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NEO: From The Bottom Up (C-Verse)

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I've been feeling a bit burned out with my current NYCW '97 diary, so I decided to start up a side project that I've been meaning to do for a while. It's not going to be the most original or detailed diary in the forums (or even diaries I've had before), but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway.


Now you might be wondering now what exactly this diary is going to be about. Well, to be as to the point as possible, this is going to be a 0/0/0 challenge. That is to start a promotion with no popularity, no prestige, and no money. To make it a bit more challenging for myself, I am using The Grand Avatar and will imposing a rule that I must hire non-staff personal instead of using wrestlers as color commentators or road agents (though if a non-wrestler can pull double duty than so be it).


To be totally honest, I'm not sure exactly of the style of presentation I am going to use for this diary, however what I do know is that I going to be looking at this more from a gaming perspective than an in-game characterization. Mainly this choice is because it would be self defeating for me to write it in the same manor as my other diary of which I am taking a mini-break from. I was hoping to spark up some dialogue in the same vein as the tip threads in the main TEW forum and turn this diary into a mini-tip thread of it's own for newer players.



Summary of Rules:

• No popularity

• No prestige

• No money

• Must use The Grand Avatar

• Must use road agents and color commentators


Up Next: Starting up the Promotion

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Starting Up The Promotion

Game Date: Monday, Week 1, January 2008


Ok, before I get into creating the promotion, I've got to take a few minutes to mention a diary that have given me the idea for this diary (or would that be sentences since this is written?). D-Lyrim's Lethal Dosage Wrestling: The Challenge. It's from what I remember, the first 0/0/0 challenge game and was one of the fathers of the quirky "Comedy" promotion diaries that we have enjoyed for the past couple of years. In fact, that diary was the inspiration for one of my own diaries , a game in which I started out with 0 pop, 0 prestige touring promotion. However, I also had one million dollars and my avatar was James Heatly, a self created user character that is also in Sebsplex's genius mod, GDS-Verse (hire me! ;)). On an interesting side note, mistaken's Money to Burn: 1 year of Wrestling! has taken this idea to it's fullest length and is running an interesting diary in which a promotion is running events for a full year game time.





Time to get back on topic. Ok, for those of you that haven't created a startup promotion in TEW there are really two ways to do so. One way is to add the company into the database. This is way is fun because then you can also give yourself an owner, adding more challenges via owner goals. However, for this diary I am going with starting up a promotion in-game. To do this you need to start with an avatar with at least a high in reputation. This leaves us with two choices:



Jack Avatar and The Grand Avatar


For this game, I am using The Grand Avatar for the extra challenge and because Jack Avatar is pretty much Jesus. The guy is great in the ring and on the mic, has 50% popularity everywhere, and since he's "you," the guy works for free. The only thing he can't do is announce.



Now that we picked out a way to enter the promotion, it's time to do the fun stuff, picking out the details of said promotion. First of all, we have the name, abbreviation, logo, and location. As some of you might have guessed I am going with the name NEO Championship Wrestling (the same promotion name from a past diary and also name of my promotion from the 2008 C-Verse Draft which was run by sabataged. As for the logo, I will be using the same logo I created last year for the other NEO diary:




Finally, I am going to location this promotion in the Great Lakes as I live in Michigan and because you are initially strapped for cap you are going to want a large base of workers who won't be demanding travel expenses.


After picking out the basics, it's time to create the product. There isn't really a wrong product (besides not matching the Danger and Intensity sliders to the rest of your product), so I'll show show you what my product is for this game:




This product will have our ratings be rated equally on performance and popularity, while still being very favorable to getting sponsorship (not to mention when the time comes, favorable to getting TV and PPV deals). Also, this product will allow for most workers to get over without too much trouble.


Finally, set the level of difficult to Rock Hard. This will give us a local sized promotion with $2,500 and 10% pop in your home region. This isn't exactly want but since it gives us a local sizes company it's the best choice because it won't give as a lovely new item about the company dropping in size once we edit everything to 0s in the editor.


Up Next: Setting up financials and hiring workers

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Setting up financials and hiring workers


Setting up financials and hiring workers

Game Date: Tuesday, Week 1, January 2008


After simming the first day (old habit due to an old bug that would lock the game), it's time to look at the US economy:


Economy: C+ (rising); Wrestling Industry: D+ (falling)


To be honest, I barely look at these factors because I am usually very safe with my promotion's money and because I usually play with promotions that get a good amount of money per month in revenue depression or not.


After taking a look at the economy, I do what most people do at the start of their games, change the production system from Conservative to Just In Time and bump up the ticket prices by $4 (thank Ryland for the change all slider).


Since I like getting rid of the Extreme Eye notices as soon as possible, I also made created the promotion's top title. Thanks to Reaper, there are good number of rendered titles to choose from:




With a small roster really only need one belt so I decided on using the NEO Generation belt. It was probably meant to be a midcard title, but just looks so good. I'm using it anyway. :p


With all that done, it's finally time to put offers to workers. For the ease of this diary, I am just going to make offers to the non-workers. Once I sign them, then I'll fill out the roster.






Game Date:Thursday, Week 1


I wasn't planning on posting a lot of non-NEO stuff unless one of you guys wanted to know something, but after seeing this I had to post it.


Giant Redwood wins USPW National title from Nicky Champion. I repeat: Giant Redwood wins USPW National title from Nicky Champion!


God, I love the AI. ;)






Game Date: Saturday, Week 1


I got a little lucky in that all three of the people I wanted showed up first and all on the same day. Here's who I signed:


Martin Theocott for $250



Martin is pretty much the bottom of the barrel in terms of "quality" announcing, but for now he's perfectly fine. This is because while Theocott's D rating in announce isn't good, it's still better than the match ratings of the first couple of month anyway.


Reese Paige for $450



Reese Paige looks like she's too expensive for this challenge, but thanks to her ability to double as a color commentator she really is quite a steal. With a bit of luck, she can be your road agent and or color commentator for a very long time.


Jonathan Taylor for $200



He's a solid indy ref that cost less than Matin Theocott! As an added bonus, he can double as an interviewer or could be used in some angles if I so needed.


After signing the trio, assigning my pushes, and setting Theocott and Paige as my announcers, it's time start signing some wrestlers. :D


Up Next: Signing actual wrestlers!

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Actually when I asked for the NEO belts, I was planning on having the Generation NEO belt brought in as either a main event tournament or a main event belt to challenge the world belt, so you have the right idea ;)


Looks good, always fun seeing if you can build from the ground up.

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Signing the wrestlers


Signing the wrestlers



Game Date: Thursday, Week 2, January 2008

Today's signings




It's always nice to get two of your aces right on the first day. Almost didn't want to sign Smith as he's over played, but he's just so damn talented. The guy can't put on a bad match. Sayeed Ali is another talented worker in the indies and unlike Smith has recently only been used in 4C diaries. An added bonus is that the Great Lakes region is a spill over for 4C's home region, Ontario. Along with my top draws are PSW's Brimstone and Quest member, Fearless Blue. Fearless Blue is promising high flyer who is a great athlete and by some small miracle knows how to sell. Brimstone on the other hand is an oddity. He's a lightweight, high flying psychopath. And he has a pretty good look to him (picture, not in game).





Game Date: Friday, Week 2, January 2008

Today's signing




Not as big as the previous day, but still some good stuff here. Xavier Reckless, like his fellow Quest member Fearless Blue, is a nice prospect with solid performance skills, physical skills, and most importantly, entertainment skills. The American Flash is a solid rookie high flyer from CZCW and like Fearless Blue can sell a little bit. Finally, there is Mad Dog Mortimer. Yeah, there really isn't a good reason game-wise why I should have hired him. Actually, I lied. He's a prefect jobber because of his high grades in safety, consistency, and selling and he's really fun to write for.




Game Date: Wednesday, Week 3, January 2008

Today's signings




Filling out the roster are MAW's Jefferson Stardust, BSC's Kathy Neptune and Dharma Gregg, and unemployed Mark Smart and Ben Williams. Besides having ideas for them, I hired Stardust, Neptune, and Gregg for their entertainment values, Mark Smart because of his all around usefulness, and Ben Williams because he's a face version of Mad Dog Mortimer.


With the roster filled up, it's time to give our wrestlers pushes, alignments, gimmicks, and some direction.


Up Next: Gimmick time!

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Roster Overview


Roster Overview

Game Date: Thursday, Week 2, January 2008



Main Event

Brandon Smith (F+/F+) - Face - Fan Favorite

Sayeed Ali (F+/F+) - Heel - Bad Ass

The American Flash (F/F) - Face - Patriot

Xavier Reckless (F/F) - Heel - Man On A Mission


Upper Midcard

Brimstone (F/F) - Heel - Acolyte

Mad Dog Mortimer (F/F) - Heel - Lounge Lizard

Fearless Blue (F/F) - Face - Man On A Mission

Jefferson Stardust (F-/F-) - Heel - Prima Donna

Dharma Gregg (F-/F-) - Face - Girl-Next-Door



Kathy Neptune (F-/F-) - Heel - Daddy's Little Girl

Ben Williams (F-/F-) - Face - Fan's Own


Lower Midcard

Mark Smart (F-/F-) - Face - Fan's Own


For those of you that haven't played a local promotion, the minimum number of wrestlers is 12 and that's what I have right now. I usually like to maintain a large roster, but at this point it's unnecessary. I don't have the money to suppose a very large roster right now, and since it's a diary, I would also have a hard time getting all the characters over as well.


Speaking of characters, I guess I'll go over my gimmick choices as well. Sayeed Ali, American Flash, Jefferson Stardust, Dharma Gregg, and Kathy Neptune are all pretty easy so I'll focus on the others. With his time as a football player in Minnesota, he's a natural for the role of "fan favorite." Reckless and Fearless both getting the Man On A Mission gimmick stems from the fact both of them are on actually on a mission, The Quest. Why Reckless is a heel and Fearless is a face? Well I'll guess you'll just have to stay tune and watch out. Brimstone being an Acolyte is kind of easy too I guess. The dude's nuts, so why not give him a gimmick that fits his in-ring style? Plus it gives me a nice angle that I can use to bring in someone. Smart and Williams both have the Fan's Own gimmick since Mark Smart is actually a wrestling fan that happened to become a wrestler and Ben Williams looks like he could also fill that role. Finally, we have the Mad Dog. Mortimer getting the Lounge Lizard all comes from the awesomeness of this alt picture:




With the initial roster set, it's time to finally time to set up the first show. While I don't want to give anything away, I'll say that the first couple of shows will be all about the tournament for the NEO Generation title. IMO, it's a good reason for a start up because unless you bring in people like Reckless and Fearless that have some history, you need some vehicle to get to your first feuds. A new promotion also needs at least one champion, so with the tourney you are killing two birds with one stone.


Speaking of the tournament, it will be a 16 person single elimination tournament with the first round matches taking place over the January and February shows, the quarter finals in March and depending how it goes with money and chemistry the champion will be crowned somewhere between April and June. And since someone might, ask how I am going to run a 16 person tournament with only 12 wrestlers, I will be hiring 4 more wrestlers in the month of February. Finally, I guess I should also mention what is up with the two grades next to each of the workers names. When playing, I always like to keep a tab on how popular each wrestler is getting in the home country and home region, so in this case the first grade is the wrestler's pop in the US and the second grade is their pop in the Great Lakes region. The only problem with this setup is that once you start going to Cult it gets a little messy as you add regions. Oh well, nothing's perfect.


Up Next: The First Show


Quick Pick

First Round: Brandon Smith vs. Mad Dog Mortimer

First Round: Mark Smart vs. Sayeed Ali

First Round: Fearless Blue vs. Xavier Reckless

First Round: Jefferson Stardust vs. The American Flash

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That alt of MDM is outstanding!!!!

First Round: Brandon Smith vs. Mad Dog Mortimer

Bulldozer is a monster, heel or face.

First Round: Mark Smart vs. Sayeed Ali

My favorite tag partner on WS2 and (whenever I get TEW08) a future world champion, Ali gets the duke.

First Round: Fearless Blue vs. Xavier Reckless

I see Fearless Blue as the high flyer to beat in your promotion and I also see a feud developing between the two Quest members.

First Round: Jefferson Stardust vs. The American Flash

Besides the cool pic, I think you need a smarmy heel getting to the next round.

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Disclaimer - These picks are made by someone who isn't the sharpest knife in the bulb. Listen at your own peril. :p


First Round: Brandon Smith vs. Mad Dog Mortimer


MDM may have the snazzy new look, and the ability to croon "Piano Man" quite well, but running head long into the Bulldozer doesn't strike me as the best career move at this juncture.


First Round: Mark Smart vs. Sayeed Ali


Considering his status within the region, and Smart still being a big young, and my pick to have Smith go over MDM, Ali seems like the safe bet.


First Round: Fearless Blue vs. Xavier Reckless


This is just a pure guess, but knowing the two are aligned in their goal of the Quest, it would seem almost fitting that Reckless gets the win by cheating.


First Round: Jefferson Stardust vs. The American Flash


And I finish my "chalk" picks, showcasing my lack of guts and probable glory, by picking the final main eventer listed, although Stardust should put up an amazing fight.


And I demand more Brimstone to pick relentlessly, no matter the odds he faces, darnit. :p

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First Round: Brandon Smith vs. Mad Dog Mortimer


BBS is your top face and should advance beyond the first round


First Round: Mark Smart vs. Sayeed Ali


And whilst BBS is your top face, Ali is your top heel


First Round: Fearless Blue vs. Xavier Reckless


Could go either way but I think Reckless has the edge in this battle of the XDW boys.


First Round: Jefferson Stardust vs. The American Flash


Flash goes through, simply because it will give you two faces and two heels a piece in the next round.

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First Round: Brandon Smith vs. Mad Dog Mortimer

Unless you're like me of course and hate Brandon now due to a cerain diary


First Round: Mark Smart vs. Sayeed Ali

One of the best on your roster

First Round: Fearless Blue vs. Xavier Reckless

I'm going with a push on this one. It seems the easy choice for a feud


First Round: Jefferson Stardust vs. The American Flash

Bit of an upset here because well I love Stardust his character is very easy to write for

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NEO Great Beginnings

Saturday, Week 4, January 2008

17 people at the Ohio Jewish Center


Xavier Reckless defeated Fearless Blue in 9:32 by pinfall with a handful of tights. - E-

Notes: Xavier Reckless was really off his game tonight. Martin Theocott and Reese Paige have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Mad Dog Mortimer is in the ring with Kathy Neptune and Dharma Gregg. He tries leads them through a standard bikini contest. I say tries because the Mad Dog is so insulting and sleazy that both women walk out on him before the contest can give start. - D+


The American Flash defeated Jefferson Stardust in 5:31 by pinfall with a High Velocity Senton. - F+

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Brandon Smith defeated Mad Dog Mortimer in 11:36 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. - E+

Notes: Mad Dog Mortimer was visibly tiring toward the end. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Mad Dog Mortimer is improving in Performance skills.


A menacing hype video for Sayeed Ali. - C-


Sayeed Ali defeated Mark Smart in 11:54 by pinfall with a G.B.H. Driver. - E+

Notes: Mark Smart was really off his game tonight. Mark Smart was visibly tiring toward the end. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Overall: E+


Show Thoughts: Overall, I thought the show was great. The number of people that came is a bit shocking, but really that isn't going to matter till I start running two shows a month. I knew Ali and Smart would be a solid match, but I am a little surprised how well Smith/Mortimer was. Didn't think I was going to get the "+." I was kind of hoping to see one of the two undercard matches get some positive chemistry (especially Reckless/Fearless), but what are you going to do?


Because of the amount of time I was giving to Mad Dog Mortimer and Mark Smart, I manually switched their pushes. Mortimer became a main eventer for a day and Mark Smart an Upper midcarder. For those of you that wish to know both of the angles went six minutes long and the "menacing" hype video is a self made hype angle that is based on the menace stat.


Finally, after running the show I get my first incident. Apparently Xavier Reckless pulled a tasteless prank and the whole locker room is pissed off. I'm still not sure how to punish people so they don't start hating you or become a bigger pain in the ass, but I decided to go with a fatherly approach. It didn't really work well as the response was, "This is a complete waste of time, it was just a joke!" Better luck next time I guess.






OOC: Wow, nine predictions. Didn't really expect that, but I'll take it. Tigerkinney, Prophet, and I guess FINisher (damn copier :p) win the predictions and some credit goes to Prophet for guessing that the match between the two Quest members would end with some cheating. For this effort you get...nothing! If you feel disappointed then go back to the first post were I said this was a 0/0/0 challenge. NEO doesn't have the money (or any money for that matter) to be giving away merch. ;)

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OOC: Wow, nine predictions. Didn't really expect that, but I'll take it. Tigerkinney, Prophet, and I guess FINisher (damn copier :p) win the predictions and some credit goes to Prophet for guessing that the match between the two Quest members would end with some cheating. For this effort you get...nothing! If you feel disappointed then go back to the first post were I said this was a 0/0/0 challenge. NEO doesn't have the money (or any money for that matter) to be giving away merch. ;)


But, but ... I won! And I was one of the 17 people who saw the show! I don't need a shirt or a foam finger ... how about a job? :p Nothing too hard though ... I'll be Prophswaggle. :D


Strong first show, and I'm psyched to see where this continues.

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End Of The Month: January


End of the Month Notes

• World Importance: 34 of 34

• World Influence: 34 of 34

• Popularity: +0.8% (0.8%) Great Lakes

• Prestige: +0.1% (0.1%)

• Balance: +$1,017 ($1,017)

○ Worker Costs: $3,050

○ Sponsorship: $4,622


Besides getting dropped to 34th thanks to Mexican Hardcore Wrestling opening up in Northern Mexico, I don't think I could have had a better month.





New Signings


Like I said before, I planned on having 16 wrestlers competing in the NEO Generation title tournament, so it comes to no surprise that I signed four new wrestlers to complete the 16:




Kashmir Singh and Dazzling Dave Diamond join Brandon Smith and Sayeed Ali as the top dogs of the company, while Jen Neptune and new comer, Amber Allen, round out the roster. As you can see, Triple D will be coming into the company with his cowboy look, though he will technically be considered an Old School Face. Kashmir on the other hand will be bring over his Sensational Singh gimmick that he created in FCW and will be an egomaniac. Like her sister, Jen Neptune will be playing the role of Daddy's Little Girl while Amber Allen will be the opposite and be getting the gimmick of a Equality Fighter.


With that out of the way, I guess it's time to put up the quick picks for February's show, Broken Resolutions. For those of you are wondering how the roster is looking momentum wise, what each worker is making per appearance, and what each worker got for their gimmick grades, I'll be posting that after the next show since all the workers will have grades by then.


Quick Pick

First Round: Amber Allen vs. Sensational Singh

First Round: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Brimstone

First Round: Ben Williams vs. Jen Neptune

First Round: Dharma Gregg vs. Kathy Neptune

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First Round: Amber Allen vs. Sensational Singh


Until I see the women picking up some wins, I will assume they are just there to make up the numbers and do jobs. Allen is actually the most talented of the women you have on the roster but I don't see her going over Singh had she been up against someone like Ben Williams then I may have called the 'upset'.


First Round: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Brimstone


As close to a squash you can get in a fed like this


First Round: Ben Williams vs. Jen Neptune


Against someone of Amber Allen's ability then maybe I would say that Ben does the job here, but he should be good enough to defeat Neptune.


First Round: Dharma Gregg vs. Kathy Neptune


Dharma has a bit more talent than Neptune, but I see the Neptune sister cheating her way to victory.

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All right, time to halt my winning streak at an astounding ... one. :p


Quick Pick

First Round: Amber Allen vs. Sensational Singh


Like TK, I'm assuming the female numbers are more to fill in the blanks, and Singh is awesome.


First Round: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Brimstone


Yeah, this is where the streak dies. Triple D is probably going to win, but I always gravitate towards one specific character, and pick them no matter the odds. Until Brimstone is fired, or someone cooler comes along, this is my perma-pick. Upset of the year! :p


First Round: Ben Williams vs. Jen Neptune


Williams probably makes more sense, but storyline wise, a Neptune vs. Neptune match seems destined, so I'ma go with Jen for the win.


First Round: Dharma Gregg vs. Kathy Neptune


A Neptune vs. Neptune match doesn't work if one of them loses. So Kathy wins too. Or I stink at math.

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