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The Official 'Post What You're Thinking' Thread


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All academics should be put to death. Seriously, two years I've been reading the ridiculous ramblings of a bunch of umemployable eggheads giving their pointless opinions on things nobody gives a crap about. I am over it. University is ridiculous but I have put too much effort in to bail out now. So ... I am reading mountains of crap I have no interest in that is written like some perverted form of academic code created specifically to prevent dirt-poor working class dudes like me from aspiring to anything better than prison. And I am reading this tedious, long-winded and poorly-worded crap which makes up a core unit of my largely unrelated course while a tall, thin blonde girl with way lower self esteem than I girl that hot should have is practically begging me to come see her. Why does the world mock me? :(
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I just finished one of those massive jawbreakers, those ones you can't even fit in your mouth. I was like, suck on this Batch. And it was like, NO SAVE ME. And then I said in a really cool voice. IN MY MOUTH NOONE CAN HEAR U SCREAM. I still can't beleive I said that cos I had a jawbreaker in my mouth. In real life it may of sounded like, IMY Moof Noon CN Hre U Creem
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[FONT="Arial"]Thoughts.... [LIST]Why did i just put sugar in my tea when i dont take it? Im still gonna drink it though.[/LIST] [LIST][*]How come im turning down some no strings action :eek:[/LIST] [LIST][*]Should i carry on my Rank 17 Witch Hunter or change to a High Elf Sword Master on WAR[/LIST] [LIST][*]Why did Tampa Bay send me back down to the minors (saying my stats wern't good enough) when im the leading scorer on their team. More confusing was why they called me back and and sent me down [B][U]again[/U][/B] all on the same day[/LIST] and the clincher: [LIST] [*]When is it my turn [/LIST][/FONT]
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Who the hell am I to write music reviews, anyway? I can't even sing! The height of my musical career was being able to play Guitar Hero and guitar on Rock Band on Hard... and not even consistently, y'know? I can't even drum anything mroe complicated than Donkey Konga... and now I'm reviewing music? What the hell am I thinking?
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Hmm. Cool thread, firstly, I don't think that a girl putting you in the friend cattegory always means your screwed. I think maybe sometimes they call you a friend because they are afraid to make the move on you, doesn't mean they would never be interested. But yes, the attractive ones are very rarely single. What am I thinking right now? Why in the hell does our drummer book my band a gig for November 1st when he's the one that can't even keep in time?
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[QUOTE=Clarity;508266][FONT="Arial"]Thoughts.... [LIST][*]Why did Tampa Bay send me back down to the minors (saying my stats wern't good enough) when im the leading scorer on their team. More confusing was why they called me back and and sent me down [B][U]again[/U][/B] all on the same day[/LIST] [/FONT][/QUOTE] MLB 08: The Show? Had that problem with Baltimore. #3 pitcher in the AAA Norfolk line-up, 9-1 with a 1.70 ERA. Set to be the starter for the AAA All-Star game. Baltimore calls me to the majors. Two relief appearances in the bullpen, total of 4 innings of scoreless, one-hit ball. Miss the All-Star game because of this. Two days AFTER the AAA All-Star game, I get sent back to the minors. I wanted to shoot Angelos for that....
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At the moment... [LIST] [*]Why do I keep procrastinating? Oh yeah, because there is this cool game I play on the computer... [*]Peanut butter toast is extra delicious late at night, I don't know why [*]So I started back doing online dating and I already have 5 big women send me messages... wow... [*]This same dating site, which is free, hosted a profile a while ago that my friends and I joked about: A) it was a triple B, not a BBW 2) she had a picture of her in a bathing suit! It was horrifying! 12) She thought the ideal first date was an all-you-can-eat chinese buffet... that was laughtacular! [/LIST] [QUOTE=Shmoe;508293]Hmm. Cool thread, firstly, I don't think that a girl putting you in the friend cattegory always means your screwed. I think maybe sometimes they call you a friend because they are afraid to make the move on you, doesn't mean they would never be interested. But yes, the attractive ones are very rarely single.[/QUOTE] Hmmm... maybe I'm not meeting the right women?
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[QUOTE=ShadowedFlames;508378]MLB 08: The Show? Had that problem with Baltimore. #3 pitcher in the AAA Norfolk line-up, 9-1 with a 1.70 ERA. Set to be the starter for the AAA All-Star game. Baltimore calls me to the majors. Two relief appearances in the bullpen, total of 4 innings of scoreless, one-hit ball. Miss the All-Star game because of this. Two days AFTER the AAA All-Star game, I get sent back to the minors. I wanted to shoot Angelos for that....[/QUOTE]Being a brit most of the terminology flew straight over my head. I know it was about baseball but the only thing i know about that is that their is a world series, and america has the only teams in it so you win it every year
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- FIFA 09 is awesome, doing the Be a Pro mode with Quaresma is interesting. - The Portuguese squad sucks - I just realised that a person I know that has sight problems is always changing her eye color from blue to green when she's got brown eyes due to the contact lens...weird. - I can't get the "Ding fries are done" thing out of my head - Ding fries are done, ding fries are done, ding fries are done, I gotta run, I gotta run, I gotta run, I work at Burger King making double whoopers I got paper hats, would you like an apple pie with that, would you like an apple pie with that?
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[QUOTE=MVP!;508673] - Ding fries are done, ding fries are done, ding fries are done, I gotta run, I gotta run, I gotta run, I work at Burger King making double whoopers I got paper hats, would you like an apple pie with that, would you like an apple pie with that?[/QUOTE] YAY Family Guy!!! [IMG]http://www.dhadm.com/images/uploads/familyguy_ding_fires.jpg[/IMG]
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It wouldn't be me without a little MQM now, would it? [QUOTE=nZane;504033]-UT666 is a master of the understatement.[/QUOTE] That bastard stole my title! Oh well, I've got plenty more. Including The Original Magnificent Bastard! [QUOTE=nZane;504580]-Hey, Moe killed me twice![/QUOTE] I do apologise for that. To be fair though, the second time, you were scum. Besides most of my other kills didn't even go through! [QUOTE=Thomnipotent;508005]I've stolen a guy's fiancee, so hah. :cool: And I admit I'm a jerk as well, so it's okay... right?[/QUOTE] I've been there a couple of times, never fully went through with it. [QUOTE]Also, has anyone been tempted to buy a Brother brand printer? I want one solely so I can say "well let me tell you somethin'" every time it jams.[/QUOTE] And boy will it jam. And it'll run out of ink like a shot, and you have to buy all four ink cartridges if one runs out, there's no option of just having it as a B&W printer if it has colour capabilities. Pile of ****. So on to my thoughts from *before* I entered this thread... My best friend / love of my life moved back into town a couple of months ago. She's been clinically depressed, drinking excessively, cutting herself, cheated on her boyfriend... And now she's heavily crushing on my flatmate who's been a friend of both of us for four years now. I'm going ****ing crazy because I know I can't trust him. How do I know I can't trust him? Because he couldn't trust me the last time a girl was between us. I mean sure, that time it just so happened that the girl was a total whore - was cheating on her fiance with him, cheating on him with me, and then cheating on me with my brother. This is different in a number of ways, but far more painful! Every time I see her, I see essentially the opposite of what she sees when she looks at herself. She hates herself almost as much as I love her, but it's always been clear (except one drunken night) that it's never to be. ****.
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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;510055] Every time I see her, I see essentially the opposite of what she sees when she looks at herself. She hates herself almost as much as I love her, but it's always been clear (except one drunken night) that it's never to be. ****.[/QUOTE] Keep poking her with compliments and [B]making her agree with you[/B]. Start small, work your way up. If you can't be the love interest you can at least be the friend who was there when she needed you.
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[QUOTE=Astil;510068]Keep poking her with compliments and [B]making her agree with you[/B]. Start small, work your way up. If you can't be the love interest you can at least be the friend who was there when she needed you.[/QUOTE] I'm thinking Astil needs to stop being the love doctor and send out those role PMs! Not bad advice, though. Admittingly, however, I once took that exact same approach and eventually my friendship with the girl who was always down on herself but super awesome in my eyes eventually imploded. Only be the friend who's there for her if that is what you want. If you secretly want to still be with her, it could end up being problematic. But hey, the girl in my scenario was bat**** insane, so maybe you don't have to worry as much about that X factor. Still, doesn't really hurt to try. Either you become super best friends, she eventually realizes that you're the guy she needs, or everything goes to hell. Hopefully A or B will pan out. If not... blame Astil! Good luck. :)
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;510073]I'm thinking Astil needs to stop being the love doctor and send out those role PMs! Not bad advice, though. Admittingly, however, I once took that exact same approach and eventually my friendship with the girl who was always down on herself but super awesome in my eyes eventually imploded. Only be the friend who's there for her if that is what you want. If you secretly want to still be with her, it could end up being problematic. But hey, the girl in my scenario was bat**** insane, so maybe you don't have to worry as much about that X factor. Still, doesn't really hurt to try. Either you become super best friends, she eventually realizes that you're the guy she needs, or everything goes to hell. Hopefully A or B will pan out. If not... blame Astil! Good luck. :)[/QUOTE] Hey, to be fair I was only expecting 36. Making 4 extra super creative roles is hard, even with d dub dub helping (thanks again). Probably tomorrow I'll send them out. Also, I'll take the blame, I'm what, on the other side of the world from Moe. Also, mine didn't work so well once because she was a skeezy ho-bag. But because of that I'm back with Orange-kun, so yay!
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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;510055]My best friend / love of my life moved back into town a couple of months ago. She's been clinically depressed, drinking excessively, cutting herself, cheated on her boyfriend... [/QUOTE] Give her the Stern Warning. >_>
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