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The Flu


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Do you, Did you or do you think you will have the flu this season?


I am living with a lady that works in retail. She never seems to get sick.


Instead, she comes home tells us about this lady/gentleman that was so sick in the store today. 4-5 days latter her husband is sick, and he is one of these people who won't admit he's sick till it knocks him on his ass, so he touches everything and cleans nothing. Then a week latter I get sick.


I am getting tired of this vicious cycle! he has the flu this week, and I got back from vacation on Monday, and the house just smelled like the flu. I think he was finally over it new years day, but now I'm feeling like crap and my gut is doing th e hula-hoop.


So my question. why the crap won't sick people just stay in bed? my guess is that is where I get to spend the weekend. and if i wake up full on sick, you better believe that is where I will be!

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I've never had a flu shot, and I've only had to deal with the flu once.


Considering that meant I got to lay in bed all day with a puppy curled up on me, I say it was worth it.


Well, that part was... the whole "various fluids flowing endlessly from both ends" part wasn't too fun.


But laying around, watching TV, with a puppy using me as its personal heater... well, that was an enjoyable change of pace.

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As someone who has a naturally crap immune system, I've spent my life hoping that sick bastards would just stay home in bed instead of wandering around spreading their disease .... because I seemed to catch everything and have it twice as long as everyone else which really made life a bit damn difficult.


Never had a flu shot. My uncle had a flu shot though, then promptly got the flu. He's dead now.


I found a good way to avoid the flu was to workout like a psycho thus making yourself super healthy, eat right, not drink, avoid sick people, not have a girlfriend, not work in retail or any other job that brings you in contact with the general public, avoid public transport if possible, wash your hands constantly, sleep plenty, avoid stress and threaten with violence anyone who attempts to bring sickness in your general direction.


It might sound excessive, but to me it's almost worth it.

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Never had a flu shot. My uncle had a flu shot though, then promptly got the flu. He's dead now.


threaten with violence anyone who attempts to bring sickness in your general direction.


hmm note to self stay away from BH willing to kill his own Uncle to stay healthy.


Sorry to hear about your uncle, did he actually DIE FROM the FLU or was that just an interesting fact?

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I found a good way to avoid the flu was to workout like a psycho thus making yourself super healthy, eat right, not drink, avoid sick people, not have a girlfriend, not work in retail or any other job that brings you in contact with the general public, avoid public transport if possible, wash your hands constantly, sleep plenty, avoid stress and threaten with violence anyone who attempts to bring sickness in your general direction.


It might sound excessive, but to me it's almost worth it.


I'm like... the exact opposite of that and haven't had a sick day in forever. Sure, I'm lazy and make sure I get plenty of sleep, but I think that's what makes me so excellently immune to the worst of stuff. That... and flu shots, which I get every year because I'm diabetic....


Actually, I'm not really healthy at all now that I think of it. But I never let illness get in the way of me, be it work or play. Was almost a year ago the last time I was laid out with anything (no idea how lonw before that) and I still made it to my job interview that day. Never got the job, but I tried. :)

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hmm note to self stay away from BH willing to kill his own Uncle to stay healthy.


Sorry to hear about your uncle, did he actually DIE FROM the FLU or was that just an interesting fact?


No, I just threw that in to boost my argument against flu shots despite it being pretty much unrelated.


Also Derek B, you sound like one of THEM! One of those people who spreads their illness around and tries to deny that you even have it. Now you just stay right there in Scotland if you know what's good for you. :p

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YOU WUSS!!!!!!! :p sorry I had to do that lol anyway you should. are you afraid of needles?


afraid is an interesting word. when they are absolutely necessary I deal with them. surgery....um vaccinations...emergency room visits



but voluntarily, no going to happen. the above needs have never worked quite right.


I had a splinter up my finger nail, the ER doctor said i shouldn't feel anything but hadn't waited long enough before ripping off my whole finger nail. then the adrenaline pumped the rest of it away, he did not believe me an I passed out from the pain of them pulling the splinter out of the bone.


I had one of those required shots right before I went off to college, he gave it to me and I lost control of my bowels on the walk from the room to clinic front door and had to go home in a diaper. :rolleyes:


Can't say I've woken up durring surgery, but that's a little needle, and the guy has lots of time to prepare and do it right, so here's crossing my fingers on that one.


Sister gave blood, and that almost killed her, they put the needle in wrong, blocked the blood flow and the vessel burst, and it was one of those red cross vans, so they had to rush her to the hostpital cause the bleeding wouldn't stop. (I over dramatize, she lost less blood then she was about to donate but still!)


So in general I just steer clear of the deceptive little bastartds. :D

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No, I just threw that in to boost my argument against flu shots despite it being pretty much unrelated.


Also Derek B, you sound like one of THEM! One of those people who spreads their illness around and tries to deny that you even have it. Now you just stay right there in Scotland if you know what's good for you. :p


Oh, I most definitely am one of them. While I'm willing to admit I'm lazy, when I'm ill the last thing I want to do is sit around and wallow in feeling bad. I never call in sick, I figure if I'm going to feel like crap then I'm going to do it no matter where I am, so I might as well get paid for doing it.


As for needles, I don't have a problem with them in regards to me. I inject 4 times a day (usually) because of my diabetes so I've been used to them for a while... but at the same time, I can't watch injections on TV cos they gross me out. There's just something about watching other people get injections that freaks me out. Though the sight of blood doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother me much.


I admit... I'm an odd guy sometimes. :)

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I've never had flu as I understand it. I've had heavy colds, and now I'm married I tend to actually take the odd day off rather than just gut it out.


I tend to have a very strong immune system, although I've always been prone to throat infections, and more recently stomach bugs - the norovirus has been floating around the UK for the last year or so and I've had it twice.


I find that when people I know have flu (as my wife did a few months back) then I seem to get a symptom. Last time it was an ear infection that hung around for the best part of a month, giving me random dizzy spells. That was... uncomfortable.

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Wife started getting sick Christmas Eve. Was pretty much bedridden until Monday/Tuesday. Son got a fever Tuesday night, was fine Wednesday morning. I felt fine until I got to work on Wednesday, and my co-workers could tell I was 'out of it'. I'm home sick today... actually, just woke up an hour ago (4pm, for those keeping track) after going to bed at a normal hour.


So I can say for sure that the flu we have is either a) not the kind the flu shot stops, or b) is strong enough that a flu shot only delays it somewhat...

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Can't do needles,


Friends brother died after an air bubble was injected right into his vein.


They took him into surgery but he had a stroke or something and had two minutes awake (thank god his family were there to say goodbye) before he hit the bullet.


The doctor, turns out, had been done for malpractice seven times, and was working while his liscence was revoked. It made the news and everything.


Horrible stuff.


Thank god I won't need another injection for eight years. I had em all while I was a baby.


But, if I were given the choice, I'd have the flu injection.


It's just a freak incident, that shouldn't stop you doing it.


It's like a guy dies when he breaths wrong. You still keep breathing.


And my mums a phlobotomist, with extra qualifications so she can also give injections, so I know I'm in safe hands.

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No needles, period!



So being in the Army I get the flu vaccine every year. I'm not sure if it's just an army thing or new technology but it's not in shot form any more. These days they just have you sniff up some mist and the vaccine enters your body that way.

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