development territory for the SWF, Nero was obliged to take on 'talent' like him and try and nuture them. Under his own steam, he's now free to get rid of the absolute no-hopers, while keeping the essence of the territorial system in place (i.e, giving younger wrestlers a place to hone their skills, not hiring complete no-hopers and letting them stink up shows). - Jerry Martin is due a bit of character tweaking, as RIPW management realise that his current 'psycho' schtick isn't very impressive. - For those who truly had no idea, Dr. Markus Kluger is Mark Smart. Markus being the Germanic equivalent of Mark, and 'klug' being German for smart. Smart was hand-picked for the role by Shawn Bradford, and both parties are said to be pleased with how well it went down with the live crowd. - Despite the poor reception of last night's main event, John Greed is expected to follow through with the planned storylines as Bradford is keen to introduce new ideas and change the overall perception of Rhode Island Pro Wrestling amongst the wrestling community. Rumour has it Bradford is a huge fan of science fiction and 'cultish' television programmes such as ACE's ratings-grabber 'Protagonists' and 90's hit TV series 'Guardian'. He's also a big fan of Canadian promotion 4C. For his part, Nero is said to be interested in Shawn’s ideas as he wishes to further distance the company from Jerry Eisen's new WCW promotion, although Nero is keen to keep the company as a largely mainstream, sports entertainment-focused product. - We also have details of the goals set forward in RIPW's general meeting a few days ago. Nero has set a two-year deadline, at the end of which he wants RIPW to be more well known throughout America than it currently is, and also wants them to have at least maintained their position as the 29th biggest company on the PWHits list of wrestling organisations. This latter one is already in jeopardy after the recent announcement that Gino Montero, son of Lucha legend Luis, plans to promote shows in Northern Mexico under the Mexican Hardcore Wrestling banner. Nero has also reportedly set a minimum standard for the selling ability of workers on his roster - a standard that Lion Heart currently does not meet, as reported earlier. While no sources inside the company have confirmed it, Nero has also reputedly banned the hiring of Mixed Martial Artists.[/quote] [U]Card for RIPW: Weekend Warriors[/U] The Heartbreakers vs. Lion Heart and Shawn Bradford Wiley Coyote face Mayhem Midden's 'buddies'. Dr. Markus Kluger vs. Brendan Idol. Jack Griffith defends his RIPW Championship against an opponent of John Greed's choosing.
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[B]The Heartbreakers[/B] vs. Lion Heart and Shawn Bradford [I]I'm assuming your user character is mostly enhancement fodder and Lion Heart is probably tied with Dusty Bin as the least talented wrestler in America.[/I] [B]Wiley Coyote[/B] face Mayhem Midden's 'buddies'. [I]I'd figure the Dirty White Boys as they would be the perfect gimmick, but they may be out of your popularity and price range, so I'm guessing the Good Ole Boys from PSW and therefore Wiley Coyote sneak another win.[/I] [B]Dr. Markus Kluger[/B] vs. Brendan Idol. [I]Idol has much better long term potential, but Mark has the gimmick, and in a SE fed, you sell the gimmicks.[/I] J[B]ack Griffith[/B] defends his RIPW Championship against an opponent of John Greed's choosing. [I]Griffith defeats one of the tub o lards from FCW ( probably the Great Ox,) and triumphs over gluttony.[/I] Highly entertaining so far, loved the Greed promo. Of course actually having chemistry or even neutral chemistry is too much to ask for, especially out of the gate. I find the game likes to take whatever initial plans you might have, and throw in a curveball or two to make things interesting. ;)
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D-Lyrium is back. Hooray! Card for RIPW: Weekend Warriors [b]The Heartbreakers[/b] vs. Lion Heart and Shawn Bradford [i]Ever since I tried the 0/0/0 challenge in TEW 2007, I've been a Raphael mark.[/i] [b]Wiley Coyote[/b] face Mayhem Midden's 'buddies'. [i]I'm guessing it will end in a DQ.[/i] Dr. Markus Kluger vs. [b]Brendan Idol[/b] [i]I know you are a Mark Smart mark, but Idol is still way more over than Smart.[/i] [b]Jack Griffith[/b] defends his RIPW Championship against an opponent of John Greed's choosing. [i]Jack's not losing in his first title defense.[/i]
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[B]The Heartbreakers[/B] vs. Lion Heart and Shawn Bradford Wiley Coyote face Mayhem Midden's [B]'buddies'[/B]. [I]Two obvious guys here...[/I] [B]Dr. Markus Kluger[/B] vs. Brendan Idol. [B]Jack Griffith [/B]defends his RIPW Championship against an opponent of John Greed's choosing. And where are your drinking buddies, teeny tiny picture man? :p But seriously, an encouraging start, well presented, easy to read... And nice to see some of the near-dregs (Kentucky Bill?) of the C-Verse get a chance.
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Must say this looks pretty good, hope you stick with this one :p [U]Card for RIPW: Weekend Warriors [/U][B]The Heartbreakers[/B] vs. Lion Heart and Shawn Bradford [I]Tag champions, against a random team and you've made it clear that Lion Heart will be doing the job on his way out the door.[/I] [B]Wiley Coyote[/B] face Mayhem Midden's 'buddies'. [I]I'm with D-Mack on this, initial thoughts pointed to the DWB but as he said they could be out of your popularity range, and the Good Ol' Boys certainly could work the gimmick. DQ win for WC.[/I] Dr. Markus Kluger vs. [B]Brendan Idol.[/B] [I]Could go either way, as Kluger has a gimmick but Idol is the better wrestler.[/I] [B]Jack Griffith[/B] defends his RIPW Championship against an opponent of John Greed's choosing. [I]Griffith overcomes the randomnly chosen mystery opponent.[/I]
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[I](OOC: Thanks for all the kind words. I have a good feeling about this one... The teeny tiny pictures were a holdover from a format I was trying out a few days ago, but I decided it was far too much work for too little benefit (it involved tables, and looked quite good but took aaaages to code just one segment), but since I'd gone to the effort of resizing all the pictures I decided to keep them. :p)[/I] [CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"][B]Rhode Island Pro Wrestling: Weekend Warriors[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Friday, Week 4, February 2008 From the Violet Centre, Providence, RI Att: 104[/I] [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Raphael.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JustinSensitive.jpg[/img] vs. [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/ShawnBradford.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/LionHeart.jpg[/img] [B][COLOR="Navy"]The Heartbreakers vs. Lion Heart and Shawn Bradford[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] This match was designed as an experiment in whether or not it was possible to make Lion Heart look good. In that regard it was a total failure, as the crowd still ripped into him even though he didn’t do much at all in the match. The Heartbreakers and Bradford still managed to salvage a watchable match out of it though, but Lion Heart really is awful, and isn’t helped by the fact that he’s trying to play a patriotic babyface despite being Canadian. Winners: The Heartbreakers in 8:18 (E-) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Raphael.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JustinSensitive.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JohnGreed.jpg[/img][/CENTER] The Heartbreakers are returning up the ramp after an overly excessive celebration, as John Greed walks out for his match. Sensitive walks past admiring himself in a hand-held mirror, while Raphael already has a rag in his hand and is polishing his title belt. Greed watches them passively, then cracks a smile before continuing to the ring. (E+) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JerryMartin.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JohnGreed.jpg[/img] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Jerry Martin vs. John Greed[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] In terms of ringwork, this wasn’t a bad match. What let it down quite badly was the fact that Martin has done nothing yet to show himself as a babyface, so the fans didn’t really have anyone to root for, and thus were largely disinterested. Martin tried to capitalise on a period of advantage by connecting with a Discus Punch, but Greed was far too alert and easily dodged it before grabbing Martin from behind and hitting a Crash Diet (think Billy Gunn’s One And Only) for the relatively simple victory. Winner: John Greed in 6:14 (F+) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/MayhemMidden.jpg[/img][/CENTER] Mayhem Midden got up from his commentary position and walks to the ring, declaring that it's time the RIPW fans got to see what a real biker gang looks like. He introduced Death 'n' Taxes, John 'Bomber' Bonham and 'Ripper' Reynolds. The big screen in the arena showed the bikers, in leather biker jackets and ripped jeans, dismounting from their Harley Davidsons in the parking lot outside the arena. Soon enough, Wiley Coyote arrive on the scene, and admire the bikes. Dynamite seems particularly taken by Reynold's 'monsterpiece', as he calls it. "[COLOR="Blue"]An '04 Heritage. Nice...[/COLOR]" That was as far as he got before Reynolds' fist smashed him in the face. Wiley tried to help his partner out, but was set upon by Bomber Bonham in a similar fashion, and the screen fades to black. After a few minutes, the two teams come brawling through the curtain and eventually make it to the ring, where the bell sounds to start the match. (D+) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Bomber.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Ripper.jpg[/img] vs. [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WileySteinway.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/CoyoteDynamite.jpg[/img] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Death 'n' Taxes vs. Wiley Coytote[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Unsurprisingly one of RIPW’s best matches of the new era, as the hugely popular, if not well liked, former SWF duo battle the veteran New Yorkers. Ripper and Bonham work superbly as a team, using a variety of nefarious tactics, as well as brute force, to keep Coyote Dynamite in the ring and isolated. Dynamite eventually escaped when Bonham went for a Bombing Run (a full-speed charge towards Dynamite who was slouched in the corner). Dynamite rolled out of the corner just in time, sending Bomber colliding with Reynolds on the outside with a sickening clash of heads and allowing the tag. Steinway hit the Steinway Highway on Bomber and covered him for what should’ve been an academic three-count, but Mayhem Midden dragged the referee out of the ring by his ankle, demanding that he get medical assistance for Reynolds who was out cold on the floor. A disgruntled Steinway confronted Midden, but with Referee Poker seeing to Reynolds on the outside, Midden dropped Wiley with a fist wrapped in a chain, before dragging Bomber Bonham’s arm over Steinway’s limp body. Eventually the referee returned to the ring, and even though he was sceptical about the scene in front of him, there was little he could do but count the pinfall. Winner: Death ‘n’ Taxes in 9:50 (D-) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/MarkSmart.jpg[/img][/CENTER] After the carnage of the tag team brawl, Dr. Markus Kluger rushed out with a medical kit to try and repair the damage to Wiley Steinway. "[COLOR="DarkRed"]Does it hurt ven I do zis?![/COLOR]" he yells maniacally, before plunging a syringe into Wiley's left buttock. The biker yells in pain (which at least means Kluger revived him from unconsciousness…), and Coyote Dynamite rushes the ring with some real EMTs to escort him away from the mad doctor. Kluger then turned his attention to Ripper Reynolds, but Bonham was already dragging his unconscious partner the hell out of there. (E-) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/MarkSmart.jpg[/img] vs. [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/BrendanIdol.jpg[/img] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Markus Kluger vs. Brendan Idol[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] These two had no chemistry, and Kluger himself wasn't in great form. It was no worse than the opening tag bout, however, as both are decent wrestlers. The finish came when Davis Wayne Newton came out to the ring in a white coat with a clipboard, making notes. Although he didn't physically interfere, the distraction was enough to allow Kluger to recover from the beating he’d taken and hit Idol with a reverse DDT, leading to the Hypocritical Oath for the victory. Winner: Dr. Markus Kluger in 9:43 (E-) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/MarkSmart.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/DavisNewton.jpg[/img][/CENTER] After the match, as Idol grabs a microphone and starts complaining about the distraction. Kluger snatches the microphone away, and states that 'I didn't know it vas illegal in zis country to ask for a second opinion?". Idol shook his head helplessly and started back up the ramp. Davis took the microphone. "[COLOR="Red"]Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Dr. Davis Newton, wrestling scientist. The Good Doctor asked me to come here tonight as he thought I'd be interested in what he termed 'unusual symptoms' amongst the wrestlers here[/COLOR]". At this point he produced a Dictaphone and started talking into it as well as the microphone while he paced around the ring. "[COLOR="Red"]Upon arriving, it was immediately apparent to a man of my experience and knowledge of the field that Dr. Kluger was indeed correct. There are unusual, obvious symptoms present amongst a great many of the wrestlers here. So obvious in fact, I'm surprised many of the reasonably intelligent looking people in this audience hadn't noticed it before. Prognosis: The vast majority of people employed by this company absolutely suck! In the most extreme cases, this can even lead to the patient suffering losses to the likes of Kentucky Bill and Brendan Idol.[/COLOR]" The fans, obviously, react badly to this. "[COLOR="Red"]Fear not, fans. Luckily, there is a cure. And, utilising the twinned sciences of medicine and wrestling, it should be easily administered. We simply have to go through this entire roster and prescribe the relevant... anti-suck-otics.[/COLOR]" Kluger took the mic to clarify for the audience. "[COLOR="DarkRed"]He means ve're going to kick some ass, ja? Zen you will all be curet! Is goot science![/COLOR]" Then he debuted the Evil Doctor's Evil High-Pitched Squealing Laugh, which he'd probably been practicing since the last show, and passed the microphone back to Newton. "[COLOR="Red"]Indeed. So bring out my first patient, Mister...[/COLOR]" he consults his clipboard "[COLOR="Red"]Kentucky Bill? See, this isn't going to work if you can't even provide proper names.[/COLOR]" He continues muttering to himself as Bill’s music hits. (E+) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/DavisNewton.jpg[/img] vs. [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/KentuckyBill.jpg[/img] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Dr. Davis Newton vs. Kentucky Bill [/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] With Kluger providing hilariously over-the-top Germanic guest commentary throughout, this match went down quite well with the fans. Interestingly, Kluger and Miskovsky have good chemistry while announcing (as do Midden and Miskovsky). Throughout the match, Newton displayed his 'superior intelligence' in several spots. For example, when Newton scarpered from the ring and Kentucky Bill inevitably persued, Newton made sure to run right past the announcers desk (merely a regular trestle table with various announcing stuff on it), so that Kluger could 'innocently' stretch his legs at the right moment. In the end, Newton finished Bill off with Newton's First Law, a Fisherman's Suplex, which Kluger augmented on commentary: "[COLOR="DarkRed"]Vot goes up... must come down! Bwahaha, zat is science, Miskovsky! Zat is real science! Nyeheheha.[/COLOR]" Winner: Dr. Davis Newton in 9:36 (E+) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JackGriffith.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JohnGreed.jpg[/img][/CENTER] Jack Griffith made his entrance for the main event next, title around his waist, and started warming up in the ring. Before long John Greed walked out to the announcers table for a spot of guest commentary. Before sitting down, he took the house microphone. "[COLOR="Red"]Do you know who your opponent is yet, Jack? No? Haha, well I guess some things can be kept secret in this day and age, huh... No time to prepare, then? No time to get ready, make a gameplan? Yet you still want to keep your title? Well in that case, friend, you have a [B]Big Problem[/B]![/COLOR]" (E+) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JackGriffith.jpg[/img] vs. [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Wrath.jpg[/img] [COLOR="Navy"][B]The Big Problem vs. Jack Griffith[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] Griffith played the babyface-in-peril role to absolute perfection in this match. In fact, he played more of a babyface in serious ****. Problem dominated him for a good seven minutes, with a low-technique but high-impact repertoire of power moves. By the end of this period of dominance, Greed had left the announce table and made his way to ringside, cheering his client on from up-close. Two minutes from the end however, Jack started his 'epic comeback', culminating in him reversing a Death Valley Driver into a swinging DDT, which disoriented the 6'9 behemoth just long enough to finish him off with a Jack-In-A-Box for the underdog victory. Winner: Jack Griffith in 9:37 (D) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JackGriffith.jpg[/img] [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JohnGreed.jpg[/img] [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Wrath.jpg[/img][/center] After the match, Jack locked eyes with Greed, who was livid. With a huge smirk on his face, Griffith pointed to the title freshly strapped around his waist, and yelled 'You thought that would be enough to beat me? A big clumsy jumped-up meathead like him? Clearly, you don't know Jack!" Greed just smiled, because to the dismay of the audience, the Big Problem was already on his feet, and he charged at Jack, connecting with a sickening lariat to the back of the head, causing Griffith to fall into the ropes, where Greed took the opportunity for a cheap shot to the face and left Jack to rebound backwards, flailing helplessly, right into a neckbreaker. What followed was a savage beatdown by TBP, which would probably have to be shown after the watershed on TV. After several minutes, Greed called the attack off. "[COLOR="Red"]That's enough, my friend. Sin is one thing, I don't think we want to contend with murder. You are, clearly, the embodiment of Wrath. I see that now.[/COLOR]" He smiled. "[COLOR="Red"]Welcome![/COLOR]" Greed and Wrath headed backstage, Greed looking triumphant, Wrath looking aggrieved but compliant. (E+) [center]-=-[/center] [B]Overall:[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]D-[/COLOR]
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[quote=ProWrestlingHits.com’s ‘Rhode Island Roundup’ Column] Backstage reaction and gossip after the Weekend Warriors show: - Attendance looked to have been about the same as last month, with perhaps a few more empty seats but not to a noticeable extent. - The atmosphere backstage after the show was very good. Almost everyone was in good spirits after the great reaction to the main event and follow-up angle. The bikers storyline got a decent reaction too, so everything seems to be going well. - During the show however was a different matter, as during the Kluger/Newton segments, Coyote Dynamite pulled a mean prank on Rafael. The story goes that during the opener Dynamite had sent lewd text messages to Raphael's phone from Justin Sensitive's mobile, playing on the fact that while their characters' sexuality is debateable, both men are straight and have girlfriends in reality. Justin found it hilarious, Raphael less so. Nero apparently gave Dynamite a light talking to, between fits of laughter, and no further action is expected. - Ripper Reynolds and Bomber Bonham are, as I'm sure you'll all know, the tag team formerly known as the Dirty White Boys in the SWF. Their debut was seen as a success. - I shouldn't need to tell you who plays the Dr. Davis Newton character. If you honestly don't know, unsubscribe from my newsletter this instant. Newton did get a LOT of heat, as he plays the mad scientist character almost perfectly. - The RIPW management are also happy with the progress of John Greed, who's starting to really annoy the New England fans, in a positive way. - Lion Heart and Shawn Bradford teaming up was, as some might have realised, a last throw of the dice situation for Lion Heart. The fans still made a fuss over his lack of basic performance skills, and there was no noticeable chemistry with the booker as his partner. As a result, my source noted that his contract, which runs out at the end of April, is unlikely to be renewed. - Financially, my source informs me it was another good month, though not quite as profitable as last month. The increased cost due to Death 'n' Taxes and the Big Problem was offset by a huge number of t-shirt sales, mainly the cool new 'You Don't Know Jack' shirt. - The next card should be up on their website shortly, and is set to include Jack Griffith taking on The Big Problem in a tag team match, with their partners as yet un-revealed. On the undercard, Jerry Martin and Lion Heart take on Dr. Kluger and Dr. Newton, Shawn Bradford will no doubt be in action, and we can probably expect at least one of the biker gangs in attendance.[/quote] [quote=RIPW.com Breaking News]In a video posted on RIPW.com, two weeks after the Weekend Warriors show, Jack Griffith is shown at home, a wound over his left eye is stitched up and his wrist is in a brace. “[COLOR="Blue"]Johnny-boy, you’ve made it very clear to me over the past few weeks that you and that big freak of nature you call Wrath enjoy numbers games. You enjoy having the freedom to beat the crap out of me when the odds are in your favour. Well let’s play another game: two plus two equals…?" "See, you’re not the only one who has friends, John. You’re not the only one who likes surprises. I’ve just been on the phone to Professor Nero, and I’ve got us a match. You and Wrath, versus myself and a partner of my choosing. Two on two. No shenanigans, no unfair advantages. This’ll be off by then,[/COLOR]” indicating the brace, “[COLOR="Blue"]and you’re gon’ get what all sinners get in the end, John. If ya don’t know Jack, you ain’t got a chance in hell of knowing this guy… Hell, I ain't even sure I do...[/COLOR]” After a splash screen advertising RIPW: The Evil That Men Do, the video ends.[/quote] [U]RIPW: The Evil That Men Do card:[/U] Dr. Kluger & Dr. Newton vs. Jerry Martin and Lion Heart Shawn Bradford vs. Citizen X Brendan Idol and Kentucky Bill vs. Natural Storm Wiley Steinway vs. Ripper Reynolds in a Mayhem Challenge Jack Griffith and a mystery partner vs. John Greed and Wrath [I](I was supposed to post this last night, but I forgot :o Newton is sort of a 'entertainmentised' version of his gimmick in my short-lived 4C diary. When I came up with Kluger's character, it seemed like the right thing to do :p)[/I]
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Loving this so far. A lot of the guys in RIPW get overlooked, so a diary that uses them is always a plus. [B]Dr. Kluger & Dr. Newton[/B] vs. Jerry Martin and Lion Heart [I]Lion Heart sucks, whilst Jerry is still struggling to find his feet. The Docs, on the other hand, aren't. Plus, DWN is probabyl the best wrestler on your roster[/I] [B]Shawn Bradford[/B] vs. Citizen X [I]I'm still not quite sure of Bradford's role in the company, but I'm never been too enthused by X.[/I] [B]Brendan Idol and Kentucky Bill[/B] vs. Natural Storm [I]These two might be a bit of a thrown-together team, but they've got talent and are way more interesting than the Storm[/I] Wiley Steinway vs. [B]Ripper Reynolds[/B] in a Mayhem Challenge [I]I think Reynolds is the former Lead Belly, so I'm going with him[/I] [B]Jack Griffith and a mystery partner[/B] vs. John Greed and Wrath [I]This one's difficult...on the one hand, you're new guy needs a strong intro, but on the other hand Greed and Wrath need to be set up good and striong as a team. I'm gonna go for Griffiths and friend here, with a beatdown afterwards so the heels can get their heat back[/I]
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RIPW: The Evil That Men Do card: [B]Dr. Kluger & Dr. Newto[/B]n vs. Jerry Martin and Lion Heart [I]The Lion Heart J.O.B tour 2008 kicks off tonight.[/I] Shawn Bradford vs. [B]Citizen X[/B] [I]Bradford is no David Mack! :p[/I] Brendan Idol and Kentucky Bill vs. [B]Natural Storm[/B] [I]Storm is a more established team and this will lead into a feud with the Heartthrobs.[/I] Wiley Steinway vs. [B]Ripper Reynold[/B]s in a Mayhem Challenge [I]They had a chance against the Good ole boys, but against the repackaged DWB, Wiley Coyote are losing , singles or tag.[/I] Jack Griffith and a mystery partner vs. [B]John Greed and Wrath[/B] [I]Because the heels need a win to maintain the illusion of being a threat.[/I]
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[B]Dr. Kluger & Dr. Newton[/B] vs. Jerry Martin and Lion Heart Shawn Bradford vs. [B]Citizen X[/B] Brendan Idol and Kentucky Bill vs. [B]Natural Storm[/B] Wiley Steinway vs. [B]Ripper Reynolds[/B] in a Mayhem Challenge Jack Griffith and a mystery partner vs. [B]John Greed and Wrath[/B] - I'm calling a swerve here. Mind you, a seven deadly sins stable would be most of your heel side of the roster, so...
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[B]Dr. Kluger & Dr. Newton[/B] vs. Jerry Martin and Lion Heart [I]A suplex a day, sends Lion Heart away. I really wish you'd keep him though.[/I] Shawn Bradford vs. [B]Citizen X[/B] [I]Down with Establishment? [/I] Brendan Idol and Kentucky Bill vs. [B]Natural Storm[/B] [I]They have a name.[/I] Wiley Steinway vs. [B]Ripper Reynolds[/B] in a Mayhem Challenge [I]Rip em' apart.[/I] Jack Griffith and a mystery partner vs. [B]John Greed and Wrath[/B] [I]Win some, lose some. This is a win.[/I]
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RIPW: The Evil That Men Do card: [B]Dr. Kluger & Dr. Newton[/B] vs. Jerry Martin and Lion Heart [I]The scientists are getting a push, Lion Hearts definately on his way out the door and Martin could likely follow.[/I] Shawn Bradford vs. [B]Citizen X[/B] [I]You don't seem to be pushing your user character that hard, and Citizen X has an interesting character, that hasn't really been explored to it's full potential in anyones diary as of yet.[/I] Brendan Idol and Kentucky Bill vs. [B]Natural Storm[/B] [I]Natural Storm are the established team, maybe you can make them more interesting than in my diary.[/I] Wiley Steinway vs. [B]Ripper Reynolds[/B] in a Mayhem Challenge [I]The former DWB lost the tag match on their debut, even if it was by DQ so I'll expect Ripper to pick up the win in singles competiton.[/I] Jack Griffith and a mystery partner vs. [B]John Greed and Wrath[/B] [I]Heels need to pick up a win to look like a genuine threat, and it's not like in Puerto Rico, where the owner refuses to even do be on the losing side even in tag matches.[/I]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"][B]Rhode Island Pro Wrestling: The Evil That Men Do[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Friday, Week 4, March 2008 From the Violet Centre, Providence, RI Att: 96[/I] [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/MarkSmart.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/DavisNewton.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/LionHeart.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JerryMartin.jpg[/img][/CENTER] To open the show, Lion Heart is backstage being wrestled to the ground by the doctors. Once he's caught in Newton's clutches, Kluger reaches for his medical bag, and produces a syringe similar to the one he used on Wiley Steinway last month. He taps it and squirts the liquid out of the end, although it's anyone's guess if he knows why, and approaches the squirming Canadian with a mad glint in his eye. "[COLOR="Red"]Don't vorry so much, young one. Soon you vill be curet of your illness! It von't hurt a bit! ... ok, zat last bit might haf been a lie... but vhat a small price to pay for such a large gift! To be free of your suffering! For years you haf been here, overlooked by eferyone, laughed at by ze fans and by ze industry as a whole...[/COLOR]" Realising Kluger was getting dangerously close to a shoot promo here, Newton stepped in. "[COLOR="DarkRed"]What the Good Doctor is trying to say, my friend, is that this one simple injection could change your life for the better, forever. It's nothing to be scared of![/COLOR]" Just as Kluger got to within mere feet of Lion Heart with the needle, Jerry Martin charged around the corner with a chair in his hand, causing Newton to run for it. Kluger, his back turned to the intrusion, turned to see what the fuss was about and earned a chairshot to the face for his trouble. Newton grabbed him by the arm and half-dragged him away, shouting "[COLOR="DarkRed"]Ok, let's do this the hard way then, we'll see you in the ring![/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Red"]I don't sink, all sings considered, zat vill be a very hard vay at all, Davis...[/COLOR]" (F) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/LionHeart.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JerryMartin.jpg[/img] vs. [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/MarkSmart.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/DavisNewton.jpg[/img] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Dr. Newton and Dr. Kluger vs. Lion Heart and Jerry Martin[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Not even the newly-turned-face Jerry Martin could save Lion Heart from the fans' wrath (which does bode the question; if they hate him so much, why do they like Jerry for saving him?). This might've been partly because he was absolutely knackered after this 8 minute bout. Regardless, this match turned out ok due to the presence of the Doctors, who really do need a tag team name. The Doctors won after a move Kluger has coined 'Doctor Assisted Homicide'. It's essentially Newton's First Law followed immediately by a Hypocritical Oath from the top rope. Winners: Dr. Kluger and Dr. Newton in 7:50 (E-) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/CitizenX.jpg[/img][/CENTER] Backstage, Citizen X was in his locker room, showing no signs of emotion as he taped his wrists and adjusted his knee and elbow pads. "[COLOR="Purple"]Ever since I got to the arena earlier tonight, everyone: the fans, that blonde girl, the announcers, some random guy I don't even know... they've all been asking me the same question. 'Are you John Greed's new partner?[/COLOR]'" X pondered this for a moment. "[COLOR="Purple"]It was a tough question. After some research, I discovered who this John Greed guy was. But that only made things tougher. See, as some of you know, I'm not a big fan of structure, or of organisation. I'm an Anarchist, and I don't care what your opinion is on that. But these people; the fans I met, the blonde girl, these people seem to think that I'd be associated with John Greed. So Chaos is a sin now? Anarchy is a sin? [I]Freedom[/I], is a sin? [I]Nature[/I], is a sin too?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Purple"]I'd like to see you walk up to a tree, and tell it where to shed it's leaves. Possibly cordon off a special area in the park, and mark it 'dead leaves here'. See how far that gets ya. Or tell a river that it can't flow through this area, because there are crops growing there. Maybe walk up to a lava flow, and try and halt it before it destroys the nearby town. Nature is Chaos, and Nature is the most unstoppable, most destructive, most uncontrollable force there is.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Purple"]So, America. Is [I]Mother Nature[/I] a sinner?[/COLOR]" (E) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/ShawnBradford.jpg[/img] vs. [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/CitizenX.jpg[/img] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Shawn Bradford vs. Citizen X[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] This is a match which X dominated, with Bradford just there to make up the numbers. To be fair, he is learning, and that's the point. He made X look decent, but this match was never in danger of stealing the show. X picked up the victory with a Flaming Anarchy. Winner: Citizen X in 9:40 (E-) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/ProfessorNero.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/EddieHoward.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/DCRayne.jpg[/img][/center] After Natural Storm make their entrance for their tag team match, Professor Nero grabs a microphone and hypes his team up, stating that after their loss to Wiley Coyote in January, the Storm have been training harder than ever, not just in the ring, but in the classroom. Nero has apparently taught them every trick in the book over the last two months to ensure that they not only beat Bill and Idol tonight, but will eventually conquer the entire tag team division. Fairly standard promo, really. (D-) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/BrendanIdol.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/KentuckyBill.jpg[/img] vs. [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/EddieHoward.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/DCRayne.jpg[/img] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Kentucky Bill and Brendan Idol vs. Natural Storm[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Neither of these teams really has any purpose or direction at the moment, and I think the fans picked up on that. It was down to Brendan, as the only competitor with any sort of real character at the moment, to generate all the heat for everyone as the babyface in peril. He did an adequate job, but in terms of the match Natural Storm showed off all their 'training' by isolating him for almost the entire match, including the old favourite 'let them get the tag but make sure the referee misses it so they have an excuse to make it two on one while the referee gets Bill out of the ring' spot. Eddie Howard picked up the win, causing Bill to Crash And Burn after his superhero comeback was thwarted by a double-team while Nero distracted David Poker. Winners: Natural Storm in 9:47 (E) [center]-=-[/center] On the big screen, a short video played showing a large muscular man performing various power moves in various matches. Once the action had finished, a message was displayed in a heroic, powerful font: [CENTER]"The Power Returns, Soon."[/CENTER] Backstage, Wrath stared at his TV set, though it was now blank. Greed fixed him with a worried look, as the scene faded to black. (E) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/MayhemMidden.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Ripper.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WileySteinway.jpg[/img][/center] In the ring, Mayhem Midden is standing with Ripper Reynolds, Bomber Bonham is seated at ringside and it should be noted that the seats to the left and right of him, as well as those immediately behind him, are empty. Midden, wearing a Death 'n' Taxes Motorcyle Club jacket, takes a microphone. "[COLOR="Red"]Wiley Coyote, last month we gave you a glimpse of what a real gang looks like. You ninety-nine percenters might not realise it, but some of us have a reputation to keep, and we don't take too kindly to people like you *****-footing around, trying to be like us. This is the DnT, boys, not the Harley Owners Club. If you decide you can't cut it, we understand perfectly. Won't stop us kickin' the crap out of you, but we understand. This life ain't for everyone.[/COLOR]" No response from the back, the stage remains empty and the PA system remains silent. "[COLOR="Red"]Thought so. That's why I devised a little series of tests. You boys pass even one of 'em, and we'll give you another chance to prove that you belong here, fair deal? The first test is gonna take place right here tonight, 'cause one of you is going to take on Ripper here in an arm wrestling contest![/COLOR]" The fans show their dislike for this idea, as Ripper shows off his biceps (which aren't quite Bonham-level, but are still impressive). Still no response from the back though. "[COLOR="Red"]Hey! One of you boys better get out here real soon, or we're gonna have to assume that you accept the fact that you're inferior, cowardly push-bike riders. And the consequences of that are... well, actually they're very similar. But don't you have any pride?![/COLOR]" Eventually the challenge is answered, as Wiley Coyote comes to the ring, alone and in street clothes (which for Wiley, don't exactly vary much from his ring gear). (D-) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WileySteinway.jpg[/img] vs. [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Ripper.jpg[/img] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Wiley Steinway vs. Ripper Reynolds[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]In an arm-wrestling match.[/I] Midden and Reynolds set up a table in the centre of the ring while Steinway makes his entrance, and the 6'9 giant slumps down so that his elbow rests on the marked area in the centre. After a bit of flexing and warming up, he signals his readiness to Midden, who shows Steinway to his end of the table. Wiley gets about three seconds to prepare, before Midden blows his whistle and Reynolds slams Wiley's fists into the pad so fast the New Yorker's arm almost snaps off. Reynolds grins, as the camera pans to Bomber, who's still emotionless. "[COLOR="Red"]Round one to Ripper! Round two, ready-yyy, go![/COLOR]" yells Midden, as the two men lock hands again. This time it's a lot more even. Reynolds lifts his elbow off the table slightly, but gets yelled at by Midden. Glancing up in annoyance at such fair refereering, Reynolds relinquishes a few inches to Steinway, which is all the older biker needs to press his advantage home to win the second 'fall'. When the third fall gets underway, things are a lot more serious. Several times Reynolds tries to distract his opponent, and several times Wiley just smiles at him. Reynolds even hurls a glob of phlegm at Steinway, but it misses. Eventually, when it becomes clear he's going to lose, Reynolds yanks Steinway's arm towards him, leaving Steinway sprawled over the table, and starts beating away at his head and back. The arm wrestling match officially over, Midden gets out of the way and lets the unofficial wrestling match begin. As the two competitors brawl around the ring, the camera cuts to Bomber Bonham, who gets out of his chair and starts to head to the ring. Suddenly he's set upon from behind by Coyote Dynamite, who pushes the big man over the chairs in front of him, crushing his stomach against the top of the safety railings. Dynamite hurdles the railings and drives his knee into the back of Bonham's neck, sending his bulky form crashing to the floor at ringside. Back in the ring, and it's not going so well for the babyfaces, as Steinway is being tossed around like a ragdoll. We rejoin the action just in time to see Reynolds whipping Steinway into the turnbuckle, and pounding away at his face. Ripper grabs the veteran by his hair, yelling "Killed by Death!" as he knees Steinway in the gut, links his arms under Steinway's body and lifts him up in a Jacknife Powerbomb through the table. Reynolds leaves the ring, while Midden declares him the winner of the match (with solicits even more booing from the fans), and Coyote Dynamite wisely stops his assault on Bomber Bonham to skirt around the ring and check on his partner, while Reynolds helps Bonham to the back. Winner: Officially, Wiley Steinway. But I guess it's open to interpretation. (Total match length: 12:50). (D-) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JackGriffith.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Mystery.jpg[/img][/center] Jack Griffith is backstage, no Buttercup tonight, she's probably off trying to find out whether Citizen X is actually a druid or something. Jack's here though, and he looks in good spirits. It's clear by the shadows on the wall, and the general commotion, that he's not alone in the locker room but he's the only one on screen at the moment. "[COLOR="Blue"]John Greed, damn I'm gettin' sick o' that name. Greed, last month you sprained my wrist and busted my head open. Yes, that's all ya managed to do. Did it prove anything? Nah. Did it win ya anything? Nope. Did ya, in fact, get anywhere at all? Nuh-uh. All you forced me to do, was go out and get reinforcements. See, John. Back home in Texas I was in this band, we was called Alcoholica. Yeah, get a load of that, John. We didn't care about sin, we flirted with it, I'm pretty sure Johnny and me, we slept with Sin several times. She certainly weren't a woman, now's I think about her... Anyway, the point is, we were a band. We had me on lead vocals, you know what I sung about, John? I sung about drugs, an' alcohol, an' cigarettes, and sex, an' all kinds o' stuff. We had fun in those days, John. In those days, doin' that wasn't a sin, it wasn't 'cool', it wasn't 'hip', doin' that was just what we did.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Blue"]But now you wanna make a big fuss of it, huh? Suddenly it's bad. As if liver failure and lung cancer ain't enough of a deterrent, the world needs John Greed to tell us it's bad? Well try tellin' it to this guy![/COLOR]" The camera pivots around to the other side of the room, where Nomad is shown slouched in a chair with a table in front of him. He waves to the camera in a near-comically lackadaisical fashion, and the camera turns back around. "[COLOR="Blue"]If you thought I was a sinner, John... I guess you ain't met this guy.[/COLOR]" The camera pulls back and fades to black, but not before a blonde girl (not Buttercup) is seen crawling out from under the table, giggling. (E+) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JackGriffith.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Nomad.jpg[/img] vs. [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JohnGreed.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Wrath.jpg[/img] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Jack Griffith and Nomad vs. John Greed and Wrath[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] This was... not stellar. Griffith and Wrath together is fine, but Greed and Nomad are too much of an unknown quantity to hold up their end of the deal in the main event, it appears. Still, it wasn't a disaster when you consider our New England popularity is still only F+. Nomad started with John Greed, and got the Token New Guy offence in early in the match, and the babyface tandem tried to keep Wrath out of the match as much as possible (both because he's the main threat, and because he has E+ stamina). Eventually though, the inevitable tag was made, and Griffith high-tailed it to his corner to tag in Nomad, who seemed more than happy to go toe-to-toe with the big guy. For a few minutes. Soon, the tide turned dramatically, and after a severe beating, Nomad crawled desperately to his corner. Only to discover there was nobody there. Off-camera, but definately in view of the crowd, The Heartbreakers had laid Griffith out on the concrete with a Vain Glory Opera (a Russian Legsweep from Justin, cracking Jack's back over Raphael's waiting knee. Actually quite a sick move for such a poncy arty-farty team). Nomad's fantastic facial expressions; from shock to confusion to anger to despair in quick succession, was probably one of the highlights of the match, as he slowly got to his feet, and even more slowly turned around, knowing that 6'9 of Wrath was waiting for him. The Inferno Bomb soon followed, and the three count soon after that. Winners: John Greed and Wrath in 12:57 (E+) [center]-=- [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JustinSensitive.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/Raphael.jpg[/img][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/JohnGreed.jpg[/img][/center] The Heartbreakers stopped beating down the RIPW Champion as John Greed picked up a microphone. Raphael and Justin slid into the ring, while Wrath stood guard over them like they were his newborn children. "[COLOR="Red"]Ah, I'm glad you're here. It was a wise decision. Not that it was much of a choice, eh? You see, Wrath here... he comes in many forms. Several times, Wrath is depicted as holy or righteous, and therefore is not considered a sin. Incorrectly, of course. War is sin, whichever side you fight on.[/COLOR]" He looks back to his new-found friends. "[COLOR="Red"]Envy and Pride, however. Those are much harder to deny, aren't they?[/COLOR]" He turns to Justin. "[COLOR="Red"]Pride, the original sin. The sin from which all other sins are born, in fact - if you dig deep enough. You shall serve me well.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Red"]And you,[/COLOR]" turning to Raphael, "[COLOR="Red"]you will serve me well also. You are a champion, you have youth, good looks and skill on your side, and *still* you envy your peers. You still look at them with coveting eyes, I have seen it. Like the magpie hoards her silver, even though she does not need it, so you wish to hoard power, glory and fame, though truly none of those things have worth to you either. That, my friend, is why I would not have given up on you, even if you had turned a blind eye. Which of course, given your need for power and glory, you wouldn't have dared to do.[/COLOR]" Suddenly he claps his hands, and motions to the ramp. "[COLOR="Red"]Come, friends. We have much to do![/COLOR]" (E-) [center]-=-[/center] [B]Overall:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] [I](Still 'a success', but the reality of John Greed isn't living up to where I want John Greed to be just yet. Soon, though. It is looking promising. Thanks for all the feedback so far, folks. I'm enjoying this one, hopefully it's showing; especially where certain characters are involved :p).[/I]
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[quote=Extract from “Rest In Peace, Wrestling” by JC Charles] How Mycroft managed to sit through the main event and John Greed’s subsequent promo, I’ll never know. Ever since Jack Griffith’s promo, he was almost literally hopping around the Deacon Position (the area just behind the curtains, where Pat Deacon likes to watch shows from as SWF’s head road agent) seething with rage. At the end of the show, he cut through the locker room like a fireball, only stopping to singe Shawn Bradford and demand that he meet him in his office. With a smirk of mock guilt at the boys in the locker room, Bradford followed. Up until that night, I liked to think I had no regrets. Deciding to photocopy one more booking schedule so that Death ‘n’ Taxes didn’t have to share, however, was something I regretted dearly at this point, as the door slammed behind Bradford in a way that made me doubt I could open it again even if I dared to try. I shrank back behind the photocopier and tried to avoid the worst of the blast. Nero’s voice was oddly calm, though, and that made it all the more frightening. “Would ya kindly explain to me, Shawn, what was just portrayed on my show, between that broad and Nomad?” Shawn looked unphased, in that ****y immature fashion. I knew that the hardest decision he had to make at this point was which ****y smart-assed remark would have the best effect. “And don’t try to get smart with me, Shawn. I know [i]what[/i] that was. What I don’t know, is what the [i]hell[/i] it was doing in Rhode Island Pro Rasslin’!” I thought about alerting the fire service at this point, but it’d be futile. “This is mah company, Shawn. I can have you kicked out of that door with your ass on fire just so easy as if you was Lion Heart! Don’t think that daddy is going to save ya. Sure, he might take his guys off’a my show, but I can cope without them. I have in the past, remember? You’re not ****in’ invincible, Shawn!” For his part, Bradford remained calm, and not all of it was youthful ****iness. “Anybody who’s old enough to known what it signified would be too old to be offended by it, Prof. ‘sides, it’s ‘is character. You wanted characters, right?” replied Shawn, in his rough north London accent. “I wanted reasonably family friendly entertainment, Shawn! I'm not sayin' we go so far as to censor words like 'hell' and 'damn', but Jesus Christ boy!" The irony was truly lost on Nero, as he continued, "I let you get away with the Sins gimmick, ‘cause it’s a good ‘un. And I let you add as much of this new-fangled “cult” crap, ‘cause you’re mah assistant. I even let ya have Citizen X, the very definition of ‘tweener’, cause you said it’d attract a different kind of fan to the product without isolatin’ anyone else. But ah will [i]not[/i] have sexual acts performed on mah show! Ever! Ya hear!? Pull that again, ‘n’ yer out!” “Ok, alright, I get it. I’m sorry, alright? I should’ve run it by you first. But he’s a rock star. That’s what stereotypical rock stars [i]do[/i], ain’t it? And that’s what this business is built on, ain’t it, stereotypes. Besides, USPW and… that unmentionable Chicago-based promotion, they’re doing family friendly, ain’t they? So we need something that’s our own. That’s all I was trying to do. Also, you do know they weren’t [i]actually[/i]-” Nero’s glare cut Bradford off. He smirked, and headed out of the office with a swagger as I untangled myself from the photocopier and slid out after him, leaving Nero to stew in his office.[/quote] [U]RIPW: Master Passion Greed card:[/U] Dr. Kluger vs. Lion Heart Citizen X vs. Davis Wayne Newton Nomad vs. John Greed Bomber Bonham vs. Coyote Dynamite - Mayhem Challenge Series Round Two Jack Griffith vs. Rick Sanders for the RIPW Championship.
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RIPW: Master Passion Greed card: [B]Dr. Kluger[/B] vs. Lion Heart [I]Another stop on the j.o.b. tour[/I] [B]Citizen X[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton [I]purely due to overness at this point. In a year or less it will be the other way[/I] Nomad vs. [B]John Greed[/B] [I]Gonad does the job[/I] [B]Bomber Bonham[/B] vs. Coyote Dynamite - Mayhem Challenge Series Round Two [I]Wiley Coyote get destroyed again[/I] [B]Jack Griffith[/B] vs. Rick Sanders for the RIPW Championship. [I]I'm guessing talent trade, and thus losing[/I]
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