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~2002 Official Release~

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Version 1.1

Start Date: April 2002




Data: http://rapidshare.com/files/193775598/2002.zip

People Pic Pack: http://rapidshare.com/files/191388307/People.zip

Others Pick Pack: http://rapidshare.com/files/191892811/2002_Pic_Pack.zip

Title Screen: (Credit to Idolized) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OMBYYKT2


As always available (very soon) on http://Bobinc.net

We heavily suggest using all the pic packs, the people file will take a little while to download but we're only short around 90 workers which we'll try and fill for V2. We spent quite some time comprising the pics to fit the time. Hopefully we'll have a title screen very soon which I'll include here. I didn't want to hold off release just for that.


Promotions: 26 (6 to Debut)

Workers: 1,121 (112 to Debut)

Teams: 163

Locations: 1,531

Alter Egos: 90

Dojos: 27

Dojo Graduates: 81

Start Injuries: 13



The Story So Far.....



North America


With the territory system a distant memory the pro wrestling scene in North America has just emerged from it's latest war for dominance. Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Federation is once again the only sizable promotion left when the dust has settled, not only winning the war but buying his two biggest competitors WCW and ECW. However the subsequent dream Invasion angle that many a wrestling fan had salivated over for decades was booked terribly and dead in the water within 6 months of starting. Now with a massive roster, McMahon has announced a brand split to take place on the next broadcast of Monday Night RAW.


Out of the ashes of Extreme Championship Wrestling a promotion called Ring Of Honor has been born, hoping to capture the huge underground market left vacant by ECW's demise. There are also rumours circulating that once Jeff Jarrett has returned from his latest Australian tour with WWA he will be creating his own company in the style of the defunct WCW.




Rocked by the death of Giant Baba in 1999, the Japanese wrestling scene is still feeling the effects of one of it's true legends passing. The founder of All Japan Pro Wrestling Giant Baba left the ownership of the company to his widow Motoko Baba and had Mitsuharu Misawa appointed as president. However, disheartened with Motoko Baba's proposed direction for the company, Misawa would depart the promotion in May of 2000 to form a new promotion called Pro Wrestling Noah. With Misawa followed all but two native stars (Masanobu Fuchi and Toshiaki Kawada being the only hold-outs), and is considered to be one of the biggest exoduses of talent in the sport's history.

Recently the two promotions have made amends though and there are even talks of a working talent trade agreement.


New Japan Pro Wrestling continues it's reign as the number one company in Japan. While Antonio Inoki's booking the past few years seems to be slipping the NJPW name is still considered the most prestigious in the country. The recent influx of MMA crossover stars has spiked ratings for New Japan but many experts have expressed their concern it could do irreparable harm to the product, especially the fact that more and more NJPW stars are trying their hand in an MMA ring.




The 90's witnessed Mexico robbed of it's greatest lucha's to the lure of North American money. As WCW and WWF signed hot prospect after prospect, Mexico's two biggest mainstay promotion's CMLL and AAA watched as their rosters were stripped almost bare. Now in the early 2000's both company's have put their future in the hands of young workers and have seen an immediate impact. Large crowds have started to return to events and new stars are being born again. Having learned the lessons of the past Mexican Luch Libre is looking to return to the forefront of professional wrestling.




It's glory years long gone Australian wrestling returned with a massive bang in the late 90's. Coinciding with the introduction of cable TV in the country the Monday Night Wars drew Aussie wrestling fans back to the sport in droves.


With WWF's RAW already one of the highest rated shows on cable many local promoters and businessmen have looked to capitilise on it's success. The most prominent being multimillionaire Andrew McManus, having found some backers the Sydney local has set up World Wrestling All Stars. A touring Sports Entertainment style company looking to bring in the biggest stars it can find.




Big Thanks To:

Adam Ryland

BETA testers (You know who you are! )




King Fenoli


Phil Parent

Properly Promoted Crew


Tommy Tomlin

Anyone I forgot sorry!


Feedback is welcome, please remember stats are subjective. Post any missing pics you have in this thread. Enjoy :)


*Please before commenting though keep in mind we made this with C-Verse very much in mind, TEW '08 is the best but also hardest game in the series*


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Whew that draft took a while. Assigning everyone to brands through the brand split takes waaaaay too long. The thing I don't like is that you select someone to a brand and it takes you all the way back up to the top. I'd like there to just be a button on the roster overview or something.
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Whew that draft took a while. Assigning everyone to brands through the brand split takes waaaaay too long. The thing I don't like is that you select someone to a brand and it takes you all the way back up to the top. I'd like there to just be a button on the roster overview or something.


I think there's a suggestion in the suggestion forums for it already.


We'll be releasing an alt version soon with the brand split done but we wanted to let the player make the split.

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I think there's a suggestion in the suggestion forums for it already.


We'll be releasing an alt version soon with the brand split done but we wanted to let the player make the split.


Yeah, because of the brand split taking so long, and having to book soooo many shows in a week... I made a user character with a great rep, and simmed until TNA starts up.


Ole Double J gave me a job... trying to build the roster now. Hall, Sting, and Goldberg turned me down. At least Shamrock said yes.

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Bit of coincidental trivia for any Aussies playing this. If you have Foxtel there's a documentary airing right now on BBC Knowledge (ch. 619) called "Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends". The doco is about porn but the guy the reporter (Louis) is talking with most the time is Rob Black, Xtreme Pro Wrestling owner. He's a porn producer now :D
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Bit of coincidental trivia for any Aussies playing this. If you have Foxtel there's a documentary airing right now on BBC Knowledge (ch. 619) called "Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends". The doco is about porn but the guy the reporter (Louis) is talking with most the time is Rob Black, Xtreme Pro Wrestling owner. He's a porn producer now :D


Was then too, right? Always has been always will be.

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After a heavy night of drinking i come here and find this baby released!!


Thanks carlito now i can start playing TEW 2008!!


Most amazing mod ..My favourite wrestlers are here .. The Rock and Steve AUstin yes baby!!:))


Pity they will have to be in WCW with me cuz WWE is too boring to play :))

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Either Carlito is partial to a bit of Slyck Wagner Brown, or there was a bit of an oversight because he is in the game twice, stranely enough with slightly different stats and at a different weight...


EDIT: Zach Gowen is also set to Retired Wrestler, is this intentional so that he can only be used in an occassional role?

Also, why are Billy & Chuck already on RAW? I don't mind, just seems like a bit of a strange one...

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Adam Sandler has JBL's moveset, and i believe there was another avatar with Aja Kong's moveset, not a big deal as they wont affect the game just thought you show know.


Cant Cary Silkin be ROH Owner, didnt he own half of ROH with Feinstein any way, it just makes me not want to be ROH because of him being the owner, at least if he is a roster member i can fire him and atleast pretend i bought his share.

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After taking a deper look i have few remarks


1st: Bret Hart is missing few stats I belaive because no way he has 0 in Athetlism Selling , Flashiness and few other statistics.


If you make him wrestler and put him in a match he will for sure make the worst match ever with 0 in some of the vital statistics.



Also the major thing that really is missing is the potential stats for 99 percent of the wrestlers.


Even the legends of the wrestling have no potential stats..

How hard is to put The Rock as Excellent and Steve Austin..


Also I beliave wrestlers who really become stars and improve over the years after 2002 should have high potential stats.Bassicly right now guys like Batista/Orton/Cena may never develop if the game puts them in Mediocre potential.

This should be fixed it can make the game really a failure for some people when the dont check the stats in the editor and try to get Cena or Orton over and they simply refuse to improve :).


Also Bob Sapp 0 sex appeal its not right. I know he is not brad pitt but 0 is making him like the ugliest guy in the world

Dan Severn= 0 microphone

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The potential stat for wrestlers like Austin and Rock is pointless, as they have already peaked. I'd definitely add the potential stat for wrestlers who have improved significantly since 2002 (Orton, Batista, Cena, Styles, Joe, Daniels, Harris etc etc etc).


A few other things, mainly about low overness:


- Billy Silverman got sacked a few weeks after Invasion, he wasn't on the roster in 2002.


- I'd bump Jericho's overness up slightly, he had just main-evented Wrestlemania. 2002 was his peak of overness, though no doubt it took a drop during the Mania build-up when Steph made him walk her dog.


- Batista has 0 overness in a lot of places, which isn't accurate. He's on the cusp of debuting in the WWF, that entitles you to an automatic 40 in my book.


- Chuck Palumbo 63, Billy Kidman 50? I'd maybe switch those ones.


- MR PERFECT AT 65?!!! 70+. Immediately. Finlay at 38 is a little low too, especially if you want to get the ball rolling on his return.


- D'Lo at 48? He should be in the Al Snow level of overness, bump him up to 58.


- Eddie and the Dudleyz are a bit low too, I'd be thinking the 75 range for these guys. The Dudz overness peaked in 2001 but they're still over, and Eddie always had a connection with the crowd.


- Jeff Hardy at 69 is pretty low considering his overness. I'd even put him closer to 80. Same with Rikishi at 60, he was nowhere near his overness peak of 2000 (80ish) but still closer to 70. He was a solid mid-card act. At the moment you're saying Albert is more over.


- Mike Awesome is odly low too. I think you need to set a benchmark for Alliance guys, and Awesome had quite a bit of exposure. I think 38 is way too low for him. Same with Raven at 52.


- Okay. Ric Flair at 82. Who do I have to murder?


- RVD at 77!! He was on the cusp of superstardom, even though they didn't pull the trigger on it during the Alliance angle, the guy is one of the most over faces in the company. 80+.


- Tajiri at 51!! Aah! 70! 70! He was HUGELY over for a lower card guy.



Overall the mod looks great, but I think you guys need to take into account that despite ****ing up the Invasion angle, the WWF had the single greatest assortment of talent in wrestling history. The overness of their workers should reflect that.

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* We purposely toned the Japanese workers stats as some of us felt they were too high and we were tired of puro workers sweeping all the awards. We knew some puro fans would think they were underrated but it was a choice we made for the good of the mod. We have tried bringing in puro mod makers to help but in the past it caused more trouble then it was worth.


* Billy & Chuck are the only one's drafted because they were usually split up and the tag titles would sit stagnant for a year.


* We asked the forum what they'd prefer when it comes to potential. We actually had them all set but went back and set them all too random. We think it's funner this way and adds to the surprise value.


* The overness stats were very well thought out and edited to fit C-Verse as close as possible. Jeff Hardy for example going to 80 would make him a main eventer, which he was not. I'm sorry if some feel overness is too low but we feel we have it right.


* If you're comparing this to other mods as far as stats and overness goes it will seem we've been very harsh but it was made with the C-Verse vey much in our minds.


* There is an editor :)

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I cant say The Rock has peaked at 28 he can still improve a lot and he would have if he remained in wrestling after 2002.


I was thinking if they are set to low potential and despit ehaving huge stats wont it affect their performance.For example Lex Luger had low potential but he managed to get over and then lost it because he was not good enough and did not have the potential to keep it?


Also I belaive WWE should have more over they are like 82 83 in USA ..Come even the alliance angle was not really good they have the hugest stars and just bought the competition I beliave they should be around 92/93 or even more.



I just looked around bassicly not a single wrestler has his potential set..The only exception that i saw were Brock Lesnar and Trish Stratus:).



Other few things I noticed. By doing search for available talent there is like 1 or two wrestlers that have brawl plus C+..I beliave there sohuld be more.


Also like 90 percent of the Japanase wrestlers are active in USA and they dont speak english. When I try to find good wrestlers I usually find one or two USA guys and 5 japanases next to them

I am not a real wrestling specialist and not sure about how to put star quality stats but there are exactly 4 wrestling under the age of 27 that have Star Quality set as B+ .. THe other workers that have it are 3 women Torrie/Trish/Stacy..


It makes it really hard to find a decent guy under 30 to push him to main event spot.



P.S Please dont take it that I am whining hte Mod is great and i will play only this mod but i feel there is some work to be done.


P.S.S Just read your post about potential.Yeah ok u say u want to be funnier but really the major stars right now should have their potential set and also the major up and commers .

It wont be fun to see Aj Styles / Cena/Orton/Batista/Samoa Joe to drop to some indy federation because potential did a bad joke on them.

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No Great Sasuke? :eek: Or am I just missing him somewhere?


Zero One's roster is pretty minimal and pretty much made up of US workers which is a shame considering how well fleshed out the other promotions are.


Claudio Castagnoli is Swiss not French


There is only one t in "Pitbull" as far as I know.


Also the lack of charisma/mic skills for most mexican workers reminds me of EWR mods from ye olde days. Anyone who doesn't recognize the charisma of Shocker or Brazo de Plata is not paying attention.


With a bit more work this could be an awesome mod, at the moment I'd rate it as a good start for a heavily US based mod. It is in dire need of Toryumon though!

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With a bit more work this could be an awesome mod, at the moment I'd rate it as a good start for a heavily US based mod. It is in dire need of Toryumon though!


Dire need :D I'm not sure everyone feels the dire need for puro in the mod but we appreciate the feedback.


Loads more people play U.S based feds as they do Jap or Mexican, so we spent loads more time on what we felt was important. Feel free to add them to your data though :)

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