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Chris Jericho in Altercation with Fan


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But we do know what happened in the sense that the situation could have been avoided completely if he had just drove off. My bar scenario was a better example because not everyone was there to bash on Jericho maybe 2 or three people. It is clear that there a few people asking for autographs and pictures. We do not know why the woman did what she did or what made her so angry....However we do know that Jericho attempted to hit her...It is clear that only the woman and her b/f or brother who was with her were the only ones trying to do anything. Everyone else was just standing around....So to use your example Chris wouldn't be correct. this will be my last post until or if ever the true story comes out.
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But we do know what happened in the sense that the situation could have been avoided completely if he had just drove off. My bar scenario was a better example because not everyone was there to bash on Jericho maybe 2 or three people. It is clear that there a few people asking for autographs and pictures. We do not know why the woman did what she did or what made her so angry....However we do know that Jericho attempted to hit her...It is clear that only the woman and her b/f or brother who was with her were the only ones trying to do anything. Everyone else was just standing around....So to use your example Chris wouldn't be correct. this will be my last post until or if ever the true story comes out.


We also know that she jumped on the vehicle making it impossible for him to "drive away". Or at least we know that as much as anything else.;)

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Except. You missed the part where there were 30+ people blocking his vehicle's path, which is what started the situation to begin with.


I can use a strawman argument too, to make a point about self-defense. Say, there's a woman larger than you that walks up to you. She pushes you for no apparent reason. What are you going to do? This is a woman that is larger, and stronger than you - and it is pretty obvious she's not going to talk with you. She's angry at you, and she wants some sort of recourse. Are you just going to let her beat you?


In another example, a woman smaller than you walks over and pushes you. You're going to ignore that one aren't you? Because you think she poses no physical threat to you, of course. It's a matter of perception.


The general reaction to a woman being hit by a male is a violent one by other males. It comes from the whole instincts things we have in the back of our head. Violence begets more violence, that much is true. But, when you're face with a violent situation - you have to protect yourself or you could be seriously injured. He could have been in this situation.


Jericho reacted like a human being backed into a corner normally does. I do not blame him for what happened. Though, as a general rule of thumb, violence is not an acceptable thing. There -are- times when it is necessary though. Some people seem to want to remain pacifist in any situation, hoping to ride it out, but sometimes you can't let people push you around.


I don't care that this was Chris Jericho, or any sort of celebrity. I would be behind the one who was mobbed no matter who it was.

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Except. You missed the part where there were 30+ people blocking his vehicle's path, which is what started the situation to begin with.


I can use a strawman argument too, to make a point about self-defense. Say, there's a woman larger than you that walks up to you. She pushes you for no apparent reason. What are you going to do? This is a woman that is larger, and stronger than you - and it is pretty obvious she's not going to talk with you. She's angry at you, and she wants some sort of recourse. Are you just going to let her beat you?


In another example, a woman smaller than you walks over and pushes you. You're going to ignore that one aren't you? Because you think she poses no physical threat to you, of course. It's a matter of perception.


The general reaction to a woman being hit by a male is a violent one by other males. It comes from the whole instincts things we have in the back of our head. Violence begets more violence, that much is true. But, when you're face with a violent situation - you have to protect yourself or you could be seriously injured. He could have been in this situation.


Jericho reacted like a human being backed into a corner normally does. I do not blame him for what happened. Though, as a general rule of thumb, violence is not an acceptable thing. There -are- times when it is necessary though. Some people seem to want to remain pacifist in any situation, hoping to ride it out, but sometimes you can't let people push you around.


I don't care that this was Chris Jericho, or any sort of celebrity. I would be behind the one who was mobbed no matter who it was.


I agree completely.


Personally I would have lost it long before Chris Jericho did. If I was cornered by a mob of people and I felt physically threatened I would do whatever I thought was necessary to protect myself.

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Actually,now that I have watched the video a few time,I think I have a better question: Why did security let this thing escalate so far before stepping in? By the time the video cuts in they are obviously either on site or near enough to see what is going on as Jericho is calling for them to "come do their jobs"......If anything I am beginning to think the onus of blame lies with them for failing to take control of an obviously escalating situation they were aware of.
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Actually,now that I have watched the video a few time,I think I have a better question: Why did security let this thing escalate so far before stepping in? By the time the video cuts in they are obviously either on site or near enough to see what is going on as Jericho is calling for them to "come do their jobs"......If anything I am beginning to think the onus of blame lies with them for failing to take control of an obviously escalating situation they were aware of.

The blame does lie with security for not doing their job sooner, in my opinion. According to reports and the videos, they just sat around watching as this whole thing went on.

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The blame does lie with security for not doing their job sooner, in my opinion. According to reports and the videos, they just sat around watching as this whole thing went on.


Apparently, Jericho's car wasn't the first, or only car they mobbed either. Which just makes security look that much worse.

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Maybe they thought it was a wrestling angle? The last ever angle Gabe was in charge of in ROH was a fight, after the show, in the parking lot. The authorities were called, and it was an angle. The cops didn't know. They thought it was for real. They should really consider having an exit just for the talent, where fans can't get beyond a certain point.
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I've been in martial arts classes all my life, a lot of them where I was the only guy. Don't underestimate the strength, speed and tenacity of women. You'll get laid out by a girl just as fast as you will a guy. If he just hit her once and laid her out that's self defense and she shouldn't have tried to hit him. I mean obviously this girl is crazy, she jumped on his car, there is no telling what she is or is not capable of and if there was any question about my own physical well being I would have laid her out too. Just because your a woman doesn't mean you can't inflict physical damage and it doesn't make you more fragile either. I have the same rule for women as I do for men if I can incapacitate you without hurting you I'll try if not you're going down. I case of group combat seeing as he was surround the rule is take out as many of them as fast as you can until they back down or you get overwhelmed.
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Just to give further evidence to Apu's case, one of my female friends is a high level judo competitor who almost went to the Commonwealth games before injury hit her... she's hot, about 5'3" and could probably throw me and make me tap before I realised I'd done something wrong if that's what she wanted to do.


The whole "don't hit girls" thing is a strangely sexist notion that persists to this day. "Don't hit anyone" is the way it should be, with self defense being applied to anyone who violates that rule, irrespective of gender, size, age, colour etc....

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don´t hit girls comes from the time when violance to get your way or to win arguments was more acceptable and at the same time women led more sheltered lives etc etc. Plenty of examples of women warriors who would kick your ass even in the old days. Amazons anyone or Lesbos. It will always carry an extra onous as its something like hitting a disabled. Doesnt matter if the disabled guy is a black belt etc. In jerichos defence again he doesnt see its a girl, its more a turn and shove then closed fisted punch. He hits her in the face by accident. She is not knocked out!
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I was talking to a friend about Chris today because it doesn't seem like anything is going to happen to him


and I said that was fine with me because Chris has busted his *** to make the fans happy and does everything he can to sign stuff for the fans and since this is the first time that I have ever heard of him doing anything bad I was okay with it


And he flipped on me and says no he did a bad thing and he should be suspended

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and WWE has been going pg for almost a year now and they still did the Jericho hitting Michaels' wife even though that was different from this one


I think the WWE is going PG more so in their TV programming versus their PPV programming. While their PPV's are still not as rough, violent, controversial as before... It still seems to be a step towards more riskier action than what is seen on TV.

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